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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1921)
fa Jib p.. Cite Jtorth fllatte cmil!tkcljlii (Erilnmc, THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JANUARY M, 192 J . No. 2 r COLLECTION OF FEDERAL INCOME TAX FOK THE LAST YEAR HAS BEGUN I Work lias begun on the collection t the incomo tax for tho year 1920. Uncle Sam, through tho Bureau of Entcrnnl Itovcnue, Is addressing to every person In tho United States the question, "What was your net Incomo ior 1920 ?' Tho answer permits of no guess work. Every single person whose netlncomoforl920 was $1000or more and every married person whoso net Income was $2000 or more Is re quired to fllo a return under oath with tho collector of lntornal revenue lor tho district in which he lives on or beforo March 15, 1921. Tho penalty for faluro is a line of not moro than $1000 and an additional assessment of 25 per cent of tho amount of tax duo. For willful ro Jusal to mako a return tho penalty is a fine of not moro than $10,000 or not exceeding ono yean's imprisonment, or both together .with tho costs of prose, lion, A similar penalty is provided for making a falso or fraudulent re turn, together with an additional as ?nnqmn oin jo inoo joU 09 jo uauissos o tax evaded. Tho incomo tax applies to womon as well as men. Husband and wlfo must consider the Incomo of both plus that of minor dependent chldron, and if tho total equals or exceeds $2000 a return must bo filed, A minor who has a net incomo in his own right of .J1000 or moro must fllo a soparato roturn, To bo allowed tho $2000 ex emption a married person must bo liv ing with husband or wifo on tho last day of tho taxablo year, December 31, 1920. Divorcees, persons senarated In- mutual agreement, widows and wid owers, unless thoy are the solo sup Twrt of others living In tho samo household, In which caso they aro al lowed tho $2000 oxemptlon granted the liead of a family, are entitled only to $1000 exemption. Tho normal tax rate for 1920 is tho amo as for 1919 4 per cent on the flrst $4000 of net income above the exemption and 8 per cent on tho re maining net income. This applle's to every citizen and resident of tho United States; In addition to the normal tax a surtax is imposed upon "et incomes in excess of $5000. Full instructions for making out re- rns are contained on tho forms, cop of which may bo obtained from collectors of lntornal revenue. Fer . -5? n 2!&oflWiIncorac!fc forgl920iiiwas $5000 or less should uso Form 1040A. Those With incomos in excess of $5000 should use Form 1040. Revenue officers will visit everv county in tho United States to assist taxpayers in making out their returns. Tho date of their nrrival and thef lo cation of their offices will bo an nounced by tho press or may bo ascer tained upon inquiry at tho offices of collectors. This advisory service Is without cost to taxpayers : :o: TWENTIETH CENTURY CLFB TAKES ACTION FOR THE CHILDREN. At tho regular meeting of the Twen tieth Century Club held In Fireman's Hall, Tuesday afternoon, tho laws proposed in' tho report jgf tho Nebras ka Children's Code Commission wero endorsed. Thesp laws 'are now beforo the State Legislature for considera tion. The Club also passed resolutions at tho request of the Kearney Cham ber of Commerce; endorsing the Smith-Towner Bill which is in tho In terests of education. This bill Is bo foro tho National Congress and carries Immense appropriations for tho bene fit of industrial nnd other forms of r-dueation. voti Dixon Optical Co. grind their own if nses. Now Open TALK OF U.S Government Surplus Stock at the Public s Disposal Everything in Men's Winter Wear. Why Pay More when you can Buy the Best for Less? Opening Now Open-:-ARMY AND NAVY STORE CO.-- Now Open 501 Dewey Street, LOCAL CLim GIVES IWNNEUS ANH CLOTHING TO THE NEEDY. Tho report of Mrs. Chas. Hoguc, Chairman of the Commlttco in charge of tho distribution of Christmas bns kots shows that thirty-nino baskets woro delivered on Dec. 23 Each hold a dinnor for a family. Only thoso families woro given dinners which were deserving of such. Tho dlnnors wore all donated and In addition $39 was collected for 'the fund. Ono of tho largest donations was that of tho Hake-RIto Bakory, which put a loaf of bread Into every basket- After the oxpenso of delivering tho baskets had boon paid, thero still remained about $18. This was turnbd over to a com mittee with Mrs. Salisbury as Chair man, which committeo Is to purchase shoes for children who would other wise be without. This committee will also provide clothing for children who nood It. Contributions of clothing from anyone having such should be sent to Mrs. aSHsbury. Several don ations have already been received. -:,:o: : HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL GIItLS ELECT A NEW CAPTAIN ' At a mooting of tho girls of tho bas ket ball toam, hold Wodnesday at tho Central High School, Holon Schwalgor was elected Captain for tho coming season. Adolo LoDioyt was elected at tho closo of tho last season but hor physician will not allow hor to play this season, so a now captain was chosen. Adolo was ono of tho best players on tho team and her with drawal has weakened tho team for tho present. Tho now captain has played guard on tho flrst toam during tho past two seasons and will hold the samo place this year. CORN SHOW BETTER THAN EX PECTED FOK THE FIRST YEAR The Corn Show held In the Wal temath building this week wns a big ger success than most people thought it could be with only ono week's pre paration. Tho judging begiin this morning and a full report will bo given later. Plans aro now being made to mako tho 1921 Corn Show one of the biggest In tho state. It can bo done and with tho Lincoln County Agricultural Society, the Farm Bureau, tho Cliamber of Commorco and kindred organizations bnck of tho J?teJlCc,an cbe a vji inn . A . y . ;a::- "DO WE KNOW OUR OWN CITY ? IS SUBJECT AT WOMEN'S CLUB. The Twentieth Century Club had "Do Wo Know Our Own City" as the topic for its meeting last Tuesday afternoon and the program had been arranged by Mrs. J. B. Redfleld. When sho wns called out of town others took her place but the program was not complete. Among thoso who spoke wero Mrs. D. M. Leypoldt who told of the hay and grain business dono by Leypoldti-Penning'ton cjf nnd Mrs!, W. C. Sholver who told of the busi ness of tho Union Pnciflc Railroad. Tho Club passed a resolution asking tho representatives .in Congress to favor laws safeguarding our Nntlonnl Parks. ST. PATRICK'S SCHOOL WILL GIVE ENTERTAINMENT AT SCHOOL. The pupils of tho Catholic School will glvo an entertainment and mus ical at the auditorium in their school building, Wednesday and again on Thursday evenings of next week. A special matinee for tho children will lie given Wcdno?day afternoon nt 2:30 A largo number of children attending this school will take part In tho pro sram. tho proceeds of which will go for the benefit of Si. Patrick's Church. . Army PUBLIC SALE LOCATED AT Next to Crystal Theatre, North Platte, Nebraska A HEAL SHOW, NOT A HEEL SHOW IS COMING TO THE KEITH WEDNESDAY. 4oxi wounesuny nignt nt tm Koitn Theatre, Mnnagor Baldwin will pre sent Henry B. Walthall In porson. and tho medium for that popular screen star's apponranco boforo local thoatro-goore Is "Would You" a roll icking new comedy dramn from the pen of Herbort Bashford. ' Though still a young man, Mr. Walt hall stands out among tho many nctors, who of lato years have turned their talents from the legltimato to tho movies, and now a return to the speaking stage, his llrst accomplish ment. Ho was attracted to tho pic tures in tho very boglnnlng of tho art, long bofore thoy had attained their present popularity Ho saw a future for himself on tho screon. Moro he saw a big futuro for the silent drama. He has realized his ambition at leust in largo moasuro, lionco tho roason for his return to the stage. In his acceptance of "Would You" as a vehlclo to return to the stage, ho shows plainly his dotormlnntlon for the better class of comedy drama for in this captivating play of modern life Mr. Walthall appears as a tom poramontal poet, a rolo that should glvo amplo opportunity for compro honsivo reading and fill tho cyo and senses of his audlonco with a power ful portrayal of tho part. Mr Walthall will recoivo admirable aid from his superior supporting cast of screen and s.tago stars; among them aro: Mary Charleson. (Mrs. waunau in private 1 fal. wm nm ; unnoni oi luetro fame. El zabo 1, Do dgo, Marlon Cross, Arthur Ilutledgo and Cleora l union. : AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITIONS ARE I ABOVE THOSE SHOWN HERE I BEFORE. ! . Tho Lincoln County Poultry Show.'scfen animals sold at an avcrngo of which had been in session this week fifteen hundred dollnrs each. This was above J.hoso of formor years in animal will bo brought to Lincoln most respet .Soino of tho finest County. chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys 1 A. M. Eaton returned Wednes- wero shown this year that havo over . ,lay to her homo in Denver after visit been Been hero. Tho exhibit of the '"K tho homo of hor daughter Mrs, Experimental Substation under Mr. I Bunion Mnnn. Jandobauer. tho Poultryman, was os-' ' ::u:: poclally flno. A number of lino ex- IRRIGATION MEETING FOR NEi hibits woro made by local and Lincoln BUASKA TO BE HELD NEXT uounty fanciers. Tho attendance was not wnat it siiould have .been largely because of the lack.df publicity, . .o. local Attorney gets copy of annual debating news - LETTER. Professor M. M.NFogg of tho Uni versity of Nebraska has sent out his annual News Letter to Uio 144 formor students of tho University of Nebras ka who havo been members of the University Debating teams. E. E. Carr of this city is the only member of this group in North Platte. Tho depart ment of debating calls Its study room at tho Unlvorsity "Tho Thlnk-Shon" (and It Is thero .that tho preparations are mnao ior tiio joint debates which have mndo Nebraska famous. About one-third of these men wero In the World War. Two were killed at tho front. .Now is the time to buy shoes nt I least during tho Buyers' .Strike Sale Infants Shoes 45c. 75c and 98c. i Children's at $1.95. $2.45. $2.95 Misses at $2.95, $3.45, $3.95 Boys at $2.95, $3.45, $3.95, $4.45 All the Men's nnd Women's. Shoos nt prices so low you'll lay in a big supply at Tho Leader Mercantile Co. Suo our $2.00 Show Window any article $2.00 Saturday. Mondav. Tues day and Wednesday real bargains. In tho other window wo havo dla - monds and Jewelory Slip, in nnd get our lowest prices. Austin tho .Towoler Keith Theatre Bldg. THE TOWN Goods JUDGE GHIMES WAS GUEST OF I 110X011 AT LEXINGTON BANQUET ! , The following account is tnkon from t , tins wcok'a Issue of tho Gothenburg Tlmos: Judgo H, M. Orlmos of this judicial district was tho guost of honor nt n banquet givon Saturday night by the Dawson county bar and tho occasion- eolcbrated tho conclusion of twonty flvo years sorylco on tho bonoh. The jidgo is Just' boglnnlng his seventh consecutive term as ludgo In this dis trict. .The banquet wns hold nt tho Corn Injid hotel. E. A. Cook acted as toast master and tho speakers wcro D. H Moulds. O. O. aillnn, WV A, Stownrt, Judgo Grimes nnd Mrs. Grimes. In his address, Judgo Grimes declared that tho lawyers of the state havo been en gaging In serving their communities arid their state and nation at the sntno time thoy havo served their clients. Ho said that every man must rendor ser vlte to the world nnd tho man who rollers tho most service to his fol lows Is tho best citizen. Judgo Grimes was toasted by law yors as n judgo who knows nolthor friend nor cnomy In his court room. Ho wns declared to ba a judgo who seeks to render Justlco without knowing or caring whothor tho losor In tho decis ion Is hia friend or foo. For many years Judgo Grimes has boon ro-oloct-cd in his district without opposition at tho polls. Miss Caryl Spaulding and Dr. C. C. Cundall of this city woro among thoso present nt tho banquott o: ,Jr 0LN COUNTY STOCKMEN AT TEXD "WX0 -SA AT CAMBKn)GE. i . S. J. Koch. T. S. McCrono and H. P. Hanson attended tho Mousel Bros Salo nt Cambridge this week and Mr. 'Koch bought a rogistorod Hereford .bull for $1,300. Thero woro flftv- WEEK. Nebraska State Irrigation Asr, soclatlon will hold Its annual conven tion at'Gorlng, Jan, 18, 19 nnd. 20.' A line program Is said to havo been pro pared. Attornoy Victor Hnlllgan of this city Is n member of tho Executive Committee. J. G. Beeler is a mem ber of tho Legislative Committee. P. A. Anderson of Hershoy is Second Vice-President, MRS. ANNA'BARKEIt. Mrs. Anna Barker died suddenly at her homo on West Fifth Street "Wed nesday. Although sho has boon nil in valid for fourteon yenrs her death came as a shock to her relatlycs and friends. Sho has had tho loving care of two daughters and ovcrythlng was done to prolong her lifo. Mrs. Anna Flynn Barker was born In Dublin, Ireland, January 1st. 1849. Sho came to this country with hor parents when threo years old and lived in Illinois. In 1870 sho wns married to James Barkor and to this union wero born threo children, a son Jamos and two daughters Miss Mar garot Barker and Mrs. Thomas Hcaloy of this city. Tho funeral wast held yesterday from tho St. Patrick's Church of which she was a member. Mrs. C. S. Clinton ontortained the 1 Mothers' Club Wednesday nftornoon r.t her homo. Card playing was tho 'itortnlning feature of tho afternoon Dainty refreshments woro sorved. NowrOpen 1 1 Sale DOUBLE HLADER GAME AT THE LOCAL LODGE HAS BIG INITIA FKANKLIN GYMNASIUM TION AND SOCIAL AT K. C. TONIGHT. 1 HALL. The banket ball gumo which was to lthvo been played tonight with Maxwell was cnncollcd this week and a double heador with Hershoy was mibstltu ed. Tho Hershoy girls will lny the Junior High girls nnd tho Hershoy boys will play tho boys from tho local Junior High School. Tho admission Is 25 nnd 35 cents. The extra coupon may bo used from the Ronsori ticket. In connection with this gnuo tho glrlH of tho Lookout Caiupllro will sell crackorjack, gum, popcorn and candy, tho procoods to co into tho camp fund of this group NORTH PLATi'FATMNS OF THE KEITH TO SEE VAUDEVILLE ON THURSDAY ! n... i.vm.. mi,n iiiillllttjVI 1 111 Kll I.11L' UUIlll A mrn ninmnna !. i, nn,w,,i a contract wheroby tho Road Show of tho Qus Sun New York Vnudevllle will be given at this theatre through ur - rnngomont with tho Bert Lovoy Gir - cult of San Francisco. Alitor breaking away irom tno now York alllanco, Sun immediately started an expan sion of his tlmo and now tho four act bills aro covering tho continont. Wo shall rocoivo tho program on tholr roturn tour, which should lnsuro their quality. Tho oponlng bill is hoadod by Bart Konntth & Co. In myBtory and maglo entitled "An Imp of Satan;" iJaoic Gilbert, a doxtorous barrel Jump or; Billy and Bnbo Groves in comedy, song nnd music and Raptor and Monnn in a syncopation onoring ontuieu "Tiio Jazz Doctor" should form a pleasing bill. : :o: PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION .hagen; Recorder Mrs. Honklo; Ro HOLDS ItlOi AT THE Reiver' Mrs. T. B. Halllgan; MarshaU AUDITORIUM. and Inner Sontlnol Mrs. Hnyos; Outor i Sentinel Mrs. John Scharmann; Man- A largo numbor of mombors and agers Mrs. Edwin Woeks nnd Mrs. curious spectators attended tho reg- EiSjjer. ulnr monthly mooting of tho Soulor High Paronb-Tcachor Association, Wednesday ovonlng. It had boon ro- ported that tho question of dancing in tho schools would bo discussed and, many wore interested. A varied pro gram was presented Including muslcS recitations, papers and discussions. Supt. Uttel told of tho requirements In tho High SchooL Dr Rodflold ! spoko of health inspection of school childron. Mrs. , Cramer viiVi .i had -17 ,ln,,rln. AV. V). Sbt.mnn n'mr-nHmra spoke briefly on Iho last subject. After tho program the members nd- journed to tho Household Arts D0- pnrtment whore rofreshmonts woro sorved. To somo this wns tho boat part of tho evening. COMMISSIONERS SET PRICES FOB LABOR FOR COMING YEAR. Tho County Commissioners In ties- sion last Monday set tho Wages to bo mild for County work for 1921 ns fol- lows: For man and team slxtv f'nnts i'ii hour, for man thirty cents an hour, man and four hm-ies nlnofv on't hour, dragging and frosno work, '-tv cents nn hour. WITH r.VIlKB, DAV13 fc CO.'S nELIABLK 11I.ACKLKQ VACCINES. BLACICiLE&OgDS. BLACKLEG AGGRESSIN tGERM-FnEE VACTlNt BLACKLEG FSLi'.ATS , IGERM-FREE VACCt.ui rOR Sovonll hundred Yeomen met at tho K. C. Hall last night nnd took part in tho initiation of sovonty-flvo cand idates. W. E. Davy. Chlof Correspon dent of tho Lodgo was prosont and gavo an nddross. Roy Morriall of Om aha and sovoral othor out of town guests attended. Aftor tho Initiation, a program and refreshments com pleted n very pleasant evening. CHURCH MEN ARE ENTERTAINED BY THE LADIES LAST NIGHT Over ono hundred mon woro tho guests of tho ladlos .of tho Episcopal church last ovonlng nt a bnnquot sorv od in tho linsciuont of tho church. A number of short addresses wero givon l... it.. tia i uiu muii mm (i commuioo wns nn- ' ...... .... . - " pointed to mako nrrangomcnts for a m,"'s. organization in tho church. Tho . iu oeuiuK 'Jl"? " "jj"?11 how Put on by tho 'Tla' TW" '"cjuded a colored or- chostra and various stunts by tho ladios who impersonated somo of tho church mon In n vory amusing way. INSTALLATION" OF ROYAL NEIGHBORS. Last Wodnooday ovoning tho Royal Neighbors hold n public installation of officers. Mrs. Grace Wilson of Maxwell. District Dnnntv. wna thn in. stnlling oltkor. Florono Stobbins nctod as Cororaonlnl Mnrshall. Tho following officers woro installod: Oraclo Mrs. M. EL Cross; Past Oraclo Mrs. I. L. Stobbins: Vico Orncln Mrs. n IVIllnrtnn' P.linnfClnr. TTTloln i"VJ SOCIAL WELFARE MEETINGS' TO CLOSE SUNDAY EVENING.' , - , ., . ,nM ,.. ,,, ,,AnB VA&X I J h.n gSg.' V vK ? inPS??v !JffiB Tonfrbt S tS m ?n'r 7.T01 ' J lx will trnlnlni' This Ih an nllflr!l rJr J'" 8. , L8;,?" ndl r.C8fl .f..r thoso who havo . dealings with chil- ('rnn nml 11 ,B ft" nnalysls of child WlMe tliepo .Into right C011llu6h Every 2 IT.l , m mTlty ',y 'V ? lh I n,"rce, TT,' ,.MV " ,h0p,1 toncher t8,,ouUT V'? ' " J,' 0 ,l 8, wlio can get away . ' 'J f01"' to"l?M There will bo " A1 -mi V 8.nt?dgv'HMt n Un " tiMni will bo held Sundny evening " " Wrh nr w,n Bncnk- , , ; , , , A Juvonllo Pnrty and lunch will bo given the Winning Hide of tho contest Ringed by tho "Pronbytorluu Christian Endeavor Socloly by tho losors. this zoning nt .tho Proabytorlnn church. vl pnrt'c pant In the contest nnd in"inbprn of the lOiidcavol- aro urged to attend in costume and have a good tlmo Prevent Such Loss from DISackieg SAU. BY mm Waltemath Lumber & Coal Co, Phone 20. OPEN EVENINGS am