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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1921)
lo rth THIRTY-SIXTII YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, PCP.. JANUARY 7, 1921. Ni. 104 NEW BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LINCOLN COUNTY MAN WINS l'JUZKS IX T1IK STATU COHN CONTEST. COUNTY COJDIISSIONKltS JIE.Olt (JANIZH FOK TIIK COMING YEAH. At two o'clock yesterday the ' old Doartl of County Commissioners ad journed and tho now Board convened und started business for tho coming year. Tho old Board was composed of F. W. Hormlnghausen of North Platte, B. H. Springer of Brady and S. J. Koch of Horshoy. Tho new Board is composed of B, II. Springer of Brady, T. M. Cohagen of North Platte and Jlonry Coker of Suther land. Commissioner Springer Is tho only ond who holds over. Tho now Board will have tho work of planning and building tho now Court Houso in addition to all of the other duties of tho office and the responsibility will bo heavy. ::o!i . CATHOLIC GUMS CLUB ENTER TAINED "WEDNESDAY EVENING. R O. Johnson, who lives southeast of town, won the- first prlzo In the Nebrnska 1920 corn show for tho best ten cars of dohted corn other than white or yellow, and fourth prlzo for the best ten cars of whlto dented corn. Mr. Johnson also won third prlzo for tho best pock of threshed winter wheat, nnd second prlzo for tho best peck of Bprlng wheat. city LiniLUnT'oiibwiNu in roi'- VLA1MTY WITH THE HEADING' I'UHLIC. Misses Anna and Vaunlta Hayes entertained tho Catholic Girls Club Wednesday ovonlng at their homo on "West Ninth Street at a kenslngton. Officers were elected for tho year as follows: Mrs. Harold Blalock, presi dent: Daisy Farrell, financial sec retary; Ethel Fry, secretary; Anna Hayes, treasurer. A delicious lunch was served nt tho olosn nf thn nvon dug. Mrs. Hlldobrandt nnd Miss Mar-! garet Postal assisted. Miss Loretta Murphy, tho Librarian of the City Library reports that ono hundred eleven names were added to tho list of borrowers of books from the library during the month of Do- comber. This la u flattering increase nnd moaiiR increased service to the peoplo of this community. A number of railroad men have been regular In visiting the library slnco the hours nro less, ::o::. MEETING CALLED TO DISCUSS DANCING IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Thoro will bo a meeting of all lax payers, interested in tho dlscontlnua tion of dancing in, tho publlo schools. This mooting will bo hold in tho Christian Church on Sunday aftor noou, January 9th, at four o'clock, All persons Intorested aro urged to attend. Those promoting tho meeting tako tno stand that such uso of tho public school buildings Is Illegal and tho discussions promlso to bo Inter- o:: CAMPAIGN FOR ;'; WELFARE NEXT NORTH PLATTE .SOCIAL EVANtiE. L1STIC CAMPAIGN BEGINS 'f TUESDAY. . ' HUE DEPARTMENT MAKES POUT OF KIHES l'OU LAST YEAR. RE Tho annual ruport of Aritlel Trnub, Chief of North Platte Volunteer Fire Department has boon prepared for transmission to the Stato Flro Ward on. Tho report shows Uinit thoro wore 47 alarms turned in during tho year as follows: January 5, Fobyunry 2. March 10, April 3, May 1, June 5, July 0, August 3, Soptomber 2, Oc tober 0, November 7 nnd December 2. Tho total loss by lire for tho iur is estimated at $13,000. Tho worst Frank G. Wilcox, Social Evangelist lire of tho year was Iho North Sldo of the National Hyglono and Welfare iLlvcry JJnrn when tho loss was oh- Burenu will ln In North Platte, Jan- tlmntod at $5,000. Tho noxt most sorl- uary 11th to lGth and will conduct nlous flro was In April when lightning school of Instruction In Social and caused a damago of $1,500 nt rZl B. Welfare Work for tho fienoflt of 'those Fourth strcot and tho noxt was thA ox- North Pluttu peoplo who aro Interest-1 plosion In tho cleaning room of tho C. ed. The first meetings will bo -holu'O. D. Clounors whon the loss wat ea on Tuesdny"nnd are for tho pupils of . tliimtud at $1,300. . tht liiffh school and tho lower grades, i ::o:: On the same day an ovonlng session NEW MILLINERY STORE TO BE will bo held to which anyone Is III-i OPENED HERE THIS SPRING. vlted. Those meetings will continue: . until mo roi owing sunuay nigui.. Miss Villa Whtttakor has leased tho wane ur. wucox cans nimseu an building now occupied by W. H. FARM BUREAU S ORGANIZED SEVERAL HUNDRED FARMERS HAVE JOINED THIS POPIJLAH MOVEMENT. evangelist ho is not tho religious 6 vangellst of which wo know but tho Boclnl ovnngollst of which wo aro to learn. Following is tho program as far aa it has been determined as wo go to press: Tuosday, January 11th (Talk to High School, 7th and 8th Of SUC' Skinner with his Cleaning establish ment and will tnko possosslon not later than March first. Miss Whtt takor has boon in tho mllllnory bus iness m North Platto for sororal years and is woll known as a business wo man of tho city. Sho has been in tho Block Storo for somo tlmo now but will movo into largor quarters that sho may onlargo her lino of morchnn- Qrados Tho Foundation coss. To 3rd to Cth Grades Habit iB0 nn,i carry seasonable goods for During tho day. tho year round. Sho has associated 7:30 p. m. OPENING MASS MEET- Mrs, Lt R Graves with her In tho now ING. Subject: -The Causo nnd tjie business nnd such now lines will bo Cure of Crime enrrtnil ns co well with tlm mtlllnprv i weunosuay, January lein business 3:00 p. m. Tiio Norm or ciiiiu uo- OSfB CIIUKCH COUNCIL HEAKS A volopmont. . NORTH PLATTE PLUMBING, HEAT GOOD BEPOHT FOH DECEMBEH Tho followlug aro somo of tho high JUNIOlt AND SENH3H IIIGJI BAS- spot8 in ti,0 roport givon to tho Coun TOTftmnn ' ctl of tno Lut,lera Church at Its YioiUJUUUfs. 'regular meeting Monday evenlns. The Christmas donation to tho Orphans' Home at Lincoln was S7C In money and two barrels of canned fruit, $25 Was given to tho Church Board of Edu cation by the Sunday School. A mon ey purse was presented to the pastor on Christmas. The finances of the church were reported to bo in good condition and tho January Commun ion had tho largest attendance of any 7:30 p. m. The Homo, Yesterday, I Today and Tomorrow. , j Thursday, January 13th .' I 3:00. p. nij Punching Children fr Being Normal. ING & CONSTRUCTION CO. RE-OHGANIZED. Yestorday William Waldorf, ono of 7-30 i) m Tralnlhc for Parents th0 1,arlncrs 1,1 0,0 North Platte i.ay p. in. irainuif, mr i .irciiie ,1111.i.11 un., rtli PntmtHinllnn At tho preliminary game last ov nlng between Paxton and N. P. J. H. S. the score was 18 to 11 In favor of tho Junior High. Between games the Juniors sold- paper hats, candy and chowiug gum. Tho N. P. H. S. Band nendered several selections between ames. North Platto won from Alllanco with n score of 17 to 12. The playing was Jammvy Communion in tho history of fast and furious and proved to bo in-1 tne church toresting to the end. Owing to beltig I ' . roi Ineligible , Roland Locko could . not Mr. nnd Mrs, !Mv.'J. Amis returned pu?Uclpqli&S?ffl noftthxqekifrbm galffornlaV i ..u..r-n . i -iurs. xnomas tteaiey enteriained Mr. and Mrs, William Flinch, of .the Indian Card Club at-her home on Shelton, Who have boon visiting at. Wednesday aftomoon. tho C. P. Miller homo, returned to Mrs. Ed VanCIcavo returned to her ineir nomo yesterday, (homo In Kearney yesterday after vvylle Walker will return this ev- visiting for a week at tho C. A. Weir cnlng from . Gothenburg and Elm- home. ireek where ho has boon transacting Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Vnnderhonf nnil business for a few days. Mrs. Irene Cnme left this morning for Denver where they will stay for some time. Remember the 13th the Ycomeh have a big meeting. Supreme Officers Initiation and, refreshments. Every Yeoman come. Tho Baptist Guild hold a social meeting In the basement of tho church yosterday afternoon. Mrs. Andy Yost left this morning for Denver whore she will visit with friends. NeHv patterns In ynrd-iwldo Per cales, either light or dark at 19c a yard at Wilcox Department Storo. Mr. and Mrs. Tollio Glaves enter tained a number of little folks nt their homo on Wednesday afternoon in Tho entertaining committee of tho local B. P. O. E. lodge Is planning a big cabaret dance to be given the latter part of February. Mrs. S. Flnasay roturned to her liomo tfn Michigan yesterday nftjer visiting friends in this city and ut the B. F. Eshleman homo at Horshey. Inquiry at the office of County Judge Woodhurs't yestorday revealed the fact that tlforo havo been no mar riage licenses Issued so far this year. Whispering The Japanese Sand man Hiawatha's Melody of Lovo and many other good selections just re ceived In a re-order at Dixon's Music Shop. Ladies Black Cotton Hose 2 nair for 25c at Wilcox Department Storo. Hionor of the fourth birthday of their and. Homo-Builders. Friday, January 14th 3: 7 faro Wny. Saturday, January 15th Plumbing, Heating and Construction C o. bought the Interest of tho business 00 p m:-Tho Boy and Hfs Gang g TZtfSl :30 p. m.-GovernmentThe Wei- t8,v t ? charge. It is expected that Mr. Wal dorf will continue the business here which lias boon quite successful to No Public Meeting.' The day will blander ha Tot yet be' devoted to conferences on voc- S,W w,mV he will o b it It Is oflnnol rr,,l,lnnf.a i n,.v nrnl.lmim HCCKIOU Wlini 110 Will UO UUl 11 18 uVo Individuals may desire to dl Uint ho wIH rom,n mine ' ' Sunday, J-munry 10th AUTHORITY ON THE FA It' EAST 7::" n m. t:L,USi'U aiash mki-jt- GIA'ES ADDRESS II Kit K TNG Subjectv-r-Saftey First vs Wild - . Oats, Aj ' Tliseo aro all, community nndUiiIfvmr' ,", TUESDAY. Mass Meotlngs, BIGNELL SCHOOL TO HOLD MOTII ERS' MEETING THIS M'ONTH. Tlio Junior High School bold nn assembly in the Franklin Audtlorlum yestorday afternoon to promote eiir thusiasm for the game between tho Junior High and Paxton which oc curred last evening. daughter Emma Lee. Tho gamos nnd refreshments were enjoyed by th.j vis itors. A number ,of pretty praents were received. Bradley Sweaters at Sale Prices at Wilcox Department Stcre. A meeting of all mothers In tho Biguell school district has been called for Janunry 21st nt 2:30 o'clock, This mooting will be hold In the school house. County Superintendent Alleon G, Cochran bus been asked to speak and will tako a part on tho program. : Tho North Platte City Library has received about thltry books In tho French language from tho American Library Association. Tills 1b n gift nnd the books were sent In response to tho request of Mlsti Loretta Mur phy, the librarian. Those who read the French language will be Interest ed In tho above announcement. Mr W. J. Fetter passed away'y n terday morning In Omaha at the dt. Joseph hospital. She has been taking treatments thoro since last October. She will bo burled thoro. Mrs. Fetter resided In Maxwell whero her hus band kopt a drug storo until his death which was caused by the "flu" when sho camo to.thls city and wns employ ed as stenographer at the Stacy Mer cantile Co. Sho Is a sister-in-law of Dr. E. W. Fetter of this city Waliop Homer C Stuntsf, ofOmnha gave an nddress Tuesday ovonlng at tqoi Methodist Church on "hoys to tho Far East." Bishop Stuntz had spout fourteen years In Chlnn, India, (Philippines, Japan nnd Indp-Chln'a and gave some of tho "keys" for un locking tho problems of theso coun tries. The houso was full nnd at tho close of tho lecture a voluntary col lection wns taken to help pay the cost of a Ford car to bo used by tho Bishop's son who Is a missionary In India. Tho lecture wns entertaining and Instructive nnd plensed evory ono presont. ::o:t Mrs. Ed Murphy nnd Mrs. Milton 'Murphy returned to Brndy yesterday after spending tho day in our city. i'itiy-two men an woqi wavy acrgo $1.29 a yard at Wilcox Department Storo. The Senior High held nn assembly yesterday and placed tho Balo of season tlckots before tho pupils. Aftor wards yells, speeches and music wore entered Into to nrouso pop for the gnmo last ovonlng. Your Edison phonograph will bo an added pleasure to your housohold and friends when you got tho latest selections for It from Dixon's Music Shop. The Lincoln County Farm Bureau wns orBiuilzed Wednesday nt u called mootlus hold at tho Court Houso nt two o'olwk. A largo and ronresonta- tlvo group of farmers nnd stockmen woro presont whon the meeting wns cnlled to ordoi'. W. P. Snydor wns mado Chairman. An Interesting nnd instructive address wns given by J. t' lawrenco, Assistant County Agont ueauer from tho Extension Depart ment at Lincoln. Tho meeting re solved Itself Into a round table with questions and answers until all woro ready to tako action. A constitution wns submlttod by Mr. Lawronco which ho said contained tho essentials of such nn organization and this was roaa section by soctlon, amondod whoro It wns thought bost nnd final ly adopted. It will nppoar in full In mis papor. Following tho adoption of tho Constitution Chairman Snydor was nskod to namo a nominating commlttoo which consisted of Moasors Gregg, Carey, Roynolds, Hartmah and Mcciaymont. Its report was adopt ed without division. Tho offlcors ns elected nro as follows: J. S. Koch of HorBhoy, President: T. S. McCrono of North Platto, Vlco-Presldent; A. H. Lcavllt of North Platto, Socrolary; Fred McClaymont of North Platto, Treasurer. Thoso officers with tho following five niombors constltuto tho Executive Board If. T. McNlcklo, Fnrnam; Aaron Kaln, Wallace: Jonl than Pease, Arnold; James Shoup of butnoriuiul and Herman Korr, Maxwell. Following tho election of officers the new prosldcnt wns introduced mid mado n fow appropriate remarks and thq mooting ndjourncd. A quorum of tho Bxeoutlvo Board being present, tho Board took action on somo ro ports which Mr. Lawrenco urged for Immedlato use and then ndjournqi, ::o:: ' A OLD FIRM" CHANGES ITS N.ME ON JANUARY FIRST Tho Shoo Market, which 1ms been In buslnes bore for several years will bo known after January flrst ns Buck's Booterlo") ThlB storo Is one of twelve owned' by the one management and It Is moroly to systematize tho uccounts nnd records of thoso twelve storoi that they are all to be known by tho same name, '('bo storos aro located In Ne braska, Iowu nnd Michigan. . . Tho Annual mooting of the stock holders of tho Lincoln County Agri cultural Society will bo hold nt tho Firemen's Hnll at 2 o'clock Saturday. At that tlmo reports from tho pfilcors will bo read, tho ilunuclal situation will bo oxplnlned nnd plans mndo for tho coming County Fair. All Rtock holdors should bo present nnd all 'othors who aro intorostcd In tho Fair nro Invited to attend. Tho torm of tho following Direc tors will oxplro this year nnd now members must bo elected to fill their places: Elmer Coates F. C. Plclstlck or, Earl Brownflold, C. V. Turplo, T. S. McCrono. Any or nit of thorn may bo ro-olcctcd for n now torm of threo years. Tho following still havo ono year to servo ns Dlroctors: W. P. Snydor, Frank Strollborg, J. W, Fowler, S. J. Koch, J. C. Wilson. Thoso aro tho men who still havo two years to sorvo as Dlroctors: J. V. Romigh, J. J, Crawford, Wnrron Doollttlo, M. J. Forbes, Geo. Shoup, IT. Jj. Ponnlngton. SOLDIERS BOUGHT BONDS BUT DID NOT GIVE ANY ADDRESS Four thousand eight hundred sol dlors bought bonds of tho Socond, Third und Fourth Liberty Loans nnd paid for thorn but failed to sond or lcavo nn nddress and tho bonds nro still held in Washington. Charles H. Crosby, G13 Sycamoro Stroot, has roeolvod a list of names of thoso mon. If thoro Is n man In Lincoln County who bought nnd paid for a bond nnd did not rccolvo lt ho should sco Mr. Crosby about It Mr. Crosby also has tho namos of G.GOO mon, nnd offlcors who forward ed tholr discharge papers to Washing ton to socuro tho $G0.00 bonus or ad ditional travol pay nud who failed to furnish their nddress to tho War De partment so tho nioiioy and tho pa pers cannot bo sent to them. Let Mr Crosby know of nnyono in tills olnss. WILLIAM H. ItATLIFF. William H. Rntllff was bom nt Sporry. Mo. Oct! 8, 1871 nnd died nt Dphvor. Colo., Doc. 20, 1920 nt tho ngo'inf 49 years, 2 months nnd 17 days, At tho ago of ffftoou ho camo to Ne braska whoro ho rdsldcd until com pelled to go wost on account of ill health. Ho has lived In Denver for tho pust six years. Ho was mttrrlod on Juno 14, 1894 to Miss Lydla.A. Wolch. Shortly after their only-child wasborn, tho. 'mother died.' Mr. Batllff loaves hih daughter, Mrs Max VonGootz, it sister Miss Clydo VniiNattn, two brothors. Leo and Irn Rntllff and a host of Mends I to mourn bis death. Ho wns burled WoMfleet, Nobr. Wo sponlalliio In DlamondH. Dixon, "'be rlvorslv Club will moot' with tho Jewolor. , Mr. and Mrs J. B. Redflold on Mon- Tho Sioux Cumpllre Girls field their , evening, January 10th. Ceromonlal Meeting on Wednesday af- Dixon Optical Co. Sight ond oyo ternoon nt tho homo of their guardian Specialists, Mrs. Howard Yost. Theso girls gave MrB. A. F. Stroltz loft Wednesdny a donation of food and clothing to an for Cnllfornla where sho will spend iinfortiinato family on Christmas. Urn winter, ......M.....MM....MM...M.........M..M..M...M.,............M..M.... .,...............,....'''..................................... OPENING DATE SATURDAY, JAN. 8 TALK OF THE TOWN OPENING DATE SATURDAY, JAN. 8 JANUARY W. J. O'CONNOR, S, 10, 25c Store. . CLEARANCE For One Week Only. Starts Tuesday, January 11. Ends Tuesdayy January 18. SALE i.t :,t j.t i.t :.: i.i t.t t.t if J.t Xt J.t i.i H j.t i.t if if if l u.s . Army Goods Sale Government Surplus Stock at the Public's Disposal Everything in Men's Winter Wear. Why Pay More when you can Buy the Best for Less? Opening SATURDAY, JANUARY 501 Dewey Street, PUBLIC SALE LOCATED AT Next to Crystal Theatre, North Platte, Nebraska OPEN EVENINGS II 4 fyfl 1921 Waltemath Lumber & Coal Co. K2H Phone 20.