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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1922)
Sribunc TUESDAY and FItlDAl THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, JUNE 2, 1922. NO. 42. SHORT STORIES OF . PEOPLE AND THINGS ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT DE CENT HAPPENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY County Agent. Kellogg says thnt thoso farmora who planted certified TCanred wheat last fall and who wish certification tills year should notify him at box 733." Ho lias applicaton blanks for all who request them In person or by mall. Friday a license to .wed was issued to Philip F. Stooaklnger, 27 a farmer of this vicinity and Miss Ethel Mc Cracken, 19 a teacher whoso home Is glvon as St. Paul, Nobraslca. Miss McCracken has boon tho efflciont teacher at tho Blgnoll school during tho past year and has won many friends in that community. Tho Las Vegas (Nov.) Review of May 12 says "G. A. Zcntmoyor U. P. dispatcher lias succcded Nick Wil liams as tralnmastor of tho Vegas division, Williams who rcslgnod yes torday, goes back on tho road as a conductor. Mr. Zontmoyor has been in tho local offico for several years." His friends will be glad to learn of hls promotion. Frank Elliott has been appointed genoral manager of tho advance ar rangements for tho Fourth of July races. Ho is to give his full time to the work and will look after tho many details which como up before the day. J. J. Crawford will bo track manager in charge of tho actual racing. Both of these men are especially qualified for this work and will mako tho races a success in every particular. C. W. Yost filed last Saturday for County Register of Deeds. This is tho offico that was created last year and ,'Mr. Yost appointed to fill tho place. It la an important of fice, tho -salary being paid from tho offico fees. Mr. Yost has had extensive oxperlenco in the Work having been county clerk for several years. Ho is asking tho SPECIAL FEATURES WRITTEN IN COMBINATION WITH STANDARD LIFE POLICIES Non-Cancellablo Accident and Health Insurance. Double Indemnity Provisions. Speclflo Dismemberment Provisions. Disability Incomo Clause. Monthly Lifo Incomo Provisions. Insurance that Insures Protection that Protects Fidelity Reserve Company Home Office Fourth and Locust Streets, North Platte, Neb. f FOR A LIMITED TIME Beginning Wednesday, May 31st. We are going to put our Entire Stock On Sale at One-Fifth Off our Regular Prices. This applies to everything in stock but not to special orders or to goods that have been laid away for customers. We will not open any new goods during this sale for the reason that we wish to reduce our investment in our stock. We are leaving the sale prices that we had marked on our Ladies Coats Suits and Dresses the same as they were so you get a benefit of the discount besides. Goods will be priced to you at the regular price and one-fifth deducted lrom your bill. LINCOLN COUNTY EIGHTH GRADE EXERCISES COME SATURDAY Two hundred and ten boys and girls from Lincoln county schools will rcclovo their eighth grado diplomas Saturday afternoon nt tho Franklin audtorium. County Suprintendcnt Ai Icon G. Cochran is in charge of the oxor.cises which consists of a mixed program of readings and music. Geo. N. Glbbs is the orator of tho day. Everyone Is Invited to tho exercises which aro frco at 2 p. m. nomination on tho Republican ticket. Lydla Adams has accoptod a position with Mrs. Now ton and began work yesterday. H. S. Ilasklns filed for Democratic nomination for County Clerk, Wednes day. Ho has no opposition to date. Mr. Ilasklns Is a farmer who was born In Lincoln County nnd who has lived hero all his life. Ho is a resident ot tho Platto Valley school district in Hinman precinct at present and has boon honored by his neighbors with local offices and places of respon sibility. Mr. Ilasklns is strong for education, strong for Uio farmer and strong for whatever Is uplifting In his community. Tho closing exorcises of tho Platto Valley school woro hold last Thursday evening with a big chicken dinner served by tho ladles at six o'clock and followed by the program. Tho children gave, a number of readings and songs with tho Mother Goose shadow pictures and tho Flag Drill as tho most ambitious. A song by Mr. Bostwiok, a piano duet by Misses Tilford and Cady and a brief talk by Mrs. North were the other numbers. Tho people of Platto Valley district aro especially pleased that one of tholr teachers, Mrs. North is a candi date for the county superintondency. Tho ovenlng closed with Ico cream and -cake being served to all present. Tho school has enjoyed an exception ally prosperous year under tho di rection of Miss Cady as principal and Miss Tilford nnd -.Mrs. North as assistants. tot- Poppers, egg plants nnd a3tors, 35c a dozen. N. P. Floral Co. Puroand Installment Incomo Endowment Provisions. Premium Waiver Clause. Post Mortem Dividends. Full Participation In all Surplus. Automatio Non-forfolturo Clause. OUR PIZEfi'S STORE HAS FORMAL OPENING JULIUS I'IZER RE-ENTERS .GEN. ERAL DRY GOODS i BUSINESS Yestordny was tho first of Uio form al opening days announced by Plzor's store. Tho opening continues today and tomorrow. Tho store Is located at 717 N. Locust In tho room formerly occupied by tho Logan Buick Auto Co. Tho placo has been entirely re modeled and redecorated and presents a very smart appearanco. Tho stock of men's goods was moved from tho south sldo and added to a lino of dry goods, women's and childrons wear and notions and tho storo is. now quite complete. In splto of Uio rain yostorday a big crowd of people visit ed tho store and purchased quite lib erally. Between times tho Trlbuno man hnd a few minutes conversation in which ho expressed himself as - very well pleased with tho prospects. "I have been In business for a long time In North Patto", said Mr. Plzor "and I d,poct tnx upon Property that goes to lam still good for a number of years tho Un,tod Statea Government. The yet. As conditions improve, I expect ' ,ttrgcst unit of taxatl tho stato. to onlargo this business by taking! Each ycnr tho officers ot tho stato of over other parts of tho building until Nebraska havo mni, n lov' for stato I havo just as' big a business as tho lmrnoaos ovory dollar of Lincoln people want, tho North Sldo people ! county Proporty has paid tho tax. Tho arc giving mo a good welcome and ifo,,ownB talilo shows Uio levy made am having somo of mv south sluVby tho 8tllto (,uriS of'"io post friends visit mo so 1 expect to please all and have a good business with all." Tho Tribune commends Mr. Pizor for his enterpriso and fully expects tho now business to bo a big- success. -:o:- WK STERN NEBRSAKA AGRICULT URAL EXPERTS TO MEET HERE A conference of County Agents of Western Nebraska .Is scheduled to moot in North Platte Juno 29 More than fifteen counties aro included in this district. Tho meeting- will bo in charge of R. B. Holland, leader of county agents for Nobraslca. Miss Stel la Mather, in charge ot the womons department of the extension work and L. I. Frlsbie, in chnrgo of boys and girls club work aro oxpected to bo present. These conferences aro hold from Umo to time and aro usually woll attended by tho County Agents nnd others interested in agriculture, :o: SCHOOL HOUSE REVIVAL WILL CLOSE WITH RAPTISMAL SERVICE Evangelist J. A. Wooddall has boon conducting- a revival in the Mi-adow- lawn school district at tho Brooder. school houso with good results. Tho mooting will close on Sunday. Juno 4 wlUi dinner servod at 12:30 Tho aftomoon sorvtco will begin nt 2:30 and will bo followed by baptismal ser vice. This will bo conducted near tho South Platto rlvor bridgo about a mllo south of North Platto. 75 LINCOLN COUNTY TAX PROBLEMSJXPLAINED A SERIES OF, TIMELY ARTICLES DEALING WITH CITY AND COUNTY. Any account of the tax problom must tako notlco of tho lncrenso or decrease In tho value of tho property taxed. Lincoln county has not increased or docreascd In size during Uio pnst ton years so a statement of tho assessed valuation of nil tho property in tho o unty during each of Uio past ton years will bo of Intorost. Horo It Is 1912.. $5,131,S50 1913.1 R.334,410 1914 5,188,105 1915. 5,540,275 191G 6,730,725 1917.'... G.385.C90 1918 0,700,000 1919 0,841,245 1920 8,490,320 1921 r 7,111,000 Tho assessed valuation for 1922 has ! not yet been compiled. Thoro Is no ten years: 1912 5.20 mills 1913, 7.80 mills 1914 7.S0 mills 1915-.... G.Su mllss. 191G 0.10 mills 1917 8.48 mills 191S 7.CS mills 1919 13.00 mills 1920 10.39 mills 1921 10.50 mills Study of tho figures given above show that tho amount paid to the Btrftb -IncYenf.V abYut th?e1tthir&f per cent in tho ten years whllo tho valuo of the proporty upon which this tnx was paid Increased but forty per cent. That would account for a part of tho high tax paid last year. -:o;- "ORPHANS OF THE STORM" SAID to jje GRIFFITH'S i GREATEST I Ono of tho most Important plcturo ongagomonts of tho year Is that ot D. W. Griffith's "Orphans of tho Storm" which opens In a four day run nt the Kolth tomorrow. It is a story of tho French Revolution and Is said to bo historically correct. To say it is a D. W. Griffith production .is onought to attract attention but to say that it Is his best Is going a long ways. It took ton thousand pooplo to produce It and tho cost is said to havo gono into tho millions. Mnnagor Hawley Is congratulating hlmsolf over having socurcd tho plcturo and his patrons will bo glad OFF LINCOLN COUNTY TAX REFORM CLUB TO RE ORGANIZED HERE A commllteo consisting ot Thomas Orion nnd J. C. Wilson has announc ed a mooting at tho Court house for Saturday. Juno 3 at 2 p. m. for tho purpose of organizing tho Lincoln county branch ot tho NobraskajTax Reform Club. Kx-Senntor Otto Muta ot Lincoln is expected nnd will talk on "Extravnganco In Offico nnd Rov onuo Reform." Tho mooting is non political and for everyone In tho cnll tho commltteo momborsurgo ovory man and woman in Lincoln county, whom Is In favor ot .tax reduction and roform to bo present. :o: FIRST CIRCUS OF THE SF.ASON WILL SHOW HERE TOMORROW Gollmar Hros. Circus will arrive In this city enrly tomorrow morning. Tho cuormoUB tents will bo erected Immediately upon arrival. Fcauros galoro aro announced In preliminary information. Quito a few visitors from a dlstanco havo already arrived and by night it in anticipated that tho town will bo woll filled with our country cousins. Many big novel ises aro on tho bill Including tho most marvolouB acts ot tho kind In tho world, tho eolobrated Gollmar trained wild animals. Almost ovory known wild beast has been taught to tamo noss by tho greatest animnl trainers from all over tho Universe. Tho circus fcaturos aro now and exciting nnd of tho thrilling kind Of rldors thoro will bo two scbro or moro. Thoy nro tho champions ot nil countries nnd of all Bchools of eques trianism. First ctoss aerial performances pv bosb Uio most thrilling Interest for everybody, and in this branch of arenic art Lollmnr DrB. Sis pro-om!tnon,t" strong. It presonts an unparallolod numbor of tho greatest and most ven turosomo and original malo and fo- malo mid-air trapozo, horizontal bar. r l . n . I .. ... - .ii.. KUULUIK IU1KB. U1VUH. UVUlllLinilR. f'ClTTl m Ono of tho sonsntional features will bo tho woundorful porformanco of tho world famous Morales family. troupe of vorsatilo perforators who can glvo nn ontlro program without any nsslstanco from others. Thoy slldo from tho top of tho tent to tho ground bolow on tholr hends. by their hair. by tholr teeth, standing nnd otherwise. SATURDAY, JUNE 3, -IS -BARGAIN DAY GAMBLE & Phone 203 ST. PATRICK'S TO E SIX Y0UG PEOPLE COMPLETE WORK AT PAROCHIAL SCHOOL Tho graduating oxorcises of St. Pat rick's Bchool will bo hold in tho school auditorium on Monday, Juno 5 at olght o'clock. Tho class numbers flro girls nnd ono boy. Thoy have com pleted tho courso prescribed for n reg ular twolvo-gradc high school and will bo awarded diplomas for gradu ation. Tho program will bo as follows: Praiso Yo tho Father (Gounod) Cho rus; Sweet Spirit, Hear My Prayer (Wallace) CaUiorlno Fitzpatrick; Ad dress, Supt. G L. Littol; Gliding Along (Groonwald) Violin Club; "VHncons ot Vlcturus" Rov. Patrick MoDald; Conferring of Diplomas, Rov. McDaid; Star Spauglcd Banner (Koy), Chorus. Tho graduates aro Pearl Brodbock, ZlUi Douogan, Lillian Kopf, VIolot Kopf, Jonnlo O'Connoll and Parnoll Qutnn. HEAVY RAINS STARRED THE MEM. ORTAL DAY EXERCISES TUESDAY Tho attendance nt tho Decoration day exorcises was very small compar ed to what It would havo boon had not a drizzling rain kept all but tho hardl ost within doors that dny. Tho parado took placo as advortlsod with tho G. A. R. nnd W. R. C. In nutos and rop rosontatlves ot tho Amorican Legion, the U. S. W. V. nnd nuxiliarlos and Boy Scouts in lino. A number of nutos of citizens woro alBO In lino, Tho ser vices at tho ccmotory woro as an nounced. -:o:- Tho Sioux Camp Flro will hold Its monthly Coromonlnl meeting this aftomoon nt tho homo of Its guardian !Mlss'Florcnco.MorKayat 3;30. -;.., Tho first section ot number nino toon this morning was a Rotary Spe cial. Tho train was mot by local mem bers of tho Rotary .Club and tho N. P. H. S. Cadet band which furnisliod tho music during Its stay hero in tho city. Mr. -and Mrs. Harry Dixon nc companjled tho other Rotaiahs to California. SPRINGER 820 North Locust GRADUATION WILCOX DEPARTMENT T C3 f!, EI