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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1883)
ft VOL. 1 I'LATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, APKIJj :i, 1883. NO. 32. I I THE DAYLIGHT JFuli Line CjSencruI Merchandise. Full I Anu Giciicrul Merchandise. Always on 13 Hand, Always on Aland. ESottoin Prices for Cash. flfioltoHi Prices for Cash JOSFPH V 'WFfKR Af.H 7 " BURLINGTON- ROUTE" (Chicago, Burlington &. Quincy Railroad.) CGING EAST AND WEST. Elcpant Day Coaches, Parlor Cars, with Reclin ing Chairs (seats free). Smoking Cars. with Re volving Chairs, Iiillmtui Palace Sleeping Cars and .the famous O. 1. & Q. Diiiinpr Cars ruu daily to and IfYom Chicago t Kansas Citr, Cliicjisrn A Council ilsiniTs, Chieapo & Ues Moines. Chicago. St. Ji seph, Atchison Jt Topeka. Only through line le ,L'T'en Chirnsjo, Lincoln & Denver. Through cars jix twecn Iuiiinnapolis Council lilutls vi v Peoria. JAil connexions made, in l'nin Depots. It is Itaomiud the great THROUGH CAR LINK. r iiioai. tiuippau nuiuocia ir; mo noria lar an tiiasses OT l ravel- ff. J. POTTl.K, Hi Vici-Prt-s't i:n l Ot. nl Manager. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Gen. Pass. Ag't, Chicago. . ir . . 1 . I , t ALWAYS BENNETT Come to the front with Siaole and Fancv Groceries YlKP,U AND We tilv. :tys Jmy the lt.t goods in the market, and guarantee everything we sell We are sole agents in this town for the sale of ' iMJUFiarnoN" ground spices, AND Tin: CELEIiUATED BATAVIA" CANNED GOODS, in the nmrket. Piatt's "Tiger" lr?iid of Baltimore Oysters always on hand. Coma and t:e; us. We ill make you glad. THIS CELEBRATED' DEALERS HardwEire, Stoves and Tinware. The l. st a::d inost cuiiiiili-ie Jissorimei-.t in the city. In the UOCKWOOD liLUCK, l wo diors wt-st of Carruths. " Call and sek vs. Xo okl ctck t work oil. The latest patterns tf GLASS JiOSTJD GTJEEISrS"WA.15D53. FLOUU. FEED AKD PIIO VISIONS. i he Very Higtess Market Fric8 paid for Country Produce STORE! i GOING NORTH AND SOUTH Solid Trains of Eleeant Day Coaches and Pull man Palace Sleeping Cars are run daily to andi iroin si, ioui.-i, vi. v iianuumi, yuincy, &eoKiu, liurlintrton. Cedar Karids and Albert Lea to St. Paul and Minneapolis: Parlor Cars with Reclining i hairs to ana irom bt. ixnns anu reonaanuto and from Bt. Louis and Ottumwa. Only one chanfro of cars between St. Louis and Des Glomes, iowa, Lincoln, Ixebraska, and Denver, coiorac.o. It is universally admitted to bo tho . v . . h AHEAD I & LEWIS, 3 sfcHHtf&tf-i a complete xtoek of j XICK. AX FOR SALE B IN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. i i 1 1 ' ' 1 1 11 i; .; t ' . i ',.'T ' x . ,('; ' , .'-"r , :1. - " j ' '4"-' 4 .: 4.-. -.'"i ." - ; ' ' : - ' " ' ' '. ' ' ; ,. -: ,' ' ".' ' '.' ' ':. .' f '. ' ' v . ' ,! . .. r '' ;--! -n : ! . . . ;'; : f r'r'; -''v'' ; '-i.!':' ' ! : - ' ' - . t.' i: it.:: - J-..-; . ....Af4:. :! ; . - s 111 1 aiiftAPyH. AAsN- if w 5 ill r P $ - ? i I! Honor Order-taken for WILSON" MJOS PIP fs &5 Re R w 0 BOA HD by the DAY or WEEK ILaTEJ" 3513 .' SHIKTS. P Y niinnr n fc3 H Hi c a B TStS K bI 8 IS I 1 IB 6 tin Corner Pearl and Seventh Streets, DEAL.EKS IX ALL KIXDS OF- umber,Sash,D Cement, BTJILZDITO- .atsa The PlATTSMOUTII HERALD every facility jo; In Every Department. OetaSogues $ ra LEGAL BLAITEIS, AUCTION" ZBITLlTLS, SALE BILLS, COMMERCIAL Ozz7 StocTc of, And materials is large and JJcOJ Ji JCtz5 idl -DLA.LL SOLICITED- PLATTSM0UTH OPERA IICUSE CLOTHIERS, AND FURMSHERS. rO.-ST OFFICE ews aepot, STATIOXE1JV. N 'TIONS, -MA. SOX HAMLIN MILLEK and CENTRAL RESTAURANT. Meals at All Hours. OYSTERS IN SEASON. 001 s. Blinds uiiiiuo; 1K'S,1. PIANOS Plaster, Hair, PAPER. Terms Gaels PUBLISHING COMPANY for first-class has suphlet Work BjEiisrTiisra- JBlci7t7c JPcipers complete in every department. HERALD PUB. CO TELEGRAPHIC WASHINGTON NOTES. Deci ease of the Public Debt. Mlftcelluiic-ous. THE TUB LIC DEBT. Wasiiinotox, 1). C-, April i. The statement issued today shows the debt decrease for March S'.,344.826.27. Cash in the treasury, $30,0:13,000. U.S. NCrur.M E COCKT TAKES A UEST. The cliiuf justice iinnouiiced to the bar this afternoon that tin- United States supreme court would discon tinue the healing of 'arguments April ' and would adjourn for the term May 7. EECISIOX OK ATTOKXEY UEXEKAL. The attorney genera! decides that the president can make one temporary designation for ten days only, but he also decides that the (irsl assistant postmaster general can lawfully act as postmaster general for ten days with out such designation. FIX ALLY RELEASED. In the murder case of Charles V. Kring, plaintiff in error, against the state of Missouri, the federal supreme court, by a majority of one, reverses the judgment of the supreme court of Missouri. Kring has been tried seven times for the samtt murder, and is by this decision liually rrjle isad from sen tence of death three times imposed. THE PRESIDENT'S I'LAXS. Pr aidant Arthur this morning said his pians for leaving tomorrow have been somewhat disarranged. lie will possible not start to Florida for sev eral 'ays. It is rumored that the president has been advised by Attor ney General Brewster that the ap pointment of a successor to Postmas ter General Howe must be made with in ten days of the latter's death, and President Arthur delays his departure in order to determine who shall Gil the vacancy. APPOINTMENTS. The president appointed Martin S, Chandler, of Minnesota, surveyor gen eral of Minnesota, vice Jacob S. Stew art, term of office expired. John G. Gaamann, of Nebraska, to be agent at Crow Creek and Lower Brule agency in Dakota, vice Wm. II. Parkhurst, suspended. John Kelly, of Oregon, Wm. B. Dean, Minnesota, and Isaac Broad, Iowa, commissioners to ex amine the twenty-five miles of rail road constructed by the Northern Pacific in Montana. He also appointed Aaron II. Cragon, of New York, Al Dert Ardway, Washington, and G. Pomeroy Keyes, New York, commis sioners for another section of fifty miles of the same railroad in Montana. THE INDIANS. Crook and Curtis in Consul tation. Estimated uniber tile. of Hon- LOYAL SAVAGES. Washington, April 2. Agent AVil cox, at San Carlos In lian agency, con firms the report of the presence of certain Chiricushuas, but declares that th3 alacrity shown by the agency In dians in the chase of the savages shows their loyalty. DRIVEN ACROSS THE LINE. Tucson, April 2. Advice3 from Hermosilto state officially that there is not a single Apache in Sonora The last were driven across the An zona line Saturday, about two hun dred strong. Gen. Crook and Gen, Curtis have been in consultation by. telegraph for four hours. It is though t the Mexican troops will co-operate in Arizona. CONCENTRATION OF TROOPS. ST. Louis, April 2. A dispatch from San Carlos, New Mexico, reports that two band3 of the Chiricauhua In dians entered the reservation on Sat urday, and that at noon that day were within two miles of the agency build ing, moving in the direction of Globe, Courners were sent in all directions to warn settlers. Lieutenant Davis, with a company of Indian scouts, and a band of volunteer Indians, started in pur suit early Sunday morning, and cap tured one warrior, who is believed to have been concerned in the killing of a chief of the scouts at Sterling a year ago. Lieutenant Davis will search the country for their trail. The rumor that a fight took place between the San Carlos and Chiricuahua Indians has not been confirmed. .Troops are concentrated : at Benson, Wilcox and Sepor. It is estimated that the hos tile in Arizona will not number over FKOJi ALL PAKTS. Embezzler Arrested. Ucnt'isil IlcikiM ol liitercMl. HARRISON S FRIEND$. Chicago. April 3. The democrats tonight are betting two to one that Harrison will be elected mayor tomor row by 4,000 majority. BeU are pret ty freely taken. iiAuiNi; KxiiinrrioN. Yokohojia, April -i. The exhibi tion of marine products and fishing implements opened the first of March in Tokios. 1iOO varieties of fish were shown, with other productions from ttie sea, lake and river. ARRESTr.D FOR CRUELTY TO CHIL DREN. New York, April 2. J.T. Barnum, Jits. L. Hutchinson, J. A. Btiley and Jas. Elliott, fathers of the children whoso performances on the tricycle and bicycle, have drawn the attention of the society for tho prevention of cruelty to children have been arrested and held for trial in $:00 bail each. FINALLY ARRESTED. Boston, April 2. Philip Ityan, Jr , Chicago, alleged embezzler of $ : 0,000 from the Sand Blast company of Wil mington, Delaware, for whom the of ficers have been searching for a year, was arrested today. He claims that the money was spent for the benefit of the company, and will ml return with out a requisition. TRAIN WRECKKD. St. Louis. April . The Iron Moun tain train due at 6:17 a. ni., struck a rock weighing several tons, which had rolled on the track at B ishberry, a smalltown twentv-live miles distant. The engine rolled down the bank into the river, the baggage car was thrown from the track, and the smoker derail ed. Engineer McGovern and the fire man were seriously injured. The pas sengers were uninjured. IMPORTED LIQUOR. Louisville, April 3. A dispatch was received this morning by local dis tillers from Ottawa announcing that the dominion government has decided to admit importations of whisky from the United States. Pratt, secretary of the wine and liquor association, tele graphs -hat an order is prepared to be issued tcmorrow or next day, but make no move until you hear from me as to the deta'ls. THE EXPLOSIVES. London April 2. The war oftice has taken the question of explosives in hand with vigor and determination. Among the measures taken for the purpose of thwarting dynamite work ers, it has ordered experiments to be undertaken with a view to preparing an analysis of the various forms and compotent parts of all substances that aie capable of baing employed as ex plosives. The result of their work will be given to the police. It i3 be lieved the inginuity of the men who are now engaged in the mrnufacture and use of these diabolical contriv ances will be thwarted by thi3 means. THE BRITISH GRAIN TRADE. London. April 2. The Mark Lane Express, in its review of the British grain trade for the past week, says the possibilities for a favorable harvest are now Yery much greater than at any period since the beginning of the cereal year. No fresh feature in the wheat market reported since the Eas ter holidays. The demand is feeble and prices tend downward. Foreign wheat nominally unchanged, but scan ty demand. Flour in liberal suppjv, Maiza cheapening. Barley uiet. Oats dull. Cargoes off coast neglected Eleven cargoes arriv d and lour sold; nine withdraw and eight remain About twenty more due. Sales of En glish whsat for the pa3t week, 41.805 quarters, at 42s, against 35,:J79 quar ters, at 43s Id for for the correspond ing period, last year. BILLIARDS. Chicago, April 2. The game be tween Morris and Wallace this after noon was devoid of interest, as Wal lace did no fine playing. Morris ran away from him, and won easily. The score stood : Morris, total G00, average 10 30-57, highest run 8l. Wallace, total 35G, average 7 vO-56, Honest run The night game between Vignaux and Sexton drew a very large audience, including many ladies. Sexton opened the game very weakly. In the first fourteen innings he averaged less than five, against an average of over thirty by Vignaux. The call at the close of the fourteenth inning showed Vignaux 442, Sexton 6-3. After the eighteenth inning Vignaux played iudifferently, and seem disposed to allow Sexton to reach at least 400; but the New York er could not improye his opportunity, and in the 21st inning Vignaux fin ished. The score: Vignaux, total COO, average S8 12-21. Sexton, total route trial today Dorsey wna still on the stand undergoing cross-examination by Merritt. Nothing of Interest was elicited. Ingorsoll, in making objections to a question. Bald Berdell had gone through Dorsey'a copy books and take any letteis that could bu of any possible use to the defendants, and given these to thb government in part consideration of its protection. Other letters he had forged and manufac tured. His client now proposed stand ing upon Ids legal right, and accepting tho consequences that might befall him from any influence caused by his conduct. The counsel could rest as sured that they would not 8ee tho let ter books not one, no matter Jf they contained poetry about apriug. The witneHS denied that lie was a member of the firm of John Dorsey Si Co. Ingersoll desired to give his judg ment upon the handwriting of a draft Tho court refused to allow this, whereupon Dorsey ttaid (wringing his hands) "I will assume thai I wrote them." "I don't think I anfli.ilf jis smart as this witness," said legersoll. "1 don't think so either," Haid tho court dryly, amidst, geneial laughter. Alter a lengthy examination the court a'ljoui iied. ri.r.tsiiK.ntli l ily .Markets. ITOVIHON.-, I Kl IT. IkKHAI , uu:taii.) Li'..i i I ly M. i:. ;iiiiliy & Co. Flour 4 U) iiercwt. Men I oi.vA " k', : " is I. .' lx --.i ii'i per tt I.I " 2 I ' 11 11 ' l:j " I, " sfi.ui '(, r.o'i per Ioz. . I'J'i C. " im e. " 4Vti Mi l. per bu. eio v, em 7." eln ..1.00 , m.r, " ISC per Kill lii.iu liii, U e ! lour ii.tli;iiii Flour Uiitler Cheese (part . Clieei-e (lull eie;iin;. Suuar CureU il.tint.. ISaeoli Miouliji'i x Dllnl IK ef I'oillli v 'ulibitKe 1 'lioiee Potatoes Hvieel .. .. Iteels Onions Apples (whiter, Sweet Cider Oyster. Keleet 4V(4 per cau Oiiiiiioii 4j riHtiriiiiMiith Telephone. Kxthauge. .1. P. Youiijj, rel jm, lieimett & Lewi, a.ujc. M. P.. Murpliy & Co., " Homier .Malifes. Comity C rk's ofilce. E. P.. Lewie, residence. .1. V. eekhiiell, a tort!. Western Union l;leji.ip olllio. a 1; 7 H J it. 11. vneeier. r;-ineiiL'. 10 14 D. A. Campbell. R. 1!. Wuidiiaiii, " l:io. Waj 111:111, J. W. Jennings, W. H. Wife, oilier. MorrisKey tiros,, oUlec. W It. Carter, f lore. (i. W. Fairlield, reHldeiiCe. M. 1J Murpliy, 1. 11. W heeler & Co . ofliee. .1. P. Taylor, residence. First National P.ank. P. E. Runner's ollice. J. P. Vouni:, atore. Perkins House. R. W. Hyr. residence. Journal otlice. llKKAi.n Fuji. Co office. .1. N. W ise, residence. 8. M. Chapman, " W. D. tones. A. N. .Sullivan, " II. E. Palmer, V. H. bclnldkiiecht, office. Sullivan & Woo.ey, A. W. McLaughlin, residence. A. Patterson, livery. C. M. Holmes, L. I. lieimett, residence. Geo. H. Smith, ollice. L. A. Moore, llor st. .1, W. names, resilience. R. R. Livingston, uttjce, J. V. Weekua:li, lceld nee. Chaplain Wright. '" W. H. Mchi.rikncclit " Geo. rt Smith, R. K, LiviiiK-ton, C. C. Mallard, 2 2 2j 2I 31 30 & 37 38 3'J 40 41 42 4.1 44 45 40 47 4'J .00 307 ysr 10 :il 3V :;r, The itcli board connect PlattstnouMi with Ashland, Arlington, lilair. Council lilutT, t"re mont, Liii'mIu, Omaha and Eikhornhtatioii. , Proposals for Military Sup plies. JlKAJHjrAJCTr.USKP"! OK THK PLAT1 , t'liiel luaiterniaster's tJlliee. OMAHA. Nut., March Till. IfK",. Sp.Al.Eit l'RoeosAi.s. in tntilicate. sin ject to the tii usual coiiditioiif, ill he received at this oftice until 1 o'clock M.. on Wednesday, April is. IMvJ. or at the fame pour fallowing lor -the difiereiice in time.) at the oilices ol the (quartermasters at the following named stat ons at winch places a m I Hie lliey win ie opi-nru in ttie presence of bidders, for the fumP-ultiK and delivery of Mi.itary Supplies during the year commencing July lt, ls.i, nut ending June 30th, Iwl, as followa : W oih. Hay and Charcoal, or fiich of said Huppliex or may De required at Omalia Uepit. Fort Omaha. Fort Niohrara. Fort Mdne. Cheyenne Jiepot, Fort Russell. Fort Steele, Port louKla. Frt Robin sm. Fort p.ridger. Fort Jtramie, Fort McKIn uey. Fort Wa.-liakle, and Fort I liomburgli , aim tor the delivery at Fort 1 honiburgli "1 aoo tons of Coal of 22V pounds to the ton. PioponaU will lso be received at this fllce up to the day and hour above Lamed, for the delivery on the cars at the point nearest to th rniiiea ot the line of the Union Pacific Railway, of eight thousand tons of Coal,, of M0 pound to the ton. Alo for delivery at Omana Liepot, or at station on the main line of the Union Pa- oific Ral way east from Kearney Junction, of two million pounds Corn, and one million pounds Oats. Hids fork rain should stale tno rate per 100 lbs, not per ouslie. Proposals tor either class of the tores rnen tioned. or lor quaiitltit-c less than the whole required will be received, v Each proposal hould be in triplicate, kkpauatk pok eai ji 4BTHXK at Ki'.'H dtatIu.v, and must be ac companied bv a bond In the uui ot Uve hund red dollars (:mA) executed ctrictly In accord ance with the printed Instruction, and upon the blank form furnished under this advertise ment, guaranteeing that the party making the proposal iliall not withdraw me tain within .;! v da from the date announced for ooen- lug lliebl ; ailU iuppu-a uiu ior, aiuc tliereunder. lie will, within ten day after be ing notified of the award, (pro Ided such noti fication be made within the Mixty day above mentioned.) accept the same and furnish itootl and sufUcleiit sureties, at ouce. for the faithful . . , . u it. . .i A performance 01 1 ue contract. 1 ne uovernmem. reserves the right to reject any or all propo sals, i preference will be given to article of domestic production. lilauK proposals ana prime a circu.ara, stal ing the kind, and estimated quant li lea ol Wood, Hay and Charcoal required at each ta tion.and giving full iiistiuctiuus as to tire iiia-iiier of blading, conditions to be observvd by bidders and terms of contract, etc., will be furnished on application to this ofttce or to the yuarteruaters at the various station named. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked : "Proposals lr at and addressed to the undersigned or to the 10 spcctlve Post and Depot Quartermasters. JOHN V. FURKY. Captain, A. Q. M . U. S. A., in charge of C. J. M' of fice. Ueu't. of the Plait e. 8EIERS Our Lara .niP desrriliiijir c' J .i'ffk's. riattamoutU, f p& C' I v I tIf. rtlc fuir trial tb v 87, average 4 3-21. THE STAR BOUTK TRIAL. WASHiKQToy,' April 2. it tk? nr.LIVCIlCD OAH-TT. I T m 4 tw - gaecial ttwdM to. Tn Mitt . -