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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1921)
VOL. 60 NO. 218. Ruli ins: on But lei Is Protested Dairymen, Creamery Men, : Senators ami Representatives Present at Hearing Ue s fore Commission. Many Nebraskans Attend by L. C. SNYDER. l ..hl.t.a ( orrcH.H.nJent Om..h IW; Washington, J). L, l ei). .3. --(Special lelegrani.) Rcprcscnta - t:es ot tue l iirincrs and IJairy- j in Pans, said the (manner, bc iiicn's association of the middle and ( twecn 'President Wilson and his ad- iiorthwest sectiutis of the country and small army mi men engaged in the i butter-making industry crowded the rooms of the commissioner of in ternal revenue today to protest against hi.-, ruling tlial butter made from sour cream and neutralized by lime water or other agency came within the definition ul "adulterated hit tier," ami should be tacd 10 'cuts a poinul. Senators actively participated in the hearing, while a score or more of members, of the lower house wcrs present to enter their solemn pry test against the dictum of Commis- moiht tlhaim j The members of the Ncbr.isk I delegation, including Senator.-! J itch- I cock and Representative Jefferis, McLaughlin Keavis, Andrews and j Kinkaid. were in the audience, as i were representatives from Iowa, ! ' Kansas, North Dakota and Illinois. Vigorous Protest. Congressman Jefferis followed Judge Towner of Jowa, who made a vigorous protcsj against the rul ing of the commissioner. In his speech Mr. Jefferis said that the Ne braska delegation was in entire ac cord with the sentiment of Con gressman Towner. He said he rep resented in eoli' of the larg est butter-making industries in the co'tmtry, and ii the ruling should stand it meant ruin to one of Oma ha's largest enterprises.'" ' Senator Hitchcock, in his talk' to the commission ?r, covered much the same ground, setting forth the ex tent -of the dairy business in the stftc. ! Commissioner Williams asked Sen- j s.tor Hitchcock if the Nebraska leg- j islature had read the decision of the ' attorney general and the interpreta tion thereon by ihe commissioner previous to the passage of their res olutions protesting against the com missioner's ruling V Opposed to Any Charge. Senator Hitchcock stated'! that it inade no difference whether or not the members of the legislature had tW'Qad the ruling, they were opposed T " '' t?n.V- change jot an y ne win t erprcfa- - l. ... . 1 inm At this point, Ex-Congressman E. J. Haiuer, representing the cream ery -interests, injected the remark that the Nebraska legislature had considered. the text of the ruling and the commissioner's interpretation be fore entering their protest. Congressman McLaughlin of Ne braska and a member of the agri culture committee of the house spoke lor the committee in opposition to the ruling. In the course of his re marks he said he kept lime water iu his house for the children at all times and that to place a tax ou but ter made from sour cream, 'which had always been recommended by our mothers and which had been neutralized by lime water, was go ing beyond the intent of congress. Presents Resolution. Senator Phipps of Colorado, through his secretary, entered his protest against the ruling and pre sented a copy of a resolution passed By the Colorado legislature in op position to the fiat of the commis sioner. Franklin B. Jones of coun sel for the dairymen, stated during the hearing that he would put on the stand members of congress who helped ,to enact the law of 1902, on which the ruling is based, to show that not only did congress not in tend to include neutralized butter un der the act, but specifically excluded it by voting down an amendment seeking to include it. - It is expected the hearings will ex tend over several davs. Enemies of Colombian Pact Lining Up Forces Washington. Feb. 25. Opponents of the Colombian treaty, which re publican, leaders plan to bring before the senate during the special session beginning March 5, started a pr?vate campaign against its consideration and ratification. s . Senator Lodsc of Massachusetts, the republican leader, said, however, he believed the treaty could be dis posed of promptly with virtually no other business during the special ses sions. Senator Fall, republican. New I Mexico, who is to be a member of j the new cabinet, also is said to have . urged action at the special session. 1 Senators opposing consideration of i the treaty at the fpecial session and , also its ratification, include Borah j of Idaho and Kellogg of Minnesota. ' Judge Freed of Murder j To Resign From Bench Cleveland, O.. Feb. 25.--Judge J. II. i McGannon, recently acquited of second degree murder in,, connection with" the death of Harold C. Kagy. announced that he will resign as chief justice of the municipal court March 1. . The announcement was iu reply to a request of the Cleveland Bar as sociation today that he resign at once instead of March 15. the date ' . rcviously set by Judge McGannon.: Postal Official Resigns Washington. Feb. 25. The resin- ! r.atiou of William H. Lamar as so licitor of the postoffice department, to take effect Monday, was announc ed. Mr. Lamar said he would prac tice law in Washington. EOrt4 Oinatia P. Allies Will Pay War Debts tojLlnion Labor U. S. Thomas Lamont Says'iv.u 17- i. Representative on American Commission to Negotiate Peace Denies Secret Understanding With France Or Britain -as to Cancellation of Obligation Criticises Work of Reparations Board. l I In .Wniimrd Pre. 1'hiladHphia, Feb. Jc. All' the allies will pay their war debts to the 1 United States, Thomas V. Lamont, partner in J. P. Morgan & Company, who was one of the United States treasury representatives upon tne American commission to negotiate ' mure (h rlarnl lirfnre the I'hila- ; ,rt..,j;i I "nKli,- I .wiper fnrllni OI1 tllC j H.ace COIlcrencc. i note a constant reference to . some secret understanding arrived at ' viscrs on one hand and the French and British representatives on the other, to the effect that all indebted ness to the United Slates Hiould, in whole or in part, be cancelled or tor given. "'There ain't no such tiling.' Vom start to finish of the peace con ference the president and his ad visers without exception, opposed vigorously and finally, any such sug gestion or ' proposition of cancella tion. There was noconunitmcnt, expressed or inferred, near or re mote, moral or otherwise, as to the ; handling of the allied indebtedness to the United States government. All (he main facts in the, suggested arrangement for the sulrstitution of German for Belgium bonds were niade public at the time. Question Important One. j '"The whole questional interna I tional debts is a most important one. i : The American people must, in the . Mail Aviator Is Cited for Bravery In Nteht Flving Message From Wife iu Chey - o v. vim. 7 enne Sets Knight's Mind at Ease Regarding Mythical Mato in Chicago. Two precious bits of paper will be tuckexl in the pocket of Jack Knight, hero of the Cheyenne-Oma-ha-Chicago night air mail flight, when he hops off for Cheyenne this morning. One is a te!et;ram from Otto M. Praegcr, third assistant postmaster general and highest official of , the air mail system. It -was presented Jo him ulieu he landed here yesterday, and is a cita tion by Mr. Praegcr of his bravery in flying from Omaha to Chicago at night, over a course which was unfamiliar to him. The other message is from Mrs. Knight in Cheyenne. .Its contents were not made public, but Jack look- ed very happy when it was given him. Cherishes Both Messages. "f don't know which message 1 cherish the most," the daring young aviator said, smiling. "The message from Mr. Praeger alone is worth all the hardship and danger of the trip to Chicago through the dark. "But I certainly am glad to bear from my wife, too. You know the Chicago papers all said my wife rushed into my arms when I landed there the morning after the flight. "Well, I was worried. My wife really was in Cheyenne and no wom an whatever rushed into iriy arms in Chicago. But what if my wife had seen that report? What would she think? "I was almost afraid to go back to Cheyenne." concluded Jack, laugh ingly. "Of course I could have ex plained everything, but then " Hailed as Hero. When Jack landed at the air mail field here yesterday morning he was hailed as a hern by everyone pres ent, lie had saved the day, or rath er" the night, by leaping into the breech, so to speak, and taking his "ship" with the consignment of mail (Turn to Page Two, Column Tiro) Virginia Inn Keepers Will Move to Fairhury . Pawnee City. Neb., Feb. 25. (Spe cial.) Mr. and Mrs. I. XV. Warren have disposed of their interest in the Virginia Inn, the hotel at Virginia," Xeb., and will take charge of a hotel at Fairbury. They have operated the Virginia hotel for several years. Fat?'Ha,HaV 'Chortle City's Jolly Cherubs Pity the poor fat man? "Ha, ha, 'tis a men) jest of the ignorant and unob seranl a jealous sarcasm from the contingent of the lean and hungry oof," de clare Omaha heavyweights Prominent possessors of avoirdupois '. tell about the pleasures and advantages of rotundity in a humorous feature in The Sunday Bee. That Rotogravure Section, with a page of inauguration pictures, snappy . movie page and collectiotfef photos of cats and dogs in unique poses, is one you tvill not want to miss. The. Omaha Sfcontf - Claia Mattar May it. 1906. at 0. Uaa'tr Act ( Harm i.j K. Idst analysis, determine it upon the , principle of what course is best cal- i eulated to benefit the world as a j whole, including America." Commenting on America's lack off representation on the permanent j reparations commission, Mr. Lamont said: "This commission, in my judg-j moat, has been, in a considerable measure, responsible for the lament- r ! nlitx f!,.uv that liac r-,-liri-.rl in fivin Ul,, amcml of Gcrnlan ill(lemitv. ', "Our failure to ' name A. Daily ; dcteKate for this commiion lias becn not merelv a great disappoint - nient tn mir former .Ksnr utps in I he war, but as I believed has been large- lv responsible for the ;ontim;ed economic unsrttlcmeiit iu Europe, with its unforunate reflex upon our own industrial and commercial busi- iioss." I lie MO.lMi.tKKI.Untl winch Germain- ! was notilied sin- must pay over a j period of 42 years by the men! sct t tlcmciit at I'aris. Mr. Lamont said, if I amortized at S' j per cent and brought back, to present values, would represent a capital sum' of about $13,000,0(10.0(10, plus whatever' amount Germany had already paid on account. Schdule Not Unreasonable. "Now even the most moderate of the experts figuring at Paris," he added, "thought that Germany rould pay a capital sum of S10,(X)0.000,000 or ?1 5,000.000,000. so that not counting the so-called 'export tax' which is a part of ihe recent i'aris settlement, (Turn tii fiigr Tno, Column live.) Protest on Davis Was Not Signed Bv Every Union iMine Workers, Inwi, Steel and! f , Seamen's Organization Did I organization w ork in all lines of in r . ht dustry. despite anv individual con- ;0t Agree Oil Meggage 'tracts made between empoyer and Sent to Harding. Washiugtoii. Feb. 25. All repre sentatives of the national and inter national unions attending the Ameri can Federation of kabor conference did uot endorse tlic telegram sent yesterday to President-elect Harding asking him to appoint a "recognized representative of organized labor" as secretary of labor. Representatives of the United Mine Workers of America, the Amalgama ted; Association of Iron.' Steel aild 'Pill Workers and the Seamen's union, it was-learned today, spoke against the message. Names of representa tives of the mine workers and sea men's union did not appear on ihe list of signers of the telegram. Michael i lghc, president ot the Amalgamated, is understood to have i suggested that th message be so worded that it would not be con strued as opposing James . Davis of Pittsburgh, tentatively selected is : secretary of labor. Department or justice To Drop Second Charge AoJcf M,k. Detroit, Mich.. Feb. 25. The De partment of Justice has decided not to press "the second indictment re turned against Senator Truman IT. Newberry and 17 others, convicted early last year of conspiracy to vio late the federal corrupt practices act, according to word received from At torney General Palmer. The second indictment charged Senator Newberry and members of his senatorial campaign committee with "conspiracy to commit the of fense of perjury" in connection with reports made to the senate. '( In a letter explaining the action, Mr. Palmer wrote: "It was felt) that the issues pre sented were fully tried out in the first indictment and that it was not necessary to resort to any further prosecution in the premises." , Man Is Sentenced to Day In Custody of U. S. Marshal New York, Feb. . 25. A sentence of one day in custody of a United States marshal was today imposed on Dr. Walter T. Scheele, indicted in 1916 with others on charges of conspiracy to blow up vessels carry ing supplies to the British allies. Prior to the sentence Dr. Scheele entered a plea of guilty. The court was informed by fed eral officers that Dr. Scheele, who ia an expert chemist, had rendered aluable services to this government after America entered the war. His knowledge of chemical gasse and explosives, it is understood, was of great assistance to the War de partment. ' Chicago Officials Freed In "Mike de Pike" Trial Chicago, 111.. Feb. 25. Former Po lice Sergeant Timothy Judge, Thom as McLaughlin, Edward T. Graham and Patrick Simmons were dis missed on charges Of conspiracy in the "Mike de Pike" Heftier whisky ring trial today. The number of de fendants .discharged at the trial to tals 11, charges against, seven hav ing been dismissed yesterday. j Test Case Planned Against j ' New Canadian Liquor Law Montreal, Feb. t5. Proceedings to I have the provincial liquor law de j dared null and void, will be instituted 'immediately in the Quebec courts. J Ernest Pelisco and Paul St. Ger main, attorneys, who are understood to represent liquor dealers through out the province, announced that they were preparing to test the stat ute, which was adoutcd at Quebec yesterday. . ( OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1921. win r iviil America u Federation Opposed To Dillingham Measure Pro v iding Admittance of Immi grants on Per Cent Balis. T , C 11 D l ' t WantS rllll KeStTlCUOn j n.v The Avwocialfd r, Washington, Feb. 25. Organized labor will endeavor to prevent the final passage of the pending Dilling- 1 "am bill, restricting immigration to U per CClll Oi inc numoer oi aliens j of each nationality in the country in , ! 1910, as the first move under the new ! I legislative program adopted here by I representatives of the national aiid . international unions affiliated in the j I American Federation of Labor. j i .'nnouncemcin was maoe rouay ai the federation headquarters that the legislative representatives of the or- j gamzation would attempt to obtain substitution of the Johnson bill,' vir tually prohibiting immigration for one year, for the Dillingham pro posal.' The latter was passed by the senate and an agreement on it by sen ate and house conferees is now pend ing in the house. Legislative representatives of or ganized labor also have been instruct ed to press their efforts to obtain a congressional investigation into con ditions in the strike area in West (Virginia. May Fight Sherman Act Whether labor will attempt to bring about introduction of a bill at ' the extra session of congress for the 1 repeal of the Sherman anti-trust act ' will depend, according informa i tion today, upon what action is taken to exempt labor organizations from I liability 'under that law. Counsel for the United Mine Workers and other international or ganizations were said to faavc be gun preparation of final detaijs of a bm .t0 b introduced in the extra session that would legalize union , employe noi 10 join a iraucs a trades un ion. Plan Publicity Campaign. Plans for the new publicity cam paign to be waged by the federation were being completed today, while the executive council was in session discussing means for raising the money necessary for the movement. ! A proposal made by represents- I tives of the Typographical union at the, labor conference yesterday, that afund of several million dollars be ttised for propaganda work, it was learned today, was voted down and it was decided that no special fund would be advisable for this work. The executive council of the feder ation was in session here all day, but made no announcement 'as to its work, except that it had consid- j ered several jurisdictional disputes, 1,000 Jews, Victims i , c j Campaign Was Carried Out Under General Balako- vitch's Direction. London, Feb. 25. More than 1,000 Jews were tnctims of pogroms car ried out by the troops of General Balakovitch, formeR anti-bolshevik leader, in the regions of Minsk and Harnel, according to a statement is sued today by the Federation ot Ukrainian Jews in London. The pogroms were of a terrible character, the. statement declares, women being mistreated and tor tured and children being murdered in cold blood. Thousands of children ere made orphans , The possessions of the Jews were looted, the st?ement adds, and great numbers of them were made home less. Three Bold Robberies Mark Day in New York New York, Feb. 25. Three dariifg robberies were listed today on New Yrork's crime sheet. The latest occurred this afternoon, when seven bandits, held up the of fice of the Connecticut Screen com pany and escaped with $35,000. At noon two robbers felled a jew eler in his office on the ninth floor of a Broadway office building and escaped with $20,000 worth of his wares. 'sarlicr in the day the watchman of a Bofc-cry theater, located a short distance from a police station, was found slain in the dressing room after evidences of having cr.gajed iu a pistol battle with the slayers. AJ mil; Hob-Bailed Army Shoes Cause $125,870 Damage to Paris Hotel New York, Feb. 25. Hobnailed shoes of 200 doughboys, guards posted at the Hotel Crillon. where the American peace commission had its headquarters in Paris, caused vir tually all of the damage for which the owners charged the commission $125,870.82. the manager of the ho tel. "Henry Deques, said here today. Tt was this item of damages in the expenses of the delegation over which- considerable protest was voiced recently iu the house of rep resentatives and which, among other expenses. President Wilson was asked , to itemize in a resolution adopted in thehousc. "The 200 American soldiers who guarded the commission in Paris damaged the Hotel Crillou tg the Daily Bee Will Editor Harding Run the Government Like a Newspaper? v ! " r-te: 16WI (-IPa I HAS CUTOUT 5 Sh 'V COt To THE BEST . T r i CVT -gr PART OF IT la : EVERY THING- mw) - ' (jfir, - (. "rN,&H"r-" 'mW - "SBai.riy r urn. vv m uxv New Enforcement Prohibition Piaji Being Considered Abolishment of Present Dual System and t Centralization of Authority Contemplated by Next Administration. Washington, Feb. 25. A new plan for enforcement of prohibition is being discussed among republican leaders as a prospective policy of the Harding administration. It con templates abolishing the present dual enforcement machinery of the Treasury pud Justice departments and centralization of full reSDOtlsi- bility and authority under the at- notner measure tor the ticnent ot tor tnnipv syeneral i mer service men. This bill, which has Whether the plan under, discus sion contemplates retention of a fed eral prohibition commissioner ap parently has not been definitely de termined. Jt is understood, how ever, that all state prohibition .en forcement agents would be dis pensed with and the prohibition en forcement work left to the Depart ment of Justice, through state's dis trict attorneys and their local or augmented assistants. Posses Scour in River Bottoms for Quartet Of Mail Car Robbers Roodhoitse. 111., -Feb.. 25. Fosses today are combing 'the Mississippi river bottoms in. the vicinity, of Quincy Junction, 37 miles ' west of here, where four men armed with rifles held up Chicago & Mtoii' pas senger train No. 10 from 'Kansas City, early this .morning and escaped, after forcing- thevniail clork'to-hand over three registered letters- and a registered package. ' " ' While the amount obtained by :hc bandits is not known, reports ' re ceived here indicate it will not ex ceed $50. , Messenger Ayers. iu charge of the baggage car. saved several hundred dollars in express remittances hy hiding the pouch . containing ' the money when he heard 'the bandits order the door of "the mail .car opened. Milk Dealers 'Fined New York, (Feb.-25. Eleven milk dealers were coin'icted. in Brooklyn of selling, milk and cream adulter ated with eocoanut oil. They were tined a total of $4,850. The case was pressed on evidence gathered by the health department. extent of about$625 each," said M. Dequis, quickly . adding that it was not the fault of, themselves, but the shoes they -wore. "They were neither impolite or boisterous, but they had to tramp in and out all about the hotel all the time, wearing hobnailed shoes" over the polished floors and cxpciir sivc rugs. It cost the hotel 650.0(10 francs to replace the carpets and 5.000,000 franc's to put the hotel in order," he declared. M. Dequis thentght the boots of the French soldiers would have had the same effect, and said he; under stood the British did more damage to te Hotel Majestic. , "It is very sad," he-sighed, .."but ' ejt la guerre." y Mall (I tear). Intlda 4th Zona. Daily i Sunaay. $5: Dally Oafe. 5. Sunday. 4 Outilda 4tn Zaat (I yit. Daily and Sunday. Jin; Dally Onl. ilii Sunday Only, i (Copyricht: 1931: By The Chi cat o Tnbunt.J JkL. Committe Fails To Agree on Bonus Leaders Predict Bill Shorn of taxation Clause, Will Reach Senate Today. Washington, Feb. 25. The senate finance committee failed to reach an agreement today on fYic sodicrs' bonus bill.- but republican leaders predicted that the house bill shorn j of taxation provisions, would be re-j ported tomorrow to the senate, i Doubt was expressed, however, that the legislation could be passed before adjournment of congress next week. Though failing to agree on the bonus bill, the finance committee act cd favorably on the Wason bill, an uecn passed uy inc nousc. wouiq ex tend privileges of war risk insurance and compensation benefits. The bonus bill caused a long con troversy today in the committee. Opposition to the cash bonus was led by Senators Smoot, republican, Utah, and Thomas, democrat, Colo rado, both of whom called attention to the depleted condition of the treasury. ' Senator McCumbcr, republican, North Dakota, presented figures to show that cash bonus would entail a minimum cost of $1,400,000,000. The increased insurance plan, Sen ator McCumbcr estimated, would Cost considerably' more. Advocates of the cash bonus, how ever, argued that the funds necessary under that plan would not be payable for two years and that by that time economies would be effected -which would relieve the strain ou the treas- ury. LLeague Council Takes , -. Up Disarmament ' Paris, Feb. 25. The resolutions of the -Geneva assembly of the league of nations regarding disarmament were' taken" up by the council of the league at today's session here. Par ticular aconsideration was given the assembly's recommendation that the powers limit their armament budgets for thetnexftwo years to amounts not exceeding those expended last year. The council's session today was a private one, but was not surrounded with the same degree of secrecv as yesterday's session, when the Amcri- j can note on mandates presumably was under consideration. T'urthcr consideration ot the American com- mumcation has been uostnoned pending the receipt oi instructions , by the members of the council from j their respective governments. ! Receiver Appointed for ! Birmingham & Atlantic 'Atlanta, Ga.. Feb. 2. Judge S. H. Sibley, in the federal court, today ap pointed President L. Bugg as re ceiver for the Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic railway. - The order was issued on petition ,of the Birming ham Trust and Savings company of Birmingham, Ala., which alleged that it held a npte for $90,000 due .March 7. which the road was unabc to pay. Wealthy Illinois Farmer And Wife Found Murdered Peoria, lit.. Feb. 25. Jarvc Giml rich, a wealthy Toulon farmer, and his wife, were found, dead iu their home near here by county officers. Gindrich had been killed evidently by a shotgun. His wife's head was crushed and her throat cut. Both were fully clor'icd. The assailants left t;o clew. Supreme Council Will Arbitrate in Smyrna Tangle Turkish Delegation Accepts Offer to Fix Status of Ob jective Country of Turks' and Greeks' War. Luiidon, Feb. 25. (By The Asso ciated Press.) The Turkish delega tions to the near east conference here accepted today the proffered arbitra tion of the supreme council as be tween Turkey and Greece in deter mining thcxstatus of -Smyrna and Thrace. Pr&w'er Kalogeropoulos of Greece appeared before the conference and expressed" surprise that the allies should suggest a commission of in quiry and a cessation of hostilities, which was one of the conditions of the offer. He said it would be a task of the greatest difficulty fot; the Greek government to halt the victori ous army in its advance. Neverthe less, he "would telegraph to the gov ernment in Athens and submit the proposals of the allies. t Employes at Juarez Join Mexican Strike; All Trains Guarded El P'aso, Tex., Feb. 25. Railroad men in Juarez have joined the strike on Mexican railroads. At noon to- day 300 workmen in Juarez walked out, leaving only 10 men employed in the yards and offices, according to city and railroad officials. Four men representing the director general of -Mexican railways, arrived in Juarez to try to negotiate with the strikers. The strikers announced they would follow an order from headquarters in Chihuahua City to avoid violence in trying to win the strike. Eagle Pass. Tex.. Feb. 25. Ap proximately 1.000 Mexican railway workers at Piedras Negras, Mex., joined the strike today. Conductors, telegraphers and firemen were said to have declined to join th? move ment. Mexican officials said trains were running, heavily guarded. Power Commission to Open Activities Without Delay Washington, Feb. 25. Former Senator Weeks of Massachusetts, ' w'10 as secretary of war in Presi- I dent Harding s cabinet, will be cnair- ! man of the federal power contmrs- sinn. said that the reorganized com mission would take up pending ap- plications tor power project soon after March 4. After that date the commission will be composed of the new secretaries of war, interior and agriculture. The present commission has before it several hundred ap plications and already has started in vestigation of' a number of them. The Weather Forecast. Saturdav fair; not much change i in temperature. t Hurly TmirraturrK. . n. ift . . ) a. m . . h. tM-. K a. ni . . 9 a. in . . 1(1 a. m . It a. in 1 1 noon . . si . i . . ... . .: ! I. . .:t l. n. . .At 4X i , p. m. M 4: i 1 p. m l ..IS i p. m i Nliiuptra' nullrlln. Protect litiwienU during the next il til 3H hour from triiipprKtur'ira fnlluus: .N'nrth ami "al. :;o tlegroes: ucJt. ij Broiw, Shipment. auut Ii van be made safely. - v THREE CENTS Boy Takes 8 772,000 From Bank Nationwide Search Started for 17-Year-Old Chicago Clerk I Who Escaped With Almost Million in Bonds. ; Known as Model Lad Uy Tim Viillf(l Trfss. I Chicago, Feb. 25. The police of i the nation were on the lookout to ' night for William Dalton, 17-jear-j old $05 a month bank clerk, whose ! alleged theft of $772,000 worth of I.ib ! city bonds yesterday from the Great ! Northern Trust company wai made ' known by hank officials today. ' Although Convinced that Dalton ; was hiding in the city, the police ; department telegraphed a descrip : tion of the bov all over the country 'with the inlVriifation that JI.NO'ii j would be paid for his arrest and .$25.0(1(1 for recovery of the bond--. Dalton i believed to have sc ; crcted the bonds all in large de I nominations- about his person when j he went out to lunch yesterday. He . had been sorting them' in a caa- and has not been seen since the noon hour. Second Large Theft. The theft -was the second1 in this -district recently jn which a youthful bank clerk figured, the other beintr at Ottawa. III., when a 19-ycar-old clerk named Cary, who received $u0 a month, attempted to steal nearlv $200,000, but was caught and th'e moncy recovered. This case started an attack by Senator Dial of South Carolina on Judge K. M. Laudi?, the senator taking exception to a statement 'the judge made from the bench that bank officials were partly responsible for the theft because they undcipaid clerks who were in responsible positions. Dalton was known in his neigh borhood as a quiet, home-loving church-poing boy, whose chief am bition was to become successful in business so that he could provide comforts lor his aged, widowed mother who was partly dependent upon him. Mrs. Dalton tonight - refused to discuss the case, but neighbors said that Willie Dalton, as they knew him. was in every way a model youth. He seldom -went out at night and his chief recreation was swimming, box ing and playing billiards at the Y. M. C. A., they said. In Line for Promotion. At the bank, Dalton was looked ou as one of the brightest boys in the institution and was in line for rapid promotion. He was promoted a few months ago with an increase in sal ary, but', .even with this promotion, it was largely accidental that he had an opportunity to steal the bonds. 'Ordinarily bank officials said Dal ton would not have had anything to do with the bonds. They were temporary ones, however, and it was planned to exchange them for permanent bonds yesterday. Daltcri and other yousg employes were given the task of sorting the securi ties. While his companions were not looking, it is believed the lad hid the bonds on his person and it was not until he failed to return from lunch that they were missed. The bonds had no coupons. They were of the 4 per cent, fourth is sue. Four were-tor $10,000 each, nine for $5,000 cachand the balance were in denominations of $1,000, $500, $100 and $50. Most of the loss is covered by insurance. Dalton has two sisters, both older thau he, and a younger brother. Prominent Attorney Held Under Mahn Act South Bend. Ind.. Feb. 25. John Talbot, supreme president, Order n; Owls,' and a prominent attorney in South Bend, was arrested on aii in-r dictment charging violation of the' Mann act and conspiracy. The information on which the m-i dictment was returned was furnished by Miss Pearl Bagley of Topeka, Kan., who claims she was lured to South Bend and then forced to sub mit to terrible practices. She claims that before she could escape from the Owl hospital, in which she al leges she was held and which she refers to as a "house of fear," Talbot and his emissaries had clipped hcr hair so as to prevent her escape. After her escape, shrf says, she appealed to the sheriff to lock her in jail for safety. Her request was granted. Utah Solon Would Prohibit Growing Tobacco in State Salt Lake City, Feb. 25. Follow ing the passage of the anti-cigaret bill in the Utah legislature yester day. Representative Seegmillcr to day announced tnat lie would pre- j s oui wiinin mc next lew aay calling for the prohibition of the growing, the manufacture or the sale of tobacco. The bill calls tor ai appropriation of $25,000 for the en forcement of the proposed act. 50 Auxiliary Police Arc Ambushed by 300 Armed Men Macroom, Ireland, Feb. 25. i Fifty auxiliary police, traveling m lorries, were ambushed between this fvilliage and Ba'.lyvourney this morr- I ing by 300 men. The ambushing ' party opened fire from the cover J cf rocks along the road, killing one policemar and wounding six. Th tight was still gcing on at latct re ports. j Found Guiltv of Murder South Bend, Wash.. Feb. 2S.-J. Fred Welch was found guilty of mur der in the first drgree i ii connection I with the explosion of the dredge j Beaver, near here, December 10. in 1 which tour Inc were Itfft . t V. : '','''