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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1921)
NORTH PLATTR SEMI-WJDEKLY tribune 1SBW ISSL'IS 01' C02UIKMOJMT1VK POSTAGE STAMPS IS OUT. j PoeUliflBtor SturglB 1ms rocolvod a aupply pf tlio Pilgrim Coiflonary Stomps In denominations of one, two and throo contft The ono cent stamps bonr a pldturo of tho May flower, the two vmt stnmps linvo n reproduction of tlio landing of tlio Pilgrims, wlillo tin- Signing of tlio Compact Ih tlio litlo of tlio illustra tion on tlie throo cant stnmps. Those stamps nro for sale at regular prlcos and nro rogular postago stamps but thoy will not ho given outroxcopt Whon roquoetod by tho purchaser, Any one wnntlng those stamps will re qnofit thorn whon buying a supply. stuii:nt rouVcir,' OH(JAMJ:S IX shvior Jiifiir. OIII)IAClt NO. An Orillitncc AtitorlxliiK " Jumiiuicc nni! Delivery of WW.OOO.OO Oily of N'orl J'lfittr Wnlcr Workg Improve ment IIoiiiIm, Hie SIriiIiik f Hnld HiiiiiIn Ur lie Mnyur nnil CUr Clerk, mil! Ilie AlllxliiK of Tliclr I'nc-Slnillc NlKiinlurrn tit tin I'iiiiimhim AUnclicil lo Sntil Unmix, fnlil IIoiiiIm o lie Im mieil nnil llelhereil Uy Hnlil Mnyor nnil rierk I Hilrr nnil in Aocoriinncf ttltli tin rroiOMl(lon tin SiilimlMeil lo Hleclor or Mlliu i nr i .mi PInHe. I mler Dnle of Oclolirr ll, 11)20, nnil lo I'riSvldr for ilic I.cvjIok mid CollfflliiKr Ity II"' Proper Ollloer of Maid I'llr of ii Tux Anitiiiillr Suf llrf fii ( lo I'nv Hip Interest mid I'rln pIiiiiI of Sold HoiiiIh iim 'I'liey .tin I lire. 1IH IT OIIIJAINKIJ ly the Mayor unci City Council of the city of North I'l(itts Lincoln County, State of Nehru"- SUCTION 1. Tlmt tlio Mayor ntil City Council of the City pf North Pintle, Lincoln County, Nebraska, are lioroby luithorlzotl to Ihhuo umlor their xlKtiiituro and the oal of Hald City, l-'lfty ThouBtttid 00.100 ($60,000.00) Dol lars In "City of North 1'latto Water WTrls 'improvement Honda" in ilpnorn InatlonH of One Thousand 00.100 ($1000.00) Dollars each, boarliitf Intor-p-t at. i he rato of 6 nor cent iter an num, payable semi-annually, Intorost and tirlnclpal payable at the offico. of tho county Treasurer of Lincoln Coun ty,. HJato of Nebraska. Said bonds to bear lato of October 1, 1920 and tho -Interest on said bonds to bo payable on the 1st day of April, 1921, and on tho 1st day of Octobor, 1921, nnd on tho 1st day of April and on tho 1st day of Oc tober of each and every year thereafter until said bonds shall mature, and to bo cvldcncod by Interest coupons there to attached. Hald bonds to be nuin- wlll wrlto tho best lotlor stating bored consecutively from l to do m- "Why I Want a Washing Machlno'i" lo Dccomo 5"' "U,H",U Tlio machlno soils for $110. Tho con- uonds No. l to c inchulslvo to becomo tost closes Jan. lfith. duo nnd payable Octobor 1. 1930. Thc Studont Council of tho Senior 'High School organized this weak. Tho purposo of this organization Is to " manngo school actlvltlos. All mom- bor have ndt boon solccted ns yet but election '-of officers will takn place next week. ;:o::- Considerable Interest Is being a- rouscd ovor the contost bolng adver tised in tho papers of th city by the North Platlo Light. Heat & Power CO. It proposes to glvo ono of Its Electric Washers to the woman who Honda No. to 0 Inclusive to become due and pnynlile,Ootobery 1, 1B31I Uonds No. 11 to-16 Ineluslvo tffVhc como duo nnd payable Octobor j, 1982; ; Uonds No. 1C to 2U Ineluslvo to be come due and payable Octobor 1, 1938; Iionds No. 21 tb 28 Inclusive? to be .ome due and payable October 1, 1934; Uonds No. 26 to HO Inclusive to become-due and payable October 1, 1036; Uonds No. 31 to 3R Inclusive tp bet i-ome iIup and payable October 1, 1936; TJonita No. 36 to' 40 Inclusive ta be- i i-ome dup and payable octobor 1, 1937; llnndn No. 41 to 45 Inclusive to be come due and payable October 1, 1038: TinmlM No. 46 to 150 inclusive to be come duo and paynble Octobor 1, 1939. SUCTION Z. That snii nanus ns ih nail iiv (lip Maid Mnvor and City Clerk shall be payable at the option of. said City at any time within nvo (t) years from and niter moir uhip ui uciuubi: 920, and sliall no miei in inn. joi owlmr form: NEGLECTED WIVES MIGHT BE A TRAGEDY IF IT WERE NOT FOR THE COMEDY IN AL CHRISTIE'S Sijc Reel Comedy Drama "SO LONG LETTY" From the Famous OLIVER MOROSCO STAGE SUCCESS . THE 102.75 PROOF COMEDY THAT PUTS THE KICK IN THE CHASER AS LETTY SAYS: Men are peculiar, they spend their Courting Days telling us how unworthy they are and; their Married Life, prov ing It. A ROBERTSON-COLE SUPER-SPECIAL THE FUNNIEST PLAY EVER SCREENED At The SUN, Tuesday and Wednesday. '3 Mutual Building & Loan, Association , . of North Platte. INCORPORATED IN 1887. Resources $1,370,427.14. SAFETY FIRST. Investors In this association get" tho benefits of the following requirements of the laws of Nebraska under which it is operating: First. Tho association is required to invest only in first mortgages on real estate or the stock of this associa tion. . Second. Such Investments are non-negotiable and non-assignable, and can only bo discharged by payment direct to the association. This is a very important pro tection not available to any financial institution except Building & Loan Associations. Third. Tho association Is subject to tho supervision of the State Banking Board. How well the Interests of tho investors in this as sociation have been safeguarded is evidenced by the fact that in the more than thirty three years of its operation not ono dollar has been lost. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, Prosldont. Secretary. !5 1 ' I 1 - ozzreoaZ ZOLZJ?2JTZ ., Is zoave , ' m.:- S4 n 1 1 . - v O -'v( ' . ' t! ,1.' v-c. : 'ri. UtnM to an 'm- T t Tr A m MUM HTATR OK NISnHAHK . COUNTY OP LINCOLN CITV OP NOUTII T'l. TTB WATK1I V'OHKH Tftll'IlOVI'J.Mi'.ni iwjnv. One OCTOHKU , 19 . lfKnW A t.T. MRN m THESIS PllHf- !vt Hint im Cltv of North l'latte, n tho County of Lincoln. In the Stnto f NebrnaKn, ncKnown'iiHttp iipu i l.t..,l nnd for vnlbe received boroby nromlBCH to nay to the bcicr or bold- r lioroor ine Hum 01 nvis TftONHAND DOLTAIIS. .' . . n lawful monoy of the United Statea f America, on tho first my 01 ucioocr, n .At.1i Intnrnat IllAt-Anll IJ. f "HI' from the date hereof n the rate of alx fr. nor- f-nnn tier nnnum. nay- able sonll-annunlly on the flrat day of Anrll nnu on too uy 01 w- tober of encb year that Bald bond Ih to run. upon tho prewentatlon and sur render of the Intorost coupoiiH hereto attached, to evidence said I Interest: both principal nnd Interest payable at the office of the couniy ireunurcr ui jlncoirv county, Hiaic ui noiirann i. and ror tno prompt imyiiiuui. u " principal nnd Intorest. the flilt fnlth, crodlt, resources and all taxable prop erty of the said City of North Platte, In tile county or ijincoin, mine wjbpi kn. are horoby hTovocably pleaded. The City of North Platte hereby re serves tho rlaht, at Its option, to re deem this bonTI at any time nft nve (5) yoars from October 1st, 1920, nnd prior to the maturity thereof.. THIS BOND la one of tho scries of like tenor and date, Issued for the pur- iiuin nf rnlnlnsr funds ror mo imnrov- nir. oxtcndlnp and nmintnininr ine water works of Hald city, and ine liulldlnK and conslructlnK of additional well or wells, pump houses nnd In stnlllntr pumps and motors, In oxtond Inir nnd ro-lnylnp wnter mnlns With n snld City, under nnd by virtue of and In full nnd strict coniornmy wmi mo pro visions of the Nebraska Constitution and with tho Ilevlsed Statutes of Ne braska for 1913. bnlnpr paragraph 495fi, Section 105 thereof, as amended bv the 1917 Legislature or tne tsinio or iraskn. and any and nu omer iawn unu authority thereunto supplemental., a- mondntory or enannnc. anci in purn -ance of tlm necessary netltlon. ordl nnnc and all reoulslte letrnl action bv tho Mnvor nnd Council of the Cllv of North Platto. duly nassed and nubllshed anil any and-all othor offlclSls locrnlly or otherwise connecieu wim me ir.u ance of this bond: nnd under authority of a favorable vote, bv more than a three-fifths (3-r.) majority or ine elect ors of said cltv or ortii TMntte. duly nnnllfled. as reoiilred by law for votlnK non s"ch (iue"tons nt an election lec illv f.nild and held within said City of Vnrth l'lntt on the 19tli nav or tie- toir A. P. 1920. IT IS HISHEBY CEUTIPIED AND Ti.ifloiTian that all acta and thlntrs re- nulred to bo done nnd conditions and thlnprs required to exist precedent to and In tho Issuance of this bond, In or der to render tho samo legal and valid have been amy anil property none nnu. did exist In due time, form and man ner as rcfiuircu nv law. nnu m.n. ino total Indebtedness of tho said. City of North Platte, Including that of this Is buo for the purposes for which tho same has ben Issued, exceeds neither the constitutional nor statutory limi tations of tho Stato of Nebraska, and that provlslan hns been mndo for the lew and collect Inn of a direct annual tax upon nil the taxable property wim In said City of North Platte, sulllclent to pay the Interest anil principal of. tills bond as the snme shnll become due. IN TESTIMONY WHEHEOK, the City of North Platte, In tho County of Lin coln, by Its Council hns caused this bond to be signed by Its .Mayor, at tested by tho City Clerk, and sealed with the cornornte seal thereof: and has caused the nttnched coupons to be executed with the fac-slmllo signatures of said Mayor and Clerk this llrst day of October, A. P. 1920. Attest: Mayor. City Clerk, and snld intorest coupons as attnohed to Hjjltl bonds shall be In form ns fol lows: No, $30.00 On tho (list day of .April; A. n. I9i tho City of North Phitte. In the County of Lincoln, Stnte of Nebraska, will pay to' tho lioldor or bearer hereof, thirty dollars In lawful money of tho United States of Amorlca, at the of fico of tho County Treasurer of Lin coln County, Stuto of Neb-'skn, bolng six months Intorost on Its "City of North Plntte Water Works Improve ment Bond" No. day of October, A. dated tlio tlrst D. 1920. ' . F. HTUWITZ. Mayor. Attest: O. K RLDISn. City Clerk. SECTION 3. That the Mayor mid City Clerk of snld City aro hereby au thorized to oxooiito tho coupons nt tnched to said bonds by tho affixing thereto of their fac-slmlle signatures, same to he affixed In printing nf said bonds. SECTION 4. Tho proper olllrars of tile snld City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nobrnska, are hereby author ized and Instructed to lovy a tax an nunlly upon nil tho taxable property of the snld City of North Plntte. In tho County of Lincoln, Stato of Nebraska, Bufllclont to pay snld bonds ns they mature and tho Interest thereon as tbo samo become due. SECTION ri. The Mayor nnd City Clerk of tho City of North Plntto nro hereby nutborlzod to deliver Bald bonds upon their duo execution and registration 'as renulrcd by law to BoBWorth, Chnnuto ft Compnny, of Den ver. In the Stnto of Colorado, unon their payment thorofor In compliance with tne mil or par nnd accrued Inter t upnn date of dollvory. ' SECTION fi. The Mayor and City 'rk of the City of North Watte. Lin- County, Nobrnska, nro hereby nu ll to do and porform nil other ssary to bo done and per behalf of said city In the .ho Issuanco and dollvory of i In accordance with the vote motors of snld olty ns recordod neo al elect on hold In said city i proposition under date of Oc 1, 1920, mnklng dollvory of said s in nccornnnco with the nrovi ,s of tho bid as submitted by the fchnsors thereof. SECTION 7. This shall .ake effoct and ho In force from and nf ter Its passage and approval as reaulr ed by law. Passed nnd approved this 4th day of January iv.i V. STUEITZ. Attest: Mayor. II IS. liVjUl'JU. City Clork. (8 ISAM NEW MEAT MARKET Crow & Croiv, Phono 708, Jf. Lom'bl. Steak r ...20c. "Pork Chops j 20c Lard I ...20c ltollliu' Mont j ...15c Chickens . 30c Would You Write A Letter For $110.00? Then Here's Your Chance To Get This " 6 Absolutely Every woman Avants a washing machine you know thero is no longer any reason for washing the old back-breaking nervo-racking way. -V. f. f,' Free We are going to give AB SOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE to tho woman of North JPlatte or vicinity who writes us the best let ter telling: "Why I Want a Washing Machine" a Laundry Queen ELECTRIC 'WASHEK because women who have used and know the Launrdy Queen tell us it Is the best washe on the market. Read over, the conditions carefully and send in your letter. , CONDITIONS V'rite a letter stating your reasons: "Why I Want a Washing Machine."' Fill out the Official Contest Coupon below attach it to your letter bring it to our store and de posit it in the tub of the Free Laundry Queen Washer, on or before January 15, J921. Judges will award Laundry Queen Electric Washer FREE to writer of best letter. No cost. No obligation. ' OFFICIAL CONTEST COUPON North Platte Lt., Ht. & Pr. Co., North Platte, Nebraska. Gentlemen: I have answered questions below and submit herewith my letter in FREE LAUNDRY QUEEN CONTEST. 1. Do you own a washing machine? 2. If so, what make? 3. Is your house wired for electricity? Name Address North Platte Light, Heat & Power Co., North Platte Nebraska. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block North oi Postoflice. - Phone 58 A modern institution for 'the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement case. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: , Geo. D. Dent M. D. V. Lucas, H. D. J. B. RedGeldM.D. J.-S. SIMMS, H.D. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. . Special Attention Given to Surcrery McDonald Hank Building Office riiiiiif 8.T ItesldcHcc Sir V FOlt VJtOXT WHEELS S1IAEER ROLLER BEARINGS SERVICE! No More "Grief" , Gunrnntced. At Dealers. t Distributed by W. S. LOVEJOY, Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Specialty, also Ileal Estate. Jtefcrences nnd Dates First National Bank. I Res. 400 East Srd St. riiono 919 II818 Mason Street. Omalia, "Neb. GEO. B. DENT, I'liyslclan nnd Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgerj nnd Obstetrics. Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, ReHldence 115 I) US. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5, 0, 7 Building & Loan BuIlMng. Offico Phono 70. Rea. Phono 1241 MRS. M. HENRY GILFOYI, If Teacher of VOICE CULTURE and tho ART" OF SINGING. Residence Studio: 108 West 3rd, City NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Kstato No. 178C of Richard Graves, deceased In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, as: Credi tors of said estate will tako notice thnt tho time lmltcd for presentation and filing of claims against said Es tato la August 1st, 1921, and for set tlement of said Estnto Is December 13th, 1921; that I will sit at tho coun ty court room In said county on Febr uary 1st, 1921 nt 9 o'clock M., and on May 1st, 1921, at 9 o'clock A. M., to rocolvc, oxamino, hoar, allow or adjust nil claims and objections duly tiled. All claims not filed on or beforo Agust 1st 1921 will bo forovor barred. Win. H. C. WOODIIURST, -D14-4 wks County Judge NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estato No. rWO of James Babbitt, do coasod, In tho County Court of Lin coin County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Credit ors of said ostato will tako notice that tho tlmo limited for presentation and flung of claims against said estato is Anrll 28. 1921. and for Bottlomont, of snld ostato is Docomber 24, 1921; that I will sit nt the County Court room in sold county, on January 28. 1921, at 9 oclock A. Mi, nnd on April 28, 1921, nt 9 o'clock A. M to rocolvo, oxamino. hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (SEAL) WM. II. C. WOOOHUUST, 101-4 w County Judgo. mi. J. It. McKIItAHAN l'rnctlco Limited to Diseases of Women nnd Surgery OVER REXALL DRUG STORE Phones Offico 113 Residence 2G5 li)r. W. I. SHAFFER I Osteopathic Physician HAY FEVER AND CATARRIIA DEAFNESS OASIS BUILDING North Platte, Nebr. It i.t V i.t i.: .: i.t i.t i.t -J-JMMMMJ'lf-iMi....v,.,.VM.f.M..M,.,. :.: i.t i.t I) It, REDFIELD Physician, Obstctrictur. Surireon, X-Itay Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day Phono Office 012 Residence 670 l8 :: . !;t dkRryberry & foimies, g Licensed Emboli rs ! Undertakers andFunerHUn uctoift Day phone 41 it U Night phtfno Black G88 U DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath OTer HIrscIifeld's Offico Phone 333 Res. Phone 1020 ( Oral Prophylaxis Mouth Hygiene HOWARD YOST Dental iSurgeon Phone 307 Twlnom Bldg- S. AY IT WITH FLOWERS North Plntto Floral Co. Flowers. V.. Twelfth Street Phono 1023 Wo'dollver and ship anywhero DR. J. S. TWINEM Mfedicine Surgery Obstetrics Hospital Facilities Platte Valley Hospital' :.: i.t :.: Ktl'''-,M-'-,-'-''l''H'..... DR. C. E. McREYNOIiDS, Specialist. Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat. Offico over Roxall Drug Store. Phono 113. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. Nortjh Platte, - . Nebrasku. Knights of Columbus Bulldln T. PRITCIIARD, Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex aBslstant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital JJ15 SontU Vine Street. Hospital Phono Black 633 House Phone BI,ack 633 1