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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA WEDNESDAY, MAKCIT 3 1920. 16 t ' f c I; I' ,?4 WANT AD RATES (Cuk wit order.) par word ;.en da; (a sr ward ..two consecutive days a nar ward... three consecutive day per word. ....... .four consecutive day la par word five, consecutive daye la par word Sevan eensecutlve day and ona cant par word (or each additional truiortloit. No ads takan for las than a fatal of lie. CKABG1C. 10 par Una.,.. ona dav Ma nav consecutive da $ par Ilea... three consecutive day 7e per Un.......avn consecutive daya (1.0ft per Una...... thirty consecutive daya . Card of thank and funeral noticee 120 per Una aach day. The ratea apply alther to tha Daily or Sunday Bee. All advertlsementa appear la both moraine and evening daily paper lor the ona charge. rntrait HalM on AoBllratloD. For convenience of advertUers. want da will be accepted at tha following or MAIN OFFICE... Boo Building Amea Offlc 4410 North 80th t. Park Office ....3615 Leavenworth ht. South Side '!! . Walnut Office 619 North 40tli Ht. 1 'a niurfa nffli-n 15 Scott St. THB BEE will not ta responnlble for mora than one Incorrect Insertion uf an advertisement ordered for mora than ona PHONE TYLER 100. Evening Edition i-1?0!, ff' Morning Edition 10:30 P. 11. Sunday Editions 10 P. U. Saturday. DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES MASONIC FUNERAL. It. John Lodge No. 25. A. F. A A. M. The funeral services of our late broth er. Edward Wenqulst, 1705 Martha bt., will be held under tha auspices of St. rohn Lodge No- 55 at the Scottish ' Kite Cathedral. Wednesday, March J. at 2 p . m. Muster Masons will assemble at Masonic Temple at 1:30. (1. W. HELL. Muster. P. E. UNDERWOOD. Secretary. 'T A INESigaret A., February 29., age it vrars, 10 months, 3 day. Funeral will be held from Stack Falconer's Parlors, 33d and Farnam Sts. ,i,iesi1av. at S o'clock. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. , Friends ' welcome. ; are W K RTHE I M ER Vera Sylvia, agd 20 Ham and Cora yrars, daughter or Werthalmer. Dassed away at Glenwood, In. Funeral Wednesday afternoon from Burlington depot. Funeral strictly private. No flower. M.VXWF.LL VValTerliiflary. died March I. at 4:45 a. m aged 1 mntiths and 15 ilays Service Wednesday, 3 p. nr., from tha BurUett chupl. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON 1S14 Douglas fit. Pougla 8844. L. Henderson. 1519 Farnam. Douglas 1248. JOHN BATH. 18th and Farnam. D. 2000. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS." PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third and Farnam. Harney 64. FRED E. FERO, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Lady Attendant. Hi and Cuming St. Phone Dougla 77. Auto ambulance. NEW LOCATION CROSBY'S NEW FUNERAL HOME. 2018 WIRT ST. Away from noise of busy streets. I'HUNK WEBSTER 47. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmers. runna H. 265. OffiCB 2611 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN; Pioneer Funeral Directors. 701 South lflth Bt. Doug. 1064. TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Telephone Doug. 714. 2818 Cuming St. DUFFY & JOHNSTON UNDERTAKERS. 717 S. 16th. Tyler 1678. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE largest display of monument In i the United States, FRANK 8VOBODA. 1215 S. 13th. Phone Douglas 1575-6216. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth Earl and Viola" Htlnsr, 4506 Frederick St., boy: Alfred and Lillie Linrk, South 36th St., girl: Angestine and Isabel Contrcras, 60 Pacific St.. boy; Ru ' sei and Nell Gentzler. 661S North 2 .', t H Ave., boy; Aqulla and Hazel Ollmore, 372t Hlondo St., boy; James and Mary Dlhelka, Rural Route, girl; Joseph and Annie. Bohac, 1457 South 14th St.. boy; Edward and Frances Gardlpee, 1715 Hlckorv St., girl; Joseph and Edith Rooco. 91 North 45th Ave., girl; Solvatorn and Nellie Vergato. 1145 North 17th St.. girl; Charles and Mary Nelson, 5014 Underwood Ave., girl: John and Katlierlne Willinnrth. 6,14 South 60th Ave., girl; Frederick ami Veronica Olnser, 4340 Mayberry Ave., boy; Henry and Dorothy Rainey. 61 South 26th Ave., girl; Robert and Mary Thompson, .1923 Harney St.. boy; Eddie and Eliza beth Schram, 2408 Dodife St boy; Simon nd Jennie Furkel. 1124 North 28th St., boy; Pierre and Teresa Walsh. 418 M St.. girl And boy; Fred and Olga Davis, 3122 South 23d St., girl: Kdward and Elizabeth Mahr. 1)614 South 23d St.. bov; .Morris and Gitel Hrody, 2511 Franklin St., girl; Charles and Dora Mulla, 155S North 20th St.. girl: Frank and Edith Madden, 2:3 North 24th St., girl; James uud Marv Whalen. :t012 South 32d St., boy; George and Bertha Sacks, 4315 South 2lith St., girl. Deaths Oscar W. Phillips, 16. 1617 Crelghton boulevard; Helen M. Cilmore, It, hospital; Mrs. Ida J. Mlllus. 76, Ral ston: Anna Waszgis, I hour, South Side; Helen M Lane, months, 4812 South 21st St.; John Wesley Woods, 67. 65th and W St.; Westley B. Maze. 57. hospital: Rdwln Rutherford Stilphen, 43, J 31 9 North 5th St: Nettle Earnest, 42, hospital; A. J. Seaman, 76. hospital: Ida W. Swart.. 58, hospitul: Howard Petersen. 12. 3009 South 15th St.; Colon A. Denney, .12. hos pital; Donald William Carpender. 2 riiontln, 1702 South 28th St.; Alois Fossel inann. 63. 2010 Sherman Ave.: Edward C. Stawas. 23. 6221 L St.: Mrs. Mildred Mo Andrews, 18, 210 Crown Point Ave.; Mrs. Jessie Ma ticker. 24. 1204 South 9th St. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tha following persons were Issued per mits to wed: Nam and Address: Ag Harold C. Lundy, Lincoln, Neb. ........ 23 Mas Barnhnm, Omaha . ...... .20 Edwin V. Schclllnger. Omaha.. 44 Nina Schellingcr, Omaha 29 Karl Andersen, Fremont, "Neb 34 Florence Wilson, Fremont, Neb 19 Sam C. Snttrhos, Council Bluffs, la 30 Bertha Ktnnamon, Flatlsmouth 24 Fred (iilmore, Omaha 21 Lena Sample, Omaha 28 Hunter Garner, Omaha 37 Hthet Garner, Omaha ........34 John H. Davis, Omaha ....,..'....35 . Anna, JU. Blrrsnbach, Omaha.. 20 J. Gall Dice. Omaha ...2J Pearl B, Boyden. Sharpsburg, la 1..21 Everett 3, Briggs, Shenandoah, la. ...'. !2 Alma Combe, Hamburg, la v.. .19 Joseph Johnson. Omaha ..31 Helda Focken, Omaha -1 Roy F. Webster, Omaha 21 Ina Woolsey, Omaha 19 Virgil Davis, Omaha , 21 Myrtle Fisher, Omaha 19 'BUILDING PERMITS, W. A- Zaroor, 1414V4 South Nineteenth Street, repair, (500; star Shoe company, 416 Douglas street, alteration to atore. 13.600; W. P. O'Brien, 2864-1 Farnam ttreet, alteration, $600; Alfonso Stacchtet (o, 1S30 South Twenty-fourth street, frame dwelling, $3,600; Whistle' Bottling com pany, 1331 North Eighteenth street, bottl ing works, $5,300; Anna M. Nielsen, Forty third and Mason streets, frame dwelling, $5.000. TOST FOUND REWARDS. LOST FRIDAY AT UNION STATION BLACK HUDSON SEAL MUFF CAN 'TEEN SHAPE. TAUPE COLORED MESSALINB LINING, LARGE ROUND "UR BUTTON ON BOTTOM. CALL MRS. FRED J. PETERSON, 412 8EW A JtD WALNUT 8968. REWARD. TOR ARTICLES LOST on aireat cars tele phono Tylar (00. W are anxious to re ft core lost article to rightful owners. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS BT. RY. CO. - LOST Eastman kodak on 62d St., be- tween Chicago and Dodge, or Dodse street between 52d and 49th. Reward it " returned. W. H. Guild, Walnut 465. LOST Whito gold M. H. S. class ring In Orpheum theater or between 24th and 14th on Farnam. Reward. Barney 6633. ' fcOST -Lady wrist watch Between 28th and Ames A, and T. M. C. A. Finder call Donglaa 2644, Harney 140T. rACKAOa left an Cross town oar, fuadar waning. Call South 1364. SPECIAL NOTICES. ffOTICE to officers and member of Omaha Lodge No. 14, D. of H., we ; will hrj'.d ou- meeting She 1st and 3d Fridays of aach month! at the Swedish . Auditorium. 16th and Chicago. Chief of Honor, MAMIE WrNCKLER. . , v. ' RaV-order. BESSTH PAULSON. s MSA Baas, oa- citm wa PERSONAL. HOME-MADE V'lks of highest quality mads to your order; delicious fruit and custards that will delight the moat crit ical. Give ma an opportunity to pi'" you, Mr. Matsel Roger. 1 . ISlh St. Phone TyleriSSO. m THE SALVATION Army lnduatrlal horn aollcR your old clothing, furnttura, rnagaainaV W dollect. Wa distrlbuta. Phona Doug. 4111. and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our paw noma, 1 1 10-HiLil L JPf ,tret- ANYONE knowing trie addres of Harold Otto Peraon, aged il, two middle fin ger on left hand wrbbed, kindly write hi mother. Mrs. E. .Parson. Box lii4, tiraeley, Colo. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Floating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and style; hemstitching, plcot, edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. HEMWiTCHING, PLEATING,- BUTTONS G. U. Van Arnam Pleatl rtg Co. 412-17 Pa-ton Bllc Phone Doug. 1109. Baggage and Express. Hartung's Transfer Co., 1211 HOWARD 8T. TYLER 176. Trucks, any sine, leased, or your haul ing contracted by hour, day or year. "Mid-West Transfer Co. Express and baggage, furniture mov ing, country hauling. Tyler 3760. 413 So. 12th St. "The Only Way" DVt Omaha Transfer L'ft Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 27th and Martha St., Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron casting. Chriopodists. C.irrlo J. Burfnrd. 620 Paxton Blk. U 1208. Clothing and Furs. FULL dress tults for rent, 109 N. 16th st John Feldman. Phone 3128. Contractors. CAKPEStBRJ Nit. repairing, remodeling done. L. J, Erickson. Call Walnut 1637. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. PR. PECOTt. 1st NaT Bk.Blde. Ty. 213s7 Dancing Academies. KEL-PINE ool for Dancing, 2424 roam. l. 7650. Class at 8: dancing at 9 p. m., Monday, Thura tiiiv. Saturday: private lessons any time. Dressmaking. DKKSKMAKINU and alterations guaranteed. Webster 6565. Work DRESSMAKING and alteration. work guaranteed. Tyler an. DRESSMAKING done reasonable. Walnut 3656. PLAIN sewing, all speclnlty. Douglas kind. 4634. men's ahlrt FOR dainty tiny tota clothes. call Har- ney 2166. 1 DRESS.MAKING and altering done. Doug las 6743. Detectives. PHIL WJNCKLER, personal service, evi dence secured In every case. Harney 5708. JAMES ALLAN, D1S Neville Blk. Evidence secured In ail cases. Tyler 113(h Electrical Utilities. VACUUM cleaners, delivered, called for. (i0c day. Cacuum Cleaner service Co. Call Webster 1657 from 10 a. m. to 4 p m. ELECTRIC heaters, $10.50; vacuum clean ers. $:',7.50. Mola washing machine I.alley-Wllson Electric Co., 1307 Farnam ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner, $1 day de livered. Colfax 4116. BKST electric -vacuum sweeper for rent; delivered. Webster 4283. ELECTRIC vacuum ( all Douglas 5718. cleaner for rent. ' Garages. RKDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or sleel. Sand for circular. Redl-Mado Housing Co.. 2211 Howard. Bed 3657, , Gas Stoves Connected. GAS STOVES conected. $2. All kinds of gas work repaired and repainted, rrompc service. Harney 1619. Hats Blocked. HATS! HATS! Hats cleaned and blocked. Paxton Parlor, 1 607 V, FARNA.M. Kodak Finishing andErUarging. I'-LMS developed; printing and enlarging Write for price. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howara si. "Haluli uling. FOR moving and haullnt', call Douglas 7115. Blue Line Transfer Cb., 2063 Farnam. Jewelry. TIT A MnMr)QWe py thB be,t i,rlce XJJLXi1iJl 170with privilege tohuy hack at small profit. GROSS jrcwKLlir CO.. 402 N. 16th St. Doug. 5049. W. C. FLATAU. Jeweler Established 1892. Sixth Floor. Securities Bldg. Osteopath. DR MABEL WESSON. Ill Balrd Bldg., 17th and Dougla. T. 2960. H. 4741. Tailors. Diedric!;, P. L., 216 S. 20th. Tailor. P. 2432. M. KEISF.K. Srtil South 18th. D. 1187. Painting and Paperhanging. PAPKRHANGING, painting; estimates free; that cost nothing and may save you money. Tyler 2765. FRED KEEP Colfax -2701: painting and paperhanging; wall paper cleaning and ghizlnx. . PAPERHANGING. quick service, lowest prices, new stock paper. Harney 3814. PAPERHANGING, $6 .room and up, In clnding p.-iper anl work. M'alnut 4998. PAINTING, papering, free estimates. Call mornings or evenings. Harney 6740. PAINTING, paperhanging , and paper cleaning. Douglas 1322; PAINTING and paperhanging: 1st class work. Douglas 7613. . PAINTING, paperhanging and plastering. Phone Walnut 4567. A. J. DOLINSKY Wall decorating, fax 2484. Coi- Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and. sold. In ternational Patent Co., 682 Brandei. D. 6691. Patent Attorneys. STl'RGES & STURGES. registered patent attorney. Patents obtained in U. S. and foreign countries. 330 Bee Bldg. Printing. Wedding Stationery V. S. Printing Co.. 422 3. 16th Bt Rug Manufacturing. WEAVING and old rugs remade. 1433. Tyler Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 12th Farnam. J. J. Deright Safe Co. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, sell needle and parts. MICKELS', 16th and Harney. Doug. 1171. Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co.. 307-9 South 17th. Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historical and masque cos tume for amateur theatricals and par ties for rent at T. Lieben & Son. Omaha. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. D. 628. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcementa and printing. Douglas Printing Co. TeL Douglas 644. Window Cleaning. WINDOW washing, lOo per window. American Cleaners, Tyler 3070. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. . BEST BARGAINS IN OMAHA. Solid oak Jacobean William and Mary l-plec dining room suite valued at $!75 to go at lift. The suits consists of ( chair, leather seated; an extension ta ble and a very roomy buffet. Other suite in same style. A William and Mary, in walnut. 1290 Tains, at 17.50. A WUllam and Mary, til mahogany, $40 yarns, at $140. STATE FURNITURE! COMPANY, Corner 14th and Dodge Streets, Opposite U. P. Headquarter. Omaha. $25,000 stock of furniture to be sold; 300 stoves of all kinds, rug, linoleum, plion (rrsphs, dufplfl". tubles, chair, china and kitchen cabinets, dresaers. chiffon iers, beds, springs, mattresses, trunks, suitcases, bedding, linen, etc. Open till p. m. Credit If you wish. 1839-47 N. 24th fit. Web. 160. FIVE roams beaaUrul furnitur lor sals. XT ...... FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION AUCTION Very expensive period, matched and Staple furniture, ruga, piano, talking machine and furnishing of aeveral good home. WILL BE SOLD IN MT AUCTION HOUSE SOUTHEAST CORNER 18TH AND WEBSTER STREETS. WEDNESDAY", MARCH 8D. STARTS AT 1 P. M. SHARP. Thia I a big sale of extra good fur niture. Including massive leather living room aulte, mahogany living room fur niture nearly new, very xpenlv Wil liam and Mary dining room set, corn- Diet M-inrn tame, e nign nacg cnatrs and beautiful buffet; 1 nearly new fumed oak dining room set. complete, 64-Inch table, large buffet and chair to match; t golden oak dining room sets, complete; S beautiful library ta bles, and 4 golden and fumed oak li brary tables; sewing machine; 1 nearly new standard playar piano and piano roll, and 1 standard piano and bench; 1 talking machine, genuine Vlctrola and records; 1 very expensive mahogany bedroom suite, complete In Louis XVII period, consisting of bed with mattress and springs, beautiful dresser, dressing table with 3 glasses and chiffonetto and chairs, this suite I like new; 1 ma hogany suite In Adams period style, complete; several mahogany, walnut, oak and white Ivory dressers, chiffon ier and dressing tables; several massive bras beds, Simon beds, Vernls Martin beds, spring and mattresses, book case, writing desk, large and small rocker, sanitary couches and pad, 1 alectrlo washing machine, 1 electrio lamp, duo fold and Davenport, kitchen cabinet, gaa range. Ice boxes, coal range, drapes, linens, pillow, dishes, cooking utensils, and hundreds of article too numerous to mention. JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. If you have anything to sell, call Douglas 3i86, Tyler 966 or evening at El Beudor, Tyler 4200. FOR SALE Gas Iron and cord; will sell for $J.60; good condition. Apt. K., Howard Apt., Twenty-first and How ard. FOR SALE Electric heater, llajeatlc, used 2 days: will sacrifice. Apt. K., Howard Apts., Twenty-first and How ard. HEAVY 6-hole hotel steel range (Lilly), with water hack. 89; also laundry atove, 12.50; at 1901 Park Ave. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over in new ticks at half the price of new bed- 1S07 Cuming St Douglas 9467. Wo sell new and near-new furniture, stoves and rugs ,at lowest price ; cash or payments. Amer. Furn. Co., 605 N. 16. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO Everything In art and muslo Pianos for rent. $4.00 per month. DRUMS, traps, marimbas, instruction, re pairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A, Smith. 2761 Davenport St. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS A AND ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agent for the CORONA, Get our prices bffTora you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Doug. 4121 1005 Farnam. WE buy. sell and exchange all makes of typewriter. Write for list. Midland Office Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three month for $6.00. Oliver Agency, 1908 Farnam St., City. Store and Office Fixtures. WE buy sell and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture ft Supply Co.. 11th and Douglas. Doug. 872. Lumber and Building Materials. TRY H. M. K EVAN, 844 SOUTH 30TH ST. Miscellaneous. OMAHA FlPiXVW'dO. Feather mattresses 'made from your own feathers, summer and winter Bides. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. BROADTAIL Persian Lamb Coat. Marten trimming,- Hudson seal with mols coatee, Kolinsky cape, long tabs. Tyler 4843. MAN'S black tailor made cut-away suit, almost new, size, 36-88, cost $160. Price, $40. J024 North 33d. Harney 8497. EXCELLENT elegant piano and large li brary for sale or exchange for what have you? Call at 618 fi. 80th St. Vl'LCANIZEKS and tire shop equipment for sale. 1620 Capitol Ave. Tyler 3044. BROWN Rued Sulky with Reed top, prac tically new. $15. Walnut 2747. GOOD kindling delivered, $3.50 per load. Webster 469. DRY klndllnir wood. ACMU BOX CO. Harney 137. KINDLING delivered, $3.60 per load. Web ster 459. DRY kindling wood. Acme Box Co. Har ney 1837. WANTED TO BUY. . LIBERTY BONDS High price for certain Issue thi week. We will help you make your Income tax return. Strictly confidential. SECURITY INVEST- MENT CO., Tyler 2736. 639 Becurltle Bldg. WE BUY baled waste paper, old maga zines and newspapers. State quantity you haze on hand. Write or phone for prices. Omaha Paper Stock Co., 15th and Marcy. Douglas 159. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. MACK'S BOND HOUSE. 1421 First Nat Bank Bldg. Phone Tyler 3644. DESKS DESKS DESKS Now desks: used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1307 Farnam. D. 6146. Liberty Bonds Bought 610 World-Herald Bldg. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Tyler 2598. A. Zavett, 7 05 North 16th St SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. THE BEE will publish free a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldiers and sailors and marines who will show their discharge papers at our offlca In tha lobby of Tha Bes building. Seventeenth and aFrnam. COLORED man wants wall paper and carpet cleaning. Webster 2524. MAN with one-ton truck wants steady work of any kind. Tyler 2081. SITUATION wanted by colored man as porter. Webster 6333. ASHES hauled and grading done, fax 4171. Col- ASHES and refuse hauled. Walnut 3616. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bes. Lots of good places ar always advertised. Don't miss them. WIDOW with 8 children want position In Christian widower or bachelor's home; best references. Address 1001, Omaba Bee. TWO young ladle wish positions as pian ist and vocalist fh cafe or motion pic ture theater. Add ress A-40, Omaha Bee. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED hand laundry wants bundles of all kinds, lace curtalna and fancy clothes. Webster 1975. SILK BUNDLE AND FAMILY WASH INO. WALNUT 4744, BEFORE 9 A. il., AFTER 3:80 P. M. ' EXPERIENCED colored dressmaker wants sewing by the day, 50c an hour. Webster 1042. GENERAL housework, dishwashing In restaurant or boarding house. Tyler 8571. EXPERIENCED Uundres wants light bundle washing. Webster 2221. EXPERIENCED colored girl wants iron ing andday work. South 2015. EXPERIENCED colored' woman wants laundry work by the day. Harney 6863. LAUNDRY, Ironing, day work, expe rienced. References. South 4461. FAMILY and bundlo washing; called for and delivered. Walnut 1214. DAY WORK wanted by reliable lady. References. Webster 6004. DAY WORK Reliable colored lady. Web ster 3254, after 6 p. m. ANY kind of day work; reliable colored lady. Douglas 6037. BUNDLE washing called for; delivered. Webster 1379. ; DAY work, 2524. experienced lady. Webster LAUNDRY work, cleaning, 40o per hour. Webster 8063. DAY WORK Experienced colored Webster 2838. lady. LAUNDRY work, reliable woman. Web ster 169t. DAY work, colored woman. Webatsr 1467. Annie. BUNDLE washing; Tyler 4002. work guaranteed. FIRST class laundress wants work. Web ster 4190. DAY work, 2524. experienced lady. , Webster LAUNDRY, day work. References, las 93-19. Doug- CLHANING and day work. Douglas 4088. WAMTBD-sCw worla, Wjbjtee JMfc : HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. CREDIT MANAGER, wholesale firm, $350 to $400; city salesman, dry goods and notions, $160; traveling salesman estab lished una calling on garaga u-aae, headquarter eastern Nebraska, $160, oonus ana expanaea; accountant, wnois aala firm. 1176 to 1260: aaatatant book' Jivaper, uiauuiauiurms iuw, va.u, j fun man, II to It, as offlc assistant undur sales manager or larga xnanuiaciurin flrra, offering opportunity to develop Into alea position on road, salary open, WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASSN. Originators of tha Kererenca uineas 736 First National Bank Building. CREDITMAN Must b axp. and have a clean record, salary $250 to $400, de pending on past axp. and ability. SALESMAN, must be exp. In Films. $200. CLERKS, must bo good penmen, $86 to $90. CLERK, transfer company, $86. CLERK, groc. exp., $S6. CLERK asst. ledger work, $76. CLERK, to learn tha business, $66. EMPLOYERS REFERENCE CO., 224 Bea Bldg. AUTO SALESMAN Must have exp., $200; Implement Salesman, J'.'oo; specialty Salesman, salary and drawing account, prefer man with auto accessory exp.; create Man, mercantile exp., juo $400; Collector, good firm, $30 week. THE MARTI CO.. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. EMPLOYERS FREE LABOR BUREAU. FREE TO EMPLOYER FREE TO EMPLOYE. IF YOU ARK OUT OF WORK OR NEED HELP SEE US. 1907 HARNEY STREET. CREDIT MAN who understand, $300 $350; Bookkeeper, 1126; Stenographer, 12t. 1 WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1188 First National Bank Bldg. STENO. $116, $110, $100, $10, 86, $80. Typists, $90. $60. $76, $70, $66. Compt. Oprs.. $90, $35, $80, $76. Diet. Oprs., $100, $95, $90, Ciorks. $70. $66, $60. Employ ers' Reference Co., ZZ4 Bes uiag. CREDIT man. A-l, $400. Bookeepar, exp., $136. Clerk, exp, dealred, $100. Clerk, . $85. Clerk, $75. Employers' Befarenca Co.. 224 Bee Bldg. WANTED An experienced bookkeeper, good opportunity for advancement. '4JUDAHY PACKING CO., 14th ana Jones nis. specialty, $160; Time keeper, construction work, Fremont, Neb. $:5 week; bookkeeper, $150. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 917-18 w. u. vv. MIQg. RELIABLE man for clerk and cashier, must have ability; bet of reference. C. C. C. Billiard Parlor, 16th and Har ney Sts. LEDGER CLERK, $90; neat penman. OOM'L REFERENCE CO., City National. Professions and Trades. WANTED r- Two good linotype operators for night situations In The Be compos ing room. Wlr Superintendent, Tha Bee, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Experienced mechanlo for work In a garaga. Must ba familiar with all make of car. Good pay and teady position to right man. O. R. Harger, Randolph, la. BIG demand for barber, complete course In few weeks. Call, write or phone for catalogue. Douglas 7777. Moler Barber College. 110 South 14th St. Estab lished 1S93. WANTED First class woodworker to work on truck wheel only. Apply at once. Truck and Tractor Corporation, 1310 Jackson. WANTED Young man to work on oda fountain that has had experience. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Harney. WANTED Fit St class druggist. Apply to Mr. enerman, emermaii oc uv.uiihci, Drug Co., General office, 2d floor, 19th and Farnam ar MEN wanted. Railway mail clerks, $110 month; list position free. Franklin In stitute. Dept 228 B. Rocheater. N. Y. FIREMEN. BRAKEMEN $175 to $225 monthly; experience unnecessary. Write Railway Association, Y-999, Omaha Bee. GOOD, experienced bushelman, $36 a week; steady work. Nlcoll Tha Tailor, 211 South 15th St. WANTED Gordon feeders, steady work. - n n-l.I -,.. J on C ..... U fR,l. a. WANTED Experienced Gordon feeders. 416 So. 14th St. press GORDON press feeder. Co., 16th end Jone. Omaha Fosten SODA DISPENSER. W. A. Piel, 18th and Farnam. , Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED, 4 REAL STOCK SALESMEN. To sell preferred stock in a Ne braska food manufacturing corpo ration. This is no "wild cat" and only pays dividends of 8 to 10 per cent, but IT PAYS THEM Good commission. Choice of territory. Give experience and references, first letter. W. V. MACARTNEY, York, Neb. SALESMEN To antomotlve salesmen and others who are wide-awake enough to m the wonderful future of the POWER FARMING EQUIPMENT business, we hava a very attractive selling proposi tion. To those who can qualify we will j.iake an exceptional remunerative offer. W. L. HUFFMAN AUTOMOBILE CO. 2036 Farnam Street RELIABLE STOCK SALESMEN SELLING GUARANTEED EIGHT PER CENT PARTICIPATING OMAHA ' BANK BUILDING PREFERRED STOCK. DI RECT BANK. CONNECTIONS. R. H. . SNYDER ROOM 2. WEAD BUILDING. WANTED RETAIL FURNITURE SALES MEN, GOOD SALARY, PERMANENT POSITION. UNION OUTFITTING CO., 16TH AND JACKSON. BRANDEIS STORES WANT EXPERI ENCED PACKERS FOR CARPET AND RUG DEPARTMENT. APPLY SUPER INTENDENT'S OFFICE, FOURTH FLOOR, ' WANTED Two first-class shoa salesmen at once. Send reference with applica tion. State where previously employed. S. N. Wolhach & Sons, Grand Island, Neb. . SALESMEN We want a few mora young 'men to join our club in sclentlflo sales manship. Complete training $25; posi tions furnished free. Box Y-963 Bee. SOLICITORS High proposition, Immedi ate money. Mr. Galway, Fontenelle Hotel. RELIABLE salesmen to sell stock In 'a dividend-paying company. See P. H. pearmont, 288 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. ' WANTED MEAT SALESMAN. MORRIS AND CO., 1309 LEAVEN WORT IL Agents and Canvassers. WANTS' D A reliable agent for life Insur ance company In the state of Nebraska; commission contract or part commission nd part salary, as desired. Exception al opportunity for the right maa. Ad. HELP WANTED MALE Boys. Office Boy Wanted Apply City Editor Bee, , 17th and Farnam. BOYS 17 or over to assist in store; those with soma experience preferred. Metro- poutan ic to nso store, 110 No. 16th St. WANTED Boy to wait on table at soda luumain. rieaion urug wo Miscellaneous. MEN to drive tax lea In. Wa teach you to drive, and pay while learning. Our men earn from $4 to $8 dally; $50 cash bond required. Omaha Taxlcab Co., 2572 Harney St WANTED Young man for collecting work in Omaha by large magazine pub lishing house. Sea' Mr. Blake, 301 Balrd Bldg., Seventeenth and Douglas. WANTED One auto truck driver, 2 beof luggers. CCDAHY PACKING CO., ifin ana jones. WANTED An experienced farm hand to work on a farm, must give good reference. Address Frank L. Kublk, renaer, wen POSITIONS, locations, etc., for doctors, dentists, druggists, veterinarians, nurses. V. V. Knlest. 212 Bes Bid g Oma ha. WANTED Drug clerks, also assistant soda dispenser. Haines Drug Co. HELPER WANTED In rug department Dusher Bros. 2217 Farnam. NEAT appearing Ford drivers. Bros., 2217 Farnam. Dresbar HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER and assistant to credit manager, wholesale firm, $100 or better; Stenographer, small manufacturing firm, moving to Ralston In July and prefer girl who Is willing to remain when they move, $125; Stenographer, supply house, student or girl with little experience can qualify. This firm has a profit-sharing plan, enabling employes acquire In terest In business rapidly. Salary to start, $75 to $90; Office assistant, ex perience not required if fair penman, $75 to $85; Stenographer and bookkeep er, small uptown office, $110; Billing Clerk. Typist. $100. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N 736 First National Bank Building. CASHIER, who understands bookkeeping, $80-$85; Ledger Clerk, $76-$86; Stenog raphers. $125-$110-$90-$85-$76. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $126-$136-$140 ; Book keepers and Clerks, Sib-iKo; Typist ana Billers, $76 to $90. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Names girls, women, wishing government office poamons; year. Answer Immediately, Y-936. . Omaha Bee. WANTED Lady that has had soma ex perience to work In office. Sherman ft McConnel Drug Co., 16th and Har ney. WANTEly Young lady for cashier and saiesiauy in rtfan arug store. Appiy General Office, Sherman & McConnell rrug o., io. noor, mm c a.i imm g-,.. EXPERIENCED cashier wanted. Must have reierences. uiympia auuy Kitchen. WANTED at Once Experienced P.' B. X. operator. Appvy jugr. jjiatanm. Professions and Trades YOUNG LADIES DO YOU WANT A PERMANLNT POSITION T No professio today offers better op portunities f . good salaries and steady employment than local or long distance telephone work. The work ' Is fascinating, pleasant, healthful surroundings, annual vaca ions with full pay, sick and accident benefits without coat to employee. No experience necessary, substantial weekly pay while in training. Bapld advancement Parent invited to Investigate work ing condition. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, 613 New Telephone Building. 19th and Douglas Street. WE NEED Competent and energetlo young women to fill a few vacancies in our long line operating force. It 1 a real opening for the girl who wants an INTERESTING, WELL PAID, PERMANENT POSITION with opportunities for rapid advance ment v Miss Bell wlil give you all the details and take your application. 318 New Tel ephone Building. THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. WANTED Nurse, graduate or undergrad- uti5, ac once. permanent posuion. wayne nospuai, wayne, Neb YOUNG lady masseuse wanted at the La ono limiiiuLe, ntjuft ijeavenwortn. Douglas 6626. WANTED Alteration help, dress and klrt iiuers. excellent position. Bonoff, 1409 Dougla. LADY masseuse wanted at once. Tyler MIS, Saleswomen and Solicitors. BRANDEIS STORES Want experienced saleswomen for the following departments: Corset, do mestic, washgoods, millinery and glove, also corset fitter. Steady positions and good salaries. Apply general superin tendent's office, fourth floor. WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED SALESLADY IN READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT APPLY SUPERINTENDENT, BALCONY. Bt'RGESS-NASH CO. SPECIALTY MEN We want a few high- oiHsa epeuiBiiy salesmen to ell OUT nationally known Jim Dandy bors collar in Nebraska as a aide line. lib eral commission. Ready seller to harness, hardware or Implement deal ers. Scheffer & Rossom Co., St Paul. Minn. VRCLEY corset, complete fine! silk and ' knitted underwear; guaranteed hosery. Salesladies make $5 a day and up. Walnut 2813. ADY solicitor, ligh-grade proposition, salary and commission. Mr. Bryan, Fontenelle Hotel. Call between 6 and 8 p. m. EXPERIENCED cloak and suit sale ladles wanted; rood (alary to right iwrum amiionuaij siu poutB 11th. SALESLADIES Tbos with experience . preferred. The Metropolitan lo to 99c Store, 210 No. lth St. Household and Domestic. WANTED A girl to help with housework snd cooking In an apartment: 2 In family: no objection to colored. May go home nights. Call Harney 709. HOUSEKEEPER w a n t e d for man" "and grown son on farm, outh central Ne braska. Good home. Write for par tlcnlar. T-1002. Omaha Bee. WANTED Girl for general housework, lira, ay park, Harney S4) HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. WANTED at once, girl for general houaa- t. V V. I .... . ,.,nti ...... II... . with prlvat bath, lit. J311 Woolworth Ave. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Laundress kept Mrs. K. H. Patter son, 127 North, 40th St. Call Harney S87. WANTED A Whlta cook; no washing. References required. Mrs. D. W. John- on. 106 South, 49th Bt. .Walnut S54. WANTED Girl for general housework. Easy work. Small family, m block to car line, wage liz. Harney Z8!5. WANTED An experienced cook (white); three In family, good wages. Call Har- ney 8793. asis Davenport Bt. FOR LAUNDRESSES. DAY WOMEN. ETC. LOOK IN THB SITUATION COL UMN OF THE BEE. WANTED Dining room girl and diet kitchen girl. Ford Hospital, Dougla 840. ask ror mis Maker. EXPERIENCED, white', second maid. , References. Mrs. W. J. Hynes, Harney Hotels and Restaurants. EXPERIENCE waitresses wanted, good wage. New Life' CafeJU 16Farnam. WANTED Experienced waitresses. Ap ply Hotel Conant. COOK WANTED AT ST. CATHERINES nuariTAi,. WAITRESS WANTED La Rua Cafe, and Ames. 24th TWO nice appearing girls wanted, week. Olynipia Candy Kitchen. $14 Miscellaneous. THE BIG SISTERS will fcelp any girl or woman needing assistance during the present emergency. Telephone Harney 6734 day or evening, or Tyler 1128 in the veiunir EXPERIENCED film good salary. Fox 1413 Hnrney. Inspectors wanted; Film Corporation, EXPERIENCED bindery girls wanted. Omaha Printing Co.. 1301 Farnam St. WANTED Help in all departments. Traux Laundry, 1618 Cass St. GIRL Wanted at Rogers Confectionery, 24th and Farnam. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning: strictly modern. Call or writs 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Olty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1566 for large Illus trated catalogue. Address n BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Building, Omaha, Neb. Van Sanl School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 129 Omaha Nntlonal Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 603 Karbach Blk. Studio phone, Douglas 1081. 209 South 15th' St BUSINESS CHANCES. INVESTMENTS Our business has been established for four years net profits 40 per cent an nually. We offer you an opportunity to par ticipate Invest In our S per cent guar anteed, preferred, participating and voting slock. Write today. A-47, Omaha Bee. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Why accept 5 per cent or 6 per cent on your noney when you can Invest it in our established business that is earn ing 40 per cent annually? We offer you an 8 per cent guaranteed, preferred, participating and voting stock. Write today. A-46, Omaha Bee. A LIVE INVESTOR WILL LOOK INTO THIS $2,600 WILL PURCHASE HALF INTEREST IN OMAHA BRANCH OF FICE OF COMPANY OPERATING IN 46 STATES: WILL EASILY BRING A $10,000 RETURN THIS YEAR. CALL MR. KIDD, TYLER 4S92, 636 PAXTON BLK. OPEN SUNDAY A. M. FOR SALE General merchandise store, $7,000 stock; $40,000 business last year; must leave for Wyoming to look after other business; good territory, eastern Nebraska. . O. A, Branting, Hordvllle, Neb. THOUSANDS or -opportunities in the great new oil fields of Texas and Louis iana; agents and boosters wanted every where; experience unnecessary; big pay. Send for circulars and full particulars. General Investment Company, 718 Wain wrlght Bids- St. Louis, Mo. FOR SALF One, of the best automobile repair slws ir. east central Nebraska; live business; 3 mechanics fully em played; auto accessories and exclusive agency for U. S. tires go with It Good shop equipment Address Y-994, Omaha Bea. OIL INVESTORS EXCURSION. See the Texas wonder oil fields be fore Investing In oil; Join our party, leaving Omaha next week. Phone, wire or write for reservation. OIL INVESTORS SERVICE, Doug. 6384. 614 Brown Bldg. STOP, LOOK. Antloch, hotel and cafe, at Antloch, Neb., is open day and night. Meals all hours. Rooms In connection.. Good service. KIsKis Brothers. Proprietors. TAILORING and dry cleaning for sale; only one In town. Write or wire. B. R. Schorovsky, St. Edward, Neb. OUR business is to buy and sell your busi ness. Quick Service Selling Experts, 614 Brown Bldg. Rooming Houses For Sale. FIN paying rooming house, close In; will exchange for local stocks and bonds and some cash. Call at 618 s. 20th St. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. NICE ROOM IN DUNDEE HOME FOR TWO GENTLEMEN OR MARRIED COUPLE WHO WILL APPRECIATE GOOD HOME SURROUNDINGS. CAN ARRANGE FOR MEALS IF DESIRED, WALNUT 4840 UNTIL 4:30. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT. TYLER 1000, AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THB BENEFIT OF OUK READERS AND ADVERTISERS. 115 JAOKSON, LARGE EXCEPTIONAL LY FINE PARLOR ROOM, STEAM V HEAT, STRICTLY MODERN. SUIT ABLE FOR TWO GENTLEMEN; WALKING DISTANCE. Tyler 3473. LARGE SOUTH FRONT ROOM SUIT ABLE FOR TWO, STRICTLY MODERN, GOOD LOCATION, BLOCK TO FAR NAM LINE. DOUGLAS 7179 HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT Nicely furnished room, strictly mod ern, private family, gentleman pre ferred. Harney 7116. ATTRACTIVE, LARGE ROOM; MODERN: BLOCK FROM KOUNTZE PARK; 2 BLOCKS TO CAR LINE; $6 WEEK. WEBSTER 6318. FRONT furnished room; private family; lady or gentleman; convenient for some body employed In Benson. Call Wal nut 6783. NICE modern, south-front room; private home; breakfast optional; gentlemen. Webster 1644. A nicely furnished room, gentleman pre ferred. References required. 2970 Paclflo St. Harney 106 PLEASANT room, strictly modern, board optional; Farnam line. Tyler 2635. S345 Harney St Very nice, front room, private home; walking distance. 2666 HARNEY Pleasant front room, walking distance. Douglas 1367. TWO nice sleeping rooms. So. 20th. Douglas 7650. modern. 911 MODERN furnished room, close in. 6170. Tyler Housekeeping Rooms. TWO furnished rooms, modern. California. Harney 4001. 3119 i Board and Rooms. OVERLOOKING HANSCOM PARK Lovely south room, with board, pri vate modern home on car line for cou- ple. Harney 3862. 2316 DODGE, room and dinner for 1 or i gentlemen or couple employed. Har ney 1505. TABLE BOARDERS WANTED; HOME COOKING. 231) ANIJ U M. M 't ; Unfurnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1316 N. 42d St Walnut 2683. t MODERN unfurnished rooms, modern house. Walnut 3987; Apartments. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS, 18TH AND DODGE STS. Two snd three-room apartments com pletely furnished. Hotei service. Tyler 4200. FOR RENT HOUSES. Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY, SeeJtors, ffrlar- U. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments & Houses Wanted to Rent 4. I or (-room unfurnished house at once or by March 16, by family of four; doee not have to be modern. Ref. given. Call Colfax $928. WANTED Light housekeeping room for ooupl with oMId year old, near Caltholto school. Call Wm. Lamer, Dougla 6391. Office and Desk Room. W will need oriae space which will al low three private oftlces, larga entrance room which will accommodate a book keeper and two stenographer; also re ceutlon room; if any firm tn Omaha ha mora space than they need w will pay a bonus fur their extra space and do the partitioning at our own expense; we will use this space either lu any office building or on tha ground floor of any building located in business lec tion of Omaha, Tel. 2556 or call at Room 804, First National Bank Bldg. WANTED TO RENT A four or five-room furnished house or apartment; no children. Will give place same care a owner. Phone Tyler 1000, Mr. Friend, or write Y-98U, Omaha Bee. Board and Room. TWO refined young gentlemen wish board and room In private family; would pre fer location within walking distance of Telephone building. Please state rates and telephone number In first letter. Ad dress A -48, Omaha Hee. Business Property. WANT to lease rooming house. Will buy furniture. Twenty or thirty room. Write Box 1076, Bridgeport Neb. FOR RENT Business Property. Garage and Barns. REDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or steel. Send for circular. Redl-Mad Housing Co.. 2211 Howard. Red 3667. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY fvCO. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING, HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 288. Globe Van, Transfer and Storage Co. For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4338. Auto or wagon service. MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked room for household good and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South 16th. Doug. 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bnwjn Co. Ty. 3400. UNION TRANSFER jCO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport Doug. 2908. Horses Live Stock. Vehicles. SALE ON HORSE COLLARS. We have over 1,000 horse collars on hand that were bought before the pres ent high prices. We aro selling a regu lar $5 collar for $3.50, a good $7.50 collar for $5, an $3 collar for $6. Our best heavy dray collars 18-in draft curled hair face that sells regular for $10 or $11 for $8. ALFRED CORNISH ft CO., 1210 Farnam St. 800 Sets of Harness, SADDLE AND COLLARS at 30 per cent discount; free list price. Midwest Harness Co., 706 N. 16th St Omaha. Neb. IF YOU BUY YOUR HARNESS BEFORE SEEING OURS YOU'LL REGRET IT. OMAHA HARNESS CO., 318 S. 13TH, SOUND 6-year-old horse, wt 1,200 lbs, 2421 Cuming St D. 49f.9. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. II AVE 400 white and brown Leghorn chicks coining off Thursday, this week. Ready for Immediate delivery. Call at our office, 29th and B St., So. Omaha. M. C. Peters Mill Co. BELGIAN HARES; some fine hares for sale, about 8 and 9 months old: $5 pair or $3 for one male. Henry Kiing, fierce, jen. - eswow wntte Rock Cockerels, also eggs for hatching, walnut 288. ROSE COMB Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching. Koutn 166j. AUTOMOBILE; For Sale. Here's Your Chance to get a real automobile bargain ana when 1 say bargain I mean bargain. Think of It, a splendid running Hudson seven-passenger touring car for only $660. You can't duplicate this buy anywnere m umana, but 1 need the money. No trades considered. Come with the cash. Pohne me today. Wal nut 2100 or call and sen It at the Belt Line Garatre, 45th and Farnam Sts. Ask for Roy Brown. When the Birds Sing You II wish you d bought that car sooner. Delay will be expensive. We have a number of near new cars at great saving: 1920 Oldsmobile six. $420, under list; new Chevrolet, $250, under list: Dodce tourinir. like new. 8425. un der list: 18 Mitchell six, like new. $100 under list: 18 Dodge sedan, $1,000, un der Hat: 18 Overland sedan. $1,000. un der list; 18 Bulck E-49 at a saving of $900; a Hudson speedster saves you $1,000. Look our stock over. We have a car to fit your pocketbook. Thirty cars from SICo to $l,vaO. TRAWVER AUTO CO. 1910 FARNAM. FOR SALE Ford roaster, closed top, good condl tion; also nearly new Oakland sedan. Phone. Tyler 266. Evenings, Walnut 180S. RENT A NEW FORD! DRIVE) IT YOURSELF 1214 CENTS PER MILE. OAS AND INSURANCE EXTRA. OUR CARS ARE COMFORTABLY HEATED FOR WIN TER SERVICE. DRIVE-1T-YOT7RSELF-COMP ANY, FORMERLY FORD LIVERY CO. 1214 HOWARD ST. DOUG. 863.. IF YOI7 are figurine on purchasing truck call and see the following: Two 1916 2-ton Kolly trucks and two 1916 H4-ton Kelly trucks. These trucks are all In good shape and have been used only four months out of each year. The Fairmont Creamery Co.. 1202 Jones St. S EVEN-PA SSEXGER, 8-cyllnder. model 61, purchased May, 1916; excollent con dition, just overhauled and painted, with new ton and cord tires. Will sell for $1,760 rash. This car now sells for $4,176. Call at 1014 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. 1919 FORD SEDAN Five t's demountable rims. Docker wheel lock; heater: double radius rods, shock absorbers, $760. Call Barstow, Tyler 4()a. i RELIABLE automobile school; best elec trical and self-starter course: tree cata log. Come and inspect it. Day school year 'round. Nlitht school opens April 1. National Automobile School, 2814 North 20th. Omaha. USED electrio ar reasonable. Harney AUTOMOBILES For Sale. ATTENTION This Is Directed to You, . Mr., Mrs. or Miss Auto; Show Visitor: There must be something mor to tli" selling of High Grade Used Cars than merely the exchange of wealth for wants. Back oi each any every transaction must exist such a measure of unequaled service. that satisfaction will cause a customer to return again when contemplating ttie purchase of a later model or more desirable car. It is cur earnest desire that yoa inspect the largest Used Car Sales room in the City of Omaha. 4 i ii ii ane) The following bargains art a few of the many real Bargains for Show Week: DODGE Roadster, 1917, new tires, a bargain at .....,....$ 650 DODGE Sedan, like new; all new tires, mechanically per fect 1,250 BUICK Touring, 1917, newly painted, at 8S0 BUICK Touring, late model D-45; like new; new panti sote top, plate glass back,. 873 BUICK Four Touring, C-2S, newly painted 400 VELIE Six Touring, 1917, Continental motor 600 VELIE Six Touring, 1918, like new; new tires 700 MITCHELL Six Touring, 191S newly painted 750 CHALMERS Light Six Tour- ing, 1918; special paint job.. 773 WILLYS-KNIGHT Touring, 1917; pantisote top, plate glass back; newly painted.. 750 OAKLAND Roadster, 1918, like new 750 HUPMOBILE Toudnf;, model K 171 MAWELL Touring, 1918; all new tires 500 HUDSON Super Six Touring, newly painted;, extra tire, spotlight, bumper and other extras 1,150 CADILLAS Coupe, 1914, me chanically perfect 850 HUDSON 6-40 Touring, newly painted, at , 750 Liberty Bonds Taken at Face Value. TERMS IF YOU WISH If you are dissatisfied with your old car, trade it to us for one you can use. ; Open Sundays, 10 to 3. AUTO EXCHANGE CO. 2059 Farnam Street PACKARD TWIN SIX TOURING. Must sacrifice this car for quick sale newly painted; fully equipped; A-l com dition; worth $3,600: this weak $1,860, I DOANE MOTOR CO., Ill S. 4th St. Harney 327 You Cannot Afford to overlook this bargain. Bnlck LlghM Six, used only a few weeks. For p polntment car. Tyler 4073. 1920 FORD sedan, practically pew; arm officer leaving Fort Omaha: $809; ea be seen at Colfax Garage. 4507 No. I0th WE HAVE 60 good used cars to select from. All prices, MEEKS AUTO CO.. 10J Farnam. KEYSTONE MOTORS CO. 220$ Farnam St Dougla lift. STANDARD .W1NTON Eight Six SOME bargain in used Ford ear. Caffrey Motor Co. The Hand Service Station, 16th and J Douglas 3600. For USED enrs of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 2541 Farnam St Doug. M7. D 45. fi-uassenifor Bulck: guaranteed court condition: 6 new oo rd tires. Don las 8334. National Car Sales Co, 241 Farnam. BEST VALUES IN USED CABS. TRAWVER AUTO CO. 1910 FARNAM. WANTED For spot cash, 10 used caret quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co., f059 Farnam St Doug. 4036. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY, 2520 Farnam Bt FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNTS. Look for the red eeal on wlnsbield. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 2033 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. taL atnj REnr-MADl. GARAGES, wood or si Send for circular Redl-Made Bousli Co., 2311 Howard. Red 8617. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO 2300 Farnam St GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. BARGAIN in Chalmers light touring Leavlnir city. Colfax 1389. FORD touring like new. 2860 Bristol Bt Wanted. Wanted Ford Touring Stock new non-skid tires (Ford !) to exchange for 1919 Ford Touring. Boa A-3 9, Bee. ' Auto Livery and Garages. TRUCKS, any size for hire, Best servici. pest rates Tyler i'j7ti. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured in Omaha. 24-hour eerr. Ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dent removed; new fender made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO, 1819 Cuming St Tyler 91T. AUTOMOBILE painting. First class work. 24th Bt. rear. DOUgiaS 7bl3. 1ZB0. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES, STRICTLY FIRST. 20x3 $ 8.76 32x3K $1(.M 80x3 $11.90 84x4 $20.M DEALERS AND AGENTS WANTED. STANDARD TIKIS CU., 410 N. 16th. Doug. 2810, USED TIRES Dill T CHEAP. 30x3. $4.00; 0x3H, $6.04. All sizes In proportion. Looc efer our rebuilt. Open Sundays. Tyler 2984. 908 N. 16th St. Keystone Tire Shop. NEW REPUBLIC TIRES CHEAP. 30x3 FISK... .$12.76 I .14x4 $20.S 30x3 3.96 I 86x4 26.95t KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 1722 CUMING. AUTO electrical repairs; aervlce station for Rayfleld carburetor and coiumDisj storage batteries. Edwards. 2616 N. 19. RADIATORS repaired. C. EIsasser.S63a S. 21st St Tyler 4009. Best work: re. sonable prlcea. GOOD FORD radiator tor (ale. Tyler 4009 Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES-i Bargalne In used machines, victor H. Roo. the motorcycle man. 27th and Leavenworth Sta FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. WE have a fine list of western Colorado cattle ranches, with cattle and aU ranch tools, land Joining government rang; also eastern Colorado farm lands In vicinity of this city Intersected by the licean tn Ocean Highway. Write u now Burns t Skinner, 1091. N. Tejon St, folorado Springs. Colo. LAND SEEKERS. Those that want to buy farms and ranches, both dry and irrigated lands, also city property, call or write to 1! J 4 - 1 i i