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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1920)
igARM AND RANCH LANDS (' Colorado Lands. ft.OO fcrx choice rew or improved Lin coinCc, Colo, lends. Bartaina, Eesy terms. S L-V-M!'r,r-. Arriba, Co lo. LAND! LAND! See or write me before J";1"' I naTe M reel beriatns. Bo ts do It Holyoaa, Cola. Kansas Lands I'OR SALE 8outhesetern Kiiiiiu taring, sll "lies, lowest prion, terms to suit. Farm Galea Co., Bo 144, Indeptndence, ! Klt"' YODEL 40; 15,600, 10, II wheat, T(0. I 11; bottom land; lS5r 10, JO wheat; . , Frank Emerson, Ottawa, Kan. Missouri Lands., BPRI.NO CREEK FARM 1:0 acres: planty or improvements; fruit. Corn mads 4 bushels par acre. Running watar. 13,10, eesy terms. B-SM. Mountain Vlaw. Me. Minnesota Lands. CORN LAND. 0 or ICS acrea; road heavy aoll; ell settled part of Todd county, Minns o tn ; good roads, achoola and churches. "Ill product food corn, oata, clover, po ' tatoca, etc. Price fit to I3J.60 per acre. Terms, It an acre caafc, balance tl an era a year: 5.000 acrea to select from. SCHWAB BROS.. t02 Plymouth Bid,, Minneapolis Minn. Nebraska Lands. Improved Corn and Alfalfa Farms, . Possession at Once. 144 acrea, mtlea from Of alalia; SU miles from Brule. In the Platte Valley; Ilea level; very best of aoll; 135 acrea under plow. Including: 60 acrea alfalfa. which cuts 176 tone per seaaon; balance the beat of pasture; 110,000 worth of improvement; nearly new; price, 1140 per acre; fit, 000 cash; balance food terms; one mile to school. No. J 10 seres, Buffalo county; two miles to town; all the -verv best of black loam aoll; (0 acrea under ps)w; Ilea level to fently rolling; balance the best of rolling pnature, with running water, that never freezes or foes dry; plenty of fine timber; Ideal feeding place; good improvements: less than one mile to school; price, 1110 per acre; $6,000 cash; balance good terma. No. i 210 acrea Merrick county, In the Platte Valley; 3 miles from town on Lincoln Highway; 110 acres under plow; balance the very beet of pasture and hay laud; every foot can be farmed; good black loam aoll; food Improve ments, surrounded by a fine grove ot shade treea; one-half mile to school; prlee, $165 per acre; 8,000 cash; bal ance good terma. See Larson Car raher. Central City, Neb. Phone 25. CORN BELT FARMS If Tuu Are Interested In A Farm Send for Free Catalog of Quality Farms Wood Bros. Companies 132 South 13th St., Lincoln, Neb. CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS IMPROVED: IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA at the rlRht price. Write for lilt. LARSON A CARRAHER, Central City. Nebraska. WRITE me for plcturea and prices of my farms end ranches In good old Dawes Co. Arab L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neh. For Neb. Farms and Ranches see Graham-Peters Realty Co;. Oraihs Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. ArA.PATZM,N. Farms. 301 K a roach Blki New York Lands. New York.. Gates of Opportunity Open for You, Oood Buildings On All, 20 cows, team, tools, 137 ncres. $3,(00 with 11.500 rash, (200 yearly; 10 cows, team, tools, 60 acres, $4,200 with $1,200 cash, $100 yearly; $ rows, 79 acres. $3,400. 60 acrea river front, $3,600; 7 rows, team, tools. 64 aoTes, $4,600 with $700 cash, $n)0 yearly; 604 acres, $11, 000. VWrlta for photos. r T5. MUNSON. 2420 S. Sallna St.. Syracuse, N. Y. , 164 ACRES, one mile from high school, station, condensary, churches, gently sloping:, clay loam soil, 40 acrea valuable timber; good buildings, well watered, abundance fruit; Including hay. straw, 14 head rattle, team and farm equip ment; price. $7,600: $2,500 cash. Ellla Bron. Inc. Sprlngvllle, N. Y. Oregon Lands. ORHOON LANDS offer homes and profit able Investments to you. Mtlti climate, productive soils, educational facilities un surpassed. Write for full information in book form. Miller & "Walter, Cor vallls. Ore. South Dakota Lands. Possession March 1. For Sale Best farm bargain In Min nehaha county; 160 acres, well Im proved, new buildings; 6 miles from town; easy terms of payment if sold quick j price only $250 per acre. Write, phone or-call F. & WHITEHOUSE & Co., Sioux Falls, S. D. IF YOU want corn and alfalfa land that will pay you big Interest on your money, then I have just what you are looking for. Write John Pusey Land Co., Miller, B. P. FOR LAND In Hughes and Sully counties, a D call or write E. 8. Wilson, Al cester. 8. ID. TOP NOTCH FARMING In South Dakota; the state that produces greatest p!r capita yield of crops; land all ready fr the nlow at low prices. Come now, while the opportunity is big. Write todny lor particulars to State Immi gration Department. Charles MrCaffree, Commissioner, Capitol, Q.-81, Pierre. Wisconsin Lands. JbANDOLOOY. a magaslne giving the facts In regard to the land situation. Three months' subscription free. If for a home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands, simply write mo a letter and say, "Mall me LANDOLOGT and all particu lars free." Address Editor, Landology, Skidmore Land Co., 433 Skidmore Bldg., Marinette, Wis. FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans,, Mortgages. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN COMPANY. Doug. 422$. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate. Interest payable semi-annually. W, H. THOMAS A 8QN. 328 Keellne Bldg. Omaha homes east. neb. faITHS, O'KEatf'B REAL ESTATE CO. 1018 Om, Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dou. 2713. " PRIVATE MONEY. $101 to $10,000 msde promutly. r. P. WRAP, Weed Bldg. 310 8. 18th St DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1614 Dodge D. 6619. Ba. 1194. FARM and city loans. E. H. LOUQEE. INC.. t?8 Keellne Bldg. t. E. BUCK. Loans." 423 Omaha Nat Iincome Tax. SAVE MONEY. WE SOLVE YOUR INCOME TAX WRITE BOX A-37. OMAHA BEB. Stocks and Bands. SAFE INVESTMENT. Wanted $1,000 loan on $3,00 freter nal lnaurance policy. Man wishing to make loan la beneficiary. Face of policy will come to beneficiary upon death ot Insured, who la 61 years eld and tn poor health. Will arrange mattersso that entire $2,000 will be paid to note holder upon death of Insured, and will keep up premiums In Insurance. Chance to make from $500 to $1.00$ la short time. Address Bee. Box M-3. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Ve HAVE served the Omaha publlo In bnylng and selling real eatate for ever Si years. We have many calls now for homes. List your property with as. We will serve voi to your best interests. cCague Investment Co. '111 Day caah for good all or seven' room home. Must be well located and priced right. Reply giving full de scription. X - Box T-8, Omaha Bee. HAVE $1,000 CASH to pay as first payment on modern alt or seven -room home, not too far from car or school; give full description and best price A-48. Omaha Bee. - i?B can sell your 6. or 7-room bungalow or bouse. List with us tor results. IWniDt lnaneetion. Osborne Realty Company 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler . : CAN pay cash It the price Is right for a five or six-room modern cottage er bungalow, would prefer to be on payed atreet ana not over iwo oiocas le car, Address. A-43. omana Bee, fro bur or sell Omaha Real Eatate see FOOLER & McDONALD 1130 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 343$. i HAVR S6S cash and can pay $30 ' monthly on a five-room cottage or bungalow. Aaotess, umana nee. "WANTED Property in north part of , town. Call or write. J. Levins. 170$ N. !h Bt Wen. 4114 JgVAXT S toJ-room house from owner on gyteeats. Tyler 173 er Webster 441. BRINGING UP 41T THA.T OOP US HIIa WEEK (5) 1SSO ev Itt. rsitues Ssavies. REAL ESTATE WANTED W'R have buyers waiting. List with EDWARD WILLIAMS CO., 103 Omaha National Bk. Bldg. B'K HAVE cash buyers for cottages and bungalows nicely located. Shrlver. 1047 9 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 163 6. REALESTATE and at kinds of lnasTanes! UERMAN8EN CO. 743 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. I HAVE a good vacant lot worth 11,000 to trade for new Ford Sedan. Box A-41, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED. "West 7 Bargain in 2 Lots 37th and Flnkney Sts., with sewer In ahd paid; very sightly; $660 for both; 60 cash, balance 3D monthly. Phone D. 2181 ct'MINU Near Sith St., 44x125; muai be sold to clcso an estate. ' C. A. Orlmmel, mnana inbi. xsanw fling, LOT 60x1 6I, near Dundee. Must sacri fice. Will take car us part payment. Webster 430. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. FOR SALE Farnam Street Lease Storeroom located between 20th and 24th St. on the north aide of Farnam. Can be used for auto salesroom with large service room and entrance In rear. Paved alley. For further information, call GEORGE & COMPANY, REALTORS. Tyler 3024. 303 City Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE. Three'story brick building, full cor ner lot In wholesale district. Possession It wanted. DUMONT & CO. 411 Keellhe Bldg. Phone Doug. 60. INCOME FOR LAND. We have 11 houses listed in- Omaha. Owner wants land. 8. 8. R, E. MONTGOMERY, lis OI National GET OUR PRICES ON SOUTH WEST TEXAS OIL AND GAS LEASES FORM 88, 5-YEAR GUARANTEED TITLES. THE WALKER COMPANY, SAN ANTONIO, TEX., 226-227 Bedell Building. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Mo. FO RSALE OR EXCHANGE Modem brick apartment, 24 rooms, very tlose In, on car line and paved street; always well rented: trade for good acreage or other good property. Price, $16,000. Equity, iv.iMiu. lorras yu, umana nee. Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. LOVELY BENSON BUY Three big rooms, finished in oak downstairs; with splendid lighting fix tures; living room across wholo south front of house and nice oak stairs to 2 nice, big airy, bedrooms and bath up stairs. Fine cement basement with out elde entrance. Lots of shade and fruit and Ih one ci the nicest locations; close to school and car. Real value at $4,600, , $1,000 cash. , SHOPEN & CO. D. 4228. Keellne Bldg. Council Bluffs. 4 ACRES tn Council Bluffs. One mile from Omaha car line. Rich, well-drained and level. Can be bought for $1,400. Terms, U cash; balance to suit buyer. MoOee REAL ESTATE CO., 10$ Pearl Pt Council Blnffft Is. Dundee. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION On All of These Three Dundee Homes $ 9,000--$2,500 cash, buys this dandy south front house, nicely located, built within the last four years. Downstairs is living room, -with fire place, dining room, den and kitchen, with built-in fea tures. Upstairs are three nice bedrooms and sleeping porch. Downstairs the floors and finish are oak, and upstairs the floors are . oak and the finish is white enameled. The orooertv is in first-class condition. The owner is leaving the city nnd wants to sell at once. $13,500 This fine Dundee home, lo cated on Calitornia street, in one of the best resident sections of Dundee. House is well built, first-class in every respect. On the first floor are big living room, with fireplace, nice Dig din ing room, sun parlor, and kitchen; also lavatory. Up stairs are three nice bed rooms and sleeping porch. goodS-sized bath room, and clothes chute. Big base ment, new Rudd heater, in . basement, and thermostat; and all the other conveni ences that go to make up a first-class home. Beauti ful yard and plenty shrub bery, etc. Big double gar age, with full cemented , driveway. . This js one of the best buys in Dundee for the money, and wexan give voji immediate possession. $ 9,000 Buys this all modern 7 room house, big double . garage; located in a good section of Dundee. Prop erty .is now vacant, and in first-class condition. Call Douglas 96. and we will be glad to show you this property. Evenings call T. R. McCarville, Harney 4655; O. F. Sulley, Harney 7199. J. J. MULVIHILL SOS Brandels Thea. Bldg. Phone. Doug. 33. BEST VALUE IN DUNDEE .lust listed this good C-room house, having living room, dining room, but ler's pantry, kitchen on first .floor; S nice bedrooms end bath on second floor; excellent location; possession at once. This Is a real snap and will require Sjuick acUon. Price $8,700; H cash. D. V. SHOLES CO. REALTORS Douglas $. sit-if City NaUenal Bk. Bail. JAf Ifi I TiniLC eWVl I FATHER , IWT Ht A DARLING "t CHGKF WANTS TO TAKE CARE OF FOR A, WHILE Inc. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE HOMES PRICED TO SELL 304 South 50th Ave. TmmoUlute posaeaslon; new 8-rm. Col onial; 2-car garage will be built, S. W. Cor. 50th and Davenport Immediate possession, 7 rooms, mod ern; oil burner; 2-car garage; choice corner lot, abundance of shade and shrubbery S. W. Cor.61st and Cuming Nearly new 3-story and attic, 8-room Colonial; 3 bathrooms, beautifully dec orated; lr. perfect condition; lot. lOOx 135 ft. Quick possession. FOWLER i&M'DONALD REALTORS. Doug. 1 4L'C. 1120 City Nat. Bank Bldg. We specialize In Dundee homes. C. B. STUHJ CO.. $12-14 City National. Douglas 8787. South Side. FOR SALE Five room house, all modern, 4201 So. 21st St. Call So. 14-5. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. BRAND NEW Two-story, six-room house, frame construction. Large living room, fine paneled dining room and white enamel kitchen on first floor. Upstairs has three corner bedrooms, beautifully finished in enamel with birch mahogany doors. Downstairs finely finished in oak; tastily decorated through out. Fine location, close to car, school and country club. Large lot, 50x226 feet. A snap at $8,500. Shown by appointment. Call owner, Walnut 1580. WEST FARNAM, $10,500 An extra well built home on Dodge St., near 35th; four large rooms on the first floor; four good bedrooms 2d floor and at tic finished; oak and white enamel finish; fireplace; built for a home and kept in excellent condition; full south front lot with gatage. Possession Anril 1. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, Doug. 2850. 918-20 City National. FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW Nearly new, strictly modern, coxy and comfortable, lot 60x150, south front. Must be seen lo be appreciated. 4&1S Lafayette. Price $3,500. Terms If de sired. W. Farnam Smith & Co. Douirlas 664. 1S20 Farnam Ft. WALKINO DISTANCE 34TII AND JACKSON STREETS. 7-room. oak finish, hot water heat, lnrge lot and garage: complete in all details. Extra good buy at the price, (3.000. For appointment call Walnut 4680, or C. C. BEAVER CO.. 760 Omaha Nat. Bunk. Doug. 2450. OMAHA Ben. i Estate and Investments. J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandels Theat. Doug. 90. WE hsve cash buyers for West Farnam and Dundee homes.s 'Phone Douglas 5074 and we will call nnd Inspect your ornperty. ShUler & Carv 4134 ER8KINE ST. 6 rooms, all modern; nearly new; largo garage; large lot; a real bargain at $3,400; terms. WBflTERN REAL ESTATE CO., Karhach Blk, Douglas 3607. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. - JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Tyler 4830. For good homes on good terms, OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Be- Bldg; Tler 496. 4133 FRANKLIN. 4-room bouse, 2 lots; fine for garden; $200 cash, $15 per mo. . Cretgh. 608 Bee Bldg.. Doug. 200. J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Invest ments. 442 Bee Bldg.. Douglas 8097. BENSON MEYERS CO.. 424 Oin. Nat'l. North. 41ST ANlTHAMILTON 7-room, full 2-story strictly modern house; 3 nice rooms and reception hall on (the first floor; 4 bedrooms and bath on the second; full cement basement, furnace heat; large east front corner lot on paved street; owner, an out-of-town resident, has authorized us to sell this for $5,800; $1,500 down and balance monthly. This is a real snap for the monev. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1781. NIFTY SEMI BUNGALOW Just being completed; Elastica stucco construction; five fine light rooms; nicely finished in oak enamel; will be up to the minute in every respect; high, sightly lo cation in Montclair Addition; close to car; paved street; paving paid; could not be duplicated for anywhere near the price; $7,000; shown by appointment. Call Mr. - Benson, Wal. 1580 evenings; Ty ler 3540 days. HOUSES FOR SALE EASY-TERMS One 8-room close In modern, except heat, $3,500. - v One 8-room close In, modern, hot wa ter heat $4,000. One 8-room near ontenelle park, hot water heat, corner lot shade and fruit trees. $3,600. N One 4-room nesr Fontenslle park, modern except heat. (3.200. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery Dnuglns 1313. Walnut 2136. DANDY BUNGALOW 6 ROOMS $5,000 . Strictly modern, oak jtmlsh, nice light rooms. lariKnin, bath and sun room, nice floored attic, fine large'cemented base ment; a real home; hot-water heat; best system; house Is just like new; paved street: ifear car line; shown only by. appointment: CUtton Hill. : Prloe $5,000; terms $2,500. (Auto service.) . . D. E. BUCK A CO., V REALTORS. 44$ Omaha Nat. Sank. foug. $101. ft THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3. 1920. Se Page REALESTATE IMPROVED." North. HERE IT IS REAL BUNGALOW Strictly modern, exceptionally well built, S-room brick bungalow; large liv ing room with fireplace; nicely finished throughout; 3 nice lots; ground 120x120 feer; grapes, fruit trees and berries; location 4049 North 36th Ave. Shown only by appointment; auto service. Price only $4,760. Terms $2,600 cash. D. E. BUCK & CO., REALTORS. ' 442 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 2000. Six-Room Modern House Having reception hall, living room. ainmg -room; very handy kitchen and one sleeping room on flrstoor; two aleepins rooms and bath on second floor; good basement, furnace heat; lot 44x 3 34, at 2S67 Bristol St A good home ior somi one. W. H. GATES 147 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 1294 Near 33rd and Franklin $4,750 Six rooms nnd bath, strictly modern, Ms lot DOxllM. Bi snap for quick sale. Osborne Realty Company 430 Bee Pldg. Tyler 498. NIFTY BUNGALOW PRICE $6,000 Five rooms and bath', oak finish, press brick foundation; garage; corner lot, 42x105 Osborne Realty Company 430 Bee Bids Tyler 49 CLAIRMONT BUNGALOW VACANT. All rooms extra large and well arranged;- oak finish: fully modern; just decorated and painted; large lot; paved St. A real snap at $5,750; about $1,600 cash. RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. ' Tyler 721 . Mitchell Investment Co. Twenty-fourth and Ames. Phone Col fax 217. Offers personal and experienced serv ice in the management of property, e lther as rental or sales agenta Near Sacred Heart Churcfi Price Only $4,500 Seven rooms and bath, strictly mod ern, extra fine garage; snap for quick sale. Osborne Realty Company St) Bee Mldjr. Tyler 490. A NICE H0MEN 4143 Erskine St., all modern cottage, 5 rooms and bath on first floor, large Htore room upstairs. New furnace, beautiful lightiiifr fixtures. .Large lot, lawn, hedgp, shrubbery, cherries, straw berries and asparagus. Larue Qhlcken bouse and run. Kxceptlonal value. Call Owner, Walnut 1280. BUY NOW-$5,250. Dandy six-room strictly modern house, corner lot opposite Koyntze Park. Birch finish down stairs; three bedrooms and bath upstairs. Full basement Big bar gain at price. Doug. 1533. W. T. Oraham. 604 Bee Bldg. SPECIAL PRICE. Attractive eight-room house facing Kountze Park. Newly decorated. Full lot, 50x124. Strictly modern and la best condition. $2,000 will handle. Doug. 1533. W. T. Oraham. 604 Bee Bldg. FOR SALE 609 and 611 N. 18th St.. two 8 rooms and one 4 rooms; rented for $65 per month; always rented; priced to sell at $i.25o. I. N. Hammond, room SO 5, Brandels Theater. MILLER PARK bungalow; 6 rooms and bath: all oak finish; floors quarter sawed; flreplacs, French doors, etc.; 2 years old; east front; big snap for cash at $5,500. Douglas 1734. ALL modern, '6 rooms, south front, 2 bhtfka to 24th atreet car line. Price, $4,000, $2,000 cash. May take little loss. For appointment call A. Davis. Webster 839. ALL mod, 6-r. bungalow, east front cor. lot, close to oar line and school; ready to mevo in. $5,000 $1,500 cash. D. 1734, days: Col. 1835, nights. FINE LOCATION, 6562 Florence Blvd.; BHl modern, 6-room, oak finish, bulU-ln features. For appointment call Web ster 331. BRICK and stnue bungalow, nearly now. All oak, fireplace, French doors. Worth $7,000. Sacrifice. $6.600. Douglas 1734. 1614 Bt'RDETT ST. 6 rooms, all modern; oak finish; large attic; one-half block to snerman Are, car line; only $4.&oo, Karhach Blk. Douglas 3607. A FEW homes and lota for sale in Park wood Addition; a safe plao Invest ment. Norris & Noma. Doug. . 3425 PARKER street, good 6-room cottage, modern except furnace. Corner lot, (Ox 68. Webster 3537. YOUNG & DOHERTT. " REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 322 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 1761. MINNE LUSA homes and lota offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. 'Phone Tyler 187. FOR quick results list with Benjamin A Frankinberg, 624 Bee Bldg. Douglas 722. South. DUPLEX BRICK APARTMENT HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT A most attractive building, hav ing two apartments, one eight 1 rooms and one nine rooms; nearly new; finished in very finest ma terials, such as quarter sawed oak, birch, etc.; corner lot; one block to Hanscom Park car, A snap at $15,000. THE BYRON REED CO. Doug. 297. 1612 Farnam St. A Better Home Bargain Immediate Possession . Six rooms, all modern, oak finish, In fine condition, dandy basement, walk ing distance. Convenient to car, school and church. Paving paid. In Hanscom park district. Act quick. This will not Jast. $1,000 down will handle. Call Douglas 4870. Miscellaneous. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW ACRE OF GROUND $5,500 A very fine house, with two bedrooms and bath. living room, dining room and kitchen; furnace heat; apples, cherries, grapes, gooseberries,, strawberries, cur rants snd asparagus on place. $3,600.00 cash will handle. K WALSH-ELMER CO. Tyler 1(36. 333 Securities Bldg. STORE AND LIVING s ROOMS With some store fixtures. Must be sold to settle estate. Good location at entrance to Htvervtew park. Large il.."101 "'beyard and fruits. Pries $2,500. W. Farnam Smith & Co. Douglas 1(4. ... i$ raraam St - . 1 n m . ' . 2 . - ' i ' Jifga and Magg-i in Pull of Colors in The Sunday Bee.' AT THE THEATERS Y: OU recall the old song "There's never a law of God or man runs north of 53?" It's all wrong, a soft-spoken Jesuit priest in his Hack soutane and shevel hat repre sents the one and a burly Irish troop er in the scarlet jacket of the "R. N. YV. M. P." represents the other, and between the two they not only sur round the murderer, but they per plex the soul of the little girl until she agrees to give over the wild faith of her young life and learn the catechism. This all comes out in the unfolding of the tale that in volves Bruce Norton and Rose Bo cion. He is a young engineer, oe of the gang that is building a rail road through the great northwest timber country, in which she has been raised with only such restraints as may be found at a Hudson Bay company's trading post. She is beautiful, untutored, primitively pas sionate, and when the man she loves tries to escape the pursuit of the famous Canadian police force, she helps him and involves the whole thing in a considerable snarl. The way out is indicated, rather than enacted, but the vague impression is left that they will live happily ever alter. This all takes place in "Tiger Rose, the Willard Mack melodrama which David Belasco has elaborately mounted and sent to us for a very short stay at the Brandeis theater, where it was welcomed last night. Miss Maria Ascaraga, unknown to local fame, gives virile life to the role of the girl. She is capricious, willful, disingenuous, artless and sophisti cated almost all at once. And final ly, when she pits her own straight way of thinking against the logic ot the strong men around her she shows her helplessness in her grief and m no other portion of her work does she give a more satisfactory reason tor Mr. Belasco s having en gaged her for the role. Bernard J. McOwen plays the role of Michael Devlin, the redcoated minion of the law, with excellent judgment. His little temptation to strut in presence of the Eirl he loves is a fine bit of acting, just the bit of masculine vanity by which it is hoped to attract the coy female. This is well set off against the exhibition of the sleuth on the trial and the ot ficer of the law, whose oath and duty held him closer than any other nhliantinn nr inrlinntinn Th far- jtbr, the doctor, the young engineer, the visitor from the state, the half- breed fiddler and the old padre are all well presented. Among other scenic triumps. Mr. Belasco provides a rainstorm that would make an Albertan feel at home. It compares only with -the well-remembered storm Harrison Grey Fiske provided in "Mary of Magdala," which is very near the acme of stage realism in the line. The play will be presented again this evening. "Alert to all that is new in the contemporaneous theater it is easy to understand why David Belasco gave Captain Edward Knoblock's widely discussed drama 'Tiger! Tiger!" writes Laurence Reamer in a recent issue of the New York Eve ning Sun. It will be the first appar ance in Omaha Tuesday and Wednes day nights, March 16 and 17, with mafince St. Patrick's day, Wednes day, of the favorite BelaSco artist, Frances Starr, in several seasons. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. FOUR ROOMS 2 Lots Easy Terms Brand new four-room, home, having city water, electric lights, complete plumbing, furnace, ce mented basement, etc., and two and one-half lots, nearly half acre. East front; possession at once. A mighty good place for chick ens and garden. Small cash pay ment, balance monthly. Call Douglas 7412. Ask for Mr. Grant. GRAB THIS A fine home facing Field club. Very substantially built by present owner, who la a contractor; four rooms down stairs. Including sun room; four nice bedrooms upstairs; oak floors through out; osk finish down, white enamel up; full basement with laundry tubs, fruit room, etc.; good hot air furnace; double garage; full lot and a fine view. Price $9,500; terms. HERMANSEN & CO., . 748 Omaha Nat. Bldg. Douglas 718S. FOR SALF 9-room strictly modern home. Splondld lot with south and west front Oarage, larae shade trees, orna mental fence and an all around Ideal place for children. Screened sleeping porch, paved streets and parochial schools. A wonderful value at the low price of $(,600. Morearty & Conboy, TyW 4677 Doug. 8841. Web. 6158. $4,500 Bargain Two blocks from Burgess-Nash Co., ( rooms, all modern; y, cash; balance, long time. , . P. J. TEBBENS CO. 605 Omaha Nat BK. Doug. 2185. FOR 8ALE Modern home on outskirt: 2 acres, well-improved; electric-driven ump; large chloken house, garage, barn; 7-room modern house, full base ment, furnace, electrlo lights and water system. An Ideal place for anyone seeking a home with country environ- nients. Price $7,500. Call Douglas 6762. A BARGAIN 5 rooms, all modern bunga - lows oak finish; panel wall in dining room; floored attic; full slxe brick and cement basement; garage; large corner lot and hedge. Price $4,000; terms. WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO.. Karbach Block. Douglas S$0T. Ws Have Property for Rent or Sale, AMERICAN SECURITY CO. K. W. Cor 18th and Pod re. Dour. 601 1 BlRKETT & CO. ft! "sSIS ells. rente and Insures. Jr.fl Bee Bid. Douglas . 3. e and 5-room houses on easy terma, tor colored... A. J, Davis, Webster $. TUiSmyom FILMLAND "PHOTO 'PlAY GFFER.INGJ FOR TODAY SHE was just a little girl, a pa thetic, tremulous little thing. People called her -"little Miss Yes'm." Her father was a peddler and when he died 6he and her mother drove alone in the peddler's wagon; just waiting, waiting and waiting until ,at last her mother answered the Great Call and this little girl was left alone in the world .without money or friends, un til she found refuge with a poverty stricken farmer's family. Thus is Lillian Gish introduced in Dr. D. W. Griffith's latest pro duction, "The Greatest Question," a film story offered movie fans at the Rialto theatre. i f Did a Kindly Providence watch over this little girl? Were the pray ers of a devoted mother answered when the call to arms took away the sole support of the family?. Griffith answers these questions by going on record with an everlasting response to "The Greatest Ques tion." Moon Girls girls. Not the fa miliar bathing beauties nor those of musical comedy variety, but girls, lovable, kissable girls are the' fea ture of "The Beloved Cheater," a photo-production starring Lew Cody at tlis "Moon theater this week. "The Beloved Cheater" has a twist that will keep you guessing from the very first scene to the unexpected climax. Strand "Double Speed," the auto week offeriug at the Strand theater is attracting large numbers to this theater both during the after noon and evening showings The story concerns "Speed" Carr, a wealthy young "live wire," who on an auto tour from Mew York to Los Angeles is robbed of every thing and obliged to take a lift into the latter city from a friendly farmer. All sorts of complications follow, but of course, it all turns out happily for "Speed" and the girl. Sun In Bert Lytell's latest star ring vehicle. "The Right of Way," the court room scene, the initial dramatic incident in the story, has been reproduced faithfully in ac cordance with the arrangemenf and procedure of a Canadian tribunal of justice. Here "Beauty inteele (nlaved bv Mr. Lyteli), persuaaes the jury from what seemed certain conviction of guilt to acquittal. At the height of Steele's triihnph the accused comes to thank him, but is waved awav. "Out of my sight, you're guiHy as hell!" 'Steele ex claims. ' Muse In "The Tone Man," showing at the Muse today and Thursday, Sessue Hayakawa, the Nipponese star and master delinea tor of oriental roles, is seen as a highbinder and hatchetman of the Bo Sins lornr. the Chinese secret n..'l... Tl,. f rt.VVrvnn e In n le-sr of Chinatown in San Francisco, and loses no time in getting into fast action when Jack Abbe, as a Lascar sailor, who has been cheated at cards, hurls a knife into the back of a flying tard-shark. ? Empress No motion picture en- Thunderous Blasting Of Boyd Theater Walls Resounds Over Omaha Many phone calls were answered at the police station last night in quiring about the explosions which took place between 10 and 12. The thunderous noises were heard in all parts, of the city. , investigation oy ponce revealed that workmen in tearinir down the old Boyd theater were blasting the walls, still standing at the corner of Seventeenth and Harney streets. Dynamite was used and the wofk continued until about midnight. Mercury Starts to Skid; Rain or Snow, Welsh Says Weather Forecaster L. A. Welsh assumed the role of killjoy yester day with an announcement Umana was not to continue to enjoy balmy springtime. March will exhibit its fickle char acter today with skidding tempera tures and ram or snow, he predict ed. Trouble started, he said, mjtvest- ern Canada, where, temperatures down to 18 below zero Were report ed. The disturbance, moving south ward, brought zero weather to North Dakota and is speeding in this direction, he reported. Mrs. G oldie Freiden Dies After 40 Years in Omaha Announcement was made last night of the death at 6:30 of Mrs. Goldie Freiden, 90 years old, at 2504 Charles street. Mrs. Frei den leaves three daughters and one son, 18 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Funeral will held at 2 from the above number, bun'al in Golden Hill cemetery. Mrs. Freider came direct to Omaha from Russia 40 years ago. Delegates of A.O.U.W. Lodges To Meet Next Wednesday Delegates from the various lodVes of the .Ancient Order of United Workmen will meet, at the A. O. U. W. temple in Omaha next Wednesday at 8 p; m. A reoresenta. tive of the grand lodge will be pres et, , . Drawn for The Bee by'McManus Copyright. 120 International News Service Neighborhood Houses DIAMOND 24th and Ike -FRANCIS M' DONALD I "TONY AMER ICA;" Pathe News snd comedy. HAMILTON 40th and Hamilton WILLIAM FARNUM In "THE MAN HUNTER;" also Mutt and Jeft comedy. 0 RAND 16th nnd Blnney BESSIE LOVE In "CUPID FORECLOSES." and PEARL WHITE In "THE BLACK SECRET," chapter 10. gagement in this city in many sea sons has proved so successful and so entirely satisfactory as Miss Shir ley Mason in "Her Elephant Man," the William Fox croduction that closes its run at the Empress the ater today. The verdict here is that "Her Elephant Man" is the best circus picture ever presented to local audiences. The demand for seats at the Gay- ety "garage" is surpassing all previ ous efforts to obtain sittings in the touring car with "The Auto Girls," who are burning up the road as far as fun r.nd melody is concerned. Frank Huntr is seen in two char acterizations'Italian and black face. Matinee daily at 2:15.-' Seats should be secured in advance. -X Archie Vincent and Eleanor Ray mond offer a sonr and dialogue conceit, "Names Don't Count,'' as cue of the interesting contributions to the bill at the' Empress. Galletti's Animal Circus, which provides the stellar attraction, is exceptionally pleasing to the children. The ani mals give an exhibition that is most entertaining and interesting "'How does he do it?" is a question that is being asked by Orpheum audiences this week, as the result of the remarkable celerity with which Doc Baker makes his costume changes. He is assisted by the win some soubrette Polly Walker, and also by the eccentric dancers, Bud and Jack Pearson. In 4he charming song trio, Polly, Oz and Chick, the feminine .member is both winsome and immensely entertaining. The two featured acts include the one act play, "Morning Grory," and also the combined musical and dancing act contributed by Ernest Evans and four charming girls. Patrons of the Brandeis will have an opportunity of seeing "A Daugh ter of the Sun," which comes for three days, starting tomorrow night The scenes are laid in the Hawaiian Islands and the scenes, and lighting effects are of a mdst imposing character. The cast is a meritorious one. Julia Sanderson and Joseph Caw thron, in Charles Dillingham's new musical comedy, "The Canary," come t6 the Brandeis for five nights commencing Sunday night. In addi tion to the charm of Miss Sander son and the fun of Cawthorn, there are Doyle and Dixrw, , eccentric dancers; Maude Eburne, one of the best comediennes in musical comedy, a large cast, chorus and the famous Broadway "Johnnies." ' 37 Radicals In "Manifesto" Demand Cases Be Settled Youngstown, O., March 2. In a third "manifesto" issued today the 37 alleged radicals imprisoned here demand action on their cases and lask that they be either freed or de ported. The prisoners request that if it is impracticable to deport them to theif native lands that they be sent to Russia. Federal agents said all had been found members of the communist-party and they could ob tain liberty on $1,000. bond. The prisoners replied they signed com munist pledges"in ignorance" and are without money to secure re lease. ' Arrest Six Men in Ford Car Without License Tag Six arrests were made late yester day afternoon by Detectives Francl and Heller, .vho picked up Bernard Smith, John and Henry Budweiser, Toe Gifrord and Louis Le Roy, all of Sioux City, la. The six men were in a Ford car at Sixteenth and Chicago streets and were unable to explain where they got it. No license number was on the car. - Chicago Officer Comes to Get Couple Arrested Here Otto Carroll and Anna Kerstein, both of Chicago, were arrested last night at the Elms hotel by Inspector Patullo and Detective Robert Samar dick and booked for investigation. The arrest, according to police, was made on information from Chi cago police, who want the two for alleged crimes in that city. An of ficer arrived last night to take the two back to Chicago. Police Arrest Five Men . On Charges of Vagrancy E. C. Oakley, 2015 North Twenty third street; George McDermott, 2530 Davenport street Pat Carroll, 2878 Binney street; Charles Belan gert 277 North Twenty-eigTith street, and H. Ashmussen of East Omaha were arrested last night by Detec tives Heller and Francl, charged with vagrancy. Bond was set at $100 and was fur nished by all except fat Carroll. IT MANITOBA GETS i MANY ILLINOIS! FARMJWNER? Roseate Pictures Painted ot. Canadian West Causing Exodus From Ameri . can Land. . Blooiutngton, III., March 2. (By Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.) Painting an alluring picture of agricultural prospects of Man itoba, agents of the Canadian gov ernment have been at work among tenant farmers of central Illinois during the last winter and have per suaded a large number of them that the land all but flows with milk and hone. 1 Attractive figures for rent and roseate assurances of huge yield have had their effect, and a special train will 'start from this section on ' Wednesday, with Brandon, Mani toba, as the objective point. From that city the prospectors will scatter to various parts of the province. The special will be made up of 42 cars of household goods, implements for farming, and live stock. High Land Price Blamed. Inquiry as to the cause for this exodus develops that the high price of central Illinois' farm land is largely responsible. Values have as sumed staggering proportions since the war. Ordinary farms that were regarded as worth $200 to $250 an acre before the. war, now are being sold all the way from $306 to $400 an acre, while tracts with extra . choice improvements are bringing $500 to $600. Owners of this land with sudden inflated values are naturally ask ing higher rental. Some of tne ten ants are remaining, while many oth ers are seeking new locations in Iowa and the other states of the northwest, while a number arese lecting Canada. Canada Finances Trip. The special to move March 3, is being financed by the Canadian gov ernment, according to report. Agents of that government have made all the arrangements' for the transpor tation. . Central Illinois land owners are agreed that the vacated farms will- e snapped up by other tenants and mat tne departure win nave no seri ous effects. They maintain that the higher prices received for live stock and all other farm products wai rant higher rental, and that tenants will find their profits fully as great this year as in the past. They further aver that the well known record of central Illinois for scarcity of crop failures is being overlooked by those who are emi grating. They believe that most of the wanderers will return. Capt. Overton, Pioneer r Steamboat Captain, Dies at Advanced Age Capt A. Overton, 88 years old, pioneer Missouri river navigator and an ordained minister in the Metho- -dist church, died Monday night fol lowing six weeks' illness at hi home, 1320 Avenue A, Council Bluffs. - Captain Overton ran away from home when he was 18 years old and obtained work upon a Mississippi river boat as bootblack. A. few years later he was in command of the same craft. In the late '50s he , made his first trip upon the Mis souri river, carrying members of the . Missouri legislature from St. Louis f to Jefferson. v - The captain purchased his first boat in 1862, the Emma, which sank between Council Bluffs and Sioux City. Three more boats were pur chased within the next few years, " but each met with misfortune, caus- . ing Captain Overton to give up navi gation. t,. He established a lumber yard in Council Bluffs and operated it until he Went to Missouri and was or- . daihed a minister in the Methodist church. He returned to Council Bluffs and established a mission. Captain Overton is survived by two daughters and three sons. Former President Taft, to Speak at Bluffs April s As part of the campaign v being y waged against radicalism by the Northwest Warriors' committee, William Howard Taft, former presi dent, will ispeak upon "American ization" at the Auditorium m Coun cil Bluffs the afternoon of April 3. A branch of the Warriors' asso ciation is bemg organized here by Phil Trochtenberg. Its members pledge themselves to combat bol shevism, I. W. W.ism and socialism. A feature of its activities consists of meeting the red agitators in direct, debate on street corners and in mass , meetings. J. W, Bryant, chairman of the ex ecutive committee, will address members of the Chamber of Com merce and Rotary clubs in the city Death From Wood Alcohol Is "Murder" by Salesman Des Moines, la., "March 2. (Spe cial , Telegram.) Judge Lester Thompson, of Polk county district court declared in instructing the ' grand jury Tuesday that sale ot wood alcohol as a beverage furnishes grounds for an indictment for mur- ', , der in first degree. ."We have a special statute that makes homioide produced by poison murder iii first degree," he said. Should deaths occur from wood ' ' alcohol "and investigations show that - it was given or sold to deceased as a beverage, you would be justified ' in returning an indictment of murder against persons selling it" Omaha Student Honored by ' Exclusive Dartmouth Cfub Boston, Mass., March 2. (Ste- - cial.) Among the 42 Dartmouth men elected into the Casque and Gauntlet society" is Warren S. Egge of Omaha. The "Casque and Gauntlet" is an exclusive honorary college society and .membership therein is much sought after, but only extended to select lew. and exceptional uucni3t i , I'iVi MI