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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1892)
The Sioux County Journal, SXAJRIRZSOIT. KEB., APBIL 28, 1892. ILTO. 33. ; sioux county Vis. Editor and Proprietor. JI.VH. R. Time UWe. fc.U Oglng taut. ...11 I So. J, mixed. 7 :j N. L. Pollard is liaving five acres of trees put out on his timber claim south east of town. ."Judging from the number of cows to be seen running at large about town one is leu to believe tliat the cow'ordin- anue has jiassed into inocnous desuetude. ISON MARKET BISON K Wh M Iiidrt-d Si.. Wired ft - jMr hundred tnshol.. .2 SO k Ire r"T m. IV tcctel every Thursday. 40 1 45 90 t OP S 20 1U ? OP 3 4 4 50 8 60 15 00 fc nh in bulk at Turner's. knled at tire harness shop. leal of wheat Is reported as about as hard in Sioux place. iller $1.75 per gallon; 50 t drug store. full line of farm machinery. O. H. TLU.NKK. i couple of load of wood in and need tliem at once. I per barrel at luswoi.n & MAKSTEiJjnt'a. ndsworth occupies the see bo Smith biu'ldiry,' as a resi gns of Frank Dennssig were cemetery southeast of town i social hop" at the res- y evening and a pleasant !. H. Andrews and family left for Cozad last Monday where he will engage in the drug business. Mr. Andrews is a comjietent pliarmacist and we wish him success in his new location. One of the subjects which most in terests the people in the north part of the county is the new road from the valley. The road is also of great importance to this town and to every resident of the county, me survey of the road will be completed in the near future if the weather will permit and then the matter can begin to take its course to be opened, The most important part will be a con sent road so that work can be com mon ed thereon as soon as the survey is completed. The road will be in pretty good shape before the crop is ready to market, and w hen opened will be of so slight a grculs that good, big loads can lie hauled up. fU office is Bti 11 headiuar- Jnting. Call when in need Jj that line, 'jerk Liiidciiiau will have a V of small grain this sea- tm is doing the work lor , of Cottonwood precinct, Jliaving a fine field of win I is hoped more wheat will ,Jte fall in future. JFirst-class native lumber 'JIBOristantly on hand at my "T'Boggy, 13 miles east of NwhiyC. H. Wei ler shipped es to Children where he Sis the first of next month. shipped his household Joe ear and all went to ening. jayhart says the most of Jnamental trees set out by fare living. Some that bad sh.ipe died, hut he is itislied bo that he will put this year. Others should ng was engaged in to t during the past week i, soma windows had to be partii'iijan's and specta- to enjoy the sport, hut it will le no opportunity to fain this spring. KRDEl), The undersigned ?;tle the coming season on for 80 cents per head for the f months beginning May 1st. Iter and plenty of range. J. E. Ahner, Postofllce Harrison, Neb. he attention of the people is La nnADt.. r,f rr.4.i..r Ua JIG Ul VLblll Lilly founds in some kind of shape, lire buried there will either oved or make an irregular n association should be or- steps taken to properly lay nd improve the grounds. Wilson is preparing to set rd of five acres this spring. fruit will do all right hi w to give it a thorough test. be pleased to learn of other Ing likewise. The sooner the out the sooner groves and ill add to the beauty and country. fmnf (Iih idsirm of I.'lhI, ot near so large as Tlx worst loss, in u Mve 'icnrt' waH V r- A part of his 7 W quite a number yet 3Li Wle f Siou, eouatyhLd i escajml with wnall loan, jtonslrated the fact that it or a stockman to hay na iiave ins stock where of tliem if he wants to if.- PERSONAL. Lewis Pfost was up from Crawford Monday. Mrs. S. C. D. Bastett went to Lawn last evening. G. Rinders was up from Montrose the last of the week. Mrs. J. H. Cook was in from, Agate Springs on Tuesday. L. M. Ormsby returned from Omaha the last of the week. Octave Harris was in" town, yesterday and called at this office. G. 1L Turner made a business trip to Csawford Monday night. Treasurer Oayhart came up from Montrose on business Tuesday. Some relatives of Commissioner F, W. Knott arrived from Iowa last week. E. G. Hough left on Saturday for Kearney to attepd the district con vention. F. Nutto was in town on Tuesday and called and gave us some cash on sub scription. Eli Smith left on Monday for Kearney to attend the republican state conven tion as a delegate. Miss Mi nne E. Smith came up from Montrose last Friday, haying finished the spring term of school there. LJmC Christensen came down from Orin Junction, Wyo., last Saturday to visit bte sister, Mrs. E. Rohwer. Geo. H. O'Kane and Phil and James McCann were at Chadron the first of the week, the former to make final proof and the others as witnesses. I Mu) Cunningham went to Chadron Saturday where he met his mother, and sister who came from Wisconsin to visit him. They will remain here but a few days. C. L. Phillips, who with his family spent some weeks in Harrison a couple Of years ago, has returned to Sioux county and will farm in Five Points precinct this feason. C. E. Verity received, a letter from S. H. Jones a few days ago. Mr. Jones ex pects tq visit Sioux county during the coming fall. He is still a resident of the county as being in the government ser vice on an Indian reservation does not causa him to lose his residence here anf beside, he has property here and expects to make this place his home. DOWN THEY GO Until May 1st we Will Sell at STRICTLY GASH PRICES, our Stock of General Merchandise. The Following List Shows a few of the Many Bargains . , we are Offering: California Canned Fruit, 20c a can. Atlantic Sugar Corn, 10c a can. Tomatoes, llo a can. Arbuckle's Ariosa Coffee, 22c a pound. Uncolored Japan Tea (very fine) 3.1c a fc. 2 fc jar of Crosse & Black well's Preserves 22 cents. Standard Baking Powder, 20c a pound. Pail Silver Drip Syrup, 90c. 25 pounds Oatmeal, $1.00, 14 " Dried Currants, $1.00. 12 " Dried California Peaches, $1. 14 " Evaporated Apples, $1.00. 12 " Turkish Prunes, $1.00. 25 bars White Russian Soap, $1.00. 27 bars Union Soap, $1.00, 3 cakes Best Tar Soap, 25o. 4 cakes Good Toilet Soap, 15s. All kinds of Spices, 20c a pound. Reduction m all Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos. Best, Grade Outing Flannel, 12ic a yard. Nice Dress Ginghams, 8c a yard. Good, Heavy Capton Flannel, 81c ayard. Heavy all wool Red Flannel, 30c '! Heavy all wool Linsey, 28c a yard. Good all wool Linsey, 25c a yard. Good Linsey, 18c a yard. Good Checked Shirting, 8c a yard. " Heavy Canton Flannel Undershirt 30c. Men's Heavy llickory Shirts, 40c. Ladies Hose (good) 10c, Men's No. 1 Grade Rubber Boots, $2.50. Boy's- " " " " $2.00. First Class Plough Shoes, $1.25. First Class Men's Congress Shoes, $1.50. Old Ladies Shoes, $1.10. Ladies Shoes (good) $1.15. Overshoes, felts and rubbers Jess than cost, Lined Sealskin Mitts, $1.00. Good Buckskin Gloves, $1.00. Calfskin Gloves, 85c. Big Reduction in Clothing. Good all wool Pants, $1.00 and upwards. A Discount of From 15 to 25 per cent, on all Hats Purchased. 16 POUNDS OF DRIED BLACKBERRIES FOR $1.00. Don't ask for Credit at These Prices. Cash Only Secures These Bargains. NOW IS THE TIME TO LAY IN SUPPLIES FOR THE SUMMER RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, MacLACHLAN & COOK, Props. School B porta. Report of school in district No. 1 for month ending April 22, 1892: Number of pupils enrolled 26 Number of days all pupils attended.. 263 Average daily attendance 14 Per cent of attendance 54 Number of visitors . 1 Number case of tardiness....! 1 Those neither tardy nor absent during the month were Frank Miler and Willie Miler. The following pupils ranked one in their reprectiyed grades: A grade Cora Kemp, 96 per cent; B grade Willie Miler, 90; C Sanimie Kemp, 95; Primary Charlie Pinneo, 93. P. B. Smith, Teacher. Tarpaulins at the harness shop. A heavy rain fell on Tuesday, but the shower did not last long. the recent term of the district court two cases against ex-County Clerk Charles C. Jameson and one against, ex Treasurer E. C. Lockwood to recover sums found due from them to Sioux coiinlv came UP. The court ruled against the county In all of the cases and Count? Attorney Conley will at once ! carry thojii to the supreme court on error.he briets in we cases are now being printed at this office and will be filed in tho near future. Judge Bartow held that the fact of the commissioners having allowed the bills presented by Mr. Jameson for clerk hire and no appeal having been taken the county could not recover. In the mandamus case last winter Chief Justice Maxwell, of the su prtme court, stated that the proper remedy for the county was to bring ac- UnM n ... i I A... ...... 1 .. r fl 'i . 1 1 f 1 1 u IV 1 1 had wrongfully obtained funds from the I county, The farmers are putting ill full time in their fields whenever the weather will permit. Ak Pratt expects to go to Cozad Wlflew days where he will engage in the livery business. He has disposed of most of his interests in Sioux county. Brot Line to the East. The Burlington Route B. A. M. R. R. is running elegantly equipped passenger traines without change from Newcastle, Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at that point with their own through trains for Denver, Cheyenne, and all points west, and for Kansas City, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi cago, and all points east. Remember this is the only line by which you enn take sleeping car from Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and in Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fol lowing morning. For further information and tickets ap ply to nearest agent of Burlington Route B, A M, R. R. L. M. Ormsby informs us that his sheep went through the storm last week with but little loss, He has made ar rangements to shear at Andrews so that he will not have to move his dock for shearing conveniences. B. L. SMUCK, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser, One Door South of Bank of Harrison. OPEN SUNDAY FROM O TO 12. RAZORS AND SCISSORS POT IN ORDER. Sewing machines cleaned and repaired. Give t me Sat Call, The following is. a report of school district No. 2 for the month ending April 22d: Number of pupils enrolled 11 Number of days taught 17 Number of days all pupils attended 95 Average attendance 6 There were no cases of tardiness. Ezra Tucker was neither absent nor tardy dur ing the month Belle Russell, Mary KaL strom and Emma Beekjy were 100 in deportment. Mabel J. Robinson, Teacher. For Sale. One good well drill complete, town property consisting of one lot, good house, barn, good cistern and cellar. Very desirable property. 30 head of cat: tie, 13 head of horses, 320 acres of lands, with springs and running water, fair buildings, good well, 45 acres broke and about 4 miles of fence. For further par ticulars see or address T. O. Williams, ' Harrison, Neb. INDIANA RANGE CO. MANUFACTURERS OF WROUGHT STEEL RANCES QUIJJVAN A CONLEY, lawyers. Will mAcTici m all tub local, math and 'federal court and V. 8. Luna offlco. LEQAL PAPERS OAREFUULY DRAWN. t t I t 4 t tJf Office In Court House, HARRISON .... NEBRASKA, Giiarantsed to be the most eco inomical, most durable and most perfect Range on the market. Suitable for hard or soft coal, or wood. Send for catalogue to INDIANA RANGE CO. .3VANSVILLE, IND. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFFICERS : James E. Boyd Governor, Lincoln, Neb. T. J. Majors.. Lieutenant Governor J. C. Allen Secretary of State T. H. Benton....... Auditor John E. Hill Treasurer G. H.Hastinga : Attorney General A. B. Humphrey --Land Commissioner A. K. Goudy Supt. Public Instruction CONGttESSIOHAL DELEGATION; A. S, Paddock U. S. Senator, Beatrice C. F. Manderson : V. S. Senator, Omaha W. J. Bryan, Congressman 1st XJist., Lincoln W. A. McKieghari, "' 2d" lied Cloud O. M. Kern, 3d " Broken Bow JUDICIART: S. Maxwell . Chief Justice, Fremont T. L. Norval .r..Aseoclate Judge, Seward A. M. Post Associute Judge, Columbus D. A. CampbellClerk and Reporter, Lincoln FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT : M. P. Kinkaid 1 Judge, O'Neill Alfred Bartow chadron Conrad Llndeinan ...Clerk, Ha'rrisou CQPNTY OFFICERS: S. Barker Couuty Judge Conrad Lindoman i.l...Clork M. J. Gayliart Treasurer A. Southworth Supt. Public Instruction Thos. ltwidy Sheriff Geo. J. Shafor Coroner A. R. Dew.. Surveyor Conrad Lindoman Clerk of District Court II. T. Cpnley Cpauty Attorney BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: John A. Green, (chairman) 3d Disirict V. W. Knott 1st " M. J. Wcbor 2d " LEGISLATIVE: W. Wilson Senator, Dist No. 14, Chadron El. L. Hoath Hop., Dist. No. 53, Rushville VILLAGE OFFICERS: Thomas Ilouly (chairman) Trustee Grant Guthrlo " C. E. Verity " C. II. Weller " Conrad Liudcnian W. II. Davi Clork G. Guthrie... Treasurer J. W. Scott Street Commissioner SCHOOL OFFICERS: Mrs. E. G. Hough Director W. II. Wright -----Moderator G. VT. Hester Treasurer TEEMS OF COURT: District Court, At Harrison, commences April 18th and November 21st, 1802. County Court, At Harrison, commences first Monday of each month. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. M. E. Church Preachbig each altornato Sunday at 10:30 a. m., and every Sunday even ing at 7 ::. Rev. W. O. Gleasnek, Pastor. Episcopal seryicos on tho second Wednes day of each month, at 7 o'clock p.m. Com munion at 3 p. m. Chas. E. Snavelt. Methodist Sunday School meets every Sun day morning at 11 :30. MRS. W. O. Glasnkb, TV., H. Davis, Superintendent.' Secretary, Biblo School meets at the church each Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock. S. O. D. BAS8ETT, Supt. GEO. H. TURNER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, I WILL SELL YOU: Bon Ton Flour per 100 pound $3 00 Half Patent ' 2 75 Straight Grade " " " 2 50 Lo-.v Grade " " " 1 75 Corn Meal " " "1 30 Chop Feed ' 1 15 Bran & Shorts mixed " " 90 GROCERIES. 22 pounds Hominy - 1 00 22 " Oatmeal - - 1 00 20 " Pail Jelly 95 Pail Syrup .... 95 6 pounds Broken Java Coffee 95 1 " Baking Powder - 25 Tea Per pound ... 15 Tomatoes per can - 11 1 3 pound can Michigan apples - 11J 5 " can Prices Baking Powder, per pound .... 40 Climax & Horse Shoe Tob. per lb 4 4 pounds Joker Tobacco 100 5 pounds Smoking Tobacco - 1 00 7 Choice Cigars 25 DRY GOODS, BOOTS 4 SHOES. Full Stock Kipp Boots - - $2 00 $5.00 Calf Boots ... 3 50 Ladies Dongola Shoes - - 1 25 Felts and Rubbers at cost. Calico per yard ... 05 Best Graxle Outing Flannel, per yd. 14 Dress Gingham per yard - - 10 German Knitting Yarn, per pound 90 Men's Working Shirts - - 00 Handkerchiefs 05 Come and look at our Hardware, Tinware, Fibreware and Barbed Wire and get our prices. Respectfully, GEO. ZEE. Harrison Lumber Yard, G, GUTHRIE, Proprietor. Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc.- Business Conducted on a Strictly Cash Basis, -( 1 .-,