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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1917)
0 1 ir- at' Jjtortlt I) Crilntne. emt- THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., FEBRUARY 13, 1917. No. 9 wtotte I: KEIL IS GIVEN $25,000 FOR PERSONAL INJURIES BOTH LEGS SO BADLY HUIIXED IN GOTHEiMlUKG WllECK THAT AJlPUlATlthN NECESSAK1' Settlement Mado with Union I'liclllc nt Omaliu Saturday by Attorney IV." E. Sliuman, who Itepre sentcd the l'laliitlff. Wllbor Koil. of Blanca. Col., who had botli lens terribly burnod lu the rail road 'accident at Gothenburg December 19th', effected a settlement with tho Union Pacific company at Omaha Sat' nnlav ithroueli his attorney 'W. E Shunian. of this city, and was paid twonty-ilvo thousand dollars In cur rency. Keil. who la thirty-two years of age was onroute to Souith Omaha In charge of two cars of stock. Ho wasrlding l'IZEIt WILL ERECT NEW 11UIL1HNG ON LOCUST Last Saturday at roforeo's sale Ju lius Plzor purchased tho 22x80 foot lot on tho corner of Sixth and Dewey) TWO KILLED WHEN CAR PLUNGES OFF A BRIDGE JUNIOll HIGH SCHOOL DEDICATION NEXT KK Arrangomonis are now .baing made for a formal dedication of tho now Junior High School building on Kri- strceta for a consideration of $3,600. ,,.,,r.v vaohht in me irwv day of next week. While tho program This lot, which bolonged'to-'thO estate " v,m; iii.ii iiix S AT. ia not boon complotod it Is tho pur- of C. L. Wood, was sold by order of j TTniY vimiT 1OSO 10 "ftVo throo ovonts during tho tho court with O. 13. Elder as roforee. ' ". aay purjng tho forenoon tho Sonlor Mr. Pizor already owned the 22-foot' , ,, , , . . ,,...., !!, nnd Junior high school students will lot adjoining on tho north, and as soon as ho returns from New York, for which city he loft Sunday, ho will havo an architect at onco draw plans for a linllrtlni flint will cover lwith lota. Tho front and south wall will uo pressed uorman nosnau, a wen nuuwu imm- nua m UKJ ovcning mo lormai uetiien Ibrick and will correspond ln style er living southwest of tho city, and tiou of tho building will b0 hold un with tho building which Mr. Plzer his ten year old son Harry wore dor tho auspices of tho board of cdu 0rectcd two years ago Just north of tho klllcU.-about 10:30 Saturday night cation, with addresses by members , . , ,, . i ii . . nnd Junior high school students will Car ln Which Innilly Is Lnrouto Home roiulor a pr0grnm before wn audience Goes oft tho West bldo of the comp0sod of pupils from tho ward Bridge nnd Drops TwclVO h CCt flnhnnln Tn Ihn nflnmnnn thn nnm to tho Jtlrcr. schools. In tho afternoon tho same program will bo rondorft.1 to an audi ence of adults, both men and women, TO PLANT TJtEKH TO KEEl SNOW FJI03I HAILKOAD THACKS LOCAL AND PJ3KSONAL. School girl wants to caro for ohll dron. Uov. It. II. Whlto, Ulnck 603. j union Pacific officials aro figuring Sheriff BonJamln Sonnor. of Arthur i on evolving a plan by which If It is county, was a business visitor horol ndoptod, lu tho futuro thoy hopo to i Two business firms havo alreadys plied for a lease of hot floors of tl building. : :q: : Crane Estato Property Sold. p-,ly'Voro roturnlng homo plunged oft Tho program as soon as complotod tho WOBt Bldo of tho briugo across mo will bo glvon In full In tlieso columns. he rlvor south of town. Mrs. Kosuau and a youngor son, who were also In thb car escaped wmi Biigut uruises. r-'.o : Elementary School Doings Tho slxtli grado In Miss Watte' room Vll.uu J.1ri..iJ uu... , . .! Ht, mill rhlll1rnl " I Mill SlilllU III iUlHB WUIU9 riWUl Last Saturday tho threo hoilsos and I ?nJ ?Lr. ,?iUao. .l . Ail has boon reading about boavors ln their in the caboose, and while tho train ono vacant lot owned by the ostate of,".,v " , ! V-n,iinr- Thox- rn- rcador. Ono of tho pupils brought part had stopped at Gothenburg tho onglno1 E. W. Crano were sold by roforoo O. E.. ,'i,uV,r,,Mi mrtiv nftf.r ton o'clock of a tr tl,at lmd boou Gnawed olt by of a train following plowed Into tho Elder. Th0 homo placo on Second il RnXi o i tho 1 omoward ,,oavrr3 nnd It was an objoct of Inter- caboose pinning Kcil in tho debris and. street was purchased by Mrs. Crano M1"11 ,VA?L Vr. tAV,,, V,,,r i, in. that was nml. for ?2,700 and she also purchased tho ,eaillnK to tho 1)rldge tho car was Most of tho pupils ln Miss Murray's l?caafA 10loAn Si0 ?Uth PaMC n,ldl: ruSnl ig about twenty nllc3 an hour room havb subscribed for a little wcok tion fdr $250. Tho house, at tho west , t i.Lic i,u m, urn. ly naner called Current Events. On LC0T"L!trfe,lt a,Snftb0!,lttitruding approach they sworvod to the ono day this papor Is used for tho rog- J wmi uuuvo iwi V'u iivi viivi(i.A l,r,r. !. ilflrAi in. timn Ullll I Uillll I11T IliHMUII. I IlllHI? IllIIIllH Willi . . . . . . m I 1L1I1L U 1111 1JU1U1U lilt! UHUJi iu w...w i on west i-irst oy i. u. uauor ior t,.pm fhn crashed throuch do not havo tin setting tho car on flro. Before Kell could bo rescued both legs from the knoes down were terribly burned. Ho was brought to a ospltal in this city and kept until the lattor part of last month when ho wa3 taken to the Clarkson hospital In Omaha. ' Upon his nrrlvoal thoro tho attending phy sicians concluded that tho amputation of both legs was necessary and they Tvero taken off a couplo inches below tho knees. A photograph of tho limb3 prior to tho operation shows exposure of tho bones where the flesh had shifted off. Keil suffered Intensely and had It not been for his wonderful vitality ho could not have withstood tho constant agony. Since tho operation, ne is doing woll, and it is confidently cx oected will live. As soon as tl'0 wounds properly heal ho will have artificial limbs fitted. It Is his intention to purchase a farm ln Bomo part of Nebraska, believing that ho wll bo in a position to successfully supervise it. He owned a placo in Colorado, but he Will sell his holdings there. Keil has a wife and two chil dren. Q houso $1,G00. to turn them tho car crashed through o not havo tho paper sit with thoso ! Mm mu ralla nnd dronned to the river who do navo it and so all can read. In ::o;: 1 twelvo feet below ""8 way tho reading lesson Is coupled Sclllnp Heglstcrcd CniUo Mrs Kosbau and tho youngor son P with tho wwspapors and tho dally W. H. Turple shipped In twenty hoad -wero riding on tho rear soaat. Mrs. (doings of tho world. of registered .Shorthorn and Here-1 Kosbau was thrown clear of tho car, With their pockot knives for tools this, wook, Dr. Tttiincm mado a professional vis. It to Brady Saturday. Tho feature attraction at tho Cryata Thursday night wllL bo "Fanchon, the Crlckot," with Marl PIckford. Willis Bakor and Don O'Brlon re turned last evening from Omaha whore thoy spent tho weok ond with frlonds. Mrs. Ronslow, living at C20 oaat Sec ond street Is suffering from fractured ribs sustained by stumbling ovor fur niture ln tho dark. Tho LoMar rooming houso on Front street was sold last week to a lady from Paxton nnd will be known In tho futuro as "Tho Eyo." Tho lower houso of the Nebraska loglslaturo passed a bill yesterday ap propriating $100,000 t,o pay for tho de struction of aulmals ttffoctcd with foot una mouth disease. Woathor forecast for North Platto and vicinity: Partly cloudy tonight and Wednesday ; somewhat colder to night Highest temperature yestonlay 41 a year agp 30; lowest last night 23, a year ago 0. Tho Episcopal gu;lld will hold its spring salo and nuppor noxt Monday af ternoon and ovcning in tho bascmont of tho church. Many articles will ho on salo during tho afternoon, and supper will bo served beginning nt G:30. LoRoy Springer, tho. four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Springor, was ford bulls tho latter part of last week, but tho father and Harry wero thrown and chalkboxos for material tho boys from Nowion. Iowa, which ho Is nf- miller, nml tho vouncor son was nlsc of Mis9 Hick's room havo boon mnk- ferinc for salo at tho old stock yards.1 underneath tho carbut free. Mr. Kos ing bomo interesting doll houso fur- Saturday and yesterday ho sold two bau lay with tho sldo of tho car rest- ntturci Thoy aro planning op onlarg-: injured on tho head Saturday morning Horofords to Wm. Beatty of Brady, two ing on his neck, whilo Harry was un- mg thlB field ln,tho future as thpy aro to Miko McCullough of Maxwell and dor the back framo of tho front sent ablo to got different matorlal to work ono to Frank Facka who lives south, Recovering' from tho stunned condition with. of town. These onlmals sold from duo 'to tho fall, Mrs. Kosbau in th' Mr. Grady, Mrs. CUmmlngs nnd Mrs .$225 to $300 each. Thos0 who havo darkness of tho night attempted ti WUlorton wore visitors at the Wash seon theso bulls pronounce them un- free nor husband who was groaning Ington building this we'ek. No visit usually good for tho prices asked. s Finding herself, unable to do so, she ors wore reported from tho Lincoln or ?:o:: - i hurried back to the Graceland addition (Jefferson schools. " two pllo drivers in service whoro assistance from town' was sum- Tho "pupils of Miss Huntor's room fairly cood nrocress Is beinir mado on monod. Sheriff Salisbury nnd others aro making a map of tho Gorman sub- tho work at- tho now depot. Ono drlv-' reached the scene at eleven o'clock nd marino danger zone as an exorcise ln ollmtnato snow blockades along that portion of tho lino through westorn Nebraska, Wyoming and othor pralrlo districts. Tho plan is to plnnt trees. Estimates aro being obtained on tho comparative growth of tho troes beat ndaptod to th0 altitude at differ ent points along tho lino of road nnd their ability to .withstand dry Weather. In tho ovont tho Information Justifies making Uio experiment, It is probable that rows of troes will bo planted along tho right-of-way, on tho north Bldo of tho tracks. The Idea of tho officials Is that If the. tToos will adapt tliem solvos to cllmato conditions can bo Bocurod, wind breaks may bo grown up. And it is arguod that In a few years theso trees will havo reached a growth Huftlclont to hold thn snow back from off tho trncks, oven during tho most sovoro storms. Omaha Bee. Tho congested frolght at Nebraska terminals, duo to tho Wyoming snow blockade has boon moved, and traf fic linn about assumed normal condi tions. At ono tlmo about 000 cars worw dolayod In tho local yards. Miss Alico Langford loft last even ing for Omaha whoro sho will spend a couplo of wooks and will also visit In Corning, Iowa, boforo roturnlng homo. Miss Mao Hill, of tho local teaching staff, roturnod Sunday ovonlng from a Bhort visit in tho eastern pUrt of tho stnto. Tho Rowann. Circlo will moot with Mrs. T. J. Korr Tuesday nttornbon of noxt wook. Evory lady Yeoman is asked to como and bring a friend. er Is used on tho sheet piling tho oth-lfound Mr. Kosbau and the older son geography. or on tho foundation piling, nearly GOO , dead, and tho younger son suffering Irregular promotions of pupils who of tho latter to bn used. Today work-. from exposuro to ico and wator. The arn too old for tholr grados or too far men began laying the floor of tho baso-! bodies of tho dead were brought to advancod for tho work thoy are doing mAn iVt. .1 1... II .1 1 I Hrn1nAi 1tfnttiii nml tliA Mnt1iA lift tm llAfin mmln tvt nj-kvA P Mt a Mnl.nn.fn Ti.1.1 IT-X I UIL'UL UL Lilt! WBL UI1U UL 111U UUUUU1U. L11U JUU1UHUV 1UUIKUU U1U UlULllUl uuvi itM.U ill OU111U Ul VI1U QllUUlH TMft Tfaiitni, Pfl lnnv a ,ioinv n11 Improvised plant heating tho sand and youngor son taken in caro by this weok with tho idea of cvonlng uo ing the departure ol fhJf i w on ' " Mr" ICosbau. wh was Wy-four KooU? JZ 1" roars, of age had lived In. Lln- motion has been considered yet this by a passing nutomobllo which struck him whilo ho was Iplaylng ln tlie streets. Miss Mario Rud'at, who rocontly sub- Tho North Platto Exporlmontal Sub-' mltted to an operation for ap'pondlcltls station rocontly rocolvod a number of;nt tho North Platto General hospital. copies of tho 191G Annual Report of tho Nebraska Dairymen's Association. Theso havo been loft with Mr. Durbln nt tho Chamber of Commorco rooms for distribution to fcooplo lntorosted In dairying. Roy Workman, tho nineteen year old was ablo to bo out yesterday. Rov. B. A. Cram loft for SIdnoy Sun day evening to conduct services and visit his fathor-ln-lam, Rov. Lowls. Mr. and Mrs. II. 0. OUphant loft last ovonlng for Dos Molnos, Iowa, whoro son of Mr. and Mrs. Samp Workman,) tho lnttor w11 tok raMml treatment. who llvo on Uio formor Watts ranch died Sunday morning aftor an ill ness of sovoral weeks. Tho funoral sorvlco will bo hold at tho PrcBbytor lan church at half past two this nttor noon. conducted by Rov. B. A. Cram. Tho Methodist Brotliorhood was, en tertained last ovonlng at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Plummor. William Adair roturnei' Sunday from Washington, Iowa, whore he attonded Uio funoral ot-u rolatlvo. two countries admits that an compel him to sign a treaty guaran o&M S pTn Mustrious and ' Thuplls. of Mls9. Hanson's room a attefnpt vtas mado to' tlio previous, low. record by C. T.-ot,, ' n H OTw f TonMM Mint Tmnv,nn'. wi,f m,i Wlinlnn lmi ff 41i.-41.Mnn mt.lM ...lit Huoviuih " l v...MUwiin Tiwtn, m i i tit i - 1 th - 1,I0 , 4mnrl niM-to Tii-nlinW taml ,vnl . w.l 'OU VVOOUIIUH1, UUU i-UllOW, bo safe in. the ovont of war. This ho keen rivalry which exists between' " Z$T?a TrBe.i ii?m. that Tonnvson's Llttlo Birdlo Say?" Is. tholr favorlt poem in their reador and "Little Red Riding Hood" Is tholr favorlto storv. ....1. .1 mUnJ.i.lniin ........ , Tl 1 1 ci wno ilnnn lui fl.n T7.mI. .1 - to llOltl Uln newspaper men DUt mei Th wheat marim Is mtmmfilv Tho ncnldnnt. la dsonlv rnirrotto,l hv Tliroe nunlls of Mlsa Smlth'a rnnm navo earned tnn second nln for coin- refused to do. It was at first intended theso two playors, Surviving him is tho wife nnd little 8ta"d bI ?Z?:rtple feverish thes. days and the buyer' Is all who know tho family. ?1 ,1 !Jii Mili kt S "P against a real game of gambling! Tho funeral services will bo hold at nletlng tho first 100 drillB In Palmor LmZ u M Based on Omaha sales yesterday wheat tho Presbyterian church tomorrow af- Penmanship. .JEIL b5n 21, S"5 Norm Platto is worth $1.80. but tornoon at 2:30 Rov. Human official-' . -. . . . f'Thn TTnltrul Htntoa nr In- UWS aF0 nt to load Up at that ... .. v. w price, "Tho Flower of No-Man's-Land," the photoplay showing at tho Crystal to night with Viola Dana as the star, Is tho poetic description applied to Echo whoso father died In the Great Amorl can desert. She is roared by Kahoma an Indian brave. Her first romance witk a metropolitan itonor is short lived for when he tiring of her when back nmon,g friends deserts her thP Indian foster father brings the caroei of tho singer to a sudden termination FOR S,(lE Best bargains over offered In real estate. Seo our list, IJItATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. : :o: : Dick Baker, of Stapleton. iwias here yostor'day visiting friends and trans acting business. Omaha papers stat that he Fifth Nebraska regiment will bo mustered out of service Wednesday of next wook. The North Platte boys willl reach homo Wednesday night or Thursday morn ing. banks and tho Union Pacific shops ob served Lincoln's birthday yestorday as a legal holiday. On a number of flag staffs tho stars and stripes wore vis ible. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Souder and baby loft yesterday morning for Maryvlllo, Mo., to visit relatives for some time. Before returning they will visit In Chi cago. Tho bulk of hogs in tho South Omaha market yestorday sold' at from $11.90 to $12.20, five cents higher than Sat ing. Members of tho four fraternal Charged With Kecelvlnir Stolen Brass ardors to which Mr. Kosbau; bolonged In lhn county court Saturday aftor wlll attend. 1 noon Chas. Echelborry was arraigned : :o: : j on tho charge of buying stolon Drnpor- . Th Darktown Jlinstrcls , y. this 'property consisting of brass The class of 1918' will present tho bolonging to tho Union Pacific Com world's famous Darktown Mlnstrols at pany. The dofondant entprcl no plea ft.lm Sonlnr lilch anhonl ninlltnrlnm TYI-' nnd Wfta reloaaod on S40(l Ihnnil tn nn- day evening of this week. Among tho "pear at a. nrellminary hearing noxt features of tho program will bo Bonita,1 Monday. Tho information against tho celebrated Oriental Mystic; Frero! Echelberry was fllod by Special Agent Du Dluble, a second Herman tho Groat; and a spirited mollerdramor "Tho Villain Still Pursued Hor." The Phillips, of Omaha, who camo hero to run down tho thief or thloves who hnvo boon stealing brass from tho Union Pa class promises ono continuous laugh! clflc shops, of which nbout a thousand pounds havn neon taken In tho last ninotv days. Philllns Intercepted a shipment of brass billed out by Echol borry, and following thlq tho Informa tion was filed against tho lattor. : : ;o: : I I . Here Toay You are earning as much and .should spend no more than many 1 of the successful depositors in the McDonald State Bank. ! I 1 1 Why shouldn't you save more? 1 I WJiy have you no account in this J I 1 Is there any good reason for I I 111 you not to consider these ques- j Hons seriously? U S Then bring a dollar or two to I this .bank today and get your 1 L SYou are welcome here. 1 j McDonald State Bank ji 1 Mouth PJJ k mn from start to finish. Tho admission foe will bo twonty- fivo cents. BAItltON WILL ORGANIZE A COMPANY OF ZOUAVKS Peter F. Barron whoso visible means of support Is court reporting for Juidgo Grimes is now engaged in tho laudlblo effort of organizing a com pany of zouaves whoso services will ,ba tendered President Wilson should th0 fissure between tho United States and Germany widen. Naturally Mr. Barron aspires to the captaincy of tho company, fooling that tho morei or less arduous task of placing tho or ganization ln tho Hold worthy of such recompense. Great caro will bo taken in tho selection of tho men, tho ono idea being to havo an oven hundred who aro without blomlsh physically and mentally, who have boon nccus- tomcd to rugged work and thoreforo well seasonod for prqlongod campaign duties should such bo necessary; In fact tho specifications of what tho mon must possess fill two closely typo written pages. So far but two mon have success fully passed th0 mental and physical North Platto Wins Checker Tournament In the checker tournament at the Huffman cigar storohold last ovonlng between Stanleton and North Platto tho lattor won by ton games. Ono hun dred and sixty-two games wore playod dna eighteen mon took part ln tho con test. Aftor thn games n. 'banquet was served at tho Vienna cafe. : :o-:-: Tho Rotort Courteous. Jamcn Russell Lowell was onco a guest at a banquet ln London whoro ho was expected. to reply to a toast. Tho speaker who preceded Mr. Lowell suld many contemptuous things about tho peoplo of tho United States, nvowlng und repeating ugaln and again Unit they wero all braggarts. As American min ister nt tho court of St. James Lowell could hardly overlook this speech, so ns ho arose he said smilingly: "I heartily nirroo with tho L'ontlcuian who has Just spoken. Americans do brag u great! examination and found nearly perfect deal, and I don't know whero they got in both. Those aro Piatt White nnd! tho habit Do you?" Arthur Plumer, tho formor analyzing! nlnoty-sovon per cent pure and the Abovo the Vulgar Gazo. lattor ninety-six. Sovoral who applied until 1870 it wtm against tho law and woro examined foil Just a shade aim gncred custom for any subject to below th0 minimum porcentago.. which . t oinI)OIor of .TlumI1. m8 nlnoty-four and olght-tonths, Frank Murray nlnety-throo and three-tenths and Loron Sturgos nlnoty-two nnd nine-tenths. It will thoroforo bo seen that It is usoloss for any but nigh porfoct men tp apply; only thoso who can meas ure up ln all details with Whlto and Plumer being nccoptablo. Mr. Barron Is of tho opinion that it will bo nec essary to go outside tho Thlrtopnth Judicial district In order to securo tho full complement of tho company. 'n1 Mr. and Mrs. Josso Rector aro enjoy ing a, visit from tho lattor's mother, Mrs. Mann, who camo from Pino Bluffs last ovenlng. . Charlos L. Moore, of Wallace, and Selma J Ward, of Curtis tworo granted a marrlago license by County Judgo political advisers f.nd attendants saw only his back. When ho first left tho ji.ilnco tho Hhuttors of all tho houses liml to bo draw.n, and no ono was per m'ttiwl In thn Rlronta. Even todnv. wiion tho emperor has tho privilege of driving through tho Btreets like ono of his subjects, it Is not considered qulto prvper to cast n glanco at him. .. A Young' Pessimist. First Office Boy Tho old man'fl ste nogniphcr Just told mo sho loved mo for myBolf alone. Do you think shea kidding? Second Olllce Boy No, cer tainly not. Probably tho old gink Is going to raise your Bulury to $5 a week and has told , her about it. Boston Globe. Registered Bulls for bale These Bulls are exceptionally large boned, good type, strong and rugged, and every one a good individual. We have eight' Shorthorns and seven 4 Herefords left at the old stock yards, North Platte. . . . W. H. Turpie. "OT TD If GAT T JrUoLilv o.JjiJEji OF LIVE STOCK WAGONS AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned will offer nt public sale nt the NORTH SIDE BARN, NORTH PLATTE, NEB., FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23 and 24 Commencing nt 12:30 p. m. ench day, the following: THOROUGHBRED POLAND CHINA HOGS" 15 Thoroughbred Poland China Sows with pig, and 2 young thor oughbred Poland Cnina Boars. HORSES 1 black mnre 6 years old weight 1000, 1 black gelding 4 years old weight 1G50, 1 brown mre 6 years old weight 1500, 1 roan mare 4 years old weight 1500, 1 bay driving mare 6 years old wejght 1200, 1 Percheron stnllion 5 years old weight 1050. In addition to these a number-of other horses will be offered for sale. MILCH COWS A number of, milch cows will be on sale that cannot here be described. IMPLEMENTS 22 wagons of the Old Hickory and Bain makes complete with boxes and seats, 2 new buggies, 2 spring wagons, 1 carriage, a number of listers, cultivators, two rows, plows, discs, harrows, gasoline engine, fanning -mill, corn sheller, breaking and stirring plows. All these implements are new. Also a set of work harness. AUTOMOBILES 1 new Chnndler Automobile, 1 new Elcar Automobile and a number of socond hand cars. TERMS All sums under $20 cash, above that sum 10 months' time at 10 per cent interest. 2" per cent discount for cash JULIUS MOGENSEN end C. J. LANDHOLM L. M. MoCLARA, Auctioneer. F. C. PIELSTICKER, Clerk. "French this morning,