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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1892)
f luv Stotty County Journal F" HARBISOKEB, iPHXp 3-4, 18927 1: V-vrY r jihI rrirlcUr. r 'fte table. t Going Eatt- 1 6. ml '!----.7:00 r" IBKET. I 55 L st&ii r 40 ; i & SH) r 25 r 20 lI io Lll 2 50 a 3 00 r ' ' L 4 50 r s m r 15 oo Tun rail ay. 1 fat Turner's. harness .simp. tlie drug store factory prices Tarpaulins at the harness shop. Paint, oil, glass and putty at drug store. Latest patterns of wall paper at drug store, It is reported that cattle are living on green grass in the valley. Salt S'3.65 per barrel at Okiswold & Maesteixeu's. Jf the past week has not been genu ine April weather ve should like to know what was necessary to make it so, Quite heavy stock losses are reported from the sand hills east of Dawes county, but no loss to speuk of occurred in this section of pountry. A coui.lo of farmers living a few miles from town eot into a row last week and the one who got the worst of it had the other arrested. He acknow ledged the act and paid a fine of $1 and COHts. C. II. W'eller has gone to Chadron to prepare to open business there on Slay 1st. Theo, Trimhur expects to move down there about the 20th of the present month. There will be quite a colony oi Harrison people at Chadron and all wijl them prosperity The voice of the meadow lark is an added evidence of spring. District court will convene next Monday and U15 jury is called to appear on Tuesday. 4ta2i.A. Priddv today Moves into the Parted building and on next Monday will open a restaurant. On account of the unsettled condi tion of the weather last Saturday night B. F. Thomas did not deliver the lecture as advertised. The ladies, almost without excep tion have contributed a dime each to the fund for the purchase of a hammer witti which to drive the last nail in the womans' building at the world's fair grounds at Chicago. There will lie few, if any, towns the size of Harrison that will make so good a record. Last Monday Mike Bruck, better known as Shoester, disposed of his tools and personal effects and took the east bound train. He was to represent bioux county in the democratic state conven tion yesterday and then will look for work. As Shocster is a tiling of the pa it the question to be decided is "who will rush the kettle nowr .1. W. Scott expects his brother-in law on everv train. The people will come here all right if the settlers will jet them know of the advantages offered by Sioux county. T. O. Williams says he has found nut. whn cut, his fence and he is apt to make it a little interesting. A good heavy fine might teach some people to resiiect the rights of others. A gentleman arrived yesterday from fbfl eastern nart of the state to investi gate the advantages of stock growing in He will visit some of the principal stock farms and should he find what lie wants he will return in tlie near future to Sioux county. The advantages possessed by this locality are fast becom ing known and people will not be slow to take hold of them. The article from the Cheyenne Leader which nnnears in another column con tains information of importance to the ,,0n,,ln rf this locality. The experiments of Melbourne have demonstrated that he :in produce rain and he goes at his worn 111 a manner which indicates no attempt of fraud. Tlie price of one cent per arftUJy 1.- u .,1 l,n rin nns will hesi- UCQf manes iu u uuay mci. late to go into an agreement enof ' gnr ear ttt is rciorted as I Vrm machinery. . II. Tl'KNKH. t loads of wood J them ft once. ired (in ax to in- I few days ago, I sore foot. ;Elkhorti are still tu be pcrpared )j may arise. 1b a full attend- I at 3 p. m. next Jlricss of iniport- his foot hurt t imber a few ire limps as he 1 I Al meet at the Simmons on Sat- purpose of di: r and crab trees J trees three years '3ty. Enquire of V-1 ... TSO moved into the "f'tel 8. L. Ulery has ij f&ririerly occupied at STRICTLY mm they M Until May 1st we Will Sell CASH PRICES, our Stock of PERSONAL. IL H. Russell was in town on Monday. 1 p.. TI Andrews went east Monday night. Frank Demasig is at the Harrison House suffering from a complication of troubles. W. P. Fitzgerald arrived from the east last week. W. T. Brown was down from Yorhees on Sunday Mike Blewett returned from the east Monday morning. J. L, Smedes gave us some cash on subscription Saturday. A. Rodwell and family returned Saturday from Ainsworth. O. A- and A. C. Dove were up from Cottonwood precinct Thursday. is Mabel Robinson came up from Glen on Friday to visit her mother. Alex. Lowrv called on Monday and added his name to our list of readers. J. H. Cook left on Tuesday evening for Washington and other eastern points. Mrs. C. B. Hollingsworth left last Sat- lay for a visit to relatives in the east. J. M. Daniels was in town Monday. He has had a three weeks siege of the grippe. Judge Barker returned Thursday from down the road, having been snowbound for some days. O. Patterson went to Wyoming on Monday where he expects to worK mir ing the summer. II. W. MacL-acliluti started last even ing on a business t rip east. He will go to Chicago, New York and other cities. Sioux County Offers to SMm: Rich soil, Free fuel, Good land, Free lands, Free posts, Cheap coal , Good roads, Fine climate, Mild winters, Good schools, Cheap lumber, , Excellent water. Finest wild fruits, Cheap deeded land, Fine native lumber, Unsurpassed scenery, Good railroad facilities. 800,000 acres of government land, The finest, richest natural grasses, known, And other advantages too numerous tq mention. The finest wheat producing district in Nebraska, Tell your friends to come and see for themselves. General Merchandise. The Following List Shows a few of the Many Bargains we are Offering: .rn ;p : I.! ;,. ;. "HblM'ttW ground for the '.JSm ridawalk toward the ' MW fonce will be put m lew days. " isaUve lumber i hand at my iSSeniingfoKlCj(. ''hi.s knee-cap dis Vby the pole of his lace a few daja Itown on Saturday at was up so that Jr He proniisffd to toes in the near Vved to the farm inst souin 01 crop there this inie to select a m before II ling. live leen unusu- Bunlry east of the rosts occurred at Io surorise people. thwest Nebraska icomidain of the E -The undersigned oniing season on its per head for the eginning May 1st. enty of range. , Arner, )e Harrison, Neb. 1 1 Tin 10 encourage Vong the streets of 1 things which can care and time and made e sooner nioreliome like California Canned Fruit, 20c a can. Atlantic Sugar Corn, 10c a can. Tomatoes, 11c a can. Arbuckle's Ariosa Coffee, 22c a pound. Uncolored Japan Tea (very fine) 35c a 1 2 It, jar of Crosse & Biackwell's preserves 22 cents. Standard Baking Powder, 20c a pound. Pail Silver Drip Syrup, 00c. 25 pounds Oatmeal, 1.00. 14 " Dried Currants, 1.00. li " Dried California Peaches, $1 U " Evaporated Apples, fi.uv. 12 " Turkish Prunes, i.wu. 25 bars White Russian Soap, $1.00. 7 liars Union Soap, 1.00. :i cakes Best Tar Soap, 25c. -1 cakes Good Toilet Soap, 15c. All kinds of Spices, 20c a pound. Reduction m all Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos. Best Grade Outing Flannel, 124c a yard. Nice Dress Ginghams, 8c a yard. Good, Heavy Canton Flannel, 8 Jc a yard. Heavy all wool Red Flannel, 3tlc Heavy all wool Linsey, 28c a yard. Good all wool Linsey, 25c a yard. Good Linsey, lBc a yard. Good Checked Shirting, 8c a yard. f Hoavy Canton Flannel Undershirt 30c, Men's Heavy Hickory Shirts, 40c. Ladies Hose (good) 10c. Men's No. 1 Grade Rubber Boots, $2.50. Boy's 3'00- First Class Plough Shoes, f 1.25. First CJass Men's Congress Shoes, $1.50. Old Ladies Shoes, $1.10. Ladies Shoes (good) $1.15. Overshoes, felts and rubbers less than cost. Lined Sealskin Mitts, $1.00. Good Buckskin Gloves, $1.00. Calfskin Gloves, 85c. Big Reduction in Clothing. Good all wool Pants, $1.00 and upwards. The weather Tor the pa st tveek has been a mixture of suow, blow, rain, sun and clouds. April weather in every sense of the term. The condition of the weather and the ground has prevented the farmers from doing much in the fields, but the grain will start with a rapid and strong growth when it is once in the ground, and the harvest will show that this was just the kind of weather needed. For Sale. One good well drill complete, town nronertv consisting of one lot, good 1 1 , , , house, barn, good cistern anil cellar. Very desirable property. 30 head of cat tle, 13 head of horses, 320 acres ot lanas, with springs and running water, fair buildings, good well, 45 acres broke and about 4 miles of fence. I or lurther par ticulars see or address T. O. Williams, Harrison, Neb. Notice. Timber Culture V. S. I.avd Office, j ClIAlillOK, SEBB., I April 11, 1802. Complaint having been frntoreil at this of tlco by lidwui-d ficliwurz itKiiinst Lunian P. O'l.'oiini'r for failure to comply with law as to Timber-Culture Kntry No. "lia, duti'd June 13, . . - .1... , ... 1 ..,..) J ...iH 1.-1 KUfU Section 7, Township 81, Uuuio 54, in Sioux county, Nebraska, Willi a view to the cancel lation of bukI entry; contestant alleging that claimant has failed to break plow or caused to broken or plowed any part of said tract since dale of entry, that lie has failed to plant or caused to be plumed to trees, seeds or cuttings any part of bald tract since date of entry, and has wholly neglected to cure said detects up to date, towitApril9, lssii, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at, this office on the 23 day of May, iic .jt in n'cl(.t -i in . to rrsoontl and fur- lllsll testimony couoei -nm uaiu nucguu fa Hum. Testimony oi witnesses will be taken be fore George Walker, a notary public, at his oihee in Harrison, on tlie 1(1 day of May, ls'.fii, at 10 a. ui. T. F. Powers, 11. T. I'ont.ey, Receiver. Contestant's Attorney. 1 31-36) Important Sotice. Having disposed of the drug store at Harrison all parties indebted to C. H. Andrews Co., or A. E.Andrews are hereby notified to call at once and settle. Do not wait for further notice. C. H. Andeews. Notice to Land Owners. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY GONCKHN : In accordance with petition filed and It ,nwif-:! lins to the loard of countv commis sioners that the public good rcipiires the lOllOWlUg section ones t, )jti:m-u .is jmi,- 1? ... ...It. ,.1.....,....(.i...r of tin. iW 11C lOlvis, i'i-nii,. v.,i.,.fi in- .... ............ ,.f c..,. H, Ti, 1! F,s. rnnniiirr t.lii.ncft east between sections 10 and IS, 11 and M, 12 ana i.i in sum tuwnsiuii nnu 7 A 18 in Twp. 33 K. f4, four miles, to the HI', corner See. 7, Tp. 33, 1!. 54, it is therefore ordered that all objections thereto or claims for damages must be tiled iu the County Clerk's office on or before noon of the !-2nil day of June, lh!'"2, or roads will be established without reference thereto. C'OMtAD fJXDEMS, 30-33 County Clqrk, Colvllle 1'. TefTctt will tako notice that on the 2ld day of March 181)2, S. Barker, county judge of Sioux county, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for the sum of $5.90, in -an action pending before him, wherein William E. Moore is plaintiff, and Colville P. Terret is defendant, that property of tho defendant consisting of one hundred seventy-eight fence posts and five hundred thirty -four rods of barbed wire has been at, tached under said order. Said cause was continued to the 10th dav of May, lscs, at il o'clock, a. in. William E. Moork, - 29-31 Plaintiff. A Discount of From 15 to 25 per cent, on all Hats Purchased. 16r0UtiDS0F DRIED BLACKBF.BR1F.S FOR 81.00. Don't ask for Credit at These Prices. Cash Only Secures These Bargains. SOW IS THE TIME TO LAY IN SUPPLIES FOR THE SUMMER RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, MacLACHLAN & COOK, Props. ' JJunily ( f 'JJiess reeet..( -Iliad much Tiwill no doiiBv 1,1 nttr seems v his household nxlay fttnl lie and Mime date. He ;e of the livery ised by liim. He e in that business a success of it. k IllVllfV tt InlA f (V....v. y- . j V. , Uit will riot be lo4ntil there will be .igh to mipply ihi demand. If all 01. nt'itui'u u-nrn piiritful find wnritu butter so it would Veep it could Vie The executive committee of the ag ricultural society will meet on Tues day of next week. It in time for action to be taken in tho mutter if a fair is to be held this year. Last Thursday the household goods and family of E. D,. Battcrlee went to Chadron and the hotel will be opened in n. fw davs. The bouse will in future be called the Hotel Blaine and will open with excellent prospects, Raster will be observed at the church at 10 o'clock, a. m., next Sunday. An interestinir program In being prepared and appropriate decorations will add to the pleasure of the occasion. All are cordially invited to lie present. The indications are that the crop in Sioux county in 1M2 . will be the befit ever raised. The acreage will be a ureal deal larger than that of any previous year in tlie history of the county ana uie Yard, to urosiwr- Best Line to the Enst. The Burlington Route B, &. M. B. R . ;., .Wfltk eouinoed passenger traines without change from Newcastle, Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at that point with their own ui'b" fv,r Denver. Cheyenne, and all points west, and for Kansas City, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, feorm, cago, and all points east. Remember this is the omy ime j , , i. ..L Diu,nino- i:n.r rom wmen you inii .- . T; Ci-awford in tlie evening arriving in Lin coln anil Omaha tlie nexi iuw( " '' in Chicago, Pooria and St. Louis the fol lowing morning. For further information and tickets ap ply to nearest agent of Burlington Route B. & M. R. H. Trees! Trees! Trees! n,iw Hit annle trees, northern grown A line line of npples, crabs, plumbs, cher ry, grapes, and other small I ruit. 2,500,000 forest trees, nursery gnwn, Th Wo-est nurserv in northwestern Ne i im Sn(iur:irti(incuaranteel. Write U, a.niu . , for wholesale price list to retail trade. Kfi.nfimber. I cive the Nebraska farm er, a weekly paper devoted to the farmer free for one year, with every ten uonar s worth of fruit trees bougnt oi me. Address, 0. F. SMITH, Ansley, Custer Co., Nebraska. Reference II. T. Conley, Harrison Neb. GEO. H. TURNER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, I WILL SELL YOU: Bon Ton Flour per 100 pound $3 00 Half Patent 3 73 Straight Grade " " " 2 50 Lo-,v Grade " " " Corn Meal " " " Chop Feed " " Bran & Shorts mixed" " GROCERIES. 22 pounds Hominy 23 20 1 Oatmeal ' Pail Jelly Pail Syrup - 6 pounds Brofen Java Coffee 1 " Baking Powder - Tea Per pound Tomatoes per can 3 pound can Michigan apples 1 75 1 30 1 15 90 1 00 1 00 95 95 95 25 13 Hi - Hi 5 " can Trices Baking Powder, per pound .... 40 Climax & Horse Shoe Tob. per ft 45 4 pounds Joker Tobacco - 1 00 5 pounds Smoking Tobacco - 1 00 7 Choice Cigars - - - 25 DRY GOODS, BOOTS 4. SHOES. Full Stock Kipp Boots - - $3 00 $5.00 Calf Boots ... a 50- Ladies Dongola Shoes Felts and Rubbers at cost. Calico per yard Best Grade Outing Flannel, per yd. Dress Gingham per yard German Knitting Yarn, per pound Men's Working Shirts Handkerchiefs .... 1 23. 05 14 10 90 60 05' GEORGE WALKER, Attorncy-at-littw. Will prnetlce before all courts nnn tlie V. ?. Unit Ofllcc. Business entrusted to my care will rocalve prompt attention. Come and look at our Hardware, Tinware, Fibreware and Barbed Wire and get our prices. Respectfully, GEO. H. TTTIRvHSTEIR,. B. L. SMTJCK, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser. One Door Snnt h of Bank of Harrison. OPEN SUNDAY FROM TO 12, 1UZOKH AND SC1S11!S TUT IN order. Harrison Lumber Yard, G. GUTHRIE, Proprietor. Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc. Business Conducted on a Strictly Cash Basis, r M OG Miai hCl at LOU ynn m.un,jii 4 oua Umeji, I H4HR1HIIN, - - MUUUS&A. 4 1