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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1892)
1' t 1 J v.: aC gt' 5' HSillOfc. , (Ctplaatt, f'jALlt, .1 mociiha ta .1 monthata vah Ilia. 1,1 ( USt bled with dyspep- tnal ot August Din toe vexatious ung, oaugnters iirg, Ky. I had keady. One bottle cured me. It was )e hundred dollars )h, P.M. and Gen. kid, Ont. I have constipation and I me, Itistne adled C. Rugh, ibarg, Fa. (the ILYTRUE r :E3 )nig , remote LlVKB riipiit. i . m. Intel y eraUcau.l, iwi hrlnlitene-l, brata power Increased, W receive new force, from complaints jo lr tei ulflf U. find ecty cure. Return Mines Compl-lo. I jennlne poods bear Wt suuip fur 3i-pa I CO., St IwU, 3 O O O O IjappNla and It W Pills? (no ua. They iwtW 4ng or naiiaea. )OOQO l ICE MACHINES Iw-MMalsand Kewarda Ifli-e (1 tt. to 1 lbi. by I) lee Crvam, iced i CftHlllpapilU lit A H'tV t ipurnlui, with III- Now lie cream king Ice (Trn n Ith I lee, T ble tiller, ll.'iO and up. !') InrtahtaIii eooked lu a miuuie -Sl.U). XY & CO., 1th Htroct, New York. r ' ING I: ) KKI.T cons only Make a Rood roof hi II on. M onlv 00 cent per r for A pnl. tiilw. f :or J In tin or Iron ro id .Vy it. yl lull pnrtlt'iilen. friNu Co., Nkw Yoim. (Wanted. t,lthac.Tnnw1e44 4tg remedy for all tlaral alarherr ana aodlaetiiaenf men. a .aeur for tbe dentil ( weakness peculiar n. nbe It and feel f t feommodlnc II tc taffsrar. JLK0.,0fmii.lit r Drardm H OOTERS V a,. J- t I r Ec!t:i5t?&change. . ufnB i nunbu i fVX-;:;, Dealer, OMAHA 30DY Tag or remodel. nif 4 n or writo lrvin . rtlmates and itifnr- f htam aii'l Hot 'ifefereiife furnished. made free. Coma- 8.1, York, Nel. th and Expenses. iAgent tu Hell JSH TO DK Al.Kllt. Samples Free! gal Notice In your perf Wenre publish. m "Juiit the thing" four I. rial Notice IkeuuaBka NEW 'rrntl 'per bottle, poatti 4teo. 8oltl by ui cure. id. rug- nr.aying HoianlMili er the Annua. It is a sad sight to travel through (lie cour.trr aud look upun the old honiasU'.-ids yet standing the rural rtsidences of our Southern planters in ante bellum days. Tho farmers ol today, with a singular unanimity ol purpose hare deserted these stately old maclsous, turning them over to freed meo or using them as a place for. storage of fodder or hay, and content ing themselves with a less pretentious little cottage erected upon coiue ad jacent kuoIL They seem to realize that the changed condition of affairs unGta them to inhabit the former homes of a past generation, and be longing to an age and a social condi tion that were forever blotted out by the ciyil war. Atlanta Coustitution. Th Only One Kver Printed. Cm Yon Vi4 Ike Word ? Thfre laathrwlnrh dlaplay adrertlarmentlD I til. er, tlile week, which biia no two aroidi alike, eicert one word. The Mime la true ol each new one appearing each week, from thr lr. Ilarter Medicine Co. Thin hnute place a 't:receut" on erer)'thlng they make and pnb llab. iHik fi r It, tend them thu name ol the word and they will return you HiHlK, HKAL'TI I'LL 1.11 HOUKAl'llU or SAMPLES KREE. Kktlng Sea I'relilna, Coast Indians of the Pacific shores ot British America devour raw sea urchins with great gusto, crushing them in their lists sucking out the orange colord cluster of eggp, which constitute the only edible part amount lng to one or two teaspoonfuls and then throwing the thorny case aside. The minute eigs taste much like oys ters aud have been a favorite food as the natives of the bleak coast ol Alaska forages. An Article of True Merit. -Drown t Branchial Traelw" are every where popular as a cure lor I hroat Diseases aud Coughs, and this popularity L based upon real merit. isalU only in Inure . Caat Iron Tunnela. Two tunnels of cast iron for an elec tric railway have been built in London and put in operation for rapid transit They are three miles In length and lie between forty and sixty feet below the surface of the city's streets. The tun nels for the up and down lines are formed of cast iron from beginning to end, save where the stations are built, and their diameter is ten and ten and one-half feet, the tubes being formed of rings one foot seven inches long, made in sections and blotted togather, The tunnels were dirven by means of a snort cylinder, a trille larger in its inner. diameter than the exterior diameter of the cast-iron tunnel lining. This cylinder has a cutting edge, and is forced forward by hydraulic jacks, but ting a circular way into which the lin ing plates are fitted, the narrow space between the lin ing and the soil being filled with lime cement forced in under high pressure. In their course the tunnels pass beneath the bed of the Thames and through the bed of an old water course, where loose, wet gravel offered some trying obstacles to be overcome. W TRADE VCL MAmcl &Er.1?b9;Alll CUMJ FtOJUTLY JTD PtWajmrrLT RHEUZIATZSES. Laaabaco, Ileadache, Toothaeaa, NEURALGIA, arc Throat, Swelling, rraat-bltaa, 0CIATXCA. Spralaa, Prula . Ilnraj, Scald. UiCHAILU JL VOCELCR CO., TANSY piLLSI J CATON'fl RKLIATtl.K COMPOUND (or LADIES are Hale, I'rompt, Kfrertnal. The orlKlual and only genulno Woman' Salva tion. Kent dlret-t, II; no led. Advice Iree. CATON ME I). bl'EC. CO., lkwUin, Man. Sold by an io:ai uniKKui. IMAdamt St., Chi Ttaia EibIbmu rmwh SpactSlal ( 'urea fur Lira all chroak. Km " and Aeqalmd Dawaaaa of VM.IImiltWHkUM UMnmfA wraivpiawniaBa venaooMe. "Ufc'a 6vctni Errow. with qucallon !lt, 4c iranv rare and beautHuJ plant of. o i, lucre is rotltin more unique, or New, Raro and Beautiful Water PUnU. The Water Ejaointh (Kichornu Cr a l (tea Major.) Amnny the man1 fered this arufto i, tl that will excel in beaut v thin Queen of wa er iJjntJt It will irrow and bloom profu ely In uny xotci tiM win iiuiu wirr, ftuct ecuiiifr ax wen in a com mon tub at in the mo.t eiirensivciv arranged aquatic pona ii requires pui utile noil in the bot tom of the v ascl uncd, and if :kia beanaqiiorimn or other clear jrla veiftcl, the avoil may be concriled by a layer of thclU or pebbles; and a the ptani DmU on the am face of the water, auitaincd by ha InfUted leaf ttcma, it niasi id feathery hlua roots eatendlnir downward, form a cry attractive fea ture. It is aJinortt conHtanlly In blooin, throwing up its spikes ol brnutiful flowers as large as a at ver dollar, and of the most beautifn. shade of lilar-rowi the upper petal with a meUJic blue blutch ip the center, which in turn has a golden hpot in it center, the whole flower sparkling as if sprinkled with diamond dust, and rivaling in beauty many of the nwt costly Orchids. Having grown an enormous stork of this lorely plant to meet the popular demand, we are able to offer It at a nrhe w thin the reach of every otic. Fine plants, bloomi njj siae, to cents each, j for $ cents, 7 for i. OOOHATAth lovely and fraf rant White Water Uly; Urge plants DATA. An laran anuallr nlant nf nnrlaht habit, vferv ClUV to aTTOW. a t tall Aower spikes of bright blue flowers in a dense head. Luge pl.inU HA. A ft, nl mw I.ImiIIm nlnt that ha never hrfnre been nf. t "J leaves the lower one having lung-like rrlla on the undir nirface, p th water, the upper or central act rUIng above them. Flower, pure t wge apidcr, only i cenU each. C If "a"" nienlloiilng tliia paper, and arndlng u 50 cent In llve HI aend one each oi the above four grand water plantu, ulely packed "o (all to take advantage of thii offer Immediately, aa April and a outdoor. '?i0'?J,ir,lma nd rare Troplml Plant. 1 eit free with every order. AMMtlOAW KXOTIC WtHSKnif a, Sevea Oak, ria. York, Kab. I WILL 8ELL YOUR HOME FARM OR ANY OTHER REAL ESTATE or forfeit 13li Scud lamp" for reply. Keel Kettle Agent, 47 Myrtle Ar, Brooklyn, N, Y. " -err mi voice Behind. Tho curtain was down, the house was empty, the last few patrons were straggling out of tlie California the tre, and all the lights were out t hlef Usher Williams was coming down the main staircase when a figure darted past him in the gloom, says the Ntn I- rancisco Examiner. "Where are you going?" he called and he grabbed the stranger by the coat tails. Wherein thunder are yoti going to?' aga;n asked Williams. "Don't you know the show is over aud we're locking up the house? he dragged the man down a few steps into the light of the lobby. Jlean while the intruder gesticulated widly; his eyes rolled like marbles aud he hissed at Williams like a snake. Suddenly he bent over to the usher. "1 lost my voice," said lie in an utmost inaudiblewhisper; "left it up Jtaira. (join' up ter llndit!" William gaped in amazement, let go bis grip on the man and followed him upstairs. After a few moments' rummaging imong the seats the stranger stooped lown aud picked up nothiug. "Found your voice yet?" called Williams. "Ves, I'm all right now." The chief usher nearly dropped. 1 he voiceless stranger spoke with all he metallic resonance of a bassoon. "What the dickens is your voice uade of, anyhow ?" lie asked as he piloted the stranger down stairs. "Kilver," replied he, in tlie same tteutorian tone, "rice, here it is. I nust have jerked it out with laughing tud I never missed it till 1 got outside." He pointed at an orifice at the side of lis throat. The metal lips of a cauula a ere gleaming there. Without the netal tube he was silent as the mummy if ltamesis Ii. Kgypt. . A tew Douta. Don't say or write Austro-IIungary, aorts the Geographical Magazine. The est writers prefer Austria-Hungary. Don't call the Chinese "Mongolians." It is better to reserve the latter name 'or the people that live north of Jhina proper. Don't speak of a native of China as i Chinaman. You would not say that rou had an Ireland man digging in four garden. It is better to call John i Chinese. Doti't say that New York city is ocated on Manhattan Island. Kuch a nisuse of the verb "to locate" is try ng to the nerves of lexicographers, iay New York city is situated on Manhattan Island. Don't speak of China as our anti podes. Our antipodes in the point on .he other side of the world reached by straight line passing through the place on which we stand and fie center f the eartk Our amipodea 1b in tlie icean southwest of Australia A itraightline from the United Mates ,o China would run through the upper part of the earth's globe, not through ts centre. Don't forget that Oriental names sliding in "an" have the accent on ,he last sylable' as Teher-an, Jiejocliis tan. Don't say that the compass points to ;o the true north, for it doesn't except n certain places. The compass points ;o the magnetic north, which is at present considerably west of the north ,o!e. When Lieutenant Greely was at Lady Franklin bay th declination of lis needle was found to be very great :he needle pointing toward the mag netic pole in a direction nearly south west. Don't say ' the Smithsonian Insti tute." The name is the Smithsonian institution. When you are writing a novel don't jet your geographical facts so badly nixed as to reflect discredit upon ,our early training. In one of the popular novels of the day the Azores ire alluded to as in a southern latitude. The writer also introduced his hero into tho Antarctic regions in January, and speaks of the "inky blackness" of the nights he experienced there. Of course anybody ought to know that the month of January is in the height of the Antarctic summer, aud the entire month is one continuous day. A Timely Muggeatlon. Col. Percy Yerger's little boy Johnny who is not as good at school as he ought to be, brought home a very poor certificate, which showed that he had been disobedient and lazy. The ex asperated parent procured his cane and Mid: "You are the worst little boy In New York. Now, Johnny, what ought 1 to do with this cane?'' "Pa hadn't you better take a walk with it? It's a walking cane, you know." Texas Sittings. At the Aayluaa. Visitor, pointing to a sad-eyed, erraciated Inmate: 'Victim ot religious excitement,. I suppose?" . "No." "Dyspeptic?" "No." "Failed In busings?" "No." "What then?" "A man who tried to muter the intricacies of the tariff question.' Texas Slftltue. Bijiilaai aaBawBi A raatfoa Nrrng. Kre long the rou p'.e appeared ollowed by a crowd of citizens of the camp. The candidates stood up before tbe 'Squire, who began; "Keller-citizens, this jer man and this yer woman have appeared before tlie court to be hitched in the legal bands of wedlock! If any galoot in the mob knows of anything that might block the game ef tuck to a higher court, let him now toot his bazoo or else keegj his jaw to himtelt now and forever more. All in favor of my per ceeding as authorized by law say "L" Everybody said "I." "Contrary, "No." Nobody said "No." "The motion carried unanimously, an' the court rules that there hain't nothing to prevent proceeding with the case." "Now," said the 'squire, "grip your fins." Tbe candidates joined hands. "Amos Peabody, do you solemnly swaar that ye'll freeze to Mandy for ever, and pervide for her, and treat her svuar and white, accordin' to the rules and regulations sot down to govern sich cases in the laws o' the United States, so help your God?" "Yas, sir, I do, sir." "That fixe3 your end of the bargain." "Mandy Thomas, do you solemnly swaar that you'll hang on to Amos for ail comiu' time: that you'll nuss him in sickuess and be squar to him in well ness; that ye'll always be to him a good, true, honest, up and up wife, under tbe penalties proscribed by the laws for tlie punishment of sich offenses? Do you swaar this. so help yer Pod ?" "I swaar I wilL" 'Then, by the power lu me yested as Justice of the Peaje in and for this precinct, 1 pronounce you, Amos peo body, husband, and yon Mandy Thomas wife and realize ye to remain sich now and fore verm ore unless sooner di vorced." The fees being adjusted the newly made husband and wife, after receiving the congratulations of the assembly started for their cabin up the creek. New York Mercury. Sarraatle Note. Of course she was provoked when he passed her on tie street without stop ping to speak to her. He lifted his hat it Is true, says the Chicago Tribune, but she recalled the time when he would hare turned and walked several blocks with her, no matter how pressing his business. Hadn't they been sweet heart a few years before? Why should the fact that they had not met for three years so change him ? Ought he not to be the more pleased to see her. The more she thought of it the more she felt that he should have paid her soma little attention, if only for the sake of old times, and when she reached home she was so angry that Bhe re solved to make him repent his apparent slight. The next day he received the follow Ing: Mr. Filkins: I believe you have a photograph of me one that I gave you several years ago in a moment of girl ish loiiv. l nave since regreiiea mar. l was so thoughtless in such matters. I will esteem it a favor if you will return the photograph at your earliest conven ience. r.TIIF.I. UEANE. She held that it was a cutting note aud that it would bring him to his senses if anything would. She told her best friend that she had brought him up with a round turn, but she didn't tell her best friend anything about the following reply which she received: "Miss Deane: If yon Insist of course I will do as you wish, but it will be a great deprivation to the baby, me little fellow is passionately fond of pictures, and for nearly six months the photograph of you has been regarded as his escecial property. Still my wife says she will take it away from him If you really need it Very truly. ALBERT r 1I.KISS. She didn't send for it. She didn't even bow to mm wnen sue next met him on the street. She didn't do any thing except wonder when he was married and why Bhe was so foolish. When Mew Zealand Sink. It was formerly' say fifty years ago, uncommon for a new Island to appear above or an old one to disappear beneath the waves of the I'acitic ocean. Such occurrences were sometimes noted as often as two or three times a year and were so common aa to hardly excite comment among navigators and scientists. Of late, however, the Pacific has been "pacific" indeed. It is thirty-six years since the last Island disappeard, aud exactly a quarter of a century since tbe last new one popped up its head in tbe "greatest of oceans. Hut geologists argue that this Is a suspicious alienee, an omen of some monstrous catastrophe; that Dame Nature is simply resting for mighty effort Sir Sidney lieU even goes so far as to preuici mm me uoio ui New Zealand and the greatepr art ol Anatraiia will be enirulfed before the end of the year 11125. St Louis Re- publlc The End of Human Life. An interesting calculation has been made by a French geologist, to tbe effect that taking into consideration the wear and tear on the solid land by ocean washing, rivers, wind and weather and leaving out ot the calculation volcanic action, the world will In four and a halt million years be completely under water and no dry laud exist at ail lJfce at of alt Is LtrnmAag Power. Jtctf U. S. Gor't MfeJ ii rv IX ASOllTELY PURE People Wk Do Not L'e Fell. Salt does not euter into the food of the poor Venetians. They never taste It, and the hospital for the scrofulous children at Lindo is tiled by those who have not had this necessary article in their food. Every evening I have no ticed a poorly dressed woman, accom panied by two small children, n boy and a girl, go to a point on the river and lean on the edge of the wall and fill a bottle with the salt water. Be coming curious as to the use made of it, I approached her, with an apology for the question, and asked what she did with the salt water. Turning up on me a sweet, sad face, she replied that this was the only way she bad of giving her children the taste of salt which they required. The tax levied upon this article by the government placed it entirly beyond the reach of the poor. It Is all right, I ask that a government should take from its peo ple an articlr necessary to teaUhr Venice Correspondence. A Convincing Experience. In their occasional trips to town, farmers' sons are very apt to receive the impression that young men in cities not only have a less monotonous life than they, but work neither as bard nor as many hours. One who had very decided opinions in this resiieet came to town last August and secured a position in the fruit department of an extensive deal er in "family supplies." During the unprecedented rush of the next few weeks, when fifteen hoars constituted in ordinary day's work, aud two or three additional ones were not unusual, be evidently did considerable thinking before he said to the proprietor, "Well, Mr. A , I have concluded to quit next Saturday night.'' "You have? What's the matter? Anything gone wrong? asked Mr. A , in his sharp, direct way. "Oh, no! I suppose it's all right, but I ain't used to it. When I was to home, father always hired a steam threshing machine for two or three days every year, aud just about worked the life ont of everybody. Now I've been here leven weeks and you've threshed every lay, and I've got enough of it.' Forgotten. A pleasant story is told of how one of the Dukes de Nivernois showed limselt willing to forgive and forget. His olive-branch was extended with ;haracteristic French wit and grace. The Count de Tressan was elected to the French Academy in 17X9. He was mrprised to learn that the Duke de Nivernois, whose enemy he had been, tnd against whom he had once directed scathing epigram had spoken in his favor. He hastened to call on him and .hank him. The conversation turned on general mbjects, and de Tressan found no op portunity to refer to the past or to make the embarrassed apology which le would, no doubt, have offered but for his host's tact. Just as he was leaving the Dnke said with a mlscbiev- us but kindly smile: Ab, monsieur, you see how in grow ing old I have lost my memory. Youth's Companion. Mr. Flame (rejected) "And am I to lonsider your 'no' positive and irre vocable?" Miss Icicle-" Well I don't snow. Try me next summer and see." Harper's Bazar. Closellst, Sr. "When I was your age t wasn't a mule, as you seem to be.' CloseGst Jr. Evidently not; the father of a mule usually Isn't." New York Herald. A street railway company in St. Paul aas been sued for 830,000 on a charge of slander, isext some company will be charged with highway robbery for itandlngup its passengers Philadel phia Ledger. Photography has now become of great assistance to astronomers in their itudy of the heavens. About 30,003 plates are at the Cambridge (Mass.) observatory, making an unparalleled collection of photographic records of every part of the sky. The World' Oldeat Beaebawh. The oldest rosebueh in the world it at Iiildersheimer, an old town in Hano ver, capital of a Prussian adminlsUrs, tl ve district. 1 1 was planted more thai 1,000 years ago by Charlemagne, In commemoration of a visit made to him by the Ambassador of the Caliph Ilaroun-al-Kachid of 'Abrahan Nights' fame. After it bad become a flourish ing vine, a cathedral was built over it, tbe date of the building being doubtful It is known however that a coffin-shaped vault was built around its sacred roots in the year 818, the vault bush surviving a fire wich destroyed tlie cathedral iu 1145. The bush is now said to be 26 feet high and to cover 32 feet of the walL The stem, after lOOti years' growth is only 2 inches in diameter. St. Louis Hepubllc. Old Cheeae. -"Wliat's the matter, my Mamma- pet?" Little Pet 'My tongue hurts tellible' Mamma "Did you bite It?" Little Pet 'No'm; zee cheese bited it" Beware or Ointment for Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never lie used except on pre scriptions from reputable physicians, as ths damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufact ured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buy ing Hall's Catarrh Cure he sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. fSold by druegists, price 75c per bottle. An Oi Shoo In a Tree. Thomas Connolly, a wodsman of Bell's Mills, Forest county, Pa- while splitting a chestnut tree into rails, found an ox shoe in the trunk of the tree a foot from tbe surface. Tbe shoe evidently had been pounded Into the tree when it was a sapling. Her Explanation. Recently a girl In one of the public schools of this city was asked by her sister to explain the difference between the words balance and remainder. Her answer was: "You can say 'A man lost his remainder and felt' " Peddler "Is your mother In?' Little Girl "I havn't any. She's dead." "How long has shebeen dead?" " 'Bout a year." "Is your stepmother in ?" "I havn't any yet" "Well, I'll wait" Higgins (who has been coaxed into telling) Well, my dear, I propose, firstly, to give you an exquisite little gold-handled knife. Mrs. Higgins A knife! Why, Algy, dear, edge tools cut friendship. Higgins Well, you know, my loe, there's no friendship between ns now. We're married. Oil City Blizzard. It Is proposed to employ aluminum for the manufacture ot the metal parts of photographic cameras and plate holders, owing to its extreme light. ness. Boiling the water at present fur nished by tbe city is likely to make the person doing so liable to prosecutien for cruelty to animals. Chicago Times If there is any danger lurking in tbe cigarette, tbe user thereof would nat urally like to be permitted to smoke it out. Philadelphia Times. Succeearul Telephoning;. The transmission of the songs ot "The Gondoliers" from the Savoy theatre, London, to the Masonic hall. Camberwell, proved interesting and successful. Some forty pairs of the new consolidated double pole Bell in struments were used, and the dialogue! songs and choruses could be distinctly followed. Bavarians now employ theelectrt light to capture a moth that Is destruc tive to the forests. ppbig a.(in