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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1916)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 25. 1916. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Weft. VACANT BARGAIN ON WEST DODGE ST. JUST FIGURE 181 ft frontafe on Dods St by llo deep, corner lot, on two paved etreeta. In the Wwt Farnam dlitriot offered for immediate Ml at only $10 a front foot. Thla la a dandy corner for apartment house, brick flats or ttrrara, or for thro or four detached houaea. No other ground facing- Dodr fit In lmmadlat ' vicinity for leag than $60 a front foot. We hav a few daya only at thla low price, ao get huy; probably won't ba advartlaed but thla one. GLOVER AND SPAIN, tn-o city National. txu. Iim, 3625 CALIFORNIA ST., CATHEDRAL DISTRICT A new attractive, well-built houee. Lot H Mi ft. front Near abme of th baet homee In Omaha, has targe living room, fireplace, attractive dining room with built-in buffet convenient kitchen and four good bed room. All oak floor and the very heat of cone true lion throughout Price $1,800. And we will mane good trmf,. GEORGE & COMPANY Phone D. T6e. $03 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. .DANDY 7-r. home, only half block So Far nam Car Lin. Prlc reduced fiora $4.(60 to $1,660 Haa 1 large rooma and recpt hall Drat floor, and 4 nloe large bed rooma and bath aecond floor, -Haa. beautiful hade; alo fruit grape arbor, etc Hi full basement, eolid brick foundation. Built by owner for home. Don't overlook this. Osborne, 701 Omaha Nat'l an. Blag. D. 1474. FOR SALE MY SERVICES Law student it years of age, Is d trmlned to. realise ambition to be i uceesaful real estate man. Want to join a live real estate firm and learn the business. Am well educated, aJert and offer excellent reference from both paat and preaent employers. Box 4314. Bee, MIS LINCOLN BLVD. Hrootn nous, strictly modern, with hot .water heat Douglas Hi. WKST far nam rssldenc. best St. at IllN. Sfttb Av.. oak flnlab. 1 baths: 16.000. Terms easy lougla 1047. WE!"T FARNAM CORNER. room bungalow, wttb corner vacant Room to build two brick flat,. 8. P BOBTW1CK BON. BARGAIN AT $1,800. WMt end. -bout, and lot. 8101 Davett. port. Call 141 Lincoln Blvd. Harney 1781. North. NORTH SIDE BARGAIN Very nifty, (-room bungalow style with large room, living - room, - dining-room. un room, oak finish with o&K floors, ' fine - bedroom, bath and kitchen, very large attic that could easily be flnlihed off into 2 fine large bedrooms, full lot;; house strictly modern..' Look this' over, No. SOU N. 32nd St Price $3,600, can make aaay term. J , X, D. V, SHOLES CO., ; - 016 City National. Bk. Bldg, . SllLLER PARK. 1 $300 DOWN AND $35 A MONTH. This brand new, 6-room. strictly modern bungalow la Juat finished; large lot, south front: paved street: J blocks from nark, blocks from1 car Una; 2 blocks from Miller Park school. Must be seen, to be appreciated. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, OMAHA NAT. BANK BLDO. D. 1781. SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY A nifty new' bungalow; $ well arranged living rooma, oak finish, modern In every way. South front lpt, 14 block from Sherman Av, car; Just north of Kountze place. Le.u tell more about thla place. RASP BROS., 106 - McCarua.'- Coug. 166$. MILLER PARK, $100 CASK $16 PER MONTH. A dandy good cottage, I rooma on first floor; 2 finished uptalrs; hag gas, electrla iignt ana sewer -connections; tot 4 on 32 -'only 2 block to car;, close? to school located at 3677 Hartmaa Av-' Prlc $1,676; $100 caah, $16 per1 month. Phone HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1114 Harney St DUNDEE 7 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern, and In 'good condition. Price $4,600; tenne. Located 4107 N. 4?tn Bt ... NORR1S' & NORRlS. sou Bee Bldg. Phone poug.aa 4$7qV BEAUTIFUL modern oak -finish bungalow. Jut new. Price $2,660, on vary easy terms. Doug. ISO 2. ' NEW bungalow, ft-room, all modern, 60-foot lot south front, at a bargain, only $2,760, . near 46th and Chariaa. Call owner. Red 1181. KOUNTZE PLACE restricted district real danc for sale. P. V. Knlest, .61& N Uih. (ROOM house, modern except heat reaaon . ( able, by owner. 262$ .Grant St Web. 720$. South. 6-ROOM bungalow, brand new, all modern, oak floors throughout; oak flnlih In liv ing and dining rooma; large, light, whit enamel bedrooms;, good location; restricted addition. A bargain at $$,160. Easy terms. BENSON & CARM1CHAEL, CtiPoxton Blk. Doue 17il. SAFETY FIRST. FOR RELIABLE AND SAFE KIRIu AND TORNADO INSURANCE SEK O'NEIL'S R. B. & INS. AOBNCT, t34 Brandela Theater Bldg. . Tyler 1034. 3073 S. 1TH 7-r.- mod., newly painted, pa pered and varnlehed; atreel paved; 124.60. Berka A Htiell. D. 6861. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. After looking- at Ul.NNE LUSA 300 dif ferent buyera decided that It waa the beet propoaltlon on the market and they backed thalr Judament by BUV1NCI lou. It YOU will come out today you will unde.-atand why oUiera are buying. CHARLES W. MAHT1N & CO-, Tyler 187. 742 Omaha Nat'l Bunk Bldg. FOR bargains in lot In nil parts of the cf'.y see P. J. Tebblns. tU6 Omaha Nat Bk. Phona D. Mil. FOK SALE. $ dandy vacant loU, V block to oar iin; uut to $1,000 oaab for quick sale. CALKINS A CO., iiouglas 121 City Nat. Bank Bldg MINNS LUSA Nice lot on Tltua Ave., near . 34th St., can be bought at a bargain; thlB lot must be sold; ee me quick. C A Orlmmai, 849 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. FOR SALIC Lot 06x140, one-half block from Miller park, across street from Mtnn Lusa addition. Call Colfax 1260. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. START YOUR HOME IN BENSON I BUT THIS LOTI $10.00 down and $10.00 per month, prlc $260.00; sue, 60x1211; located on Locust St., oetween Clark and Buraham, not far from school and car line. Oeo. ft, Wright, Bee office, Omaha. LYNNWOOD Go out to Lynnwood today and s the beautiful lota w ax sailing from $460 m $600. ' r A. P. TUKEY & SON, ' Phone Doug. 692. 16fl7-8 W. O. W. Bldg. Dundee. DUNDEE. BARGAIN. Corner, on paved street, water, sewer, heigh borhod well built up with moder-nte-prlced homes, only $760 for short time. GEORGE O. WALLACE, $14 Keellne. UUNDES 6-room modern bungaliw. Built by us $3,760. On easy tarms. W. L. SgLBY A SONS. Phono Doug. 1610. Miscellaneous. TEN ACRES.' For sal by owner; ten acres in fruit: ery well Improved; 7 -room, all, modern house; line new barn; new brick chicken houie; fln water; an Ideal place all around; lay high and alghtly; Ub than a mtle from the Dodge street parud road. Cull owner. Douglas $10$. TWO ACRES AND B UNO A LOW. Fine Place near Benson: 4 rooms, elee- trio Ught, barn, chicken house, fln well. P. J. TKnBENS CO. 60S Omaha Nat Bk. Phone D. lilt LOT near munlclDal beach at Carter lake. Fine place for summer cottage. Phone REAL ESTATE Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 7 -room modern hous with hardwood rimer, in first story, eicept kitchen and bathroom; nice finished natural upstairs; run cemented basement mo, i,odu mortgage, $2,400, Will iohang equity for vacant land, with good, hard soil, In Nebraska. J. H. OI! MONT A CO., 4K-18 Kelln Bldg. Phone Doug. 010. THIS wonderful Increase In BEE Want Ad can bs traced to only one source Good result at less con than any other Omaha paper 25.748-MORE PAID WANT ADS th first six months of ll$ than In the same period in isle. FOR SALB or trad for land, a furniture and undertaking stock and building In good live 8. D. town, olng a good busi ness, best of reasons for selling. It will pay you to look this up. Address) T 612, Bee. FARMS. Ranches. Residences. Apartments, merchandise stocks, Income f all kinds. Can matcn any aeai or merit. ,1. A. ABBOTT. 4 Patterson Blk., Omaha, OMAHA Income property for good Nebraska .- farmi and ranches, what hav TOUT J. U Barber, 10$ Keelln Bldg. Ty. 1T10. FARMS, ranches, city property, acreage and Investments for sal and exchange. Morgan. 1010 Cuming St Doug. 1466. HfiTRl. and furniture at Dallas. S. D exchange D C707. To land sV Trumbull. CAN ll or exchang anything you hav to offer C. J canan. Mci.agu piag. EQUITY In aood $-r. hous for cottage worth. '13400. Colfax 106$ after Ham. REAL ESTATE B'nesa Pr'ty FOR BALE 264x122, face three treats -natT,new Ford building; splendid manu.- .. faotuiing alt. Addreaa. B-H, Be. REAL! ESTATE Investment w u. LUbr a A, (us amiM oiag. . Ral fstatv city property, large ranch ' . a specialty. FINANCIAL RcaTJEitate Loans, and Mprtgageg. - MONEY TO LOAN ON Apartment houses, double brick houses. single houses, business property and farm .anas at per nt per cent e pr ct v ,W. -H. THU1A8, SH Keellne Bldg, .. Douglas 1041. 6 p.ER CENT tp 6 per cent on beat class city residences., la amounts- .$2,000 up; also i farm loans. Reasonable commissions. -. PETERS THU&T CO., ,1822 Farnam St $3,060 mortgage bearing, 4 H par cent eml- , annual, sec. oy prop, vatuea at Talmage-Looml Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. $2,600. mortgage bearing 6H per cent semi annual, see by prop, valued at $0,600. Tal mage-Lnoml Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. PRIVATE MONEY ' SHOP EN 4 COMPANY. KEEL1NE BUILDING. bUO OTHER Omaha newspaper Is making anywhere near the increase in it want Ad columns mm THB BEE. 16,741 MORS PAID WANT-ADS th first six months Qt 1$U than In th same period of 11. Th Raason Beat Price- Beat Results. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. - O'KKEFB .REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Phone Douglaa $71$. MONEY ,.U foah on Improved farms and rancnes we also buy gooa rarm mort gages. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. REAL. ESTATE loans, alx per cent D. E. BUCK oV CO., 912 Omaha Nat Bank. NO. DELAY. W. T. .GRAHAM, BEE BLDG. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City t National ttttcuidf. CITY' and fairm loanep 6, b, 6 per cant j; n viumont m. ca, 4i Keellne Biag. 66 V 0 Per cen t THOS. L. McGARRY, Keellne Bldg. Red 4344. CITY, loans a specialty. Lowest rates. First Trust CO.,: D. ,1161. 303 HO. 13th St fl A t?X7TT BP'nC Omaha .Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tnf MONET HARBISON A MORTON. O pCU 916 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. . $100 to -$10,400 made promptly. F. D. Weaa Weafl Bldy , lSh. ado Farnam Bta. 'Abstracts ot Title kCno-anfoo Abstract Co. We can bring VlUardlltcc down your abstract on hort notlc. R. 7, Fatterann Bldg. D. 2947 T7'M Title. Guarantee and Abstract Co. XVC1I Jog s0- 17th St., ground floor. Bonded by Mas..' Bonding at ins. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of- fie in NbraKfe n tiranaeis i neater. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Landa. Colorado land excursions, expenr s paid! u L. Netheway. inornre: Neb, riorence Iowa Landi. 140 ACRES well improved farm, west Iowa, at. $100 per-acre; all unable; rolling land $6,000 will handle deal. THOS. CAMPBELL, KEELINB BLDG. Kansas Lands. FOR SALE Good stock and grain farm, Bb per acre; near state university, Law rence Morse her, Lawrence. Kan. Mississippi Lands. - GUARANTEED PROFITS YES, w mean every word we say: we will guarantee you a profit, If you Invest your money in a pecan orchard. We have the best that money can buy, lo cated on the gulf coast If you really want a good Investment her It Is. PECAN ORCHARD THAT NEVER FAILS TO BEAR. For, full particulars see W. T. SMITH CO., Doug. 2H9.v U2-14 City NatL Bk. Bldg. Oklahoma Lands. 160-A. ALLOTMENT. Washita river bottam alfalfa farm. All In cultivation, 46 a- In alfalfa, I consider It the choicest tract of land In Oklahoma. Fenced and cross fenced with hog fence. Located I mile from Chtckaaha, a city -of 12,000. With school -and college advantages, which, you wlUVflnd .by .Investigating, are unsur passed In Oklahoma. 1 am In. the hard ware business, not real tate, and hav recently concluded to sell my farm. I wilt not consider trades. Prefer to deal di rect with purchaser. ' H. T. HAMPTON, Chlckasha, Okt Nebraska Lands. 1,160 ACRES, good stock and farm land; lb unoer piow; iou piowaoie; sod pas ture; fair Improvements; well and spring. $18 acre; term or cash. J. V. H1U, ownr. Llsco, Garden county,. Neb. HIGHLY, improved 160-acre farm lnNB Nebraska for sal. Owner will consider good house In Omaha part payment Easy terms. Sickness and old age reasons for selling. Alton Savings Bank, Alton, Iowa. FOR SALE Best largo body high grade medium priced land In 'Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley, Wl- bacb, Neb. North Dakota Lands. BUY landa under our "half earnings" or "pay as you make it" plan. Hackney Land Credit Co.. St. Paul, Minn. Missouri Lands. CHEAP FARMS Any sice, easy terms, In toe beautiful usarns or Dent county. Mo. W. S. Frank, 201 NevHl Blo.:k, Omaha. Wisconsin Lands. GET literature and map on the cheapest gooa iana in unitea states. BAKER A TILLOTSON. 16th and Pouglaa Sts.. Omaha. Doug. 11$$. Wyoming Lands. 1,120-ACRE cattle ranch In eastern Wy oming; 600 acros under irrigation; 260 acres in alfalfa. If Interested, address H. Fischer, 401 City Nat B. Bldg., Omaha, Neb: : Miscellaneous. ARE YOU GOINO TO BUY LAND? If so, get a copy of our Journal first It has lands, city property and stocks of good advartlaed from nearly vry state. So that you can find Just what you wish In Its column. Established 19 year, reaching 72,000 readers. Send 2Bo for on year's subscription, or $1 for five years. FARM AND REAL E8TATB JOURNAL, THAHH IUWA. ACREAGE i" to $-A. tracts on car line. Kaay terms, u. k. combs, sil Brandel Thea. Bldg. Doug. $91$. Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. TWO wagon umbrellas, $1.00. N. 16 lb. FARM LANDS FOR RENT 100 ACRES, Howard county, Nebraska, 100 acres In cultivation, 1$ aores alfalfa, bal ance pasture and hay meadow, fenced; 4-room house, barn and hay mow for eight head; good wall, windmill; three qurtr mil school, four and one-half miles to town. O. A, Swsnson, 160$ N. 36th St., Omaha. POULTRV AND PET STOCK PIGEONS pay tar better than chickens; always penned up; little ipso needed to start; free book explain all. Majeatlo Squab Co., Dept. II, Adel, la. FRESH aquatic plant for your nh glob, 90o. Will keep fish healthy. MAX OKIflLBR BIRD CO. AUTOMOBILES FOF SALE COUNTY PROPERTY YALMCREASE Assessment Valuation to Be Submitted to Equalisation Board. BIO OAIN IN REAL ESTATE OVERLANDS, FORDS. DETROITER Kit MODELS. QOOD SBRV1CSABLB CARS FOR UN AND DP. WILLYS-OVERLAND. INC, 1041 Farnam IL Don. UN. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Almoat any make roadster, speedster snd touring cars. 0ti Fords, a snap. Win sell these cars at almost any prloe, as ws must nsve me space. O W. FRANCIS AUTO CO, $$1$ Farnam. Doug. $11. FOR SALE Mitchell, six cylinder, 10 hp. touring car, 1014 model. Haa run leas . than $,00 miles and guaranteed me chantcally sound In v.r particular, orlai nal cost with itra qutpment, $1,S(, will ell for $000 caah. A. R. Kinney, Kavenna. wan. Must sU alt our second-hand automo- blles within $0 day. W hav several 1 makea and ar giving batter values than anyone ,siaa, ,. . . Johnson-Danf orth Co. ltll-ll-l N. llth IL . " $100 REWARD . For arrest and conviction of thief who steak, your car wnue insured by . KILLY, EL LI 8 A THOMPSON, tll-U-CHy Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug $11$ AUTO CLEARING HOUSE $20$ Farnam. Doug. $$10. 111$ Saxoa $$ftt . 116 Rao Touring. $ . .1114 Cadillac Touring, acnflc. 1114 Col Touring , Ill CADILLAC, fully 'equipped, surely a hand- some oar, can be bought cheap for cash. auoe rsraam Bt. upon Sunday. W USED CAR BARGAINS AT MURPHY-O'BRIEN AUTO CO., . 1S14-14-1 Farnam St WE will trade you a new Ford for your old on. ' , INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., 10th and Harney. Doug. Bill FORD, lateit model; haa general electric starting and lighting system. Thl la th best buy In Omaha. 2064 Farnam SL. open Sunday. 1016 MAXWELL, driven 2,000 miles, just UK new, extra urea, cheap, can ar rang terms. 2064 Farnam St., open Sun day. GOOD light touring car, electric lights. cheap. Call Harney 257 Sunday. Carllsl. 420 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 6-PASSENQER, fully equipped; bargain. rnone walnut mis. FORD touring car for sale cheap. 1$24 Bah ler. Colfax 412. Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair. uoii repairec. nayqorrr, HP it. nth. NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Service and prices right $1$ S. l$th St. D. TII0. Legal Notices, . . NOTICE. to General, unsecured creditors OF THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANTr: 1 ' . The icUlowlnir "draer. flxlnc th time for flHng .general and unsecured claims of cred itor agalnat the Mttieouri Pacific Railway Company and referring such claim to Spe cial Maater, Hon. Georg C. Hitchcock, Room 811, New National Bank of Com merce Building, 416 Pine Street, St Louis, Missouri, was entered July $d, 191$, by Honorable William C. Hook, United States Circuit Judge for . the Eastern Division. Eastern District of Missouri, in the Receiv ership pfoc)dlngs against th Missouri Pa cific Railway Company: t-- OH LUSH, REFERRING. CLAIMS OF CREDITORS TO TIME FOR FILING CLAIMS. IT IS ORDERED that th holder or hold ers of unsecured claims or demands against satd defendant, The Missouri Pact no Rail way Company, and all persons (other than the holders of bonds or other obligations payable by said Railway Company and se cured by mortgage or pltdg of collateral. the respective' trustees of mortgages or trust Indentures given to secure payment of tns same, ana toe noiaers ox eucn claims aa may have bean approved for payment by order herein) who claim any Interest In, or Hen upon any of the fund or property in possession of the Receiver of said Railway Company, are hereby required to file state ments of the nature, dale of accrual and amounts of their respective claims and de mands, duly verified by th oath of th person or bV an officer of th corporation making auch claim, with GEORGE. C. HITCHCOCK, heretofore appointed Special Master In this cause, at his office, - Room 11 to 813, New National Bank of Com merce Building, 416 Pine Street, In th City of SL -Louis, State of Missouri, on or before the FIFTEENTH DAT OF AUGUST, 11$. uiaima snail n prorea on in basis ox allowanoo of interest to August 19, 1916, th date of th appointment of th receiver herein, without prejudice to the right of th claimants to claim Interest accruing there after upon the amount found to be due to aald claimants, respectively, on said 19th day of August, 1916. Any party to thl cause, said receiver, and any party who file hi claim or demand accordance with this order, may SI with said Special Maater within thirty daya after AUOUST 1$TH an answer to any claim or demand filed with him aa herein ordered, and may oontest th same. All claims and demands so Died are hereby referred to said Special Master to Investi gate, hear proof and report thereon both as to the amount justly owing thereon, aa to any lien oy which they are secured and aa to th ordar In which they are lawfully entitled to payment Th Special Master may In bis discretion hear proofs In re spect of claims contested or uncontested. in tns vuy oi Bt, bout or elsewhere, and shall notify all solicitors of record of the times and places of all hearings, and may adjourn such heatings from tlm to time and from plac to place. Said Special Maa ter 1 hereby directed to proceed under thl order with all reasonable diligence and make and file In writing his report or re ports on all claim or demands which have been filled and presented to him, and all soli citors of record in this cause, aa well as ths solicitors of record for the parties present ing saia claims or aemanas, shall be notified by the Special Master, tr. writing, and any filing of said report or reports, and any party to this cause, or holding any such claim or demand, filed as aforesaid, or said receiver, may. within twenty days from th tlm of th filing of any such report of th Special Maater, file speclflo exception thereto. Exception not so filed will not be considered by the Court, and If no exceptions are filed within such twenty-day period the , report or reports shall stand confirmed. Th Special Maater herein ahall cause that portion of this order relating to th presen tation and allowance of claims to be pub lished forthwith, one each week, for four successive week in a newspaper of general circulation published In the City of St Louts, Stat of Missouri; In a newspaper of general circulation published In th City of Kansas uity, siai oi Missouri; in a news paper of general circulation published in the City of Omana, State of Nebraska: In a newspaper of general circulation published In the City or Atchison, state ot Kansas; n a newspaper oi general circulation pub lished in th City of Pueblo. But of Col orado, and in a newspaper of general cir culation published In ths City of Nsw York, State of Nsw York. (Signed) WILLIAM C. HOOK, United States Circuit Judg. Dated July 3d, 191$. S10JylO-17-24-31 The 1916 asstnent valuation of Douglko county real and ;'cri.,Al property, which will be submitted to the State Board of Equalization by County and City Assessor H. G. Countman Tuesday, will indicate an increase in the value of Douglas coun ty property of $17,215,215 over 1915. equal to 6i per cent The total value of anessable prop erty in Douglas county, according to the new, assessment, is $257,739,5, at compared with $240,524,420 in 115. By far the greater portion of the in crease ia in real estate and improve ments. Personal property taxed shows a slight decrease over last year, this being caused by the drop ping from the rolls of $500,000 cap italization of the City National bank and $200,000 of the German-American bank, both of which institutions have ceased to exist. "More Equitable," says Assessor. "The assesment is a far more equi table one than any we i ave had for amny years," says Mr. Counsman. "This year we have made a painstak ing effort to protect home owners from unfair assessments and have raised the assessed valuation upon many pieces of business property which formerly did not pay their fair share. The tabulation of the new assess ment will be completed tomorrow and the report will be submitted at once to the state board at Lincoln. Following are the totals fo; real and personal property for 1916, compared with those for 1915. It must be noted that the assessed values are only 20 per cent of the actual values: r i$u. m. Real estat and Im provements $80,SM84 $3.6,M Personal property... 14,51,l$$ 14.687.04H The city of Omaha and its suburbs provide almost the entire increase in valuation. The exact figures for the valuation of Omaha property and county valuation outside of Omaha have not yet been prepared. Husband Asks for Alimony from Wife In Cross-Petition lohn G. Limbauch, . cabinet maker, aged 58 years, has filed a cross-petition in divorce against his wife, Mrs. Julia Limbaugh, 702 North Eighteenth street, asking alimony to the amount of $5,000 and judgment for $1,929.40. alleged to have been obtained from him in cash and personal property by Mrs. Limbaugh. Mrs. Limbaugh is considered welathv. and has auite extensive prop' erty holdings in Omaha, netting her a revenue,: to Limbaugh claims in his petition, of $140 monthly. She was Mrs. Julia Rosters Thomas prior to her marriage with Lmibaugii on October 15. 1914. Limbaugh'i suit is filed in answer to a divorce action opened Dy Mrs Lambaush Tune 24. in which she asks a decree on grounds of non-support and extreme cruelty; In reply Limbaugh - cnarges that Mrs. Thomas asked him to marry her. agreeing to provide him with a home during the remainder of his life, in return for his services in helping care for her oronerty. He also alleges that he was able to earn $16 per week at the time of his marriage, and turned S13 ot tins amount weekly over to Mrs. Lim baugh to be applied upon indebted ness on a small piece of property he owned near west romt. Limbaunh now alleges that his wife has treated him cruelly, has refused to permit him to occupy their home. and has rendered no accounting to mm tor the money he paid her. He also alleges she has taken possesssion of valuable household belonging's. wnicn are nis property, and that as a result of her treatment of him he is unable to work and is now an obient of charity. Colds yd Attention. Tour cold n,eda Pr. Bell', Plne-Tar-Hon- y; It out, phloem, kill, aormi, atop, th. eoush. Ouly SBo, . All drusclita. Adv. AUTOMOBILES FOF SALE The Secret X Submarine Author of "Ta Ens) of la Trail," Franca," etc. By Alexander Powell TENTH INSTALLMENT. "Fifhtina in Flanders," The Roatf to Glorr Vle U Cosrrifht IBI, by . Alexander I swell. I moan which ended in a frenzied wail of "JarvUl larvis!" Then her eves lLii... t HN)ptI , . i opened and she looked up in the l.eutenant Jarvle Hope is detailed by tho fa(. nx .u. nxfltA V nited Btate naval board to Invegtlgate I taCe 0t tne nUM ,he lovcrl and report hie flndlmi on the Invention of i "la it rcnllv von Tarvie " ah - nut. mured, "or am I dreaming? I saw you swinging on that dreadful cable I saw a man start to cut it with an axe and then every thing went black 1 thougfit you had been killed," "Hook saved me," he answereJ, i just as you laintea. darling. "Thank God!" she whispered. "If if anything had hauncned. larvis. I should have thrown myself over the Or. Rah'ti Burkn. hi,-h .w eubmarlne to a elate of irfectlon. The lieutenant arrive in Valdava and le wel joined by the inventor and hi dauchter, Clen. on th trial trip of the inventors ftoat, a Japanene helper la surprised in the aot of examining the mechanism of the ventllatliif device. Hope reports favorably on the new device, but there are others In terested In It. An attempt to hurslarlse pr. Burke's laboratory fh-., but later Oeo finds him murdered in his bedroom, n ea sel Is her father's books to let money; later he finds a note from which she learns that they contain the seorel formula, With Hope no rcr 10 me auctioneers etore only find It Id flame. Cta Ivanoff and Gerald 1 Cliff after you. Without Vol lift would morion, iwo spins in eearcn or the formula, not l)C worth living. -htmu'i iv rupture t. ieo wnen ma cans at nn ,. (rt- -Mu the houaa of th avn.r. hi.t. unn. Uo yU car or ntt much rushes to hr aid; Morton shoots at h!m,J that, dear heart?' hut the bullet hits a bomb In the iella1 Ihelv. ... rsiiniH, BlOltlManDiLi kHQ V.1SQ tend a ball at Mrs. Delmer'e, whose nephew hai two of the tnlasinf books. Hahlln, a spy, attempts to steal the books, but la dis covered by Hope; In the excitement tbst follows the books disappear. Uahlln es capes. Hops and Cleo take a boat for an Island out In tbe bay. The conspirators follow In ether boats. Mahlln and the Jap turn out ths Island llaht Morton's boat with the countess strikes a stray mine in the bay. After a violent storm Hops and Cleo arrive on a strange island and dis cover that the man they hunt Is there. 1 But Ma hi In and ths Japanese also reach the is land and put up a fight for ths books. They escape from Hops, but return to dynamite ths shack. Ths conspirators fall to harm Hope and .Cleo. They manage to reach flandsboro, where Dr. Owen has one of the book. Bach of the others approtcb, the doctor, hut he refuses to hear them. He arranges to meet Hops st the hotel with the book. Morton poses aa Hope and but .for an earthquake would have poteesaed the volume. Cleo Is captured by Morton and taken In his friend's aeroplane to a lonely cabin In the mountains. She finds (here the book for Which they search. Fortunately alie gets a note to Hope, who, with Hook, starts to their rescue. As he crosses the chasm In the swinging basket Mahlln steals up and chops at the cable with aa as. Auto Tires and Supplies. DON'T throw away old tires. We make one new ure iron, i om ones and save you 10 per eent. t in 1 Vulcanising Co.. J 616 Day anport St., Omaha. Neb. Douglas 11 4. lOxS-IN., SOxSVfc, 18.76. other sixes In proportion. Duplex Tiro Co., 2611 Far nam street. - AUTO TIREB REBUILT. $8.00 TO 16.00. DUO TIRE CO., 111 CHICAGO ST. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HAKiYUAVlbHON MUTOHUVCLald. bar? gain in used machines, vivtor Hoos. "Toe Uotcrcvrl Men " t70D 1.vfl wnrrfe FOR SALE Indian twin, guaranteed" in good condition, si. Irvin Drake, Lyons, Neb. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 1,4(0 Hannah C. Thompson and to Wlnur BylM, Fort atroot. 100 ft oat of TwflntP'.evantn, atr.t, aouth aide. 50x130 1 Hannah C. Thorapaon and huaband to wtntar Brl.a, crown Point avenu.. 101 feet east of Twentjr.oeventh treet, north aide. 4Bk1S . . Hannah C. Thompoon and huaband to winter Brlea. Crown Point avanue, 140 feet eaot of Twent7-aaventh atreet, north ilde. 46x18...., F. J. Mcflhane, Jr., aheriff, to Newman arove state Bank, northweet corner Thlrtr-alxth and Marcy atreoto. OOx a. Carlton B. Boleri to Barker eompany, Lincoln boulevard, fce.4 feet weat of Thlrtyeecond atreat north aide. BOx 100 , ...,i... , 1 Mary McCann . 1o Vannle Lewi., Q treat, lib feet weet or Twenty-fifth treet. north aide. 28x00....'... l.Ofio Oak C. Redlck and wife to Omaha Boarding- and Supply eompany, Laav. enworth atreet, 02 feet weat ef Flfty third Itreet. north aide. 46x130 Clyde H. Fuller and wife to Mantle J. Floth. northeaat corner Thirty. flr.t and Burt .Irene, 41x1(0 1.100 Oeorve Barker and wife to the Or. ham Ice cream oompany, Jonea treat. 88 feet wat ef Fifteenth atraeL north lde,'44xl2t.i,. 1 Nell B. Traver to Francis B. Brock .elt. Thirty-third atreet, 04 feet aouth of Parker atreet, weaL aide, 42.(4 HI ......... i.iJ J Joanetta Foley. : admlnletratrlx, to Arthur Dorn, Lako atreet, 2(1 feet eaet of Twenty-fourth troet, north elde, 48x144 1.0K draco Orant to Harry L. - Henrlkaon, Lake street, 108 feet weet of Forty ninth avenue, aouth aide, 32x130.. 1 too (Continued From Saturday.) Again Mahlin'j axe rose and fellj again it bit through a strand of. wire; again the tight-stretched cable sang and quivered. Hope, half way across the chasm now, and literally dangling between earth and sky, realized his peril. Yet he was helpless. So grad ual was the incline of the cable that his progress was comparatively stow. He knews that before he could reach the opposite cliff Mahlin would have done his work and he would go plung ing downward to meet hit end on -the rocks below. A thousand thoughts1 flashed through his mind.' ; Cleo, marooned on the ledge and dy ing of starvation. the secret of the submarine lost to America forever. He shut his eyes and his. Hps moved m prayer. In another mo ment it would all be over,. For a third time the ax swung upward and then a (hot rang outl A bullet spattered itself against a rock within a foot of Mahlin. He whirled about and as he did so a second bullet tore through his coat. Running across the mesa, a huge navy revolver in his hand, came Hook, fifing as he ran. Even as Mahlin looked another bullet sang by his head, whereupon he dropped his axe and ran. An instant later Hope reached the opposite bank. Swinging himself nn to the ledge, he ran to where Cleo was lying in a heap.. His danger and the perils tnrougn which . .she 1 had passed had been too much for her: she had fainted. Lifting her limp and slender form, he bore her into the cabin and laid her tenderly upon the bunk. . "Cleo I Darling I" he whispered bro kenly.. ?"Speak to me. Jt's Jarvis." , Slowly consciousness returned. Her bosom rose and fell.4 A tinge of ;blor invade'd' tlie alabaster of her checks'.' Her eyelids fluttered. She gave a my arms." he. .VHfs wonder- "I care for you mrrre than all the world," she answered simply., "You are all the world to int." he whispered tenderly, as he drew her, close. 1 have loved you since the first time I saw you, that afternoon in your father's garden." '."' V " . "It was love at sight jbr.' trie, :too, Jarvis." "-V " "Will you marry me, f lee- I " "Yes," she breathedl Vo Sfjffly that he could barely hear, . lray. and , her arms stole round his neck.. Their lips met and for a long moment there was no sound. ' . Held tightly in Hope's' arms-, her head pillowed upon his shoulder, Cleo related her adventures. She told of being seized while strolling m. the out skirts of Santa Kulalia and' (fragged into a car and r!iloroformed'of find ing herself in the cabin btv'th ledge, with Morton, and of his attempt to. force her into marrying him, "The cadi" exploded Hope, clenchi ing his fists. "The dirty curl ' 1 wish I could get my hands on' hliul One of these days I'll make, him pay for' his treatment of you, mj'idafmiig." "I knew that you Would como tor. me, of course," Cleo. continued, "but 1 was afraid that you might bme too late. I had made up tny mind 'that if he returned and attempted, to so much as lay a finger pn mr that I would kill myself. , .Oh, Jari vis, JarvisI" she cried,"; shuddering, ' you came just in time, my dear." "ou must never think of it again, dear heart," he said soothingly. '.'The. danger is over now and you're safe in "They say that every cloufcl has a silver lining that out ofi evil good shall come," said Cleo, turned ;sud;. denly from grave to gayVSpj if1 thit. awful man hadn't kidnaped ne and brought me here I should neVer have discovered this I" and She triumphant ly held up the book that she had found in tne cupboard. " '; 1 ... ' Hope fairly snatched; U from her hand. . '''You don't mean to say, he almost shouted in his excjlement,.i "'that ou've actually found the formula here, in this deserted cabin?'' . " "I haven't found the formula ftself, ' she answered, "but I've found where the formula is," and she showed him the inscription in her father'a hand writing on the inside of the back cover. : ' ' , , " i' " 'Philosophy,' " -'he -read-: slowly. Lepage, sixty-one; every:,';iseventh word. It can mean oiuy ob minp, of course. It means that' if 'we. Will read every seventh word on page sixty-one of some work on philosophy we will have the formula of your lath? er's invention. But the question is, which philosophy? There -must be hundreds of works on the subject.' Can you- remember, Cleo,lf;.heHP;was J work on philosophy .mongjrour aatn er's hooks?" . , " TRACK ELEVATION; PLANJSBLOCKED Another Hitch as to Just What the Agreement With Bail-, jroad Was. WANT WOEK , PERMANENT Another hitch developed in the Belt Lire track elevation scheme when the city council, committee of thef whole considered a report from the City Planning board and heard the view of Chief Engineef E A. Headley of the Missouri Pacific railway company. , The planning board insists that the railroad structure &ver Douglas and Farnam streets shall be erected in a permanent' rhinriei at this time, the same a the company agrees to do at Dodge, street that np curb columns shaMI be used and that the head clear ances' at Douglas' and Farnam streets shall be-fourteen feet', instead of tem porary .clearances pf thirteen feet. a: The railroad people want to" place stmt-ptrmannt. structures 'all Doug las' Sprt .'Farnani: 'subject to being inadtr perniairfnt -,WhtiO the proposed larger project of Bolt-Line elevation shall have been cirnpfeted. '': Engineer Headley said the' City Planning board's plan would cost $.(8,000 more than the plan he claims to have agreed upon with the plan ning board a week. ago. " Th .council put the matter off one mbre'wejikv.hajimg'that in the mean time .. .ailojher agreement niay be reached. Ttiomatl Fry "said the plan sub mitted by the City Planning, board was-unanimously indorsed by mem hefs" of his hoards ."VV. H. D France and C.AV. Hull orged'the council to insist.' vpon the ' .planning board's recommendations being carried out. Commrssionn Hummel is beginning t. baieve. itiilt'ftsj'.necessary to set isi'de'-th; whole track elevation schema ancCsrtcf edwith the original viadOct .vU ff oven Dodge street and then ordc viaducts over other streets along the KeLInc: ..PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. J Mr.' itd' Mra. Jafn OrtHi)lMf hav r twtitid rqifn . ttfj-wefci' -outlnf apant at WahjnKVtv,.v. er .Jons ana Nia;ax V n n 1 I ! The Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice WHAT TWO LITTLE ; ' GIRLS DID. "My little sister, Virginia, aged 6, and myself, aged 9, had a lemonade stand on the corner the other day. We made $1, which I enclose for the milk and ice fund for the babies." ' So writes Laura M. Richardson. Thank you, little girls. And may the folks that pass your corner always be very thirsty when you are operating a lemonade stand for so good a pur pose. The grown-up people are helping the work along, too, so thst scores of needy babies and small children of deserving poor are receiving the help that means life and health to them. They could get this help NO OTHER WAY. Prevlounlr acknowledged ,.,....:.;. SIM.S0 Lanra M, RlehMdaon . 1.00 Oottlleb Mori ; S.00 i. Z. Club" S.00 Demos Leave for . State Convention At Hastings Tuesday J. A. Rine. L. J. TePoel and T. I. O'Connor of the city hall departed at sunrise in Mr, Rine's automobile for the democratic state convention at Hastings. Mayor Dahiman, George Parks, Charles E. Fanning and J. P. Butler entrained during the afternoon for the same destination. This advance guard will be on the job early and, it is understood, will do a little mission ary work in behal. of State Senator Placek of Wahoo as a candidate tor the chairmanship of the new demo cratic state central committee. A delegation of Omaha democrats will leave on the 7:10 Burlington train this morning. Bill McCune Injured When Hit by An Auto Maioi William McCur.e. former vestern manager for the Buffalo Bill Wild West shows, was severely in- j-red Sunday night when he was hit by a flivver as he was crossing the street from the Merchants hotel to the Henshaw. The car gave no warn ing and Mr. McCune was knocked to the pavement. While no bones were broken, the doctors declare that 'the muscles of his left leg are badly torn and an operation may be necessary. He was taken to me nome at U7 Jackson street (To Be Continued Tdmorrow'.)i!. Mrs, Dorothy King Asks Rehearing-ot ... Her Alimofly Mrs. Dorothy A. King," divdrced wife of Leslie L. King; has asked for a rehearing and new trial of her suit against King and his father,, Charles H. King, president of" the Omaha Wool and Storage company,-in which a decree was granted last week. . vi-.; Mrs. King was awarded judgment' for $1,525 from Charles -H. -King, the .court holding that he. had taken over possession of furniture and othef be longings of the young couple and which were subject to judgment ,fpr alimony awarded her... . v " The court held, however, that forty shares of stock in the Omaha Wool and Storage company' transferred" -by Leslie L. King to his father were not subject to. judgment for unsatisfied alimony. It is to this part of the de cree that Mrs. King mrks her ex ception. , . t- . Decree Granted and Petitions Filed In Local Divorce Court Dora Sefre has been granted a di vorce from Henry M. Sefre , on' her cross-petition. She is -given custody of three minor children, "Hsrold.i Mil-, dred and Eugene. Her -former j hus band is ordered to pay $25 per month toward their support. r.,, C. R. Leuszler has brought suit for divorce against Effie May Leuizlcr, alleging extreme cruelty. ' Nellie Wiley has brought Suit for divorce against Charles E., tlleging extreme cruelty. Object to Correcting the Corner at Blackstone The City Planning board's; reeoni mendation to the city council pro posing a correction of the comers at Thirty-sixth and Farnam streets has been laid over for sixty days. The management of the new Blackstone hotel stated that the proposed curb Changes would interfere with several features of their hotel. I ' Let Baby Laugh at Prickly Heat ScWr " AnlHChftf Powdar- Has .flk Gia4iil Su miliar : Diacomfort-Away. l$nfa:im9?too'Jbmnim h U flail hhm4 W frtt at prickly haat and ehaflnt .. now thc worty aim no mora. Schadel't ditfti 8aha4r AMt-Chafa , Powder positively prevent ..ftrlekhf ' heat- antl chafint and all other ho; weather ajcln-lrrltationa. Keepa tha Henitsrmf ik rn TtltKhtfol!r " fresh. Grown upt M41t, too; .Mtpeo.alljr plump people, who dr 4 the hot weather ao much. Rsjt Suhadera Anti-Chaia Powder todav. In aprfbklatitop box 25c, At drugirtita and dpartraent etore. Geo. C. Bcha4l ' Co Mnnuracraren, nea-uaar wa. Movi" AotreiieiVr :', ind Their Hiir Did it veif ociuif to you that every movie actress, von have seen has love ly hair,' while the. most popular count their curis as their cniqi beauty t in fact. . ( this is a secret), many are leading ladies fust -because' of their attractive , locka,. Inquiry among them .discloses .the fact that they bring- out all tha natural beauty of their, hair by careful shampooing, not with any Soap or, makeshift, but with a simple mixture wmch. they make up for themselves by putting a teaapoon fol of nthrox, (which they get from the druggist), in cup of hot water and applying this Instead of soap. After its use their hair dries rapidly, with uniform color.. Dandruff, ex cess oil. and dirt are dissolved and entirely disappear.' -The hair is ao fluffy that' It looks much heavier than it is. - its lustra and softness is de lightful.. "while tha stimulated scalp gains ittie'-health, which insure hair gruwL(o.-nAu.verHemeiii. , . HOTEL and COTTAGES WHITE MTS., M. H. MAPLE WOOD ;; maple Wood,, n. h.; Hlfh , Altitude. Free from Hay Fever. MAPLEWOOD INN Oppoelte Hotel. Capaclt. 1S. Terma Moderata. Superior 18. Hole Coll Couree 6OS0 jrarda. Motorlete' Be.t Ra4Utui Center In Mta. tJookln, Otlfee, 1180 Breed war. Maw York. Alee Meplewood. N. H. BEST TONIC IS S.S.S. Few people get through the'winter and spring without attacks from one' of the many blood maladies that leave them weak and unfit to meet the try ing warm season, and the blood so freighted with poisons that it is in capable of supplying the energy and tissue building properties necessary-to' health. ; . : , ?,'.:, 1 This condition is revealed In jnany ways, and by many symptoms, but all point to one thing infected blood. And just as surely they call for the one true and tried S. S. S. " It insures blood purity and. health. SI S. S. fnr Vl 'V.irt hi kafi ek standard treatment for.'all blood trou btes." Catarrh, rheumatism, malaria, skin diseases, and other troubles aris. ing from-- impute "and impoverished, blodd yield, to S. ,Th best , tonit. "Get S..'S.',,fr6m Ue drug stot;, and retrain voar health. Don't ralr mK- stitutfc' It is guaranteed pnrefy vege table. Write us for free snedical ad- vice.: Address Medical VM om Unit 53L Swiff Specific Co, Atlasrta. Ga. ;