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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE WILSON TOUT, Editor ami Pulillslicr. ISntorod at the North Platto, Nebraska t'ostoffloo as Second Class Mattor. Sim.Sfiltll'TION I'JUCE: Ono Year, ln-ndrancc ..$2,00 ... TUKSIUV, JAMUltl J llli, llfeil. KDITOltlAL. With this issue The Tribune be gins It Ihlrty-aevoutli your. Wo still have u few subjoribora who have boon with Tho Tribune sinco tho be ginning and to them wo ure vary grateful. Wo would llko to hour from each of thorn and will try to jnako Tho Trlbuno worthy of tholr con tinued Interest. Hon. 15. S. Davis, Houso of .Itoiiroaenlatlros, -Lincoln, N'ebr. Dear Bd: Tho othor day when wo wore goInK over to tho North I'latto Alroraft Co. to sue about a trip to Lincoln next month wo hud a man toll us that thoy are going to repeal tiro curfow ordin ance lioro in Norm rinue. you re member, Kd, how tho firo whistle blows at about nlno o'clock ovory night especially when thbro is a con cert or lecture. Woll if thoy repoal tho curfow tho whlstlo will not blow. Kd! wo think you should pass a law making It nccosSary for ovcry city of ton thousand people to havo a fire whlstlo blow nt nine o'clock ovory night whether there l a concert or a lecture or not. It means that tho government stops in and attends to what tho neglectful parents have for gotten and tho wayward boys nnd girls rush for homo nnd bed when thoy hoar that whistle. It Is a grand J-'AKMEIt JMUGHT flKASSliOri'EKS JIV THE HUSHEL WITH HIS AUTO. ..1 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Tho nows Horn in another column concerning tho shipment of Lincoln bought of all chlldron turning their County hogs to bo sent to San Fran- . tepB toward homo at that early hour. Cisco by Ed Todonhoft should Intorout our fartnors nnd stockralsors. If North Platte can becomo a good hog market and Lincoln County farmors will tal.o advnntago of .this fact, It will react to tho advantago of all con cerned. Wowould urgo all farmers interested In hog shipment to lnvcs fipau thlr proposition. ::o:: Tho Tribune rcgrcta that it Is not posslblo for such a man as Warrant Offlcor Johnson of tho Army Itccrult ing Service, to receive a promotion and still stay with Us in North Platte. During tho moro than a year that tho editor has known him, ho has been impressed with his attention to de tail, .hla soldierly bearing and hla uniform courtesy. Tho army Is tho only thing that stands between law and order and somo of tho unorganiz ed foes of society. Wo appreciate tho United States army and wo appreciate having men of character represent it in our mtdst.Wo wish Mr. Johnson, good luck. u-:;o:: - Then again Ed, It koepa tho House hold clocks and many of tho watches se,t according to tho right time. When the cdrfow blows, wo always look at our watch and If It is not exactly nine o'clock we sot tho watch. Tho next nlcht wo havo to set It again. Tho government should give us the correct tlmo each day nnd that is the best way wo know. Thon again Ed, It saves the parents who aro off at church or at a danco or at a club or a party, from being wor ried for thoy know that at nine tfclock when the curfow blows their children will go homo and go, to bed It Is such a relief to tho over-worked parents. Then ngaln, Ed, it causes visitors to romomber our town. No lecturer or public spoakcr for clihu auqua, lecturo course lodge, church, " cham- bor of comtnerco or other organiza- atlon will over forget the clear blast ending in a shrill shl6k, which start led him when ho had reached tho most dramatic part of his discourse. Such a man could nover iorgot Nortu Platte. Thon again, Ed, it saves many a man from a sleepless night bccauBo of dogs howling for you remember, they all howl at onco when tho curfew blows nnd got It out of their sysloms ho thoy can sottlo down to a good I night's sleop and let peoplo sleep too. ' Thon again, Ed, it is so comforting o Know mat in case or tire tno A. J. Montgomery, a western far mor Is authority for tho following whroh tvo plckcdupthls week. He says tho grasshoppors wero bad last year so he rigged up a trough of sheet iron made lOl&ft. long 14 inchos wide anu u incuos ueep wuu somo uivisions in it. In Hub he put water with ker- osone oil on lop of it. Ho hung the trough in front of his Ford car by swinging two 12-foot scantlings under tho axle, lotting them extend out in front so thoro was roGm to crank the car and steer It On the back of this trough he built a backstop of 'screen vlrc. In one evening nfter tho grass hoppers had gone to roost bo drove the car through tho moadow and got ton bushols of thorn. IK- got twenty bushels off his young wheat field an other evening In tho snin' manner. Lookout Campflro held Its regular meeting at tho homo of Lorotta Hog sett last week. It was .i ceremonial meeting and Tlielma Starr and Dor othy VanCloavo wore given tho rank of woodgatheror. The War Mothers held a meeting nt tho homo of Mrs. IUncker last Friday at which two nowmembors wero added to tho list. A two-course luncheon was served by tho hostess, assisted by Mesdames Frank Powers nnd Lan nln. Tho War Mothers have adopted as their motto "In tho Lord wo havo trusted, let us not bo confounded." Thoy havo also adopted tho creed of the American Legion. Want Ads Wodionor tho motives and spirit of tho men and women who aro glvlhg of their tlmo and efforts to help train tho Ixiyt and slrl of this city to bo bot tor men and women Wo think flrst of the unsolftsh work that has been douo in football by Lester Walkor, Leslie Ilasklns nnd Keith Neville. We think of tho work that is being done by the school tenchors anil tho Scout masters nnd Campflce Guardians, by whlstlo will blow for wo havo heard tho Sunday School teachers and the it jl)8t tho plhor night and aro cor- iwircn worKors, uy iur. uoomson wiui tain nothing is tho matter witli it. the Cadets and tho different Com- av'o hope you will boo that wo have mandants, who havo proceeded him, curfow law for tho stato If this one by Mr. Stephens and Miss Story In the )M repealed so that other towns of gymnasium and the various gym- ten thousand peoplo enn onioy one naslum teachers of tho last fow years, t00 Hho our. . by Harry Jones, A. W. Shilling, not. . Yours, etc., Koeh with the Hl-Y Club. Chns. Kll- f A CONSTITUENT'. Man with tho Cadet Hand and Miss "ov Ethel Fritz and tho other directors of ATTENTION: thp-.HIgh School Glee Clubs, and wo Members of Local No. 000 A. F. apprcclate the offorja of each. North ,m All members not serving In the Platto is a hotter .pin co In vhlcji to orchestra for the Ball on Jan. Htli raifto boys and girls because of tho wj report for committee duty at tho unselfish work of these peoplo Me k. 0. hnll not later than 8:30 o'clock named nnd others whom wo havo not p. m. on tho above date. All members Tthought of whoso work is Just n who havo boon Issued tickets to sell valuable. And now coirit Mr. Carr win turn In their sales to my offlco, .uiu .uihh omiiu wuu ineir conirmu victdr F. Beck over HIrschfOIdt's uon to tno onortH or tho work 'n d- Clothlni! Store, not lutcr than 5 p. m. on Jan lGth. By order of VICTOR F. BECK, Pros. On Sunday afternoon Miss Xtm Robison of this city became tho bride of Sylvester Bartlett at the homo of Rev. J. II. Curry. Mrs. Bartlett Is Abe duuglilor of B. F. Roblsou of the Tribune forco and attended High School bore boforo leaving for tho wost, Mr. Uartlott la a boilormnker of Elkhnrt. Indiana, to which plnco bo tnknu his bride. bating for tho boys and girls. While fiomo of the nbovo havo received nav for tholr work In tho main it has btfen given f redly and wltrout " nnd with no thought of credit. EYI3 . SIGHT ' SPECIALISTS. Your eyes domnnd first class atten tion. Wo aro prepared to gtvo you thla sorvlco Our new oxoluslvo store Is uoulppod wib the most modern of instruments and our sight stioelnllst KiiarantooH all his work. Wo erlnd owr own leimos nixnn Ontlcat Co. :.: i.t u :.: v :: :t :? 11 it :.: s.t :.: II it a :.t At The SUN, Thursday and Friday. A CHANCE" with Mahlon Hamilton and Tillian Rich from Novel by Frederic S. Ishnm. :.: i.t it i.t if 0' i it For Hent- Store room. Seo Bratt, Goodniiin and l'ur:kley. For JlcntA desirable sleeping room, Will board. Phono 1013. For Snle Ono bedstead, two springs oil heating stove. Inqulro Phono 94G. Wanted A kitchen maid at PJafte Valley Hospital. For Snlo Man's overcoat as good as now. Size 44. Phono 810J. For Sale Full blood Barred Ply mouth Rock Roosters. Phone 7SSF120 For Sale Duroc Jersey Boar, regis tered; No. 1. Call 28GJ. Losdr A Rovonoc bicycle with mo torcycle handlebars. Reward at Trl buno Offlco. vn . For Sale Horses, saddle, bridle and chaps. Inquire L. D. McFarland 1702 East 4th. For Sale I still have a few pure bred Barred Rock Roosters, also some Bronzo Gobblers. Phono 790F110. Wanted Anyone wishing quilta made, either tied or quilted call at 612, E Tenth. For Snle Alfalfu hay delivered or In stack. C. H. Shin, north Baker school house Phono 781F11. , Mrs. Wm. Jotters of Omaha, spent Salurdnv in the cltv en route to Sid ney . For Snle Big husky S-0 Rod cock rols $4. Barred rocks $2.50'. Mrs. Em ma Ovorhlser, Phone 2422, Maxvqll, Ncbr Wanted Salesmen to solicit orders for lubricating oils greases and paints salary or conlmisslon. Lincoln Oil Co.. Cleveland. Ohio. Wanted Light housekeeping room. ihorl distance from Jefferson and Central Schools. Call 9G7 botweon 3:30 and 4:00. Call for" Mrs. Noyer. Lost On Sunday morning, a foun tain pen without cap. Finder phase return to this office and receive rq-wnrd. For -Kent section 15 mile wuth of Maxwell. 50 acres farm land, small houso and mill. $250.00. '-nsh. O. Rasmussou. No. Platte, Nobr . Ecuador. It was ouo hundred years ago that Ecuador liberated Itself from Spanish rule. To commemornte the anniver sary, Ecuador has Issued a series with nineteen denominations one centnvo to one sucre each bearing a portrait of some man who won renown In Ecuador's history. The dates 1820 and 1020 nre a part of the design. Greatly to tho surprlso of collectors, no 20 centavo denomination appeared ns, part of the set, for Ecuador's sets for forty years have Included one of that value. Inquiry brought 'the disclosure that fi'J.OOO copies of n 20-centavo wero printed, but the value description, volute, meaning "twenty," was through an error spelled vlento Instead. The postal authorities destroyed the entlro lot, and n 20-centnvo will appear as soon us a new plnte has been made. Youth's Companion. Comment "Sarkastlc. Now the vacuum subway express has been Invented. Working some- vhat after tho fashion of tho pneu matlc cash carriers that havo long been In use In department stores, tho trains proceed from ono tunnel station to another, according to prospectus, nt the rate o 1C0 miles an hour. This speed 1s attained with slight expend! turo or power, uecnuso tno vacuum system removes all air resistance from tho front of tho train nnd applies ex Handing nlr to tho rear. Tho tnven tor presumably got his Idea for the vacuum subwuy while traveling by tube, and noting what a small quan tlty of air tho cars could get along with. Christian Sdcnco Monitor. A drama to tear your heart, lilt our senses and carry you away on a tide o( dynamictaetion. . : . So crammed with climaxes you'll clutch your chair so ;i straight forward you'll set your Jaw.- il Also 2-recl Tarry Scamon in 'SOLID CONCERT. h v v III it i.t i.t it $ it i.t j.t :.t 11 it Czechoslovak Forests. A novel fcuturo of Ozchoslovak for est development Is tho principle that tho nnnunl growth must equal or ex ceed tho annul cut. This is a wise- nnd fnrslghtcd policy. It is estimated that 0,000,000 cubic meters of Dro wood and 0,400,000 cubic meters of commer cial timber arc cut yearly, Tho nuan ,'tlty used for fuel during and sinco the war will be greatly reduced, In tho very nenr future, through stimulated production of bituminous coal, lignite and oil, At tho prevailing prices for lumber competent authorities estimate the value of tho annual timber cut i be about $120,000,000. Roy Johnson (vlslted in Lexington over the' week end. Mr. and Mrs. P. Bristol of Brady,. wero in tho city yesterday. We specialize In Diamonds. Dixon, the Jeweler. Hattic Hurstcnd of Pox ton was n visitor in this city yesterday. Mrs. Rose Garrison spent tho week end in Keystone vlsttlng friends. Mrs. Kate Sullivan, of Brady, spent yesterday in .the city. Mrs. Hugh Broggiu of Keystone, is visiting at tho Omar Huff home. Mrs. John Martin loft the latter part of tho week for Broadwater to visit Dixon Optical Co. Sight and eye Specialists. Mrs. Charlos Tighe has accepted a position with tho Loader Mercantile Co. " . Mrs, Jones left Sunday for Broad wator where she will visit for somo time. . Mr. and MrH ,G. Stryker of Suther land transacted lnislnass In this city Saturday. L. M. Barnor of Stapleton transact ed business In this city Friday and Saturday. E. C. Stevens of Hershoy was a business visitor In the city the flrst of tho week. Dixon Optical Co. Sight and eyo Specialists. Mrs B. D. Lewis roturned Sunday from Maxwoll where she visited over the week end. Arthur McCabe has accpted a posi tion during the rush with the Leader Mercantile Co. Carl Simon left Saturday for Sid ney w,hore he will transact business for soveral days. Pearl R. Rhino of this city left Sat urday for Maxwell where she will visit for some timo Misses Anna and Josio" O'Hare will leave Sunday for California to be gone for an Indefinite time. CarroJ Stevens and Theodore Paypo returned .yesterday from a short visit In Ogalalln. William Borger' of the Shoo Market is in Milwaukee this week attending the Shoo Dealers' Convention. Mrs. V. E. Koontz returned Mon day from Maxwell whoro she visited over Sunday with her parents. Mrs. E. W. Cross loft Saturday for her homo in Gothenburg nfter visit ing In tlds city with friends. . Harold Peterson who has been visiting at ho Charles Weir home in this city leaves tomorrow for Omaha. When lu Nortli Platte atop at tnt w Hotel Palace and Cafe. You wjll be treated woll 58tf Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Lewis and fam ily returned Sunday from Maxwell whoro they had visited for a shor,t timo. Mr. atul Mrs. Sheltonia Polndexter arrived homo yesterday from penver here they had visited for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Young, of Omaha arrlyed Sunday to take charge, of, tho Uhon Pacific DJning Room in no luture. ,. , Mrs. Wm. Beatty of Brady, who has eep visiting in this city at the home t.her son R. H. Beatty left Saturday for her home. Harris Stuart formerly employed at the Dixon Store left yesterday for Youugstown, Ohio, where ho has ac cepted a position ' ' Mrs. A. Sitters, of Chicago, who lias been visiting in California stopped in the city -yesterday to visit friends en- oute to heU'home. Mr. and Mrs. Stackhouse roturned to their home In Wallace yesterday fter visiting at tho home of tho lat- IoV'h father, F. J. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Halo of Council Bluffs, who havo been visiting at. tho nome or flir. nnd Mrs. John Martin left Thursday for their home. Tho next Lincoln County Teachers' Examination will bo hold in the usual places Saturday, Jan. 22ud Aileon G. Cochran, County Superintendent. 3 Do you like a thrill? If you do see Hobart Bosworth" In Thomas H. luce's latest production "Behind tho Door'' at tho Crystal Tuesday and Wadnosdny. n'gbts. It Is a story of tho Sea 'full of action, oxcltoment and surprise. Mr. and Mrs II. W. Smith, who have been in charge of tho Union Prclflc Dining Room for somo time left, last , ovenlng for Council Bluffs where they will engage In tho same wont. S. D Tannor, of Horshey, passed r way Saturday Ho died at tho ago of seventy-one years. Mr. Tanner wnm a brother of Miss Hostcr Tanner of this city and had lived with her for soernl yonrs. Tho'e Is a report bolng circulated that. Mr. Sklnnor will oloso his Clean- ins; establishment. This Is an error. Ho expects to move from his present quarters on or boforo tho first of March but ho will continue his busi ness ns heretofore In hts now loca tion. Tiio rouowing dnncos navo ieen lcbeduled for tho K. C Hall on flTuciday, Jan. 11th, Scholtz Orchestra, 8th Scholtz Supor-Jazz Orchestra; Tuesday, Jan. 11th Scholtz again; Saturday, Jan, 15th Shuborta Orig inal Jazz Orchostra; Mondny, Jan. 17, Musician's Ball. Tho Pioneer Camp Fire Girls wero guosts at a birthday surprise party In honor of Evelyn Powell, Saturday ov enlng, Jan. 8th, 1921, at her homo 7J5 west 5th street. After an evening of lively games tho guests woro in vited to tho dining room whoro covers woro laid for twelve. Tho Ladles' Guild of tho Church of Our Savior will servo a dinner to the men of tho church on Thursday even ing, January 13th, at u:30 o clock, at tho church. This is to bo a Get- Togethor meeting in tho fullest sonde. Every man pjtbo parish is invited to bo present and tho ladles go farthor and urgo ovory mnn to bo present, Saturday aftornoon Judgo Wood hurst unltod Miss Lena Tucker and Cecil Tront In marriage. Mrs. Trent is from Mountain Grovo, Mo. Sho has been employed In tho public schools of Lowellon. Mr. Trent Is tho son ol Mrs. Daisy Tront nnd has been employ ed In iho Ipcal postoftlco for somo timet Miss Altco. Hoagland and Carl Buckor acted as witnesses. Mr. and Mrs Trent will bo at homo at 715 East Fifth Streot. One Day Special On Sale Wednesday, Jan. 12, only Men's. Heavy Ribbed 'Wool Mixed Suits Union 53.00 Value $25 "SUIT ... Two Suits to a customer ' For Wednesday Only Men's Lisle 60c Grade HOLEPROOF HOSIERY All colors ' Six Pairs to a Customer. 35 pr sar navn The HIRSCHFELD North Platte's Reliable Outfitters. J , For Men and Boys. Co. it 1 Real Property Bargains. The Hollman & Sebastian Agency. And when we say 'Bargains" we mean nice, modern priced homes that are worth the money. Look over the three Ve offer in this issue and Phone. Gl 2 J or W. for an appoint ment to see' them. - ' ' 313 West C Street: A nice five room bungalow. Modern except heat: Has nice barn, chicken bouse, wash house and chicken yard fenced off. Pine trees and lawn. Terms $1200 cash, bal ance at $50 per month. ,r ' 007 West 6th Street. n. One story, frame five room house. Natural pine fin- it ish. Newly remotieled inside. ,,Moden$except"heat. Gas . range goes withTtouse. There is ai5d0"first mortgage to . the Building & Loan and a S650 mortgage to a private & party, both of which can be assumed. Balance cash. Price 8 $3500. 1023 West Gth Street. One and half story, frame house, seven rooms. Mod- 'i.t it i.t i.t l ern except heat. Garage, chicken house and coarhouse. S t Fenced chicken' yard.largo trees, nice lawn corner lot Cash $1,000, balance at $45.00 per month. 4 J. C. HOLLMAN, Residence Flume UftlJ. Price $4,500.00. J. E. SEBASTIAN Jtesidence Phone 1188 B :.: V :.t s i.t i.i t.t i.t :.: i.t n CEDARDALE FARM POLAND CHINA SALE LEXINGTON, NEBRASKA. ' Monday, January 17, 1920, at the new Heated Sales ' Pavillion on the Fair Grounds. The Sale will start at one o'clock. co . iaDrui?i: sows and gilts o 1 HOARS 1 Designer Jr. Sons of $30,000 Bred to Designer Supremo Designer ' Cedardalo Jack, A sou of the $10,200 Colonel Jack TDRMS Cash or bnnknble paper, 8 months nt 10 per cent Write for catalogue L. It. WHITE, Lexington, Nebraska. W. J. O'CONNOR, 8, 10, 25c Store. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE For One Week Only. Starts Tuesday, January 11. Ends Tuesday, January 18, 't