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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. MR HATFIELD ABINA, OHIO in Pitiable Condition when she Began Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Sabina, Ohio. "I took Lydia E. Pink hatn'o Vegetablo Compound for weak- iness ana irregular!- ty. I was weak and nervous and could hardly stand on my feet long enough to cook a meal. 1 was thia way for about a year and had tried several medicines and had a physician, but to no avail. My sister was taking your medicine and nnallv induced me to try it. I now feel fine and can do my housework without any troublo at alf. You can use this letter for tho Bake of others if you wish." Mrs. WeldonG. Hatfield, R. It. 3, Sabina, Ohio. Housewives make a great mistako in allowing themselves to become bo weak and nervous that it is well-nigh impos sible for them to attend to their neces sary household duties. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound should be taken when you first notice such symptoms as nervousness, backache, weakness and irregularity. It will help you and prevent more serious trouble. Give it a fair trial. It surely helped Mrs. Hatfield, justas ithaa many, many other women. Iiiiiiiimiiimimtii 1R9 WATCH THE BIG 4 Stomach-Kidney s-Heart -Liver Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the world's stand ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles The National Remedy of Holland for centuries and endorsed by Queen Wilhel tnlna. At all druggists, three sizes. Look for the name Gold Medal on every box and accept no imitation Two of a Kind. Artillery Rookie (about to take his first lesson In horsemanship.) Ser gennt, please pick me out a nice gentle horse. Stable Sergeant D'Jti ever ride a horse before? Rookie No. Sergeant Ah I Here's Just the nnl mnl for you ! He's never been ridden before. You am start out together. There Is nothing more satisfactory nfter a day of hard work than a line full of snowy white clothes... For such results use Red Cross Ball Blue. Ad vertlsement. Australia in Wrong Place. Checking by radio with time clocks In Franco reveals, so authorities say, nn error of 100 yards In Australia's latitudinal position on all maps. We may have to move Australia on our maps, says the Scientific American. HIE . Amemn LEGION (Copy tor This Department Supplied by the American Legion Nown Service.) WAR ROBS THREE OF MEMORY How They Came. Mrs. Ben hum "Both hens have laid ngaln." Benham "Yes, we are get ting our eggs In relays." Growing Old Too Soon? Are you one of those unfortunate folks who finds yourself feeling older than you should? Do you feel lame and stiff mornings; drag through the day with a constantly aching back? Evening find you utterly worn-out? Then look to your kidneys. Present day life puts a heavy burden on the kidneys. They slow up and poisons ac cumulate and upset blood "and nerves. Help your weakened kidneys with Doan's Kidney Pills. Doan's have helped thousands and should help you. Ask your neighbor! An Iowa Case B. K. Graham, farmer. 230 S. Cherry St, La monl, Iowa, says: "My back ached day nnd nlsht and I couldn't turn over In bed without sharp p a 1 n 8 catching me through the small of my back nnd kidneys. I had to get up often at night to nass tho kldnoy secretions. I doctored for a time but got little relief so I decided to get a few boxes of Doan's Kldnoy Pills. They helped mo wonderfully. Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c a. Box DOAN'S FOSTER. MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. Trio Among Most Unusual Cases on Record at Veteran's Bureau In Washington. Three men who have lost them selves nnd whoso memory docs not extend back to the war where Uicy received Injury, nro among the most unusual enscs on record nt tho Vet erans' bureau in Washington, D. 0., among tho long list of war victims. Tho Amerlcau Legion Is endeavoring to assist tho unfortunate ex-servico men in llndlng their relatives. Hayward Thompson at least that Is what ho Is now called Is one of the most peculiar cases, llo has for gotten who he Is. In his head Is an ugly shrapnel wound. His memory goes hack to January 22, 1022, when he urrlvcd at a hotel In Denver, with a bill In his pocket from one of tho most expensive hotels In Colorado Springs. Ills memory, he now believes, lapsed somewhere, cither far back In France or on the trip between Colo rado Springs nnd Denver. Thompson remembers having had $1,200 In his pocket and access to ninny thousands more. In searching Washington records for some trace of tho lost man, It was found that a certain Hnywurd Thomp son enlisted In the Marine corps Juno fj, 1018, nnd was dlschurged January 0, 1010. He had a wife and three children nt Fleralngton, Mo., and a mother, Mrs. Louise Thompson, nt Chicago. The man with n shrapnel wound In his head nnd no memory of any relntlves at all, telegraphed In grcnt eagerness to Flemlngton, Mo., and to Chicago. lie received no answer. Not so long ago .a clean-cut young man appeared nt a Los Angeles hospi tal. He wore an American Legion button. When questioned as to who he was he stuted he did not know. "I think I am thJrty-two years old," ho snld. "I am live feet, nine Inches and weigh 130 pounds. My eyes nre gray and I hnvo blond hair. I be lieve I was a soldier. If any one can tell mo who I am, or anything about my past, please let me know." The Los Angeles post of the Legion Is mak ing every effort to help the man find himself. A third "unidentified living" lives nt 785 North Thlrty-llrst street, Louis vllle. He Is known as Leonard Wells, to the neighborhood. Ills memory Is hazy. He believes that he enlisted In the old First Kentucky Infantry, and with the commnnd was transferred to a replacement detachment nnd sent to France. Uls photograph was for warded to his company commnndcr, who recognized the face but did not recall a name. A machine gun uullet had pierced his abdomen nnd Injured his spine. Another had Injured the left shoulder cnp. No compensation or Insurance can be nWarded to this man, the'Veternns' bureau regrets, un til his Identity can be established. France, It Is said, hns six of tlicso "unidentified" living ex-service men Great Britain lias a few. These lost souls who cannot find their memories, and who know they cannot, 'present n spectacle unique nnd pathetic. They are lost? and know It. vjlllP LEGION MAN, AID TO CUPID Henry Sullivan, Phoenix (Arlr.) Or ganization Enthusiast, as J. P., Ties Mnny Knots. Ilnvlng secured plenty of experience in braving the perils of the deep while a member of tho nnvy during tho wnr, llonry J. Sullivan of Phoe nix, Ariz., Is now helping to launch ft 9$mW the several ships that set sail from A wsf ' n 8 home city. imL When the service iL men of Phoenix IHVjH start their wed- RHBLmLbHE ,,InR harks HL'L'K UUl .IllSUti; of the Peace Sullivan to unsllp the lines of their single blessedness. Mr. SulIIvnn Is also the man who started the "Under one head, the American Legion" slogan which has been ndoptcd by nil the war organi zations of his home county to ad vance the Interests of the service men, carry on hospitalization work, elimi nate drives and working generally for the benefit of the men 'who served their country. As Mr. Sulllvnn himself expresses It: "All wnr organizations In the county hnvo united under one head for the purpose of centralizing our work. We expect to lend our efforts largely to hospitalization work and In other ways serving the disabled serv ice men by placing the responsibilities on the various departments of govern ment where they belong rather than by advancing their rights In a slip shod fashion." ON "GREATEST HEROES". LIST COCKROACHES Watorbugs ANTS .h .-aaaaiiiaaimr i m Easily killed by using the genuine Stearns' Electric Paste Also 8UHK HEATH to rats and mice. Then; Seat are tho greatest carriers ol disease. Ihej eatror both rood, and property. READY FOR USE-BETTER THAN TRAPS Directions In 1& languages In erery box. os.slieS5c llot.sltotl.KJ. MONEY DACK IF IT FAILS Cuticwra Talcum Fascinatingly Fragrant Always Healthful Sotp 25c, Ointment 25 toil 50c, Talcum 25c. Sergt. Samuel Glucksman of the American "Devil Dogs," Rival for York-Woodflll Honors. Another rival for the crown worn alternately by Sergeants York nnd Woodflll as tho greatest hero of the World war has boon uncov erod by the United Stntes veterans' bureau In the person of Sergt. Samuel Glucksmnn, mem her of tho Amerl enn "Devil Dogs" during the wnr and decorated by both the Amen can and allied governments. Although born In Austria, Sergeant Glucksmnn enlisted with the mnrlnes at the outbreak of the war and al though too modest to tell the story of his' achievements while lighting against the Oermnns, the American Legion nt Wnshlngton discovered that Glucksman fought In seven major en gagements, Verdun, Ilcllenu Woods, Chuteau Thierry, Marbach, St. Mlhiel, Solssons and Mont Blanc. On the morning of October 3, 1018, Sergeant Glucksman started out to get water for his comrades. Ho returned without the water but with 20 Ger mans nnd a painful wound. The "Devil Dog" sergeant captured a lone Germnn nnd Instead of bayoneting his captive forced him to lead him to tho rest of tho advance pnrty. Coming onto the whole bntch of 20, Sergeant Glucksmnn waved n hand grenade and ordered them all out of tho shell hole they were occupying and Into the urms of his American comrades. By executive uppolutmcnt Glucksmnn Is now employed at the navy yard at 1'ortsmouth, N. U. FORCE PERSHING TO SPEAK Legionnaires of Bement, Illinois, Hold Up Old Commander's Car and Demand an Address. General Pershing was captured while attempting to pass through friendly territory by a group of Amer ican Legion men nt Bement, 111. Tho old leader of the A. B. F. stnrted through the town on nn interurbnn trolley car, but Legionnaires, aided by Pershing Addressing Legionnaires. a powerful ally In tho person of the motormnn, gathered In front of tho trolley and demnnded n speech. The rear platform of the car was turned Into a snenker's stntra and ''Black Jnck" addressed the servlco men and their friends for ten minutes The Legionnaires were marshaled to gether by Sidney Morgan, their post commander, who stood on tho pint form with his old general, and it was not until he had given the word that the former members of Pershing's command would give tho trolloy the right of way. Adjusted Compensation Wins. Adjusted compensation won n de cided victory In the nntlon-wlde rcf erendum by the United States Chnm her of Commerce 1,110 chnmhers voted favorably, 2,057 against the mensure. The United States chnmber hns opposed the bill from the start, Tho commerce body In Toledo, O., pro tested the questionnaire which was sent out ns being unfnlr In the way It presented the Bubjcct. ....-....-.......-....-...-...................... I Carrying On With the I American Legion j ......................................................., A community playground will be made by tho Legion at Nashville, Tenn., the ex-oIdlers benrlng tho ex pense of 'apparatus and upkeep. In Koren, American cx-soldlers, most of them missionaries under the leader ship of a Southern Presbyterian mis Blon, have N formed a post of the Le glon. During the wnr It cost Uncle Sara $300 to clothe ench of his soldiers. The present doughboy Is garbed in cloth lug costing but $189, the War depart mcnt states. The only woman field clerk In the nrmy Is Miss Jean Ilodson of Snn Francisco, Cnl., secretary to Major General Morton. She holds the rank of sergeant mnjor. The Legion In both North and South will henceforth observe the birthdays of Generals Leo nnd Grant, rlvnl lead era of tho Civil wnr. Tho birthday of General Grant was observed on April 27 this yenr nnd that of Lee will he ob served January 10, 1023. the: , KITCHEN CABINET Copyright, 1922, Western Newspaper Union. "ThAnk Clod for tea. What would the world do without tea? How did It exist? 1 am Kind I was not born before ton." WHATTO EAT For those who like tho old-fnshloncd scrapple, the following dish will nppenl. California Scrap ple. Take one cupful of cereal prepared from wheat, add threo nnd one-hnlf cup fuls of boiling water, one ten spoonful of salt, nnd cook live minutes. Cook In a dou ble boiler for 10 minutes. Cook one pomid of sausage, ndd one tablespoon- ful of sage, one-half teuspoonful - of pepper, mix nil together and put Into u mold. Slice when cold, roll In Hour and fry In .hot fnt. California Mock Duck.Tnko one nnd one-hnlf pounds of Hank steak, nnd pound until tho libers nro well broken. Brown quickly on both sides. Mix one nnd one-half cupfuls of crumbs, add one cupful of chopped prunes, one-hnlf tensponful of salt,, one-eighth of a tenspoonful of pepper, one tenspoonful of lemon Juice, ono egg, mix and fill the center of tho steak, roll up, cover with pieces of suet, surround with hot water, cover and bnke one hour. Thicken the gravy nnd servo. Eggs, Southern Stylo. Cook dx eggs hard, nnd shell. Boll two onions nnd chop line. Prepare a white sauce, us ing four tnhlespoonfuls of flour, nnd two tnblospoonfuls of butter; when well blended add two cupfuls of milk. salt and pepper to taste. Lay the eggs In the sauco and servo nil hot. Chill Sandwich. Take ono cupful of tomato paste or soup reduced until thick, one-halt cupful of vinegar, ono tensponful of pickling spices, one-hnlf cupful of chopped onion, tho same of green nenner. ohe-tnblesnoonful of cornstarch, one cupful of chopped meat or one-half cupful of pennut but ter. Cook the spices and vegetables In the soup, thicken with cornstarch, add It diluted with a little cold water and cook five minutes. Cool, add meat or butter and spread on slices of brend. Cottage Cheese Sandwich. Take a tablespoonful of minced chives, add to one cupful of cottage cheese which has been seasoned nnd enriched with n tablespoonful of cream. Use brown bread buttered, add a tnblespoonful of chopped cherries and spread with tho cheese. At Christmas I no more desire the rose Than wlah a snow in May's now fnn- gled mirth; But llko of each thing, that In season KrowB. Shakespeare. HELPS FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER Canned shredded plnenpplo, added to various fruit butters, such as apple, Dlum or nnrlcot. Im proves tho flnvor. Tho meats from prune pits mny bo ground nnd used to add flavor nnd richness to enko fillings nnd various other dishes. Small potatoes, which take so much time to pre pare, may bo washed and cooked In their Jackets, then put through tho potato rlccr. The skins will stick to the top of the rlcer nnd may be easily removed. Sharpon tho knives of the food grinder by using tho bits of scouring sonp, grinding them through It n few times. Use pnper towels to wipe out greasy dishes, soil spots on "table and floor, and spilled food on tho stove, besides numberless other ways which will oc cur to tho housewife. s Savo griddle cake batter for dipping croquettes or meat balls. It can bo used as fritter batter, thus saving what might otherwise be thrown away. Before painting tho house around tho windows, cover them with n thick contlng of window cleaning powder. The paint and powder will come off, leaving tho windows bright nnd clean. Thin common house paint with gaso line, then with a brush or cloth apply to rugs and carpet. Tho result is very satisfactory and may bo repeated when tho rug Is faded. Designs mny be pnlnted In with colors, ranking tho rug look llko new. Popped corn painted with a brush and delicate colors of vegetable color ing may bo used on n frosted cake us decoration. Leaves cut from citron mny bo used with the corn flowers. Dry breud cut In cubes and fried In butter until crisp makes a good breakfast food served with sugar nnd cream. A bathing cap may ho used for an Ice bug in nn emergency. CIoso tho opening with a rubber bnnd nnd dust with tnlctim after drying. Pack potato In greased muflln rings and fry. Tho cakes will bo uni form and will easily come out of tho rings In dnlnty cukes. Old fashioned buns nro delicious when left to rlso until light and puffy and baked to a golden brown. Mnko a biscuit of tho above mixture; roll into a round ball, place on n linking sheet and flntten until one-hnlf Inch thick. Put to rlso until moro thnn doublo their bulk, brush lightly with melted butter and bnke in a quick oven. VXkU "hhH-vrtlSL gli gill isi WRIGLEY 1 WM jtfHr XSkX-. '.iWPSIlim Jacket over Pep- .-if aaav, 7 ;-f atatafcaSSrT,! VI DOUBLE treat Peppermint ; over permmt & 10 for 5c Sugar jacket just "melts in your mouth, then you get the delco fnh1f onm rpnter. t, And with Wrigley's three old standbys also affording; friendly aid to teeth, throat, breath, ap petite and digestion. toothing, thirst-quenching. Making the next cigar taste better. O-So-Easy to Use Color Silk, Wool and Cotton All at (ho Sims Time Putnam Fadeless Dyes Package Oya? No Press Facilities. "According to this authority, Mo thnsclah lived only n trlllo moro than eighty years." "If that's tho case, how did ho get tho reputation of being so old?" "I'm blest If I know. There were no newspaper reporters In thoso clays to Interview him every time ho celebrat ed a birthday and add ten or twenty years to his ago so tho 'story' would be worth a front-pngo position." Blr mlnghnm Age-Herald. Our real life Is not behind, but bo fore us. Barrage From Washington. "Did you ever ask n favor of your congressman?" "Once" said Mr. Orumpson. "Hc fathered somo legislation that was dis pleasing to mo and 1 asked him to do mo the favor of resigning." "Ho didn't oblige you, of course? "No, hut he's been franking hi speeches to mo ever since, and I'm sorry now that I made him aware olt my existence." No one now offers any mornllzlngc on tho blessings of poverty. It it railed "the simple life." Washington's Interesting Policewomam Mrs. Mlna C. Van Winkle Is ob wrved of all observers theso days In Washington. She is tho head of tho Woman's bureau of tho local police de partment. She hn8 said the policemen nro out to "get her." Anywny charges were mado against her alleging "con duct prejudicial to tho good order, reputation aud dlsclpllno of the police force." But what society is Interested In 1b "Will Mrs. Van Winklo tell?" There la no doubt thnt she knows. She hns mado It a part of her ofllclal business to inquire. Mrs. Vnn Winklo Is no ordlnury "cop." She Is a womnn of weulth and intellectual attainments. She hns lived at a hotel, whero enc-hulf tho members of President Harding's cabinet live, and which nlso IS tho homo of hnlf a hundred diplo mats and several hundred government oillcinls. Mrs. Van Winklo lunches nnd dines at tho down-town hotels whero tho soclnl und olllclnl life of Washington ten,. 1 trtw -wcaaaan-- .iVnBaaaaaaaaaM cm cenf restern (hnada Offers .Health aM Wealth and has brought contentment and happlnesi to thou- line Bands of home seekpra and their families viha have 'settled on her I-'REB homesteads or bought land at attractive pricec. '1 lie have established their tmn homes and secured prosperity and independence. In the treat grain-Browing sections of the prairie province there is still to be had on easy terms Fertile Land at S 1 5 to 530 an Acre land similar to that which through many years hoe yielded from 20 to 45 bushels of wheat to the uore nats, barley and flax also in great abundance, while ralilnu horseB, cattle, ehecp and hops is equally profitable, Hundreds of farm ers in western Canada have raised crops in single season worth more than the whole cost of their land. Healthful climate, good neighbors, churches, schools, rural telephone, excellent markets and (shipping facilities. The climate and soil offer inducements for almost every branch of ngucuiiurc. me advantages lor Dairying, Mixed Farming ana stocK liaising make a tremendous appeal to Industrious set. xiers wisnins 10 improve tneir circumstances. For Hummed llttratur. mDf. d opportunities In Unltub. Kuikatchawan. AlUrta bou uriiua iMiuauua, rouueeg ran war rain, to., writ .description of farm W. V. BENNETT Room 4, Bee BIdfr., Omaha, Nek Aujherlitd Af ant, Ospt. ef Immigration and Colonisation, Dominion ef Canada