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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1921)
NOItTIT PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. V t - ToCureaCold in One Day TaV Laxative Bromo Qulnlno tablets Be sure its Bromo "Girts The genuine bears this signature 30c Love of money Is the root of nil evil and of some good. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who nre In a "run clown" condi tion will notice that Catarrh botheri them much more than vtjicn they are In Rood health. This fact proves that while Catarrh la a local disease, It Is frreatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is a Tonic and Blood Purifier, and acts through the blood Upon the mucous surfaces of the body, 'thus reducing the Inflammation and restoring normal conditions. All druggists. Circulars free. F. J, Cheney Sc. Co., Toledo, Ohio. Obey orders first, and, If still alive, kick afterward. Watch Cutlcura Improve Your Skin. On rising and retiring gently smear the face with " Cutlcura Ointment. Wash off, Ointment hi Ave minutes with Ciiticurn Soap affd hot water. It Is wonderful sometimes what Cutlcura will do for poor complexions, dandruff, Itching and red rough hands. Adv. Jinny a full dress suit covers nn empty stomach. It takes Congress to settle a strike, but 4n unruly stomach is subdued by Uartield Tea. Adv. Dead Gone; She "Would you be- willing to die for rner He-"Why, I'm dying tor you now 1" DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi culty in urinating, often mean eeriouo disorders. The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles bring quick relief and often ward o9 deadly diseases. Known aa the national remedy of Holland for more than 200 years. All druggists, in three sizes. Look for tha nana Cold Medal on myry box and accept no imitation 80 Years Old Was Sick Now Feels YounjJ Aftei Taking Eatonic for Sour Stomach 1 had sour stomach ever since I had the grip and it bothered me undlj Have taken Eatonic only a week and am much better. Am 80 years old," Bays Mrs. John Hill. Eutopic quickly relieves sour stom ach, Indigestion, heartburn, bloating and distress after eating because It takes up and carries put the excess acidity and gases which cause most ctomaeh ailments. If you have "tried everything" and still suffer, do not give up hope. Eatonic 1ms brought relief to tens of thousands like you. A big boa costs but a trifle with your druggist'! guarantee. DEN-TURA Den-tura la a powder especially prepared for cleaning tales teeth. It will remove all allme and decolorations and at the game time leave your plates odorless and sanitary. A dirty plate may causa rheumatism and ether disease, but this may be avoided by s clean mouth. As a matter ot personal hy giene you should use It, as It Is recom mended by dentists. Send 60p for a full sized can and he convinced. Sold direct only by The DEN-TUltA CO., Florence, Colo. PATENT and Trade-Marks ob tained. Bund for Free Booklet. 8TUKGES & STUItGES. Patent Attorneys, 433 Peters Trust Bldg., OMAHA Wonderful Iiitrntlpu, Talented, Sign paint ing, show card printing made easy with one piece Drafting Instrument, for letters and figures: made of Aluminum, set 3 sires. Illustrated Instructions by mall. $1.00. Agents wanted United Pattern Co., Falls CltyNeb. rnrnin rn posmvn.vniMovrokr Dr. iwrr's LULI'lf i U rreeile ur Uurll r or nrllnl 111 Mil. Hr Freebeek. I IIUUIAIaUU Ce., 2S7B Mkhlaen Avenue, ChJcase Coughing Is annoyios and harmful. Relieve throat Irritation, Ucldlng and gtt rid of coughs, colds and hoartcneas at once by taking PISO'S VV. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 1-1921. j&rg 400 CLEAN COWPEA MOST VALUABLE Dealer Reaps Profit for Doing Work That the Grower Neg lects to Perform. WIDE DIFFERENCE IN PRICE Despite Commercial Shortage and High Market Prices Producers Do Not Sell More Specialists Give Timely Advice. Until the. growers sea fit ,to place their cowpeas on the market In a clean and attractive condition they may expect the wide difference be tween the price they receive mid the wholsalo price charged by the dealer to continue, say marketing specialists of the bureau o markets, United States Department of Agriculture. When the dealer Is compelled to do work that the grower falls to perform, it is the dealer who enjoys the profits. Marketing Factors. According to estimates prepared by the bureau of markets some 100,000.000 pounds of cowpeas enter commercial channels every year. Of tills quantity 25 per ceiyt is of mixed varieties and sold at a discount .of from 50 cents to $1 per 100 pounds. A large percentage of It also Is made up of poorly tljrashed, unclean' slock containing nluch foreign matter and packed In second-hand bags, improperly sewed. As a result of the use of these Ineffi cient marketing 'methods the average wholesale selling price for recieaned stock during the spring of 100 was 00 "V. Cleaning Cowpeas Pays Well.. per cent higher than the average price paid ,the growers for the 1010 crop of cowpeas. Similar conditions prevailed with regard to the 1017 and 1010 crops. To secure higher prices for cowpeas, specialists of the bureau of markets who have made a careful investigation of the matter recommend the following practices : 1. Clean cowpeas thoroughly before marketing. All hulls and other foreign matter, as well as light and immature seed, if any, should be fanned out. 2. Keep the varieties pure. Only straight varieties should be planted for grain or seed production, and precau tions taken to prevent mixing at liar vest time. 3. Sack in new even-Weight bags, well sewed. Tills prevents waste in handling and ihe package will bo more attractive to the buyer. 4. Market in as largo lots as possi ble. It costs the shipper or local deal er practically as much money, to re ceive, weigh, record nnd pay for one bag of cowpeas as It does a ten-bag lot. If cur lots nre nvallable the cost of handling per unit is still smaller. All efforts made by farmers or grow ers to. Improve the quality anil mar ketability of cowpeas add to the Ini dal selling price. Cause of Shortage. Cowpeas are usually grown as a catch crop, and on .most farms regard ed of secondary 'commercial Impor tance. Yet the farm value of cowpeas produced In the United States Is some thing like $30,000,000 a year.' Approx imately 750,000,000 pounds of cowpeas are produced annually, about 45 per cent or 3-10,000,000 pounds of which is required for planting. Of this latter quantity 15 per cent Is sold by growers direct to farmers and 30 per cent nor mally enters commercial channels to be distributed by various dealers. In 1010, and again in 1020, the demand for cowpeas for planting purposes ex ceeded the commercial new crop sup ply, and abnormally high prices pre vailed. Despite tills shortage and the high prices, practically no effort was made to Increase the commercial sup ply. In the opinion of the bureau of mar kets tlie commercial shortage vas not due to decreased production, but to failure on the part of the growers to prepare more of their cowpeas for commercial distribution. To increase the commercial supply It Is seemingly necessary, for growers simply to con serve the supply produced, and to pre pare and market more of It for plant ing purposes. Such action would di rectly result In a larger profit to pro ducers of cowpeas, and Indirectly bene fit farmer consumers who desire to grow the crop for purposes other than grain production. To feed cowpeas suitable for planting purposes to live stock Is a (practice that growers should readily perceive unprofitable In view of the price that cowpeas now command. . &JKway r i i Th.ii' . -.'.vfc. vatk.'SR93 VELVET BEANS MAKE GOOD GRAZING CROP Excellent for Cattle and Hogs in Fall and Winter. Usual Period for Pasturing Is About Three Months but This May Be Lengthened or Shortened as Deemed Advisable. Velvet brans are an important grac ing crop for cattle and hogs In the South in autumn nnd winter, accord ing to specialists of the United States Department of Agriculture. They are not primal well by horses or mules, or by any live stock until after they are well matured or frosted. As the leaves, vines and pods decay but slow ly when subjected to weather condi tions, velvet beans -will furnish feed until early spring. It Is usually bet ter to let tho crop stand until It Is well matured, or until It Is killed by frost, as the leaves will be off the plants nt that time and the corn which has been planted at the same time may be gathered with less difficulty. The amount of grazing which will be afforded will, of course, vary With thn growth of the crop and the quan tity of corn not gathered, but It Is the custom with many cattlemen to allow olie-thlrd to one-half acre a month for each sieer or cow. The usual period for pasturing velvet beans Is about three months, but .this may be short ened or lengthened us deemed advis able. When the period Is longer be cause of1 large acreage In proportion to .the number of cattle there Is nec essarily some loss of feed through de cay. Hogs, should be permitted to' follow the cattle, as they will consume prac tically all the bans which the cattle fail to get. A common practice is to allow one or two hogs In addition to 'thp cattle for each acre of beans. A good stnnd of velvet beans should produce ubout lf0 pounds of beef and 100 pounds of pork nn acre. QUALITY IS URGENT FACTOR Striking Example Furnished by Ken tucklan, Who Markets Eggs, Poultry and Fruit. An example of the part thnt quality plays In a business of direct marketing of farm produce Is furnished by the ex perience of a man In Kentucky who markets eggs, dressed poultry, meats and fruits to consuniers fn Nashville, Term. The business was established over two years ago by obtaining a friend as the llrst customer. From this mod est beginning the producer has ob tained sufficient customers to buy all of the high-grade produce he can sup ply. Most of the shipments are made by parcel post. ' This business Is conducted ' on the basis of high quality with adequate re turns, says the United States Depart ment of Agriculture. Customers are selected with as much care, as most consumers show In selecting a pro ducer from whom to buy farm produce. Customers nre retained by never breaking the rule to supply only tho best produce raised on his ownfarm. If, when nn order Is obtained, this farmer does not have produce of the highest quality, he Informs the custom-, er and states that unless otherwise In structed the produce will bo shipped at the earliest possible date USEFUL FOR CUTTING BANDS, Device Illustrated Is Handy for Man. Pitching Bundles to Shredder or ' Silo Filler. , . Tho following Is a handy way for cutting bands. The man who is pitch ing bundles to a com shredder or silo filler can cut the bauds as he pitches them to the machine, thereby saving the aid of one man t cut the bands. Band Cutter for Bundles. I also tlnd it handy to cut the shock ties on corn when loading from the Held, says a writer In the Farmer. To make same 1 attached a mower sickle section to the fork handle, as per il lustration. UNITED STATES APPLE CROP Official Estimate Is Given at 223,000,. 000 Bushels, an Increase Over , July Figures. , The ofllclal estimate of the apple crop In the United States Is given as 223,000,000 bushels, and the com mercial crop at 83,000,000 bnrrels, which Is an Increase of 3,000,000 bar rels over the estimate given for July. CLEAN EGGS'BRING PREMIUM Dirty Product, No Matter How Fresh or How Large, Always Sells at Big Discount. Eggs that command n premium are, first of all, spotlessly clean, A dirty egg, no matter how fresh or how large it Is, Is always Hold at a discount, One or two dirty eggs la a dozen vIll lower the price for the whole dozen, DAIRY FACTS POOR COW IS LIKE LAZY MAN "Boarder" Should Be Discarded Forth, "with and Replaced by Profit- able Producer. How many dairymen would keep n hired hand on tholr place who got up when ho felt like It, worked when lie felt like It, and did just as lie pleased? Such a hired man would be u losing proposition and the man who would keep him would soon become bank rupt. On the other hand, how many dairy men ard keeping boarder dairy cows that produce Just ns llttlo lhllk as they feel lllto ,produclug, with llttlo or no profit to the owner? A dairyman cannot afford to keep a man that does not do more work' than he Is paid for doing. Neither can he afford to keep n cow that does not return more money to him than he puts into her in feed and labor. How many cowa In your herd nre returning a fair profit for the feed basy Matter to Cows to De crease In Milk Flow' but Hard to Bring Them Back. consumed and how many aro return ing little or nothing or even costing money to keep? Thb profit made from n cow depends upon the amount of buttcrfat produced and the cost of producing same. Monthly records and the Babcoclc test will delect tho boarder cows. Why waste time nnd money on cows that do not pay for their keep? V. 12. Spungler, Colorado Agricultural College, Fort Collins, Colo. SALT ESSENTIAL IN RATION Material May Be Supplied by Mjxlng With Feed, or It May Be Left In Convenient Box. Practical observations and scientific Investigations have shown that salt Is essential in tho ration of n dairy cow. From one to three ounces per day Is needed, depending upon the amount of milk produced. Accord ing to Balicock's Investigations at the Wisconsin experiment station, a cow needs one ounce per day per 1,000 pounds live weight with nn additional 0-10 of an ounce for each 20 pounds of milk produced. Salt may be sup plied by mixing tho proper amount with the feed, or it may be placed In pome convenient place where the cow can get at It dallj and take such amounts as her appetite demands. Many dairymen prefer to plnce a lump of rock salt where the cow can lick It nt will. This is really cheaper and there is less work. Rut, however you feed It, don't forget tbnt the cows must have It not once every week or two, but at least each second day nnd each day Is better. FEEDING COWS SAWDUST The facetious statement, re peated in a Joking way, "Put green goggles on the cows nnd fool them by feeding sawdust and shavings," Is apparently not gofng to be necessary In future to feed them that product. It has been found by experiment that sawdust from non-resinous soft woods can be used, but It first must undergo a process of treatment with certain acids, which change a part of the dry matter Into carbohydrates. How ever, the low. protein content of sawdust as a feed would not augur well for Its future use. GOOD DAIRY HEIFER RATION Missouri Station Recommends Alfalfa and Corn With All the Silage She Vill Eat. One of the clieopesttiand best winter rations for the dairy heifer, according to the Missouri station, Is an average dally of about six pounds of alfalfa hay, two pounds of com, and slluge at free will (this means on the average about twenty pounds dully). This kind of ration lias kept the heifers growing nt Just about tho right rate to make the best kind of mature cows, nnl yet tho expense bos not been un duly great. HIGH COST OF COMMODITIES Killing of Calves for Veal and Spay. Ino of Heifers to Fatten for Beef Is Cause. Thnt the killing of so many culvea every year for veal, and tlie .spayJiu; of heifers mid fattening them for tho block, in retmoiiHlble in a lartte mean lire for tho present high prices of certain food commodities, there can be no question, DNS &Kftt Contents 15fluid Draclrc irm OEKR tln6UieStonwchsanauwv TotmoilniD!4csttoai Mineral, notah - Mini", Simile Sijnator mis 1 JWii HUi m CumCoWW Mm Exact Copy of Wrapper Manhood Is above all riches, over tops all titles; chnructcr Is grenter than any career. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often , , Rejected. Judging from reports from druggists who ore constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming these conditions. Tlie mild nnd healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview on tho subject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason war to many applicants for insurance arc re jected is because kidney trouble is so common to tho American people, and the large majority of those whose applica tions are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease, It is on sale at all drug storea in bottles of two sizes, medium nnd large. , Ilowever, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer &, Co., Uinnhamton, N. Y for a sample bttle. When writing be sure ond mention this paper. Adv. Eden, as history proves, was too big u Job for Adnm. Cnnstipntinn can be cured without dnin. Nature's own remedy selected herbs is Uartield Tea. Adv, He who makes nip think better of myself Is my friend. Kill That ifii (pill wmm ill I' CASCARA UI QUININE FOR Colds, Coughs Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for tha first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headacho Quinine In this form does not effect tho head Cascara Is bast Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT thisaitcls sf tiappy HouseMrives mw viiv,wui(iv,u ,niC4il iu OUn atiwj. r irJn rnf could reach prosperity Fertile Land land similar to that are Bou-ces 01 income 1 echools. rural teieDhone. etc.. ave vnu thn opportunities of a Yot IllDttratecl literature, diidi. itMulnflAn nf farm iHiDortonitfri In Manitoba, Bukntcbtwan, &nd Alberta, reduced railway ratee, etc.. writ lepartmcnt of Immleratlon, OtUwa, Can., or W. V. DENNETT Boom 4, Dee Bidg.. Omaht, Nefi, Canadian Hi iiiiii i in mmmmmmmmmmmmwmm CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years ASTORIA THt CCNTAUR COMPANY. HfW V0K CITY. Tho Main Object "What Is your son doing at collega this year?" ' "Me." Sure Relief 72 IND1GE5TKWJ 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief E LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION Broken cloteo $1.50 up. Mail teeth, we return same day. Bailey Denial Company CtT tot'l Bink Bid;., Gihab, Neb. Girls! Girls!! Clear Your Skin With Cuticura Sotp 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. Cold With AND La Grippe wjiub iUCJT -UUJU HlSJiC H IJOX11C OI intir nnrt a-.. M.s. w 11.. I and Independence by biivlnc on omiv trm. at $15 to $30 an Acre which throuch nnnvvran hni vlnUmrt t..-. nn 11 Dailey Dental Company HI 704 CtT Wat'I Bink BIJg., Oihab, Web. jj V WSM. to AS bushels of wheef to the aero. Hundred! of farmers in Western Canada have raised crops In a single season worth more than Ihe whole cost of their land. With such crops come prosperity, independence, (rood homes, and oh the comforts and conveniences which make for happy iving. Farm Gardens PoultryDairying second oniy to Brain growing and stock raisins. new land with the con ji& Oovsmment Agent nr