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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1916)
It Pays to Advertise AdvartUing pays tha adTartiaar who makas it pay, and tha auraat way of making it pay it to put tha adrartuement ia THE BEE. The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER FAIR VOL.XLVI NO. 33. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 26, 1916 TEN PAGES On Trains, ml HotcU, New Ntandi fK. Se SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. REPUBLICANS AS ONE BEHIND THE OLD PARTY FLAG Reunion in Nebraska Made Complete by Gathering of Leaders at Convention at Lincoln. FOB HARMONY AND VICTORY Dissension Dropped by All and United Party Will Face . the Opposition. WORE OF THE GATHERING (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, July 25. (Special Tele gram.) If the republican elements that split four years ago were not fully fused, the state convention to day, pttended by strong delegations from practically every county in the state, riveted the reunion by its en thusiasm and harmony. While some discordant talk was heard in the street corner confabs on the outside, the convention proceed ings ran smooth at every turn. Among the delegates were men who had taken active parts on both sides of the old schism but are now shoulder to shoulder behind the republican banner, and equal attention and ap plause were accorded the speakers, irrespective of previous factional af filiations. "Watch Nebraska go back into the republican column, where it by right belongsl" exclaimed a seasoned republican war horse. "The spirit of reunion is in the air and along with it confidence that success is certain." If there are any dissenters except the democrats and the democratic sympathizers they are not in evidence here tonight. Dr. Henry Leads Douglas. Douglas county's selection for its delegation chairman of Dr. W. O. Henry, who had "come back" after being nominated for United States senator, was hailed generally as the most tangible evidence of all the get together movements. In introducing E. R. Gurney of Frejnont as temporary, chairman of the convention, Chairman McNish said it was a pleasure to Introduce a man who had done so much for a united party. In his introductory remarks, Mr. Gurney spoke enthusiastically of the time when the great men of the party gathered with us in state convention and assisted in placing good men in nomination. Tributes were paid to John M. Thurston, Edward Rose water, Church Howe, George L. Sheldon, C. H. Aldrich, and several others. Applaud Honored Nam. In mentioning national characters, the names of Lincoln, Grant, Mc Kinley, Roosevelt and Taft, each was given a round of applause that given the name of Roosevelt being loud and vociferous. Later in his address, Mr. Gurney mentioned the name of William How ard Taft, who, like Lincoln, Grant, McKinley and Roosevelt, would have been elected the second time but for our own internal strife and lies of the opposition about the high cost of living, and the convention applauded loudly mention of his name. Mention of the name of Charles E. Hughes brought out round after found of applause, lasting several minutes. ' Mr. Gurney declared himself m favor of prohibition and for a reform of the primary laws. At the close of the address, on mo tion of George Williams of Albion, Clyde Barnard and Max Egge of Grand Island were elected secretaries and the temporary organization was then made permanent on motion of T. L. Mathews of Fremont. Predicts Victory. Judge Sutton of Omaha, republican candidate for governor, spoke a short time, predicting a' republican victory (Continued on rftJIvC&lumnOm The Weather For Nebraska: Generally fair and continued warm. For Iowa: Generally fair and con tinued warm. Temperaturea at Omaha Yeiterdar. Hour. Der. 6 a. m 78 6 a. m 71 UNCHANGED III! m. 8 &. m 9 a. m 84 10 a. m 88 11 a. m 1 12 m 4 1 p. m 94 p. m 96 8 p. m 95 4 p. m 96 6 p. m 94 6 p. m 93 7 p. m 92 8 t. m 89 Comparative Local Bcord. Official record of temperature and precipitation- compared with the corresponding period of the last three years: 1916.. 1915. 1914. 1913. Highest yesterday ..98 77 94 96 Lowest yesterday .... 75 S3 76 (61 Mean temperature ... 84 70 84 76 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 T Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal: Normal temperature 77 Exoena for the day , 9 Total excess since March 1 131 Normal preclptatlon 14 Inch Deficiency for the day 14 Inch Total preclptatlon since March 1.9.67 inches Deficiency since March 1 7. SI inches Deficiency for cor. period of 1946 .67 Inch iJcliclency for cor. period in 1914.3.71 inches Reports from Stations at 1 p. m. station ana state Temp, of Weather. . 7' p.m. Cheyenne, pt. cloudy.. 80 Dubuque, clear ...... 99 Denver, cloudy 78 Des Moines, clear 94 Dodge City, clear 90 . Lander, cloudy 81 ITorth" Platte, cloudy... 88 Omaha, clear .92 Pueblo, clear 86 Rapid City, clear 78 on uine, ciear 78 Santa Fe, rain 60 Sheridan, pt cloudy... 90 Sioux City, clear., 90 Valentine, cloudy 74 T indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WBLSH. Meteorologist. High- Rain- eat, fall. 80 T 96 .00 86 T 98 .00 94 .00 90 ,.00 96 .00 98 .00 94 .00 SO .01 82 .00 S2 .10 92 .00 96 .00 98 .00 DAHLMAN CROWD WINS ATHASTINGS Douglas County Contest Unan imously Decided in Favor of the "Jims." FLEHARTY HEADS BODY (From a Staff Correspondent.) Hastings, Neb., July 25. (Special Telegram.) Delegates to the demo cratic state convention consumed a great deal of time in caucuses and in formal conferences, and it was not until 2:25 p. m. that the convention was called to order by State Chairman Thompson. After the invocation he introduced M. L. Corey of Clay Cen ter as temporary chairman. H. B. Fleharty of Omaha was agreed upon for chairman of the com mittee on resolutions at a conference of the leaders, instead of John Cut right of Lincoln, who had tentatively been selected for the place. It was announced early in the aft ernoon. A. L. Sprague of York, had decided not to be a candidate for state chairman. The Douglas count, delegation held a caucus at which L. F. Lang horst was endorsed for chairman of the state central committee, and j. A. Rine was selected as member of the committee on credentials. F. L. Weaver filed the credentials of the delegates elected by the Jack sonian democrats at the meeting held at their club room Saturday evening. It will be submitted to the committee on credentials. Dahlman Side Wins Hastings, Neb., July 25. Chairman Byrnes of the credentials committee announced the Douglas county con test was decided unanimously in fa vor of the delegation headed by May or Dahlman. The hearing was held beneath the shade of trees and offered a dramatic side show. The crowd stood around while Jacks and Jills wraggled. Senator Hitchcock and Governor Morehead kept the main show moving inside. F. S. Weaver, T. B. Murray and L. Mossman plead the cause of the Jacks, Dahlman, J. A. Rine and L. J. Tepoll appeared for the Jills. "We requested chairman Bennett to call the county convention in the reg ular way and he told us his hands were tied. We arc opening a self perpetuating machine. We have many big men in our club." said Murray. ' Dahlman said, "We get the water. We do things. Only one of the Jfecks ever contributed to the campaign. Murray gave $1. We have the or ganization." "We have Senator Hitchcock in our club," said Mossman. Credentials committee consists of J. C. Byrnes, W. B. Banning, W. P. Cowan, W. D. Schal, E. O. Weer, Bernard McNevy, William Mitchell. Nearly Gets Away The' convention nearly got away from Chairman Corey when Ficharty of Douglas moved to allow the chair to name resolutions committee of seven. W. I. Allen of Schuyler in sisted that the real democratic way would be to permit delegates to name the committee. Phipps of Colfax ad vised giving the chair authority. Otto Meier of Lincoln called for division and said democrats should be wary of hand picked committees. Oh roll call of committees, the chairman was allowed to appoint. He named H. B. Ficharty chairman, J. V. Cutwright, Lincoln; Arthur Mullen, ' Omaha; Julius Maas, Norfolk; Earl Marvin, Beatrice; Ward K. Newcomb, Clay Center; J. G. Beeler, North Platte. The convention adjourned at 6 for a recess. Sany delegates are returning on evening trains on account of heat and general lack of interest in the proceedings. Thompson Mounts Platform. The afterno' n s ss'on of the con vention will not endure in the annals of political history. The band played "Enward Christian Soldiers,' and W. H. Thompson mounted the plat form, accompanied by a solemn faced entourage. At 2:20 the Grand Island "Little Giant" pounded his gavel and the drama began. Goveu r More head was escorted to the stage and a call was heard for Edgar Howard who hiding from publicity behind a post. He was dragged to the platform. When the stage was properly set Thompson told in mournful measure of his forthcoming retirement from the political spotlight after carrying water for the party thirty years. "Too bad, Bill, yelled a sympa thetic delegate. Thompson evoked applause by mentioning Bryan and Wilson, Charley Poole, Willis Reed and others. In his valedictory he advised the boys to keep the party pure and clean. Merton L. Corey of Clay Center was elected permanent chairman. He spoke an hour and ten minutes in the keynote address. He is a promising young lawyer who won several de clamatory medals at Clay Center Mr. Corey boasted of the accomp lishments of the democrats in the af fairs of both state and nation. He credited the democratic legislature with passing all sorts of reformatory and constructive legislation for the state, and praised Governor More head, Treasurer Hall, Auditor Smith and Secretary Fool for their adminis trative records. Gilbert M. Hitch cock, Charles Otto Lobeck, Dan V. Stevens and Ashton C. Shallenberger were eulogized for their services in congress, and their re-election de manded. The Underwood tariff meas ure was extolled as the greatest of its kind ever passed, but not a word was said of the amendments made to it by the present session of con gress. The president came in for generous commendation for keeping the nation out of war, and the re publican platform and Mr. Hughes were roundly denounced because of a failure to adopt the dogma of state sovereignty. Mr. Corey spoke for the greater part of an hour. Kerberg Nominated for Sioux City Postoffice Washington, July 25. President Wilson today nominated J. F. Ker berg of Sioux City, la., for postmaster at that place. BLACKLIST NOT INTENDED TO HIT AT NEUTRAL TRADE Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, British Ambassador, Gives Infor mation to Acting Sec retary Polk. v BIG BRITISH GUNS ON SOMME LINE Here it a picture of "Big Jim," one of the guns which is creating havoc along the' Somme battle line. CONTRACTS ARE TUT Glad to Consider Ca-' - ve e Firms Desire to-'.'"''' ef -oof of Any Unfifo' ANSWER ONLY PARTIAL ONE Washington, July 25. Part answer to the state department's request for information concerning the blacklist ing of American firms by Great Brit ain, was given informally to Acting Secretary Polk late today by Sir Cecil Spring Rice, the British ambassador. Sir Cecil said the blacklist was not directed against neutral trade, it was not intended to effect existing con tracts and the British government would be glad to consider the cas"es of the firms desiring to offer proof that they have been put on the list unjustifiably. In telling of the ambassador's visit, later, Mr. Polk said the information had been accepted without prejudice to any action which the United States might determine to take in the matter. It was said the president and his advisers were studying treaties with Great Britain involved in the question and were waiting lor replies to in formal inquiries on the subiect sent to London through Sit Cecil Spring Rice, the British ambassador here, and Ambassador Page. While it is understood that it has been determined to take vigorous ac tion, members of the cabinet said after today's meeting that no definite course of procedure had been decided upon. Lord Cecil Defends Blacklist. London, July 25. Replying to ques tions in the House of Commons, Lord Robert Cecil, minister of war trade, said today that the American pres3 criticism of the British blacklist was based largely on misapprehension. The act under which the statutory list of American firms was issued, he said, was passed last December and lists referring to most of the neutral countries already had been published. Nor were the provisions of the act, he added, unduly stringent. The French law, the minister said, provided that all persons of "enemy nationality, wherever living, were ene mies of France, and that it was ille gal to trade with them." In the British case, only persons who had shown themselves hostile to Great Britain were put on the list. Neither did Great Britain seek by these lists to interfere with the free dom of action of .leutral citizens, Lord Robert said. It sought only to secure that British goods and credit be not used for the support and en richment of those actively assisting England's enemies. ' If any persons were unjustly in cluded in the lists, the minister said, their names would be removed and great care would be taken in applying the law to existing contracts. He was informed that Germany had taken similar action. Many Canadian Babies Die of.Heat Montreal, J,uly 25. The extreme heat of the last week has been re sponsible for the death in Montreal of more than twenty-five children. At 3 o'clock today the temperature registered 93, the hottest in five years. In the city of Quebec twenty-eight children have died since Sunday, owing to the heat. Kansas City, Mo., July 25. The official temperature reported 97 de grees here today. Des Moines la., July 25. Tempera ture of 98 degrees was recorded here this afternoon. Seventh Death from " Bomb Explosion San Francisco, Cal., July 25. The death list in the preparedness parade bomb explosion of Saturday grew to seven today with the death of Cap tain Reuben J. Vaughn of Berkeley, Cal., whose leg was mangled by scraps of steel and bullets sprayed by the bomb among the spectatofes and participants in the parade. Vaughn was captain of a river steam er. Of the forty or more persons injured, two women are said by physi cians to have about an even chance between life and death. War Summary THE BRITISH ABE holdinr all the grannd gained along the flomme front In northern France against desperate counter attacks by the Germans according: to today's of ficial statement from London. The greater part of the Important fortified town of Poxleres, which stands on hlrh ground, rltal to a further advance toward Ba paume, Is In British possession. North of the town, despite the strong opposition by the Orrmans, additional tr round has been gained. SOUTH or THE SOMME the French hare mado progress both to tha north and sooth of Soyecoart. AT VERDUN there ar Indication of mm operation of lmportasve northeast of the citadel, a violent bombardment being re ported. ON THE AUSTRO-ITAUIAN FRONT, Rome announces the capture from the AuHtrlans of Monte Clmone. BERLIN OFFICIAL STATEMENT admits Russian troops have penetrated German first line positions defended by General von lalnilngea's troops. aanBsOTHaav 10. BRITISH, film It 3Ht AEX413CE& STATE SOCIALISTS ADOPT APLATFORM Denounce Demos and Republi cans Alike and State What They Want. DESIRE NEW TAX SYSTEM The democrats and the republicans were alike denounced in the social ist state platform adopted yesterday afternoon in that party's state conven tion of some forty delegates held at the old Lyric hall in Omaha. It was agreed to let tne democrats and republicans scrap over the prohi bition question and the socialists de cided that temperance will naturally come with better conditions of the working man, and also that any at tempt to regulate the temperance question by legislation is a failure. What They Want. The party reaffirmed its allcgianse to the national socialist platform; de manded the initiative, referendum and recall be placed upon a working ba sis; demanded a new system of taxa tion whereby land should be taxed at ita full valuation, exclusive of im provements thereon; demanded a re vision of the income tax to bring more revenue to the state and make a $2,000 income exempt; demanded that no more franchises for water rights be be issued to private concerns, and that the state develop water rights in the future; that the state sell no more of its land; demanded for the working man the right to strike, and insisted that the miiitia should not be used in strike troubles; demanded an eight hour working day and equal suffrage for women. The seating the "South Omaha" delegation caused a skirmish also. Jesse Brillhart insisted that South Omaha no longer exists, and, there fore, there could be no delegation from there. He insisted that the Omaha local alone should have rep resentation. He was voted down, however, and the delegates of the old South Omaha local were seated. The socialists passed a special res olution prohibiting smoking in the convention hall. Several perfectly good 5-centers, only half consumed, had to be consigned to the cuspi dors upon the reading of this reso lution. O. R. Lake of Lincoln was tempo rary chairman. No chairman is going to gain control of this convention. The socialists elect a new one for every session. This morning they ex pect to choose a new chairman for to day's session. Denver Traction Car Hits An Automobile; Two Persons Dead Denver, Colo., July 25. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Waugh of Coldwater, Kan., were killed today when their automobile was struck by a Denver and Interurban railroad electric car at Barzoi crossing, nine miles north of Denver. First Iowa Entrains For Brownsville Des Moines, la., July 25. The fi nal movement of troops of the Iowa National Guard began today when the First battalion of the First Iowa infantry entrained at 12:50 p. m. for Brownsville. The First battalion will be followed by the Second and Third. With the Third will go Brig adier General Hubert A. Allen, commander-in-chief of the Guard, and his staff. It was expected the entire regiment will be enroute by 4 this afternoon. General Rain Needed to Save Iowa's Corn Des Moines, la., July 25. Unless heavy general rains visit Iowa within the next few days the Iowa corn crop will be in jeopardy, according to a statement issued today by the state weather and crop service. Want Rates on Packages Forwarded to Soldiers The Commercial club is endeavor ing to secure action by the Wells Fargo Express company granting a two-third rate on packages sent American soldiers now stationed on the Mexican border. The American Express company is already allowing the reduced rate. POOR SICK MAY GET FREE AIDJN OMAHA Many Institutions in Various Sections Will Care for the Needy. NEED PROMPT ATTENTION Much of the sickness among the poor oftentimes can be checked be fore it becomes serious by prompt medical attention; likewise, it is often the case that the members of the family or friends of the stricken pet son do not know where to go or who to call to get free medical attention Immediately. The majority of appeals for free medical attention are made through the Associated Charities or the Visit ing Nurse association. Persons in destitute circumstances requiring medical attention, who call at the headquarters of the Associated Charities, 116 Dodge street, are sent to the free dispensary of the Univer sity of Nebraska, which is located in the same building. Persons calling by telephone , are referred to Dr. Van Camp, county physician; if he is not in at the time, and the case is an urgent one, it is handled by the University of Ne braska free dispensary. Will Send a Nurae. If the case requires the services of a nurse, the Visiting Nurse associa tion, with headquarters on the fourth floor of the city hall, sends one im mediately. Calls for free medical attention re ceived by the Visiting Nurse associa tion are referred to the Associated Charities. The Associated Charities care for the poor sick, after medical attention has been provided for, in the way of food, ice and milk. According to Dr. Connell, city health commissioner, the following institutions are available to the poor for free medical attention: City Emergency hospital (contagi ous diseases). County hospital. Free dispensary of the Creighton Medical college, Fourteenth and Davenport streets. Free dispensary of the University of Omaha, 3612 North Twenty-fourth street. Free dispensary of the University of Nebraska, 1716 Dodge street. Salvation Army Rescue Home, Twenty-fourth and Spalding streets, (maternity cases). Any hospital in Omaha is supposed to take in cases of destitute persons, upon recommendation of a member of the staff of the hospital. St. Joseph's hospital takes in cases of destitute persons, regardless of the recommendation clause. TWENTY-TWO MEN ARE ASPHYXIATED Explosion in Water Works Tunnel at Cleveland Causes Death of Men at Work. Young Man Held For Death of Girl Olney, III., July 25. Roy Hinter liter, son of a well to do farmer, was held by the coroner's jury today to the grand jury in connection with the death of Miss Elizabeth Ratcliffe, a 17-year-old girl, who died last friday night while buggy riding with Hin ter liter. A medical commission reported death due to embolism. Hinterliter was held wtiliont bail. City of Brussels Is Fined For Celebrating Holiday Amsterdam, Holland, July 25. A fine of 5,000,000 marks has been im posed upon (he city of Brussels for celebrating the Belgian national festi val last Friday, according to the Echo Beige. ELEVEN RESCUERS DIE Cleveland, O., July 25. Twenty two men arc dead and half a dozen others dying as the result of an ex plosion of gas in a waterworks tun nel five miles from shore underneath Lake Erie last night. The (dead include workmen who were trapped in the tunnel when gas exploded and members of two rescue parties who attempted to save the men first' trapped. Of the dead eleven were in the force trapped, by the explosion. None of these escaped. The first rescue party consisted of seven men. Four of them perished and three were saved. The second rescue party com prised eleven men. Six of these lost their lives and five escaped. The first rescue party accomplished noth ing. The second saved one of the first relief expedition. No one has reached any of the original eleven caught in the workings. Of the eight rescuers who got out alive two died later. The others may die. Two men were also overcome by fumes who did not go into the tunnel. A third rescue party entered the tunnel at 8: JO and brought out alive Gustav C. Van Duzen, superintendent of waterworks construction, who had headed the second relief force. Van may die from his ex periences. One body was also brought out by the third rescue party. This was a member of the second rescue crew. It had been supposed that Van Duzen had perished. The tragic fate of the rescuers in the first and second instances was due to the fact that they worked without oxygen helmets, which were unavailable. Of those rescued two afterwards died because no pulmo tors were at hand to attempt to resuscitate them. This lack of rescue apparatus was condemned by the rescuers and Mayor Davis today promised to conduct a rigid investi gation into this shortcoming as well as into the catastrophe itself. Bishop Eveland's Fishing Eod Hits High Tension Wire Carlisle, Pa., July 25. Rev. William Perry Eveland, missionary bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church for the Philippine Islands, was found dead today near Mount Holly Springs, having been electrocuted when his steel fishing rod camf in contact with a high tension electric wire. He ws passing under a rail- ruau uriugc wuen tne accident oc curred. D!-!. T? 1 I L J .. uiauup cvciaim nao ncen spending ins vacation ai ivioum noily springs with relatives. When he did not re turn from a fishing trip veserday a searching party set out to find him. The body was found near a swollen stream. Bishop Eveland was 52 years old. The National Capital. Tuesday, July 25. 1916, 9he 8r lisle. Senator Marline's resolution urging; ciemoncy lor Koger ("Huoriieiit, referred to forolf?n relations romtnlttrc. Rt BtimeU driLm to un army appropriation The limine. ReprcBfiiitativG Gardner, Massachusetts Introdwed resolution asking f:ts as to Na tional quard organizations short of mini mum peace strength sent to border. ITALIANS TAKE MONTE CIMONE WITH BAYONETS Rome Reports Capture of Im portant Point and Long Line of Trenches by Storm. CAPTURE BLOCK HOUSE British Official Report Tells of Capture of More of Village of Pozieres. BERLIN OFFICIAL REPORT Kaiser Tells Men It Is Special Privilege to Fight the English London, July 25. A dispatch from Berne by way of Pontarlier, France, given out today by the Wireless l're3s says : , Another speech by Emperor Will iam during his recent visit to the Somme front is being discussed in Berlin. The emperor said: '"Comrades: It is your especial privilege to fight against the English, which means that you are fighting against a country which has sworn to destroy Germany. The English built up during the years before the war the combination of countries which at a given signal fell upon us, attacked us, the most peaceful and peace desir ing people in the world. The English led us to believe they were our friends when they were actually plotting our destruction. " 'English diplomacy brought about the war and now an English offen sive is intended to carry the opera tions to our soil, into our towns and villages. V'our duty is to break the English offensive; to prove once more that Germany is invincible, and reduce to despair the relentless enemies of our country so that they will sue for peace on terms honorable and profit able to Germany.' " ' Rone, (Via London), July 25. Italian troops have captured Monte Cimone from the Austnans, says the official Italian statement issued today. The text of the statement says: "On the Posina-Asticr line at day break of the 24th, after a fierce at tack by night, we captured Montis Cimone. "In the Asiago plateau, during the night of July 2J the enemy made vio lent attacks on the trenches, which we had gained near Sasera and Zebio. The Fortieth battalion of the Four teenth Bersaghere regiment not only drove them out each time with heavy losses, but, as the result of a brilliant bayonet attack, gained possession of another long entrenchment. , "Further north osr Alpine troops renewed their efforts against the steep rock barrier rising to more than - irnn I . v. . . L u. , f Monte Chiesa and Monte Campigol etto. Under heavy fire ram the enemy's machine guns, they crossed three lines of wire and aucceeded in establishing themselves just below the crest. "In the Fassa region, notwith standing bad weather, we extended our occupation to the Ceremana val- s ley. French Take Block House. . Paris, July 25. On the south bank of the River Somme yesterday evening French troops captured a block of houses south of Estress and drove the Germans out of trenches north of Vermandovillera, says the French official statement, issued this afternoon. Between the Oise and the Aisne several German patrols- dispersed near Tracy-Le-Val. On the left bank of the Meuse, in tne Verdun region, tnere was grenade fighting at Hil.1 304. t . I :u. i i- . i i . vii iiic iigm uana ui inc iucuae a violent cannonading was in progress at Fleury and La Lauffee. A German attack on the French positions at Baschwiller in Alsace is claimed to have failed. Sub-Lieutenant Nungesser of the French aviation corps brought down his tenth aeroplane. Britons Take More of Poiieres, British troops have captured the greater part of the village of Pozieres, t says the British official statement is sued this afternoon. The Germans brought up reinforcements of infantry and guns, but the counter attacks everywhere, the statement adds, were repulsed by the British. Germans Admit Losses in East. Berlin, July 25. (Via London.) Russian troops succeeded in penetrat ing the German first line on a smalt part of the front defended by the troops under command of General von Linsingen, according to the of ficial statement issued today by the German army headquarters staff. An English and French combined attack made yesterday north of the River Somme in France, says the of ficial statement issued today by the German headquarters, broke down. Russians Gain in Armenia. Petrograd, July 25. (Via London.)' Some Russian detachments already have reached positions about ten miles from the Turkish fortified town of Erzingan in Armenia, says the Russian official statement, given out here today. Drug Store Porter At Seattle Shoots Two Policemen Seattle, Wash., July 25. Police Ser geant John Weedin and I. Hiro, a Japanese porter employed in a drug store owned by Logan Billingsley, who has hein arrested sev.-ral times for violating the prohibition law, were killed, and Robert Wiley, po lice chauffeur, was dangerously wounded late tonight in a pistol battle ..v.... m. (.wwiiiiicu aiiu fiiru. i ne shooting occurred in front of Bill ingsley 's warehouse, which had been the scene of a liquor raid late today. Hiro, shortly before he died, told Chief of Police Beckinghim that Bill ingsley had given him the pistol and told Mm to keep watch on the ware house. He said they thought the po licemen were robbers. Never Too Busy To Answer Questions Don't hesitate to call up and ask all the ques tions you like about Bee , Want-Ad Service. . Proper preparation of a Want-Ad means muuu in uie returns yuu get We are always glad to give you every assistance possible. , Call Tyler 1000 NOW