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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1917)
T7 idea rnAi DOUULb Improvement tut OLOrAftHIONCODtrOCALS JrMrrt'irni ktok glasses J" tcction PTot The originator of the bifocnl idea was Ben Franklin. His glasses showed a heavy senm across the face of them. Then followed the cement and past ed bifocals which were not much of an improvement over Ben's crude spectacles. The latest development in bifocals is KB YPTOK" O "LASSES THE INVISIBLE BIFOCALS Thoy aro tlio perfect glasses for ncaT and far vision, without lino, seam or hump. KRYPTOKS , (pronounced Trip-locks) aro ono solid crystal clear lens with smooth even sur face. Thoy aro slnglo vision In appcarnnco. C. S. CLINTON, Registered Optometrist. The hIrii with the J lttntr CIT AND COUNTY NEWS. Mrs. Edward Burko spoilt a few dayB Jn Ogalalla this vcok. Mls3 Margaret Waugh left Wodneo day morning for Goring to visit friends. Bert Notyo has eold to Clara B. illtt, lot 10, block 2, nivcrdalo addition for $4,100. ' Ur. MorrjlJ, Dontlst. Gon0 Soilder left the first of this wook for Marysvlllo, Mo to visit rel atives. Mrs. Armstrong of Roscoo, Is 111 at tho homo of Her daughtor Mrs. Oeorgo A. L. Schmilz, of tho stnta bank of Omaha visited this wood witn t u Plolstlckor. ta rawnrTi nnhlnson loft Wednes day morning to visit with frlendB on tho branch. Mra v it ninlnck loft Wcdnosday morning for Omaha to visit for ft week with frionas.- -rinnrpn Mofi'tinv loft Wednesday ev cnlng for Omaha to transact business for soveral days. Mrs. ItUBsdl 'Wyman wont to Grand Island-Woduosdny nftomoon to visit frlonds and relutlves. J. S, Hongland returned Wodnosday from Lexington whoro ho spoko nt a mooting of tho 0. A. It. Headquarters for Window glass. STONE DRUG STORE. Stacy McMlchao.l of Wolllleet, vls tod this wool: with his parents Mr. and Mrs. JoBoph McMlchacl. Charles Basklns camo homo Wed nesday evening from Omaha whoro ho tran'saoted huslnosa this week. Clmrlcs Eoholborry transacted busl- noas In Sutherland tho first of the week and returned Wcdnosday. Mrs.' W004 White loft Wednesday aftomoon for Grand lalnnd to visit her parents, for a week or longer. vMrs. II. A. Lnwhcad loft Wodnosday afternoon tor Kcarnoy and Grand Island to visit friends for a fow days. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Andorson, of Wollfleot, camo Wodnosday to attond tho funeral of tho late Horman Kosbau Mrs, Craig, of Greoloy, Colo., who has boon ill with rheumatism at tho homo of hof parents Mr. and Mrs ChnrlcB Wyman, Is reported to bo Im proving. Mra Tlnntnl MtfrnliV. nf ChOVOlllie, formerly of this city, como a few days ago to visit nor (laugnicr iurs. job. Qulnn for a week. Grand Rocordor Evans, of tho Grand Island A. 0. U. W. lodgo, spent the first of thte week here on business with tho local ordor. L,. ,.,ilntr iixtfflll mill KiifUfnriOHr I VI ' ( 11 ' Vy k ' " - " - - ' ( salo list your land with Thoelscko. tf i F. C. Plolstlckor and M. E. Scott spent tho first of this wock In Paxton, on business at tho bank which they recently purchusod thoro. Wnntcl to buy a 38-40 Winchester repeating rlfla, or any otlior make of high power largo boro rlflo. Soo Mon roo Sign Co,, or phono black 040. Mrs. William Calupka, of Goring, who has boon visiting her parents for sevoral weeks will leuvo today. Mrs. Calupka was formorly Miss Roxy Murphy. WantedPlain sewing. 203 south Dewey. Mrs. Ida Wlngart. 8-4 D. W. Galnos of tho Morchnnts' Ho tel of Omaha, and A. Baum, also of Omaha, who recently purchased tho Scouts Rest ranch, aro hore this week on business. Efflclont and rollablo light draylng of any kind, taxlcab service and coun try livery. Splcer's Parcel Delivery. Call Huffman's Cigar Store Phone 975. Tho Catholic school building will be complotod within a wook and all de partmontB can bo used about February 24th. Tho dedication will tako place shortly after EaBtor. Romember our Corsets aro tho boot made; wo can lit every figure. Just try ono of our model and you will wear no othor. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Tho advanco sa p cf tickets for tho Forresters ball to bo given Mumlnv nt tho Lloyd onora htuso lm boon gi eater than In pre vious .years and indications aro umt the at'eucanco w!ll !. largo. A. F. Klnas has purchased tho Bow on building on north Locust street and Is tearing It down. It Is his Intention In linvn n Inrrn Iwn ntnrv business building erected on tho slto In tho near future. I now liavo fundB at 5 por cent on cholco bottom table lanu. ueno Crook, Rooms 3 & 4, Waltcmath Bldg. Minn Mario Bowen who had boon ill for sevoral days was oppratod up on ror nppemucltiB at tno uuy Hospi fnl Wmlnnailav mornlnc. Dr. W. J Rodflold of Grand Island, formorly of this city perrormcu tno oporauon. tne Is getting along nicoiy. Mary A. Favlnger was granted a dlvorco from Henry M. Favlnger Wed nesday on tho grounds of cruelty Thoy wro married In Hayes county In August, 1910, and have two young children, both or whom wore placed In the custody of tho mother. Dolla L. Smith was granted a dl vorco from Carl Smith In tho district court Tuesday morning on tho grounds of cruelty. Thoy woro married In Grant. Porklns county October 14. 1914 and had resided In this county for two Lyonra. JJor, maiden name of Delia Kcmpor was restored to nor. Rocords youi should havo In your Gra'anola cabinet: "Tho Bob 'O Link and Wron," a aplendld orchestration; "Amaryllis " ewcot music by tho Col ostru; ''Baby Shoes" a homo song of baby; "Huvu you Forgotten Me," bar- tono sloo. Drop in nnd hoar them. DIXON, Tho Jowolor. Your Unrle Sam now rivals John fluirin possessing torrltory on which tho sun nevrr sots. St. Croix In the nowly-acnulred Danish West Indies (Troup, Is tho eastorn end and Bnlabac m tho Philippines tho west end, or half 'ho o'rcuin formica of tho earth. Just as tho sun if, rising on St. Croix it la sotting on Jialalnc. A !d!ood fllfcd 'this wook convoys from E. S. N. E. Rbso the southwost quarter of soctlon 24-11-28 for J1&00.00 and tho lattor onv3vs to tho former tho wost half of the Bouthwcst quarter of section 17. and tho aouthoasf quarter of tho southeast quarter and lot 4 of Section 18-12-23 for a consideration of $3,300. Registered' Porcheron Stallion for salo cheap. Thomas E. Doollttlo Not th Plutto. Neb. 8-8 At a mooting of tho Yeoman Tu?s day ovonlng a largo class was adopted and delegates oloctcd to tho stato convention to bo hold In this city April 2d and 3d. To this convoiUlon mo delegates ure w. J. Tiicy at lnrgo Losllo Basklns, Dr. T. J. Korrf Mrs Albert Durbln and Frank Henderson At tho close a lunch was served. MISS HUFFJIAN' CLOSES A SUCCESSFUL SEASON After touring Toxas, Oklahoma, Kau nas, part of Nebraska, Iowa and Illinois, tho Winona Lycoum Entor talnors, of which Miss Irma Huffman of tills city 1b tho reader and soloist, will cIobo the season at Mackinaw, 111., today. MIm Huffman will spend two weens In Chicago coaching, after Which she will return to North Platto to visit hor paronta and frlonds until the Cllautaunua season opens In May when eho will etart out on ft circuit for n three months engagement. An ostlmato of Miss Huffman's abil ity as an ontortalnor Is obtained from a loading papor of Toxas which said: Mlsa Huffman was a trio entertainer In ono norsonallty. It Is difficult to say In which art ho excelled or was most appreciated. Hor soprano num bers wero suporb, hor readings clovor nnd artlRtlc and her piano work ap norBonaHty captured hor audience, hjr personality captured tho nudlenco Iier olectlonB wero vnrled; nor Humorous sketches varied In apoecli nnd dialect nnd thoro was alwnys that wholesome pleasing themo In each that was hap piness to contemplate. Hor word painting and tono color as well as hor wonderful ability In chnractorlza tlon vvaB admirably sustained through out. Pnrtlcularlly Impressive was tho lullaby, 'Mammy a Black Rose, nnd tho reading "Tho Silk Worm Story." t:ot: Wim t Onmo Warden Appointed. Farmers living on tho south side of tho river between North Platto and Gothenburg will unite In a petition to Governor Novlllo requesting that he appoint a gnmo warden for Lincoln county. Those farmers state that tho grasshoppers have been Increasing so rapidly during the pnst two or three years as to threaten tho complete dstructlon of tho alfalfa fields, and claim that protection of game birds Is tho only solution of tho Impending danger. If tho birds aro protected dur ing tho early part of tho year and not ruthlessly slaughtered, thcyw will rill tho country of tho grasshoppers, and to protect tho birds a game iwnrden Is necessary. In Keith county tho residents sent a petition- to Representative Beftll ask ing that ft bill bo Introduced making ft closed season for a period of threo yoars on nil game birds on tho plea thnt tho hoppers wore devastating the alfalfa fields. To Be Saving is Not to Be Stingy That's the wrong idea. To bo snvinji-merely means to stop useless expenditures . You do not havqlo bo.penurious to save money , Just lav nside the small amounts you spend for things you can do ns well without und put that money jn the First National Bank. You wilt indeed be surprised at what these small sums' will amount to even in one year's time. . A bank account will increase your self-respect and will also give you prestige. F.our Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings. First National Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBR., -::o::- 'oroner,8 Jury Adjourns Till Mondny. Tho coroner's lurv summoned tn In- qulro Into tho dotalls of tho death of Hormnn Kosbau and son, convened Wednesday mornlnir. oxnmltirul ov- oral wltnossos and at noon adjourned until tour o'clock, upon ro-ossombllng tho testimony of two more witnesses was taken and tho lurv then nd1mirnvl until Monday at nine o'clock. Deputy uoumy Attornoy iiaiugan lias ciiarge of tho innuest anil tho lurnra am E. N. Ogier, J. H. VanCleavo; A. M. Lodk, Aiuin sanua l. m. J. Forties nn Bnt- lor Buchanan. Among tho witnesses oxammcu wero jonn Jones, I. 13. Trout, Ed Wheolock, Goorgo Wilson, John Nolson and Fred Placok, men who had seen Kosbau during the day of tllo nccldnnt or nn flin ilnv nrnvlmm Tho tostimony bf these witnesses 'threw miio ngni on tno rncts which ' tho ury is attempting to obtain. Lutheran Announcements for Sundny aununv sc 1001 at. u:45. Mornlntr Vnrsliln 11 n'n.lnrlr. Sormon BUincct "T irouKli What tho World uojocts uoii uionics Himself." Young Peoplo's Missionary nt 4 p. m Luther League eorvico at G:45 p, m Eveninc worshin 7: P.O. Snrmnn snli. ioct: "Tho Prodigal Son." This is tho nrst or aovon sermons on Now Testa mont conversions. Tho chest Will bo sot out nenln nt both Borvlces to rccolvo tho monthly offering for tho now church building iunu. r :o: of GpIm flip Cjinliiln'si ltnrnn A thief onterod tho bnfipninnt nf Mm nimrtmont occunlml 1v Cnnl. P. .T. Barron Tuesday night nnd escaped Willi about all tho eatables In sight, Including tho bacon, eggs and cream that P. .T. hn.i nnHnlnntiul frr lita brpnkfnfif vfho fnllnwl n tr mnrnlno1 i miei gamcu nn entrance by removing a screen and oponlng a window, nnd his exit wns through n door which ho nniocKPu nnn iook tho Key with him. To frustrate a repetition of this work LJipi. unrron win tiotaii momiiera lilq zouaves to guard his promises. t lOlIirlllH of Pvllilim fit IIiukmipI Momborn of tho Knichts nf Pvthlnn and former mombers who havo rtppliod ror ro-mstatomont will hold ( a ban quet at tho McCabe hotol Monday ovrn ing nna maKo arrangements ror ro lnstltutlug a lodgo In North Tlatte. mo institution cormonles will bo hold on tno eveninc or Mnwii nth wimn r class of twontv or morn win i tnttin lOll OY a team rrom flin ICnnrnov lnitim It Is expected that sevoral officers of th stato grand lodgo will bo present. mf Worst E HE Y neinY OURS. Therefore we liave arranged for the Sale and Delivery of samel, Eke D Whole Wheat, Graham and Rye Flour mi Corn Meal Heretofore sold in 500 pound lots In any quantity, at wholesale prices and with a strict money back guarantee Believing thnt the little consumer is entitled to this rcduc Uqii in price ns well ns tho hig purchaser, we have adopted this course. Shorts, bran, wheat, corn, oats, barley, chop, ground mix . ed feed, mixed chicken eed? alfalfa baled hay and tankage that have previously been delivered in only 500 pound lots will here after -also be delivered in any quantity and nt our usunl low prices. v Leypoldt & Peniiio Phone 90 gton, Office, Elevator and Warehouse, Front and Silber Avenue. SERVICE -: :o:- Cnrd of Thanks. I Wish to OXtoml TTIV tlinnka tn mv many frlondo for tho beautiful iloral gift sont, a loving tribute to my mothoi4 Ihn lnfn Mru. WMllnm T Al- voy or Winnebago. Minnesota. Also for mo many loitors or sympathy nnd loy. uig uoeus ionureu my ramliy during my nbsonco. ANNIE S. ALVEY WHITE. r :o! : To following nionn will be servod by td-Enworth loncno In tho PmvjI.v. torlan church basoment this ovonlng Beginning nt & o'clock: Iiostou Mkod beans and browai bread, pickles, dough nuts coffoo and plo. Prlco 30 cents, NUItSK BROWN an?MORIAL IIOaiEOPATHIC HOSITPAL i Tho Ufo of this Institution come through tho successful uso of the true and tried Homeopathic romedy; noth ing healing more quickly, nioro easily, more permanently. Horo Is a hospital that in making It solf known by good rosulta In Major ahd Minor Surgery, nnd which Is tho Homo of OrWclal, Surgory with ac complishments that no othor system can daro, challenge in tho treatment ot acuto and chronic dlseasos. 1008 WoBt 4tk St. North Platto, Jfcb. John S. Twlucm, M. B. SOCIETY AND CLUBS. I a in Clrniw Infnrmnllv enter- tallied twelve at bridge Wednesday af ternoon. Mrs. Wilson Tout pleasantly enter tained tho members of tho Culture club Monday afternoon. ht nr. -RVntnr will (HltOrtSlln tills lUlili UVivr. i ..... afternoon complimentary to Mrs. Kei- lOgg, OI fOrClvai, lUWU, niiua t,--. at tho Hnlllgfin homo. Mrs. Clydo Cook and Mrs. John HUlebrandt will entertain tho Zetta Zotta club at tho homo of tlio former on Wednesday aftomoon. A vory enjoyable social event of this week was tho dancing party held by tho members ot tho Lonesome hurst club at tho Masonic hall lues day veiling. t imKcn. nf nMchbors and friends Lathered at tlio Asa Snyder home Sat- Hin mrnniuir iiiiii it uuuiuu - U1UUV V sut'prlso iparty. The evening was spent In card games. Bevorly Wurtolo. entertained twetve young menus in u 'X 'Ya in tho moazanino room of the Oasi3 Wodensdny evening, vaioimura exchanged and decorations wero rod hearts. The domosrtlc sclonco dopartmont of tho Twentieth Contury club will meet with MraW. II. Blalock. 904 west Mnnlmf nftortinnn. IlUDOrtant IDlAllll -(business domands tho attendance of all members. Tho Indian card club woro the guests of Miss Alma Wnltematli Wed nesday afternoon. In tho card gamos Mrs. Chas. Reynolds won first prlzo and Mrs. Fred Wnltematli second. As sisting tha hostess was Mrs. Joseph Stopo and Mrs. Schatz. i,n Ainim Mn Slcma club, Uiolr husbands nnd soveral guests, wcr dollghtTully ontortained last ov-t qnlng at tlio homo of Mrs. Grimes, who !. v.. -Kir rtrnnk. Mrs. Pl- zor and Mrs. llalllgan. Flvo hundred was tli6 entortalnlng feature. Tho literary department of tho Twen tieth Century club met Tuesday after noon nt tho homo of Mrs. Aork IHn mnn and hold guest day. Forty ladles woro prosont and enjoyed tho follow ing program: Nebraska Day, Mrs. E. A. Garllchs; Eminent Nebraska Men and Womon, Mrs. J. H. Hogarty; in Btrumontnt solo, Miss Dulcle Frator; vocal solo, Mrs. W. II. Cramerr Mlss Mabl Lumm, who recontly re slgneil from tho local telephono office, an tho guest ot honor at n farewell party at ho homo of Mlss Lena Bas klns Wednesday ovenlng. Tho fifteen guests woro served with a chicken and waft lo supper nnd spent tho latter part of tho ovenlng In music and games. Miss Lumm will leavo Tuesday for Omaha to locate. Tho La4y Forrostors and husbands w6ro entertained at the homo of Mrs. Clyde Cook Wednesday ovenlng, Tho decorations and rofroshmontB woro In keeping with tho Valentino season and partnora wero found by matching valentines. Tho evening was a very pleasant ono to tlio guests. Progressive card games wero played and prizes awarded to Mr. McCullough of Max woll and Mrs. Mary Dunn. Miss Jose phine O'Haro assisted In entertaining and Misses Gertrude Robhusen, Anna O'Hare and Mario LeDloyt assisted In sorving. Tho general meeting of tho Twenti eth Century club was hold Tuiesdny evening at tho homo of Mrs. P. J. Bar 'ron. During tho evening a group of songs was rendered by Mrs. L. W. Toole. Mrs. George Frator gave a rhyme on the club members. Two readings by Mrs. York Hlnman were enjoyed and Mrs. W. H. Cramor gave soveral Instrumental selections. Del egates to tho convention which will be held hero on March 22nd and 23rd were selected as follows: First delegate, Mrs. G. T. Flold, second delegate, Mrs. P. J. Barron; altornates Mesdames L. W. Toolo and York Hlnman. : :dif . mi mi fSl Dr. Morrill. Uounsu 'Von , , ; H1 1 in travel, in sightseeing, in business openings, in new fields for agricul ture, horticulture, livestock industry and various trades. When considering the question of where to go, what to see and the .cost, or when seeking new locations iri-any. line of business or when contemplat ing a vacation trip, there is afforded you a source of information that has been taken advantage of by thou sands before you. The Union Pacific System is a product of the west, reaches the most; important cities and agricultural districts in the west, is constantly in touch with most reliable sources of information, con cerning the west and the opportunities there. If you arc now contemplating a trip to any section of the west served by this great railroad system; or if you are now seeking new fields of endeavor, in no matter what line, we can help you furnish accurate informa tion quickly, can help you to decide in ample time to get relocated and well settled before spring work begins. Just what can we do to help you? W. S. Basinger, General Passenger Agent . :; i ' Qmaliir, Neb. U