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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1917)
fa M orlh THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., FEBRUARY 20, 19H7. No. 11 POSTAL IMPROVEMENTS DURING THE PAST YEAR CITY DELIYEHY EXTENDED TO OVKJt 300 ADDITIONAL DESI JKM'I?S IX THE CITY One Hurnl Jlouto Extended mid a New Ituulo Applied fur and Action on 1'ctltlon Xow rending at Washington. In speaking of local postal affairs Tostmastor McEvoy says: During tho year 191G, the local Post Offlco mado the following Improve ments: Tho city sorvico was extended to ovor 300 additional residences, giving free dollvory of mall to 300 families. One additional carrier and ono clerk have been given positions on the regu lar list and one carrier on tho substl TOto list. An extension has been added to Route No. 2, giving free dollvory ser vice to fifty additional families. This route is now over fifty miles in length and Is known as Motor Uouto A. Tho gross Income of tho office has increased over thlrty-threo per cent. This has been brought about "by the co-operation of tho press, the "patrons of tha office, tho assistant postmaster and clerks nnd carriers, and our friends at Washington. This year with tho same co-operation, the "postmaster suggests without tho co-operation of these named abovo ho cannot accomplish very much, we expect to make the following improve ments: There, is now ponding, awaiting ac tion by tho postoffic0 department, the establishment of a now rural route No. 2. This routo as proposed will leavo tho city over tho new Lincoln highway bridge, following tho hills to McNeal ranch and returning along (the North Platto river to North Platte, giving service to 100 families that aro now compelled to come to tho city of North PlatJ.o for their mall. Tho patrons are also working on a seventeen mile extension to rural routo No. 3, which will give service to thirtv-flva additional families liv ing southwest of this city. Further improvements in the city delivery aro contemplated in the way of mounted carrier scrvlco to accom modate tho restdent0 living in tho ex- trem0 outskirts of the city, also an other clork. It is also intended to havo tho free delivery sorvico extended to ovory per son In Lincoln county, If possible, as nothing advertises a city or county bettor than good mall service. -: :o: :- J. T. Norton, manager of tho Platto theatre, returned yesterday afternoon from a business visit in Omaha, "Easy Street," the ninth of the Mu tual Chaplin releases, will bo shown at tho Keith Wednesday night In con nection with tho Vltagraph feature, "Through tho Wall," with William Duncan and Nell Shi'pman. Charlie discovers "Easy Street" to be one- of tho most disorderly thoroughfares In nil tho world. Not oven tho cop on tho beat can maintain order thero. Then and thero Charlie undertakes to 'reform tho neighborhood. Tho methods ho takes and tho success ho achieves aro unfolded In a thousand laughs. A. Groocl Recommencla t i o n The Business man has confidence in the boy or other em ployee with a bank account. He knows that any one who can save for himself can save for him, and that the money saved stands for character. It does not mean how much you have saved, but the fact that you have shown a determination to do a certain thing; that a saving bank book is in itself a good recommendation . You can have this kind of a recommendation by coming to the First National Bank and opening an account. One dollar . ' will do to start and you can add more whenever you have it. Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings. First National Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBR., FIDELITY ItESEllVE COMPANY HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meotlng of tho Fidelity Rosorvo Company wns 'hold Saturday In tho offlco of tho company In the I. O. O, F. building. The board of di rectors nnd office tr, together wjth som0 of tho policy holders, met nnd went ovor last year's buslnoss, which In tho way of new buslnoss, was very creditable to tho company. Tho total new business writton was $1S.S23.7S In premiums and was a gain ovor tho buslnoss writton In 1915 of J209.000. Tho former officers and directors woro ni-otected and C. F. Temple, who has been secretary, was elected one of tho directors. The comploto statement wll be pub. Hshcd In a fow days. ;:o:: Dig Attendance at Hull Tho Lady For'roetors' annual ball was hold at tho Lloyd opera house last evening and attended by tho largest numbor of dancers this season. Tho commlttoo In charg0 was Mesdnmos Herman LoDIoyt, Clydo Cook, P. II. Lonorgan and S. R. Carney. Stamp's orchestra furnished an onjoyablo "pro gram and dancing continued until ono o'clock. Tho receipts exceeded ono hundred and fifty dollnrs and the la dies wish to thank tho patrons for their nsslatanco In making tho ball a success. All Masons and their families aro Invited to be present at tho celebra tion of tho ninth anniversary of the dedlcalo'n of tho Masonic temple to bo held atj Masonic temple Thursday, February 22, 1917, at 8 p. m. This Is the only Invitation that will be Is sued; All Masons aro welcome. DR. O. II. CRESSLER, w. ii. Mcdonald, ROBERT R. DICKEY, RODERT A. ARMSTRONG, HARRY DIXON. Coroner's Jury Discharged. Tho coroner's jury, which had been Inquiring Into tho deatii of Horman Kosbau and son, was discharged yes terday. An .adjofuirnment. y&s taken Friday until yesterday, but upon re convening tho (testimony of only ono witness was taken and his evidence was of no valua Tho efforts of tho jury to obtain facts relative to cer tain supposed conditions woro fruit less. Tift Fined $5 and Costs. The caso of William Dorram against Allen Tift camo up In tho county court yesterday. Tho plaintiff charged that tho defendant assaulted him sev eral weeks ago and throw him Into tho Union Pacific lake causing him to becomo 111 and take treatment in a hospital. Tho defendant was found guilty1, fined fivo dollars and costs and took an appeal to tho district court, r:o:: Cjrnntcd n Divorce. Ellen Blodgett was granted a dl vorco from Charles Blodgett in the district court yesterday. They woro married in Custor county July 1st, 1913, and had resided In this county sinco 1914. Tho grouuds for divorce wero 'dk-unkonness, She. asked for her maiden name of Ellen Brlggs. ::o:: For Sale No. 1 fresh milk cow. Phon0 Black CGI. DISTRESSING ACCIDENT YESTERDAY AFTERNOON IIENHY COHAtiEN DIES LAST EV EN IN (J FJtO.H INJl'HIES HE CEIYED IN A FALL Jtcndcrcd Unconscious by Shock from Electric Light Wlro He Later Drops to the Ground and Frac tures His Skull. lIon'ty Cohagon, son tof Mr. nd Mrs. T. M. Cohngen, died at tho Gou oral Hospital last evening at G:25 from Injuries received yesterday af tornoon at 3:30. Cohagon nnd Arthur Barraclough, both of whom are" omployed byHho electric company, woro doing lino re pairing on a polo along th0 curb south of tho court house, tho former sup porting himself on tho polo by moan of a leather belt which, hitches both around the body and then "polo. Ho was engaged in soldorlng a wlro and tho supoattion Is that tho molten metal spluttered and to avoid having tho Hying particles hit him in tho faco he had dodged his head. In doing this his loft oar camo in contact with a Hvo wlro carrying 230& volts. This contact rendered him unconscious and ho hung limp in hls supporting bolt. Barraclough realizing that quick ro suscltatlon was necessary nnd that In order to accomplish this he must got tho unconscious man to tho ground, tied a ropo, which they hnd been us ing, Into tho ring of tho body bolt and throwing it over the cross arm and cutting tho polo belt attempted to lowor him to tho ground. As tho slack was taken out of tho ropo It either broko or tho knot unloosened and Cohngen fell to tho ground a dls- tanco of about twonty-flvo feet, strik ing on his head. The impact of a body (weighing 180 pounds dropping that dlstanco to solidly frozen ground wa3 tremendous and when Barra clough descended he found Cohagon groaning ami bleeding profusely from tho mouth. Passers by ran to aid arfifgtf Dr. Dent and Manager Morey, of uto oloctrlc company, telephoned, In tho mcantlnio tho threo on four'mon pres ont kneading the body In an attempt to resusitato tho unconscious man from th0 effects of the shock. Upon tho arrival of Dr. Dent and Mr. Morey Cohngen was hurried to the General Hospital and an examination showed a fracture of the skull from tho base of tho of noso to a point back of tho center of tho head, broken noso and a fracture of both1 collar bones. Tho only ovldenco of contact with tho live wire was a small burn on the left ear. Whether this shock would havo provon critical Is not known by reason of his other In juries. Several physlcinns gavo their at tention to tho unfortunate man, but counsclousnoss could not bo restored and tho spirit took Its flight at 0:25, about threo hours following tho ac cident. Arrangements for tho funeral havo not boon completed at this hour. Mr. and Mrs. John Walonhau'pt woro tho guests of honor at a reception held by tho Rebckah and Odd Follow lodges Saturday afternoon. Tho oc casion was tho sixtieth anniversary of tholr marriage and they wero pre sented with gold pln8 by tho ordor, E, S. Davis making tho presentation. As they entered tho prottily decorated ed hall tho wedding march was play ed by Nicholas Kloin. An onjoyablo program was rendered as follows: Reading, Mrs. W. J. Tiloy; vocal so los, Mrs. Edward Burko and Miss Dor- ryborry; Instrumental selections, N. Klein: reading, Helen Swanson. Twc hundred frlonds of this, worthy couple wonti present nnd tho guests of honor with Archdeacon and Mrs. J. J. Bow kor, woro seated at a specially ar ranged table. Tho fanners of Modlclno precinct hold a mooting at Wclllleet Saturdny overling for tho purposo of organiz ing a farmers' union, but tho organizer oxpocted failed to appear. The plan la to organize a union and open n lumber and coal yard and either buy tho present elevator or orect a now ono. Tho tenchors of tho local schools nnd membors of tho board of education will hold a banquot at tho Junior high school building Saturday evening. Tho monu will bo prepared by tho domestic sclenco department of tho Twontloth Contury club and covers will bo laid for olghty. Mrs. Floyd Jackson returned this morning from Donvor whoro sho via Itcd last wook. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEWS Arcucci u. m. uoynoius wk. now being oponod at Tho Lender Mer Messrs Luto nnd llartnian, of Paxtou,1 contjjf, Co.'s. through tho Jofforson school last' wfek. Tho.. tlim i. M,3S KllUl MOOTO Is expected to TO- ....... . a. wU Ow" - - of the board of education at Pnxton and they aro looking ovom school build ings preparatory to'-' letting tho'-ebni tracts for tholr nv school. Mr. Mosmor and Mrs. X. E. Loudon visited in thu Joll'erson school last week. Thirty-live pupils of Miss High's room havo sont lu tho drills for tholr flrt button In Palmer ponmaushlp. Programs In honor of Lincoln's birthday ver held In a numbor ol rooms In tho city, particularly In the Lincoln building. The following Indies vlsltod at tho Washington school last wcok: Mrs. Cram Mrs. Forbes, Mrs. Wntklns, Mrs. Tout, Mrs. Starr, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Golden, Mrs. Guthorfyw,', Mrs; "Van Cleave. Professor Garllohs prosentod tho Lincoln building with a largo ling on February 10th. It was much admired by both pupils and teachers and they nr. gratoful to tho giver. Tho hygiene class In Mrs. Turplo's room aro testing lung oxpanslon and making n "record of tho measurements they take. Many rooms had valontlno boxes on tho 14th. This has como to bo quite a day In tho olomontary school. In some rooms tho pupils mako vnlontlnos for tholr mothors, In others for tholr classmates. Visitors In tho Lincoln school Inst nwok woro Mrs. Chas. Rogors and Mrs. Ellis Holllngsworth. Tho now school building which Is to bo officially opened by tho board of education on next Friday Is the Frank lin building. In It aro tho executive offices of tho schools Including the board of education nnd tho city super intendent, tho Franklin auditorium and the Franklin gymnasium and Uio Junior high school. It Is Incorrect 'to call this building itjho Junior high School building ns tho Junior high school occupies less than half of It All athletic ovonts should bo an nounced fon tho Franklin gymnasium and all ontortalnments should bo an nounced for tho Franklin auditori um. Tho old high school building will bo j known as tho Contral building and tho auditorium thoro will bo called the Central school auditorium. Tho Junior high school Is at present lo cated In tho Franklin building mid tho Senior high school Is at present lo cated In the Contral building. ' :::: Moose Itaii(iitt Postponed Tho third annual bnnquct of tho Mooso ta hlch was to havo been staged for tonight has, on account of tho Ueath of Henry Cohagon, beon in definitely postponed. Kplscopal Church Ash Wednesday, Fob. 21st, services at 10 a. m. In charge of Archdeacon Bowker. : ::o:: Tho Woman's Homo Missionary society will moot with Mrs. J, A. Me Michael, 209 south Vino street, Friday afternoon. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE McDonald State Bank. of North Platto, Charter No. 647 In tho Stato of Nebraska at tho closo of lius nt'HH February 13, 1917. RESOURCES LoniiH nnd discount!) 413,306.44 Overdraft!) 882,71) Rondo, securities. Judgments claims, etc 15,600.00 Banking- house, furnlturo anil ilxturcH 10,194.07 Other Real Estate 7,609.22 iurircm expenses, taxos it exiion ami Interest paid. 403.71 Duo from nat'l and state hanks. . .$140,008.19 Chocks ami Itoms of exchange.. 0,080.58 Currency 20,110.00 Hold Coin 1,192.60 Silver, nlcltlos and cents 3,778.18- 178,375.45 Total 1032,292.28 LIABILITIES Catiltnl stock imld In $100,000.00 Surplus fund 20,000.00 fndlvlded profits 12.749.63 l lvldnnris unpaid 6,000.09 individual depos its subject to check $288,208.60 Demand cortlfl- ,catu of dopos 1t 2.088.11 Tlmo certificates .if deposit .... 141,666.68 Certified chocks... 800.00 Dtia to national .ind state banks 67,009.44 190,381.03 Depositors' guaranty fund 4,101.12 Total $032,292.2 State of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, bh l, w. ii. Mcuonaia, casnior oi ine abovo named bank do hereby swear that tho abovo statement Is a correct and true copy of tho report mado to tho State Banking Board. W. II. MoDONALD, Cashier. Attest: CHAS MoDONALD, Director .1. U. MoDONALD. Director. Subscribed and sworn to before m thin 19th diiv of Knliniarv. 1917. O. II. THOELECKE, Notary Public, LOCAL AND l'EKSONAL Tho now stvloa In dress itooda aro turn thia morning from a fow days' visit in Koamoy. Thru. J. C. Todd, of Gl.ondlve, Mont." arrived hero recently to visit with Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Buchanan. Mis Kutn Crab returned to Pnxton last ovonlng after, visiting with hor slstor, Mrs. John Guyinan, for a wcok. Mrs. John Polstor, of Petersburg, arrived this morning to-vlslt (with Mrs. Elmer Masteu and Miss Josephlno 1 Polster. Angus McLnne, who has boon om ployed lu the Rlnckor'book and drug storo for several months, will return to his former homo lu Lexington this Week. . Mnrj' Plckford will Imj soon at tho Crystal Thursday night In the noted play of theatrical llfo, "Dohlnd tho Sconos," a piny written by Mnrgarot Mayo, author1 of "Baby Mlno." Tho Travol nnd Study club mot wltl Mrs. F. W. Rlnckor last ovonlmr and wero entertained with a parlor talk on Italian operas by Mrs. C. R. Morey, Selections from operas woro played on nn Edison. Corset Believing that always entitled to service we can give sent our Corsetiere Gossard Company's cago, to complete her course in scientific fitting of Gossard Corsets, , This school is considered by far the best of its kind in this country. When Miss Preston returns about the first of March she will have had all of the ' instructions that ong the can get along most competent order to reoeive a diploma from this school one must pass a rigid written examination showing that they understand their work. We believe that you will appreciate o'ur efforts along this line as you have always done to make our store community . Wilcox Department Store J. C. HOLLMAN, Counsel. The H. and S. Agency. HAS Lots and City property for Snle. WRITES Fire, Tornado, Aulombilc and Hail Insurance. LOANS MONEY on City Property. Buy a Home and pay for it each month like you pay rent. Some Homes to suit you on your terms. Let your wants bo known. DOOLITTLE BLDG. Office Phones Red or Black 612. Residence Phones See John Brntt left last ovonlng for Grand Island nnd othor eastern points to spend a cotiplo of days. Th0 dining room nnd lobby of tho Hotel McCnbo Is bolng ropnlutcd and tho walls tinted. Tho Lutheran Girls' club will bo entertained at tho homo of tho Misses Mnrgaret and Elfroda Mottln Thursday evening. Englnoors RUoy Warren nnd James McNeill rotumed Sunday ovenlng from Pocatello whoro they woro recontly ttnnsforrod. Tho Womans' foroign missionary so uloty of tho Mothodlst ohurch will hold an afternoon tea at tho pnrsonago Wodnosday aftornoon. All membors and friends nro asked to come. Mmo, Potrovn, In "Tho Etornal Ques tion," will bo tho attraction at tho Crystal tonight. It Is a wondorplay 5 acts long and ocean deep In power and pathos. A story of high llfo and deop shadows. Mrs. W. II. Blalock was hostess to tho Twontloth Contury club yesterday aftornoon. Tha subject for discus sion wa9 "Th0 Opening of tho Garden Sonson," and Mr. McConib of tho ex perimental station ontortnlnod tho la dles with a lecturo on gardens, shrubs, llowors, vegetables nnd vinos. Aftor tho program tho hostess demonstrated shrimp salad. News our patrons are the very best them, we have to the H. M. school at Chi- these lines from teachers. In all our a credit efforts to this J. E. SEBASTIAN, Manager. Book.