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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1921)
THE REE : OMAHA. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25. 1921. fk if Problems That Perplex BEATRICE Enjoy Daughter's Companions With Her '. Dear Miss Fairfax: In reply to Mother and Daughter, this truly is a problem. There arc many kinds of boys and girls ir this world. Sonic girls don't care to go with boys at 16, but these are not the kind of girls who haw- been taught always to "beware of boys." I think every little girl should be tatight to play with little boys and should grow up all the while with a knowledge of boys and their ways. In these days of parties, dances, etc., the youthful desire to mingle and be happy' can be satisfied with out girls being out alone with boys on dark nights. Just suppose, mother, that your daughter never goes with a boy un til she is 19. Then on her 19th birth day you invite a crowd of young people to your homo in honor of .her arid ori'taking leave one oi the young1 men guests, whom, from yours and your daughter's lack of com panionship with young people, you do'not know, asls to call on your daughter. Truly his manners are fine, he is ..well dresfcil and attrac tive and you consent, having no right now not to consent. He calls, he makes repeated calls, takes daughter out and daughter, eager for romance, centers her happiness on him and consents to he his wife. They are married pijd daughter has never had her, play tirtje. even though they live happy ever after. Of course, this may not be the case, but this hap pens much too often. Wouldn't ybti rather, mother, min gle and have your daughter mingle now from the time she is 16 with all the young people of her age and be learning their ways. Why, the man might not have been the right kind for your daughter; he might have even been playing with her and. ignorant as you both would be of the ways of young men of to day, you' would not know until it was .too late. Try inviting boys and girls to your home and going with your daughter to other people's homes in short, just filling the time with happiness , found in school, games, 'parties, deuces, etc., from now until she is 20. It will make you haopv, too. Too many of us are denied these hapny girlish years. .Think it over. and write your decision to Miss Fairfax, so wc may know daughter's verdict. INTERESTED., Mother and Daughter. A flood of mall has come in ad dressed to "Mother and Daughter," whose letters were prtnted more than a week ago- in these columns. We hope some of the advice contained in the letters will help other mothers and daughters who are wondering how old a srirl should be before she should be allowed to go with boys. Pear Miss Fairfax: I was so deep ly impressed with the letters from mother and daughter in the Febru ary 1 5 issue of The Omaha Bee that I just feel' like I must be one to send in my views on this subject. I certainly sympathize with this JHmg lady,"" Mother' says, "No, she shall' not .haw any boy friends until she is 19," and -.her only reason is be cause that was the., way she was raised and she believes she should bring her children up the same way. Times , have changed, mother, since you and I were girls. Now, I don't believe 16-year-old girls should run around with the boys or without them, either, for that matter, three or four eights out of the week, but I do believe that 1 6-year-old girls, if they are normal and self-respecting, should have a little libcrty'and a few pleasures. For me. I would much rather my girr.wou.Id--go out with some nice young man than to run around with a whole lot of yirls that I know. It seems to me if a girl is able to work and make her own way, and is cap able of taking care of herself while at her work, she could certainly go out occasionally with the young folks and have a good time, in an innocent way. i - , Mother, don't . teach Slaughter to deceive you. Sympathize with her, let her have her young company, let her invite them to her home, help her to select her companions and triends. help her to plail her little entertainments and she will come to you for advice and sympathy instead PAY i NO MONEY DOWN SPECIAL-PLAYER PIANO OFFER Just turn in your old piano or phonograph as first payment on new Artemis Player Piano. At jthe end of 30 days begin your regular monthly payments of $12 per month. Surprise the family with a new player piano, an instrument that every (mem ber of the. household can play and enjoy. Ruve "flk Player finished. The player action is the highest type and exceptionally responsive, me Artemis Player Piano compares favorably with Instruments sell ing at $600 to $700. NAME Schmoller 151M6-18 DODGE ST. Piano We sell twerrthlig In Small Sheet FAIRFAX. of going to some inexperienced girl friend, who will advise her to do the very thing that she knows she wants to do. I have raised two girls and we were pals. They came and told me all tliir little love affairs and we talked it over together and 1 ad vised them in these matters, and 1 don't believe either one of them ever deceived me. I always knew where they were and who they were out, with, and I always felt perfectly easy. My parents were very strict with me: they told me that I shouldn't go here and 1 must not go there, and rewret tn say that sometimes I went places when they thought I was some place; else, and I went with company that they didn't approve of. My parents did not invite my con fidence. T am glad to say that I profiled by their mistakes in the rearing of my girls and I know I raised my girls better than I was raised. I could write pages right along this line, but if I write much more, I'm afraid my letter will go in the waste basket. Yours with best wishes, MRS. E. R. B. Being Too Patient. Dear. Miss Fairfax: Four years ago 1 met a young man of my own age. During all this time I always tried to remind him that ours was nothing but a friendship. At last he has made me realize that he is deeply in 4ove with me; he naturally wants rny love in return, and has an idea that marriage is the only proof of real love and detests the idea f waiting. I have tried to impress him t,hat he owes it to himself to continue his college career. He swears he is never in the company ot, other girls, yet acquaintances are be ing taken out by him. He criticizes these girls when in my company, and yet I have been at dances when he brought these very' girls. I realize 'that as long long as we are not engaged I have no right to keep tabs on him, no more than he can keep tabs on me. but I can't un derstand his object of lying about it. At present we are not on speaking terms. ' I would like to know' what it all means his talk and then his actions. V -" J know it can't go on this way for ever, so one has got to call a halt; it's up to me. What would you advise me to do mere words no longer have any effect? ACJIRL. I gather from your letter that the young man Is really not worth while; if he treats you this way be fore ypu ore even' engaged to him, what do you think he would do when you were married? Looking Down on Marriage.; Dear Miss Fairfax: I have a sweetheart with whom I agree in every respect but one. That one is this: I like to go to theaters and restaurants. I take delight in see ing different faces. My sweetheart, although he takes me to those places, always goea unwillingly. I am inclined to believe he is merely stingy. He can't seem to under stand that if I see enough of the world outside of my own narrow cir cle I would be more than content with my own lot when the time comes to settlo down. Don't you think that if he would take me out without worrying about each expense (which I'm sure is un necessary), we would both be far happier? , COMEBACK. When you end your letter you really begin it. The moment you speak of marriage as a settling down, you show how wrong your attitude is. , Marriage is the real be ginning of your love-story and your life-story not the ending. You seem to be racing around flow with a wild feeling that you must have your good times and see all of life you can because you are going pres ently into the prison house of mar riage. It's quite the opposite. The right marriage the true marriage will open the doors of the world to you. I've an idea that stinginess isn't a factor in your fiance's atti tude. Probably ho hates the idea of your thinking that you need to lay up this sort of a treasure to make you content later with marriage. Don't you see how you look down on marriage, how you belittle it, how you feel that it is going to cut you off from all that makes the world beautiful? I'm not answering your question because you can answer it after you've faced a far more vital one: What does this marriage of mine mean to me drudgery and a humdrum existence, or beauty and fulfilment? ' Mr.' and Mrs. Stanley Braden of Los Angeles, formerly of Omaha, left Monday .for their home after spending eeveral days with Mr. and Mrs. John Lionberger. o Vi&orififl A ftamifl Piano. Full size, plays os-noie music, cnoice oi oax or mahogany case, beautifully ' Out-of-Town Customera: We ahip pianos anywhere. Write lor Free Catalog:. ADDRESS f. & Mueller Co. OMAHA, NEB. SI a Meal Instruments and MBSie. ., Society. .... For Bride-to-be. Mr.aud Mrs. F. H. Uchling enter tained? informally at dinner at their home, Thursday evening, in honor of Miss Faye Simon, whose marriage to Spray Gardner of Den ver will take place Saturday. The guests included ,Dr. and Mrs. Frank Simon,' Miss Ruth Stapletou of Broken Bow, and Mr. Gardner. For Miss Moke. Mrs. M. C. Peters entertained at dinner at her home, Wednesday eye uing, in honor of her niece, Miss kuth Moke of St. Louis, who is visiting here. Covers were placed for Misses - Dorothy Kiplinger. Claire Daugherty, Ruth Moke and Geraldine and Gretchen Hess of Council Bluffs; Messrs Edward Daugherty, David Caldwell, Temple McFayden anc? Clarence and Doug- las Peters. Following the dinner the guests attended the Orpheum after which they had supper at the Ath letic club. For Homer Conant. Mrs. Arthur E. Rogers will en tertain at tea at her home, Sunday from 5 to 8 o'clock, in honor of her brother, Homer Conant, of New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Besclin entertained at a supper-dance at their home, 1 Thursday evening, for this New Yorker. A. dinner was given Wednesday evening at the Athletic club in his honor by Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Der roody. Their guests included Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. William Gillcr, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Giller, Mrs. Mary Conant, Miss Gertrude Keating and Harley Conant. Musical. Mrs. E. C. Twamley and Mrs. A. H. Fetters entertained at an in formal musical, Thursday evening, at the Twamley home. The honor guests were Mrs. Donald Baxter of Grand Rapids. Mich., who is vis iting at the W. W. Slabaugh home, and Miss Augusta McGlasson of Beacon, N. Y., who is the guest of Mrs. Charles G. McDonald, Entertain at Dinner. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Bowser enter tained at dinner at their home Tues day evening, honoring their son, William Dell Bowser, and his bride, formerly Helen Toner. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hempel, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Foye, Miss Helen Wead, Fred Bowser, Roy Foye and Robert Bowser. Evening Concert. The Ann Clabaugh chapter of the Westminster Presbyterian church! will present a concert of old-fashioned songs Saturday evenjng at the church. Dean Smith will be among those taking part. Dramatic Club. "A Dream Fantasy" will be pre sented Friday evening at the First Central Congregational church for the benefit of the Dramatic club of the church by pupils of Effie Steen Kittleson. Those taking part will be Misses Ethel Mulhalland. Edna Let ovsky and Katherine Corrigan. Mu Sigma Anniversary. Mm Sigma will celebrate their 29th anniversary Saturday with a 1 o'clock luncheon at the Blackstone, followed by a kensington,: This is the oldest club in Omaha and it is expected that all members now residing in the city will be present, including three charter members, Mesdames. H, Q. Neely, E. B. Soniers and Mrs. George ;Thompson. , Luncheon for Actress. -Mrs. John Lionberger entertained at a luncheon of six covers, at her home Wednesday in honor of Miss Helen MacKellar, who played the leading role in "The Storm," which has been at the Brandeis. Card Party and Dance. Omaha chapter, A. I. U., will give a card party and dance Friday even ing. February 25, at A. O. U. W. hall. Luncheon for Mrs. Segal. Mrs. M. Glassburg entertained at a bridge luncheon at tbe Blackstone Wednesday for Mrs. Mollie- Segal of Chicago. Jolly Seniors. A dance will be given Saturday evening at 1517 CarJnpl avenue by the Jolly Seniors. Malt, your tint eaeav. payment In 3a days. $12.00 per month. FREE with player beau tiful bench, acarf and tlO worth of iilf roll of your own aelee-tlon. Personals Tred Blair of Wayne, Neb., who spent'Weclnesday in Omaha, ha$ re turned home. Annin Sattler arrived in Omaha last v;ek from Minneapolis to spend several months here. A son. Marshall Xeilan, was born February. 16 at the Ford hospital to Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Riplog. Miss Katherine Reynolds will go to Lincoln Friday to attend a dance at the Achoth sorority house. Mr. and Mrs.fcT. C. Brunner and W, M. Bushman- are spending a few weeks at Excelsior Springs. Mrs. Fred Morgan who has been visiting Mrs. Clifford . Clakins left Thursday for her home in Sioux City. Miss Claire Daugherty has re turned home from school in the east and will be in Omaha the remainder of the season. itrs. A. I. MacKinnon of Lincoln motored to Omaha Thursday to spend the day with her daughter, Mrs. Gail Ballinger. F. S. Howell is ill at the Fenger hospital, where he underwent an op eration on his throat Tuesday. His condition is improved. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hayden and daughter, Miss Ophelia Hayden, and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Storz and baby returned early this week from Cal ifornia. Miss Augusta McGlasson of Bea con, N. Y., who has been spending several weeks as the guest of Mrs. Charles G. McDonald, leaves March 4 for her home. Frances Nash, pianist, who has been in New Haven, Conn., for the past several days returns to Omaha Friday. She will be with her .'lll!lillll!lllll!li:ll!llli:l!!IMIIIII!lllllll!llllllllllll!l!lll!ll i Popular Victor Hits Now in m i, m Stock I 18292 Captain Betty Marimba Band 18659 Rose of Wash ington Square All Star Trio 18673 Oriental Stars Smith's Orch. 1 8690 Whispering Whiteman Orch. 18714 Tip Toe Fox Trot Six Brown Bros. 18715 Happy ? (One Step) I Smith's Orch " 18716 Let the Rest of -the World Go By I Hawaiian Guitar " I 18097 Bull Frog Blues f Six Brown Pres. - 17957 National Em I blem March Pryor's Band I No belter numbers can be found. 2 I Phone or call al ? !mickecs l 15th and Harney iiiiiii!aiiii:ii!iliiili!li!iiiiiiii!i!iiiniiii;iiiiiiiii!ii!ina'. Don't Miss Bowen's Sale of Remnants on Saturday Drapery Department Remnants at Prices That Will Sell Them Quick Here you will find remnants o f sunfast Drapery goods, Cre tonnes, Curtain Nets, Scrims, Marquisettes; Madras, Grenadines and Odd pairs of curtains. Advertisement AOVEKTINKMENT Cured of Neuralgia, Liver, Stomach Trouble and Constipa tion with a treatment of Dr. Burkhart's Vegetable Compound. I feel like a dif ferent woman, enjoying perfect health. I advise all suffering as 1 did to accept Dr. Burkhart's great offer, letting the pa tient try the medicine before paying for same. J. B. White, Baltimore. Md. Don't fail to write today for a treat ment of this wonderful remedy. Pay whnn cured. Address 21 Main St., Cincinnati, O. At all druxuixtB, 30 duys' treatment. at KIEL'S I 25c; 70 days, 60c. mother. Mrs. K. V.. Nash, until al ter her concert, Sunday afternoon at tbe Brandeis. t . Miss Ruth Carter, with Miss Marie Patterson of Chattanooga, Tcnn., will arrive in Omaha Sunday". Miss Patterson is enroute to Cali fornia, but will remain in Omaha a short time as the guest of Miss Car ter at the R. L. Carter home. Miss Carter has been spending several weeks in New Orleans and other southern cities. ' "creased THf WFJltHEK .' r mu toiyebMJ 1 vsr u xxn-No. m ai nun urnn T"ija bLRUIb Htft Tl.nrCfllfP Notice To th I With our plea for relief now be ing heard before the city commis sion we wish to state that rumors being spread by persons wishing to confuse your mind to the effect that we are seeking a, return on "watered-stock" are unfounded and absolutely false. Even if we had . "watered stock," we could not ask the city commissioners to grant us one cent on it. . ' A Fair ADVERTISEMENT Why Rheumatism Comes With Cold Weather (By Valentine Mott Pierce, M. D.) A close connection exists between these two cold weather and rheu matism. Every one has recognized the difference in the appearance of their water as soon as it gets cold; there is often a copious sediment of "brisk dust." Several causey may lead up to an accumulation oi uric acid in the system, which, in turn, causes bacT ache, rheumatism or gout, or creaky joints, swollen fingers, or painful joints. At all such times persons should drink copiously of hot water, say, a pint morning and night, and take "An-uric" three or four times a day. This "An-uric" (anti-uric acid) comes in tabict form and can be had at almost any drug store. It dissolves the uric acid in the sys tem and carries it outward. ADY FRTISKM KNT Doctors Recommend Bon-Opto for the Eyes Physicians and eye specialists pre scribe Bon-Opto as a safe home remedy in the treatment of eye troubles and to strengthen eyesight. Sold tindermoney refund guarantee by all druggiau. .-- Craik-Players Announcement Oscar W. Craik has announced that he will' produce plays in his studio. 3(18 Lyric building, until :he first of June, with no lesj than two programs each mouth, for at least two performances each. The tirst of these plays will be "Gipsy Trail. ' Miss Lea Lipscy. graduate of tbe XlIE fhr t r, . a THE OMAHA im ess mi ihi. m , "iI'i'mii. . Viftfrr iS at0 fcLAU Wins Careful HHM Nlbfil M N Driving Prizem fl IC(jT "5 TO to tine e ruoiic We Are Not Seeking One Cent On So-Called "Watered Stock", All Such Reports Are False ! Valuation These two things are to be determined by the city commmission. For their information, we have submitted the unprejudiced opinions of the best authori ties obtainable. With our books open to the city's experts, the determination of these factors should be easily arrived at, and in the light of these facts, WE ASK A FAIR RETURN ON THE FAIR VALUATION OF OUR PROPERTY. The city commission, sitting as both judge and jury, after receiving our evidence on valuation and earnings will decide just what this fair return on a fair valuation of our property should be. We need the relief asked to aid us in carrying the additional burdens brought about by the great increases in the cost of doing business since 1915. We ask nothing more than a "living wage." Isn't That Fair? ADVERTISEMKNT FOR ITGH1NGJ0RTURE Use Antiseptic Liquid Zemo There is one remedy that seldorr fails to stop itching torture and relieve skin irritation, and that makes the skir soft, clear and healthy. Any druggist can supply you witt. Zemo, which generally overcomes skir. diseases. Eczema, itch, pimples, rashes blackheads, in most cases give way to Zemo. Frequently, minor blemishes disappear overnight. Itching usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, anti septic liquid clean, easy to use ano dependable It costs only 35c; an extra large bottle, $1.00 It will not stain is not greasy or sticky and is positively safe for tender sensitive skins Tbe E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland O. Affords protection against In fectious diseases. All prudent persons should avail themselves this dependable germicide. AT DRUQ STORES EVERYWHER8 Bee Want Ads little, but mighty University f Nebraska, member of Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha RhoTau, will play the leading ingenue part in "Gipsy Trail." Miss Lipsey carried away distinct dramatic honors in col lege, where she played the tea 'ting roie in the senior class play of 1919, Since tha time she has been doing professional work in New York in connection with the American Acad emy of Dramatic Arts. Mr. Craik is mailing out two kinds of certificates of membership to the Craik company organization, a regu Vatt Mat 0b --'Ht-(ii is. w g';:5y,,;;i,-,rii;.u;zxt?T'.'i."'i-"v.'ai.'TVS.: -,iar Government DAILY NEWS OlUBl. MONDAY. FCMH'AIIY 21, 1i TODAY'S liEWS IN PICTURES IUMIT0 IIII.g3gS Newspapers Everyone "Watered-stock" capitalization" are the pet terms of the professional public t agitator who gams power and personal glorification by attacking big busi ness institutions. These two terms have no place in the discussion of fair rates for public service, for both the United States supreme court and the Ne braska state supreme court have decided that in arriving at a fair rate only valuation and not capital ization is the basis. A Fair NEBRASKA POWER CO. ADVERTISEMENT. Cured His RUPTURE 1 was bad I j ruptured while lifting a trunk several years ago. Doctors said my only hope of cure was an operation. Trusses did me no (rood. Finally I got bold of something that quickly and com pletely cured me. Years have passed and the rupture has never returned, although I am doing hard work at a carpenter. There viae no operation, no lost time, no trouble. I have nothing to sell, but will irive full information about how you may find a complete cure without operation, it you write to me, Eugene M. I'ullcn, Car penter, 714 0! Marcellus Avenue, Manas qnan, N. J; Better cut out this notice and show it to any others ho are rup tured you may save a life or at least stop the misery of rupture and the worry and danger of an operation. ADVERTISEMENT How You Can Remove Every Trace of Hair (Toilet Ta!k.) A stiff paste made with some pow dered dclatone and water and spread on a hairy surface about 2 minutes will, when removed, take every trace of hair with it. The skin should then be washed to f:ce it from the remaining delalne. No harm can result from this treatment, but be sure it is dclatone you get and yon will not he disappointed Mix fresh as wanted. lar membership ticket and a sustain ing. The regular ticket will entitle the holder to admission to the first six programs and the sustaining will admit the holder to all programs tip to the first of June, and give, as well, a voice in the selection of plays, . dates and staging. All citizens of Omaha arc invited to become regular sustaining mem bers, or to attend performances for which single admissions may be secured. TTl FORECAST. l)Wt.,Tt.,ir,'o., It " r"l llDICU UflUI Dl II C inioii uuiii nun IS PLAN ft, WW M ROME EDITION MOMITEEillO i'-oiie -rill'"l and "over Return LOST SLEEP 1H On Face and Hands. Dis figured. Cutictira Healed. "My troub'e began with a rasty, and later developed into sore erup tions. My face and hands were affected badly and the itching and burning were o bad I bad to keep rny band out of water. It caused diafigBmncnt mod I lost many nigto of sleep. 1 ( far fas aampea ofCottcsamt Soatp atnsS Oauxiuent I bought more end ttlaeu I had tzaed otaa csfcB of Soap arid almost a bor of OsrjtaseBtlwM besOed.'' (Signed) Mac UtMm atodfters, 567 VaUag St., Beat Toledo, Ohio. OacOatacuim tot aO toilet purposes . M A Be. Want Ad Will Work V Wonder