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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Semt-lfeeklu Sribune. WILSON TOUT. Editor and Pibllsber. Bntcred at tbo North PI at to, Nebraska Postofflce o Second Class Matter. SUJISCRIPTION i'BICEt One Year, in advance $1.50 TUESDAY, MaY 30, 1922 EDITORIAL FOR GOD Christ Bald "Thorcfore all thlngB whatsoever yo would that men should do to you, do yo oven no to thorn", Matthow 7:12. FOR COUNTRY V'l pledgo allegiance to my flag and to tho Republic for which it stands, one nation1 Indivisible, with liberty and justico for all." , Ono of tho interesting things at Uio graduation cxcorclses was a small boy who snt in tiic south balcony near tho platform. Ho was unknown and appeared to be n.ovorhulln. lib) baro feet wero frequently neon waving over tho edgo of tho balcony. Ho nmusod himself in various ways dur ing tho first part of tho sorvico but when tho Bishop aroso ho turned his eyes on tho speaker tind although wo lookod nt him a numbor of times wo did not seo him tako his oyos off tho speakor's faco Many and many a baro foot boy has rocolved his groat Ilfo lnsplrtlon nt a chuiltiuiqua, lycoum or camp-mooting from tho oloquenco of a speaker with a soul nnd a mcs sago. i Tho programs distributed at tho graduation oxorclscs brought back to mind a custom which has cropt Into our idea of tho Board of Education Thero wore their names listed in full on tho back pago after tho graduatos and all ,tho faculty had been given. Tho Unlvorslty and collogcs know better nnd thoy always glvo tho names of tho board tho placo of honor. It Is A Shoe For Comfort The f.cot are ono of tho important norvo contors of the body. Promluont norvo specialists often start their troatmout on tho foot of Lhelr patients This shows how Important It Is to wear comfortable good-lltting shoos. You tako from .,000 to 8,000 stops a day. Think what Unit- moans to your loot! If tho ohoo is ,not doslgnod an: constructed to harmoutzu uorfoctlv with your foot, four" thousand tlmoH u uay mo norvos must suitor, it's no wondor a bud pair of shoos can tiro you out "Tho foot In a cantllovor Bprlng bo mado that when It is aflowod to func tion normally It carries rtho body with tho greatest possible ease and roslllonco" Dr. Douglas Stewart, ono of Now York'B loading specialists "Propor Hhoos nro essential for tho propor function of tho foot." Dr, wllmor Knmon, head of tho Doimrt mout of Public Health, of Philadelphia Tho Cantllovor Shoo is a "nropor' shoo, a wondorfully comfortable shoo, and it ib so modish that you nro proud to woar it- Tho arch is iloxlblo, llko tho arch of your foot. Tho fit Is snug but truo. Tho toes uro not crowdod. Tho hools uro high ouough to bo grace ful and sensible but not too high. Cantllovor comfort is bo real that your foot nro "off your mind'' and you can enjoy life. Gomo to us nnd got Httod and bogin now to enjoy Canti lovor comfort. DR. S. B. HUPFBR CHIROPODIST, 317 Eml Fourth Street. tho board which Borvo without pay wliilut tho faculty and the studonts get the rowards. It Is the board which 1b Ui'o nuuster whllo the faculty and students are but to carry out the plane mado by the board. When the crisis comoa It in tho board which Bhoulddrs tho responsibility for decision. Every graduato la a star but the sovorolgn roprcsonted by tho board is tho nun which Ib far greater to us than the ptar. This Is not criticism of tho program nor of those who mado it a panning remark on a custom which has grown up throughout tho public school system. , FOR SALE Milk fed chlckons. Mrs. E. S. Ollnos, Phono 5G4J. WANTED Second lhand typewriter, in good condition. Tribune office. FOR SALE Tomato and cabbage plants. 15c a doz. L. I. Tucker 221 S. Chestnut. Phono C98J. FOR SALE Light "six" D-45 Bulck. Inquire Sanitary Bakery, North Lo cust. FOR RENT Clean airy, qulot sleep ing rooms; furnished or unfurnish ed, under now management ono block oast of tho depot, 400 East Front St. STRAYED From tho Wyman farm, west of town, ono mouse-colored Jenny mulo, branded "7Y" on right Bhouldor. Phono 1152W. FOR SALE Scholarship In tho Grand Island Business College For part iculars wrlto to Fremont J. WUroiI Box 31, Alliance, Nebraska. FOR RENT Doslrablo furnished room, for ono or two business gen tlemen, light, attractive central, roas onablo. 405 W. Fourth St. FOR RENT Improved Irrigated tcn- ucro track, adjoining Sutherland. F, C. Loach, caro American State Rank, Sutherland. Watch M.c next Issuo of tho Tribune for particulars as to how to cam a $50 blcyclo without a cent of cost to you. FOR SALE Two Shorthorn bulls. Ono two yoars old; ono throe years old. Just right for turning into a. hard. Exporlmont Station, W. P. Suy dor, Suporlntondont. TOR SALE OR TRADE High grade touring car, fine condition, now tiros; sell choap, tako small car or socured paper in exchange; bargain O. II Thoolecko. TOR BALE Tou or twelve brod Du roc Jorsoy gilts to farrow tho last of Juno, Inquire of J. II. Ballard, ono halt mile north of Nichols school houso. HEMSTICIIINO AND PICTOINO at tachmont; fits nil sowing machines. Prlco $2. Chocks 10c extra. Lights Mall Order Houbo, Box 127, Birming ham, Ala. -:ov- ATTENTION LEGIONAIRES You nro urged to proHcnt yourselves In full uniform Memorial Day at 9;30 a. m. at tho Court Houso Square, to partlclpato In tho excorclses for that occasion. Ono of tho prime principles of our Great Organlzuton pledges us to ovor chorlsh tho memory of Uioho of our numbors who have made tho supromo sacrltlco, so lot oach of us as Individuals combine our offorts In to ono that wo may better accomplish that our duty, thoroby carrying for ward tho long ostabllBhod work of our noblo prodocosBors, Tho Grand Army of tho Ropublle, In maintaining tho true spirit of Amorlcanlsm. C. A. Solby, Commander Lot us stop tho traffic In tho street To roacuo tho rosobuds at our foot. AND lot us bring smiles to wan facos und "sur cwibo to hearts that griovo, Flowors pavo tho way to friendship and to lovo. Thoy holp ub to roally live. I 'THE MOTH PIATTFm TLOWCRS ANO'PtANTS-V I VfE ARC AS NEAR TO YOU F AS YOUR PHONE PHONE I023 Want Ads I SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE iD THINGS ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT RE. CENT HAPPENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY Tho May number oi the Union Pa cific msgazlno has a brief biography of Wm. S. Dolson and of Hugh Bird both of this city. Their pictures are glvon among those "Whom We De light to Honor." Work on the addition to tho North Platto post office building ha started ana tnings are all torn up around thoro The contractor is at work clearing away tho landscape gardening which ho found in tho way Tho vestibule on the west lias been torn away and laying tho foundation will begin soon. Jack McOraw, district foreman, contributes an illustrated article to tho May number of tho Union Pacific Magazine on tho North Platte Night School. In the article he gives a list of subjects taught, the names of the membors of the board of education and of the composite committee and tells something of the general organi zation of tho schooi. Tho War Mothers met at the homo of Mrs. Frank Martin Friday evening. A very interesting program was given which consisted of a reading by Mil dred Skinner, vocal solo by Madellno Bllckonsderfcr, reading by Margaret Van Cleave, a vory Interesting feature of the evening was a reading and song by tho Welch twins. The commltteo for tho evening consisted of Mrs. J. I. Smith and Mrs. Frank Powors. Last year tho Camp Fire Council asked a fco of $5.00 from each girl attending tho summer camp. Sdrne thought this amount largo but the Council agreed that If a surplus re mained at tho closo of tho camp a re fund would bo mado. Thoro was surff a surplus and a dollar Is bolng roturnod to each girl who paid the flvo dollars. This money has been turned ovor to tho Guardians who will glvo It to tho girls. Contractor McMIchaol Is unloading sovoral car loads of torra cotta on tho court house grounds und as It Is very expenslvo and nard to replace ho has erected a fonco 1 about tho part of tho. grounds which ho Is us ing. This Is to form a boundry lino for his watchmen to cover. Tho torra cotta would not bo of value to anyone bnoauso It Is In Irregular pieces which wore cast for particular places on the building. But It would not do to havo people walking on tho pieces nor to havo children playing thero. Tho removal of Jack McGraw's office building from near tho shops to tho round house has startod consider able speculation as to the object Somo havo Bald It was tho beginning of the ond of North Platto as a rail road conter. others said It Is merely a concentration of tho local mechan ical departments for greater economy and convenience. Thoro Is no Indic ation of giving up tho tormiuals at North Platte. Railroad men report tho rumor that somothlng will bo do ing within tho noxt few weeks which will put No.ih rMatto In bull. .h:ipe as a railroad tormlnal than It has over boon. storm, woru you of l tho tornado insuranco you lntonded to buy? It coBts but llttlo to which s.t it protoct your property. Destruction iiv n tornado is just as devastating it as by llro. Flro Insuranco and i tornado insuranco aro of oqual tt J imnortanco. ..... it Lot tho diBastors of rocont g weeks bo a warning to you. Phono us now and a ropro- J5 sontatlvo M ill call and glvo you it h full Information rogurdlng our g 11 special tornado policies. C. F. TEMPLE. V Phono 63. l East Baaomont, B. & L. Jt I Bldg. (I it ft i 11 TORNADOES IN OHIO, H INDIANA, ILLINOIS. . .. jj AND MISSOURI J!t it Whon you road tho torrlblo i.t it it it news of tho destruction by it reminded WJM4. .... .. . ... :: it ENTRIES FOR RACES North Platte, DRIVER Abbott, Parker R. Boling, John R. Bullock, Noel E. Green, Percy B. Kirchuber, Geo. Mais, John A. Moon, Tom Prletauer, Albert Rhiley, King Vail, Ira The track is a licensed track, all cars and drivers will be governed by the rules of the contest board of the American Automobile Association. Class D Professionals. Event No. 1. Half Mile. Class D Time trials. $500.00 winner. In this everft No. 1. cars run against timp, as the six cars with the best record will contest for the follow ing money, all other cars eliminated. Races Start Promptly 1:30 P. M. Authorized American Legion Tho following list of books of fic tion has been compiled from reports mado by two hundred representative libraries in every section of the country and in cities of all sizes down to ten thousand. It Is a list of books most in demand. Thoy aro tho ten most-called.for books at this tlmo. Havo you read any of them? If Winter Comes (Hutchinson,) To tho Last Man (Zano Grey,) Helen of the Old Houso (Wright), Her Father's Daughter (Porter) Brass (Norrls), Main Street (Lewis) The Prldo of Polomar (Kyne), Tho Brim ming Cup (Canfleld), Tho Head or tho Houso of Com? (Burnett), Three Soldiers, (John Don Parsons.) Hero Is a sign of prosperity. The Ford Motor company announces that Jt sold during tho month of April just past, 127,249 Ford cars and trucks. This a dally averago of .6,210 cars. Tho Ford company thus sold more cars In April than there aro of all makes In Lincoln county. Tho com pany announces that the factory at Dotrolt is now operating at full cap acity, having a force of more than 40,000 men on tho pay roll. Tho sched uled output for May will probably roach 135,000 cars and trucks which will be applied against orders ap proximately 1G5.0001 During tho same month the Bale of Fordsou tractors roached 11,181 In tho United States. This shows 100 per cent over tho host month In 1921. Tho primaries tako the placo of tho party nominating conventions of for mer years. Thorofore thoy aro of In terest only to those people who want to' take a part In nominating tho candi dates on tho dlfforent party tickets. So a man or woman who Is Indepen dent in politics has no business voting at tho primaries. IIo or she has tho right to vote but ho or she must vote with some party nnd then bo an inde pendent when tho eloctlon comes. In Othor words, only Democrats who know thoy aro Domocrats and who say thoy are Domocrats, havo tho right to help nominate tho candidates of tho Domocratlc party. This Ib as it should bo but it scorns bard to kcop tho Idea of tho socrot ballot which Is for the eloctlon, from being confusod with the party ballot which Is for tho primary. Acting Judge Tllllo Blankonburg says she can toll a catfish from a bull head In throe dlfforont ways. That Is sho knows tbroo ways and It she wero to catch a six-Inch fish sho would examine In each of tho throo dlfforont ways and If It was , a ca'tflsh sho would throw it back iuto tho wntor and if It wero a bull head sho might not. Tho last gamo warden to ap- poar In hor court told hor. that a cat fish is inoro or losa transparent It held up to tho light but a bull head Is opaque. Ho said tho catfish has a woll defined lino botween tho head and body but tho bull head has not, and also tho head of tho cat fish is inoro or less soft whllo tho head of tho bull head Is bony and hard. Cat fish undor olovon Inches In longth aro protoctod by .law whllo bull heads aro not. Those who aro lambasting the North Platto Chnmbor of Commerce aro usually olthor thoughtloss or ig norant. Why should Uio professional ani business mou of this city aum boring only a fow hundred, put la $1125 of tholr monoy to dofonJ tho telephono UBern of North Platto num July 4th LOCATION Denver, Colo. Moundo, Okla. North Platte. Denver, Colo. Brooklyn, N. Y. Indinapolis, Ind. Denver, Colo. North Platte. Oskosh, Nebr. Brooklyn, N. Y. CAR Packard. Event No. 2. First Second Third Event No. 3. First Second Third Twenty Mile. $2400.00. $1000.00. $600.00. $G00.00. $250.00.00. $150.00. Class D. berlng over two thousand, from any unj-ist raise in rates? Had tho di rectovp of thi Chamber of Commerce said no, they world navo saved this $225 for their own use. But they said yes, nd the whole ,K'Oplo get the benellt. And this is bat ono of nany occasions when this body has come to tho rescue and mado something pos sible which ins benefitted tho w'ti.lj people. We ran appreciate how nun out of uurk cr up against tho bvrl financial adjunmcnts at this time, are discruntb t' and ill at ease u:u we dc net tf why that should ':ak them unfair. :o: LOOK WHAT'S COMING CHAPTER A K P E O will meet with Mrs. F. L. Temple, 310 West 2nd. Reports from tho state convention will be giv en at this mooting. CHRISTIAN Ladles Aid Society will moot In tho church basement Thursday at 3:30 Those on the entertainment committee aro Mosdames Crawford, Fagg, Glaves and Wyman. i-:o: A big pie social and danco at tho Lloyd Opera houso May 31 for tho benefit of the Lady Yeoman Drill team. Open to the public. Gentlemen 55c. Ladles bring a plo and two forks, cream and sugar freo Soo tho beautiful now sport hats displayed In tho Whlttakor shop. Prices $2.50 to $9.00. COG Locust St. Under General Hospital. lLawronco Carpjcntor of Hastings former resident of this city transac ted business in tho city on Saturday. Morton' Thayor left Sunday for Gothenburg to visit the Cadet camp. Early cabbago plants, 15 cents a dozen. N. P. Floral Co. :o: NOTICE At tho annual meeting of tho legal voters of school district No. 77 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which will bo held at tho school houso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922, at 2 p. m., tho proposition will bo submitted to tho votors of raising tho budget of $1,000 to conduct tho school for tho coming yoar. Tills will Toqulro a levy of not less than sovon mills nor moro than twonty mlllB on tho total assessed valuation of said district. Signed: A. P. McCIellon Director :o: NOTICE At tho annual meeting of Uio legal voters of Bchool district No. 21 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, whWi will bo hold nt tho school houso on Vm- day, Juno 12th, 1922, at 2 p. m. tho proposition will bo submitted to Uio votors of raising tho budget of $1,0Q0 dollars to conduct tho school for the coming year. This will roqulro a lovy of not loss Uian soven mills nor more than twenty mills on tho total asses sod valuation of said district Stgnod: John W. Klines Director os- NOTIGE At tho annual meoting of the l?gal rotors of school district No, 87 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which will bo held at Uio school houso on Mon day, Juno 12Ui, 1922 at 2 p. ra the proposition will be submitted to tho votors of raising tho budget of ono thousand ($1000.00) to conduct tho :.: xt it :.: it it it it it :.t it i.t it it it i.t i.t it i.t it i.t i.t i.t it i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t it i.t it m i.t it if tt :.t :.t it i.t tt ;, tt :.: ;.: 3 it :.: :.: :.: - rr . 'to Richards Special. ' Bullock Special. Mormon. Duesenberg. Dodge Special. Mormon. Dodge Special. Hudson Super Six. Philbrin Duseiuorg, J.t i.t i.t tt i.t :.t j.t tt it I school for tho coming yea'-. This will requlro n levy of not less than 3evcn mills nor more than twenty mills on tho total assessed valuation of said district. SlgHed: C. R. Smllh Director. :o: NOTICE At tho annual meeting of tho legal voters of school district No. 97 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which will bo held at tho school houso on Mon day, June 12th, 1922 at 2 p. m. the proposition will bo submitted to tho voters of raising tho budget of Ono Thousand ($1,000) dollars to conduct tho school for the coming year. This will rcqulr j a levy of not. 103s ' :han seVon mills nor more than twenty mills on tho total assessed valuation of said district. Signed: Joel Alssoa .... ,s , Director NOTICE At tho anual meeting of tho legal votors of school district No. 107 of Lincoln county, Nebraska, which will bo held at tho school houso on Mon day, Juno 12, 1922 at 2 p. m. tho pro position will bo submitted to tho vot ers of ralBlng the budget of one thou sand ($1,000.00) dollars to conduct tho school for the coming year. This will require a lovy of not less than seven mills ' nor more than twenty mills on tho total assesed valuation of said district. Mrs. Lilllo M. Brlggs Director . :o: NOTICE At tho annual meeting of the legal votors of school district No. 47 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which will bo hold at tho school houso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922 nt 2 p. m. tho proposition will bo' submitted to tho voters of raising tho budget of eleven hundred ($1,100.00) to conduct the school for tho coming year. This will requlro a levy of not less than soven mills nor moro than twenty mills on tho total' as3osed valuation of said district. Signed: C. C. Bowmau Director NOTICE At tho annual meoting of the legal voters of school district No. 131 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which will bo hold at tho school houso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922, at 2 p. m., tho proposition wll bo submitted to tho votors of raising tho budget of ono thousand . ($1,000) dollars to conduct Uio school for tho coming year. This will roqulro a Jevy of not less than soven mills nor moro than twenty on tho total assessed vauation of said district. Signed: E. J. Damoodo Director :o: NOTICE At tho annual meeting of Uio legal votors of school district No. 71 of Lincoln county, Nebraska, which will bo hold at tho school houso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922, at 2 p. m., tho proposition will bo submitted to the votors of raising tho budget of Thlr tocn Hundred ($1300) Dollar's to con duct tho school for Uio coming year. This will roqulro a lovy of not lees than sovon mills nor moro than twen ty mlllB on tho total assessed valu ation of said district Signed: John Simma Director