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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1922)
3fa Morth . TUESDAY and FItlDAI THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, MAY 20, 1922. NO. 40. We Extend Congratulations To The 1922 Graduating Class wmjjiujj GLASS OF 1922 10 GRADUATE TO-NIGHT CLOSING KXEHCISES OF SCHOOL YEAR FOR THE SENIOR CLASS This evening tit the Franklin Audi torium, the class of 1922 will re ceive diplomas for having completed tho -work of tho high school course o study. Tho class numbers forty nino which makes it tho largest class in tho history o tho school. Tho exercises will begin at 8 o'clock and will bo opened with an invocation by Rev. H. E. Hess. Tho. Girl's Gleo Club will render Gumbert's "Bo Glad Lass and Lad" to bo followed by tho salutatory by Gladyti Wiener. Tho address to tho graduates will bo given by Bishop Homer C. Stuntz.of Omaha Bishop Stuntz has appeared before North Platte audiences on several occaslous and has never failed to please. Following this address a mixed chorous will render Watson's "Anchored" to be followed by the valedictory address by Evelyn Dloner She is given this honor because or having received tho highest marks during tho high school course of any one In tho class. Following the val edictory will be tho presentation of various school 'honors and then the presentation of diplomas by Harry Dixon, with tho benediction in closing. GltOlr FIVE OF STATE HANK E US' ASSOCIATION ELECTS OFFICERS At tho meeting of Group Five, Nebraska Bankers' Association, which was in session at Kearney this week, E. F. Seeb'ergor, president or tho First National Bank was elected president for tho coming year and W. E. Starr, cashier of tho McDonald State Bank, was elected secretary. A special train of Omaha and Lin coln financiers and bankers visited tho Kearney Association while It was in session. North Platto banks have stood tho test when banks in other places were in difficulties and it Is a mark of honor that has been placed on our local financial Institutions when two officers were selected from among their number. -:o: SKOVGAARD, THE VIOLINIST, STANDS OVER SIX FEET TALL :o:- L1NCOLX COUNTY HEN HOLDS FIFTH PLACE IN EGG LAY ING CONTEST , The April report of the Nebraska Egg Laying Contest which Is being held at tho state farm at Lincoln has been received. It shows tho pen ten White Leghorn hens which was entered by tho North Platto Experi mental Substation to stand fifth in total number of eggs laid to date. Tho highest standing is. 1006 eggs which was laid By a pen of White Orpingtons. The North Platto birds laid 912. There were 41 pens entered with "ten hens in each pen or 410 hens in all. Tho April report says that one North Platte hen stands .seventh among tho 410 hens In the number of eggs laid to date. -tot- Attorney E. E. Carr attended court at Grant yesterday. Skovgaard, tho Danish violinist, who is to appear at tho Christian church noxt Tuesday stands over six feet, three inches in height anu weighs nearly three hundred pounds. Physically he is a worthy decondent of that powerful race of Vlcklngs whose commanding statues caused a feeling of awe oven to the sturdy Romans of Caesar's time. Conform ing to tho proyorablo good nature of most largo people, Skovgaard is also a most likable man and make friends wherever he goes. But within his powerful frame Is secreted a more potent force than any which the ex. erclse of muscle alone would produce It is tho power to interpret the soul of music, and from tho first stroke or tho bow tho strings of his matchless i Stratllvarius violin, all sense of form and size gradually give way to a de lightful sense of rhythm, melody, music. Standing On the stage this colossal Dane is only music. Each mpvement of the body, while ho Is playing, is nothing but music, ana the expression on his face tells you plainly that ho is far away from you deep In "tho land of tunes." Skov gaard comes to you not as a musical novice. His training under tho great est masters of Europe stamp him as "a consumato musician, tho finlshea polished, purposeful." Moreover, Skovgaard is an artist whose powei has had time to mature and to gain those finer qualities of balance ana resource of interpretation which can como In no other way than by tho steady developement of tho musician hiraslf in devotion to his inborn and chosen art. BASE BALL Sunday, May 28 "f A.T 3 P. M. U. P. Stores vs. North Platte This team defeated the local team in one of the fastest games played last season. ADMISSION SO CENTS. SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE AND THINGS ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT RE. CENT 1IA1TENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY (HP RE MAYOR EVANS CALLS ATTENTION' TO MEMORIAL DAV ! OBSERVANCE ! FOR WORKER A baby boy was born May 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mushoney at Giltncr, Nebr. Tho baby was named Donald Edmund. Mrs. Mushoney was formerly Miss Rose Kopf of North Platto. Mother and babo aro roporl ed as doing' very well. Roy Clark and Glen Weeks climbed into a box car In tho local yards ono day this week and wero intending to start W03C Both wore under paroio from state institutions and so they wero taken up. Clark wuf return",! to the Ko;rnoy industrial S"horl and Wooks is be!ng hold in JaU awaiting lie return ot Judge Towel! who will sentonco him. CONFERENCE OF GUARDIANS AND OTHERS TO Illf HELD WITH EXPERT Earl Poster who is a student at the Colorado School of Mines at Bouldor, was in tho city for a few days this week. He returned to Ills school yes terday for a few days cjoslng work after which ho will make an auto trip to Tacoma, Washington where he Will enter an officera training school for a six week's camp training at govern ment expense. Miss Helen Schwnlger entertained last evening in honor of Miss Agnes Goodin who will return to her homo in Lebanon, Ky., this coming week! after spending tho winter with her sister, Mrs. C J. Pass and in honor , of Miss Bernedctta Connprvho is' a guest at the Schwaiger home. Tlfe color scheme was carried out in pink and white. I A Camp FIro Conforonco will bo held in North Platto all day, Friday Juno 2 in tho basement of tho Luth oran church. Tho Council has -secured tho services of Miss Mary Louiso Guy of Omaha for that day. Miss Guy is Camp FIro Executive Secretary of Omaha and has hold tills position for thrnn RJin gives all her time to tho workind! has had so much oxporlcnco that sho will Tib ablo to help Camp FIro work in North Platto along ovory line. Miss Guy goes noxt to Fort Worth, Texas, whero sho will conduct a Guardians' Training Camp. At tho Conferonco horo Miss Guy will spend tho morning discussing business matters with tho officors and com mittees. The afternoon' will be given to tho instruction of guardians and in tho evening Miss Guy will addross general meeting. All Camp Fire Girls and tholr mothers aro ospeclally urged to attend this mooting. All girls between tlio ages of 12 and 18 and tholr mothers aro cordially Invited; also, any other woman interested in Camp FIro work or ariy who wishes to know more about it. -:ov- Tho High School Cadot company and band left ypsterday morning for camp at Gothenburg. They num bered about seventy with Director KHlian in charge. Sunday is to be visitors day and a number from here Will spend the day In camp. Tho boys will bo homo Monday evening in time to take part In tho Memorial day services Tuesday. Miss Blancho Pylo and George Gregg both of this city wore quietly married Tuesday evening at tho Christian parsonage, Rev. Stevens of ficiating. Mrs. Gregg is a member of tills years graduating class. Mr. Gregg is a fanner living south of the city. Tho nowly weds left Tuesday ovening for Gothenburg. On their return homo they will bo at tho homo 4of the groom's parents south of tho city- Today is the last day tho registra tion books will bo nt tho North Side Drug Store. Tho olection commiss ioners have nrranged for tho registra tion in the Fourth Ward to accomo date the largo numbor of men and women who did not wnnt to mako a trip to tho city clerk's office. North Platto Peoplo cannot vote at the primaries unless they aro registered in advance, and they must bo regis tered ns Democratic, Republican or Progressive. Tho registration books nro at tho office of City Clerk O. E. Eldor until May 31 when they aro supposed to bo closed for this yoar. Do you wart a new $50 hi -yclo free? To tho Public: Memorial Day as tho ono of tho year wlion all unlto in tributo to tho departed Js next Tuesday, and by common usngo nnd consent all busi ness and pleasure aro laid aside that each may reflect upon tho sacrifices and sorvlcos of others who havo gonq before nnd to them contrlbuto his mark of respoct. Obsorvanco at tho North Platto Cemeteries will bo in tho morning nnd a program in tho aftornoon nt Fort McPhcrson, In chnrgo of pat. rlotlo Bocitios. Tho vanishing panornma of war so recently boforo us should stlmulato a moro nctlvo obsorvanco, that tho actualities thoroof bo not forgotten nor tho lessons entombed. Respectfully, E. II. Erans, Mayor :o: PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES TO ATTEND MEMORIAL SUNDAY SERVICES ORDER OF PARADE FOR MEMORIAL DAY NORTH PLATTE PATRIOTIC OR GANIZAT10NS COMPLETE THE PLANS Momorlnl Sunday will ho obsorved in North Platto with sorvlcos at tho First Prosbytorlan church at 8 o'clock on Sunday, May 28. Dr. N P Pat crson will deliver tho addross of tho ovening. Tho following churches are oxpected to unite in this servico: Baptist, Catholic, Christian. Episco pal, Lutheran, Methodist and Presby terian. Commltteo In chargo of thlB Bqrvlco has rooucstcd that following organizations meet at places design ated by their respective CommandorB and march to tho church In a body, mooting thero at 7:45 and that tho following order bo observed in the processional into tho church. Grand Army of tho Republic,' Womans Ro lief Corps, Daughters of tho American Revolution, United Spanish War Veterans, United Spanish War Veter ans Auxiliary, Amorlcan Loglon, Amorlcan War Mothers, Amorlcan Loglon Auxiliary. -:o:- Mrs. Claude Peters and daughter arrived this "morning from Omaha to visit her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs F. Tangor, and aunts, Mrs. Harry SamuolHon and Mrs. Georgo Atchoy. Mrs. Petors Is onrouto to Los An geles, Calif. R. L. Cochran, Marshal ot tho Day (has announcod tho following order of parado for tho patriotic and othor organizations in tho Memorial Day Tarado: First Division: Grand Army oT tho Republic. WomanB Rolipt Corps. Daughters 6t tho Amorlcan Rovo, lutlon. United Spanish War Votorans. U. S. W. V. Auxiliary War Mothors. American Loglon. t Amorlcan Logloig Auxiliary. Second Division: N. P. H. S. Band. N. P. H. S. Cadets Boy Scouts Camp FIro Girls Third Division: School Children (Each child re quested to carry n small flag) Fourth Division: All citizens not included in tho abovo. First DlvlBlon to form, on Dowoy street south of 4th street at 9.15 a. m. Second Division to form west i Dowoy on 3rd street at 9.15 a. m. Third Division to form on High School campus at 9.15 a. m. Fourth Division to form on 3rd street oast of Dowoy at 9.15 a. m. MarcTx will bogin at 9.30 sharp. Services at tho comotory will conduclcd by tho Woman's Rollot Corps nt tho grave of tho unknown dead and by tho Grand Army of tho Republic at tho gravo of tholr last dopartod comrndo, assisted by Am orlcan Loglon firing squad and bug ler nnd nil military organizations. -:o:- John Dick loft lngt evening Cor Denvor whero ho' will transact busi ness for several days. Foroman Jos. Murphy and his gang aro moving District Foreman McG raw's offlco building to a site near tho new round house In the west yards. This offlco has stood for years near tho Rhops Just across the tracks from tho dopot. Since most of tho work which comes under tho jurisdic tion of this offlco Is In connection with tho round liouso it is'' good business to movo the office to tho new location. Miss Murphy reports tho Branch Library which has been maintained In tho Lincoln school during tho school year Is closed for tho summer. Tho books havo been addod to tho children's department In tho main library and others placed there with thorn so that tho solcctlon is now bettor than over. Mlsa Murphy is giving a special Invitation to tho boys and glrla of this community to visit tho children's dopartmont of tho main library and look ovor these books. Mrs. Edward Burko and Mrs. Louiso Burko will entertain to morrow aftornoon at a musical tea at tho Edw. Burko homo In honor of Mrs. W. E. Shuman. Thoso tak ing part in tho musical numbora aro Mrs. N. P. ?attcraon, Mrs. O. II. Shrlvor, Miss Margaret Oampboll and Miss Florence McKay. Mrs. n. E. Mitchell and Mrs. A. F. Strlotz will prosldo nt tho tou tables. Tho Iioubo will bo beautifully .decorated In pink nnd whlto. Splnoa and tho Iris will bo tho flower decorations Eighty-two guests will bo present. Tuesday, May 30 FLOWERS Carnations Jassmine Roses Pansies in Bloom Geraniums 10 Cents Each to 25 Each Tak6 Time lo Inspect Our Stock, You Can Save Money Q RIDER EARLY C. J. PASS, Florist PHONE 274 -:o:- Do you want a uow $50 bicycle free'.