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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1883)
Ml tatfeti Wrh O rf wuil VOL. 1 I'LATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1883. NO. 31. IMC Tilt DAYLIGHT Full fLiiu; CncfiKcral Full ILim; CpJciieral Merchandise. Merchandise. Always on Hand, Always on Hand. IBottom SSottoni JPriecs Prices for Cash, for Cash V BURLINGTON- ROUTE (Chicago, Burlington &. Quincy Railroad.) if GOING EAST AND WEST. Kl'trant Day Conches. Farlor Cars, with Reclin ing Chairs (siats frw). Smoking Cars, with Iio volving Chairs, I'ullman Falaen Sleeping Cars and ill" famous C. H.ft Q. Dining Curs run daily to and from CliM-afr & Kansas City, Chicago Council i;iiir!.-, i'Iik-uo K les Moines. Clucaxo. bt. Jo "l'h. Atchison & Toricka. Onlv thrmiirh line be- j'wi-m Chicago, Lincoln & Denvi-r. Through cars ' lirwn Iiili:mapohs x Council lilufrs via IVona. All conm-cti.itis made in Union l'iot3. It is known as the great THKOUGII CAU LIN IS. GOING NORTH AND SOUTH Solid Trains of Elegant Day Coaches and Pull man Palace Sleeping Cars are run daily to and from St. Louia, via Hannibal, Quincy, Keokuk, Burlin.rrton. Cedar Rapids and Albert Lea to St. 1'aul and Minneapolis; l'arlor Cars with Reclining Chairs to and from St. Ixmisi and Feoria and to and from St. Ixuis and Ottumwa. Only one change of cars between St. Louis and Lett Moines, Iowa, Lincoln, Nebraska, and Denver, Colorado. It is universally admitted to be the u Finest Equipped Railroad In tho World for all Classes of Travel- T. J. POTTRH. 3il Yici-Pros"! an,! fipn'l Manager. PKRHEVAI. IlWF.I.It fipn. Pakk Af't. rhicajro. A I ' S 35 J a A. it US AHEAD !: BENNETT & LEWIS, S! OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. Sr? kZi 5c i vide Slap! Come to the front with a complete stock of and Fancy Groceries FJiKSII AND NICE. AVc :ilv;:vs buy the test goods in the. market, and guarantee everything we sell V e are Vole agents in this town lor the sale of ' P Elt FK( -TION" GROUND SPICES, AND TIIF. Cl'.LEBRATEI) BATAVIA" CANNED GOODS, Nothing liner in the market. Plait's "Tiger" brand of Baltimore Oysters always on hand. Coma and pee us. We will make you glad. THIS CELEBRATED AX FOR SALE B ' 'i , - ,ujj-miii-pf V-ia'1'"--.',? T1 res -.fisssyj 1 Sir DEALERS I2T t , i , - -i i ' 1 ' ' ' ''. . ... 1 . ,: ' ," '. ? ' r : -" ' ' i " i IT't" L- : . p i . l-,jj i. i'i " f i'. ,. '..:,-.: ' ' ' " - tl . , ., : . .I.i.. : . : . ' ' '." lJ 1' p: : ssSri sis a if " ,v jr-& TELEGHAFHIC SUl'UEME COURT DECISION. P f P ilnunr 1 f u:er t:.:.i ;i loi V, ILM'X hKOS. OPERA IICUSE GENTS' AM rURMSHERS. She Had it "Up Her Nose. A Fight for a Girl. 9 & POST OFFICE !!ews Depot, STATION EKY. NOTIONS, CADDIES xVlSTX) C1Q-AB3. fill la Pfiftaa MASON & HAMLIN HENRY F. MILLER and MISCELLANEOUS. WoKliANS MOKIONK. St. hoi is, March 31. This morning 200 persons under charges of Kider Mortal), of the. Mormon church, pass ed through ho Union depot eimuite for Utnii. Thee rouvtru all came from the notit hern btutcs. HOI-LINO STOtK ATTACH KI. St. 1 acl, March 31. -Tlie attor neys of the North western h uel Co, today ultHchcd till the rolling stock of the iSnrliugton, Cedar Kapidb & Northern railroad to be found in St. Paul, Minneapolis and Albert (am, in all about 100 coachej and freight car. The road is a portion of the Hock Is land system, and no more of its rol ling stock will be sent into the Mate of Muinewola, but there it will use j the cars of the Minneapolis & St. Paul road. CAI'T. KAHS. VAs::iNi'iON, March 31 dipt. .T. i. E. ids recently wrote Senator (Jib Bon, enclosing his resignation us a member of the M ississippi river com mission, which lie requested to lay before the president for acceptance. Senator (iibson in reply says it there is to be any merit in the Mississippi river commission it belongs to Capt. do, bhu took the Housatonlc road at Bridgeport and went to Ashlty Falls, Mass., whertt she met liradley, as had been previously arranged, and they went to Shellleld and were married. Miits Brooker is a young lady of fine appearance, about St yearn of age, and is of good family, her father being one of the prominent men of Torrington, and in very good circumstances, living about a mile and a half from thw vil lage on the road to Litchfield. Mins Brooker is the youngest of s i daugh ters and has on brother. Her mother is dead. The girl has always conduct ed herself in a propper manner and no one hud ever suspected that there was anything improper between her and the young fellow. Bradley in a full blooded African and has worked for her fattier about three jears. Last week, when Mr. Brooker discovered the whereabouts of his daughter, he went to Ashley Falls, accompanied by his son, and tried to persuade her to return home. She would not listen to them, and, crushed with shame, and despair, they were compelled to return home, leaving her with her hiuhand in a miserable, shanty in Ashley Fulls Miss Brooker'tf conduct is inexplicable, as her home relations have always been the pleasantest and she has grown up in luxury and relinement. Her family feels the disgrace keenly and everybody sympathizes with them. ON THE WAR PATH. The Hcil Devil's Doin-s. Prospect of War. DECK Kit 1SKO.S.' BOARD by the DAY or WEEK. CENTRAL RESTAURANT. Meals at Alt Hours. OYSTERS IN SEASON. 3Ls TJJT 3M IS XES IRi. NUMBER KILLED. IIinnsvili.e, Mex. March 31. Tliirty L'.wla Inr thn ciiwua nt. tl.ft i..Mici two IJCODlC have ICCU Klllfc"! 1U Hie 1HbI led to the conception of applying by "'ne The hostile are moving appropriate legislation the principles toward Arizona lo a sparsely settled re loads had adapted to the whhle river ifi"11- Tho senator predicts t hat the day is crook's orrovniNirY. not far distant when a grateful people Tucson, March 31. The White Moun- from the jetties to the headwater of tun tribes arc open iii declaring they the valley, will unite to erect some will on the war oath this moon uu- proponal li;ill not withdraw Hie ;hhm within . J .... !.. ... ,. , , sixty lai from the l;ite Mimoiiixd lor op;u- fitting memorial in honor ot the Jess something positive is accomplished. iii.-m; ami kiippli h i.i.i lor. mwhh1-1 . . , . . .. . . ilii.r..iinler. lit- W ill, willilli ten v i lit ! r . Ixv- great engineer, who not ouiy gave There is certain Uauger oi an attempt oy ,, ' .k,.t .u.-ci of the i.ui. (i.iovi.ii hik.Ii notl them deep water to the sea, but so- aa organized body of citizens from Cit- ; Xl';. f'SlfS f nrit v altfn nfralnst the flondri. 4 r.ui,i Tiunlulrni. nml K:m I ':irli I mul MiillW-icii t ui-lif. at onirf. lor i lm laillilul - . -;,Irfol.lliaMC1.(f,)1.,.,,,lt,:l,.t. IheOovrninent A BRUTAL HOIIT, I htm in t the Indi.ins. I no reservation I rLUfrvi-H Hih rlifht tn rt-h-rt xnv or all kiopo- if.,..,.,T r,T .v r-,.I. k in st ... i aK. a pu fcK iuo will Im::;v ii toaitlclc-i. ot Thursuay two young men naiucu. portunity. Twenty-seven have iecr. KOS3 and roiuts, Having nal eome killed in nine days. I I at l moil th Telepliouo J'zclinii2 1 J. I. YouiiR, rHldoiirf". 2 Iti'lini'lt & l.nn l, ktorf, A M. II. Murphy & Co., " 4 llolitirr MulilfH. ft Coniily I'll Ik' offlre. A K. It. f.rwl., ri-nlcjrurr. 7 .1. V. Wcekliaeli. .loir. M Wcilrrn l iilon li-li-KiApb ofllrn. tt l. II. Whrrlrr, renl.l. uc. 10 It. A. uliiulirll, 11 K. II. WliKlnnin, ,fl .)'. W'uyuiuii, " ) .1. W. .1. IHlllll'l. J7 W. H. l.r. otlli'i-. .it Moriit.t-y IUon olllco, j V It. Cuitt-r, .Iom. .(. . W. Kairllhl, rj.MMirr, vV M. 1 Murphy. t. It. II. NVhfrlt-r t Co . olllco. ;"i J. r. Taylor. ielil-ic, l liit Nuliiiiiitl Hank. V. E. KiiIIiiit'h iltle. lt J. I'. Vooi'li. nloiu. vh i'eiklns lloue. a R. W. Hvro.reflUi'iiCtt. Joiirniil olhce. H HutAi.o I'cii. 'o oflhie. X, J.N. Wle, rfNlilrliew. 'm; H, M. ( hupniaii, " 17 W. I. Ioim-h, -A A. N. ruillliuu, " ;):, II. K. 1'Hlim r, 40 W. II. hciiil'IkiiM'ht, olllce. 41 Sullivan i "Vun -y, 4 ' A. W. Meuiuiihliu. reslleiii'. 4"l A. l'atl-io". Ilvt-iy. 4 t:. M. Holme. 4.-, L. I. IW-niH'tl, remliliMieo. 4d lieo. 4 .Soillll, olllc c. 47 L. A. Mimiv, llor hi. 4'i .1, W. Ilaiuct. iflilfin-e. W It. K. l.lvlii?ton, olliee, Mi I. V. VVecknaeli. reaKlence. 'i:ir, rhaplaln WllKhl. ;I0 W. II. fv-htnlkiircht " ypf IJm. S Mmllli, " 3,U R. It, LIvuiK'loli. " 15 C. C. Kallaul, " TlH'wlK'h ho. ml eonimet I' I smoiii h with Ashlaipl. A i Huston. ISl.ilr, I'ouiiell 111 .ill-, ri inoiil, LuiojIii. Omah.i awl I.IkIioiiiUIIoii. Proposals lor Military Supplies. H K UOI'AlfTKU KI''I OK I II K I'l.ATTK, l'hn-1 iiiaiti-nnasier't iMIIi'i-, OMAHA. , M.iM-li Til), nikl. SKA!.!- U I'Kol'ObAI.M, III tilplK'Ult'. Hil. Jcrl lo the I In usual lumi it loim, w III In; i crlveii at tl.I-l ollice until i o' hx k M.. on Weilni .day, April IS. IKS.t, or .il tne caiue noui lanowniK mi tin- inilcienrn 111 lime.) at I Im olIIe oltllU Ouarierina-.t in at the followinK iohimmI nlal oint at whii h places and t luu liny wi.l l opened ill Hie pie-eliee t tiiddi li, lot Hie f ill l.l-li I li and delivery ol Mi. limy Supplies duiin IIik ear eoiiiiiK'iii ini? .iinv " i. "", nm rmiiui June .'Will, lsxi, lollmvn : ooi. nay aim Charcoal, or cu n oi hiiiii nuppni'i nr m,i; MMiilied at iMoalia I'epoi. i on iiiiianu, rmt Nlohr.u.l. loll lilue). neyeniK- I irpni, r oi l Klisseli. l'"oi l SO ole, I' oi l 1 Innnlac. 1' ol I l.oliln con. l oll MlilKel. I ort Laoiliiie, l Mi-Klli-u.-v I'.. it Wadiakle. and loll I lioliibtllkb. and lor the ilehveiy at I oi l 1 hoi n i -lit k " l Jui ton of Coal nl TIM poiiiiiiH lo mi; ion. 1'iopKHal.t CI Hlo lie reeeiveii aiuiii iniru up lo i lie ilay ami nour aliovi-iij.iih iI, lor inn di livery on Iheearial I In- poml iieanl lutiic l.iineH ot tin; line ol Hie t ntoii I a ille Ui.llway, ol elzht tuousand Ioiim of Coal,, of TW) poillid to Hie Ion. AI-o lor ilellveiy HI mi l" i'l, oral idauoim on Hie main line of the Liilon l'a eilic way iio.u ne.nie y .1 iinvi nifl-mt two iniilion pouii-l loin, and one million iiouiids O.tti. Rids lor i. lain xuouiu siaie iu rate per uyt lln, not iii-r liu-ilm. l'iopoals for ellherelii of the nloi inen tloned. oi for iiuaiitille" less than Ihu wliol leipilred will lie received. L.ich propohiil Kholild Im in lllplicaie, 'ki-aiia i r. run r Ani i i.k at iai ii station, and must be ac- eoiupanied bv a bond In l In: .uiu oi live bund led dollars .Tioii) executed MiKtly In accord - nine with tlie pi mted liiHtruciioiiM, aim noon the blank foi iu f in ni-lied under I hi advei iIhi! liient, suai anteeiij! i hut the pally inakliii tlm Corner Pearl and Seventh Streets, DKAL.KKS IN ALL KINDS OF Lumber, Sash,Doors, Blinds Cement, Plaster, H BTJiHinDiisra- paper St 2: srms The PliATTSMOUTII HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY has every facility for first-class trouble about a jfirl, met between Love and Long Creek to fijfht it out. To make it interesting they agreed to fight for a way;er of twenty-five dol lars. The fight lasted nearly an hour, the men fighting and biting like dogs. Ito3s lost his nose and ouo finger, and Points had his ribs broken and other wise badly used up, and is reported dead. A more brutal and outrageous affair never took place. It was wit nessed by 7o or luu men without in terference from an youe. Why & civ ilized community would allow such heathenish and outrageous conduct is difficult to understand. No arrests have been made yet, but there proba bly will be trouble. ENTITLED TO ni3 BERTH. Chicago, March 31. The supreme bench of Illinois, the whole bench as senting, has just filed an opinion de claring in substance that the Pullman palace car company and like corpora tions are common carriers placing them on the same category as railroad companies. This is contrary to the decision giveu by the same tribunal several years ago, and affirms the prin ciple that the present state legislature has endeavored to employ in the sta tute. The suit was brought by Luke Levin against the car cjmpauy-for re fusing to permit him to occupy the MOVKMK.NT OK TH K TKOORrt. Tucson, March 31. 'I ho troops arc all moying towards the Mexican line t intercept the Indians on their return to tho Sonoro. A baud of fifty ho-tiles are reported as having been seen near the Arizona line going towards Clifton. There is a rumor that Major Tuppor, from Huachaca, had a fight with the In dians and lost twenty-six men. General Carr and one hundred meu will leave Tucson for Benson tonight. WHO ARE THEY. Sakta. Fe, N. M. March 31. Mexican troops under General Carbo arc in the field to take uo prisoners but kill bucks souaws and children. The casualties in A Arizona have been heavy, four men hav ing been killed. Clark's camp No. 4. on the Gila river and the two Iieache's ramn are total wrecks. The hostiles ure believed to belang to the Jus band, rein forced bv some Chiiicahuas. All tiie troops of southern New Mexico arc in the field and all possible measures for the protection of settlers aud the pun ishment of tne Indians are being taken by general McKeuzie. liinest ie nrotluction. liiallK proposal anu priuic.u ninrmi, mui iiiK tin kind, and cMimalcd iiamli leu of Wood. Hav and Charcoal leiiiuied at each sta tion, and Klvlni? full li.wtiuitioiis an to tlr manner of liiddniB, condition to be obcervil by bidders and terms of contract, etc., will be furnished on application t' tlim ollice or to the Ojiarleriiiaxters at Ibe various station named. Envelopes coniaiinni; proposal fihiiiiu i - marked : "I'lopoials ..r at .' and addressed lo I b undcp-lKiicd or to the le spcetive post and llepot luai IcriliaslerH. JOHN V. 1' X'RLV. Captain, A. Q. M . C. S. A.. In charge, of C. U. M' of- hce, Dep t. of the riaue. o;i Secure Yourself a HOME! Forty Acres laid oT in C Lots, in Palmer's Addition, t adjoiniko tiie Chicago Grain Market. Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. The best and most complete assoitmcr.t in tiie city. In the UOCKWOOD BLOCK, two doors west of Carriuh3. Call AND see us. 3 PRINTING, In Every Department. mphlet Work UP TO 3 O'CLOCK P. M. sleeping berth assigned him, which he Kpeciai Dispatch to the iikkalk. Catalogues i Pa S3 Id AUCTIOIsr BILLS, SJLULIEI BILLS, COMMEBCIAL ofEered to pay for. The lower courts decided the plaintiff had no power to enforce accommodation from the car company, and that it was optional on its part to furnish the same. The court asserts that the running of the sleepers has become a business and so cial necessity, and in that view the law can impose obligations on the company the same as on railroads, ferrymen and inn-keepers. In the language of the opinion, "Where, therefore, a passen ger under the rules of the company is entitled to a berth by paying the usual fare and -to whom no personal objec tion attaches, enters the company's sleeping car at tbe proper time for the purpose of procuring accommodations m. Chicago, March 30. Call 3 p "WHEAT. May, 110; June, 111?? July.lll; CORN. April 51M; May, 56?; June, 57J; July, 59tf ; OAT8. April, 40; May, 44&; June,43; 27. & if. RAILROAD HUOrX, , Jufat outside the City limits, and not sub ject to city Taxes. FINE RESIDENT LOT&- where a bhop man, or any other man, ca eat his dinner under his own roof and not cold grub from a dinner pail in the dusty, smoky shoos. Only three to ten minutes1 walk from his work. Call on .IAS. S, MATHEWS, PlaUsmouth City Markets. rKOVISIOHB, FRCIT, FEED AC. (KKTAIL) Reported by M. B. Murphy Co. Flour $3.00 ..L.'V) perct. Meal i. aa " Bran 5 c " Chopped Feed $1.25 " Rve Flour i2.HO " for a berth, offering or tendering the I oranam Flour .$3.00 WUVIpVI w t - Att'y at Law and Real Estate Agei Over Baker's Store, will make terms to sil , Iiots from to 5 On timc.or for Cah,to men that will bu , No Lot for Speculalort 1 HOUSE, SIGN, AN Fresii . C3r No old stuck to -wuik ori'. The latest patterns cf C3-L-A.SS .ISTL Q,TJEIIlIsrS"W"jftL.E. FLOUH. FEED AND FJiOVISIONS. The Very Higbess Market Price paid for Country Pre dnce DREW BUILDING, PLATTSMUOTH. Oiz? Stock of jBZclixIc 2? cupels And materials is large and complete in every department. OBDERS ZBIT MAIL SOLICITED' PLATTSM0UTH HERALD PUB. CO Sixbsarizbe for- t7zeJDcUly JEIeraLd customary price therefor, the company is bound to furnish it, provided it has one at its disposal." For a braach of any of these implied duties the court holds the company clearly liable. "mashed" on A "COON." Hartford, Conn., March 31. Miss Ann Brooker, a bright, pretty girl, living in Thorrington, in this state, has eloped with her father's negro coachman, named James Bradley. A short time ago Miss Brooksr went to New York on a visit, and when she left there, instead of coming home as her friends supposed she was going to Cheese (part kim) 15 Cheese (lull cream) Sugar Cured Hams 17 ' liacon 14 " Shoulders 15 " lirirt Hpf 15 " Foultry $4.50 46 6.00 perdoz. Kites 10 4 12'i C. " Cahbage.. C " i .xioice xruimucB iu ti i Sweet " 1) Beets 75cts Onions 75 cu " Apples (winter) l.oofijSt. Sweet Cider 15c per eal Oysters, select per can ' Common 40 " JT I I- Carriage Pain GraMai, Glazisi, Pacer Han? EEDS Our l-re C3ABOC5T CITDK aewrn.Miif uii'i KeltmtH bttttt U ltaaid I'rM to AIL. W offir li I jit r.t A'.mIuj In m.Mmw mw a a m wua, lorn, uaia n.i ntru, ana me f" ihwiim oi elDI, FWwr, (jr'l TnwISEED. EerTthlri;l iitM. lurMi CU BB, lwn. milt WW i. A.1 KALSOMININC Lear order at arrlelc'f. mttsnioi 1 r 'f?'' : hWwm .M ; - 1 Kccial ell ttoaded to. o4 PrMk Mil T good war to pick onf wifa U -mmnm. -T ' ' '