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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1917)
e Omaha Daily PART, ONE NEWS SECTION 4 THE WEATHER Cloudy H PACES ONE TO TEN VOL. XL VII. NO. 161. OMAHA. SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22. 1917. TWENTY PAGES. t TrtlM. Hattii. Mm Stodt. Et. Mb SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS I AM CAPITAL TTW-rr .Bee SOLDIERS RIOT IM MSS ARGEMTIMA TOMME WAR OM KAISER SAMMIES ABROAD MUST GO SLOW ON BOOZE SAY ARMY ORDERS FROM U. S. Strict Regulations Issued Demanding Abstinence from All Liquors Except Beers and Light Wines; French Com ment Favorably on High Moral Standards of American Forces Quartered There. (Br Aristd Pre.) With the American Army in France, Dec. 21. All alcoholic beverages except light wines and beers are denied to members of the American expeditionary forces in France by General Pershing, in general orders issued today. Extraordinary meas ures are being taken to insure sobriety and a high moral stand ard in the army, and the officers have been informed they will be held to strict accountability for the fullest compliance with the orders. PUNISH DRUNKENNESS. 0 The text says: j "Should men return to camp intoxi-! cated, they will be seized by the ! guard. Cases of drunkenness should be subjected to prompt disciplinary j measures. Commanding officers at all j places where troops are located will j confer with the French authorities and use every endeavor to limit to the j lowest possible the number ot place where liquor is sold. It is desired that the authorities be assisted in locating non-licensed re sorts, which should be reported im mediately for necessary action. "Soldiers are forbidden either to buy either buy or accept as gifts whisky, brandy, champagne, liquors or other alcoholic beverages other than light wines or beers. The gift or the retail sale of these by inhabi tants in the zone of the army are for bidden by French law. Commanding officers will see that all drinking places where the liquors named are sold be designated as "of limits" and the necessary means adopt to prevent soldiers visiting them. "Camp, regimental, battalion and company commanders willjse held to a strict accourrraftrrfty for the fulest compliance with the requirements of this order." Guard Boys' Morals. As regards morality the protection ot the troops begins the moment hey land and is continuous constantly thereafter. The order says that at the ports of debarkation, by co-operation with the French authorities and, if necessary, the use of the military sec ret police, every endeavor shall be made to locate the habitations and sections of. towns frequented by im iioral women. Such places will be de clared "of limits" and posted for each company oretachment, and the fre quenting or visiting of these places by members of the American expedi tionary force is prohibited. Local commanders at all other towns and places, where troops are stationed or billeted, are instructed to observe the provisions of the order when local conditions indicate the advisability of such action. 'For the information of friends and relatives it may be said that ranking , year-s button. The girls are keen officers declare that the sobriety and eved and you cant put anvthjng over high moral standards of the American on them," in the word going out from iorces as a wuuic nave uccyiy 1111- i pressed the French civilian and mili-1 lary authorities. Conductor Killed When Train Goes Over Bank Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 21. James A. Simcoe, conductor, was kill ed and four other members of a freight train crew of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad were seriously injured on the Park City branch line near here today, when the brakes fail ed to act on a steep decline and the train plunged over a 50-foot em bankment. Simcoe stuck to the train, but the other four men jumped just before the engine with IS cars top pled over the embankment. The Weather For Nebraska Cloudy, not much hangc in temperature. Tnifperatnre ut Omaha Yesterday. Hour Dei?. M u: h .1 . M'RIl I" ! i ' p 1't-f.rimtai !' 'i'einperatiir.- ami prc-iplta Hon from the normal: Normal tcmiitniiuie Kiess fur the Jay Deficiency lines March 1, 1317. Xonnal prtf lpitstton t-v-; -i--.. rnr tha rinv 4 415 MS Hull 03 Inch Total precipitation since March 1- 31.. MU Precipitation sine March 1 - ; "hat deficiency sine-: March 1 '-20 I,-flclncy for cor. period, 1916. 12.63 Inches iu.firicy force- period. IMS.. l.M Inches .t.ition u nd l Amp. oi&m- i'""1 : ,. !,, rl. fall ' ':iv.-,:uir(. ' ""'l' ' I . ,-. r. r! 1 ' i - , Mn. --, .-I..1J.I . 1 lu- t'l'v. !;. 1 .-I. r.1;. " i ul.;r. ci.'..r . -r:h Plat'. . ' 'innhn, clnu-.'v . I'U'-Mo. part cloudy I la Pil City, clear -, 4 Lake City. li cWy.4" T tnriirt tri-B of ureclpl ta ' ion - Inlicat'!! blow'iero. 1,. ,. WEUCH. Mteorolo i, . , i 5 a. in 27 v J 6 a. m 28 -V , 7 i 7 a. m 16 ( - ! 1 1 8 a. m 26 a. m 27 VTf H a. ro 29 ' C( (tif I p. m 31 2 p. m 34 Ini'i'iualiif l.mal Record. , HOT. 1 !!:. 1?1. 1311 ' ... ,-,Ih .... -1 ; tun: ... 3 ' 'iO oi' 0" .6'J p.i;-tiirrp TWICE QUOTA NOW AIM OF RED CROSS Workers Reach 35,000 Mark at Noon; Drive to Con tinue Saturday and Sunday. j To double Omaha's quota of 40,000 Ret! Cross memberships is now the goal of the Omaha campaign com mittee. With the ,-10,000-goal in sight the flag was hoisted to the 35,000-mark at noon on the Red Cross Christmas slocking the conipaign committee now believes this city should equal the record of other cities in the United States. Salt Lake has already doubled its quota. Two big clean-up drives are there fore announced for Saturday and Sunday. Street Sales Saturday. Saturday will be given over to street solicitation Mrs. Henry Doorly, assisted by a small army of society women, will solicit member ships in the crowds of down-town shoppers. Booths from which the women will work will be placed in all the big stores. These women will man the botlis: Mcsdames II. G. Moorhead, , George Smith, Robert Bradford, Ross Towle. C. G. Powell, Lucien Stephens, S. S. Caldwell, J. J. Sullivan, Jensen, Stephen Davies, Lloyd Holsapple, W. J. Burgess, W. E. Shepard and Miss Gertrude Young. "Wear your button on your over- itadnnartert Volunteer Drive Sunday. The second big drive will be made j Sunday between the hours of 2 and 5 1 in the afternoon when the 5,000 vol- j unteer solicitors will be turned into the residence districts. Every house ! in which a Red Cross scrvkre flag is not displayed will be canvassed. i Monday is the last day of the cam- j paign, when the totals will be tabu lated and Omaha's standing in the big) Christmas week drive will be known. Franklin Mann headed an army of j insurance men who canvassed the ! downtown office buildings. The post office, electric light company, Wood men of the World and 65 manufactur ing printers in charge of C. E. Corey turned in 100 per cent records. Rivalry Among Women. Rivalry among workers in the women's committee has reached an intense pitch. Mrs. S. S. Montgom ery leads the district chairmen, hav ing obtained 21- memberships. Mrs. O. S. Goodrich, Mrs. George John ston and Mrs. W. S. Knight run next highest. Merchants hotel booth, in charge of Mrs. L. J. Millard, and the one at the Paxton, headed by Mrs. Allan Parmer, are running a neck-and-neck race, their record only bet tered by that of the Union station booth. Schools at Work. The spirit of Red Cross has reached the school children, too. The graduating class of Saunders school (Continned on rage Two, Column Fonr. Would Sooner Go Than Fill Out There is one registrant in Omaha who has solved the problem of get ting away from the task of filling out a questionnaire so he thinks but he was brought ut, with an abrupt jerk bv Chief Clerk Sutton, of the dis trict board. ' S.i'-, if a fellow doesn't till out that go-li-hangcd questionnaire the gov epiment'll arrest him and take him to ( amp Funston, won't it"'" he asked. He was informed that the govern ment might take such action. "Well, then, by heckl w'y don't they come and take me. I ain't filled it out and I ain't a goin' to. Why . o Christmas Presence i i i rWLL! &0S, 2'At gqat Cuftn! w'lL Go wtf ( CITY FILES NEW SUIT AGAINST STRICT CAR CO. Amended Petition Seeks to Have All Property Turned Over to Omaha; Based On New Contention. A court decree ordering the Omaha and Council Blutfs Street Railway company to turn over to the city its entire street railway property in the city of Omaha, instead of merely an accounting for a portion of its value, is sought in the amended petition tiled by Corporation Counsel Lam bert. A judgment against the street car company for its earnings since January 1, 191, is also asked. The original petition was based upon the theory. that approximately SO per cent of the value of the preseiif street railway system was traceable to the old Omaha Horse Car Railway company property which, by its fran chise, became tiie property of the city on January 1, 1917. Judges Redick Troup and Day recently. Vuled that this property value could not be traced in the present street car prop erty. New Allegations Made. The amended petition is based upon a new contention and introduces a new set of facts and alleges that the city is entitled to all the street tail way property under the provision in the Jlorse Car Railway' company's franchise providing for a reversion to the city in 1917. The amended petition alleges that the Omaha and Council Bluffs street railway company operates in Omaha only by the authority of the old Horse Car company franchise granted in 1867 and enlarged in 1889. This, it is claimed, is the only valid franchise in existence among all the companies consolidated into the present system. Operating under the old Horse Car company franchise, under which 3b miles of track, stations and equip ment were installed on the streets of Omaha, the company added to its sys tem the property of five other street railway companies., uir vamc i i am- way company, the Omaha .Motor com- j - ! - .1.- T . pany, tne .Metropolitan street Kanway (Contlnneil on l'uge Tmii, Column Two.) ESTIMATES FOR NEEDS OF ARMY $6,610,000,000 Washington, Dec. 21. The army appropriation bill for the next fiscal year, on which the house military committee was to resume hearings January 3, probably will carry close to $5,000,000,000 for the whole military establishment, exclsive of fortifica tions and field artillery guns, which will be provided for by the appropria tions committee. The bill is ex pected to be ready about February 1. The total army appropriation esti mates sent to congress by the War department aggregates $6,610,000,000. "The military committee will give the War department everything that the department reasonably can con vince the committee that they need," said Chairman Dent today. "We call up the bureau chiefs and then ask Secretary Raker to appear" to go over his military policies. The ses sions will be executive, because of the military secrets involved." to Funston the Questionnaire don't they take me to Camp Funston? I wantta get there?" When the information wa im parted to him that there was a pos sibility that he might be arrested and sent to prison instead of Camp Fun--toii. and that in either case he would have to till on' the questionnaire, he somewhat t his pep and listened eager! v while Clerk Sutton gave him some fatherly advice. "Believe muh!" he said, as he made ready to go, "I'm gonna hotfoot it down home and get that there thing and get it filled out. None of them there prisons for me." Inmates of Pest home Would Join Red Cross "This is the cook at the small pox hospital on West Center street," were the words spoken by a woman over a telephone wire to. Health Commissioner Connell. i "Well, cook, what can I do for you this morning?" asked the doctor. "Seven of us out here want to. get Red Cross memberships. The. smallpox patients can not get down town just now and they asked me to arrange the matter for them," replied the cook. "Have you got the money?" queried the doctor. "I have," answered the cook. "Well, I will arrange for the memberships and you can leave the money at my office next time you come downtown," answered the doctor. CLOTHING FOR MILLION TROOPS General Sharpe Testifies That Full Equipments Were Con tracted for in Advance of Appropriations. Washington, Dec. 21. Without waiting for congressional appropria tions,, the War department authorised orders tor supplies for 1,000,000 troops before the United Slates went to war, it was brought out today m the testimony of Quartermaster Gen-i eral Henry G. Sharpe before the sen ate military committee. The committee investigating the supplying of troops went particularly today into the causes for the short age of clothing. Secretary Baker. General Sharpe said, authorized orders for clothing and other supplies for 1,000,000 men just before the war declaration and in Tune approved orders to etniip another 500,000. Shortage of Clothing. J'hc only complaints of sniinlv . . . Hlort;igf received bv tin- department ,as focc j rcspecfto clothing. Gen- eral Sharpe said In an introductory statement deal ing with the Mexican border mobili-! zation, General Sharpe said the ord- j nance equipment ordered with Sec-j retary bakers approval was the regu lation 30 days' supply, including clothing, hats, shoes, tentage and animals. This supply, he explained, was expected to last two or three months. . "In February," he said, "anticipat ing probable trouble, we ordered full equipment, at war strength for the regular army of 160,000 men, and late in March, when war seemed more imminent, the secretary au thorized orders f?r equipment for 500,000 more men. Ordered Clothing. "Before the war broke out 1 got authority for another 500,000, and in June for an additional 500,000." These orders, he explained, were made without funds and in anticipa tion of congressional appropriations. Senator McKellar inquired whether the Council for National Defense had not, in effect, taken over virtually all (Contfnned on Fate Two, Column One.) THE OMAHA CITY MISSION Anticipation Is Written on the Faces of the Children. "The children are looking forward to a good time on Christmas, they tlave implicit faith in older folks to provide for their needs at that time, they have no doubt but what funds will be forthcoming to make the pur chases necessary, neither have those connected with the management of the Omaha City Mission," said Arthur Chase, executive secretary. "We do not always know where the uioiirj is coming froni to cany on this splendid enterprise but it. omes when we make the appeal, ot semi out an S. O. S. in an emergency. I lie time is short t get under the wire, so send along your contribution and join with others in helping a worthy cause," Makes remittances payable to A. L. Reed, treasurer. City Mission. j 1204 Taeific street ORDERED AHEAD SWIFT & COMPANY REFUSE TO SHOW THEIR RECORDS Commission Will Apply to Fed eral Court for Action to Compel Compliance With Demand. Washington, Dec. 21.-Suut & Company oi Chicago has lefused to deliver to the federal trade com mission records desired by the com mission (jii its investigation of the packing industry, and drastic action will be taken in court to force their production, Francis J. llcney an j nounced today at the resumption of the commission's inquiry. It was said that when the commis- sion's investigators went -to Chicago thrv TPrp'iveA nnlv ivasivp renlip ;troiii- the officers of Swift & yLI' I pany, ami inai tincn aeiuaim iorwwic : records had been refused. To obfain I ihe papers, which relate to the , ownership of the Chicago stockyards : and other deta;ls of the meat iipuiry, the commission will go into alcderal court and ask at( order compelfng the company to produce them. I The investigation begun to deter mine the ownslun of the! Chicago stock yards and railroad ferminals, took on additional interestf witWhe announcement that the inqwrj would touch every phase' of the nations meat supply. The commission's recom mendations are expected to form the basis for legislaiion to remedy the .situation if sncli ir. inuinl necessary. Details oi tliC-.ili-iM-ptiou of the Chicago Junction railways and 1 nioii Stockyards company oi New Jersey by the Chicago Stockyards company, the latter organized under the laws of Maine, it was alleged, to provide a legal method for the payment of re bates to packing plants' engaged the attention of the commissioners to day. F. W. C roll, confidential secretary ' of J. Ogden Armour, was the first I witness called. Mr. Ileney also announced receipt of a telegram saying that t.. C. (.Iiase of Chicago, auditor of the I'nion Stockyards and Transit company, was ill ami could not answer the com mission's subpoena. The telegram said Mr. ( base has been "onlycd south for an indefinite time." Ntr. llcney added ; "1 desire to inform ill .'oinniis- sion tli at we have enough evidence without Mr. Chase's testimony to make a prima facie case and then the packers can do what explaining tlicy think necessary." Flat admission that J. Ogden Ar mour and F. If. Prince ol Boston own the Chicago Stock Yards com pany, controlling the Chicago stock yards and terminal railroads, was made by William Wadden, former treasurer of the I'nion Stock Yards company. Although the stock appears in the name oi 1 rank R. l'egrain, secretary of the company, Wadden said he knew who tile real owners were, Wadden said he was a partner in F. P. Prince & Co. of Boston, but sometimes took shorthand dictation from Prince. Two pages of shorthand notes were identified by Wadden as having been taken by him in 1911. American Soldiers Drill Now With Gigantic French Guns With the American Army in France, j Dec. 21. There is no scarcity of vol- luntecrs for the dangerous work of airplane observers among the younger officers of the army. When a call was issued at the heavy artillery trailing grounds three times the number asked for responded. Some of these were sent to train with American pilots and others with French. The latter are doing the observation work for the heavy artillery which the Americans who had been working with p.ims from approximately 1'0'to lllll milnih t. i s e.i'itx't are lion icady tu tire. The Aim ik. in artillery Wednesday watched the French handling the gi gantic 400 milimeter gun which hurls a projectile weighing more than a ton at such a great range that it was nec essary to haul the weapon several miles outside the training grounds, GERMANS REJECT PEACE TERMS OF THE BOLSHEVIKI Factions Hostile to Lenine Regime Precipitate Civil War; Ukrainians and Roumanians, Kerensky, Cossacks, and Grand Duke Nicholas with Caucasians Move Against Petrograd and Moscow. BULLETIN. London, Dec. 21. It is reported unofficially that the Ger mans have rejected the Russian peace terms, the Petrograd cor respondent of the Exchange Telegraph company wires under date of Thursday. HERMAN EMPIRE SORELY WOUNDS THE ARGENTINES Last Disclosure of Teutonic Trickery Makes Rupture Almost Certain is View of Diplomats. Washington, Dec. 21. Declaration of war against Germany by Argenna was regarded as almost certain in Latin-American diplomatic circles to day as the result of new evidences of German trickery disclosed simultane ously in Washington and r.tienos Aires last night by publication of an other series of telegrams between the notorious Count Lujsburg of "spurlos versankt" fame and the Berlin for- n office. . , Luxburg, fan&er charge in Buenos Aires, in a message dated August 1 last, informed his foreign ofhc that President Iriftuven of Argentina had at hst made up his mind to negotiate a secret agreement with Chile and bo livia for ' protection against North America. Another telegram intimated an citempt would be made to include Peru, and the plan was to be per- Mcted, according to Luxburg s com munication of August 1, "before the conference idea is taken up ugain." The "conference idea" is assumed to be the proposed Latin-American neu trality conference, advocated by rres ident Carranza and widely discussed in South America. The secret agree ment referred to may explain recent South American reports of President Irigoyen's proposals for a league of South American nations. Denounced as Falsehoods. The messages, 40 in number, wcr made public by the State department through an agreement with the Ar gentine government and were accom panied by a statement by Foreign Minister Puerreydon, in which he says the "inaccuracies" of the Ger man charge's report are so surprising that no epithet will fit them. The messages were sent to Argen tina soon after the State department I gave out the first series, in which Lux I lung advised his government to sink Argentine ships without trace, hut heretofore demands for their publica tion have been in vain. The first series were transmitted through the Swedish legation at Buenos Aires, but the means of communication used for the latest batch sent during July, Au gust and September was not disclosed, except that ome of the first series telegrams were included in these made public last night. Restriction on Thrift Stamps Removed for Christmas Washington, Dec. 21. To facilitate the use of war savings stamps and certiticatcs as Chiistuias gifts. First Assistant Postmaster General Koons has telegraphed postmasters in the leading cities to sell an unlimited amount of stamps to individuals, firms or corporations wishing to give them as Christmas presents. Temporarily the rule forbidding persons to have more than $1,000 worth of stamps at a time will be waived. which arc probably the largest in the world, so that the shells would fall on open ground at the targets. The fir ing continued all day, the terrific ex plosions shaking the houses in. the territory and being heard at a dis tance of many miles. After a certain period the American gunners will begin firing with the 400 milimeter pieces so that by the time they get into action they will be as familiar with the gun as their com rades now are with the 75s. During the tiring a big shell butst prematurely near an observation poet tilled with young American officers. piinlers and fragments rained down, bul no one was iujuied. Among the heavy guns with which the Americans have begun working are big howitzers of a certain caliber, which are declared to be among the most powerful weapons the war has produced. Opposition to the Bolsheviki ap parently is increasing in Russia as reports of German support of the Maximalist government become more pronounced and the situation in Rus sia grows more chaotic, while the Bol sheviki endeavor to arrange a sepa rate peace with the central powers. The Ukraine, in its hostility to the Bolsheviki government, has been joined by the Russian staff on the southwestern frqnt and General Stcherbatcheff, the commander in Roumania, has been appointed head of the Ukrainian forces reported to be marching against the Bolsheviki. Another report reaching London says that the Roumanians have join.. I the Ukrainians, while other dispatches declare that former Premier Keren sky is marching against Moscow and that Grand Duke Nicholas is raising a royalist am. in the Caucasus. Meanwhile, diplomats of the central powers are hurrying to begin peace negotiations with the Bolsheviki. On leaving Berlin the German emissaries were urged by the populace to make "a strong peace." The Izvestia at Petrograd, a Bol sheviki organ, publishes what it says is the textof the secret treaty drawn up last yelr providing for joirt ac tion y Russia and Japatr to prevent any third country from achieving po litical dominance in China. The treaty, dated July .1,, runs for five years, automatically extending itself until a year aft.;.- one party expresses the desire to annul it. It is signed by Sergius Sazonoff, then Russian for- - j if; l it., eign mmisier, ana viscouni iuoiono, Japanese - foreign minister. Soldiers Rioting in Petrograd. Petrograd, Thursday, Dec. 20. In cessant fighting has occurred in many parts of Petrograd in connection with the efforts to check drunkenness and prevent the raiding of wine cellars. A mob raided one distillery where I s soldiers drank themselves to death. Fifteen persons were killed and wounded when an armored motor ear attacked the distillery, which was set on lire. The lire department was prevented from extinguishing the bjaze by rowdies, and many persons were burned before the situation was brought under control. The streets arc running with wine in many sections, where the soldiers arc pumping wine out of the cellars to prevent disorder. Treaty Not Directed at U. S. Washington, Dec. 21. American official;) said today they had no knowledge of -the so-called secret treaty between Russia and Japan de scribed in the Petrograd dispatches, but they considered that to describe it as contemplating "joint armed dem onstration against America and Great Britain in the far east" was not borne out by the text of the published ar ticles. There is a possibility that the treaty referred to is the special con vention concluded between Russia and Japan at about the same time as the so-called secret treaty. It was generally assumed here that the treaty contained some secret pro visions, but its purpose was described as being to safeguard the rights of Japan and Russia in the far east; to reconcile all outstanding issues be tween them , and generally to follow the lines of the Anglo-Japanese al liance. At that time it was supposed that the secret articles provided for the sale by Russia to Japan of all of the Mauchurian railroads south of Har bin; the transfer to Japan of naviga tion rights in the Sugari river and the extension of fishing rights off the coast of Siberia. Will Not Ask Explanation. It is improbable that the United States government alone will make any effort to secure an explanation of the meaning and purpose of these secret treaties from the principals, but it is rather expected that one of the other of them voluntarily will come forward with a statement. Careful reading of the four pub (Conlluufd on Png Two, Column 81x4 Three Aviators Are Killed In Crash of Their Machines Fort Worth. Tex.. Dec. 21. Three British aviators in training here were killed this morning when two ma chines collided in the air. Two of the men were in one ma chine. The collision took place at a low altitude and less than half a mile from the landing field. The dead ai -. ARTHUR F.DLX WEBSTER, 19, Kingston, N. Y. LIEUTENANT RUSSELL JEN NER, 19, Kingsville, Ont. CYRIE ALBERT BAKER, 20, Kent, England