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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1921)
NIK KKK! UMAllA.-FKIDAY. KKliKUAKY '.25, 1921. 10 3 Classified Advertising Rates le per line (count six words to unei 1 day IHo pr Una per day, 8 consecutive days 160 par Una par day. 7 eonsecullvs days 14 par Una pr day, SO consecutive days No ada taken for toss thin a total of 35c. 1'hess rates apply either to the Daily r Sunday Bee. All advertisements ap pear In both morning and evening daily pipers for the one charge. CONTRACT KATES ON' APPLICATION. Want ads accepted at the following of tli m: MAIN OITKE.. . . 1 1 1 h and Farnam Sis. South Sid Philips Department Store nincil Bluff 15 Scott St. 8. A XT ADS RBCKIVEP BY PHONE AX TVLER 1000. THE BV.E will not ha responsible for Tore than one incorrect Insertion of an tdvertlt cjusnl ordured for more than one time. hours ron want adsi (Veiling Edition..... 11:S A. M. 'toriutiir Edition 9:00 V. M. Sunday Edition 9 00 P. M.. Saturday i - 1 . i DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. j ;A '1 11 ROE J ten: meed 73 years. Funeral will ho from St. Johns Epis copal church, Twenty -sixth and Urown streets, Friday '.'SO p. ni. Committal j services conducted by Covert Lodge No. 13.: Interment Forest l.awn cemetery. l-'reiids welcome. ST.WUU'CK MTllM ae'i M. died local hospital Febru.i-y :'4, funeral from riviby Funeral home, 24th and Wirt. I Saiuruay ut 3 n'clod.. Rev. A. F. Bull j of Trinity M. !;. church will officiuto. I Ucrlitl family i -; Forest Lawn. I. 1 1 I CARD OF THANKS. He'vitli to express out sincere thanks to our friends end neighbors for the- kind-no'.-s and in till shuwn us at the leHih of our beluved father and hu" band; also f'i" tho l"-auilful floral offer. IrtRS by .Morris Co., and other frUnds. 5irs. Carl AltrocU' and "'lilUiren. funeralIpirectors. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S VKS'V p I"'r?mAMBULANCE f.lffi 4i act Tmrt -third and I'arnam. HULSE.& RIEPEN PIONKER FtM.P.AL DliaX'I'OriS YOi Suuth li'th SL Doiirlaa 1 2 -ft liEAFEY & HEAFEY, Liuh rtttlioia and Uuibalineia. Plume 11. t'CS. uffk-e ill Farnmn FOR AXIHTLANCK '-all South 680. Korlsko Funeral Home. 23d and O Sla. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON "71 JIM Dnuglaa S". 3 I'uugias JuilN HATH. "Ill and iVr num. Dk. S000 I.. IliulerstHi. 1 iivnnm. PourIbs 1 - 4m BIRTHS A N D DEATH S. T " " Births. Joseph :iti1 Victoria Kranisoeld, 4002 louth Thirt '-sixlh street, girl. Klm-r nnd Helen Yolf, 1622 Sprague at-eet. bov. - Carl and Ruth Walker. J213 Douglas strpi-t, prirl ' . ilorrlon and Hesse Be: pel t, hospital, girl. ' I.mvron. e end Rarbara f'iurey. 44G So-ilh Thifl.v-ihlrd street. ho. owen n-Hi llaacl Merrill, Seventy-second and M.ami street. ho . . Tom and Margaret McGinn, 4111 North Fortv-thinl streei. boy. T.e-o. and Jlahle Reeves, SS21 Soulh Twiity -fifth street, boy, .Tnsepb ind Virginia Kobte. -j91S T eh'eet. girl. Bird and IJaxel Poller, hospital, boy. AiiBleo and Ros Pirruoello. 811 Pierce street . boy. i . , Jncli and Ruth Clmmlierlt, hospital, hoy. Tlnrai-e snd (lladys Knight. 2866 Fred-erii-U street, girl. . . - . , John and Bessie Ha-en, -4: S Sahler street, hoy. . Frnncisrn anfl Vicala Cardona. lOr South Twrlfth street, hoy, Herman and Mary TMele. 1 S 1 6 North Kirhleenth street, boy. Frank and patlierina Long. 31S N'orth Twent -slth street, boy. Dewey apd Florenee Hetherington, hos pital, girl. , . , i , F.rnest snil Rntk Kopck-y. hospital, girl. Fr-v and Ardlc Frneh. hospital, hoy. Frank and Mary Schuts, hospital, boy John and Mabel Wiciner. hospital, girl. Deaths. MHthew Chutich, 40, hospital. Charles Sweeney, 2S, hospital. Patrick Kennedy, 60, 3806 South Twenty-third i-treet. Thomas IL Costello. B3. 3S20 South Tf-'itv -fourth street. Dorothy May Dross, Infant, Thirteenth anil Mnrrl(in streets. Redrich Diennthler. 6". 3314 80WI1 Ti1"1"! v -' bird street, jllary Houborg. tl. 1952 South Twentieth Anton JaMI. 73, 5257 South TwentHlh !""et. ' ... "''riam TtnUer. 63. hospital. Vlotor T. Nelson. 6S, 815 South Twen tieth sfeet., MARRIAGE LICENSES. T'ne following pesons were issued per m!'s t wed: Benniv Davis. Omaha, and Edna Williams, 16. Omaha TTogo 15. Slt-ler. "1. Omaha, ant! Opal Edwards, 18, Council Bluffs, la. Kllsworth W. Hevereuit, 2S, Omaha, and M, Christine Jorgensen, 22. Omaha. Albert J. Stansburv, SO, Hastings, Neb., and Mabel Boyer. 19, Hastings. Neb. Theodore K. Shutt, 3. Omaha, and Emilia H. Bellman, 32, Omaha. Harlowe N. T.oneacre. 25, Rogera, Neb., and Elsie L. Bunksr. 27. Humphrey, Neb. John T. Kaieros. 33. Omaha, and Kureke Stathacopoulon. 23. Omaha. Frederick D. Oalloway, 51, San Fran eisoo,. and Dorothy King. '.'0, New York. Charley M. Hannah, 22. Omaha, and I Pearl K. Gregory, 22. Omaha. Clvde B. Brewer. 34 Lincoln, Neb . and Nellie M. Oorhardt. 34, Lincoln. Neb. Leonard D. Hagglund, 23. Creighton, Neb., and Susie II. Frenrlt, 20, Lincoln, Neb. David Stipe, SS. Clarinda, la., and Rose Ritner, 21. Clarinda, la. Karl O. Keith, 28. Rawlins. Wyo,. and Lulu Williams, 20. Denver, Colo, John R. Johnson, 23, Preseott, la., and Minnie L. Drake, IS. Bartlett, la. Richard T. OMne. 2i, F.ssei, la , and Cecil Lawson, 20, Shenandoah, la. Albert Prochnow, over 21, Calhoun, Neb,, and Alice Neumann, over 18, Oma ha. Charlea O. Brock. 21, Omaha, and Beu- I la It '- Baker. 19, Omaha. Carl A. Johnson. 2, Valley, Neb. and Rhofla, M. Blomquist, 19, Valley, Neb. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele- phono Tyler 800. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA it COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. Y. COMPANY. LOST Pocketbook containing 'quite a sum of money in ladles dressing room Rlalto 1 heater Tuesday afternoon. Finder please call Col. 4910 or return to Bessie llvaus. 4731 N, :i;th. Reward. LOST Btack broadcloth skirt Frl. at Amer. War Mothers' rummage sale, 18th and Vinton. Call Harney 7055. LOST Hand bag containing money and ring. Please cm! Wal". 0850, Reward. LOST One black white marklnge. collie pup. Colfax 1347. female. SPECIAL NOTICES TUN DAYS after date of this notice bag gage of F. Carson and wife, i Chicago, will be sold sj; public auction. Hotel Rome. Omaha, fo satisfy leln and costs. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicit your old clothing, furniture. magazines. We collect. We distribute Phone Doug 4135 snd our wagon will call Call and Inspect our new borne. '.U0-1M2-1114 Dodg St. PIPRINS NATIONAL DE'PECTIVU AGENCY, Die ..-piis'cd. Douglas 1107 Suite 308. Paxton Block. Omaha. Neb. SAY IT WITH FLOW E?SFRO.M HE8J H MVOnODA. 141S FARNAM STBEKT. SWK'MSH niHbsnge. ex. masseuse. D. 587 KENT, vacuum cleaner, $1 up. Wal. 1947 WEAVING, old rugs remade. Ty. 1433. MASsVge 310 North Seventeeht St! ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeoq Pleating. ACCORDION, aid;, knife, sunburst, boa pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, pleot edging, eye let cut. "work, buttonholes, pennants, ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 308 Brorn Blk. . Douglas 1936. Xeb. Pleating Button Co.. 180$ Farnam St.. 2d floor. - Douglas 5670. Dancing Academies. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT. , Fancy. Stage and Ballroom . Dancing Taught. Lesson by Appointment. EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN. Umpress Theater. Tyler 5648. KF. CP'S HOTEL ROME I.RT KKKP'Stsacb yon to dance. Spe eiat attention children Satisfaction Mured. Lr.f Zl(l, Hir. 2793. i i ' ' BRINGING UP bVY - WOULD NOU MIND STOPPlN' FE.R AWHILE JThE. tSE.I.HBOR) ARE. r t TO THINK lT"b J J , ME OOIN' THAT- i ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. Kel-Pine S School lor Dancing. arnam. Doug. i860. Detectives. UK LIABLE Prteotive Bureau, Kx. Bldg. loug. S066. Night Col. 8.". I JAMES ALLAN. SI! Neville Blk. Evidence ! secured In all eases. Tj ler 1130. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J W. MARTIN, patent tty 17K Dodge. Sturgens & .Hiui!;c-, registered patent nt torneys.. Pelem Trust Hldg., Omaha. Painting and Decorating. BRICK, plaster and omcnt work. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS "rt,e win. the bos! 'price Willi privilege lo buy back at small profit. GROSS JF.WKI.RY CVR.402 N. lSLh St. )ou las u049. PAXTON-MITCIIliLL CO.. 27th and Martha Sts.. Omaha. Neb. Hrass, bronxe. aluminum and machine gray Iron eastings. SAFETY, razor blades sharpened, new ra zors, razor bludca sold. Oir.nhn. Razor Sharpening Co.. lo22 Dodgo. 1"3 N. Hi. TviC do all kinds remodollng, '.pairing See our book of plana on bungal 'ivg, g.i. rages. DickFon & Newman. So. i'Si. BULL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlalto Drug fllore, loth ud Douglas Sts., Omaha. Neb. TAX TON HOTKI. TURKISH BATH, Massage, hot ,iacks CONCANNON BROS.. TYLKR 6751. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging Write for prices. The Ensign Co., .607 Howard St. CLIFTON Hill Transfer Co.. moving, pack ing handling and shipping. Wal. 1154. Wal. C66u. FULL dress auita and tjixedoB for rent, 109 N. 16lh St. , Feldman. D. ,'.128. PAINTING, paperhanglng and wallpaper cleaning. J. Nau. Wal. 4567. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. 05S8. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. IN going through your attic, don't you find a lot of clothing, furniture, pic tures and ether articles that you have no further use for? And have you ever stopped to think, that someone might be only too glad to have them? Then why not let the public know you have those articles useless to you through a little want ad In The Bee? It cots very little and a 3-day ad would almost be sure to sell It for you. Try it. Call Tyler l(y) and ask for the Want Ad Dept. Pianos and Musical Instruments. PIANOS FOR RENT We do expert tuning, re pairing and moving. Phone: your orders to Doug. 1 6 a M . Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., loH-16 DODGE ST. BIOREST phonograpn bargains in town, $35 size, ?17.:.0; $150 size, $05: $200 size. $95: $1 records, 46c; records ex changed. 15c. Shlaes Phonograph Co., 1404 Dodge St. Doug. 2147. A. HOSPE CO. Pianos for rent. Everything in art and music Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices iicfor you buy. . Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. .Douglas 4120. 1912 Farnam. PROTECTOORAPHS. F. & E.'i: bargains. P19 Farnam Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard scale. 3x3i foot platform, also 38-inch Buffalo Forge CO, exhaust ; fan. Inquire) at Omaha Bee office.' - lTth and Farnam Sts. Phone Tyler 1000, SEWING MA(MNES We rent, repair, aelj needles and parts. MICKEL'S loth and Harney. Douglas 1973. SURE and safe investment, city warrsnts to pay you 10 per cent Interest. $100, $500 and $1,000 amounts. E. G. Solomon, 517 Karbach Bldg. Douglas 5262. WF! buy, sell safes, make .desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply -Co. S. W. Cor. nth and Douglas. D. 2724. NEW 20-Inch drlllpress, H by 4-foot lathe, motor belting vises, shafting, etc. Cheap. Web.- 2620.' S A TP1 BARGAINS. 12th & Farnam. OAT jO j. j. paright Safe Co. Electric sweeper, good con., $15, Col. 4676. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold aiid traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6146. WE PAY FULL VALUE FOR FURNI TURE. RUGS. SiOYES, CLOTHING; TT." 4988. . WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and urnlture, Ty. 2598. A. Zavett, 705 N. 16 SELL ME a sectional bookcase, various sections.- Box W-180, Omaha Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of - The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. Curtains & blankets. 2613S Cap.itol, H. 1130. Laundry and Day Work. CLEANING sud day work. Web. 6383. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. AUDITORS, bookkeepers, clerks (railway mail, file, departmental, postal, fiehP, for government positions; permanent. Free information, advise positions de- , sired. Federal Institute. Washington, D. C. CLERKS over 17, for postal mall service, $125 month. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars of examinations, write J. Leonard (former civil service . examiner), 909 Equitable Bldg.. Wash ington, D. C. Professions and Trades. WANTED Commercial body builders by a growing Minnesota body factory about to double lie capacity. Only experienced men wanted State experience and wages in first letter. Address Box-T-1439, Omaha Bee. iiEN to learn vulvanizing. Tuition free and $ daily while you learn if you ouy. Anderson VuleanUlng School,-121$ Har ney St.. Omaha. WANTBO Experienced candy maker. Ri alto Candy Kitchen. Apple Mairjger. 1418 Douxlas. l O I . 'iTR RARRKR TVlLl . i;Vl (a " 110 So. 14th, Write for sal aloe FATHER OH! 1 DlON T KNOW iOO DDIXOU HEsR Mf LT bEUECTiO'N'? V d j ' HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. MAN WANTKH Ambitious, clean-cut young man, d;strous of entering the legal profession, or preparing for busi ness. Is offered a splendid opportunity i to study law in his spare time. Write I giving age. oocvnutlon and phone. Box j W-178. Omaha Kee LiRUCCIST WANTED Registered man j preferred. St. Joseph Prug y'o., St. j Joseph. Mo. ! Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED We have some territory open for good live candy salesman. Only pro ducers med apply. NATIONAL ALFALFA PRODUCTS CO., i8ih and 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. , WANTflD Ambitious men to cover dif ferent territories in Nebraska, Territory going fast. Big money-maker. Write General Sales Co., 426 Bankers Life Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. SALESMEN Wo want a few mure young men to join our club of scientific sales manship, complete, training, $40; posi tions furnished free. Box .S-7, Omaha Bee. VANTF,D-A high -class salesman who can Invest SfiOO in :t ' well paying anil or ganized company, tnll 6:14 PaUon Blk. 3 GOOD house to house men: steady work, good commissions. C, F, Adams Co.. H23 Wo. 16th. WANTKD Experienced small instrument and Victor (slniv salesman, A. Hospe Co.. Coum-il Bluffs. Miscellaneous. Spare Time Work For Men arid Women You can earn $10 a week and more by taking subscriptions during spare time for 'he Cosmopolitan gronpof magazines. Openings for a few respon sible men and women In Omaha. Out I fit furnished free. For particulars, write 'Desk NA, Agency Bureau, International Magazine Co,, 119 West 40th SC New York city. MAN ONK WHO IS CAPABLE OF HANDLING MUX; one who has the am bition to. get ahead and enough stead iness of purpose o achieve that ambi tion, to euch la man now employed, an unusual opportunity is offered to pre pare for a real future in the field of employment management and industrial welfare troth, if inexperienced will be tralhcd at home In his spare time: Inter view by appointment only. Phone or write Mr. Bauman, 506 Keeline Bldg., Douglas 4180. WANTED Married eouple to work on farm, furnish 7 -room, modern house. Write Albert A. Jensen. Blair, Neb., or phone Route 1, Box 20. MKN wanted to set pins at Farnam Rowling Alley, I'-Of. Farnam. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. CLERKS over 17. for postal mail service. $125 month. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars of examination, write J. Leonard (former civil service examiner), 909 Equitable Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. WANTED Saleslady in Victor record and player roll department. Experienced pre ferred. A. Hospe Co., Council Bluffs. Household and Domestic. GIRLS Wal"h the Domestic Column of The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid rnd homelike places always advertised. MIDDLE-AGKD woman, general house work, good cook. 3 in family, good wages, permanent position. Call MrF. Gibson. Fort Omaha. WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework. Har. 0672. 3709 Jones. COMPETENT girl for general house work, no laundry. Har. 6634. 429 N. 39th. COMPETENT white maid, no laundry, small family, good wages. Wal. 1149. Laundry and Day Work, PLAIN and fancy bundle washing, satis faction guaranteed. Web. 6123. Miscellaneous. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladies and boj-s to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning: strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barbr College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. ' Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry. short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1365 for largj Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg., Omaha, -'eb Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 120 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 5890. BUSINESS CHANCES. EVERYTHING for the tire repair man; used, new equipment, tools, repair ma terial. Vulcanlzers Supply Co.. 2912 Farnam. FOR SALE 4 -chair white brfrber ihop. up-to-date, good bualness. 2412 N Si. TO GET '.n or out of business, see LEWIS &CO.. 411 McCague Blag. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE' YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have jou planned on making a change, which will be more convenient ror you? If so, then call The Bee , ant Ail Dept., Tyler 1000, and we will i)i only furnish you with a complete .oom list of choice 'vacant rooms in Omaha, but also keep your number on our "Want to Rent" list for further refer ence In case you wanted to make .in other change. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readern and adver tisers of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front, room, ex cellent meals if desired, fo man an. I wife or 2 gentlemen. Ref. Har. 3274, SLEEPING rooms, strictly modern, walk ing distance. Ttalf block from car line, home privileges. Har. 1615. Strictly modern room, well furnisheid. close to car-lines, gentlemen preferred. Col. 2742. WELL furnished, tit trsctiv room; suit able for 2: wait: In distance. Ty, 5026. Nicely furnished rooms, modern, walking distance. 630 So. 25th ave. Tyler 5606. 2556 HARNEY, nice, clean furn. rms., walking uist., modern, 1 or 2 persons. AT 410 Sweetwood Ave., large furnished sleeping rooms. Close in. Doug. 7458. STRlt'TI.Y mil. im furnished, close to car lines, gentlemen prcf. Col. 3742. 2 LARGE double rooms, also one small one. steam heat. 623 So. 16th St. 3 FURN. rooms at 124 So. 31st Ave. Ifrrney 1615. BARGAIN .Modern room, private home. Harney 6455. SINGLE room: uintt. ; reas. Douglas 4801. Sleeping rooms. Brook Apts., 114 No. llth. Housekeeping Rooms. FOUR large furnished rnoms, electric light, gas and heat furnished, 1503 Btn uey St.. Webster 2269. Modern front rooms-, everything cotn- plte for Well. 4'. houseReeptng. Web " 71 Registered S. Tatcnt Oftita. I HOPE coO- FOR RENT ROOMS Housekeeping- Rooms. CALL FOR CUMPI.KTW LIST K 'lULKL KKKI'IN'U ROOMS IN CITY. W1J IIAVK TIIK HK8T IN CITY CALL TVLEU I0AO WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BET.; ROOM LIS T. PI Hl.l SII lit I K VKRT Wl'II'.K I'REK OF I'MAIWK FOI! Till! nioNUFLT of urn advkrtiskrs AND RLADKRS. TYLLIt 1000. .'ANT AD. THRKU SI'lTKS of light-liiiuslieepiiiK rooms im flrtit and scennd floor, no ob jection to children. 10 1 9So. 1 H h SL TWO liulit housekeeping rnoiiis llsr. 1111. Board and Rooms. FwrTTol cTrl-IO A D D A N D RM. WATCH THIS 1.4 KK WANT ADS, AND IF TOH DO NOT FIND WHA T YOI W AN" IN TUB WANT COLUMN CALL TV. '100 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLET'i LIST OF ROOMS. I WANTED 3 or 4 people lo -room and board, good home in settled people, willing to go out of way. one block to car line, garage. 3 cars. Good lawn and shade. Bos W-177. Bee. ROOM with two meals n day, home privi leges. Gentlemen onl. Walnut :J0M. COZY room am! bonrd for parent and child under u's. Har. 29-19. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. A "-ROOM, completely furiiislii'd apart ment in the "Hollywood.'' at 27jtli Ave. and Dewey. Unusually fine proposition. $9.'i. Call at No. 7 Wead Bldg,, ltjth and Farmim. v ONK OR TWO large rooms and kitchen ette on f i j-fr t floor, ncw! furnished, modern. " Call Doug. 9R9. TWO rooms, heat. till. Wal. 52 Unfurnished. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler 4200 Omaha's Newest and Finest Ex clusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. Peters Trust Company, Specialists in m "tit lIlrUlitfCU-JLUMlt. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. 8- ROOM, furn. house, modern, close-in. Tyler T487. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WANTED TO RENT By couple without children, bungalow in West Farnam or Dundee. Harney 6252. FOR RENT Business Property. 2016 FARNAM street, store with full cement basement; auto row; steam heat; ... furnished: suitable for any retail busi nma or offices. WALSH ELMER "Nr. Tyler 1536 333 Securities Bldg. FOR RENT A mfving picture theater m a nearby town of about 7,000 population. Good opportunity tor experienced mnn with small amount of capital. F, D. EAGER. Lincoln. Neb. SEE F. D. WEAD. 310 S. 18TH ST. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE pfl AND VAN -JJm STOHAGR. MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS, H'th and Jackson Sts. . Douglas 0283. MIVlNCIi. PACK FNG, STORAGE I' I HKt'irOOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. i OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. Doug. 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. Ft. Bowen Co. Tyler 3400.H UXIOX TRANSKXIt CO. tiB estimate vour moving, parliing and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug-. I'OOK. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHITE RccK rockereis. alsoegKS for hatching by 100 or setting. South 3139. White Wyandotte hatching eggs. Col. 0389. HORSES AND VEHICLES. Harness. SALE ON HARNESS AND SADDLES. We make them ourselves and sell -hem direct to the farmers. You get the! best that can be made at first cost, j you don't have to pay any middleman's ' profit, and then get poor harness. We j are matting a big reduction in prices nearl pre-war prices. Harness from $40 to $100 per set. Our goods are guaranteed. The s'ore Is 62 years 'd and the oldest saddelery store In the - west. - Alfred Cornish & Co.. Successors to Collins & Morrison. 1210 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. TALK ABOUT A HARNESS SALE. Here's a good one: take advantage. Plow harness, leather trace, com plete -. $37.00 U. S. Concord f"r;n harttes- 50.00 Concord farm harness, complete. . .65.00 Cowboy saddles, steel horn....... 39.00 Big stock saddles. 15-in. swell 50.00 Leather team collars. 17-ln., draft 5.00 Team lines. 1'Sa20 ft, long 7.8b Mall orders fiH-d at these prices. Midwest. Harness Co.. 706 N. 16th Si. GOOD hay. $12 ue.r ton. delivered. A. IV. Wagner. 801 X. St. Dg. 1142. LIVE STOCK. HOLSTEIN heifer calves, six to eight weeks old. 1 from pure bred sire and heavy producing dams,1 good individuals nicely marked. $20.00 each, craicd F. w. r. iiitrits iioisiciii raiins. i.onc Root;. Wis. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE We have some spicntirrt 9 newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy it. Drive it Yourself Co., ' ' 1.H4 Howard St. Dour. 3622. CHEAP 1911 Ford body" with mp mid wind shield completi,, t!il,', nod 16 ra diiitor used only thrt.o luontlu. MU5-I6 hood. Good condition. t':ill D.' iil.)4. K'RJPPS-BOOTH sedan, late m,,.,.. prac tically m-w, six good tires, drlicn 5!oon miles. $500 cash will handle 'al' Gor don, Tyler 45x'. Kvas. Walnut 1 Ho SOME bargains In used Ford cars, Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The llnndy Ford Service Station. 15th and JucLsoa. Doug las 350" . NEW, bigh-srHi; , hum, fully f-miipp, .1. will sell at a K'-o'; ili.coliii I . might i ji s'der another i-i ;t- pun p.iiinciit. ;-,i;-dr-ss Box X-:: -.:iU IV-c PII'.RCF.-ARROW lS.-rlin liiuou.sin- body Morocco leather iJiihol'ereil. A I 'TO E CHANGE CO.. 2204 Farnam ! sun.; BA P.O. I N Iligh-pov. ercd .. Inp .toil t'l"V-: i,nd ,-,n, llli., i lister, lie r Tv H9I1. OAKLAND Sensible Six. .11ARSII-OAKI.AND CO 2oth and Harp. .. Sis. Repairint; and Painting. Stt JIGGS AND MAGGIE IN PAC Or COLORS IN THE SUNDAY tF I TAKE ENOUGH LESONt) I'LL BE A. CREAT ARTI1.T V SOME HAvf - ctT Li 1921 BY 1NTL FtATClU SERVICE. INC AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Accessories? FOR SAI.K Two 34x4H Q. Spriufffielit tires, rctreyded, Colfax 0445. FOR SALK skid tires Two new :',5x5 fabric $40. Call Colfax 0445. FOR SALK Two 36x6 Goodrich cord tires, new. $1011. Call Colfax 0445. Motorcycles and Bicycles. FOR SALK 1920 Harley Davidson molor eje'e with tide car and delivery box, two extra tires. $.150. Call Colfan 0445. FARM LANDS. For Rent. j DAIRY FARM. rmlt'i'uood Aenue; west of Dundee; jljout 110 acres. GKORGK AND COMPANY. SO .-U'RI'lS farm, well Improved, miles from Omaha. II. 1488. 17' California Lands. i'OR SALK Tulare county. Caiifornl) : iiiglily linpro'cii 20.) acres: the best in the sl,atc: nair tor irrigollon and cropM growing tire yc:ir around. I'ctcr M. Nel son. Httnl'ord. tl. TT Cploiido i'OR SALK 120 acres i Lands. FOR S.I,.K $20 acres Improved, five 'miles from Ifliilia, Coio. Write for price and description, r Owner. K. J. Boas', Idalia, Colo. Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE 160 acres stock ami grain fiLnii, four miles from town, 15 miles from Kearney, Buffalo county, Neb. 120 acres under cultivation, level, and the ii'i'y best alfalfa and corn land, balance pasture, uood buildings, close to school. Price. $1 6,000. "54,000 cash, balance to suit purchaser. A. Nelson, 17 .West 31st, Kearney, Nob. ' FOR SALE 160 acrr in Franklin Co.. Nob. 100 acres level cultivated. Nicely improved, 7-room dwg. : barn, 4.sx52; granary; garage, etc.; mtles town. Price $100 acre. Terms. Possession 3-1-21. I). C. Benedict:, Franklin. Neb. FOR SALE Improved farm, 320 acres, 250 in cultivation, 170 acres wheat goes; all good corn, wheat or alfalfa- lfi-ft-d. George Liess, North Platte. Neb, Oklahoma Lands. OKLAHOMA Farms Write for free agri cultural booklet. .Board of Commerce, Shawnee, Ok I. Wisconsin Lands. v ANDOLOGY special number just out. containing 1921 facts of clover land Is Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a home Or as an Investment you are thinking of buying goiid farm lands where farmers grow rich, send at once for this special number of Landology It is free on request. Address Skid-mm-? -Richie Land Co.. 433 Skiiimoie Riehle Bids.. - Marinette Wis. Miscellaneous. 133-ACRE LAKEVIEW FARM, 12 CATTLE, MULE, 20 HOGS, Vohnsles, ma liinery. included ; con venient advantages; 80 acres fertile tillage, 25 peaches, 12 pecans; bungalow wUh picturesque lake view, good clap boarded hflrn; owner called away, low price, $3,000, terms. Details page 53, HI us. Catalog. SStrout Agency, R3i BF. Xew York Life Bldg., Kaneai City, Mo ' FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash oo hand to loan on Omaha residence. E. II. LOUGEE, INC.. 538 Recline Bldg. WANTED to borrow $800 for 20 months will pay good interest and pay back money at rat of S10 per month. Good security. Box W-181, Omaha Bee. OMAHA HOMER EAST NEB. FARMd O KEFFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dou. 5T15. FARM loans, easfrr. Nebraska, best rates and options. Paul Peterson, 364 Brandeis theater, Omaha. 100 to $10,000 made promptly. P. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 310 S. 18th St, PROMPT service, reasonable rates, prlvat money. Garvin Bros. 345 Omaha Nat Stocks and Bonds. OIL STOCK quotations from all fields; phone, wire or write 1 FIDELITY PRODUCING CO., 1103 W. O. W. Bldg. Dg. 2839. Miscellaneous. Oil, LEASES with geological reports in Wyoming. Kansas. Oklahoma, Arkansas. Louisiana. Texas and New Mexico proven and semi-proven fields. FIDELITY PRODUCING CO., 1101 W. O. W. Bldg.. Dg. 2S39. WANT $40,000 10 years first mortgage on 365 acres black, level, second bottom hnd. 250 biTol. well improved, mile to station in N. W. Missouri, 'near Iowa line. Address Box Y-1434, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. 1506 Dodge St. Douglas 1845. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buv ur sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bli. Bldg. Douglas 1426. HAVE only $200 cash, want 4 or 5 room house; not. particular, but want gool lo cation, $30 or ,?35 a month. Address Box 2626. Omaln B"e. HAVE inquiries for homes do you want lo sell your property? List it with C. A. Glimmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. LIST homes mil one nronerty with GRUENIG REALTY CO., Ills 1st Nat. lt. , Doug. I960. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUN I IKE HOMES. C. B. STUHT CO. cay Natl Bldg. Douglas 87 BIRKETT- Tnss 3.-0 Peters Itldg. Doug. 0ti"J P T TPBRTTMC rem. estate A JL J LJ i. J Ins. nml Mentals mi;, uttMha Nnj'l it I--. IK. Douglas 2 1 W. G.SHRIVER IILMl. ESTATE tnsu.-ance 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. Rlda. Doug, 1636 LISTINGS WANTED. Western Real Estate Co., 412 Karbach Big. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Building Sites 3 Mn ant lots o crlookiug Happy Hol low Boulevard. 53d and Hamilton Sla. Pro c. , $1,300.00. George & Co., REAL ii,bTAlE TO EXCHANGE. A UuSKlU,'!! utiHrtxjr bertlon, free of in-ctmbraiM-c, wiil trade In for a Rlx roorn modern hungRlmv. some ra?h and lthfr titonthl.v payments. Bos W-1T9. H'-e. Qi A FJTKH ertimi inmnn cd or unim pro -"d. Charles- -Mix County, Sout h I a l.i'tn . ( ) trade for buinrfss pro punt t iou, i i i hi n plot1 in furinai ion firm letter. AiM-sm JWi V -Mil. 'Mi. aha Her. The v. hoi.- t.niii! iUc Waul Ads should rcati V FULL BEE Drawn ir that J REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. nvestment Extraordinary Here is your opportunity to make an investment that is safe iu every respect and at the same time paa an excellent return on the amount Imputed. This con sist n of a 6 -room a partment building, titnetly modern in' every respect, in the direct path of di- eiopitien t weet, conveniently lo cated to car and schools: build ing fj 5 years old, and in the best possible condition. We can make a very attractive price on this property and it will be worth your ihil to ask us for the details, ll will- require about J10.0H0.00 cash to handle. Mum be sold thi week. D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS. ' Douglas 0016. 913-17 City Nat l TEN HOUSES Five Brick Five Frame Present income J U.O'i Kslale wants offir. No except taxes and insurance. Call us and we will be glad to rbow propert. WALSH-ELMER CO., REALTORS. Tyler 1636 '.. 333 Securities Bids. Dodge Street Home and Investment K ll -room, modern house. Finished in oak and white enuml; house In cxcel Jer.t condition: S3 K. corner and Podge Sts. l.ot l1o6 feet, For price and term.", call GEORGE & CO., -STORY brick ,buildins. near 14th and Douglas; income $1,740 year; snap at $12,500; terms. Douglas 1734. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee They Like It! v Te idea of owning an apart ment; no snow to shovel: no fur nace work; it's yours. The rent can't raise. Tf your rltglble get in now. Number is limited. Below de mand. Community Apts. Co., 8 Weed Bldg. l'ou. 5101. Quick Action Necessary Reservations in Pundee Terrace must be closed at owe. SubFtan tial advantages to owners may b secured by immediate closing of contracts. Many favorable features make these propositions in great demand. See Community Apts. Co., 8 Wead Hldg Doug. 5101. DCNDEP1 New semi-bungalow, large-living roam, dining room and kitchen down; two sleeping rooms and bath up. Oak floors and finish. Decorated, etc. Unusually small down payment ran be arranged. Possession at "ones. Call Mr. ciraht. Wal nut 5l73. Florence. NETHAWAY. Suburban proDtv. Col. 1109. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West WEST FARNAM ' BRICK AND STUCCO Dandy corner ; 1 2 rooms, including two sleeping porches, two bath rooms, fir.ish.t attic; altogether. 8 bedrooms; fireplace and other built-in- features. Driveway and garage. This is a real good home, in good condition. WJl located ind at low price of $17,000, SC.OOO cash will handle. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS. Douglas 2850. 918-20 City National Bank. Classy Stucco Bungalow Near car and school in Clait mont. Five light airy rooms on one floor, large attic and full ce mented basement. "Well construct ed and finrly finished in oak apd enamel. Heavy one panel doors, throughout. Price for quick sale, $G,o00. i all Grant Benson. Benson & Carmichael, 42 Paxton. Block. Tyler Evenings Walnut 15S0. Omaha Real Estate and Investments, JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk, Phone Tyler 4380. North. Minne Lusa Residence 7 -room, full l' -story strfctiy modern house. I-arge living room across the from : dining room and kitchen on first floor with built-in features; three dandy nice bedrooms on second floor, with an extra combination bedroom, sun room and sleeping port:h ; floored atti- on the third; full cement basement, furnace heat; oak floors upstairs and down and oak finish down: white enamel up; nice lot on paved street. This Is one of the most up-to-the-minute bouses we lia' had on the list for some lime. Payne Investment Co., 537 Om. Net. Bk. Bidg. D. 1781. Owner Says Sell This Wk. 3215 Franklin, $3,250 Five-room cottage, all uioilcrn. 1 -car garage, Full lot. A good home at a right price. Call Mr. Mead. Hastings & Heyden, Ilill Harney St. Phone Tyler 0050. FOUR-ROOM neniy decorated coltage. '$500 cash iin will buy. R. F. CLARY CO.. Col. 0175 5-ROOM bungalow in Minne Lusa for sale by owner. $2,010 ,ah required. Ad dress Box X-2. Omaha Bee. - IX BEM1S PARK. Bv owner. 7-room modern house and garage. For term? call 323 N. 37HS St. 330 FOW'LER A v., 7 rs.. mod. except ht.; 3 lots, chicken house. fruitSrees; $ $700 nh loil mo Crellfh. Oils BeV ll. Ol'H". BY OWNER in Bemis park. 7-rnom mod ern house and garage for terms. Cail ut 323 N. 37thHt. MINNE LI'S homes snd lots offer the best opportunity to invest jour money Phone Tyler 187. I R noRINSON real estats and inves. 1 mint. 612 I'e:er Trust. Doug. sMy for The B?e by McManua 1 Copyright. :2l InteriiaUo.ial News Service I DON'T THINK THERE ARE ENOUGH L.ELS'bON'b IN THE WORLD TO DO YOU ANV cooo - Does Milk Turn Sour? Although we arje accustomed to think of milk turning: sour within, a few days, no matter what the tem pctature, there is oiv sure method of preventing this change, or, a; Irtst, of postponing it indefinitely. If llic milk is thorotii-'iiiy boiled and then scaled hi that lir cannot get to it, the liquid wi'I remain fresh in any climate for -months and even years, j'ist a.- canned vegetables and meats will retain their affpetizing qualities under similar conditions. Yhis, of course, poirts to the fact that there must be something in the air itself which Icids to the souring of jjiilk and gives us the clue to the reason for this chemical change. Every drop of milk contains n larg? number of bacilli, which, work ing on the s'lgLf ip the milk, pro duce th-' lactic aciH which turns it sour. ISotlint; kills thee tiny organ isms and puts :ip end n the produc tion of the aciti. . cider to keep the mil'i fresh after boilinfj, however, it is necessary lo protect it from the ;iir, which contains similar bacilli, fanil exposure of less than a minute will result in tiie introduction of r. number of these microbes into the milk. As they multiply with' amaz ing rapidity, even boiled nuTu will sour within a short time, unless the ; ir is rigidly exeluued. As warm temperatures aid in the growth of ;he bacilli which produce lactic acid, keeping the milk in a tefrigerator or ..ll... ,i.-il r.!.., i 111 ll,cllinT)n tlio V' 1 11 V 1 -JJl J.lll-V 1,111 I'UJIJ'UIH. sounng process, out, unless me liquid is frozen, ever: this will not prevent it for more than a few days. (Copyright, 1921, by The Wheeler Syndi cate, Inc.) REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. A DANDY SELECTION. Five-Room Modern Excellent condition; full basement; large attic; east of Kountze park. For quick sales. $4,700. Can handle with $4,000 down and $50 per iiKinth. Another Dandy Modern Coltage Larje south front- lot; big rooms; pa"fd street. Near University pf Omaha; owner leav ing city. Has cut price to $5,000 with $1,000 down. $43 per month. A dandy on Fort street for $5,100 with lerma of $1,000 and easy monthly pay- Ul-1115. vj galnw. Good lot and garage, for $5,000 Dandy tevns. Still another five-room, all modern horhe on Taylor street lor $4,200. with $500 down and $40 per month. A mighty rozy"home with over an acre or ground covered with fruit: right in Florence. A snap for anyone at $5,000; easy terms to " right party. Six rooms, ail modern, adjoining Kouutze park ou the north, tor uj' $3,750; terms. The Jmnifcalow beautiful in. Prairie Park. Must b sieti to be upprrcialed Ab solutely sold v at actual cost. $10,500; only $1,500 down and $10 per month. Now rented for $100 per month. Two beautiful Collier Place homes One of seven arrd another of eight rooms: -wonderfully constructed, and finished homes; best workmanship to be found; $8,000 each. Can consider payments. These and others in Omaha's lergvst resi dence district for sale exclusively by specialists in North Omaha property. For appointment call today, Colfax 6254, Colfnx 0950. Colfax 1243. R. F. CLARY CO.. 24"4 A5U0S AVE. REALTORS.' OOLKAX 17S. Miscellaneous. $3,000 Neat five-room cottage, uify water, electric ligh fs and gas. two lots 4.x i;i3 each; t-omc fruit; chicken house nnd yard and another good outbuilding which might be converted Jnto a ga -rage. We are offerings this at $400 down and 530 per month. Amos Grant Co., REALTORS, D. 3S0, 330-2-4 Brandeia Thea. Bldg. $650 CASH DOWN. Will buy this 0-room home, modern except heat. Full cement basement: irarngvi. Good locution on paved street. $3,000, or perhaps: a little less. GLOVER .! MORELL. 71S-2QKellne Bids. Tyler 823. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Trackage. WE HAVE an unususlly well located Dlec of trackige, 81x132: tracks on both sides. Alfred Thomas A Son, 60 lit Nat. Bank. 113 FEET ON 11TH ST.. $50 PER FOOT. BOSTWICK. 400 Peters Trust Bldg.t Real Estate Transfers G. A. Swenson and wife to Mar- garet Ann Gunn. Florencg Blvd.. 45 ft. S. of Ogden, W 8, 60x100 $ 8,000 Ella M. Harrison and husband to Austin P. Braun, Izard St., 250 ft. W. of 51st St.. S S. 50x135.. Warren S Frank and wife to J. A. Butler, X. K. Cor. 28th and Decatur St., 90x127.6 Hugh H. Harper and wife to Inna S. Rasmussen, S. W. Cor. 52d Ave. and Davenport, 95x1,29 ,. Ross A. McCandiess and wife to Ralph A. Pearce. Spauldlng St.. 205 ft. K. of 46th St., N S. 40x131 William Miller and wife, to Niels Jacob Petersen and wife, 47ih Ave. 205 ft. N. ft Maple St.. F. S, 40x126 James Fivonka to William Galil. Monroe St.. 156 ft. W. oT 2ttl St.. X S, 25x130 2,150 1.190 ISO'! 4.500 How Much Rent Do You Pay in a Year? How Much in 5 Years? How Much in 10 Yrs? V - Why continue to pay rent when you can buy your own home and pay for it by the month, just like rent and in a few years have it .all paid for, with the money you would otherwise spend fojr rent? Let Us Show You How. Creigh Sons & Co. Established 1868 Doug. 0200A 608 Be Bldg. Holding a Husband Adcle Garrison's New Phase of Revelations of a Wife What Lillian Brought From the City. Lillian with a pasteboard box in cither hand, held by one of the .small wooden handles which .shops attach to big bundles alighted from the train as I drew up my car to the station platform. 1 bad just had time to make it after my telephone messacjf to Dicky, and 1 looked nervously over my shoulder as 1 slopped my car to see if the olli cious village policeman was in sight, for I knew that I had none well over llic peed limit allowed urotor ve hiclc in (he village streets. It was evidently my lucky da, however. ,intl I sprang to the plat form, hastrimiir to lake one of the ' ....i , t Ml' .. I 1 .1.... jitici.iKv mini i.iiiiau. j mivw iiiiu she imist be warm, dusty and tired, but I could have deduced not one of the three from her appearance. She was as placid, as fresh-looking' asif she had iuM stepped from her l bedroom door after completing her toilet lor l lie clay. - "I'd like to see you linhiiiiR a fire some day," I said a bit viciously as we turned toward the car. "Rut I suppose you'd emerge a-, unruffled and peaceful as a summer morning." "Rave on, sweet child," she re torted, "it it amuses you. But, really, I'd get a new line if l'wcrc voir. It seems to me I've heard that' com ment upon my supposed calmness under stress at least 409 times. You never saw me trviug to sew. did you? I'm more frazzled when I get I through trying lo menil something than most women are. over a wed ding or a death. I can run a sew ing machine and that lets me out." I changed the subject abruptly, for the mention of the sewing machine had brought to my mind an auda cious little plan. Perhaps I could absolutely avoid any explanation to Dicky of the wreckage the marauders had caused in ,thc contents of my keepsake trunk.' Madge's Plan. "1 need not ask you Tf ou were successful in your quest this morn ing." 1 said with a nod toward thf bundles as we climbed into the car "1 was very lucky," IJHian an swered, as usual giving to the siren uoiis effort she bad made an air o! doing nothing. "1 tlo hope Met Fluffiness will approve." "She is in a very approving moon this morning." I laughed. "She arose with what Dicky calls a left ovct grouch.' but she was sunny as a Jmu morning when I last saw here. Tell me, arc there any things in that bun dle we could take over to our house to sew? My sewing machine is still over there, and if you'll attend to that end of the work I'll take the rest. If 1 have a specialty it is hemming, and I suppose that will form the bulk of the work." "Why?" Lilfian turned an atten tive face toward inc. I knew from her tone that she guessed I had some special reason for the request. Because Dicky is coming out on the 4 o'clock train to look over the damage, and I thought" "Of course!" she interrupted. "We must get that stuff of yours back in the trunk before he conies. The rest of the house doesn't niattcf! L-won-der' if Her Flurtincss never mind. we'll be able to put her off the trarjr.''i "You mean you will," T saidsauc ily. "I'll let you manage Mrs. Dur- kee -she s beyond me. ,, "We'll let her inspect these frip peries first," Lillian returned. '.'Have you people had lunclr?" ."You know Her Fluffiness," 1 laughed. "She'll talk about letting you take 'a piece.' and things like that, but she really has quite an elaborate little meal wailing for our return from the stalirjn." A Sharp Question. "f ought to. censure her. but my tummy won't let me," Lillian com mented. "I'm simply starved. And really, there isn't such a mountain of work to do on these draperies. Some ol them I was fortunate enough to Fet ready hemmed. W illi four of us working we'll be able to pel every thing done, including 'be clearing up. of that wreckage in vour room." "If only Mrs. Durkce will think so." T sighed mentally, but rejoiced that Lillian was there to manage Her Fluffiness. As usual, my belief in niy friend's adroitness was justified, for when we had looked at and had admired the really exquisite, things Lillian had secured all in' the shades of rose whiei we knew that the dainty bride leved and had discussed the lunch eon Mrs. Durkee had prepared, Lil lian began her campaign by saying coaxingly: "You're going to let every one of us help with the dishes, aren't you? I'll promise not to break a single oneand we'll be through in no time." "T suppose I'd better." I ler Flurti ncss returned, and we all fairly flew at the task, dispatched it in record breaking time and repaired to Leila'.' tootn. when everything was at last in order, pleasantly keyed tip for tli4i task of making a ,rose-colored set ting for the dainty bride whose homecoming we were to celebrate in the evening. "Let's sec if they lit. first." Lillian srid. "Then while we're doing it. who will measure the hems and put tocether the nieces that must be done 1 'on the. sewing machine?" "Do measure the hems, Madge." Her Fluffiness entreated, "and I'lt sort out these for the ma-i-limes." For the next few minutes we all worked silently, steadily, and when everything wa:. in orderly piles Lil- ,ian spoke a b't sharply " "Where's vour sewing machine, I Madge?" (Continued Tomorrow. Liquor Restrictions Hit Canadian Express Company Montreal, Feb. 24. -Liquor trade restrictions have bad an adverse ci feet on business of the Canadian Ex press company. President William Ptillcn declared before an arbitration board considering affairs of the. Grand Trunk railway, of which the express company is a subsidiary. ; Mr. Pullen said business had fallen ; off greatly and he predicted that I iuture prohibition Iegjlation would, mean great decreases. These losses, j be said, would have to be borne br ! the government. Seals Moving South St. Johns, x. 11, Feb. 24.-Seals are moving omh in hcrdy. which : fishermen report extend tor many j miles, making catches bigger than :n any receiU Reason. J TWO light -housekeeping rotims. liar. 1141.' i 1 N '- J''