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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1917)
THE BSE: )MAHA. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1917. rt n Christmas week at Omaha Playhouses A bounteous feast of theatrical pleasure has been provided by Omaha managers for the diversion of folks during Christmas week. On Christ mas day there will be special matinees at all theaters and if you haven't? nought your tickets you'd better hurry. "Stop, Look, Listen," the big musical I'omedy which couldn't get away from cither New York or Boston for a whole year, will be at the Brandeis. Music, girls, fun are all of a high order. "Mutt and Jeff musical comedy lull of fun, will be at the Boyd. Both these shows hold forth for the first four days. "Very Good, Eddie," will come to the Boyd on Thursday and the Brandeis Players will take pos session of the Brandeis on the same dav. At the Orpheum Gertrude Hoffmann is the extraordinary head liner. She is assisted by a large company in an act that lasts an hour. Other acts on the bill are extra good. Dave Marion's own big show, al ways a favorite, will be at the Gayety all week. t The Empress has booked two shows of holiday-week quality. The Strand, Sun, Muse and other moving picture palaces have all made extra efforts for extraordinary holiday offerings. "Stop ! Look! Listen!" the big mu sical comedy success, which has had a long and prosperous vo?ue in New Vork and Boston, running in both cities for over a year, opens a four days' engagement at the Brandeis, with the customary matinees and a special matinee Christmas. This is the original Charles Dillingham pro duction, with music and lyrics by Irving Berlin, and book and other versions by the prolific and re 'ourceful Harry B. Smith. In an nouncing this unusual show, particu lar mention should be made of the pretty girls, who are conspicuous in the production. They number 20, and hesides being graced with shapely fig ures and good looks, they are also endowed with that most essential of all assets talent. Yes, the piece has a plotl But to dwell on it beforehand would be spoiling a surprise which we desire to leave to those theater goers who find infinite pleasure in the unexpected. The play is of the high class order, originally formed ideas being the watchword from start to finish. The music is the brand that sets one dancing from start to finish. Heading the big cast is Knox Wil son, long a musical comedy and vau deville favorite; Alton and Allen, who shine as eccentric dancers and black face comedians; Hazel Boyne, Kitty Hart, Maude Beatty, Maurice Darcy, Earl McHaffie and Frederick Dun ham. The entire company comprises 60 people, and the augmented orches tra in addition.' Little Ann Hamilton, the popular leading lady with the Brandeis Play ers, has an agreeable part in the "Cin derella Man," the production to be presented at the Brandeis theater on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week, with matinee on Thursday and Saturday. 1 "The Cinderella Man" is a cheerful story built around the generous dis position of a rich little girl, who loves to relieve distress. The man himself is a writer, so devoted to his work that he entirely neglects the practical side of life.- The man, to be imper sonated by Mr. Minturn, is writing an opera in a. garret, starving in com pany with a faithful servant, when across the roof from the home of his millionaire neighbor comes the daughter with a holiday feast. This mtnt between the poor writer and the girl, whom he has not recognized as tlie heiress. "The Cinderella Man" is full of the Christmas spirit. For Christmas week the Orpheum will offer Gertrude Hoffmann as the chief attraction of the bill, opening with today's matinee. She will be as sisted by a company of 34 people. Youth is the undeniable attribute of every girl in this most attractive organization, for Miss Hoffmann has nothing to fear from the contrasting charms of her associates. Paola Azzaroni is the chief member of Miss Hoffmann's company, and she features the Kiras Royal Singalese troupe, in addition. The final part of the revue is a bath ing scene in the style of Annette Kellerman, and the entire performance has eight parts. Max Hoffmann con ducts the orchestra. The interpreta tion of Mendelssohn's "Spring Song," is said to have placed Miss Hoffmann with the art dancers, and as a classic dancer she has the reputation of rivaling Maud Allan. Upon the Christmas bill are Stan ley and Norton, who are excellent singers and clever with comedy and burlesque. The distinction of being the youngest singing comedienne be longs to Ruth Royce, who will pre sent a number of exclusive songs. She is a specialist in ragtime. Two more competent comedians are Charles M. McDonald and James G. Rowland, who give a laughable skit, entitled. "My Good Friend." The wonderful posing horse and the start lingly intelligent posing dogs are billed as "the act beautiful," by Wil liam Egdirettu. Rouble Sims is called "the funny fel low," and he proves it by a clever act f which he sings, talks and cartoons. The Orpheum Travel Weekly will show in motion pictures wild birds of Scotland, the Island of Java and out door games. A diversified bill will be presented at the Emrress today. ('Lincoln of the U. S. A.," is the name of the vehicle in which Edgar Murray portrays Abraham Lincoln. The appeal is to every person with a drop of red blood in his veins and is like a peep into the life of one of nature's noblemen. Flor D'Aliza's "Troupe of Trained Roosters," are promised to be' a nov elty, climbing ladders and walking the rolling globe-wire, are a few of the stunts. The troupe boast a clown rooster also. Fox and Mayo, "Two Boys and a Piano," entertain and go "over the top." Grace Banks, singing comedienne, completes the vaudeville hill. Constance Talmadge appears in a 'photoplay called "Scandal." The biggest laugh spot of the year in local sl.owdom is scheduled for the rinyd theater for four days beginning a.Iiv when "Mutt and Jeff's Divorce." newest Bud nslier cartoon inu- 1. .:!! I.-.,.-., ,c .til. ,ai cumin, .""J- .......... f.ricty of ludicrous situations. .Mutt Chorus Girls jit t, fj a Me Sratideis ) ? - M S hm H o v s I vv DV - v V Hoffman f ,n L 4 f fX$h.t!t- Orphean 1 Men teams and Florence fhrJcn ifi'Ktfy 4iMr- J At - 'QWu 's-', i vV ' -4 mmmm-mmmmmmmm.rm:- - i(r Gertrude Hoff mann Says Sheis Lover of Nude and Jeff are the storm center ot an divorce tangle m the new piece. A baby-faced young woman causes trouble between the long and short pair, and their wives. It's .all on ac count of a lot of money the Fisher Boobs are to receive for undertaking the guardianship of the young woman, who is an heiress. The first act is scarcely under way when the trouble maker arrives at the ' Mutt and Jeff camp. After that, it's a free for all attempt at a getaway, with Mutt and Jeff headed off at every corner. A special feature of this year's pro duction is the extreme tunefulness of the new score and the catchy charac ter of the up to date dance and chorus ensembles. The costuming is described as exquisite throughout and the scen ic equipment equal to Broadway's best. Matinees will be given today, Christmas and Wednesday. "Very Good Eddie" will be Manager Burgess' offering at the Boyd the last half of Christmas week, with matinee on Saturday. The plot of "Very Good Eddie" treats with the distracting experiences of two newly married couples who start on iheic honeymoon on a Hud son river boat. A mixup in baggage causes the separation of (the contract ing parties. To make funnier, one couple consists of a giantess and a pigmy, and the other vice versa. One ill assorted couple miss the boat which is bound for the Catskill mountains and the couple who sail away are forced to spend the night in a country inn under very embarrassing circum stances. This situation is caused by Georgina Kettle, who has just be come the wife of the diminutive Eddie Kettle, suddenly rememhering some- toy HiHfrTheChterelh tjanAttheBwJds Gayetj Gertrude Hoffmann, headliner at the Orpheum this week, "loves the nude." She loves it as an artiste, you understand. "Whv shouldn't I say it?" inquires Gertrude. "The body is beautiful to me. Why should 1 burden it with clothes?" An answer to the last question is found in the present temperatures. "Ah." savs Gertrude. "On the street? That is different. I am not playing a part then. My art is a thing apart." On divers occasions, this super showwoman has been the subject of criticism for the economical rai ment with which she clothes herself and her choristers, but she has always borne her p"t bravely in the hope of elevating her audiences to an ap preciation of her artistic perform ance. "My girls and I dance for the pleasure of depicting scenes grace fully and artistically, and not for the satisfaction of any one set of peo ple. The dance is for everyone, old and young, men and women, and it quite takes the pleasure out of the performance for me when I imagine people only come because of lurid newspaper notices of bare-kneed girls. "If I can't be artistic and make people appreciate my performance as such, 1 shall give up this work. I have money I don't have to keep going on the sort of public favor that only seeki me out for sensa tionalism." Miss HotTmatn believes that wo men with filmy waists, short skirts and gay hose cause more mental un rest than she and her girls with their back-to-nature costumes. It's im agination, she says, that does all the harm, and she prefers not to fire the imagination. What her critics de scribe as a state of undress, she feels sincerely is, for the purpose of her are, a fullness of dress wholly within the proprieties. Miss Hoffmann, who scored her original success as a dancer in the part of Salome, is regarded as having i-troduced to America the first sen sational dance in barefoot. When Miss Hoffmann says she doesn't have to keep up her stage career, she speaks truly. For she is one of the richest women in vaude ville. She has salted away her big earnings and has added to them. For she is a "realtor," if you please. She has real estate in .10 states. She at tends to it all herself, too. And she says she has never yet made a los ing investment in real estate. into the theater where Harry Min turn, Walter Dickinson and Willard Foster of the stock company were seated on chairs with manuscripts in their hands, rehearsing a coming play. Exposures By KII-OWATT- Frd Btone. tr of JttV. O'l.antern." n t lt h,vn olKiiid for I'li-lurr by ho Kiimmis.rinycra corporation, t what Is unilcmtoud to t on of the large M al rl.' on th. film woii.l. toK.thi-r wllh a perri'Mnre f tli grnnit rentals ct tho pic ture. Ho I" too 'nrt work In picture about May anil to i-oniplot hre jileturM In llm for his utaKo .uculiemrnla umlor the management of rhnrl.a It. imitnghain. Julian Kiting claims o liav dlacovered a fit rcilurhiK pill. Swallow one and go on eating am! living aa uaual and you will lesa all tho weight ou desire, lio auy. Ely Toy la going lark to la Angeles as soon aa he completes his present Or pheum tour to produce films. Ha aaya h hai hacking and will them on hm own hook. If he can'l do Letter than ha did when he ti with Keystone, he bet ter leave 'em on ald hook. 'I,es Mlserahles," wm re William Vok V,r 0.000 William Karnura I to be The hook of renily sold to franca (M.000). starred. J'earl White n under long contract with l'athe, and arrangements hnv been made with her to appear In another aerial next year. Antonio Moreno, long with Vltngrapb, will play opposite her. The famous Dolly sisters have been signed for feature picture work by I.twls .1. Hlnlck, and work will be started Jan uary 1. A new Indoor sport has been discovered, w'hen you want to have an argument tills cold weather -don't stand on the corner mid get cold, lluy a ticket to soma nearby picture show and have It out In there, k-t others in on the fun. and Olive Thomas Is plannlne an eastern vaca tion In New York and will spend Christmas with her mother in Pittsburgh. She will bo lorompanlcd by her husband, and who do vou think It Is? Why. Jack Flckford. EMPRESS GARDEN Under Empre Theater OMAHA'S BEAUTY SPOT Table d'hote dinner today 12 to 8 $1.00 A la Carte Service, 12 to 2 CAFETERIA SERVICE Arrange For Your New Year's Reservations NOW! OMAHA'S FUN CENTER tfJ.mnnTflt Dal'r Mats.. IS-25.50C. XUJQAtJ Evenings. 25-50-75cl. Our Christmas Tree Has for You DAVE "SNUFFY" MARION SHOW MUSICAL BURLESQUE S H. DUDLEY (late tr "The Smart Set"), Agnee Behler, Alpine 4, Chat. Raymond, Inea De Verdier, Nellie Watson, Mile. Bartoletti and Clrly Beauty Chorus LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS Strangers, Attention! CHRISTMAS MUSIC With Sermon First Congregational Church 19th and Davenport af 10:30 A. M. (Sunday School Program at r. M.I I BOYD'S bride, and Ben Grinnell, Georgia Harvey, Barrett Greenwood, Eva Oli votti and Madison Smith in the other principal parts. Starting with yesterday's matinee, the attraction at the popular Gayety theater is Dave Marion's own com pany, with the one and only Dave Marion heading the cast'of stars. A two-acf revue in IS gorgeous scenes, entitled "Second Edition of the World oj Frolics," is. presented , as .-the vehicle in which Mr. Marion- anil his company are given an opportunity to display their fun-making ability. S. H. Dudley, a colored performer and late star of "The Smart Set" company, is Mr. Marion's assistant in the comedy department. His work is of the "side-splitting" variety. Not content with these two stars. in one production, Mr. Marion engaged a list of people whose work is of the highest type in their respective lines. Chief among them are: Agnes Behler, Alpine Four, a quartet of harmonists secured from the vaudc Boyd Bookings The Boyd is booked "solid" for yeeks ahead, as follows: December 23, 24, 25, 26 "Mutt and Jeff." December 27, 28. 29 "Very Good, Eddie." December 29 to January 2 "Uncle Tom's Cabin." January 3, 4, 5 Max Figmau in "Nothing But the Truth." January 6 to 12 "Birth of a Na tion." (picture). January 13 to 16 "Katzenjammer Kids." January 17, 18, 19 "Johnny, Get Your Gun. Timid Miss Frightened GRAND XMAS ATTRACTION T011AY FOUR DAYS, STARTING I W 1M I Bargain Mat. Wed., 25c Xm.s and Sunday Mats., 25c. 50c. Ev'g. 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c. An entirely new show and the funniest of the aerlea, (nunrfsd en Bud Flsher'e Famoua Cartoon Character!. MUTT AKD JEFF 0IU9H6E0 IT'S BRIGHT. SPARKLING AND FULL Ot FUN CO SINGERS, DANCERS and COMEDIANS 50 WW BIG BEAUTY CHORUS BOYD'S Three Daya HPS 7 PopuUr M,tln S,ura,'r Commencing Thursday IfCVa all Beat Seat., $1.00 THE MUSICAL COMEDY TREAT OF, THE SEASON QITURN Or THE DELIGHTFUL I MUSICAL COJMDY SUCCE5S "Curse you, you low down cadi You think you ve caught me in this lonely place and can bluff me." "Yes, I have you at last! And a shot from this revolver will pttt an end to you and nobody the wiser." There was the noise of a scuffle. A sweet young thing who had wandered into the darkened lobby of the Bran deis theater looking for the elevator, rushed out and whited-faced, called upon Joy Sutphen, who was in the box office. "Oh, some men are fighting in there," she gasped. "I heard their voices." Joy smiled. "I'll show you," hp said. And he led her through thejobby 1 1 aw m 14 PRICES i J)y DAMIiOLOMAt. &QLTON ti)hW Vs mrarrTION r)F riicAitrrM UAomiDVk FPAVCOMSKKK ' . .maii nnimn rvrri I FNf.r. ?aTift WRAPPED NIGHTS BOe TO $1.50 MATINEE 25c TO $1.00 4ext Sunday "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN r Lai I II SEATS NOW thing she has forgotten, and rushes off j vine stage; Charlie' Raymond, a young the boat at a small landing. Percy Darling, the stalwart husband of Elsie Darling, and an equally inexperienced pilot on the marital seas, accompanies her, leaving Elsie in care of Eddie. The pair has scarcely landed when the boat starts on its journey again, and the newly married couple though not to each other are strand ed on dry land. The despair of Elsie and Eddie provides the amusement until the latter discovers the inner workings of a cocktail, when he de cides life has its amusing side after all. They finally land in the Rip Van Winkle inn. The situation is complicated by the fact that the last train has left for their intended destination. The comedians in the cast include Dave Ferguson as the impertinent hotel clerk, who in the rush for sep arate rooms in the mixup of bridal couples remarks, "My, but ain't these New York honeymoon couples blase?"; Allen Kearns, as the diminu tive Eddie Kettle; Florence Harden, the tearful picture of helplessness as the mate of Percy Darling; Jean Thomas, who plays the amazonian and handsome straight man; Inez De Verdier, a charming prima donna, possessing beauty and ability; Nellie Watson, a dainty soubtette; Huran and Burke, a team of blackfact comedians and dancers; Mile. Bar tolleti, an Italian dancer, and Henry Pltinkett. A chorus of 24 of the prettiest girls that could be gathered together, aug mented by a double male quartet, has been selected to sing the many catchy musical numbers which have been written by Mr. Marion. Today's matinee and also the Christmas day matinee start at 3 o'clock. Matinee daily all week. Movie Actress Has Close Call. Miss J)e Bray, who plays the vllllaness In In "The Mystery Ship," had a narrow escapo in the 10th chapter, which would have re sulted seriously had It not benn for the presence of mind and tlipely action of Hen Wilson. Bhe was wearing: a lace gown ana the flimsy material caught flro when a bomb exploded near her. Mr. Wilson quickly tore his overcoat off and wrapping It around her, amothered the fire. Mlsa 1 Bray waa burned allghtly about the bofly and Mr. Wilson had his hands acorchea, but they were treated at the Universal hos pllal and are again back at work. i TONIGHT Wednesday. MATS XMAS, 3 P. M. WED. 2:30. 2 i IRVING BERLIN'S BIG MM. SUCCESS Jit il . iffl HHWBW sssMsaaaeis.aas WEEK STARTING SUNDAY, DEC. 23 A MERRY CHRISTMAS GREETING iEBTBQlE .HOFFGaAHH Assisted by a Company of Thirty-four Artist GERTRUDE HOFFMANN'S REVUE STANLEY & NORTON Singers (With Trimming) Chat. M. Jas. G. Mcdonald & rowalnd in "MY GOOD FRIEND" ROUBLE SIMS Draws, Joke anJ Sing RUTH ROYE Vaudeville' Youngest Singing Comedienne in a Repertoire of Song THE ACT BEAUTIFUL William Edirettu and Hi Posing Horse and Dog ORPHEUM TRAVEL WEEKLY Around the World With the Orpheun Circuit's Motion Picture Photographers. Price, including U. S. Government War Tax Nights, 11c, 28c, 55c and 83c. -Matinee, He to 55c; ONE YEAR AT GLOBE THEATRE WOPK nni firf Popular Matinees Xmas and Wed. Best Seats, $1. ! inlutv" Eeninfs, 25e, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. 32 4 PAYS, COHENCIXG KKXT Sl'NDAY, DEC. 80TH. m ' MATINEES EW YEARS AM) WEDNESDAY. Urst Time in Omaha, A. H. WOODS Presents POTASH and FEUTTER IN SOCIETY 35 5?$ Vm. S. Hart in "THE KNIGHT OF THE TRAIL." Thos. II- Ince-Hart Production THURSDAY Friday and Saturday, December 27-8-9. MATS. THURSDAY and SATURDAY The Brandeis Players PRESE1VT A ItKMARKABl.B 1'ROIHft T10V KMUOnVISCi I.OVE, SEN TIMK.VJ', UK A. MA A.M I'A'IHOS. A MOST AFrKtMN" HOMO AY ATTN tCTION. FOR (iHOWS-liPS AND I llll-uiit..i. By Edward Child Carpenter The story of a girl who hna everything she love. In the world eirrnt the man nDIrc MATINKF.S Till HSOAY AI SATURDAY. S!5o rnlwtO" KVEHY i:KMMi ISc to 80c KOTR. The Brandela Plnyera lll appear at the Meholna Theater. Council niuffa. (or the four daya beginning tbla afternoon, Presenting "EAST I.YMKE" Matinee and Evening Today. "THE CIKDEHEIXA MAS" Monday to Wednesday. T0DAI MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY. LINCOLN OFTHEU.S.A. A TLAY OF THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. Grace Banks SINGING C0MEDIENE Fox & Mayo TWO BOYS and a PIANO. Torcat's Novelty The only act ('Trained Game Boosters In YandeWIIe. THREE 15d ADMISSION FEATURES THIS IN ONE SHOW WEEK AS USUAL. 25 lb ConstanceTalnfadge 'SCaIdal'I SUPER FEATURE & U & ACTS.