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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1919)
.-. - t v ... ; a.j.g.ji'.io, , THE BEE: OMAHA, FitiDAij. 'AUGUST 8 1919. A: MILLIONS OF POUNDS OF FOOD . IS STORED HERE . x Local Packers Hold Vast Quantities of Meat in Storage, Says Report of Assessor. That enormous quantities of food are stored in Omaha cold storage warehouses, is shown by the latest statistics taken by Deputy County Assessor H. G. Counsman. In one warehouse alone over 10, 000,000 pounds of meat are stored by three local packing plants. The re port further shows that in the same warehouse' large quantities of fruit are stored by local commission firms. v The assessor's report, taken in April, shows that Swift & Co. have the largest amount of meat stored in this warehouse. When statistics were taken, this firm had 900,956 pounds of beef, 10,613 pounds of corned beef, 2,426,466 pounds of pork, 940,459 pounds of cured pork, 1,228,875 pounds of dry salt pork, 18,303 pounds of lamb and mutton, and a niscellanequs quantity of meat estimated at 1,188,438, making a total of 6,714,610 pounds. Millions of Pounds. The report shows that the Cudahy Packing Co. had a total of 1,402,688 pounds of meat, and the Morris Packing Co. a total of 2,133,533 pounds. The Armour Packing Co. tores all surplus meat in its own warehouse, according to Mr. Couns man, and does not make a separate report of the quantity stored. "I never saw so much meat in my life," declared Mr. Counsman, "as I did when .checked up on these statistics. Other Omaha ware houses store smaller quantities of meat, of course, but the total amount is amazing. " i!In this same warehouse the Skin . ner Packing Co. had 199,000 pounds of poultry stored. "Although the report was taken in April, it is safe to assume that there is as much meat stored there now, if not more than there was in a : 1 . Out of Law's Reach. "There should be a new law mak ing it a felony to store or destroy food stuffs to keep up prices," said County Attorney A. V. Shotwell, when told of the cold storage prob lem. "There is no law in the state now making the malicious destruction of property by the owner an offense. If a man has 1,000,000 pounds of pork, he can dump it in the river without violating the law." The state law on cold storage pro vides that food can be stored in warehouses for 12 months, and if permission from the food commis sioner is obtained it may be kept for a longer period, providing the food is in the proper condition. The law says it is unlawful to advertise cold storage food as fresh for sale, and after it is pnce taken from storage it cannqt be returned. Unless there is a conspiracy' to fix prices by storage to put food out of reach of the public, nothing can be done to remedy the cold storage situation, "according to Mr. Shot well, who also stated that he be lieved cold storage warehouses we're being used to regulate prices. Must Prove Conspiracy. "Eidence o'f conspiracy would have tq beproved beyond a doubt " before any action can be taken," Mr. Shotwell continued. "There is a new law in Ohio which makes it possible to prosecute any one hold ing food stuffs in storage to prof iteer, and the same law should be passed here. "County Prosecutor Schksinger of Columbus, O., Has filed proceed ings in the Franklin county court against the Columbus Packing Co. and the Fairmont. Creamery Co. re cently under' this new law. He has asked the court for an injunction and a receiver for 151.611 pounds of pork which he alleges the creamery company has had in storage for the packing company in excess of the period stated by the law and for the purpose of profiteering." Store Hides, Too. In addition to the hundreds of thousands of pounds of meats and other foodstuffs stored in Omaha, as shown by the figures of Mr. Counsman. it is reliably reported from other sources that the packers also have stored in and around Omaha many thousands of hides, to keep them off tjie market. m r si r nr l .1111111(111 "oUlUCId Willi Commission Men On Municipal Market City Commissioner Zimman held a meeting yesterday with the heads of the vegetable and fruit commis sion houses on "commission row" v in the interests of the municipal market "My object was to get the com mission men to co-operate with the municipal market and grocery to the extent of giving the gardeners free scope to deal with the city market on the same basis as they do with the commission, men and retail gro cers." he said. "The commission men showed a fine spirit and said they would cer tainly interpose no objections to the gardeners doing this. "I expect to have a meeting also withhegardeners and another with the representatives of the retail gro cers. "A member of men have already applied to rent stalls in the munici pal market in the basement of the Auditorium. Everything is going well and it is possible the market with a few staple groceries in stock will be opened in the basement of the Auditorium next Saturday." A report from the South Side that the municipal .store to be located in , the city hall there will be open Sun-- day mornings was denied by Mr. Zimman, - "The city store cannot very well v disobey the city ordinance, which prohibits the opening of - grocery tore on Sunday," e saif Honor Legion for Men Who Give Jobs to Returned Yanks Mar attii Hang Ibpartmntts Jlmfr i States nf Ammnt Has nssnrtd tluc WLnx and amj cpuxtmtnis tfcat Tw will glatttg xumyloq &vtxvfoo&t volxa foxmtxl vjoxktSL vnXh Trim, nvuX left to seme in the Qx rag u!Mnj nng tfcCitatt tartars if fttl Certificates of this kind are awarded employers who either live re turned soldiers and tailor their jobs back or place them in new posi tions. The Army or Navy departments, respectively, award the certificates. ) DOCTOR IS SUED FOR $15,000 BY Miss Gertrude Wright Says Employer Struck and Kicked Her as Re sult of Argument. Miss Gertrude V. Wright, 21 years old, 2423 St. Marys avenue, yester day filed a $15,000 damage suit in district court against Dr. Charles E. Barnes, 518 Securities building. She alleges that on July 29, while she was employed in his offices, he struck and kicked her as the result of an argument. She was about to go on an errand, Miss Wright says, when the doctor asked her why she didn't comb her hair, and made an insulting remark about her appearance. You brute, don t sav that or 1 11 have you arrested," Miss Wright quotes herself as saying. She alleges that the doctor then struck her and threatened to dissect her if she called the' police. She fled into another room in the doc tor's office, she says, and he fol lowed her and attemoted to choke her. Two boys entered the waiting oom of the office, and he released her, she alleges. The doctor weighs 250 pounds, she asserts, while she is "a small girl of tender years' rriends of Dr. Barnes brand the charges as "false and ridiculous." Horse Show Scenes For Omaha Movie Are 'Shot' at Brandeis Home Horse show scenes for the Cham ber of Commerce motion picture 'East Meets West," were taken yes terday at the home of George Brandeis in Fairacres. "The scenes were filmed on the Brandeis race track grounds. Mrs. E. John Bran deis rode "Fashion Plate," the horse which she rode at the Chicago horse show and which took a prize there. Miss Grace Allison and Miss' Daphne Peters, two accomplished horse women who are prominent in Omaha society, also rode their horses in the picture. Among the men who rode for the picture are frank McCaffrey, Bert Murphy, John Garvey, Dr. John Fitzgibbon, 1-rank btockdale and E. John Brandeis. Pvt. George Bennett, Omaha Soldier, Loses Life In Far-off Siberia Word was received here Tuesday night from the War department at Washington of the death of Pvt. George W. Bennett in Siberia. Ac cording to the advice sent to his mother, Mrs. Mary Bausnick, 915 South Twenty-fifth street, Private Bennett lost his life August 3 by drowning. The telegram did not give thedetails. Private Bennett was a member of Company G, Thirty-first infantry. He enlisted in the army May 27, 1918. Mrs. Bausnick received two letters from her son Monday. They wre dated July 6 and 8. Besides his mother, Private Bennett is sur vived by one sister, Miss Margaret Bennett, and two brothers, William and Frank Bennett, all of Omaha. Boys Entered in Airplane Contest Hear Expert Lecture Arthur Balis, former airplane in structor in the army, entertained as many boys as could be crowded into the Burgess-Nash lecture room yesterday, when he talked on the construction of planes. Practically every boy present at the lecture has entered or is plan nine: to enter the Burgess-Nash air plane contest to be held at Miller park Saturday afternoon. So many boys were late in finishing their planes that the Burgess-Nash Co. extended the time of taking entries until 2:30 Saturday afternoon, when boys Can enter their plane at the Miller park clubhouse. Four prizes are to be given for planes making the longest distance. Men from the three newspapers will act as judges. for the cereel part of the morning' meal GrapeNuts is sufficient, A sturdy s1ieat and barley food The Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice "I realize what BABIES SUF FER in this HOT WEATHER," says a contributor to the fund from Lyons, Neb. If we all realized that, the con tributions to this fund would be even much greater than they are. Remember EVERY CENT that you give to this fund goes to buy milk or ice for a suffering baby in a family where the father is dead or gone and where the mother is brave ly struggling against poverty and often against sickness. It's just as though you went out yourself and gave it to the family, except that The Bee, through the visiting nurses, investigate every case very thoroughly so that only the really helpless and deserving get the milk. We would liketo have your con tribution and assure you ihat it will go where it will do the maximum good to a really needy baby. Will you SEND or BRING con tribution now? Previously acknowledged $771.85 Prom Two Babies 2.00 Mr. 8. Peterson, Cedar Raplda, Neb 1.00 Cash. Lyons, Xeb .00 W. C. T. V., St. Edwards, Neb 1.00 Total C778.85 More Omahans Arrive. The following Omahans arrived recently in New York frorft over seas: Headquarters Detachment. Fourth Divi sion Serst. Udeal B. Jackson, 3164 South Thirteenth street; Pvt. Phillip H. Oell, 1801 North Twenty-fourth street: Pvt. George E. Noren, 823 North Twenty-fifth st.eet; Corpl. Frea W. Henderson, S5Z4 Franklin street. Company C, 68th Infantry dor pi. Bert M. Rose. Twenty-second and O streets. Company F, 68th Infantry Pvt. Tony Slobotsky, 1902 Davenport street. LEMON JUICE FOR FRECKLES Girls! Make beauty lotion for a few cents Try it I Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter1 pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complex ion beautifier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and, how clear, soft and rosy white thfe skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless and never irritates1: Adv. Union Outfitting Co. Places Big Special Purchase of Linens On Sale Saturday Some o the Qualities Can Not Be Obtained in the Wholesale Market Today. Prices Will Mean a Saving of Hundreds of Dollars to Those Who Attend. Sales at the Union Outfitting Company are always well worth a special trip downtown, but the sale of Towels and Table Linens next Saturday is of more than ordinary interest. Farsighted housewives and brides-to-be, who desire to fill their linen chests, can rest as sured that the Special Purchase prices are so low, it Way be years before they are again equaled. In spite of the growing scarc ity of linens, you. jvill find ample quantities of Wash Cloths, Huck Towels, Turkish Towels, Table Cloths and Napkins in various qualities. At such' a time, this sale con vincingly illustrates the growing Buying Power of the Union Out fitting Company, and its ability to lower prices, because it is lo cated out of the High Rent Dis trict. As always, you make your own terms. ITElfJfMY announcement A typographical error in an article recently, appearing in The Bee conveys the impression that others than the Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company have the selling agency for Steinway Pianos. This is positively not so. We have been in the past and still &re rthe exclusive repre sentatives in Nebraska anl Western Iowa for Steinway & Sons of New York. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Cn. Exclusive Factory Distributors 1311-1313 Farnam Street OMAHA NEBRASKA o SETS THE PACE FOR CROWING OMAHA V Friday "Continuing Our Great Sale of All the Oxfords and Pumps From the Regent Shoe Company Purchase AT LESS THAN REGENT SHOE CO. PRICES SIGNIFICANT from the standpoint of style, quality and pricings actually one-third less than Regent Shoe Co.'s markings, the first day of the sale was largely attended. Opportunity for selection Friday will be equally as good, for this purchase was so large it was practically impossible to display all at one time. ; No woman, the least bit f oresighted, will miss this sale. It affords money savings remarkable indeed, irf view of the continued advance in footwear costs. Styles are the very latest fashions that will be in vogue late into the fall season. MAIN FLOOR 0) 6) m$m tag 01 Exceptional Money-Saving Opportunities on Summer Merchandise for All the Family. House Dresses Eaandas Barmon Bros. "Electric" brand, famed for fit; have many patented features. Brok en lots; special for "1 QE Friday, each, LViJ VJash Boilers These are No. 8 Boilers of heavy tin, copper bottom. Will stand the test of hard and con tinual wear. Offered Friday, very special, O 1 Q each, .S.IU Vomen's Shoes Made of very fine grade of white canvas. These are "O. G." Shoes. Full Louis or low walking heels, sizes IVt to 8, narrow widths; soiled. Spe cial Friday, per pair, J Middies and Smocks Slightly soiled, 400 to se lect from, good up-to-date styles, 1.50 values. Friday sale price, each, JQ oily Lunch Kits The "Thermos" kind, with "Thermos" bottle included; made of heavy japanned tin, bottle the vacuum O QO kind, per set, si. IO Red Spreads The crochet kind; hemmed ends, large size, heavy quality, launders perfectly, very pret ty patterns, O 4.Q eachr Cretonne Westmoreland brand, 36 inches; a variety of pretty patterns and colors for drap eries, comforter coverings, etc., per yard, 29 C fit Lawn Dresses, For Girls, come in white only, sizes 2 to 6 and 6 to 12 years; lace and embroidery trimmed; sale price, OQ. "each, only 4ii7 Union Suits For Men; Summer weight, poros knit, short sleeves or ankle length, long sleeves, ankle length and short sleeves, knee length, sizes up CQ. to 44, each Scrim Take note of this offering please. Here is Scrim that regularly sold for 15c. Spe cial, per yard, 1 fi Friday, only XVi Children's Pumps Mary Jane and ankle strap styles; with hand-turned soles, sizes IVz to 8; patent leather. A big Basement spe- QO i cial, pair, vOC Under Waists For Boys and Girls; made of Cambric and Jean. This, lot consists of odd sizes. A special for Friday, O Q each, only s&UC Women adapted to saving, will surely attend the Basement Ready-to-Wear Section after reading these TWO SPECIALS In which are offered the kind of wearing apparel that can be made excellent use of right now and a long time to come. And the strong point is that the savings are so un usual that no woman, hardly, can afford to pass them up. HOUSE DRESSES $2 to 3.50 Values This lot consists of large Gingham Plaids and other fancy Wash Materials. The assortment is large -enough to assure a good selection in your particular style. We urge you , to make a special effort to be "here and pur chase a number of these handsome Dresses. 1 ACk Priced, X exV 49 TUB SKIRTS $2 to $4 Values About 300 in this lot and the price, 1.49, is remarkably low for Skirts of this charac ter. The styles are good. The lot includes mostly White Skirts, but there are a few Colored and Plaid Skirts. Also about 25 Tan Silk Pop lin Skirts. AQ Priced only, TJ Men's Shirts About 1,100 in the lot, first and second quality; some are slightly damaged; neat pat terns of striped Madras and Percale, Sport Shirts in plain and fancy patterns, ACkg each, iIC Low Shoes For Women and Young La dies, street pumps ,and white kid sport oxfords; sizes to 5V2', hand-turned and welt soles; per pair, QQ only, 2OC Hash Tubs Made of galvanized iron, very best grade, No. 2 size; a remarkable offering for Friday, specially priced at, Zy 98c Breakfast Sets For- Women; colors of red and white and blue and white and pink and white stripes, with plain white skirt. Made to sell at 1.69, special QO . for Friday, each OOC (id & Canvas Oxfords For women and young la dies, rubber soles and heels, also leather soles, sizes 2 to 5; values to 2.50; suitable for sport or street wear; QO Friday, each, JOC Window Shades Don't fail to see these. All colors in the lot. 36 inches wide, 6 feet long, with fix ' turea attached. Offered for Friday, at, each, OQ cjnly ' OJC Marquisette Here's another offering from the Drapery Department that women will surely like. Marquisette that regularly sold at 25c, Friday, 1Q per yard, only J.JC jet Brassieres A remarkable offering in the Corset Department Fridav is the one in which 35c Net Brassieres, the back-closing styles, are offered 1 ( for, each, IOC FRIDAY THE DAY TO BUY Drugs and Toilet Articles The Basement is "the place to buy Drugs and Toilet Articles. Just look over the list below. Aren't ' those prices out of ordinary? Visit the Basement Drug Section Friday the savings are surely good. Epsom Salts, 1-Ib. pksr., 8c. f Hand Scrubs, 15c val., 10c. f ' I Tooth Brushes, 19c val., 10c. One Lot Of Powder Puffs, 19c val., 12c. On Lot Of One lot Face Powder, spe- I alCUm ""Xbonita Face Powder. 50c Ollet PowdcrS '"I'runette ' Rouge, 25e sTze, So&P 10c. Your Choice, Assorted odors Perfume. Special, r very special, per ounce. 29c. p r, er Box Williams' Talcum Powder, rer Bar Dfl Williams' Shaving Soap, 7c. ft (J (a Cucumber Cream, special, stall I9c. I J Peroxide Hydrogen, 4-oune V - I V y bottle, 7c. V Every Offering Here Meant a Worth Whtl Money-Saving for You. Rack Laced Corsets Made of Coutil and Batiste, neatly trimmed, low and me dium bust styles; values $2 and 2.50. On sale 1 PA Friday, only 1 OU 30-Inch Papers Plain patmeal papers, colors r of brown, tan, green and gray,, sold Vith cutout borders to match; special Friday, ner roll. onlv. . V Ralbrigean Shirts For Men; good quality, made athletic styles, in ecru and white, sizes 34 to 44. Extra special values O Friday, each, ' s& 1 C Aluminum Ware "Mirro" Sauce Pans in a Friday selling. Pans with cold handles, the 2- ACkg qt. size, each, only Turkish Towels Full bleached, hemmed ends, soft and fluffy; a re markable offering for Friday, each, only stsiassiC 36-Inch Percale Light grounds with neat figures, stripes, etc., cambric finish, 3 to 10-yard lengths. ' Special, per yard, Q Q SsiSl only feckties For Men Four-ln-hand , Wash Ties in plain white and assorted colors. On sale Fri day, while they , last, each, 1&2"C" Misses Sandals Made of white canvas and tan Lotus calf, stitched down soles, sizes 5 to 2 ; a special of fering for Friday, at, 7Qg per pair, 5C ' Women's Blouses Good styles and materials'; mostly small sizes. They would sell regularly for $1. , Slightly soiled. Sale OQ price Friday, O C Table Napkins Mercerized quality, hemmed ends, j-eady to use, in a range of pretty patterns. On sale Friday, at, 7'i each 2 V Printed Organdie 27 inches wide, in a range of pretty floral designs on white and tinted grounds. Special, per yard, OC only &OC . Bed Room Papers Worth to 35c per roll; very dainty, each have borders to match ; these papers are in two lots, Friday, per roll 10c .nd14c Hen's Underwear, Shirts and Drawers of mesh' and balbriggan, long or short sleeves, ankle length; shirt sizes, 34 to 46; drawers, 82 to 42; per garment, OQ only O U C J