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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1883)
PLATTSMOUTH HERALD. I'l'llLISHED DAILY ANJ WEEKLY -1st The Plattsmonth Herald PnMishing'Co. DAILY, ilellvvml f.y carrier to any i;irl ofth. cily TerWeek.. Fr Month. l'r Year... I Ml 7 ou WEEKLY, by mail. On. copy six months $1 no One opy uu year J tio tttered nt tti Pst Office. I'ijiU.uiouth, a second ela-ta matter. PLATTSMOUTH. APRIL 163. IIkuk they are on timw! fleo.S. Smith! U.V. Mathews! J. C. Kikenbary ! James E. Morrison ! Jos. II. Fairfield! AW II. Kline I Will S.Wise! Frank! Lloyd I. Bennett! Thofi. Marslaml ! (Jeo. W. Fairfield! - Citizen We are not ashamed of them, they are Xo. one representative, enterprising, men of means and stand ig in the community. Their nainta are all the recommendation they need, We do not expect to elect these gentle men by.'pullinjj down, traducing, and blackguarding gentlemen on the other ticket. We don't have to do that to elect them. We put these men up to make this race on their own merits t e only ask their fellow citizens to compare them with the oilier ticket ami vote undertandingly. Campaign lies retailed on the eve of an election never count for any thing with fair-minded men. Ir vu want a man at the head of our affairs who is known abroad, and who will preside as mayor of your city with emphasis, vote for (Jeo. S. Smith. (ex'i Geo. S. Smith is absent in Sarpy county, tryiug nu important railroad suit, while I eim v-n-liiiers and adventurers are at teniptinir to smirch hi ch trader b jhia 1 hi t. u k Will the citizens of I'luttsmout li en lor.e such warfare? Ir you elect V. V. Leonard for may or you create a racancy on the school board. If Mr. Leonard desires to Is mayor of this city, he should lay down the robes of school director, in or cie that the people may be enabled to till that oflice; it wont do to give ime man all the otliccs. Intelligence i-houlil be a prom neut feature of the I'hittsmoulh vot it. re you Komir to allow vour vo'eitobe contiollcd by campaign lies retailcdthe night before election? See to it, voters, that this "low lived'' way of conducting a camp: iju is em- phatka'ly eat down upon. -Friday" is fast coming to the front again in city affair!?. He smells something. He is an individual whose olfactory nerves have for a long time been sharpened up to an exceedingly fine point on political carrion. One can always tell by the air molecules when one is in Friday's immediate neighborhood. Friday is about. stirring The annual report of the managing officers of the Chicago, IUirlington & Quincy railroad company shows a nice little pot to divide unoug the gei'.tlemeu owning th.-.t stock, it ml a'so demonstrates the fact, that therrad has managed to worry along after a maaiier despite the tinfi ieudly lc-gis-lation(?) of the grent stale of Iowa and Illinois. Chicago, March SI. The twenty-. ninjh anna il report of the Chicago. Darlington & Quincy railroad show gross earn iug-j $21 ,55 1,000; operating expenses and taxc?, $ 11,285,000; net earnings, $10,267,000; interest and ex change, 452,000; total. 810,719,000; ex peuditures; fixed charges, $1,961,000: dividends, $502,400; carried to the re serve fund, 750,00i number of mile ot line operated, 3228 ermoxt has eriacte.I a tragedy of tragedies in hanging a woman accused of murdering her own child, convicted by the testimony of her son, and dying, protesting her innocence and frantically Recusing the boy who gave evidence against her lor perjury. The horror of feucli an unnatural situation suggests in sanity in that family with too much em phasis to make it comfortable for the community that put the woman to death. Lincoln Journal. The executiou of Mrs. Meakio it an other crime added to the long list of the blornly monntvr. called the gallotra; a crime that will long blacken the fair fame of enlightened Vermont. It i terrible to contemplate the presence of this horrid monster in the after part of the nineteenth century. It is difficult to understand why in this enlightened day and age this monstrosity of the avenging law is tolerated. In the pres eoc of this outrage, perpetrated in the same of justice, one would hare to be made of harder clay than the ordinary mortal, not to shudder at the thought of a woman executed upon such testimony dying protesting her innocence with the words upon her lips, "May God for give you all." Doww with the gallows Tiik brutal attack mode by the, Journal upon General Geo. S. Smith will simply give to that gentleman democratic votes he otherwise would ' not get; we know whereof we speak when we pay this: General Smith has ived in l'lattsrnouth city for long je.irs. lie came here some fourteen years ago with his little family, and cast his lot among our good people, in vesting some thousands of dollars in our city which through hard times and ou account of the depreciation in real estate during our dark days, al most disappeared by the shrinkage of values; in other words, was almost en tirely lost. In adversity as well as prosperity, Gen'l Smith has lived among you, people of l'lattsmoulh, an honest, open hearted, genial gentleman, against whom no man can honestly say aught. He has paid his debts, pat ronized the tradesmen of his city, and lived the life of a kind, generous pub lic spirited man and citizen. The nom ination of mayor of this city has come to him unsolicited upon his part, and against his wish. He lias been the choice of his party and friends, who insist tnat he is needed at this junc ture in our city affairs, and he isgiing to he the next mayor of Plat! s month city. The men who have been making this attack upon Gen'l Smith, are, many of them, comparative strangers in our midst who do not own one foot of property in your city, who have not one dollar's interest in I'latts mouth, and who have no prospects ahead of them except that of relying upon your charity to pick up a precar ious living. It is far easier, citizens of 1'lattsmouth, to retail the scurrilous slanders picked up upon the curb stones of your public streets, than to labor honestly in advertising and ad vancing the good name and fame of your city and her good citizens, and righ here the IIekali brands the in sinuations made against the good name of General Smith as foul slanders and falsehoods which should merit the se verest condemnation from all goi;d citizens. AULOIl DAY PROCLAMATION. EXECUTIVK OFFICE. Lincoln, Neb., March 30, 1SS:J. To the ptople of Nebraska : The subject of forestry, or tree-plant ing, is last becoming one ot national mi portance, and is receiving the careful at tention of t houghtful minds throughout cur own country, and in other lands as well. The steady and rapid disappearance of our lore9ts is viewed with up prehen sion. We are forced to consider the matter of future demand and supply,and in view of the facts it becomes u tines tion of grave moment. Tlio disappear ance of the natural growth of timber has been followed in many of ur states by the drying up of spring! and brooks, a decreased annual raiu fall and conse-fiu-ut increased frequency of .seasons of extreme drouth. The presence of trees and forests exerts a direct and control ling influence upon the moisture of the sir, and amount of rain fall, as well as serving to lessen the extremes of tem perature, and greatly modifying tli e fee verity of climate aud season. The attention of the general govern ment has been directed to this matter, and it has received substantial rccogni tion at the hands of our national con gress in the passage of what is known as the "Timber Culture Act," which has for its object, the securing of timber up on our treeless prairies. Encouragement and incentive, ia the matter of tree planting is given by the con stitution of Nebraska; which says, "The legislature may proyidc that the increas ed value of lands,by reason of live fences fruit and forest trees grown and cultiv ated thereon, shall not be taken into ac count in the assessment thereof." The State Board of Agriculture oilers liberal premiums for the greatest num ber of trees planted duriuir the month of April, 188J, by any one person, and for the greatest number planted, or nut oui, uuring me year in addition to this, they offer a special premium Known as "Arbor Uav 7 iremium-for the greatest number of trees planted upon a given day. divided and classi fied as to rarities, and earnestly invit- u.g competition tl.ereto, lrom all. The question of Tree Culture im portant as it is to the country at hirge is of paramount importance to our state. Nebraska embraces within her lim its lauds that are unsurpassed in fer tility ; and offering a they do, advan tages in the way of easy and simple cultivation, they are being developed with a rapidity that is neatly, if not quite without precedent. Therefore, to the end that the as gratifying degree of development, and improvement, may be maintained, and ii possible increaod, 1, James V Dawes, Governor of the .State of Xe braska, hereby name Wednesday, thu 18th day of April, A. 1). to be observed as "A I tli OK DAY. Embracing in its design results so varied, bonetieial and far-reachina : naving for its aim and purpose, the co niin 1 iii interest and central welfare uf our stale, it should b strictly ob serve! iy all classes. Having refer nco to both ornamen tation and usefulness: to beautv and utility; considerinc the claims of pres ent enjoyment, and ultimate profitable investment, care should be bxercised, ana selections ror plantin&r made, from sucn varieties as nave been approved uy me testa or time and experiment as suited to the conditions of our soil and climate. Let it be remembered, that the per son who plants, and causes to crow if nut a single tree, shrub, or vine is contributing nis or her mite in the way of added inducement and attraction, n-iiuiiij; lowaru tneir ruiier develop- ment, and ultimate standing: of Ne- braska, for which we are all laboring ami hoping, and which will surely come. Done at Lincoln, the Soth day of itiarcn, a. JJ. in the Seven teenth year of the State and of the Independence of the Lmted States the Ono Hun dredth and Seventh. Ii." the Governor: James W. Dawes. EDWAKD P. ItOGGEN, seal. Secretary of State. Tick supreme court of Illinois has placed ilfclf right upon the the ques tion of the liability of the Pullman Palace Car company as a common carrier. On March 30th, the court with full bench n-.en(irir, decided that this Palace Car company was a common carrier, upon the same foot ing as a i ail road company. The case aresc by one Luke Lever bringing a suit against the company for dama ge ou account of the company ro- fusing to permit him to occupy a sleeping berth upon tender ot the usual and customary price. This company arrogated t itself the right under its rules aud regulations to carry a passenger if it saw lit. The court holds that bv the Pullman Pal ace Car company holding itself out as a carrier, furnishing accomodations of that nature to the traveling public for hire, the business Iias become a social nccesssity, placing the company under the same obligations to furnish accommodations, as railways, ferry men and innkeepers, upon payment of regular fares. This settles another qiic.-tioii of right, so far as Illinois is concerned, betvrcen corporations aud the individual, and is a just and righteous interpretation of the law. Wu are informed that the suits the Journal it its libelous paragraph upon Gen. Ceo. 8. Smith on Saturday hints at, are the suits against W. L. Ilobbs by Cas county. There is no use in any citizen of this city having any ex cuse to believe this slander about (Jen. Smith for one moment. The record :s in Mr. Sho waiters oftice; he is an ac omn:o laliwg gentleman, and can show you both judgments against the county for costs. (Jen. Smith wa.s not the leading counsel in those cases, but Hon. George W. Corell, of Nebraska City, was, aid the cases were under his con trol. Under decisions of the supreme court of this state those cases could not be maintained, and were so de cided by Judge Pound. Ouit old friend, Mr. V. V. Leonard is nominated by the democracy of this city for mayor. We have told I?ro. Leonard time aud again to get out of that crowd, or they would play some trick upon him that would make him regret he ever was democrat, and here he has found verified, our pre dictions. Sam Wellor's father said to Sammy, bevaro ot the vidder, Sam my;" to Iro. Leonard we say, be ware of the democratic "vvidder;" she will lead you astray, and then whcii you refuse to be a pliant sup pliant tool, to carry out her sohenies, "will turn and rend you." We wish V. V. Leonard lots of good things in the world, and among these, and the chielcst ot thein is. that he get left on this mayor business. Bank Cass County Corner Main ami Sixtli Street!. PLATTSMOTJTH ILTZEIB JOHN BLACK. Presidents ) 1j. M. PATTKKSQX, Cashier, f Transacts a General BanBri Brsiness. HIGHEST CASH PRICE Paidor County and City Warrants. COLLECTION'S M ADE aud Dioini)tIy remitted lor. l)IRECC'TO9 : Joliu lil.iek, .1. M. Patterson, C. If. Parmele, F. K. Cutliniaim, J. Morrissey, A. Ii. .Sinitli. Fred 'Jorder. 511y WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER, - NEB. E. L. REED, President. Ii. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. It. S. WILKINSON. Cnsluer. A General Bankiag Easiness Traisacted. IEIOSIT KeceWed, and Interest allowed on Time Certi flcales. Drpwn availuhlft in any part of the United States and all the principal cities of Europe. Aytiitsfor the celebrated TT l Lino of Steamers. 11 rill limn CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three story brick structure, on lower Maid street, has Just been finished and nttea up for the acooniiuodatio of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS, AM REGULAR IJOAKDERS, nmhriTi 1 11 ii r UU1 EVERY THING NEW AND CLEAN A Good Bar ,D C0Dnti0?th the 7tr. TRED GOOS. Pronr. r - " - RAS6 M V" M h Mil n ?T- 1 Jl Whero they are d etivinga PI12C12 GOODS We also wish to inform the citu ns of Piattsmoulh that wo have made arrangements for Dying, Cleaning Ptepairin On short notice, and V ? UTTJW Jt m3 The Finest Pressed Brick 217 THE STATE, 3! A itf A C Orders received for any qisaBatity and filled in a salislheiory manner. Those contemplating to (mild should examine tmr work, the quality of our bricks and prieea. Yard, m rear Plattsmonth, Nebrasli A COPvlPLETE LI iianMroo AEtin oniini mu mmioo mm omu Lf1A!ll3ii5 fe 3 Everything li;ni(-niale and NEXT DOOR WEST Cass County Ir IF WAYMAN & KIR1JY, Froyr's. Flattsirionttt. ISTeb MAX UFA BOILERS, IRON FRONTS, HOUSE COLUMN;-', AND CASTINGS. Our facilities for heavy work in Columns an.l Castings for Ii ;.-iuc.3 Houses :r e not furpasseil in the State. MACHINE KEPAIRIXG of all kinds. Our Machine Shop is fully equip.-ed for all classes of work in iron. Patronize Nebraska- mnnnnictiirii'.g. We -luj.iicute all eastern prict-f, saving freight aud time. Parties building in any purt ot the State should write for our terms of castings i 1 CASS OOXriTTT IllOiT wo2i:s March 11th, 1862 . MiJ,,k X V vx WPS Z: hV s yy77jiim Wmm- FTT OTTTTD) TITCB"? Horse5'3InIc&OxShoeiiis, S 11 p " i ALL liVki W W U In sIlrt- 'llslie anythin- that har ,2 1 1 $ S g-s 5 " 2 2 JJ& -LLVlQ 3LAMJ? to lotir feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. , . S S 2 M 5 - y Come and see us. i A Jl2 Q t o InTSW SHOP lil 2 t 1-5 J 1 i n Filth St between Main aaJ Vine Su-ers. I I gSa-- 5 PQ ' ust a.Toss tc coruer froia the new 11 Kit A I 1 TT S S eSS.-'3 J?f? A3rD H I 1 1 1 j ROBEtiT DONNELLY'S i " I :w3? BLA'KsanTn At Wholesale and Retail. Cash paid for all kinds of country produce. Call and see me Opposite First National Bank. hi i Eh " Cj ' complete lino of all kinds of 4 SUITINGS, warrant satisfaction. immwym txiSWXt WO . T U IS 13 1 .o ol Rbmrncr 5 C La L i i n v:!i r;ii;iel. (Jail in ;.i;l .-ct: u. TO THE LATE FIRE. on Wo CTtTltKllS OF nit 1 1 PLATTS jI O L'T 1 1. X ll f IKl TlMOfS' Stocl OF ALL KINDS ror? GALE BY 1 Ab J. LEVY, Will 1$tV and SELL nil kinds of FURNITURE, METALS, IRON, RAGS AND PURS2 Will ad vain e money on j SALABLE GOODS, on l.r.ver Mi! in si i m-J ,! Tin' ul-t I'"';,' ''. 'J- PlaMsinoui!., 1 !. -It",; I, ! ( i 1 H P c5 J tf 1 CD i o & u Q en J' CD 1 u fjJ r-f r I Jn w OH 3 inW Q O til (&'! tH To t3. iSi 32 H i H (!) at JASON STR.EJGHT, I Ai 'll I. i r" 1W mrnm i F Mli llil!A?y HASNBSS. A la';;- liiif of Saddles Bridles, Collars, Whigs, k. always in st'ci:. licpairini of nil kind iKutl; done an sort notice. Main Kticet, belv t en r'ouitli ai-d I'iftli, . M. K'TKEICIIT. I!t!-i:i:f- CllAS.Sl.voiONs. ,J-L-'::;:!iical Alau.vjiir. 71 f NEW PurniturE StorE HARJIIS & UNRUH, r K a i . I v.i N FUE1TITUEE t COFFINS, I'll k!::l of 'Vjijs rtiiii'y !:." pt in .1 mm A'-o, a ! '.' -:'llll' tC .-tin ;. ,t" l'llll( T:;l (iflO'Is, Metallic v 03i!enColSns CasMs.Roljcs. Oil'' New :tu'l el":;:!if l:;-ar.s; i alv.ays in r''a.ii;es.-. Renipmber the i!acef in UXIOX JMAiC.X, on Sixth S;reet, TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty lhink. Whear v.-fj may l.o fnand ai:r!;t or day. II A PUTS Pr II 1? Q II U VL ATTSMOUTIf. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, jsisOKi : ; a wacon i:i:rAiniNj. Wagon, Bnggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general iobbini I am now prepared to do all kinds of rcpalrin oi iarm and other inactii W a j;ood lathe lu uiy shop. PETER R AU EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the wason shop. He Is well known as a HO. 1 WORKMAN. Xew Wagons and Bngglea made to Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.- Just Received. A FINK LINK OF MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES OF Itllir.CT I.M l'OJCTATION. A Challenge 5c Cigar, S.tially mailn fur I lie retail trv! Peppw berg's Cisar Factoiy ' I .W.I. AT I iii: Old Reli.iblc 1 mm vPfii I. A. WATERMAN & SON PINE LUMBER SHLi JillS, LATH, SASH, D00KS, KLIN'DS, Ac, I'tmitli Mit-i't. In learof jrra Jlou.te. I'LATTSMOUTll, - NKHKAAKA. A fJoMoa-Scnse Remedy, c, E210I-V Et!ic:tii5i;it lui, iioui or JVctirnlgJu. Immeniiits Relief Varr anted. Permanent Cure Giiaraatccl fr'irr iiiiri t tnliiih(it mui Hi vtf hmiirii lit full jiiiiiiiiiii nt. ph'j -ii i'ltm amt itiinigiflM fnV till. nlitiittimJ if .SIi i(ttil. , TIIK ONLY MSHiil.VKIt K T 1 1 F. I'OISON. oi s itu' At id uiin ii i:xirtiis in ihk IIMiIIIMU' KIIKCMA'IIC AM) (illlilV I'A 1 i K.N 1 S. KAIil:VIM:A in known ui a rninuii sciif HM'ly. Ill(alle it hlriki-i tlin r ily at llio :aur of ICIu uinali--ni. Uout ami Nciil alula, while xo many su-ealled spiM-illex ami Miioreoi ftaliaeeas on: y Ileal lorally the t-lli-cl-. I : has cout'cfleil ly emiinMil Mch-nl ll that outward ailicatioii.s. such an rulhm w It Ii uiin, oiiitiiit nls, limine:!!, anil foothini; lotions will not erailieate thcuj tliscascs wliiru .:;( t hi' re.'-nlt of the pijisoi' ini; of the hlond will) I rif Afiil. W. l 1 ' I.I ('. with iiiarvt lotix f- fect on I his ai;ii and so removes the lkoilr. It is now cxcliMivcl' useil hy till crli-hi a'.eil jili vsiciaiis f A iik-i K-a anl l-.iiiopft. iiihffct Mi-dii-al Acailciny if l'ari rtiorls !." j-vr cent eere. in thn-c days. I?l 33 ML E 13 JS T that MAI.ICYI.HJA is a cort.iin riirn for KIIKI iMATlS.M, COCT anil KL'KA A. 'I h- most ir:teiis(; iiainx arc subdued almost in -Mamly. t.ivc it a trial. I'.clicf uaraiitcd or moiicy let iiudi'd. Thousands of t htiiuoniais cut on applica tion. S I a IIo.x. i; Hoxcs tr ir,. Sent free hy mail on receipt of money. ASK YOU U incl ;MT I'D It IT. 1 I'.nt l'i urn In- dU:i'!-d into taking imitation or su!.-i it .i i-.-. r siii.i t ii "jHSl i.-mh !" I ;.r i i! (,, n;.if ( ..; A.ui'.t i-: .' I.i'-li is i:..r.i -!i c'.i 4. -ili;il t.i'i'. :i i-, : -1'- 1, i . t.Cl ' ' t . till' i ."' I . ! I i . 1 ' i 1 f . li r com niciiitcil j, 1 1... eniiine wl! !i tlit) (., 011 1 ach hox, ii-:;l:;. 1. tin; iiiKii i our " 1 1 1 i : s j t t ij l.i.-ni e '! ii : 'ih'-r, or .. v. w v j: '. . I its, V 4 ; 1 i'A LlI .s ti it iv ."l.s, 1 ci 1 1! at 1 . !y ( 111 imI v o 1 1 um oi.if -1, v oiit M ;.n l l ' us.i)'e -. ' Jr. ;'iV Ceictii iiteil lnl.i.liloa ir it l'iw del -. To cuii 1 nee ciitli rei s t hat I lic"3 1'iittders w:il i!'i all w- elaliu tor them, we will fend I In-iii h mail, p'ist paid . a l"ree 1 1 i;tl ho. As Ir. l.tiid l-tlif! otily i'hysiehin that liks ever made 1 li! di-i a .special si . i y . and an to our knowledge tiiotis;ti. have Iieen pr lly eun d hy I he n-e of t here 1 ., wuei we will tMial iililee a pel in;iM-iil etu e in every ease, or lfiutid y j .1 a'.i nu in y .'Yt cndeij. AM .sliilcr ers s!iouiif),'i e th'--e l"'o v, d 1 1 " aa rally tiial, and he eonvim-eii r, tiii.ii riliative powcr.t. I 'rice, fin la; ,,c i'.nx 0 i, or 1 l;o.e" lor 5l!. Sent hy tn.'.i! to ai:y part ol the L'niied Stales, 01 Canada, on teci-ipt of pjii:e,or hyexpirs, ". O. I. Addicss, A.SII & KOIHilNH. .! VvMuu .-)!., Iii oKivn. .. Y Oec. 2stli. 1x2 4U!y. Notice to Physicians. Notii'f is hi'ichv KtVfii that 1 Ida In; iv- c-civ d at tin- iil'Sci- i( tin- ('miutv 'rk. ua to ikiiiii ol th lay of A In ii. 1 n.i, l'r,- t he Iii-d-ical attendance and ! uini-h r.f incdiciiK.-i fur coiiuly cl arci a!lfi luur.ilv of eountr J'oor 1 1 oil atid JaJ for oi.e yar. '1 he (,'oin-iiiis-iioiii'is re . i w ii ie li-hi to if-jci-t aijyorall liii. i'.y oiijt-r rif (,'onr.ty ( 'oiiiiiiisi.i;n-rs. Willi-, i- nr.- hat.d aud of lc;! s-;i:, thi Till day of Marcli, l"-:! J. V. Jk.imxi;., y-Oili County Clerk. 9. I ' a, Oj J rl ? - "si iENDEHLOIN Mea LAFE O'NEIL, Prcp'r. Market Beef Mullen Port Veal. CMcieus. &c, Constantly on hand. Also, all kinds of tiAHU in season, and er erjtliUn; ktpt ia a FIHST-CLASS IKAT lHiZ t At lowest possible rates. North Side MuinSU bet. Wt '. 5Sf 1UO.TT8MOUTU. NKB3