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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1917)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. SPRING HATS ARE BEGINNING 10 APPEAR GOOD FOR LUNCH AUSTRIA'S NEW EMPEROR TAKING THE OATH PREPARATION OF CHICKEN THAT Some Demi-Season Hats of Careful Design That Herald the Ap proach of Spring Fine Cottons, Linens and Laces of the Most Refined Tastes Appear in the Children's Dresses for Spring. WILL BE APPRECIATED. Nothing Better for Small Family, If It la Not Too Expensive Royal Scallop Another Dish That la First Class. One.medlum-slzo chicken (cut up), u Hats That Herald The stores mid shops nre full of gny fmrlngtlme millinery for the southern tourist. These huts nre so alluring that even those who stay ut home nre tempted to throw Judgment to the winds and Indulge themselves In n deml-season hat of satin, or satin nnd straw. It Isn't n bad Idea even with the thermometer lingering near the zero mark If the choice is a repre sentative spring style. Easter comes early this year. Any one of the three huts pictured Is a safo Investment. At the cen ter a hnt of black silk sets at rest a burning question. Button, button. "Who's got the button?" has been an swered. As many as six dozens of them nre set close together nbout brim edges and crowns at the top and bot tom. This Is a sailor with an up stundlng edge that makes the best pos8lblo place for covered buttons. It Is very tailored, and finished look ing, nnd has a flat applique trimming of embroidery at the front. Of White Batiste Tho beginning of Lent Is close at hand, bringing with It the annual as signment o'f time for spring sewing. Tho thought of provident mothers Is centered on replenishing their supplies of bed linen and table linen, on the children's sewing, nnd on their own. All tho new cotton goods nre In house dresses and lingerie nre to be made ready and children's clothes got out of the way, In the weeks between now nnd Easter. No one minds giving March to this work. And some of the work Is Interesting enough to tempt one to stay Indoors in April for In stance, dresses for the little girls. Hut there Is every reasou for making them during Lent, leaving more leisure for enjoying tho springtime. The same fine cottons, linens and laces that have always been the choice of the most refined taste appear In the new patterns In children's dresses, There Is nothing startling!' new In their design but a special emphasis seems to be given to fine and dainty needlework on (hem. Their trimmings ure simple but of flue qunllty, and workmanship on them Is ubo've re proach. Even for tiny girls some of the new models have double sklrta. There Is n decided liking for plaits and tor little coat effects. the Spring. The modest turba- at the left Is very good style, with satin crown nnd braid brim, It happens to be In black, but would look well In French blue or any of the dark colors. A crisp bow at the side looks like a butterfly and lends animation to this model, which would be too severe without It. At the right one of the new high-crowned mod els Is made up along lines thnt are new this season. Satin and braid arc com bined In covering the shape, with tho braid extending frum the upper brim to the side, crown. But three-quarters of the crown Is of satin, and this hat Is shown made up In braid nnd georgette crepe. It has a flat collar ot narrow ribbon, held In place by long stitches of heavy silk thread. A fan shaped ornament nt the front Is bright ened with colored berids, and three ends of ribbon depend from It. These are deml-season hats of care ful design, but the approach of spring Is hernlded In them. and Val Lace. A dress of while batiste for a girl of three Is shown In the picture. It bus n long waist and a full skirt, laid In boxplalts. Groups of narrow tucks, running lengthwise, alternated with two rows of narrow val Insertion, are placed at' each side of the opening nt the back. The same decoration ap pears at tho front of the waist. A val edging finishes the neck In a narrow rullle. The sleeves are a little longer than elbow length, finished with a ruf fle of val lace, a group of narrow tucks, and an insertion of val. All the lace Is put on by hand and the small tucks are hand run. There are two rows of Insertion nnd one of edging about tho bottom of tho skirt. The sash of wide, pink brocaded rib bon is made with a flat bow at tho back and Is adjusted without any wrinkling. It lies flat about the little figure, which arrangement looks parti cularly well with a long-wulsted model. If tlmo Is precious there Is no very good reason why this dress should not bo machlno sewed. It is merely "smarter" when tho work Is done by hnnd. oner tablospoonful lnrd, one-half table spoonful of butter. Put the lard Into a baking pan, set on top of stove until i melted) add butter, and melt, but do not brown. Roll each piece of chicken In flour, put It Into tho pan with the hot lard and. butter, cover with water nnd cook In tho oven for about an hour, carefully turning the chicken over when browned on one side. If tho grnvy Is not thick enough, a little Hour may bo added. A little cream Is also an Improvement. With this I servo ' stuffed potatoes. Six potatoes, one tablespoonful melted butted, hot milk to moisten, snlt and pepper. Select lnrge potatoes, bako until soft, cut In halves lengthwise. Remove the lnsldo without breaking the skin, mnsh It well, season with salt, pepper and melted butter, add hot milk nnd beat until light. Heap this mixture Into tho sklus, brush tops with melted hut-, ter nnd brown In the oven. Perhaps yon do not want such nn expensive one. Here Is another; but It Is hard to, get the wholo tomntoes this time of year. I have used canned. Select ripe toma toes of uniform size. Remove tho core and part of tho Inside, nnd Into each drop a raw egg, with a little salt nnd pepper. Cover tho opening with bread crumbs nnd bake until the tomntoes are done. Royal Scallop. Three hard boiled eggs, one cupful salmon, two cupfuls crumbs, two cupfuls white sauce. Mash tho eggs fine with a fork, butter a bak ing dish nnd arrange In Inycrs, crumbs, fish, eggs nnd sauco, salt, pepper nnd butter (two nnd one-ha'f tablespoon fuls to the whole mixture). Repent un til all tho food mntcrlal Is used, fin ishing with n layer of crumbs on top. Bake until brown. Ilope you will try one of these. I have somo salads I use for luncheon thnt are very nice.' Boston Globe. Chafing Dish Recipes. Cheese Fondu. Two cupfuls grated 'cheese, one tablespoonful butter, cup ful, of milk, one cupful bread crumbs, two eggs, n little cnyenno. Put tho butter Into the chafing dish; when melted add the milk, crumbs, cheese nnd cayenne; stir constantly. Add Just before serving tho eggs beaten light Crenmed Lobster. One tablespoon ful butter, one tablespoonful flour, one cupful of milk, one 1 small cup ful cream, two pounds lobster, tea spoonful of sn,lt, cayenne pepper. Melt the butter In the chafing dish and then stir In the flour gradually, add the milk nnd cream; when all Is smooth add the lobster cut Into small pieces, then add the snlt and cay enne. Stir until very hot, ndd tho lemon Juice and servo nt once on toast. Leftovers. This Is the way I use up cold roast meat or bits of steak : Cut up In small pieces, put on In kettlo with cold wa ter nnd nn onion. Cook until tender, then thicken quite thick with flour. Season to taste, put In small round pnn, but quite deep, let get cold, then, about nn hour before supper, boll enough potatoes to cover quite thick. Mnsh them with milk and butter. Cov er meat and bake untlPment Is thor oughly heated, usually a half hour. If any Is left I "warm up for breakfast by mixing In the spider, but there Is sel dom any left. I like this way better than grinding meat fine nnd then cover ing with potatoes and gravy, nnd Just n small amount of meat will nmply do for two. Pineapple Custard Pie. Won't someone please try my plne npplo custard pie? It Is delicious. I used the pineapple that I canned. Shred thoroughly rlpo plnenpplos until you have two cupfuls; add one cup ful granulated sitgnr nnd tho yolks of four eggs, well beaten. Stir In a pint of milk which has been scalded not boiled and whlclrhns been allowed to cool ; then add the whites of eggs beaten stiff and stir all thoroughly. Put the pastry on tin plates and bake until tho crusts nre rich and brown. Boston Globe. A Tempting Club Side Dish. Tnko the skin, Juice and seeds from nice, fresh tomatoes, chop what re mains with celery and add this dress ing: Yolks of two hard-boiled eggs rubbed fine and smooth, one teaspoon ful of English mustard, one of salt, the yolks of two raw eggs beaten Into the other, dessertspoonful of fine sugar. Add very fresh sweet oil, pour In by very small quantities nnd bent until quite thick, then add vinegar till as thin as desired. If not hot enough with mustard add u little cny enno pepper. Chestnut Balls. Mix one cupful of hot boiled and mashed chestnuts with tho beaten yolks of two eggs, one-half saltspoon ful of snlt, one tablespoonful of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of heuvy cream, one tcnspoonful of vanilla; cool, fold In the 8tlflly beaten whites, shape In small balls, roll In crumbs, dip In bent en egg, ii 1 1 a pi n in rrumbs, let stand i I. and fry In deep f Emperor Uarl Frnuz Joseph of Austria Hungary taking tho oath or his coronation at Budapest, Hungary. Tho coronation was tho most brilliant of nny great public ceremony thnt has taken placo In Hungary for generations. When tho emperor took the oath ho was surrounded by the highest church dignitaries and gnyly costumed court officials. ACCORDING TO THE ORDERS THE KAISER 1 'in- lit ia mattr This Is the American liner St. Louis as she would uppear If painted In accordance with tho command of tho emperor of Gormnny. This was that Amorlcnn ships should bo painted in white and red vortlcnl stripes nbout tea' feet wide and should enrry largo flags of red nnd whlto checks, with tho Amerlcnn ling nt tho Btern. PROPOSED f - The George Washington Memorial association, which Im.s already raised iJHOO.OOO toward the erection of u tn morlul to Georgo Wnshlngton In the capital, Is attempting to raise this amount to $1,000,000 by February 22, Wash ington's birthday, so the work enn bo begun nt once. Tho site, once occupied by tho railroad station In which President Garllold was assassinated, has already been donuted by congress. Tho bulldliig will be 300 feet wide, 27G feet deep and four stories In height. UNIQUE FOUNTAIN A fountain lll.e no other toM.itnli. or otlur pu-i- of sculpture n -a fountain that will stand as a type of original American arthas been designed by A. Stirling Calder, Niw York, and will bo erected next October in the center of University square, Indianapolis, It Is n gift to his city by the Into Richard Depow. The subject of ihe unique work of art Ih "Youth." It Is expressed by the figures of eight dancing children facing outward and encircling In a ring n central basin 1!) feet In diameter. On a pedestal lu the middle of tho Inner basin Is thu heroic figure of a young naiad, directing tho dance with cymbals. This figure dominates the group, WASHINGTON MEMORIAL FOR INDIANAPOLIS ' ' ' ' 1 BUILDING WAR DOG IN GAS MASK The dogs employed by the French lu aiding the wounded and currying mesi sages through the trenches aro woni derfully trained nnd show extrnord-i Inary Intelligence. For work near tho firing line somo of theso dogs huvd been provided with gas masks. The One Difference. Bishop Sanford Olmsted of Denver . In noted for his somewhat caustic wit.' i i . ... . i a iauy saiu 10 uisuop Olmsted atj a luncheon: "As for these sacred concerts, soi called, I could never see, bishop, wherein a sacred concert differed from an ordinary concert." "Oh my dear madam," said Ulshon Olmsted In n shocked voice, "thero la n distinct difference A sacred con cert Is always given on Sunday."