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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1916)
i r 10 A THE ; BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1916.' JYE STOCK MARKET pots. ' Balk ef IM stuff aold t ll.?tO Ml. out, aa ra noted, offerings Included nothing toppy, and eomathlng food might have brought a HUlr more. It wag lijll Before anything like a wee made. . ml , .... i ... mm nf feerilna toden,U Cattle BUPPly'' Belli Lh m offar, end while ther. aeeraeil to uueieteai ff o, phtT of buyer, lor them lateness of the pecker market, coupled witn mi u aellera wanted more money for feeding atook. mado tha market alow, no deala being com-, pieced up to noon. A load or ao of breeding Quotation, on sheep and iambs: kambi, good to choice. lamb., fair to good, l.!6ei.75; lamb.. ''" . t.l: yearlings, good to oholee. I7.l0el0; yearllnga, fair to good, I7.00O7.B0; year ling., feed.ra, l.606 J.lll wether., fair to cholo., it.I67.IO; ewe., good to olc. 17.O0B7.10; owe., fair to good, o.7Bt7.00, awea. plain cull., ll.0Oeit.7S; ewes, feeders, I4.ltat.0t; ewe., yearllnga. !7. 6051.76, ewes, breeders. 3'. and up, ll.007.7l. " nnvnlT Hip-her Hor Be- " ef B ,t .. i ceipts light. SHEEP AIR l ( Omaha. July !4. lilt. ferss were;. Cattle. ,-Hogs. Sheep. Slllmat. Monday 4.t00 J.tot MOO t Bam. day la.t week. t.671 , l.SOl 14,720 llin. d.r week. .go. 4.711 J.10J .. J.ttj aaM day week. ago. 4.MS - i.040 7.7;! I are day laat year... 4.111 4,t:i The following table ahow. tha recelpta of allle. hog. nd .heap at the South Omaha ihra'atock market ror tna yeax data, aa c.ompared. with laat year ; f lilt. .'. 111. inc. Pec. aula .... 4i,10 . 111.161 11.167 , ,'IOg. .....Mil, 111 1.7M.IU !1M1 here .....1.016,174 1,UI,44 Ul.ltt ( The following tabla . enow lh average MceB of hog. at the Omaha live .tock mar ket for the tart few day., with comp.rl.on.. GRAIN AHDJRODDCE New Wheat Sells Traction Un der Saturday's.Prices, While Corn Drops a Cent. " WHEAT " RECEIPTS , HEAVY Data (uly lt.i ;iy 11.! i uly il. fuiy u.i July 14. tuly 16. t uly It. July 17. t iy It. iuly 11. I uly It. fair 11. i uly SI. uly II uly 14. l lilt UN UK 10 Tt a ze 11 I 47 11 I 71; I 6 I at I it I It i 71 i n I IT I II 1 13 t 10) I iij I 77 I lit t ii -aundqv Receipt and dtBpeetttoa L of lie stock, at : .ka llnlnn Stock yarns, Omaha, - neb. far V.watrly-foar houra endtttg at -I - o'oloak v Jul' it, 1tlt. t J 1- . BECBIPTS CARS.. - .ut. ... j ... . .. - H'r.'. - Cat-Sh'p.H'gs.Muls ?. m ft at. p. . i i .. .. Wabash ..... 1 .. .. 1 Julon Pacific il li it .. :3, ft N. W., east 11 " 31 ft N. W., we.t .... M il 1 1 i t 1 St. P. M. ft O i 1- '.. . 1 B. ft Q., eaat ........ .. 1 .. .. 2. a ft Q., waat .' i 11' .. a R. t ft P.. weat ...... 1 I S. R. I ft P., waat .... i .. 1 IlllnolaOntral I -e. Shicago Ot We.t ...... i ""-I" CHICAGO 1.1 VK HTOCK MARKET Haga Dim Higher With Cattla and Hbeep Firm Chicago. July l Cattie Receipt., II, 000; firm n.tlv. beef cattla, It.tOtjlO.tO; weetern ateera. 7.70l.tO; atock.r. and feedera. 16.0081. 00; cowa and helfera, 13.10 At 10; calve.. It.tOBll.tO. Hoga Recelpu, 17.000; firm, 10c higher, bulk, II.UBl.tS; light, ti.16B10.00; ml.ed. It.oioio.oti. neavy, p.vwv..v, .... It.OSBi.lO; plge. 7.S0Bt.lO. Sheep Recelpla, 1.000; firm. wf".; awea ll.10B7.t0; lamb., It.iO 810.40. . . (M. Lorn. Un Stock Market. St. Uiula, July It. tattle i.MO head; market, .te.dy; native beef eteera.; yearnna ea HA1 B. AA. cowa. I6.60vl.oo. .tockera and feeder.. 11.1081.16; Te.aa and r.ti.hAMA iaera. prune jnf ling ataer. and heifer., t.76Bl.16; cow. .d halfer.. IS.008t.fl0; prima aouth.rn etaera. .li.M01i.Ni patlva calvoa. it.008 higher: plge and llghta, il.00l.i6; mlaed and butchara, II.76B10M; good haay, l. 10810.00; bulk of ..lea, Hheep and Laraba Receipt., 1,400 head; market ateady; yearllnga, it.008t.60: breeding awea, 11.00810.60; alaughtered awea, 16.007.16; aprlng lamb., 17.008 10.00. . ' , HEW YORK STOCKS industrial Alcohol, a Stock of War Baby family,' One of Disturbing Elements. STEEL AS A SHEET ANCHOR Omaha, July 14, Uli. Today, wheal recelpta were exceptionally heavy and there we. an -excellent demand for all grade, of thl. cereal. New wheat old at a fraction under Saturday', prtcee. but tho marl-el generally wae Quoted from unchanged to a cent lower. The top price paid for No, i hard wheat wa. 11.14. but tha bulk aold at II. and aavaral car. brought 11.14. The bulk of the No. I hard aold from 11.01 ft to 11.11 H, a few cara of choice .ail ing at 11.13. Corn rocelifta were comparatively light and there wa. a moderate demand for thla cereal. Tha market wae a trifle weak and ruled from o to lo lower. Oata wera dull and ruled from a quarter to a half cent lower. Tha caeh demand for oata waa not very active and recelpta ware oretty fght Rye and barl.y wera quoted nominally unchanged. ware: Wheat and flour equal to 711,000 bu. corn, 41,001 bu.; oata, 117,00 bu. Liverpool cloae! Wheat ateady to id higher; oorn, unchanged to Hd lower. Primary wheat recelpta were 1,611,000 bu. and ahlpmenta llt.OOO mi., agalnet recelpta of 1,117.000 bu. and ahlpmenta of 161,000 bu. laat year. Primary torn recelpta wera 017.00 bu. and ahlpmenta 111,000 bu.. agalnet recelpta of StMOO bu. and ahlpmenta of 401,000 bu. laat year, Primary oata recelpta were 1,111,000 no. and Bhipmenta 180,000 bu., agalnet recelpta tlMO bu. and Bhipmenta of 611,000 bu. laat year, . CARLOT RECEIPT. "" Wheat Corn.. Oata. . Total receipt. ........1H II II I ; i - CISPOSITIOK HKAD. 1 i - ' Cattle. Sheep. Hog.. Merrl ft Co. ........ 176 161 111 wrft and company .. Ill -udehy Packing Co. . .'. , ill I Armour ft Co. Ill .1 twarti ft Co. ;,i ? 1 W. ' Murphy ........ I Unrolo Packing Co. .... II . Hunlnger ft Oliver " iT . udahy from Country ... ... Benton, Tanaant ft Lueh 11 1 Hill ft Son 101 ' r. B. Lawla .......... I. B. Root ft Ca ,..).. ' It J. H. Bulla Mr' Roaenatock Brog. 101 P. C. Kallog ...v...... it . Werlhelmer ft Degea .... 10 H. T. Hamilton 1st Hlgglna 1 Huffman ............ 1 Rath : 11 Baker, Jonea ft Smith. .v,::, 4 Banner Broa II Dennla ft Francl. 14 . lenaan-ft LungraB HE '- pthar Btlyen Ill ' I Total .............. ..I.ill 1,117 li.ooi V vatlle Tha weak atarta out with a very moderate run of cattla, appnulmately 4,000 head, or only about ne-half a. large aa on laat Monday. -Reoetpta Included com paratlvaly few desirable cattle elthar corn, feda or ranger., and largely lor thl. reaaon the .market waa rather alow, at-the open ing,. Demand waa gerrdV however, end price unevenly higher than tha claaa of laat weak, anywhere from ateady to 10O16& higher. Very good cornfed baavea brought 11.16 -and very too yearllnga Tha waatarna war iargaly on tha leader order and tha boot and of tha graaaera war ot rathar com mon quality aa a . rule. i . Caw. and keifar wera In limited gupply and active demand at prtcee fully 10lto higher than the.eloaa of laat weak. Carve. bulla, taga, etc. wera a loo a little atronger, t Stock cattle and feeding - ateera were cleaned p pretty wall laat week and aa affvrhrga thla morning ware dt limited pro portion.; th. market waa active-and prleaa .lOQlle higher for anything deelrable. V Quotation, on cattloi Oood to ebotoa Vaavaa,; fair to good beevea, It ltd SO; common to fair beevea, tl.tO I.N; good to choloe yaarllnga. lt.ltOlt.t0i fair to good yaarllnga II loot to; common to fair yaarllnga, 17. 1181. 60; (cod to choloe kellera.!.!; good to okaloa aaw. It.7l7.7l; fair t. good oowa,; oommea to fair oowa. il; sood t akotc taadera, 7.lii.0ii fair to good faadara, I7.0087.IO;- oommon lo fair feed era, 11.4087.00; good to choloe atoekera, - I7.4II.00; atock helfera. il.lt8l.7S; Block I oowa,; atock aalvaa. Il.7t8l.l0; (veal CAlveaVll.WBU.7ti beef bulla, jtage. at... i.i7.Ml Bologaa bulla. Il.608t.60. I Bapraaantatlva aalea: . ., . , - Diaane anv naita jur-o. , Kaaaaa City Uh Stock Kanaaa City. July 14. Cattle Recelpta. 0011, higher. Prime ted eteere, li.SOB 10,60; dreed beef .Men, i7.lS8l.16; weet ern atoerB, IS.60BI.16; atocker. and fead r., 1.7687,74; bull., 16.1687.00; calve., 10.10811.00. Hoga Receipts 1.100; higher. Bulk, lt.6Otfl.70; heavy, It.708t.l0; packer, and butchara,; light I.1C8I.I0; plga, . Sheep Reoelpl.. ' 4,700; ateady, Lamba, Ii68 Ol.lOi yearllnga, 17. 608!. 00; wethere, l,ltl 17.0087.60; awea. 10.6087.00. l.l . - - '. ... - J nt. JOOepO uvo rnooa maraoa. It Joooph, . July it. Cattla Receipt., I baa hamd: market ateady;. ateera, it.soD t.7t; now. and helfera, H.ltBt.00; calvaa, I ee AAB.1 1 AA . Hoaa HOCeiBlB, e.evv nvau, - I higher; lop, 11.70; bulk ol aalea, li.iov lt.40. . . - ; - ' . ShaoB nd Lambo naceipta, !, aeaa; I market ateady; lamba. l,S0 10.00. . ' City Uto Stock Market. -Mona city. July It. Cattle Receipt., I.ioo headi market 10c higher; native I ateera, I.SOBv.oo; cowa ana aeiiere, ee.euw I 7.i0; cannera,; atocnera anq I feeder., S.iqe7.7S; bulla, BtaiB, etc., It.II ' ... . vaoep .ana lamwr-. r. Vn Stock In Sight. RecelpU of live etock at tha five prin cipal weetern market, yaatarday: . . Cattla. Hog.. Sheep Omaha ...... ...... 4,000 4,600 1,001 St. LrfiuU .......... 6,100 i,100 1.401 Chloago .,,.17,000 11,000 1,001 Kanaaa City i.tO 11,000 . 4,701 Sioux City 1.40 M0 CHJCAQO OBAi HAND PROVISIONS. ST. . Av. Pr. ,- No. I 1. ....... til II 71 II.. I. ....... Ill I 10 14.. II Ill II I - .' . HEIFERS. I i. ....... ii l 7i - I.. 17........ ill 10 1., S l... . is I - l.. I - . . a-EBTDBRS. I ., til i ii n........ Mi to .. T47 ii II. I 401 10 .. Ill 1 , II HI I 10 ..111! 14 ' Hoga Today'a receipt, of hog. war tha - lighteet of tha year for a Monday, and tha - emallcet for any day alnoa March, Only nine cara, or about 4.100 head, ehowad up, which la over 1.000 lighter than laat weak, 2.S0 entailer than two week, ago and a shortage of nearly 1,000 head aa compared with tha correa pending Monday of- laat lyaar. ' f Stronger price ware the-rule at all mar- kta today, and with aa moderate a local l run buyere had to Day a full 1810c ad- ana gooo Craa Iamae-e Report. Send tha Car r Muck lllgbar. Chicago, July it. Crop damage report, oarrlad wheat Drioea aharoly upgrade today after aelbacka hut reaulted from cooler waathar northwest and from enlarged rural ahlpmenta In the weat and aouthwaat The market oloaed atrong, i1eIMi net higher with September at 11.11 and December at 11.16. Corn flnlehed Ho on to ho up, and oata gained a ahada to Ho. In pro vlelona there wa ft net- advanoa ot 108 17H-0. v, , it waa evident at tha wlndup of kual- aeaa today that tha injury to oropa In the aprlng wheat region waa being taken .more eerlouely by tha trade In geosral than had 'previously been the case. Tha lnvaelon of Manitoba by blao kruat waa authoritatively confirmed, and there wera definite advices that fields In tha Dakota, which a weak ago aeemed only slightly Infected wera now aimnet ruined. A leading exuart aent word from Bradley, S. D that tha loaa In South Dakota, waa much greater than waa gen erally knows and that tha crop In North Dakota was also badly damaged. Moot of tha time In th. earlier part of tha aeeelon, however, tha fact that cooler waathar pre vailed In tha northwest tended somewhat a aiiav fears regarding black met Heav- iiv tncreaaad arrivals of Baw winter wheat ....1140 If 'ft I at Kansas City, St Louis and Omaha ware "" V . ' . u ...MiinB hv tha baara. Wheat These sales were reported today: . 1 hard winter: 1 car, ll.ltvi; l ear, It. No. I hard winter: I cars, 1114; II cars, II Ho; 1 Oar. il.liH. No. hard winter: 1 car (new), 11.144; care. li nt. No. 4 hard winter: 1 cars, 11.01; cars. 11.07: a car., il.oeuj a cara,; car. il.OSu.: I cars. 11.01: 1 cara 11.04: 1 car, II 01. Sample hard winter: 1 car, II. 06; i ear., 11.04; l car, II. oi; l car, ll.ojuj; can, 11.01 1-7 car, 11.01. No. I aprlng: 1 oar. 11.11: No. 4 mixed: 1 car, tl.Oltt. Corn No. 1 white: 1 car. 77 tic no, white: 1 cara, 77Ko. No. I white: 7 can, 77c No. white: 1 car, 76c; I cars, 71 c. No. 1 yellow: 1 car. 7Mte. No. i yellow: 1 car, 71 Vic No. I yellow: 1 car, 78 It a; I can, 7le. No. 4 yellow: 1 car,' 7lo. No. I yellow: I oar, 7loj 1 car, 77o. no, y.l lowi 1 ear, ITVic Sample yellow! 1 car, 7lp. No. i mixed: 1 ear, 7le; 1 ear. 77 He. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 77o. No. I mixed: 1 car. ttc No, mixed: 1 ear, itujot i car, lio. Oata Standard: I cara, lie No. I white: can, llo; can, lIMjc. No. a wnita: can, lie Sampla; 7 can, 17c: I can, iitto; 1 can, ISMc , umana t;aen rneea wneai: no. e turkey, $1. 1281.144: No. I hard, 11.01 II; NO. 1 hard, 9l.0lui.a; .ample, 1.14W: No. 1 anrlng. 11.1181.11. Corn: No. 1 white, 77877 (io; No. i white. 76SB77c; No. I white, 76K7mo; No. white 768'a0 no... wmie, -fiyoiBc; Sample white: No. 1 yellow, 7tl471Ho; No. I yellow. 77S07IC-, No. 4 yellow, 778 7lol i No. i, yellow, 77877HC Sample yel low: No. 1 mixed, 77 071c; No. I mixed, 7ii877Vio; No. I mixed, 7ltt77e; No. 4 mixed, 7l48;!(tc; No. I mixed, 7614 7IHc. Sample mixed: 118 lltt, Oata: No. l wnite, ib8b?o; etanaara, IIViBilltcr No. I while, 17H81IC yiarley: No. ,; matting, aivsio; rejected, I08ile. Bye; No, I, litrieo. - OMAHA 1UTUBJS MARKET. Boll Have TJwa Way la Wheat Pit Corn Price Ta, Omaha, July It. till. Tha wheat market was very hulllah. both the September and December options ad vancing about I cents. Wheat tndlng waa quite active aunng the -entire seaelon and wa very -heavy around the does. - Tha oorn market was also atrong, Sep tember closing tto higher and December about Sao higher. There was a raatr amount oi waning in corn, but the oala market waa rather dull. September oata advanced 140 and th Da oember declined about tie. Omaha closing price on future for thla f i... ' II. . V vane. Hhlbning call was broad, Ulghta and batchers, which, censlderlng rrj,ol4uol No .4 yellow . lIHOIlc. -lha amallBmM of tha aunnlv. wera fairly Y Jr. V .. ... A .iu wen muoh attention by the bean. la the laat hour tha temporary optlmlam regarding black rust virtually disappeared In the wheat pit, Late reporta, aapsooially from -North Dakota were advene to the eelllng aide. At Kansal, N. D the peet In aa advanced stage wae found to hove dt .Umb an all head atalkc and there waa aald to be only one eection of the etata that aid net send In bad reports me aorta. wmI aornar around Mlnot Dry hot weather In the corn belt brought about higher prlcee for deferred deliveries of corn. Enlarged recelpta hero though made the July option ralatively weak. Oat. averaged higher with wheat and oorn. Nevertheleas, on the bulge, tne selling waa Indulged la by some OI tna laroar wwa. uuh.r nrleaa on hogs lad to an ad vance In provisions. Paoken wen active buyere, chiefly ot lard. hi..vo Cask Prlcee Whatt No. I red. ttl.ltV. No, i red, new. 11.1181.10; No.' I hard, new, Jl.ll : No. 3 hard. new. il.ll. torn: no. . yeuow, war . I Open. I High. Low. Close, I Bat Sept 111 UH 1114 lllH 112H Dec. 116-rl SllSllt'J llBli "6H C?et - TSH ".'h H "HI,". Dao. II. 11 IIM il UH Oata. Sept il IIH H UH il Dec. I 41 41 40H 40H 41 Chicago oloelng prlcee, furnished The Bee by Logan ft Bryan, atock and grain broken, 111 South Sixteenth etreet: Art.. Ii Open. High, ILow.l Close. Sat.' tha smallaeas or tne supply, wan tairiy whllc 41841 Ho; atandard. 4i41Hc numeioua, mm nauny on aarir ivnu H . . Mw 70. No. 1, nominal. Bar- IB 10 advance. -The early packer blda shewed little Or lie advance, but aellen all held for enarpiy ley. 13 9 76c Seeds: Tlmotny,; ciover, 17.0081400. Provisions: Pork, I36.oovif.lo aellen all held far snsrpiy ,7." . ..h- en teu.etiit.siu. higher price, and buyen r.m..ll. raised " ai - v their hands, until, when movement started, valuca wen tn about the aame notches aa ehlppen had paid that la, 1910c higher than at the eloae of laat week. In fact, packer buyen, who found good hogs nther scarce by the time they got etarted, thought the market waa nearer lOo higher than any thing alee. The cloee waa as usual, a little dulH- there being a few scattering bunches of not overly desirable stun left in the after everything elee wu cleaned up, meat of the offerings had starlsd ecalewi aar ahortly after I oclock. . Some of the advance ehewn by the ar erage could be -attributed to Improvement la quality, for; coaaldarlng the else of the run, good ewot aere much more plentiful -Than they wen Saturday, when quality waa Booref even than uaual. Moat of the paek KX lteg aold at -i. while shlppera -bought a good many at a epned of ft. 409 ,4i, eavenl loada reaching the latter figure which waa tha top.. Todays reaction car- aii.uanalla Oral Market. i Mln'naauollc July it. Wheat, July, l.iiHi September, il.ii. Caah: Nc 1 hard, II. 1281. aa: HO. t noruiein," I ..!..,. II SJB1.17. riour Fancy patente, II.IOl other gradea unchanged, -Barley 6)7C -. V Rye 11811c. ' BRAN 117.60 911.00. ; .V 'i Corn No. I yellow, 139140. Oata No. I whits. IIH9!i- riaxaeed il.ilH91.00H. Kaaaaa City General Market. ITaneaa CitV. July 14, Wheat N. hard, IJ.liVi91.Ul No. I rad, 11.1191" July, 11-16; September, il.l!j voce r'.ill!.No.' . I mixed. lOBIOUc: Nc white 1091 if I No. I yellow, HBHc, July, 0c: September, 71 He; uecember, e,c afblta. BtU.843c: No. r nea Mia aenara, puma in., i. - . j IBeBtic. ..- a..HH. , h.if af laetlbtlxaa, .seytvc. at any time during the latter half of le" ,Ju",'l,rJCre.'mery, lie; wT l hey wan laot Tudey and Wln "SZviriirul 11 He gay. a'hlch were high daya of rVa weak. atapj HUBieuTv Kc Av.' Sh. Pr. .' 3I..-11' I 1 Ji..soi- 10 ft 66.. 116 ii II I4..IS1 ... i ii II. .111 ... i 10 l Pr. Poultry Hans, ltoi roosters, lOHo; ore era, lie Uverpeol Orala Market, Liverpool, July 14. Wheat Spot Nc ..rJ, ,fl. Id: Na. I. Ill Id. Corn ttpot Amorican mixed, new, lie Id. eiA.,h. winter natenla. 47c Hope 1 London: feetfte coast 14 lie9 It 16c ., ... - . ' Evaporated Apples and Dried Frail New York, July 14. Slvapo rated applee Dull, rency, ivtttoi cnoica, e-aervn PPrunea5uleU, California Ma to 40s. IHc; Oregon.. 7910c . Aprlcota Dull; cnoice 1I913HOS I .k.i unite: tencr. HH911Hc; Peachea Dullj. holco, Ic; extra choice, I Hot fancy, 7c. Ualalna Plrrai loose muocatels, I9IH choice to fancy aeeded. T9iei soeaieae, i 9l0c.(ii . ,.. ,' . Xiy".- Metal Market.' New ' York. July 14. Metale Exchange lead at 11.11 aaked. Rpelter, nrm " :T "T..T"7r.V" K..t at. Loul. delivery. II.4IH810. vase on uuk weaaa cioea, ana eanr npuria - - . - ... cnM,, na .i .ii. k. -a . n. IcoDoor. rm eleclnlytlo. 111.00817.00. V Nc At. 1 14.11 i 4.. It! ' II.. I7f '. 1I..I1 ' I, .in - Sheep Compared -' with ' recent Mendayc sheep and lamb recelpla wen only fair. Ar rive la counted out about thlrty-thne ran. or 1,104 bead, being 1.001 ehort of a weak ago, and allghtly entailer. than two weeks ago. although nearly twice aa large aa for the rorreepondtng day or laat year. - Unite a few eld eheep and yearlings were offered, - but demand continues good, am) everything aold by mldforenoon. If any thing, - prices looked atnnger on paper, but quality waa better than laat week all anund, and moat tndera oallad the market eteady. Ooed range ewaa that wsn a little weighty brought 17.44, while a feai real desirable wether made 17.1.- ead a deck or ao of 'range yearllnga touched Met.-. Three can of yearllnga and vethen mixed landed at tl.41. ... . -i In new or tna gtrengin in pncee at cni -inri1 tukftd hl.h moD.T for (heir No. S. 3.00OS0.i No. 1 fouilt.rno io .Hi, n4 their first offer wr. U ar vbr. keiMr than hurt wtwh'r eteM. When, ft ton towards rnltltiay, th llinbi 1 rHnlly itdirtaMl lt tnon, thm wr Almottt t m auuir optntoM n th markst u thr ver 4rftdra In th barn. On papar priewtj r jut itAy with lat iratii' cltwt. bat tfttftUtr of the offerings wu tt fto $od, ' ).r Wtc no ml deiirablo lafnlM her, and ' roiwldarififf the 1m of aorta avert one raited ."." mw atroiicar, white aaiiw trad era thought m0 wen u much m a dim higher In n lTk: No. S. Ill.TIS2t.IB. Tin, quiet .gart affarad at I3I.IQ. A JjOBQOn ; tipoi Cppjr, erj , uvtll area. til , atevYlralvtli. C) 11. 8 Dot tin. flll fura. Al-I tUad, MT 16a. 0pHr. (It, Dn (4da MarluH. New York, July 14, Dry good markets war Innueiwea ravoraoir toaajr ay in Mifted final Mttlement f tha pro long! atrtk or garment worKera. (.-ouon vnntia ahnwed Increaatd nctiviti. Jobber report! good Uad. , . New York, Joly Th girationa of United State InduatrUl alcohol, one of the more upeculatiT eerul-war laaue, wa the une tiling- feature of toduy'a market. A-cohol opanedy with the balanco of the Kit at a Mltght grain,' but won developed acute weaknei, which Increaited with the progrew of the setwlon. The itock made an extreme declin of lOto 106, wiping out much of laet wek'a 17-polnt rscovery. There waa an absence of new, offlclal or semi-official to account for the heavy liquidation, but rumor associated the se vere reversal with some unexpected ob MtniMft in thd negotiations for a large con tract with the French government. Males of alcohol amounted to 37,000 shares, mak ing It next to United State meet, tne most active feature of the day. . Steel for a tim was the market' uheet anchor on It rls of 1.4 to 7, it best price In something like a fortnight. Buy ing of teel, which later surrendered It gain and a small fraction besides, was npiil4t(l noon th atatement which will follow tomorrow's quarterly meeting of lh directors. Other strong feature of the forenoon Included the motors, especially Maxwells, the shipping group. Independent steel and Iron issue, sugars and tobaccos. Among the later Iigtt and My ere mad an advance of 134 with 15 for Q. W. Holme. Pressure wa most often directed against th Mexicans, some of the more conspicuous munitions, notably Baldwin, Crucible and Wtlnghoue, a well a xruiwer anu mlcelaneou issues. Ball gava promls of strength, but fi. n moderate of ferings In the final hour, when quotations were at lowet levels. Total sale of stock amounted to 430,00 share. Oeneral news, asm irom m unceriiu7 annriinei th railway- labor problem, was tMintv nnnatruetlva. Southern Pacific ported an Increase of $1,332,000 In June operating income, and weetern line showed heavy tonnage gains over last year. Bonds wer Irregular with atock chiefly In consequence of heavy offering of inter national war Issue as slight concessions. twa.. ..I. tiBr v alius. 12.2500.000. K United BUteg bonds wer unchanged on call. Number of leading sale and quotations on the market were; b.1ai Hltrh. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar.. 4,300 91 8IH H American Can 1.800 Am. Car A Found. 4,100 American Loco 10,800 Am. Smelt Ret. 00 BOOB HEIR HAKES FIGHTM ESTATE Landi and Money of Late Paul Boob, Sarpy County Farm er, at Stake. . IN COURT AT PAPILLION Am. Huara Ref Am. Tel. Tel... Am. Zinc, L. ft 8. . . Anaconda Copper.. Atchleon Baldwin Loco Baltimore ft Ohio.. Brook. Rapid Tr... Butte ft Sup. Cop. Cat. Petroleum.... Canadian Pacific.. Central Leather... Cheeapeake Z Ohio. C, M. ft St. Paul.. Chicago ft North... C, R. I. Z P. By... Chlno Copper Colorado T. ft I... Corn Prod. Ref.... Crucible Steol Dietitian' Security. Erie General Blectrlc... Ot. North, pfd.... (It. North. Ore ctfe Illinois Central -. . Inter. Con. Corp.. 1,000 Inaplratlon Copper. ...... Inter, liar., N. J Int. M. H. pfd. ctts 11,100 K. C. Southern'. Kenneoott Copper. . .... , Louis, ft Nash Max. Petroleum... 11,100 Miami Copper..... 100 11.. K. ft Tex. pfd. ...... Missouri raiuc.... s.ivv Montana Power National Lead Nevada Copper.... N. Y, Central N. T., N. H. ft H..I Norfo k ft West... Northern Pacific.. Pacific Mali Pacific Tel. ft Tel.. Pennsylvania ..... Hay con. copper. . Reading Rep. Iron ft steel.. Shat Alia. Copper. Southern Pacific . . Southern Railway. Studebaker Co. .... Tenneasee Conner.. Texae Company.,.. union Pacific Union Paolflc pfd 66 S 66 il 6Vi I6K 16. it sttt lot!, Hit UK lt 79ta 71 10414 1041 7114 7114 III H l nt. ei la 10 17114 17714 -177 700 ii 644 64 700 61 tt 10 Vi 0 4. 70S 1701 16HU 16i 1,200 1111 11 (4 11 July Sept Dec. Corn July Sept Deo. Oats. July nepi pee. Perk. July Sept Ier. Lard. July Sent Oct.- Rlbe. July II II II il II II II 41 li 47 II nv 40 IIOj KUj 107 100 101H 103 1U3 600 II If 6014 60(4 600 11711 117 124 1,000 lilt 111 111 a ..... ..... ..... 1. 14 4,10 it. 111 II1 1,70 11 IIH 11 1,10 71 li 17 7 1.000 41 4614 45 400 iih mi I6U 700 1 I7H II;4 oo nit uti nii 121)4 126 14 II 1414 1 111 10 ,li 167 167 BJTI Ind. Alcohol. (7,400 IliK 106H 106t . Steel 17,60 17(4 11 It u 8. 8teel nfd.... 1.100 lis : lll ll'tK Utah Copper 1.100 77 71)4 li a wabaan pfd o . it Weetern unlcn 73 Weetlngh. Eltctrle. I.1C0 61)4 Clti ilk Total sales tor tne oay, t.o.vvu snares. KKW TURK UIS.NKBAL MARKET Quota tlone a( th Day ob.ib Comnodltle ' New TOrk.' July 14. riour Firm: spring patents. l.4i6.ll; winter patents. 16.160; winter stralgnta, st.i6tDb.oo. Wheat sgot strong; No. 1 'durum. II Hit! No. I hard, 11.14: No. 1 northern Duluih. 11.41: No. 1 northern. Manitoba, 11.11 f. o. b. New Tork. t:orn spot, oaey; no. l yeuow. bo e. l. (. New Tork. Oata Spot, ateady: standard. 47447io. Hay Steady: prime, 11.36: No. 1, 11.10: No. ,1. gl 061.10: No. I. l0i7Vie; ship ping1, 7ilio. . Hope Btaanyi state oommon to onoice, iii, lllc: 1114, lOtc: pacific tout, HI 6, 11 14c;, 1114, lOlic. ' Hliiaa Steady; Bogota,' ilVjOI3H: cen tral America, 11, . Leather Firm: hemlock flrat. 1701 aao- onda, lie. Pork Firm; mess. 117.0:7.10; family. Ilt.ootsqi.6e: short clear. Il6.ooei7.00. Beef Quiet; meae, I1I.00O1I.60; family, 111.1030.60. Lard Firm: middle weet, 9ix.ooeyi!.io. . Tallow Eaay: rlly. 7 tic, nominal; coun try aoeclal. Itattte; special, lite asked. woo steaay: aomeatio 1 aa unio. lie. Rice Steady; fancy head, IVilte; Blue so. tueittc Molaaaee Steady: New Orleans open Rot tie, 40t50c. ' Otnaba Hay Market. : Omaha. Neb,, July 14. Hay Receipts llehl: market firmer tinder good grade. Upland prairie: Choice, 110.10; No. 1. II.O0 OlO.Ov; NO. B. ei.vweye.vv; no. e, ...vvir 1.00. Midland prairie: No. 1, It.i0ei.00; No. I. I7.00el.0e. Lowland pratrle: Choice, 17.00; No. 1, II.Ni No i, I4.00ei.00; No. a. 6100 44.10.'. Aiiaua e.t.vvt .v. ,. e.-w". .ua.u 11.00: No. 1, No. 1. n 0001.00, Straw Oat, (I.tO; wheat, 11.00. .New York Money Market. New Tork, July 14. Money On call, steady: high, IM. per cent; low, IV. per cent: ruling rate. 114 per cent: last loan. 11 per cent; closing bid. 1)4 per cent) of fered it 1U oar cent. Time Loans Steady; sixty days, I lie 1 per oent; ninety days, !04 per oent six months, 404)4 per cent. ' Mercantile Paoer 44.4)4 nor cent Sterling Exchange Sixty-day blltsj 14.71)4: demand. S4.70: cables. I4.7SW.. Silver Bar, 1314c; Mexican dollars, 4114c. Bonds oovsrnment, eteady; railroad,. lr regular. U. I. ref. le reg. ItUL. ft N. on. 4... 1414 do coupon IllfM. K. ft T. 1st 4s 7414 U. 8. Is, re.. ,100 'Mo. P. con. Is. .101 do coupon.... ;100 Mont. Power la.. I7t U. S. 4a, reg...l0ll,N. Y. C. deb. te.ll! do coupon. .,..110 T. C. 4)4a414..1074 "Am. smelt. BS..1V? r. x., r. it. ot Am. Tel. ft Tel. H. cv. Is 11IX cvl 4H. 10S), No. Pacific 4s... tilt Anglo-Frsnch 6a lilt do is II Atchison gen. to 13 'Ore. 8. L. ref. 4s. il S Bait, ft Ohio 4a tOUjPac. T. ft T. 6s..l00tt Beth. St. ref. ia.l001aPenn. con. 414a.. 10444 Cent, Psclflo 1st IIH do gen 4MjS...101Uj Che. ft O 0. 4Vj. 16 Reading gen la. lift C, B. ft Q., i. 4s I748t. U ft San F. C ,M. ft St. P. rrf. 4a 1114 cv. is 10616 cv la.. 10! C. R. I. ft P. Ry do rr. 4a 10 li ' ret. 4s 73HHo. Railway la.. 10114 Col. ft S. r. 4 Ha. II Union Pas. ts... 7Vt ft R. Q. a ea 7S . do cv. 4S rsa Brie gen. 4a.... Tt "u. b. nuooer se.ius Oen. Electric 6s.104VjU. a Steel 6a. ...lot OL No. 1st 4 Its. Itttwest. union 4tts s 111. Pen. ref. 4a. SR W. Etec. cv, ls.114 Int. M. M. 4U.106 C. ft R. O. 6 70 K. C. So. ret. 6s 81 Mj 'Bid. BEE DEPAKTMENT "WE MAKE EN01AVED PRINTING PLAJES , PHONE -TYLER 1000 Be hilifehintf Ca OMAHA. eja it;. Vi i-: ' - o , I 1 1' An estate containing 3,331 acres of Sarpy county farming land and sev eral thousand dollars, besides totalling ing value tomething more than $125, 000, are at stake in a trial in which Julianne Bogb Pope, heir of the late Paul Boob, well known Sarpy county farmer, is endeavoring to have her former guardian, James R. Wilson reinstated, and to receive the property said to have been wrongfully taken from her. The case is to come uo Thursday in the court of Judge Les lie at Fapillion, and includes charges reflecting on tne conduct ot certain Omaha lawyers. Attorney W. K. ratriclc ot soutn Omaha is chamoionintr Mrs. Boob. "Paul Boob died ten or twelve years ago after an eventful and sue. cessful life," says Mr. Patrick, relating the story. "He left an estate contain ing! 1.288 acres of Sarov county land valued at approximately .$125,000, as well as $1H,UU0 or U.UUU personal property. Mrs. Julianne Boob , inher ited a widow's share of the estate, along with three sons, two daughters and tour grandchildren. Mrs. Boob Remarries. "Subseauentlv Mrs. Julianne Boob remarried, this time to inaries A. Pope, and through the dominating in. fluence of her new husband squan dered a large part of her inheritance,, until the court appointed a guardian on the ground that she was incompe tent Seven years ago tne court granted the request and since then Clerk James R. Wilson has officiated uardian. , everal attentats were made by Mr. and Mrs. Pope to secure the dis charse of the suardian. but unsuc cessful until June 19 last. Her ap plications were handled Dy Attorney Charles Hoover and Attorneys Murphy and Winters of the South Side, who later withdrew, seeing the hopelessness of the case. Last win ter the case was taken up Dy an Omaha attorney, Herman G. Boesche. "According to the testimony of in-, vtstigators, Boesche first went to the guardian and suggested that to avoid trouble with the i"ope tamiiy it wouio be best that he withdraw as guardian. A fee of first $1,000. and then $1,500, was promised in lieu of such action, but Mr. Wilson empnancauy reiuseu. Attorney Boesche next interviewed Attorneys Anthony E. Langdon and E. S. Nickersort of Sarpy county, rep resenting the heirs, and promised that if they would, withdraw from the fight in court they would receive; a fee of 15 per. cent of the entire estate' im mediately on the receipt of the resig nation of Guardian Wilson. - Refers to Recent Suit On Tune 19. last, a successful suit was brought in the court of Sarpy county. Judge George A. Day presid ing, by which the guardian was re tired, and after the court session the tire estate of Mrs. Pope except eighty or ninety acres of land in her own name was deeded over to Enos T. Hughes, Gretna, as trustee. The deed included the shares that would have gone to the children of Mrs. Boob by death of their mother. "By sundown that night Attorney Boesche .had succeeded, ht' deeding over to himself every share of prop erty that Mrs.. Pope had left through the new trustee. The consideration was "$1 love and affection," recorded on the books of Sarpy county today, In the few days that toiioweo Attor ney Boesche also applied to and ob tained from W. H. Thomas of Omaha a loan for $4,500 on the estate. Charles A. Pope received $2,000 of this, which he immediately invested in the Chesapeake cate .ot umana, terming the new corporation the 'Em pire Cafe Company,' with Charles A. rope, Sam Joe, a uunaman uie former owner and Arthur Pope, a son, as proprietors." I Local t facte and Bonds. Onatatlona furnlahed by Bume. Brink .r ft Co., 441-61 Oman National bank building, Omaha, Nab.: stocks uiu. asaeo. Am. Smelt. Bee. Co. pfd. "A" ills " Beatrice creamery Co. prd II loo Deere ft Co. pfd 10 II Fair"! Cream. Co. i pet. g'rant'd. 11)4 JOOti Falr't Cream. Co. I pet. pfd.. .10114. 104 Oooch Mill, ft Ele. Co. 7 pet. pfd. Ill, 100 Cudahy Packing Ca. 7 pet pfd.. 104 106 Lincoln t. at t. com. I pet Lincoln Tr. Co. pet. pfd 14 t7 Kansas City Ry. ft LI pfd 60 61 Omaha ft C. B. Ry. ft B. pfd.. 14 66 Omaha ft C. B. St. Ky. pfd 71 71 Peters Mill Co. pfd It 100 Sioux City Stock Yds. pfd 88 )4 0 Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey.621 ,636 Swift ft Company 11314 1141, union stock xaraa e pet atocn.. vavs ivi Bonds Argentine Nation Gold discount notes April, 1017 To Net its American Foreign Securities Co., 6 pet. gold notes. 1910 7 9! Armour ft Co. 414s. 1080 13)4 93K HOOttt'St. IjOUIS ca. 1V3I 1UV Benson. Nebraska Sch'l Sa, 146.107 107.15 Fremont Neb.. S pet paving bonds, 1936.... 1024 101.13 la. Portl'd Ce't Co. s. 1IK-I024 100 Imp. Jap. Oov't 414 2d aer., 1024 74 71 Kanaaa City Railway Co. notea.. 100)4 100H Kanaaa City Railway let ia, 1144 II 08 Lincoln Tr. Co. 6a. 1131 II H 15 Montreal Tr'way 0 pet notes. 1917.984. II Omaha Oas 6a, 1017 94 90 Omaha ft C. B. St. Ry. 6a. Mil. il 97 Pacific O. ft Elec. 6s, 1919 91 92 Sulxberger ft Sons Co. 6.. 1941. 9914 10014 City of York. Neb. O. I. 6s. 1120.101 )6j 1021a Ex-Dlvldend. mostly switching from September to later months. Final prlees were 1 point higher ' to 2 points lower, nearby positions showing most losses. September Bold at 1.39c and December from 8.57c to 8.66c, and March from 1.71c to 1.74c. Sale.. 37,000 bags;.. July, 8,21c; August, 8.33e: September. I 37c; October. 8.42c; November, i.tSc; De cember, 1.66c; January I. tic; February, -i tec; March. !.74t;; April, l.7ic; May. I.I6c; June UOc. Spot, stsady; Rio Js, ilse; Santos, No. t. lOlec. Offeru from Santos were a trifle firmer, with ia quoted 10 H-lOtJ'llC cost ana ireixnt. woaon credits. The official caoiea reponea par tial decllnea of DO reis in in. primary mar kets and Rio exchange l-ld lower. Cotton Market. New Tork, July 14. Cotton Future, opened steady; July, 11.97c: October, 13.01c; December, 13.26c; January, 13.27o; March. 13.44c. Cotton futures closed steady. July, 23.07a; October, 13.14c: December, 13.30c; January, 13.36c; March, 13.49. 1 Spot cotton, quiet; Middling upland, 13.15c: no Bali's. Liverpool, July t. Cotton Spot nn changed; good middling, 8.13d: middling, 7. 91d; low middling, 7. lid. Bales, 1,000 bales. Coffee Market. New York, July 24. Coffee The market for future, waa somewhat irregular and after opening steady at a net advance of 2 to 4 potnte, gradually sold off under local realising and an absence or outside support. being very narrow all day, with London Stock Market. ' London, July 24. Canadian Pacific and United State. Steel developed atrength In the American section of the stock market today, but the rest of the list closed quiet after limited trading. Silver Bar, I0)d per ounce. Money 414 per cent. Dlacount Ratea Short bills. 14 014 per, cent; three months' bills, !6H06 per eenC ' Bank Clearings. Omaha, July It. Bank clearings for Omaha today were 13,650.013.90 and for tha correaponding day laat year 12,567,141.11. Cotton Market New York, July 24. The cotton market advanced over a doxen points from early low levels and closed 12 to 17 polnta net tradOjUtigher with the tone very ateady. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. WHY, DID CASEY STRIKE OUT? fir You've read of the mighty battle between Mud ville and Frogtown for baseball supremacy; of the terrible struggle to win the cherished pen nant and you know that the terrible Casey struck out at the critical moment. " But did you ever kriow why he struck out? , ' ' DeWolf Hopper fir Who takes the part ti of the mighty Casey in the TRIANGLE PLAY "CASEY AT THE BAT" Which we offer for three days, commencing today, tells the story. fThis picture, which follows closely the immortal poem, is one of the most amusing and interesting comedy dramas ever presented. In addition we have your old -i friend, m Chester Conklin in HIS FIRST FALSE STEP, A Keystone burst of glee, ipOf course you know our' performances start promptly at 11, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 p. m. and we are certainly keep ing enough fans running to make the theater comfortable. COOL CLEAN COMFORTABLE fl fcaXAf a fcaa 1 1 SEVEN AMERICAN MINSTRELS' mmmmSmmKmmmmmmmmm Presenting aa Up-to-date Mujetrsl TODAY Wednesday and Thursday I Flrat Part The Croat Westmi Howe ' ' Howe; Ceo. Yeoman's: Photoplays I I - Pr,"nt I 10c ADMISSION Me II MAE MURRAY In I I "The Dream Girl" Mil CP Coolert ' Thea,w ---. lilUOC Biggest Features , - Harold Lockwood and May Allison TIVI "The Masked Rider" .1 ITl J P ,,, HrjtWklrjdy J J I W8b.202 1 0 Art Ysi - Going to See ' Deirer'i New . Mountaia Parki Decide That Vacation Question For rest, outdoor recreation, rail, auto and trolley scenic and sightseeing trips or a little of each you can't beat, : - , COOL COLORADO the Playground of the Nation 1 O Are You Goinf to See Rock Mountain National Park Tho European War has made U iansarous tor American Toarlsta to spend their anmmer tn the Alpine Mountain of Swltiariand. The ocean lanes are strewn with mines and beset with war craft 8e America First Come to the Cool Colorado Rockies, the Swltierland of America and the Sum mer Playground ot the Nation, Are Yei Goinf to See toe 38 Scenic Trip From Dcnrsr 7 O lAskQyeslioKl Mountain climbing, camping, horseback riding, golf, tennis, swimming and Denver's Munici pal Band of fifty pieces to enter tain you daily. Denver, the gateway to nine National Parke, has 216 hotels, with 400 mountain resorts in the cool Colorado Rockies, within a few hours' ride by rail and auto. Boom and board $2.00 per day and ud. to fit any pocketbook. Only $17.50 from Omaha and Kansas Citv: $25.00 from St Louis, $30.00 from Chicago. Two Vacation Booklets Free "ONE DAY IN DENVER'S NEW MOUNTAIN PARKS" "COLORADO SCENIC VACATION GUIDE BOOK" They tell where to go, what to see, what it costs and how to get to the principal vacation spots and scenic trips In Colorado: Los of auto roads to Denver's Mountain Parks, contour man ot the Colorado Rockies from Long's to Pike's Peak. Pictures ot principal acenea and thlnga you can do while enjoying your va cation Denver way. - - a i sv i a i - I ri'H" " When the thermometer start rising and old Gen eral Humidity la making life unbearable, those who can do so will appreciate the opportunity that Na ture has afforded them to enjoy their vacation in Colorado, where there ia less humidity, more sun shine and cooler nights than in. any other part of the United States. Are Ton Going Cempinf, Trout Fiihinf, ' Mountain Climbing o 751 SwnJanJhSt DENVER COLO-