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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1883)
Unite Bilk VOL. 1 PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1883. NO. 30. 3 fa s 0 amm Fiili ILinc ciici-al Merchandise. Full Ijiuo dtaiicral Merchandise. Always m Hand, Always on Maud. llottoiit ISoUoiu SEPMi . f "BURLINGTON ROUTE" i (Chicago, Duilinston GOING EAST AND WEST. F.lffrant I)av Conches. Tarlor Cars, with Rrclin- liitf hairs (sats frec. Smoking Cars, w ith volvinp Chairs. Pullman lal.aee frilei-pirc'Cars anl the famous t It. IJ. Dining Cars run Uuiiy to ami from Chicago &. Kansas City, Chicago & Council IllufTs. Chicacro Iws Moim-s. Chicairo. St. Jo- soph, Atchison & TofM.-kA. Only through line be-twrt-n Chicago, Lincoln Denver. Through cars iM'twcrn Indianapolis & Council BlulTs via l'coria. All connections mab in I'nion I)i'it-;. It is kiiuwnasthc ert-atTUItOCGHCAii LINK. e Finest Coulppod Railroad in tho IT. J. rOTTETJ, 3,1 Vics-Pres't and tlen'l Manager. ALWAYS BENNETT Cuiiie to tlir fr.)T!t v. i , ... .- - , n 1 v , , f r. v 1 , - 1 v -"7 Staple and Fancy Groceries FIlESir AND AVe always buy the Lost goods in the market, and guarantee everything we sell We are suit agents in this town for the sale of ; PERFECTION" GROUND SPICES, AND THE CELEBRATED "BAT A VI A" CANNED GOODS, Nothing finer in the market. Tlatt'd "Tiger" br?.nd of Baltimore Oysters always on hand. Come and see us. Wo ill make you glad. THIS CELEBRATED DEALERS Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. The lu st and most complete assortmer.t in the city. In tlie ltOCKAVOOD "BlOCK, two doors west of Carruths. Call and see us. Sil i Presii Grrooeries No oll stock to vrlc oil'. The latest patterns tt GLASS Q;TJBEN"SWAIE. I-'LOlTi:. FKlvbAXl) PRO VISIONS. The Very Highess Market Price paid for Country Prcd nee DREW BUILDING, PLATTSMUOTH. STORE! Prices. for;Uash. Prices for Cash WECKBAG & Quincy Railroad.) COING NORTH AND SOUTH Solid Trains of Eleirant Day Coaches and Pull man 1'alace Sleeping Cars are run daily to and iroin ti. iouis, via nannioni, ijuincy, R-eoKuJC Burlington. Cedar Capitis and Albert Lc-a to St. Paul and Minneapolis; I'arlor Cars with Inclining i nairs to and irom ti. iotns ana l eona ana to and from St. I-ouis and Ottumwa. Only one chango of cars between St. Louis and Des Moines, lowa, Lincoln, Jscuraaiui, and Denver. Colorado. It is uaiversaUy admitted to bo the World for all Classes of Travel- PERCEVAL LOWELL, Gen. Fass. Ag't, Chicago. AHEAD I & LEWIS, Si a coi.ipb'to flock of NICK. AX FOR SALE BY IN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. ::: a : . U .... 3.!.!f...!. ..ti;' !:.:: rt- .M ft r 5 Orders .tc:i f.u- WILSON LKOS. CJrXDXii3S DECKER liltOS. BOAhl) by the DAY or WEEK. I ' i I 111 Sa . Corner Pearl and Seventh Streets, -DEAL.EKS IX ALL KINDS OK Lu mbei; Sash.Doors. Blinds jUUOIIjUUUIOI a 9 BTJIX..3DI3STC3- lowest JLiates, The PiiATTSMOUTII IIEIiALD PUBLISHING COMPANY has every facility for first-class JOB FRI2TTX2TC, In Every Department. Catalogues uoTioisr OlZl StOCk, Of " And materials is large and izXJhJbfcS 3 X M PLATTSM0UTH SixbscTzba for' .-S W.--"iifl rip i'Wrw? 28M OPERA IICUSE ASD GENTS' FU RMS HERS. l'OST OFFICE Ftfews Depot, STATIONEKY. notions, C1QABS. MASON & HAMLIN P 1 1 EX It Y F. MILLEH and CENTRAL RESTAURANT. P Meals at All Hours. OYSTERS IN SEASON. P-A-EK,. Terms Cas3i Pamphlet Work BILLS. SALE BILLS, COMMERCIAL BiiisrTiisrca- JBICLTITC JPaZ?era -J- complete in every department. AIL SOLICITED" HERALD PUB. CO. t7xeZ)a,ily JETeraLd good WIT lt to prck'buf 'srtf tw-aa TELEGHAPHIC THE PASSION PLAY. Hanging a Woman. A Big Law Suit. Car Shops Iluruetl Etc. 1IUMAN HRUTES. Atlanta, Ga., March :;0. -."Several masked men last night went to the home of Mn. Joshua Hill, oyer fceven-ty-eight years old, and outraged her and her two daughter. Two arreata. KAKTAOUAKK. San Fkancisco, March SO. A light shock of earthquake was felt at 7:45 this morning at Ilollison, Sau Heneto county. Brick buildings were cracked, and for a time there was n panic among the inhabitants. CAIt SHOPS BUUNKD. l'KoniA, March SO. The car shops of the Hock Island & lVoiia railroad weitt burned to-night. Two passenger cars and all the workmen's toola burned. Total loss, $10.00 ; building insured ; cause unknown. HIE rKNVEIt A. KIO i ItANDE. Salt Iake City, March so. The superintendent says the last spike will be driyen at noon to lay on the Utah extension of the Denver & ItioOrande road. Dodge wil! he there from Den ver. Nobody from here. No rolling stock to spare. THE "PASSION plat." New York, March SO. A full re hearsal of the "Pesaion Play" was giv en tonight. The theatre was jammed. So great was the crush that the doors had to bo closed. Hundreds were turned away. The play was given in full, without police interference. It received much applause. Salmi Morse wai called before the curtain. He made a speech in which he said he was happy and full of thankfulness. Quite a sensation was caused by a drop cur tain almost taking fire from the foot lights. A large police force was pres ent. rOR NON-FULFILLMENT OF CONTRACT. St. Paul, March 30. A nuit against the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & North ern railroad, by the Northwestern Fuel company of this city, began this after noon. The Northwestern Fuel com pany made a contract in July, 1881. for the transportation of not less than 100,000 tons per year of coal from their mines in Good Cheer, Iowa, to points in Minnesota, the contract to run un til July 1. 1S36. The fuel company claim they expended $200,000 for cars and $100,000 for developing the mine Upon March 20, 1883, they notified tlte fuel company that they would not ful fill the contract any further. The fuel company state that they have com plied with all the terms of their con tract, and bring suit in the district court for the sum of $1,251,550, giving that as the amount they will lose by tho non-fulfillmeat of the contract. MRS. WEAKER HUNO. Windsor, Vt., March 30. Mrs.Mea- ker, who is to be executed this after noon, slept soundly last uigtt, and after breakfasting, in accordance with her request made yesterday to see the gallows, was led out by the sheriff this morning to examine it. She closely scrutinized every part of the structure. ascended the steps of the scaffold alone, with a firm tread, and without emo- lion, inquiring or. tue iiieriu n i.e would be required t climb the fatal tairs unaaiiited. The droD and the mode of its working were looked into with an air of morbid curiosity, and yeinaf the trap, she asked, "Is that the place?" After returning to her quarters. sh waa vioitat Vk7 n nhqnlqin nt mnt nod lioitcu w; nuw vuupiuiu, muA uiftur fested the most stolid indifference, but later on she was viiited by Sheriff Atherton, of whom she inquired after her husband and daughter, and then with much agitation said : "Tell them I am to b murdered today, i am an innocent woman." She alluded to her son's confession as a lie, and said he had brought her to the gallows. When atherton rase to leave she betran to cry and kissed his hands twice, and 4 sending her love to the folks at home, he cried, "Good-bye; good-bye," as he ifi. t . ir i r i i U5thta afternoon. She protested In I . I I1UVCUUC kU tUC IMk. TREASURER'S BOOKS EXAMINED. The acting" secretary of the treasu ry today appointed a committee to ex amine the books, money and accounts of the treasurer of the United States, preparatory to the transfer of that of fice to Wyaian. the ucwly appointed treasurer. Wy man's appointment takes effect the 1st pros. Ilis bona of 150,000 has been approved, aad he has already taken tbe oath of office. NATIONAL NEWS. Mill- Siliklk 4 linn I xjiu j i cairn ii i r uuci. Cabinet Meeting-New Treas urer, Etc. AM'OINTKIJ. Washinoto.n, Maich 30. The acting secretary of the treasury today ap pointed Cpt. T. W. Curril, of New York, chief of the bureau of engrav ing and printing. Cuptain Iiurrill is now purchasing agent of tho bur eau. ASSISTANT TltEASl'&KU. The piotiident this nitcruoon ap pointed E. O. Graves assistant treas urer ol tho United Slates, to till the place ot A. W. "Wyinau, promoted, (iravea hitherto nan been ttuperiutend eat of the national bond of rcdi.'iiip tiou division ol" ilic treasury depart ment. THE PRESIDENT'S PRIVATE PARTY. Madame L'hiistiuc Nilhson win en tertained at dinner by the president at the White IIou.s- litis morning. The diuuer was Ktriclly private, the only persons present being the presi dent. Mine. Nilsson, .Ir. and Midi Doreruus, Judge (ray, (.'apt. Itayott, Mr. I'hillipH, and Mm. 1 luino worth, sister of tlie preid ut. CABINET MEETING. The cabinet mee ting today wua at tended by Secretary' Fn linghuyKcii, Chandler and the attorney general. There was some dicusion as to whether the President can (ill the va cancy in the postotticc deparlincnt by more tliauj udu temporary appoint ment loi ten days. The subject waa finally referred to the attorney gener al for an opinion. THE OLD WOULD. A Notable Alliance. What DeLesseps Says. DIED. Berlin, March 30. Fran Hurt a sis ter of Von Moltke, ia dad. ORDER CONFEUKEU. London, March 30. King Alfonso haa conferred the order of Golden Fleece upon the Crown Prince Frederick Wil liam. This gives great satisfaction in Berlin. THE EMrEROIl'S HEALTH. Berlin, Marck 30. It is officially an nounced that the emperor has Tirtually recovered his usual condition of health. Sunday and Monday his symptoms oc casioned considerable alarm. IILGII AND EDITH. LONDON, March 30. A matrimonial alliance is arranged between Hugh North- cote, a eon of Sir Stafford Northcotc, and Miss Edith, daughter of ex-Secrctary Hamilton Fish, of New York. STILL THEV COME. Dublin. March 30. Three huu dred and fifty emigrants left Bclmullet,county Mavo. today for America. An immense throng of people witnessed the depart ure of Timothy Keefc, convicted for the murder of his uncle, April 20, and sen tenctd to death. DE LESSEP3 SCHEME. London, March 30. AdficcH from Tozor, Tunis, says DeLesseps has ar rived there. He says explorations make it plain that an inland sea in the desert of bahara is practicable, and can be ac- rnmnlihhed I iv nsinrr a lmndred excavat- lng machinC8 aml a hundred thousand men. . another threat. London, March 30. The police are m "ce'P1 of.a letter purporting to emanate unleB3 tbe men chared with the Phoenix park murders, and now confined at Kil- I mainham jail awaiting trial, are at once releasee, tne central leietcrapn omce in I ' PlaUsmouth City Markets. PBOVI6ION8, FKUIT, FEED AC (RETAIL) Iteported by M. B. Murpby & Co. Flour f3.00 (&;4.50 perewt. Meal si. Bran c Chopped Feed l,--i Kye Flour (iraham Flour f.J.oo B""er-v w&itei per lb Butter 2(Xi6cts Cheese (part kim) 15 Cheece (full ereain) 20 " Sugar Cured Hams 17 " liacon 14 - KiES uZi ''.V is Foultry f i-V) Ub 6 "o perdoz. t. I . .:. t', w - 1 swet " '."""."".i' Beets 76 00 c. VAtsn ct. ier bu. so 5 cts OuiODS 75Ct Annies fwinter) l.W a $lt5 Sweet Cider 15c per gal Oysters, select 'A2 pcrcau " Common 40 Piatt smouth Telephone Exchange. 1 J. P. Young, residence. 2 Bennett & Lewis, store. 3 M. B. Murphy & Co., " 4 Bonner Stables. 5 County Clerk's office. 6 K. B. Lewis, residence. 7 J. V. Weckbach, store. 8 Western Union Telegraph office. 9 I). U. Wheeler, residence. 10 P. A. Campbell, 14 K.B. Wlndnam, " ,5 Jr.o. Wayinii, , .1. W. .l.-iiHhiK. J 7 W. H. WUf. oillre, ,1 MorrlNtry Iti'OH,, iIRi'. i W. It. Curlrr. lor". tl. W. KairdeM, r.MeiiC. vj M. I Muntiy. I l. II. Wlift-U-r At Co . crfllcw. j 2.1 J. P. Taylor. r-luuec, vi Flrnt Nutluliul I'.iHik. i& p. V.. Rutliuu'B ipIHi'C M . P. Vountf. .tore. an Prrkliet llous. j It. W. IIvt. rt-NliliMirr. 31 .louriinl nir. 3 HHIAI.O Pt ll. t'O otllc. 3.S .1. N. Wl-c, n-hliltMico. :m M. M. i:iiHniiiii, " 3? W. I. loii.-n, " jH A.N. ISulllvaii, " ;(. II. K. PiiliiH-r. " 40 W. II. hclillilkiH'dit, otllrr. 41 Siiilllvan & Woon-y, 4 A. W. MoiAiiiilillii. ifHltteiir. 41 A. PiilD tMHi. livery. 44 C. M. Iloliiie-i, " 4, L. H. lt-iii"l t. rctlilciiuc. 4.1 .eo. S. ,Sniltll.-tllce. 47 L. A. MimiIb, tlor ht. 4'i .1, W. n.iineft. iclilenen. M R. R. l.lvliiKtou, ollleu, jt7 J. V. Veektii:h. runKliiurt. . r. i liaiiUln WHkIiI. j 10 W. II. hclllUIkneillt 3J(i Uc. 8. hltlllll. iO It. R, LlvliiKton. 315 C. i:. UiilUr.l. TliA twlteli botint roioet" PUlUinoutli with Ahl(tii'l. ArlhiKton, lil;ur. Conurll HI ittt-. Kie mout, Lincoln, iu.ilia ulel KUliolii tUtloii. Proposals for Military Sup plies. IlKAIxl AIITKHS iiKI-'r OK TIIK Pl.ATTK, t'liiel (Jii;iileliiiiiMel ' Oilim-. OMAHA, NhK., M.ik-Ii IMt'i. SKAI.rn MtoroMAI.H, III lrllleitl. hii: Jeel to Uih llr- usual eml II loim, will l n-eelvnl Hi tliN ulllet- until U o'eloek M.. on Weilniolay, . April l. I;l. or ..I. I In' ann- liour OiIIowIhk lor tin- tlilleHMici! Ill time.) ill tin) olUeei ol lli uarleriuaHl-l' at tin lollowli'K named lal.m ul vliicli plaei-H anil I iiim lliey wij l; (ieiiril In I lie iifenre ol liidili-is, lor t lie Ini i.l'lnni; ami delivery r Military hiiHei dulin IIjh year eoiniiieiielnK .ItllV 1st, l-.t. HUH Milium June attlh, ls. a" lollo. : Wood. Hay Ulili I liarcia!. or .ueli of nald hii l I - a may reiiuued at Onialia le.ol. l oit Oinalia, Port 1'oit l'lne). lieyenini le.., I oil ltiiss-ll, port Steele, l'lt I lunula. Pol I Itoldll rou.l'oit P.iiduer, I ort Lainuiie, I oil Idi-hln-liey.l'ort Wa-hakle, ami loit I In.i liliui uli, aixl lor tlie delieiy at l oit I ImhuoiiikI' '1 jjillH of Coal of 2!M poitliUM to Hi" Ion. Piopot-aU will aim te reeelveil at UiIm mien ui to the day and liour above named, for tue dt livi ry on tlieeartal tlio iolnl nearest tolne iiiiiii h or tin; line of tlie I'liloii Parllle Railway, of elfclit tliouiand Ion. td oal ol 2JIO ;.ouni to tlie too. AIno for delivery at Omana Depot, or at Matloiift on tlie main line of tlie I mon J'a elllc Ral way eaut Irom hearin y J uuei Ion, of Iaii million .ouiei Corn, ami ouh million pounds Oat.. I'.IiIh for i ram hlioiild nlaie lliu rale mt Iihi IIh, not per liu.ihe. rropuhals lor elllier eia- 01 in) mon-n men tioned, oi Lr uaul Itie. st tlinu llm w Hole 1 -l in i ! will lie n-eelved. Kaell proposal rliould he in triplleate, ft I'ahath. nn hacii Alt'l iri.K Ai I.ACH H I ATION, nnd Inilsl lilt lie iroinpanled lv a bond In Hie kuiii ol live lniud red dollars ( .Hhii executed dricllylu aeeord- anee witli the prlnled liiHtriletl'iiis, ami iinoii tlie blank form furiib-lied uinlei tin ailveill-e-nieiil, KuaraiileeiiiK lliat Hie parly iii.iKiiii; lint proponal shall not willnlraw I lie name willilii Klxty days from tin; date announced lor open ing tiiem ; and kuppli-H bid lor, awarded thereunder, lie will, within ten days utter be iiil notified of tlie award, (provided kucIi uoll lleatioii be made within tlie Mlxtv dayn abova mentioned.) aeecpl tin; same ami fdinlhli and Miitlieleul suretie., at onee, for I he tail hf nl lierfornianee of I he eontraet. I he Covernnieiit reservi-M Hie ilnht to rej-et any or all propo sals. A preference will bepvell to ai lii'le of domestic production. jllatiK proposal-! unit printed circulars, Klal llii; lln kind, mid estimated ouautllleH of Wood. Ilavand Chareoal rtouired at eacu .ta- lioii.and eivinir full instructions us to Hifl manner of biddniK, ;ondllioiiit to be observe! liy bidders and terms ol eonl ract, etc., w in no furnished on application t' this olllen or to tlin Quarterinaxteis at Hie various station" named. P.iivclopcn coiilainlnii proposals .bouhl I e iriarkeil : "ProiX'als lor at ." and aililressed (o tin; undersigned or to tho ic- spectivo 1'ost and liepot luai tei masters. .J oil. v. l-1 is iv v , f;ait:iirr, A. O. M , P. S. A., in charge of C. tt. i,V of fice, Heji't. ol the Plai te. OL'tl Secure Yourself a HOME! Forty Acres laid oT in City L'Ai, in Palmer's Addition. ADJOINING THE 77. & M. UAlLliOAD H110VH, Just outside the City limits, and not sub ject to city Taxes. FINE 1 IKS I DENT LOTS where a fchop man, or any other man, can eat hid dinner under his own root nnu not cold grub from a dinner pail in the dusty, smoky shops. Only three to ton minutes' walk from his work. Call on .TAS. S, MATIIKWS, Att'y at Law and Ileal Estate Agent. Over Baker's Storc.will make terms to nult I Lots from $iO to 50 On time.or for men that will btnl d No Lut for fjfieculatort I HOUSE, SIGN, AND Carriage Painter, Graining Glazing Pacer Hamflui, KALSOMINING. Leave orders at arrlck's, Flattsmouth, 1 eb. SEEDS! our l-irrc u tBOFX nriDB ruUax t'on'i tttltuLlr betat 91alll n-re la All. W :U ljilr-t A or fit ill In mb. 1 M m im i9M'i rui as t.orn, vmim m1 l ln-Mt, ai.a tlin lir- ( allcctton of Wifulohle, I'1owt, nihl TmStXIl, Kvervthlniri I-IM. Adore. COLt; At UKU orUm.4'k.LJL A. lUVfi. want HMfc- 1,', a 1