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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1917)
I 10 B " x ' THE QMAHA ,SUNDAY BEE: DticEMBER 23, 1917, BiVjr Demand for Kiddies to Rose Before films Jane and Katherine Lee, the Wil liam Fox "Baby Grand" film stars, have steadily developed as big attrac tions in film. There has been always, and espe cially of late, a demand for young sters who would act naturally before the camera, act just as plain, every day children not as actors or act resses. In comedy roles they are scarce as hen's teeth; they are usually utterly ridiculous or absolutely flat. It is in this naturalness their chief charm lies. Film theater patrons see in the little Lees just plain, every day kids not actors. They are spon taneousnot artificial and the many humorous stunts they pull are done just as normal kids would do them if there wasn't a camera within a mile. Kids "cutting up" before company are never as genuinely interesting or funny as when they arc alone or be lieve they are no being watched. In film comedy drama they are des tined for big things, and they are seen at their best in "Troublemakers," shewing today until Wednesday at the Muse. Good Money for the Man ! Who Writes a Scenario Scenario writers and would-be film scribes, attention! Here's $1,000 easy money for you. Lois Weber, the world's Rreatest woman producer, wants a sequel for "The Price of a Good Time." If you have ever written a scenario or think you could write nn trt nut vmir trtiUv cranhit or "-, 6v o-J laiiniui wnueremingiuii unu give uhih to what you think could, with the clever producer's genius, be developed into a worthy sequel to the current thundering photoplay. Then buy the necessary stamps and mail it to Lois Weber studios, Vermont and Santa Monica boulevard, Los Angeles, Cal. She Speeded Up All Right. Edith Storey, In a forthcoming Metro fen lure, bad. an opportunity recontly to drive a racing car ai faat aa her heart desired. It was for acenes, which ahow Mlaa 8tory driving through th nlgWt a hlgff rata or ' speed. ' Her, director told her to "spoed It up" and from all account aha mora than followed lnatructlona. ' - Noted Stars Who Will Be Seen on Screen In Omaha Movie Theaters This Week Bills for the Current Week Ql,L$W4 pk p . lV ConstenccTaltnaJgc Jevet Carmen T Jf t'sj tween th old torture prison system and the honor one. A splendid love etory ia told and the entire ten reeU la eo directed that it doea not drag a second. Tuesday. Christ rnaa day, Baby Marie Osborne, In "Sunshine and Gold," and 3rd chapter "The Hidden Hand." Huborbn Margarita Fischer, Omaha'e own star, here today In her latest tom boylih role, "Mtsa Jackie of the Army." It l laid around an army post In time of war and tells of a daughter of the regiment who wlshea she bad been born a boy and how stie trains and drills the girls at the post and tnctdentally uncovers a plot to wreck a supaly train. Monday and Christmas day William Farnum In "'The Conqueror." Thurs day, Charles Ray In "The Son of his Father." v Hamilton May Mp-sh in "Sunshine Alley" Is here today. It Is promised to bo replete with comedy that is always appreciated by theater goers and to tell a etory that will hold the interest. Monday Olga Petrova In "Etelle,' a Paramount production. Tues day, Christmas, will be Mary Pickford In an Arttraft picture, "A Poor Little Rich Girl." It Is the screen version of the story and stage play of the same name and repre sents the best screen work of the star's career. The manner In which the little girl instills happiness In the hearts of two sour-faced aunts Is entertainingly told. uiiiMiiiiiimiiiiiimmiiiimiiimmiiimu: Strand What would you expect of a pic ture that has been selected by the leading exhibitors of the United Btutoa as being no good that they wish to buy It? Well, thla la Just xaotly the case with "Allnaony." which Is presented today and tomorrow a the Strand. The leading exhlbltore 01 America have organised what they term Klrst National Exhibitors' circuit, and among thcPfeaturea they control are Charles Chap lin, "Alimony," etc. A H. Blank, president of the Strand AmuBement-' oompany, controls the first exhibitors' franchise for Iowa onn Nebraska, and hence these productions will i seen at the Btrand. Alimony" Is an ex jeriment on the part of the producers In orescntlng a cast of high clasa players, bin no stars, but offering a production of more than usual merit, and a story that grips from start to finish. ' Tuesday to Saturday, Alary Tlrkford Is the offering In "The Little rrlncess" by Franoes Hodgson Burnett, a special C'hrlstmas atory, while a clever Sun nhlne comedy, "Hla' Smashing Career," wilt ;Oso be offered, as well aa the latest Talhe Weekly. Muse As a Christmas attraction, the Muse will offer the screen's best fun mak ers, Jane and Katherine Lee. ..William 4 ox's ''Haby Grand," star aa "Trouble Makers," beginning today nnd; until Wednesday. You have a laugh coming get It. It is said this la the best vehicle In which the little celeb, rltles have yet had to demonstrate their ability ss fun makers, and they certainly pile up trouble for people in thla film at an amaxlng rat by reason of their many pranks and antlra. Thla epaetal picture will appeal to women and girls, men and boys, Begin ning Thursday and for the bo lance of the week, Constance Talmaiee will be seen In "Scandal." a story of a willful debutante, a wealthy cava man and amart aoclety at Its smartest. . A Keystone comedy will also be shown. Kmpress Constance Talmadgo in ".Scan dal'1 starting today. The story deals with the dangers attendant on bucking the old conventional standards of society and shows how one small lie will beget thousands. The girl visits tho. studio of a famous artist one evening unaccompanied and finds herself Involved In scandal. Brought face to face with the unpleasant truth during a house party at her home,. she deliberates a -moment and then announces that she went to the studio building to are a gentleman who lived acrosa the hall from tho artist per son, and that her visit was perfectly proper because she la now the gentleman'a wife. Blackmail, alander, heartaches and finally happiness follow the trial of her thought less little lie and the complications worked out are amusing. I to be better fitted to her than many of 'her former screen productions. ,r. . ami iir. Hldney Drew also In their latest comedy. Thursday, Friday and Baturday Jewel Car men, in "The Kingdom of Love," the story of a young woman who withstands tempta tions and keeps her heart and 'head clear In the midst of tho Klondike region. Miss Carmon will be remeinb d for her work as leading woman to Wll i m Farnum In his super-production. Mutt and Jeff cartoon and Hlllle Ilhodea comedy round out tho b!U. ' Nan "The Small Town Guy" adapted from "A Picture of Innocence," which ap peared in Munsey'a magaane," today and Monday. The star la Taylor Holmes, who delighted In "Efficiency Edgar's Courtship" and "Fools for Luck. " The story tells of an ambtttoua small town guy who visits the city and has many experience while the aft ridiculed country youth comes Into his own. A Christie comedy and. latest news completes the program. Tuesday, Christmas day,' and Wednesday, cornea Ethel Barry mora In "The Eternal Mother." It Is a drama of mother-love and devotion. MImh ' Barrymnre Is cast In a role that la promised LOTH HOP n l -TotUy- .. WILLIAM DUNCAN, in THE TENDERFOOT" Monday and Xmaa Mat. and Nit MAE MARSH, in K "SUNSHINE ALLEY" HAMILTON:; Today MAE MARSH, in "SUNSHINE ALLEY" Xnu Matin and Nig Kt MARY PICKFORD, in 'POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL' K.npress (iarden The management an nounces That reservations for New Year's evo may now be made. A splendid enter tainment Is being arranged to look forward to one where tho old battle-scarred year may be bid farewell and the young now yoar welcomed In. The Tueoday and Thursday nights still continue to. attract crowds on which evenings theatrical and amateur nights bold sway. The usual splendid Sun day tablo d'holo dinner will bo sorved to day from 13 to and a la carte service from noon until midnight. Bouleiard George Walsh In "This Is the Life." shows here today. .It Is a story that starts In a Chicago cabaret, where Georgo fltihts for an unknown woman who has been Insulted. When he goes to take charge of bis father's rattle concession In a foreign principality, he .learns that the woman he fought for la nono other than a princess, whose father la aeatod on a tottering throne, so he proceeds to help them out and does save the day In a highly amus ing, although sensational manner. 'Tuesday, Christmas, cornea Miriam Cooper in "Be trayed." Itohlff Harold Lockwood will bo the featured player here today In "Paradise Garden." It Is a rather different story which tella of a young man who has been raised In seclusion, although a millionaire, and has never been fcllowed' to' see a woman until he comes of age. But when he does well, you must see It to appreciate same. Monday, W'alt Whitman in "The Tar Heeled Warrior." Tuesday, continuous, and again Wednesday comes Douglas Fairbanks In his latest scream "The Man From Painted Post," H Is full of Fairbanks stunts and forms an Ideal attraction. Friday, Bushman und aBayne In "Their Compact." Hipp Franklyn Farnum In "The Rarlet Car," Is tho Bluebird attraction (or today and Monday. It Is an entertaining and at times breath-catching story of a slipshod youth who "finds himself" In time and saves the honor of his fiance. A cast of chosen players holp to tell the story that Is prom ised to please all classes, even to. the most critical. Tuesday and Wednesday, Harry Morey and Corinno Griffith In a Oreater A L II A f.l D R A 24th and Parker Today BELLE BENNETT in "THE BOND OF FEAR" Xmaa Matinee and Night WILLIAM DESMOND, in "FLYING COLORS" SUBURBAN ne Col.. 2841 ) Today MARGARITA FISCHER, in "Miss Jackie of the Army" . Monday and Xmat , WILLIAM FARNUM THE CONQUERER' BOULEVARD 33d and Laarenworth 'V-v. Today GEORGE WALSH "THIS IS THE LIFE" Tuetday ' (Xmaa) , Mat. and Nita ' MIRIAM COOPER '"" , ia "BETRAYED" r. DUNDEE 521 md Underwood Monday BESSIE LOVE, in The Little Reformer Xmas at 2, 4, 7, 9 WILLIAM FARNUM In Charles Dickens' Triumph 'A Tale of Two Cities' Without a doubt the best picture ever shown here. "Bill" plays a dual role in a manner never excelled. is r- -J VilHRraph picture, "Who Goes There." said to be replete with climaxes and human In terest that will be appreciated. Thursday only, comes Julia Sanderson in "The Run away." Friday and Saturday Is the Butter fly Christmas production, "Beloved Jim,, featuring Harry Canter and Prlsctlla Dean. Uiindee No show here today. Monday, liessle Love In "The Little Reforrper," based on tho story ot "Polly Ann." Tues day, Christmas day. William i'arnum will hold forth in a William Fox super-de luxo photoplay, "A Tale of Two Cities," which Is the creen version of this Immortal classlo of Charles Dickens. It la without a doubt the best photoplay that has ever been of fered patrons of this theater. The star playa a dual role in a manner that has never been surpassed and It will linger In the nitmory for many days to come. It Is an ideul picture for this day. Thursday cornea tho "Pathe version of "Lea insurables." Apollo Karlo Williams and a notable cast of Vttagraph players, will be seen here to duy and Monday in "The Grell Mystery.'' Jt Is a detective story, said to be baned on parallel cases of a former detective con nucted with the famous Scotland yard, who Is responsible for the Btory. Hearst-Pathe news and comedy also. Manager Molina-hen announces he has booked a special ottractlon for Christmas day, "The Silent Master, starring the popular Robert Warwick. It Is n Hrlznlck production and Is so masterfully directed that not a moment drags, in a thrilling narrative 6f Paris' fitmous under world life. ' 4iwviii,ii (Muse) f SANTA AND YOU Have a Laugh Coming Get It Make the Holidays Cheerful, and See Jane and Katherine Lee as' TROUBLE MAKERS :il liNLUMrAKAhiLt NlLDlLo " 1 o Dee itm is to i-ove cm IRREPRESSIBLE JANE EMOTIONAL KATHERINE Presents t.rand Ethel Clayton in ''"Easy Monny," hero today. Jt Is promised to unfold a story that will hold the Interest. "Monday, C'rano Wilbur .in "The Painted Lie." Tuesday, Christmas day, comes Douglas Fairbanks In an Artcraff playf "The Man From Palnten Ppt." It tells in a highly Interesting man ner of a professional hunter of "bad men"' in the west and how on one instance he dis guised himself as a tenderfoot and waa tho amusement of the cowboys, but gets his man In the end. Of course the detective ta Fairbanks. I.olhrop William Duncan and Carol Hallo way here today in "The Tenderfoot." It ts a western story and will be appreciated by those who have been following the serial these two have been appearing in. Monday and Tuesday with showings continuous on Christmas is Mae Marsh In her secona Goldwyn picture, "Sunshine Alley." It Is a story that shows the st;ir to excellent ad vantage and Is replete with many comedy touches. The direction and work of the. supporting cast of players la all that could bo desired. Alhambra Belle Bennett In a Triangle offering, "The Bond of Fear' is the photo play attraction at this theater today. It Is a play that la somewhat out of the ordinary and Is promised to be replete with situations that will hold tho Interest throughout. Mon day Is dainty Viola Dana in "The Mortaf Sin." Tuesday, Christmas day, will be Wilt, lam Desmond in "Flying Colors." Other good pictures will also be presented.. Hippodrome Today and Monday one of tho biggest photoplay sensations of the sea son, "The Honor System," with George Walsh, Miriam Cooper, Gladys Hroekwell, and others. It shows the comparison be- THEATER BEAUTIFUL GRAND TODAY ETHEL CLAYTON, in "EASY MONEY" Xmaa Matinee and Night DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, in The Man From Painted Post rl'IlifTfiTTt (Admiaaion 10 Cents) Today and Monday FRANKLYN FARNUM in "THE SCARLET CAR" Tuesday and Wednesday HARRY MOREY, in "WHO GOES THERE?" Thursday Only JULIA SANDERSON, in "THE RUNAWAY" No. -"THE RED ACE" Friday and Saturday HARRY CARTER and PRISCILLA DEAN, in "BELOVED JIM" HIPPODROME ?uhmtf TODAY AND MONDAY The Film Sensation of the Seaaon "THE HO.NOR SYSTEM" Thrills the Spine of a Nation Cast Includes Such Stan as GEORGE WALSH GLADYS BROCKWELL and others as well known Xmas Matinee and Night BABY MARIE OSBORNE, in "SUNSHINE AND GOLD" No. .3 "THE HIDDEN HAND" Wednesday MARY PICKFORD Apollo lephone rney 1806 28th and Leavenworth Today, and Monday Earle Williams in "The Grell Mystery" A detective story by a former member of Scotland Yard. . . Tuesday at 2, 3:45, 5:30, 7:15, 9. EXTRAORDINARY ATTRAC TION Specially booked for Xmas Robert Warwick "The Silent Master" A special da luxe photoplay showing-Warwick at his best. tOIILFF Leavenworth . Today Harold Lockwood in "PARADISE GARDEN" Tues. Mat. and Nite, and Wed. Douglas Fairbanks in "THE MAII FOOM PANTED POST" Full of 'pap and ginger Friday Francis X Bushman Beverly Sayne, in 'THEIR COMPACT' Sunday and Monday The Gripping Comedy Drama, aa JJJJ ("Alimony"! The Tie That Burns 5 MSI a SB Tuesday 1 MARY PICKFORD 1 ' in i 'The Little Princess' iniiiimiiiiiiMimiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiMiimn TODAY TILL WEDNESDAY LMi TODAY TILL WEDNESDAY ,tjs ; -s : -kd' ---sf 1 i O Wi fftiiwilllfti nmiii s ' Today Monday TAYLOR HOLMES IN "A Small Town Guy" Being the Exciting and Mirthful Adventures of a Village Beau Brummel. Tuesday and Wednesday Special Xmas Attraction Ethel Barrymore in "The Eternal Mother" ivKsKs9s,;is33siiv and this oppor tunity is taken by the various branches of the Motion Picture Industry of Omaha To wish its many staunch friends who have helped make it the fifth largest industry in the world. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 1 . i And that they may enjoy all the good things of life. fca Strand Theater. Sun Theater. Empress Theater. Muse Theater. Hipp theater. Apollo Theater. Rohlff Theater. Boulevard Theater. Lothrop Theater. Hamilton Theater. Suburban Theater. Hippodrome Theater. Grafhd Theater. Besse Theater. Alhambra Theater. Dundee Theater. Fox Film Corp. . Pathe Exchange. Triangle Film Corp. Select Pictures.' Greater Vitagraph. World Film Corp. Peerless Photoplays. Fontenelle Film Co. Kansas City Feature Co. Paramount-Artcraft. Laemmle Film Co. Bluebird Photoplays. Jewel Productions. Western Supply Co. General Film Co. -Mutual Film Corp. Omaha Film Exchange. Standard i Hamilton Theater. World Film Corp. Standard Film Corp. t 3 Suburban Theater. Peerless Photoplays. , CW(vC I Hippodrome Theater. Fontenelle Film Co. jC$88Xtbs V i tl SI d is is Hi ll a! o S P c: h pi t hi m ct a! a w v K ui cl h( fit se sc clc sli fa H E; hi 60 tr, ! n 1 le: er de pr Tl th an st pc to is th sii 4 mi da th as a M ch vi sis of or; 110 oh Az He tlx ad s ' inp Ke ha: dw tio is : wii dai riv I ley sin bU! the lor ser is Ch Ro enl wo iini bill liai si sh Sci doi at I U. in Ab ev in the Fh Ro elf rof St'J roo Bo; "ov con bill ap T in 1 Km