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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1918)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 5, 1915. ma.ilrst ""lM jss DOKT PLAY THE ALL VM OCXNq HATnE- :t05 j I LL 8ET 'MOM-AMD IkMOtw I'LL. HEARD IN OMAHA mV mpai is DON'T BE 0A5HFW..I A FEu) ATALL100fcW4T OCDFCS f AINT Kt05 HE WANTS EVEwTTHfUG BOT whats IsftXLED.A BIT HO THANKS I DON'T GR FOR AWVTHWq. JU5T HAD A peeie; MUSH" 15 THEIR, FAVORITE RCOP. HAVE TO hflPwTH N.VY THEY HAD M WAIT ON THE TA0LE. S AMD THAT MADE HIM AJ TABLE SALT. $ PiAMOAriEi ; (3 PASSING THINGS. I'LL fiWSAwAV IN EVEN EATS WITH HE. HATTlE 'OF- POTATO DOESN'T tem p.m. THECE'S FLENTY n)' Jo 13 IM MY COPVi i HE THINKS HAT ON WUOulUHlCH THE PISHES J ON HIS PLATE 'FoiXTOOSEj CALAMQY SuCHABOTHfR-.l WITH HER. OJ.' STUFF! WITH EnP I . MFAI BlQ DIMM&fc I PIE. D'YA UOu BEHOVE I Over ' The Top OVthe Tablecloth. AMY no JOk!S? CAME j , - Copyright, v Ull. "international News 8rvlce IF XJU DON'T EAT awj this yovuq WOOLOMT THEY SPOIL . THIS RlEo DID V5U THE FIMCWV PAIWE UHO UAMT3 ) EVEEYTHIWCOM A SEPARATE OlSH, NO.'ohe ifcEsirr HAVE TO WASH 7HE DISHES. Vfc CET A SEAT UEXT TO IS TbO pDLlTE T EAT, rFF HE'5ALM05T 5TA8.VE0. HE'LL NEUER, GET FAT. f1O0, ISN'T A JJlT BfiSHWL,W. HE'S IMA f5iTl0M WHERE HE HA3 TO PASS EVEKSYTMMQ AND JfcESNTGET a chance to FINISHES. HE'LL LEAME THAT'S ALL HE CAME PON'T GET AMY Drawn for The Bee by Callahan F0P2.. THE FEEtXjACHEA FIE. EAT THE CEU5T IT WKE3 WR. HM CUEL7. SIT UP CLOSE Tb THE TA0LE. 0M OF THESE LIL' PARUNSS? OOOH! APPETITE? I J THE IRONiMQ J3CAKD SEAT IN CASE OF AM EMERGENCY. I i I d Yi3P1tDIAM I man ! r tv if r lid a i i ' i f v -a ri 7 jf urviu i i i si r 1 i tL n w ; THAT'S afis:Sl SHE'S I Cm I 1 8037 M.. .L Jla W A HA0 W r'f Want Ad Rates (Cuh With Ordr.) 1 ft per word . mxh ins trtion te per word for three consecutive Insertion le per word for each additional intertioo No ad taken tor Us thaa a total or 20 rf or leae than 10e per day. ' t CHARGE e per line (count words to line) me time le per line each time. consecutive timet fo per line each time, 10 eonseentiva times SITUATIONS WANTED lit per line -per week CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES 10c per line ...each Insertion (Minimum Chsrgt, (0 Cents.) ' Contract Rates Oa AppUcatiea For convenience of advertisers want ada will be accepted at the followinc of t lees I MAIN OFFICE ..........Bee Budding Ames Office 4110 North 24th St. Lake Office 251 North 24tb St. Vlntoa Office....... 171S Vlntoa St. Farfc Office ....261S Leavenworth fit. Walnut Office North 40th St. South Side ZSld N St. Council Bluffs .....14 Main 8k. North TUB BEE will not be responsible for no i than one incorrect Insertion of an ad vertisement ordered for more than one time. Use TBE TELEPHONE if you cannot con veniently bring or send your ads to any of the above offices. Ask for sr Want Ad Taker and yon wlil receive the same good service as when delivering your ad in person. PHONE TYLER 1000 Want Ad Column Close Evening Editions..... 1:00 M. Morning Editions ; 10.00 P. M. gundsy Editions 10 P. M. Saturday Evening DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. FEHR Rbeuben L., aged U years, at Box borough, Philadelphia, Pa., February it. Service at the home of his eon, Joseph A, Fehr, HIT Cuming street, Sunday, 1;0 p. m.. Rev. O. D. Baltsly officiating. In torment Forest Lawn cemetery. Deceased Is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Anna J. Sams of Portland, Ore., Mrs. Florence B. Held of Philadelphia, Pa., and one com Joseph A. Fehr of Omaha. EERMAN William, former resident and old pioneer of Omaha, Neb., died Feb ruary 16, aged It years, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Amelia Brown of Orand Rapids, Mich. Leaves a sister, Mrs. So phia Leffert of Omaha. Body will be taken to Omaha later to be burled In the family lot In Prospect llll BAHTLKTT Lorene Dorothy, aged 7 years, February IS, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert L. Bartiett. 1616 North Forty second street. 1 Hervlcee at Hoffmann' Funsral Home Monday at 1 p. m.. Rev. Charles H. Flem ing officiating, Interment .Forest Lawn cemetery. - ' BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Joseph and Emma Pavelka, 2411 South Twenty. llfth, girl; Stanley M. and Barbara Rosewater, 6111 Underwood avenue, girl; John and Catherine Oluva, hospital, girl; Luther and Christina Johnson, 6814 Wirt, girl; Cornel and Mary Wolf, 4111 South Thirty-seventh, boy; Oscar and Flossie Thornburg, ($01 South Eighteenth, girl; Domlck and Anna Sherlock, 2606 North Nineteenth atreet, girl. Deaths Mr Johanna M. Pearson, 14, 101 South TbKty-flfth avenue; Mary Haas, , hospital: Vera B. Yates, 6, 126 Park venue; Adolph Burmeater, IS, 1611 North Sixty-second; Lena Kowskl, (7, hospital; Lawrence F. Reinhard, It, 1(11 Emmet; James Meyers, II, Florence; Minnie Beltel man, 41, 1803 'i North Twenty-fourth; John Doty, 41, hospital; Christine Drexel, 14, 601 Cltfo-ni FRATERNL ORDERS. ATTENTION, ROYAL NGIQHBORS. Ivy camp No. 1, 1 Royal Neighbors of America, will meet the first and third Wednesday night of each month on and after March at the B, 4k M. hall, 120 Bee Bldg. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers, 14 Har, D. lit, Si. L. DODDER CO., Funeral Directors. F. U Fero. Mgr., ltd and Cuming St. Phone Dbuglas ITT. Auto ambulance. HULKS A R1EPEN. undertakere and bslmers, 701 8. 16th. Douglas llil. JOHN A. OENTLEMAN, undertaker and embalmer, 1411 Farnam St. D. 161. FLORISTS. BBINU a member of the National Florists' . Telegraph Delivery association, w are In i position to deliver flowers at ahort notice anywhere In the United Btatea and Canada. Hess and Swoboda, Florists. .ESS LEE L. LARMON UI4 Dougla St. Douglaa till. k LAHCEtIT assortment of fresh flowers. i HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. ; PAKKER FLOWER SHOP, 411 S. 11. D. 1101 RiKlEKS. Florist. Ill 8. 16th. D. 1400. BATH. National Florist. H04 Farnam 8L A linNAOHUB. 18 Harnev Doua 1001. SPECIAL NOTICES J. F. CONNOLLY has moved his law office to 37 Omaha Natl Bk Bid. Dg. IT LOST-FOUND-REWARDS QUA HA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET 5 RAILWAY COMPANY i Person having lost some article woulf I do well to call up the office of the Omaha 1 & Council Bluffs Street Rsllway oompany .to ascertain whether they left it In the I treat car. I Many artlclea each day are turned In - and .the company la anxloua to restore them to the rightful ownere IF YOU 'oac anything and wUl advertise It here you will surely recover It If found . by an honest person. It yon find any 1 thing of value '.be honeat way la to ad vertise for the owner. LOST Tuesday, dark brlndla Boaton bull dug; left half of head and breast Is ' white. Answers name of "Barney." Phone Walnut 14. Liberal reward. L.OST Cameo ring between 13d and Mason or 14th and Harney. Reward. Telephone Harney 1414. XHT On South Side, package containing blue silk kimono; tinder phone 8outh 1011 arier a o cioca, ncwira, LOST In Bee Bldg. or on Farnam car, gray RlttenfoK muff; reward. Har. 6068. WANTED TO BUY VANTED Old false teeth, crowne and , bridges. We pay from x 10 : per set. Send by tercel poet and we aend check by return . mall subject to your approval. jacKson a ucntai tsvpvi, uywllvq owp tr r . . ... a. ll Lln.1. - hitrh . W premium paid; aend 4o tor Illustrated com circular; it nay mean oia rovuer w . you. Numtematlo Bank, Dept. A, - Fort : Worth. Tex. - )ESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C Reed. It Farnam. D. 014. KETli tfalee). crowns, brtdgework; pay to - U0 ecC returned If tHc unsatisfactory; " mall. California Refinery, Lo Angeles. -ioOh'S bought. Kicser. Loal Hotel Bldg. INDEX TO WANT ADS Page. ... S AOENTS AND CANVASSERS AUTOMOBILES Automobiles Wanted I Automobile Livery and Oarage 1 Automobile Tires and Supplies........ I BUSINESS CHANCES 1 COMMERCIAL GUIDE 1 DEATH UOTICES 1 EDUCATIONAL FARM AND RANCH LANDS 1-4 FLORISTS 1 FINANCIAL I FOR 8 ALB MISCELLANEOUS Furniture and Household Ooods, Planoa and Musical Instrument. Store and Office Fixture Machinery and Engine Cameras and Kodak Sewing Machine Typewriters Lumber, Building Materials Nurseries, Seeds .. . . . . . .. .... . . . . .... FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms t Housekeeping Rooms ................ 2 Board and Rooms 2 FOR BENT APT8 A HOUSES, FURN.. 2 FOR RENT APARTMENTS ....2 FOR RENT OARAGES ., 2 FOR RENT HOUSES 2 FOR RENT BUSINESS PROPERTY.... I FOR RENT SUBURBAN I FUNERAL DIRECTORS ..,...... 1 HELP WANTED MALE 2 HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 HOTELS ; , 2 HORSES, LIVE STOCK, VEHICLES... 0 LOST, FOUND, REWARD 1 MEDICAL , I MONEY TO LOAN I MOVINO AND 6TORAOB , 1 PERSONAL 1 POULTRY AND PET STOCK 4 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED I REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED 1 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT......... 1 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 1 REAL ESTATE WANTED. I REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE 1 REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROP., .... 1 REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS t REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson I Council Bluff 1 Dundee ............................. 1 Miscellaneous I SITUATIONH WANTED 1 SWAPPERS' COLUMN 1 WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished House and Flat 2 Furnished Room and Flats........... I WANTED TO BUY ' 1 SWAPPERS' COLUMN ECONOMIZE IN WAR TIME. Trad those artlclea of furniture, cloth Ing, personal belonging, etc, that you have no need of. Oet something you can us. . Special rate for ada In Swapper Column 26o for l-lln adv. 1 day and lo per answer for all letters received. Buelneaa ads regular rates. COMBINATION billiard table, first-class con dition, for good typewriter, caah or what have you T Box S. c. 101, Drains Dee. l60 EQUITY In residence lot for fresh cow, or what have you I .box b. v. Omaha Bes. I WILL TRADE, even, 1 and 4-mlnuta Vlo- tor and Columbia records, in good oonai- tlon, or what have youT Rea 87l. DIAMONDS Jewelry for rifles, shot guns. clothing. Friedman, Ull Douglas. DIAMONDS, jewelry, for rifles, shot guns, clothing. Friedman', 1211 Douglaa. v For Sale Miscellaneoeus Furniture and Household Goods. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS' WORTH OF FURNITURE, RUGS, STOVES, ETC Our Surolus Stock. MUST BB BOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. Buy Now and Get First Choice. The choicest horn furnishing that money can buy, W make a epeclalty of complete home outfits, also hotel and rooming house. Railroad far free to all out-of-town buyer within 60 milea of Omaha on purchases of 110 or more. 8TATB FURNITURE CO., Tel Doug, 1117, Cor. 14th and Dodge St.. t Omaha. - "Ton Can Buy It for Lea at the State." BARGAINS IN STOVES AND FURNITURE. Bed, spring, mattresses, bedding ot all kinds, tables, chairs, china and kltcben cabinet, rug and linoleum. 1131-1147 N. 14th 8t Webster HOT. Open till p. m. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full line of furniture, ga and coal oil atovee, rug, baby carriages, trunks, etc Isyal Furn. Co., Ill N. 16th. ' LEAVING city Friday, must sell my furni ture at sacrifice. Call morning. Mrs. Fred Hadra. Ill 8, 41t Bt. RUSH right down and get your (hare ot all kind of furniture at a sacrifice. 601 N. Ilth Pianos and Musical Instruments. w HOSPE CO., 1611 Douglas, have planoa to rent at 11.60 per month, or will aell on easy terma . Clothing and Furs. FULL dress suit, size 38, in perfect condition; atso shirts. Address Box 3363, Omaha Bee. Sewing Machines. . SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needle and parte f all "Wing machine. k . MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 18th and Harney Sta. Doug. 1(12. Store and Office Fixtures. FOR SALE CHEAP. A good small aet of bank fixtures; Im mediate delivery. Write or phone for pricee anl description. Security Stats Bank, Holbrook, Neb. Wa have moved to new location. We buy, eell and make - desk, fe showcases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., 8. W. Cor 11th and Doug. Phone D. 2T14. FOR SALE White enamel ateel eurglcal In strument cabinet Good condition. Rea sonable. Walnut 74. . 4X4-FOOT show cases and opallte ice cream tablre. 1226 Cuming 8t. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RENT Remington, Monarch and Smith Premier typewriters. Sent anywhere Rental supplies un purchase. Remington Typewriter Company, Nineteenth and Douglaa streets. WE buy and aell and exchange all makes of typewriters. Guaranteed typewriters. 110 ana up. Write tor list. Midland Type. Co., 1404 Dodge St. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver 1 montha for II. Central Typewrite Exchange, 106 Farnam. OLD Dutch line ribbon and carbon. You try it before you boy :t from llatt. 1320 let National &ana. Tyler 1461 LATE8T MODEL, $100 Smith Premier type. writer. Hsrgatn. 140. me Dodge St. Machinery and Engines. TWO small ic machinea, good order, right sis for dairy, produce or market, also electric light outfit; 16 horse, Fairbanks engine, dynamo. Born Co., Chicago. , SET of (arm machinery for sale at 211 8. J 21th Avof For Sale Miscellaneoeus Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Seed corn, white and yellow, 100 per cent germination govt, test, se lect ears, $6 bu. Don't delay. Native alfalfa, per cent pure; red clover, $11.00 bushel; timothy, 14.60; pure Red River Ohlos, $2. Johnson Bros., Ne braska City, Neb. UolST ledgerwood, 2-drum, li-horae, re- flued. $600; boiler, horlxontal, 10-Uorae, full front, $260; will swap for electrlo motor, 60-horse power. Phone Walnnt 17T. FOR BALE New lilt lnoubatora "any mane, lor i less man laciory . pnea delivered your town. Johnson Bros., Ne- BrasKa city, wen. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather (teamed. renovaiea ana mea up in new inia.r. proor ticKing. iQ7 wuming, iou. so WHISKY and wine barrels (empty) for sale. Nevlns A Scbwlen, 414 Felix street. St. Joseph, wo ARTIST'S mudel-stand, screen, stretchers and framee, Webster 1470. KINDLING, $2.60 a load. Lumber cheap. Call Webster 461. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered button, all slie and styles; bematltcbtng, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonhole, pennant. . IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 100-101 Brown Bldg. Douglaa 1131. VAN ARMAN Dreai. Pleating and Button Co., I3I-T Paxton BIk. Douglas 1101. Baths. LaBELLE Bath Institute'; electrlo and plain baths; msssage of all klnda; expert at tendants. 1606 Harney. Douglas 7044. MASSEUSE, batha manicuring, physical cult. Miss Walker, 224 Neville BIK; Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Package les than 20 lb., 16 cents. Doug. T46X. THE ONLY WAYwD0ug THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Bt. Carpenters and Contractors. LESSARD A 80N, 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. Cemeteries. WEST LAWN offer sympathetic service In sudden sorrow; perpetual care; no assess ments; lots on easy terms. Phone Wal. 120. Chiropractors. Dr. J. C Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 1461. Dentists. Taft's Dent Rms.. 101 Rose Bldg. D. 2180. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 121 W. O. W. Bldg. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 112 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 1120. - 8. D. JOLLY. 611 Psxton, Red 1111. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING, Miss Sturdy. Douglaa 6396. TERRY Dressmaking Co., 10th and Farnam. Fixtures and Wiring. TlTTPlf TNT Electrlo waahlng machine. iuuiiui elc.trlo I j n and reading lamp. 1221 Cuming St Do'isr. 2611. Historical Costumes, Ths largeat stock of theatrical and masque rade costumes In the country for rent or ale. Theo. Lleben A Son, 1614 Howard. Household Specialties. a F. ADAMS, 622 8. lth. D. 2007. Under new management We want to see old friend and meet new. Open Sat evening. Your credit I good. Agent wanted. Insurance. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE . INSURANCE COMPANY, 119-14 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2111. Jewelry. DIAMONDS ttt cr as at smell profit. GROSS, 401 N. 18th St, Kodak Finishing FILMS developed. lOo a roll; one-day aerv- Ice. Kase Rods'- Btudlo, Neville Blk, 16th and Harney. Lumber and Building Material. SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. Gross Lumber and wrecK. Co. wet), mt. Medical. WHY SUFFER! Latest and moat Sclentif lo Treatment for All Diseases. Dr. Charlea Barnes, 611-12 Securities Bldg. Examina tion and Consultation free. He is reliev ing tlousands. WHY NOT YOUT Delays are dangerous, If you can't call, write. Hours: I a. m. to 6 p. m., 7:30 to 1:10 evening. Sunday, 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. PILES, fistula and other rectal diseases cured without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal dis ease with testimonial. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Osteopaths. OSTEOPATHY for rheumatism, tonsllltls, la grippe, pneumonia, diseases of women, young women suffering from anaemia, chlorosis, dysmenorrhea. Dr. Mabel Wee son. 114 Brandela Bldg. Res. phone, H. 47411 Office. T. 2160. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. EXPERT WELDINO OF ALL METAL. H. W. LEVERING. 201 & 11th St. D. 1671. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co., 663 Brandela. D. 4611. Patent Attorneys. STURGES A STURGES, U. a and foreign patenta and trademarka. 130 Bee Bldg. Plumbing and Heating. TOPP A CO., 1716 Vinton atreet Plumbing and heating; gnneral repair work our jpeclalty. Oil burner experte. Tyler 1111. Printing and Office Supplies. Watera-Barnhart Ptg. Co.. 624 8. 13tn Ht. Piano Tuning and Repairing. HAVE your piano tuned and the tone and action regulated by one that Knows now; thirty yeara experience: beat reference; obrlety, efficiency, accuracy. W. D. Field, the Paxton, THATCHER. CHAS. H 1101 Harney. Doug. 6010. Expert tuning and repairing. Piano rebuilt and reflnlehed. Estimates free. W. R. Dalbey. piano tuner. Doualaa 1287, Razor Blades.' BRING or mall your dull aafety rasor bladea to 412 Bee Bldg. Johnson Electrlo Sharpening Co. Safes. G A PTJCi BARGAIN" 1212 Farnam, J. J. Deri. lit Safe Co. Songs. WRITE THE WORDS FOR A SONG. We write music and guarantee publish er's acceptance. Submit poem on war, love or any aubject Cheater Muaio Co. 1031 Wilson Ave., Suite 614. Chicago. Tailors. Dledrlck, P. I. 214 8 20th. Tailor. D. 2432. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. D. 621 Trusses. atlCU COMFORT TRUSSES. t.Mti.J Ufu6lu keg V v rvetrfsi " I r ll.CU A vji gv n J ff I-'- J Ths W. U. Cleveland Co, 1410-12 Harney St. ANNOUNCEMENTS Voice Culture. Albert Hateratro Basso cantante, teacher ot singing, technique and repertoire. Stu dio. 431 Securitl- Bldg. Tyler 246T-J; - Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcemente and printing. Douglaa Printing Co.. Tel. Douglaa 144. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE Located in the best town in Wyoming. Com pany owns building. Will rent to buyers. Total business done last year $100,000. An exceptional opportunity, largest store in town, splendid location, established trade. .If interested . address Box ,Y 421, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE. One. of the beet equipped blacksmith, machine and wagon shop In Nebraska. Warranteed good location, plenty of work for three men. Customer over 100. Only hop in town. I-H. P. engine, electric light, oxacatylene welding. Cement block building 10x60, two , lot 100x140 and wagon material. Iron bolt and horse shoes. Invoice $1,000. Will sell for $4,600. Poor health reason. For full particulars address T.S. KUGLER, 720 Bancroft St., Omaha. : Phone Tyler 1691-W. PATENTS THAT' PROTECT AND PAT. BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE. Send sketch or model for search. Highest reference. Be: result. Promptness assured. , Watson E. Coleman Eawyeb Pacif lo : Bldg., Washington, D. C n FOR QUICK SALE An old established drug business. Only drug stock in town of 600. Annual sales 115,000 to $18,000.- Stock will invoice about $8,000. . Will sell at market price plua freight, and give terma on halt of stock. - Will either sell or rent building. Other business Interest, reason for selling. Write at onoe. ' GUY BUTLER, PH. O. Holbrook. Neb. A CHANCE TO MAKE BIG MONEY. $200 to (1,000 per month on an Invest ment not to exceed $600 if you are or wish to embark in business. Opportunity only offered to one party In each local ity. Write today for full particulars, Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1111-11 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE Strlotly modern, up-to-date, brand ' new hotel in booming Neb. town of 400 on main Lincoln Highway; 14 rooms, hot and cold water, ateam heat, electrlo. lights In every room. All furn I. ture and fixture new throughout. Rea. onable If taken at once. $800 will swing deal,- mortgage on flxturea tor balance. Reason for selling, going to war. Ad dress Commercial Hotel, Lodge Pole, Neb. 64 OIL 'WELLS NOW EARNING 1 per cant monthly. Development thl year should Increase earning to 48 per cent Not a gamble, but a producing company located In heart ot proven Oklahoma field. Write for free Information today. GUARANTY NATIONAL OIL A GAS COMPANY, N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansaa City. Mo. SUBSTANTIAL manufacturing company want party to eataousn orancn otiice. manage salesmen; possibilities unlimited; patented - artlole; $360 to $600 capital neceesary; you bandls dwn money; will pay expenses to Chicago as explained. Manager. 418 South Dearborn. Chicago. I PER CENT FIRST MORTGAGE GOLD BONDS. ' Intereet paid semi-annually. Writs for descriptive circular. The Guarantee Mortgage A Trust Co., 6$ W. Monroe Bt, Chicago, III. ON account of health must aell my clean . Ing plant; positively the best location and moat complete plant In town; doing cleaning, dyeing, carpet cleaning and hat blocking, running $6,000 yearly. To any one Intereated will make a splendid offer. Address Box 4ST. Grand Island. Nab. SUBSTANTIAL manufacturing company wants party to eatablish branch office, manage salesmen; possibilities unlimited; patented . article; $360 to $500 capital necessary; you handle own money; will pay expensea to Chicago as explained. Manager, 418 South Dearborn, Chicago. FOR SALE -The" oldest established and beat money making drug store In county aeat town , of 2.600 ' In eastern Nebraska; big prescription business. Owner wants to re tire; act quick. , Address Box Y-426, Omaha. Bee. . - . WILL LEASE Part of our oil land In Natrona county, Wyoming. Practically proven field. At tractive term. The Surety Oil Corpora tion, 834 O. A E. Bldg.. Denver. Colo. MERCHANDISE Run ,11 years, fine store, 112,000 clear. In fine brick building. Rent paid for one year. Want land in Ne braska. Might assume. R. O. Constable, Herndon, Kan. j " TERRITORY open to capable man on three wonderful selling patented auto neces sities; exclusive state and county rights guaranteed; write Cluley 471 E. Ohio street Chicago. DRUG BUSINESS Clearing 13,600 per year over all expenses. It you have any money nd want a winner, get busy; no guess " work; will show you. Box Y-424, Omaha Bee. DOCTORS ATTENTION A practice paying over 110,000 per year ia offered on very attractive terma. It yon want a place that you can make the money look this up. Act promptly. Box Y-433. Omaha Bee. CASH GROCERY A bargain for quick aale. rme under first draft la reaon for elllng. Dotns good business and getting cash. Box Y-411, Omaha Bee. GOOD paying business for sale. Puff Cigar and Confectionary store adjoining Nicholas theater. Council Bluffs, la. Other bus iness, - reason for Belting.- HOG raising paysl If -you have money to inves,"thl ia your opportunity to become interested.. Bend for full particular. Ed ward Stock Farm, Edwards, His. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE cheap, furniture and lease of a first-class, all modern seventeen-room rooming house. Paying proposition. 607 H West First St.. Haatlags, Neb. WANTED To purchase motion picture theater in town not over 6,000; give full description, price and terms. Apply Box 2118, Omaha Bee. WE make profits sure and guarantee against joss in ryramia, Wyoming, new on iieius, now booming. Write to Guarantee Trust Co., Box 602, Kemmerer. Wyo. WANTED Notions auch as hand sewing needles,' no quantity too large or small. Highest price paid. 110S U. B. Building, Dayton, O. . - MOVING PICTURE machine, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup ply Co., 201 Nat Bldg. MOTION picture machine bargains, new and rebuilt fully guaranteed. All supplies. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 South 14th St. WANTED Small Omaha business, paying well. Cash for same. . Address Box 8264, Omaha Bee. BUSINESSES furnished and aold. All states. P. V. Knlest. Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE Business building and General Mdae., $8,000. Box 372, Coxad, Neb. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. He'd 2286. FOR RENT Peru's only hotel; will modern ize for right man. Box 16, Peru, Neb. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. MARRIED man with small family wants wprk on farm by month or the year; am 34 yeara old, born and raised on a farm. Can give good reference. Address F. L. Tompkins, $42 Greeley St., Kansas City, Kan. WANTED POSITION AS ASSISTANT CASHIER IN COUNTRY BANK IN EASTERN NEBRASKA OR WESTERN IOWA TOWN. SIX YEARS EXPERI ENCE. BOX T 41, OMAHA BEE, EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur desires ateady position in private family. Can do all repair work. Box 2791, Omaha Bee. WANTED Steady position by married man 26 years old. Wide legal and clerical ex perience. Beat of references. Address Y-422, Omaha Bee. WANTED By experienced Illinois farmer, place to work on farm by married man. Roy Haley, Walnut, Ia. WHITEWASHING, windows washed, rugs beaten, floors waxed and polished. Call Walnut 1868. TWO experienced men , want farm work. Call personally after 6 p. m. Victoria hotel. ' MAN, wife and son want situation on farm. Eastern Neb, or Iowa. Box Y 420 Omaha Bee. WANTED Stenographic and typewriting work evenings; at home or not. Red 7842. YOUNG man, aged 18, wtshea position in garage. Box 3340, Omaha Bee. CHAUFFEUR wishes position. Box Y 411, Omaha Bee. MARRIED man wants work on farm. Box 3867, Omaha Bee. Female. REFINED young widow with amall family wants - position as housekeeper where services of honorable woman 1 desired; have new furniture for I room; refer ences exchanged. , Address Postofflce Box 724, Omaha. WANTED Employment by neat and refined lady, 36; prefer position a reception clerk in doctor' or dentist's office; best refer ence. Address Box 2811, Omaha Bee. WANTED A position aa housekeeper or with a small family, by a young woman with 3-year-old boy; city reference. Col, 2870. 6418 North 33d Ave. EXPERIENCED capable stenographer de sires position; best of references. Box 1880, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED NURSE Well care for invalid in her own home,' also nursing, Web. 2100. ORGANIST, A-l picture player, wishes po sition In or out of city. Room 324 Keen hotel. YOUNG lady wanta clerical or cashier's po sition in candy or grocery store. Weh. 1331. Sewing at borne, ahirtwalst, sklrta spcy. R. 7762. EXPERIENCED stenographer and typist Box 2717 Bee. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundress, washing, ironing and housework by day. Satisfaction given. Web. 1680. PLAIN and fancy clothea carefully laun dered. Called for and delivered. Web. 4283. ' EXPERIENCED colored laundreaa wants bundle wsshlng and day worit. wen. zazu, BUNDLE washing, rough dry. and finished, Red 6673. ' - EXP. Colored woman for day work. Web 4t64. BUNDLE washing, ladles only, excellent work done. Webster t6BU. COLORED woman wants day; work. Web. 698 EXPERIENCED colored laundress wants work. H. 6073. First-class laundress for day work. Dg. 1673. Washing. Ironing or plain sewing. D. 8780. EXP. LADY wants day work. Web. 2021. Rel. colored girl for day work. Web. 471 DAY work and bundle washing. Web. 1088, LAUNDRESS wants work. Exp. Web. 2633 Colored Isdy wanta day work. -Har. 4405, LAUNDRESS want bundle waeh. Coif. 2036, BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut 3269. BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut 2269, FOR good woman .for day work. W. 6972. BUNDLE washing and day work. Har. 1606, EXP, laundres for day wor. Web. 1867. DAY work of any kind. Harney 6029. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. CITY aaleaman, office supplies, $125; city salesman, machinery and supplies, $100 $125; city salesman, cigars, $100; traveling f salesman, cigars. $125; bookkeeper, $126; general office man, $100; office clerk, good penman, $35; general office clerk, $76; stenographer, $75; stock clerk, $75. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSOCIATION. ! Originators of the Reference Business. 736 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Experienced Bookkeeper !.. wnrlr .r Rochester. Minn., until October, and possibly later -Mi,., ti.v Initl&tlva and on wiu.1 " " ... ..... - - - , not subject to draft Work Includes look ing alter 'auppiies ior wmmwii other detaila of office. Salary $100 per month.' Board, $1 per day. OMAHA STRUCTURAL STEEL BRIDGE CO. 42 Bee nuiiuing THOUSANDS celrks at Washington wanted immediately by V. S. government, $100 month ana op. Men, womn, n - l .JW Amvm vacation With IV eaay, pleasant work; common education sufficient; your country needs you; help her and live In Washington during these stirring war times. Write without delay for free Hat positions open. Franklin Insti tute. Ppt. S3-C iwnniifr,' i. MAN who understands bookkeeping and has executive ability. Salary depends on qualifications. WATTS REFERENCE CO,. . MI First Nat'l Bank Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertise, for "help" the same way you advertise to sell merchandise, and the difference in returns will surprise you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you in preparing your advertisement CIVIL service examinations in Omaha soon; men desiring government positions, depart mental, postofflce, railway mall, customs, write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard (former government examiner), 524 Kenols Bldg, Washington.' YOUNG man wanted for ledger clerk posi tion; one who desires a permanent posi tion with reliable company; excellent chance for the future; state age, experi ence and salary wanted. Box 33S2, Omaha Bee. 6 BOOKKEEPERS $60-1100 $ STENOGRAPHERS $60-1110 STENOGRAPHER AND SECY $110 BRIGHT BOY, 18 or 20 years $40 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. STENOGRAPHER, out-of-town, $100. keepers, $100-$9S-$90-$85-$75. clerks. $86-$80-$75-$65-$50. WATTS REFERENCE CO., 1138 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Book Office OFFICE CLERK at once, $76-$85. THE MARTI SERVICE, 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED- We can use a limited number of men between 21 and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Steady, healthful em ployment Must be physically sound, of good character and habits and come well recommended. Apply in person at of fice of superintendent of transportation, Room 20S, second floor Merchants National Bank building. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS . STREET RAILWAY CO. DRAFTSMEN To ' draw $125-1160 monthly anywhere. Chief draftsman of engineering firm will Instruct and prepare you practically-lndl-vldually for above salary, by practical work, home Instruction. Guarantee you necessary, actual drafting room experi ence, not obtainable In schools, colleges or Institutes, to be competent, high sal aried draftsman. No diplomas, but train ing until competent Furnish tools and position free. Terms reasonable. Address Chief Draftsman, Dobe, Dlv. 30, Engi neers' Equipment Co. (Inc.) Chicago. Draftsmen To draw $123-1150 monthly anywhere. Chief draftsman of engineering firm will Instruct and prepare you practlcally-lndi-vldually for above salary, by practical work, home Instruction. Guarantee you necessary, actual drafting room experi ence, not obtainable in schools, colleges or Institutes, to be competent, high salaried draftsman. No diplomas, but training until competent Furnish tools and position free. Terms reasonable. Address Chief Draftsman, Dobe, Dlv. 30 S. Engineers' Equlp't Co. (Inc.), Chicago. WANTED INTERURBAN CAR REPAIRMAN MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE WITH RAILWAY MOTORS AND CONTROL LERS. LINEMAN AND METER TESTER WANTED. OMAHA & LINCOLN RAILWAY & LIGHT CO., DOUGLAS 1312. WANTED A MARRIED MAN ON THE FARM FOR GENERAL FARM WORK; WILL FURNISH HOUSE. COW, TRUCK PATCH, COBS AND WOOD AND $60 PER MONTH. NONE BUT AN EXPERI ENCED, INDUSTRIOUS MAN NEED AP PLY. ADDRESS GILBERT AGERLUND. VALLEY. NEB., OR PHONE CEDAR 6363, FREMONT. PRINTER wanted at once, reliable and competent all-around country printer Operator, for a one-man shop, equipped with model "B" Intertype, cylinder press, etc.; wagea $22 per week to start with; permanent job for right man. Address Index, Mitchell, Neb. MEN wanted to learn airplane and automo bile business in Detroit; experience not necessary; can earn while learning; ex cellent opportunity for advancement; Ad dress National Training Corporation, 702 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. MAN to work this city, refinlshlng chande liers, brass beds, automobiles, by new method; $10 daily without capital or ex perience. Write Gunmetal Co., 52 Elm, Decatur, 111. WANTED First-class radiator repair man, one competent to take charge of depart ment Write or apply In person at MAN DEL AUTO REPAIR CO., Sioux City, Ia. WANTED AT ONCE A watchmaker. One that can engrave preferred. Permanent position. Thorpe & Company, Sioux City. Ia. JOB COMPOSITORS, city or country, wanted at once. Steady work, good wages to competent men. Nebraska Printing Co., Lincoln, Neb. BE A DETECTIVE. Excellent opportunity, good pay; travel. Write C. T. Ludwtg, Westover Bldg., Kansas City, MO. WANTED Freight handlers. Apply Amer ican Express Co., Union Station. MEN'S or ladles' tailor wanted. Apply at 4101 N. 24th St. Benjamin Page. Col. 1662, LEARN barber trade, low rate now. Call or write Barber College. 1124 Douglas at. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED BIG OPPORTUNITY FOR A FEW GOOD SALESMEN WITH CLEAN REC ORDS AND CREDENTIALS; EXPERI ENCED IN SELLING STOCK, INSUR ANCE AND ADVERTISING. OUR PROPOSITION IS BACKED BY MOST PROMINENT BUSINESS MEN IN IOWA. IF YOU ARE A 16,000 MAN YOU CAN S MAKE $10,000 ON THIS PROPOSITION; CONDITIONS HERE ARE MOST PROS PEROUS. ADVANCE ARTISTS ARE NOT WANTED. FOR FURTHER INFORMA TION WRITE OR COME AT ONCE BE FORE TERRITORY IS ALL ASSIGNED. W. E. LEVEY. SALES DIRECTOR, 1 0-711 SECURITIES BLD PES MOINES. IA, HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Wanted Four Al stock salesmen. Men wanted must be men of ability and in tegrity, who desire to sell Investment stocks Instead ot speculating stock. 350 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. SALESMEN Our lines of exclUHlve map calendars, 12 sheet and business calen dars, our waterproof and metal edged signs have no equal In the United States. Neither does our unique weekly map win dow service for merchants a new, mar velous seller, on which many saleamen are clearing better than $100 per week. We offer bl? commissions, low selling prices we make our own goods. We need a real salesman man wanted for western Iowa to begin work immediately. Write today. The Kenyon Company, Des Moines, Ia. (43d year.) WANTED The Anderson Steam Vulcanlzer Company, with a machine and method that give easy advantage over all competition; doing repairs at less than half cost that look and wear better than all others; have matured plans for working states and need fit men to organize sales; liberal contract, Best states still open. Two to five hundred dollars finances you to thousands. Perma nent connections for competent, ambitious men. Anderson Steam Vulcanlzer Co., T Columbia Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. SPECIALTY SALESMEN WANTED. Live wires to wholesale best auto at tachment on the market. A real seller. Dealers want it. Fits any car. Reliable men who are familiar establishing ex clusive agents and collect advance money. Your commission first. Sample outfit1 furnished. Liberal commission allowed.' Salesmanship makes position permanent. MARQUETTE MANFG. CO. 616 Endlcott Bldg. St. Paul. Minn. SALESMEN, ATTENTION! Salesmen wanted to sell groceries, paints, oils, etc., at wholesale direct to ranchers, farmers, and other consumers; splendid opportunity and first class in ducement to live, energetic men; liberal advances on sales; territory protect-d: our oldest customers are our best ones. Dept. 8, George Meldrum & Co., Whole sale Grocer, Chicago, III. MALE CLERKS WANTED Who are good dry goods and ahoe sales men as well as good stock keepers want ing good positions should address Box Y 417, Omaha Bee, giving age, married or single. If in draft age state draft class. Give years experience saying how much experience was gotten in cities and how much in country towns. SALESMEN Experienced or Inexperienced City or travelling. Send for our free book "A Knight of the Grip," and list of openings. Immediate employment service rendered members. Address near est office. Natl Salesman's Tr. . Ass'n Dept. 439 Chicago San Francisco New York. STOCK SALESMEN for large, new Iron and steel corporation. $150,000 advertising al ready contracted. Liberal commissions. Some leads and two years' work. Biggest opportunity of recent year for high grade men. Get territory quick. Missouri Iron and Steel Corporation, 1414 International Life Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. $60 A WEEK to special men to travel by automobile and introduce 300-candl power coal oil lantern for farmers, dairy men, hucks'ers, gardeners, contractors, army camps, etc. We furnish the auto free. Write for particulars. Thomst Mfg. Co., 2416 Round St., Dayton,' O. WANTED Three salesmen for specialty work with retail merchants. Experience not absolutely necessary if aggressive and have good ability. No heavy samples. Work Is pljasant and more than ordi narily profitable. Address E. L., Box 402, Iowa City, la. SALESMEN AND SERVICE MEN NEW CARBURETOR FOR FORD CARS. Simple, not a moving part, installed In 80 minutes, guaranteed to double your mileage and start In zero weather without heating or priming. 15 day FREE trial. Write U. & J. Carburetor Co., 605 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. DISTRICT MANAGER to represent us in exclusive territory; commisison basis; must finance yourself; device proven meritorious. Agents already appointed making good money. Get our proposition. MEILICKE CALCULATOR COMPANY, 350 N. Clark St., Dept. E, Chicago, 111. WANTED Salesmen calling on drug, groc ery, confectionery, notion, cigar, etc., trade to carry new live seller. Don't mist this opportunity. THE MAJESTIC RUBBER CO., Dept. B., Akron, Ohio. SALESMAN WANTED High grade travel ing salesman capable of earning $3,004 and expenses annually. Staple line te general merchandise trade. Attractive proposition to dealers. Address Sales Manager, 612 Hearst Bldg., Chicago. SALESMAN NOTICE If you are calling os the auto trade and want a high class side line, write us. IDEAL MANUFACTURING CO., Lock Box 629. Kansas City, Mo. SALESMAN Capable specialty man to) Nebraska; staple line on new and excep tional terms: vacancy now; attractive commission contract; $35 weekly for ex penses. Miles F. Bixler Co., 3219 Carlln Bldg., Cleveland, O Wanted Clothing Clerks Persons who are good clothing and shoe salesmen wanting good positions should address Box Y 418, Omaha Bee, giving full particulars. , ' SALESMEN Live ones listen, successful coal oil burner at last, no generating, no cleaning, no carbon troubles. 'Big de mand, women enthusiastic. Peoples' Spe cialty Co., Watseka, 111. SALESMEN Live ones listen successful coal oil burner at last, no generating, no cleaning, no carbon troubles; big demand; women enthusiastic. Peoples Specialty Company, Watseka, 111. WANTED Ten live-wire salesmen with car to call on farmers; experience unneces sary: our present salesmen are making from $300 to $500 a month. Address Box 2804. Omaha Bee. THE YEAR'S BEST SELLER. Big money making side line, where you 4can earn $50.00 weekly and can be sold all year round. No Investment, no sample. Ad-Lee Novelty Co., Dept. 39, Chicago. WANTED All around salesman for general store, apply to S. Mandelson at Loyal hotel, Omaha, Sunday 2:30 to 5 p." m., or to Mandelson A Kennedy at Nebraska City. Neb. SALESMAN Our New Colored Patriotic Art Knife Salesboard just out; consig ment proposition; write today. IOWA NOVELTY COMPANY, Cor. Broadway and Fulton Sts., Keota. Iowa. EXPERIENCED clothing and men's fur nishing salesman at once; state age, sal ary expected, whether married and experi ence. Box 3106, Omaha Bee. WANTED Live trire salesmen to sell stock In cattle and ranch proposition; on com mlsslon : give terms and references In first , letter. Box 432, Redfleld. S. P. - -: REPRESENTATIVE COMMISSION- THAT MAKES YOU PROSPEROUS. GOODS THAT REPEAT WITH FULL MAIL CREDITS. BOX 2, STA. E. CLEVELAND.