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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1916)
THE BEE: OMAHA, JULY 1916. Want-Ad Rates UCASH WITH ORDER. -Mr worl tnasrttoa Bet lid HO display.) Ada Paragraph or Set la Display Stylo. i on tlm to Mr .ln..7.... three conacutlv tlm , i . (Count tlx word to me un-w ' nilinl MATBIt " U mT h5T..V .thrw concutlv tlm. (Count six word to in MARRIAGE LICENSES- , U pr Hm... Rtl Farm and Ranch Lnd. .aach inwrtlon BuBan Th following man-lag licenses hav bn laaued: Kama and Address. Ag- Harry SC. Llra, Red Oak, la " Essi O. Wilson, Elliott, la 1 Leonard Qatar, Atlantic, la $3 Dorothy Burns, Atlantic, la 1 Charles H. Epperson. Sr.. Clay Cantsr....29 Beuiah L. McCew, Lincoln.... Clarence Cos, St. Joseph Ethel Wlnglngton, Bt. Josepn.. Lumlr C. Buresh, Omaha ...... Elisabeth Douo, Omaha Harry Smith, Omaha... BRODKGAARD'8 "Lucky Wedding Rings" at 16th and Douglas Bts. DAT and T. M. C. A. Night School. Bakeries. CAKES, paatry and fancy bakery good supplied to parties, lodge and entertain ment. Z. H. Render, 1B0 w. ism, Wei ton, Omaha Adolph Kumpf. Lehigh, Neb... Anna Losere, Leigh, Neb FOREIGN ADVBRTIBINO UNDER , . OR HELP ffwiw" CATION. lirr::::::"' "m-l building permits. Artisti. ARTISTS work for the trade, coloring, alr- bruehlng: hlgh-elas work. 111 Paiton. Brut and Iron Foundries. Co., 87th and Martha St HO AD TAKEN FOB IMS THAW TOTAL OF tea OB MBS THAN If A DAT. Henry J. Howor. 1521 (ram. dwelling, 11,100. Fowl.r avenue. THEATRICAL rent, lot N. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND TO- in. nor Ho T.. ...eseh meertlo. fiinlmm. .nan . Mental, Raw for .landing ad; (no ehanja of oopr). par Una itMmt mix word, u th. Una) (CM tract rtaaon application.) TUB BBS win not ha rWMlMV'"." tha. an. It ''a. . Uma 5 SW3sW22 A"TS.'rr, I. vouT ad. A. """"'Ji 1". .nd to will re- V SUtt.m..odMr.o...h. ., Ilr.rtn, your ad at tha affloa. FHON1 I TYLER EVBNINO EDITIONS , " u.uiun EDITIONS m- tr TOU loaa anything and will edvartlM It here, you will auraiy recover k ii www by an honait poreon. Ramarkabla re coveries ara brought about every day tbrouib thla column. THB LAW People woo una iowi article ar. Intaraitad In knowing that tha atata law la atrtct In requiring tnem ta oeek tha ownor through adv.rtuam.nt and etharwl. and that a tenure ta 4a eo. If aam. oan ba proven. Involve a B.v.r. penalty. T Baths. HTOTENIC BATH INSTITUTE, Madam Edna H. LaBell, 701 south lttn St.: vapor bath. Swedish maesegs taught .v.ry Fri day for man and woman. Lady attandant for ladles. Phono Dougiaa 70... OR. BENDA Sulphur, atoam. Mod.ra Tumilb BATHS ANU HABDAUa rnvai. apartm.nta for ladlM wltb lady att.nd anta. Ill F.rn.m. Phono Doug 77. RITTENHOUSE Sanitarium; all kind. balba. 1I0-7H Balrd Blk 17th ana Dougiaa OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Faraona having loot aoma artlela waald w.ll to can up tna onico ox .no ninth Council Bluff. Straat Railway oompany ta aacartalD whatbar thay l.ft It In tha atraat oan. Many artlalaa aach gar ara urnaa la and tha umninv la ansloua to aura th.m to tba rightful own.ra Call Tylar 100. Buttons and Pleating. DRESS plaatlng. k.matltohlog and oorar- ad buttona. van Arnam utwi rioav Ing and Buttoa Co., id floor Paataa But, Doug. I10 Cameras and Finisbin(. REXOETK" camaraa, IHi3t4, l twal- varaal foeu., armn'a Fharmaey, lata and Howard. S. th.m today. MOVIE PR06RHM .t affartaf. A CHILD'S tan ooat on Omaha-Llneoln- Danvor road batwaan Lincoln and umana. Raward. Notify Mra. O. D. Lauar. not t St., Lincoln, N.b. Chiropractic- CHIROPRACTIC COMBINED WITH SUL PHUR STEAM BATHS. Tna only oniro araatlfi aanltarlum In tha atat.l lady and g.nattaman doctor. In attondanca. S-f Ot t.wa niri . and Farnam. Doag. Till. DR. KNOLLENBERO A DR. MACNAMARA MLIM- I GOLD band ring with Scottish Bits emblem. nam Inside; return get reward, w. m. Bauman, night clerk, Catl hoUl. Carpenters and Contractors. Lard A Son. It 06 Capitol Are. Ty. THS BeClB AND TH BELL HOF' THB riro, comply -rrnir 1 , , , 111. LOST A at! rim, 10-lnch auto wha.1, la Elmwood park. Sat, p. m. Bawara. paana wb.t.r mi, - LOST Auto, crank Sunday morning, 01 St. R.turn to ll H. nil St.! r. ward. LOST Brown eamao brooch, on N. 14th St car ar Bonaan, Raward. call caliax ill. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment DR. BURHORN'S modern, aanltary chiro practic adjuatlng parlor.. IM-ll ttoaa ma. D. II4T. Palmar Sch. grad; lady attandant. Dr. J. C. Lawranua. I Balrd Bldg. D. Il Detectives. JAMBS ALLAN, 111 N.vllL Block. ETl d.noa .our.d In all caaaa Tyi.r ai... FOR SALE MiatllaiMou. Furniture and Household Goods. Dancing Academies. LB LUXE ACADEllT, 111 S. IlthSt FARNAM. Our Fana Win " T M "THE HEART OF A CHILD FURNITURE HARVEST. You who want to furnish your now bom. In annrovas atyla and at amall axpanaa. Tou want 10 in v. money if you can, ana you can nor. now. STATE rUHfllTUng CO. 14th and Dodga Phono Doug. HIT. Dresamakinc. ACCORDION. Slda. Knlf.. Bol Floating. cov. Button., Hamatucning, n.o, riaacina aj Button Co., 411-1 Falton Bin. H. X.l.t.r Druamaklng Col., llll City Nat l. T.rry, Dre..mak'g colleg., IQtfl and Farnam. Nott! ... .. l .i.:u "FOR UNCLE SAM'S NAVY,, , I MB. rujw" . "THT.T.T V. D. OERAT1UW nr. GLORIA'S omaj.. , SPECIAL 4-REEL '"rRB Faaturing VUrlan Rich ' AIM a good ccmody. PTPR ORGAN DE LUXE ifrt-ODEOMH.., WH FIVE-REEL OF SFLaTKDip. PICTURES PUBLIC AUCTION Rcuaohold gooda. at OMAHA VAN A STORAGE! CO. ovary Saturday during July and Auguat Sal. at It a, n. la raar of lot s, ltts Bt. Tatt'. D.nt. Rm... 101 Ron Bldg. D IliT Omaha PILLOW and hair mat- traea. mada over In now tlcka at half tha prlo. of now onaa. Phono ua for aam pla ot ticking. Mall srdora tlUd. 1107 Cuming St. Dougiaa 1417. FOR SALE Patantad Ironing board, noat and wall bunt; will laat a llfatuaa, man. u. for particular, uoug. tiaa. Electrolysis. EXPERT o para tor, at homo; r lot a. ztth avs. uoug. int. lOTHROP ItTrt AND LOTHR6U LOTHROr, .nd tha . TRIANOLB CHILDREN In v rThYidTan in tha Houaa, - alao X'i'- atona .nUtlad. "H.r Marhla Heart. B0ULEVAR6 i AND LEAVEN 6h lh MARY PICKFORD.In . "ESMERALDA" ' xiaa SPECIAL l-RBEL COMEDY A ir-v INJURY" iinHUfiT ' MM LEAVENWORTk. "IRON CLAW," No. 19 Alao Drama and Comedy. 1 ! Wat ' AlRDOMau ItTri AND 1 ARtlAal THB SACRIFICE-' Tha Mualoal Barber" "Head Watore of Dalalvan' otto'a vacation tt ICE boiw. It ga atovea. lot rug. af all kind.! poultry wire and netting, upas till t p. m nit n tn at. LEATHER d'avenport, full alto, bed half price, lilt Davenport. Harn.y toil. Evervthinc for Women. ACCORDION, .Ida, knife, lunburat. boi pleating; covered buttona, all .Ilea and ttyle.; hamatltchlng, plcot edging, em broidery: beading, braiding ooraing. ey.l.t cut work, buttonhoUa, pannanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PUSATINO CO. lot Dougiaa Blk. Dougiaa llll LAROE oak library table, 4101 a 14th. T.l. s. tail. ANYWHERE 25c WB. 2104 Store and Office Fixtures. - DESKS, aafaa. acalea. ahowcaaee. ahalvlng. ate. Wa buy. a.ll. Omaha Fixture Supply Co., 414-11-11 B. llth. Doug. 1714, FOR SALE Brand new Nat. Caen regltur alao I howoeaaa, 1 walleaae: cheap for caab. Bee thaae at llll Farnam St. H. X JOSEPH Odd mill work. Walnut LSI. Billiard and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES, Brand new, carom and pocket, with complete autSL tilt: eaoana-hana table, at duced prloea; bowling and aupptlei: ea narmanta. Cigar etore. drug, dell eateaaen and eoaa fountain nxiurea. thbj BRUNSWICK-BALKK-COLLJENDBR CO, 4tT-4tl South ltth St. DUNDEE. faanalrw Tllomrtnrfa anil Wanphaa. HST AND UNDERWO66 J BRODEOAARD'S "Lucky Waddlnf Rlnga1' WVf SHAY in OMAHA, .FtAbOlWi 'DOUBLE CROSSINQ THE W" 1-raal Mooter waw at ltth and Douglas Ste. Lumber and Buildinr Materials. WOK SALE Second-hand lumber and kindling. Apply ltth and Cuming. Typewriters and Supplies. :"Pr.iHJ.l ttSlS. E machlna. ld tha "P.UIU" " .- South SldeT am a rent: per month. S ua befor you buy r iiTti Ati lm I rr W1 Bulta Typewriter Eiebance, I list lath nanaha Naila MUtU ic mTTTTVi I TTP8 WRITERS sold, ranted and re- J?-m - 2 . 1 iMirtd. Rnt an Oliver typewriter. With TOM uoonmm aDths for II. Central Tyo writer ANNA NILHBOW 1 eh.ft.. ,MI Farnam. rKW " IIYMINQTONST "LOVES BITTER STRBNOTH' "SEE AMERICA" "CHASER CHASED" Monarch, and Smith Premier, for rant: aent anywhara. Rem ington Typewriter Company. D. 1114. BARGAINS In need typewriter., ribbon. It doaeni carbon, II a boa. Bee Bldg, Midland Co., Ill DEATHS FUNERAL NOTICES. IBHESTEDT Leopoldlne, ago II, Florence, I N.b., July II. survive ay two wuv .... i rm unmar Roaa, Sacramento, Cat.; Mra Willi. Avery. Florence, Neb. Three eoaa. will. Falla City, N.b. 1 H.nry,, N.b.; Adolph, Omaha, N.b. Sarv l. et Hoffman'a Funeral, home, Tuenlar I p. m. Int.r- ment. Wot Lawn cemetery. ' Th funeral ot Mra, Theroaa Coffey will be held from Bar at a,i acuta llth Tuesday morning at T:I0 a. m. In , t..d af I 10 a. m. and at St Mary'a church at I o'clock lnetead'of t a. m. Monuments and Cemeteries, HMAUTiyuL markera. ublet. and for unmarked graven pure white oamant. 14 i. tA 17. tt. Write for circular. Baa aam pM III BraVidela Bldg., Omaha. Phonal Dougla. llll. Redman Orava Marker Co. llauniolaler Monument Worka, maueoleuma, I All klnda markara, lets ana t-nanea. ' 8ewlng Machines. SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, aell needle, and narta ai Ml aewutg macninea MICHEL'S : NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. llth and Harney Ste. Doug. llll. Printing and Office Supplies. WATKKS-BARNHART Ptg- Co., Quality printing. Tel. voug. Illt. 114 S. llth St. OET aur price, on lob printing. CAMPAIUM CAftUB A BPKC1ALTT. U. S, PTQ. CO.. BEE BLDQ. DOUO. 1171. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., alao public Steno. Phono for prlcea. 141 Paiton Blk. Dougiaa llll. Machinery and Engines. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS. . EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 111-11 B. llth St.. Omaha. i-iiTvrr aTohnston. awbalmara and fu n.ral director.. Ill S. ltth. Tyl.r ltlA H. K. BURKET A BON Funeral dlreotor. and embalm.r, Ittl Leavenworth. Har. to. HUL8B A R1EPEN, vnderuk.ra and am- halmara. Itl IVllth St. , Dougiaa lilt. ' FLORISTS. - iSEaT DUALITY CUT FLO WERE alaata. Art Comblnatlena, ehlppod avary- whera. Excallant eervtce ta our cti.tom era In paat yeara racaramenda HESS A BWOBODA. lilt Farnam Bt Doug. 1IIL LAROEST ASSORTMENT af freak tawera. delivered or aalppaa aarwaere. a BU' PERSON. ISIS Farnam St I AKKKR Flower Shop. Ill S. llth. D. HOI. BOILERS, ateam, eleotrlo, . go. antinea, plpea urea, wrecking up., lilt Cuming. Miscellaneous. NO OTHER OMAHA aaw.paper la making anywnere near tne inciaaae in It. Want Ad column, aa THB BEE. 11,741 MORE PAID WANT-ADS tha nm all month, of lilt than In the same period of llll. ta. tteaaon: But Price Beat Reaulta. . FOR SALE. ' Ta be removed, aeuee In raar af llll Davenport at can aa bought cheap. W. FARNAM SMIITH A CO.. Hit Farnam Bt Doug. Kit A DONAOHUK. Itll Harney Doug. Ittl. HATH Dorlat. 1814 Farnam St. D. IQOt. MY high tundard of quality will be mala. talnad; t quarta af Ola rontn.ll. whlaky, I II; bottled la bond. H.nry Pollock, mall order houaa, Doug. 7111, 111-114 N. litb St FRATERNAL ORDERS. MASONIC NOTICE. Member at Covert Lodge will moot at Ma eonto Temple Tueaday, July It, at I p. m ta attend tha funeral of Bra. Conrad O. Ftther. THOMAS FALCONER, Muter. ATTENTION All ALEX JETTES' LIQUOR HOUSE, tmrieontn ana vougiaa. Battled In band whlaky, lie, 11.44. l.l rail quart OENUINE California wlna vinegar, white red: quart aottiea, a eonia: gallen. It eenta . Imported alive ell. 71 eenta per quart, tacaiey proa rnone uoug. membara of Hollut.r I brand-New 111 baby carriage foTlaS Review No. 11 are reque.t.d ta be pre.' ont at tha funeral af Mra, Thereaa Coffey, Tuceday morning, from realdeneo, 1114 S. llth. at 1:10 a. m., to ,St Patrick'. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth. Tony and Sebutlno llll raeuie, ooy; jonn ana Amane coca, 11,, routh Thirteenth, boy; J. D. and Sylvia nyora, noepitai. pay; uuieeppa and Ki Marlslannala, 1114 Nerth Seventeenth, boy; Uulaappa and Agata, llll South Thirteenth, girl: Alflo and Lattarlna Cala. mla. lllUt Pine, boy: Jamea and Avla t, name, ei. mu , wenty-eigntn, ooy; vir gll and Lucy May Haity, llll Fowl.r ave nue, bey. Death Auatln Renfrew, IT, llll Clark: Mra. M. Hlckle. II, hcpltal: Mr. Barak Roblnaon. tt. llll R; Blleabeth niley. tt. 4101 North Nlnotaenth; Mary C Blabee. It, hoepiul; Joale Patrick. 11, loll Sautk Twcnty.flfth: Mra. Alloa Fltagerald. tt. :! A; Chriatlaa N.lwn, 71, III South Twenty-Ant; Andrei, Medio, 17. 114 North Tnlrty-oer-cna. retor aoya. ,T, llll Da von port; Jena Slmonaea, It, 1711 Spalding: Uaiarlaa A. Joaaaon, ta, tat cheap. Call Walnut 1104. WANTED TO BUY WANTKD High ! surveyor's transit. an Instrument: inai is aeaignsa rer eo oral land survey lug a well a drainage work, rnc nw a ngat. aomi ei, Be, To BUY Having rented a build Ing on track for our oince and warehouse w wit) want to buy some glass parti t loo. Phone Maswet more uinc. Tyiar 4te, Utgbeat price paid (or Id-hand clothes. ahoes. trunks, auitoaaeo u. iiii or D. itll. DESKS DESKSDESKi New daeka, uaed (aaka, bouiht, aoM and traded, j. c. need, lit? F.raam. CALL Red till '"he big buyer, of turnl- ture; aotnug too nig nor too .mall. par all It', worth 1101 California St. HOLMES pay. your price for clothee, .hoe. and Rata W.b. td-hand Illt, Uce Want Ads produce belt remit. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accountants. 13. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. A VAN1 ORDER. Ill Ramge Dldg. Phone Doug. Costumes. gowna, full 17 th. drea aulta, for John F.ldman. W Hokatuon. itor, lavan'th, Ty lltl J. France. Daweon, Ro.. Bldg, Tyler llll. Dentists. Bradbury. No pain. III W. O. W. Bldg. charge Exoress Comoanlet. TWIN CITY Kipr... Co., llll Ca St Dougiaa 1717. Heavy hauling a apeolalty. Fixtures snd Wirinc. TTTTTr"TXT Blootrlo waeblng maehlnaa, LUXVX.A1 eleotrlo Iron and reading lainpe, llll Cuming Bt Dougiaa Itll. SWAPPERS' COLUMN . FINE watch dog. .American Bull Ter rier, with city licenses; also a gas stove, to exchange for a good bicycle. Address S. C. Ill, Be. 1100 VICTROLA and 160 worth of records; will trade for a iignt roaaster or spea ter. Address T HI, Be. FULL-BLOODED whit leghorn chickens to wsp for a mptorcyele, any kind of mane. Address S. C. 661, Be. A LITTLE atl in this column will bring about some remarkable eKcpanxe. UULLIN'S motorboat. Gray engine; would like lot near carter Latte. zaio rinKney. R. R. RATR CLERKS $100.00 CLERK ABSTRACT OFFICE 7. 00 R. R. CLAIM CLERK .uu ORDER CLERK eo.OQ THECAKO AGENCY, 00 BEE BLDQ. SALESMAN, Iowa, salary depends; book keeper, ISO; bookkeeper, 76; booKiceeper, 60; ledger clerk, HO; offle clerk, 140; steno., $75; typist, J40; office boy, $86. Watts Ref. Co., 840 Brundels Th"?a. Bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES OENERAL nierchandlso clerk for Nebraska town. Must be willing worker ana nave experience. Give full particulars In flrt letter. Halary to start, Omaha Bee. ANYONE wishing an up-to-date grocery and delicatessen, doing big business, all strictly cash. Investigate this large stock of staple goods, fine modern living rooms, furnished, rent very reasonable; business nough for 3 peopled Price $1,(60 cash; to anyone meaning business this is some thing worth while. Address Box 1406, Bee. YOUNG LAWYER can find GOOD OFFICE at very REASONABLE PRICE in the BEE BUILDING. Inquire Rapom 103. NO OTHER Omaha newspaper is making anywnere near tne increase in its want Ad columns as THE BEE. 26,748 MORE PAID WANT-ADS th first six months of ISIS than In tha aam period In 111. Th Reason: Best Pries Best Results. YOUNG MAN, as general office assistant In bank: offlre experience unnecessary; pre fer high school graduate and young; man who lives wltb parnt. Salary, U--HU. M-469, Bee. . JUNIOR office clerk for wholesale house; good chance for advancement; prerer young man with some office experience; salary. $36. P.-461, Be. AN assistant bookkeeper for permanent po sition ; large establishment, ativancemen. for competent young man. Salary to be gin. $bi. P.-460, Be. GENERAL office clerk. figures, good penman. FOR SALE Restaurant serving regular meals. Fountain, cigar stand and con fection In connection. Doing good busi ness. A snap If taken soon. Address Y 611, Bee. FOR SALE 6 -chair barber shop. 10-table pool nail, counter, anow cases, tc. wtll ell th business or ths tables and fix ture separate. G. A. Land, 1307 Far nam St MOVING Picture Theaters, real bargains; machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, new and second-hand. See us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPPLY CO., Balrd Bldg. Doug. 161$. WANTED On first class automobile mechanic; must be tnorougn on eiecino tarter and understand wsldlng. Hawk eye Garage, Schatler, la. BUTCHER wanted, at once: must b all- around man and sober. J. it. nucra. Fullerton, Nb, BARBER shop, 4 chairs; a dandy. Will take auto, lots, cneap tana, or wnat nave yonr Writ P. J, Burke, 20t W. 4th St, Des Motne. Is. WANTED Barber, steady Job; guarantee $14, 60 per cent JJ. L. stetson, uarung- ton. Neb. BEST chanc In a 11 f time, for sale only drug stor in town, Western Nebraska Ir rigated Section, fin location for a doctor. Will soil at tnvolc. Stock about $3,600. Address Boa 423. Bee. WANTED A printer. Owner called out on military duty wir journal, uoraon, smo. Drug s'.or snaps, jobs. Knelst. Be Bldg. GROCERY stor and meat market for sale r trade for lots; good location; also horss and wagon, fixture. Sell cheap. 6416 S. lid Ave, WILLIAMS, established tt years. To buy Mil business so him. 411 MoCagu Bids Reference U. S. Nat'l Bank. F6R SALE 6-chalr barber shop. 10-table pool hall; counter, show cases, to. Will ell th business or th tables an ox tures separata, Q. A. Lang. HOT Farna m. FOR BALE Good, "clean stock of hard war. IW town contra! Nebraska. Good reason for Ulng. Be quick. Address Y, 167, Bee. DO WD Sal and Auction Co., Omaha, hav elosad out mora mdso. stocks than any other Arm in U. B. writ for trms. SALESMAN Man that speaks Bohemian German, to sell conee ana oiner gooa to our customers; man aooui so, wun srvffi rsifarencasi salary and commission ; worth $18 to $28 per week. Jewel Ta Co., Inc, Ifii cuming STOCK and bond salesman. STATIDARD SBC. at INV. CO.. 1017 W. o. W. mag. AGENTS wanted for th Day kerosene burner for cook stoves ana ranges, west McLaughlin, 1407 Leavenworth, Omaha. ' v MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. Nw and rebuilt bargain supplies. Omaha Film Exohang, 103 8. 14th Bt STOCK remedy salesmen can make advanta geous contract Room ax, n'n rarnam. FOR SALE by owner Drug store, dwelling and stock! aquara deal. Address ownr. fl$ West 4th Ave.. Denver, Colo. SALESMEN Big money for business gt- ters Call at 1017 W. O. W. Oldg. WD buy, w sell motion picture theaters. machines, featur films Co-Operatlv rum euppiy co. am sromiey Bldg. TO GET In or out of business, call on OAHUKBTAU, 422 Be Hldg. UOUg. 1477, FOR SALE OR TRADE 6-reel feature, loU of paper advartlanlg. Ill N. 18th St WILL sell my equity In 7-room house at zeoi Bristol Bt mon Webster 7461. TO SELL or buy a business call on Busoh A Borghotf, 730 World-Herald Bldg. MOVIE SHOWS AT REAL BARGAINS. 411 Rob Bldg. Phone Tyler 8437. GROCERY for sal, with living rooms, $300; Furnaces and Tinware. ROOFING, furnaces and general tin work, ft Abram. 1004 N. llth St. Web. 440. Hair Dressing;. IDEAL Hair Parlors. 307 laird Bids. Manl- curing, tonet articles, uoug, sue. Hand Laundry. CALL DOUGLAS 442$ and have your Uun- dry don right and reasonable. Hat Cleaning and Blocking. STRAW, Panama, atl kinds hats, ol and and reDiocaea. loiv-itzo Harney. Lawyers. FRANCIS MORGAN, ill Be. Poug. 4050 Justices of thu Peace. H. R. CLAIRBORNB. $18 Paiton Blk. It T401. Notary Public; deposition steno. C. W. BR1TT. 301 Barker Block. YOUNG Christian man. graduat bookkeep- ing, except nigner accounting not thor oughly, wishes position; willing to start low, where would be a ohanc to gain experience; A-l references. Box 4433, Bee. EXPERIENCED man" wants" work on farm, also nous and $46 per month, steady work. Also privilege to keep cows and chickens.- Frank Konrad, J-15 s. 14th St. Omaha, Neb. Patent A.torntys, ., STURQES, 830 Brandsla Th. P. 3441, Painttnft and Paneling. " OMAHA Past Co.. 71$ S. iSth. Pout. 3TI0. Pianos for Rent. $8.10 Per Mo. A. Hospo Co.. 161t Douglas EXPERIENCED male nurse; best refer ences; no objection to out-of-town case. Harney 461. EXPERIENCED' 'mcnanio' wants position; baa gooa rxrncs. xeiepnon tiarney Scale Repairing. Om. Standard Scale Co., 618 S. 13th. P. llll. EXPERIENCED chauffeur, with reference. want position. Telephone Harney 1261. Vacuum Cleaners. CLEAN QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY WITH ECLIfoS JBLECTRIC; KENT $1 AND 31. ftO PER DAT. DOUGLAS 1T40. EXPERIENCED porter wants position; good reference, -i-eiepnon narney lxes. Towel Sunnliea. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 B. llth. D 611. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 844. Wines and Liquors. BUY your family liquor at Klein's Liquor House, en n. loin, uouaia tags, SWAPPERS' COLUMN ODD Jobs and janitor work by the day or month: xprienoa in an lines of work can furnish beat ot references. Telephone Harny 4730. . IF you hav anything to trade make up a little aa ana run u in tnie ooiumn ror even days tt only costs 26o and 3c per answr. This offer Is good only In Omaha, and exclude Real Etat, cash offer, and Business Properties For Sal or Trad. These, as well as mall orders for us of Bwapurs Columtv must pay regular rata. On or two answers ar sufficient to malt your trad and th whol, transaction only coats about 30c. Try It HAVE a splendid collection of rar. old coins, including California gold halve and quarters, Washington cents, colonial coins. Jackson cents, civil war token, larg copper cents, anclsnt Roman and Orek cant, ana many otnra. win uaa my duplicate for other rar coins, or will trad any coin I hav for anything I can -use. Address 8. c-m, Be. LIOHT AUTO WANTED Ford or Over land, in gooa running oraer preferred ; will exchanse Harley-Davidson Motorcy cle, 1814 mod!, twin y Under, two-pd. with praato light and tankv tandem seat. ha been run very imie ana una excel lent care; a powerful machine, aultabl for bualneas us or pieaur; worth $14. Addreu B. u. see, ne. 14 ACRES good unimproved land, located IS mile n-orn o. mu, s'-am, minim sa mil from iron ion; mo,, Beautirui coun trmt Meellent .tardea soil; spring water: worth $64 Pr nor. Will sell for $31 or trad ror umana roai esiate, auto. A-l motorcycle, plane, mrcbandlsi tarns Owner. J t$T. Be WHAT hav you to offer In personal prop erty Wltn true vaiue, cor one or inree auto, fully equipped; don't want lot or thin aultla; anything atabl will ap peal to owner: r baker' outfit; a omnt mechlne, chickens, rugai Jewelry: tell what you hav to first ittr. S. C 107, Be. t HAVE larg six salesman's sampl trunk. in A-l hap, and on of tne dm. pearlng and strongest make on th market' Would Ilk smaller trunk of th same kind la Mchang. Addrs ft. C-lll, Hfta LARGE sis PreetO tank to trad tor oil love: on Ford radiator, ua newj .yp- wrlter. Ilk new. cost Slle: n IX-cyi- Inder magneto. Will wap on or all for what hav your Address b. v. ios, b. CORRESPONDENCE school course In sales memhlp. algebra, commercial ansnmeuo, En Uh and ommroiai mstory win x- chang for good set of hom-tudy hooka. Address a. c.-iis. Be. oil A rtkr aeotion. 'Kimball county land trad, talcing automoou a pan pmjvnmu. Light car, lata model prierrea. Rodman. Ktmhall. Neb. HAVE Oliver, No, I; Underwood, N. 4. and 8mlth-Premlr. No. 10. takw in a aai. What hav you for a aingl maehln or th lot? Addree 8. C.-I14. WANT a Ford car; must tak diamond ta on trad j expert Inspection allowed; r quires demonstratlou ot car. Addr S, C.-I11. WANTED Good small Icebox for house hold use; must b lh good condition. What do you want In xchangf Ad' dress S. C-tlt, Bee. , , . FILMS DEVELOPED FREB. ' o:m PAT SERVICE. KA8E STUDIO. 14TH AND HARNEY. cheap rent. 4823 Cuming. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE. 160 PER LINE. Day work or business ads, regular rate. I lines on week 30c t line ono week 46 Each extra line 16c per week. Male. EXPERIENCED retail hardware salesman want good position. German and English. Address T so.. Be. 18-year-old boy want to learn auto repair trade; win start lor small salary. Ty. 1299, MiscelUneoua. EXPERIENCED man would like general bouse cleaning, lawn mower worn; guar anteed, rnone vougias 5. MAN and wlf (colored) with references. wish position in a resturant or small hotel; in city or out Douglas 6562. YOUNG colored man, sober and reliable. desires work aa porter or janitor. D. 4874. Poslton wanted by rL col. man, porter wk. odd jobs, anything considered, we. 3101 MAN would like janitor and porter work. can Harney ibex. POSITION aa gentleman nurse, exp. D. 6617. Hotels and Restaurants, RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AOENCT, 1410 Davenpotr St uougla 186. Headquarter for hotel help. Female. THE BEE charge for "Situation ada lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover coet of printing. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Public stenographer and notary pubMe, sot see Biag. uoug. isss. Keaa rate POSITION By middle-aged, competent woman, to assist with housework or car for sick Harney 8080. RESPECTABLE young lady wants tloa as housekeeper. Experienced. Cora Busby, Dallaa, Tex. post Miss WANTED Position as working housekeeper In small hotel or rooming houaa. Phon Dougiaa 1477 COMPETENT child's nun wtsha position in pnvat notn. writ aiiss H. Kuogg, rerrivai, i. Laundry and Day Work. Competent colored lady wishes day work of any kind; reference. Phon Harney 2166. COMPETENT colored woman want laun- dry, day work; neat work. Web. 2428. WANTED Position as maid or day work Dy expenenceq coi, woman, web. 70tx. WASHING and Ironing neatly done, called for and delivered; work guar. Web. 1678. By experienced colored woman, work by th day or oy in nour. can Harney i, WANTED Bundle washing; all Work mar an teed. Telephones H, sin ana H. 401, BY competent colored woman, day work and laundry; best Of work. WeD. 3401. DAY work by reliable colored womanT will do chamber work. Webater 4788. BUNDLE washing, piece tains; work guaranteed. work, lace cur- Webster 1260. WANTED Day woman. . Call work Webster by experienced 1167. FIRST-CLASS colored laundress, with ref erence. Call Douglas 6662. WANTED Day ' work or house cleaning. Phone Douaiaa ?o4. PAY WORK by first class colored woman. Webster 372. - Experienced woman, day work. Web. 2694. B'dlewas'h call. del. ; guar. Mra East H.I884 EXP. bundle washing a. daywurk.i. Ts&4 Whit laundre. dinners prepared. Web. WASHING and lac curtains done. Ty. 1144. PAT work and bundl washin?. Doug. 4943. EXP? woman wants day work ref. P. 864$, gUNPLB d dayworlWl J 28 1. HELP WANTED." HALE AND FEMALE. WANTED Nam of men or women. IB over, wishing government job. $7$ month. Vacations. Aaawer inuued lately. I. 414. HELP WANTED MALE Stores end Offices. cannot meet the demand for competent office help. Call and oee u. THIS MARTI CO., -1327 IV. U. W. HUUU, Must be ROOtl at Salary, 175. Profes-Ions and Trades. EDUCATIONAL Musical. HarpLllmUednumberpupll acptd com- Ing season; early application favored, larpa fur. Lorotta DeLone. 306 Lyrl Bid. BOURICIL'S MUSIC STUDIO. Suit 11, 14, 16, Arlington block. 2,600 lessons yearly gtv us experience for your benefit. PERSONAL TEN rooms, m b larks from Methodist hos pital; fine lor roomer. Phone Harney 4194. 3020 LAK E ST.. 1 0-roora house, modern. range, neatly decorated. Good shads, $80. Webster 26. l&lfi GRANT ST. 7-r. conm., modern. $26. T. F. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Doug. T404. PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. E. R. Tarry cure plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and ao money paid until cured. Writ for book on rec ta! disease with testimonials. PR. B. R, TARRY 144 Bee BUg.. Omaha, Neb. SEVEN rooms, all Tel. Harney 20.49. SEVEN-ROOM modern flat. 1804 8. 28th St. f oak floors, electric ngnt gooa nom neighborhood; extra value, $27.60. e BENSON A MYERS CO., 424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. ANTED All-around machinists, tool makers and experienced lathe hand. Must bo close, accurate workers. A-l factory conditions, no strike, permanent positions with highest rate of wages. Address western Cartridge Company, cast Alton, HI. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as stran gers are ItlVliea lO Visit me ivuni Wtr: ten's Christian Association building at Wth M. and Bt, Mary's Av.. wner my will bo directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler!.' guide at the Union Station. SEE US FOR DRUG JOBS. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. Established Tm Years. 1016-14 City National. THE Salvation Army Industrial home ao- licit your OlO doming, lurniiurw, iiMa' sine. We collect We dtstrlbuts. Phone Poug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new bora. 1110-1111-1114 Dodge St. NOTICE TO FARMERS You farmers, get together in your locaniy ana rain coat by th car lot and save money. Price $1.60 per ton, lump coal. Theodora Oerwert. Box 42, Diets, Wyo. Salesmen and Solicitors. Men of neat appearance. Sal xpert- onc helpful, but not entirely necessary. Salary $21 par week, qualify and mak more. New offer, city or rood. Ask for Mr. Hill, 214 Karbach Block. 8:80 to 10 a. m., and 8:80 to 6 p. m. "DTTTJTTTD ITSuccsssfully treated wlth IV Ur 1 UAJ-nut a aura-leal operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wrey, 304 Be Bldg. IT-TUN WnilflS) Hart It art nm. Bath of all kinds: maasag ana cniropoay. siwsie Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. P. 2461, noRSffiTS mada to order. Prices $3.60 to $80.00 Export mttng. NU-uono joi. Shop. Brand! Th. Lobby. P. 4291. WILL pay for nam of young men about to be married. iniorroauon fjonnawoii-v. Box 4414, Bee. LUBLLA WEBSTER, "masseuse," $19 PJ. ton Blk., 10 a. m. to a. m. u. w MISS CLARK, aea salt baths and manlour in sr lioi Farnam St.. Hoom no, s. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. No. HIRAM, I will gtv you $16 a week and nr -oent com., on sales. I need you. SCIENTIFIC massage, $20 Be Bldg. Phon SALESMAN wanted. 1108 Farnam. Multiplex Flgn Co. Trade School MEN Why not learn th barber trad? Lighter, cleaner ana easier man moat Una of worn. More Darners neeaea now; great est demand aver known. Good auarante. tips and over-money. Can own shop on mall capital or travel. Our free Illustrated catalogue explain how we teach th trad in a lew week, special summer rate. Writ today. Moler Barber college. 110 8. 14th St, Omaha, Neb. (Kst. l99.) GOOD MEN WANTED. To laarn auto work for the bis aortas' rush. Fin training work on auto and electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 206 8 Farnam. Omaha. Neb. LEARN barbr trade, more than make your tuition wnue learning; set oi tools Included; job guaranteed. Call or writ for catalogue. 1402 Dodge: TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEG B. Miscellaneous. ARMY OF THB UNITED STATES. MBN WANTED Able-bodied unmarried i under age of 86; cltlxeng of United Stat) of good character and temperate habit. who can fjpeaic. retta ana write in Eng lish language. For Information apply U Recruiting Officer, Army Bldg. 16th and Dodge Ste., Omaha, Neb.; 130 N. loth bt, Lincoln. Neb.; 827 4th St. Sioux City, Iowa: 207 6th Ave.. Do Molne. Iowa. NO OTHER Omaha newspaper Is making anvwhere near the lncreaa in it Want- Ad columns aa THB BEE. 36,74$ MORB PAID WANT-ADS th ftrt six month of 191$ than In ths same period of 1911. Th Reason: Best Price Best Result. WANTED-Young men aa railway mall clerks, $76.00 month, sample examination question tree, rranaiin iusu.u.e jjepc. 221 R, Rochester, jn, x. WANTED Experienced freight handler. Union Pacific rreigm tiouse. via Jackson Bts. MEN wanted to enlist In Signal Corp at once; report at Lincoln, LABORERS wanted: 29th and Q 8t.. South Omaha. HELP WANTED 'FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENO.. $76; steno., $66; steno., $60; steno. 140: office clerk. 860 to 860: compt opr. $60; compt opr., $40. Watt Ref. Co., 840 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Professions and Trade. OPERATORS ON POWER MACHINES TO MAKE HOUSE DRKBSEa AWJJ ArnUNS! PERMANENT POSITION, PLEASANT WORK IN A MODERN FACTORY WITH ALL CONVENIENCES: AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE DESIRING STEADY EMPLOYMENT. SEE MR. AN PERSON. M. E. SMITH At CO,, TH AND DOUGLAS STS. WANTED Middle-aged lady , who taken nurse' training and ta willing work In private iusututlon permanently, Address O 416, Bee. WANTED Young lady stenographer, $10 easy work, but applicant must b com' petent. Box 4334, Bee. WANTED Girl In flat work dept. Apply Evan Model Laundry, litb and uougiae. Trade Schools, GIRLS to learn hair dressing. Oppenhelm parlors, at 234 City National Bank Bldg. Household and Domestic. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, in family of tnree. us wee ster St. Walnut 3039. GIRL wanted to help with housework on farm; best of wages. Address - ii. i Sweet Valley, Neb. WANTED An experienced whit girl f general housework; gooa wage, liv 9 38th. Harney 3082. COMPETENT maid. without washing. Ing. Harney 64ft. family of 4; with or Phon Monday morn- WANTED A whit girl or mlddl aged woman. In family of three adults. Phone Walnut 3677. WHITE, girl for housework; no washing or cooking. Web. 4961. Z0Z W. lttn. GOOD whit girl for general housework. Call Harney as 8. PIANO tuning. Chas L. Flsn. Web. 1366. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Girl waitress at Omaha Quick Lunch, 320 8. 13th. Miscellaneous. WANTED $ young ladle for training by Bept 1. Must be 30 year old, hav on year ntrh school. Address or call on u perlntendent ot nurses, Pougla County hospital, umana. Neb. EDUCATIONAL PAY SCHOOL. BOYLF.S COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every dy Is enrollment day. Boett keep in sr. Shorthand. Stenotype, Typewriting. Telegraphy, L'lvlt Service all Commercial and Eugllsn Diancnes. -jaieioguu tree, BOYLES COLLEUE, Uth and Harney Bta. t : TL Douglas 1666. v VAN SANT SCHOOL ;.t;v-':" " ' -ot Business. '-. ' M Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bide. ENTRANCE 220. D. 5890. IMUOMAN, D. SI. T., .lean .how.r bathe, electric and radio Hgni trtatmrnt. 1 bava alao ineiauea tne warn ner reducing and therapeutic machine fot rMuclne .tout people. Rm, S01 Karbacb nirtfi-. Phone Red 1717 llttt SO. 551 So. 25th Ave., 4-r.. 1st floor, lit No. 15th Ave., 4-r.. lit floor.., 41 No. 31th Av.. (c), 4-r 12! No. 10th St., i-r 1101 Sherman Ave., t-r... ., 1101 Locuat St., 7-r East Omaha.) 1711 Capitol Ave., 7-r ITAPLE A SHAFFER. maaHUaea ana ecalp ipeclalleta: graauata. rroi. inneu. achool; Swedish maaeage, ecalp and hair. I a. m. to I p. m. D. 711. 4tl Ware Bib. NEW, atrlctly modern 6-roora bungalow In Bonaon, fine location, oak flnUh, clan and atyla throughout, well built. Term eaay. Phone Bonaon 122. Trulllnger. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIOH, SONS A CO. Ill BEE BLDG.. Dona. IB NEAR Crelghton College; I room., mod.m. ror soara, lodging, etc., will pay rent Refaraaca. auhanged. Box 4411, Baa FOR RENT Ap'U and FlaU West FOR RENT Strictly I, Davldge Blk. Phone Doug. 1751. Dougiaa !!7I. FOR legal advice call Dougiaa 2511. THREE room, and bath, near 1511 HarT . very aeairablo. Only III. Erneal Sw..t, Ntw Hamilton. D. 1472. NEW, modern brick flat. 1-roora apartment, - niu u. rvauy lo wwbw i. .ait California. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find th room yon desire among thee ad, call at Th Bee office for a Room Lie t Gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms In all part of Owelty, If mora convenient phon Th Bee Want Ad. Pept and give your nam and address, and a Ut will be mailed to you at once. New Hot ar Issued vry week. t. CLAIR, J4th and Harney, 2-room apart- '"". Tyier lo. FURNISHED room with prtvat bath. South atnri .( vnnaiupa.. Huitabia ror on gentle man. Also large front room, aultabl for two gentlemen. 829 Park Av. war- pey 1876. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR MEN ONLY. 606 NORTH 17th ST. FtTRNTHHtSD front room In new. all mod ern horn, H block to oar, fi per w. Lady employed preterrad. uoi. witrimtshKD room. 81.60 Dr week: suitable tor one gentleman; reierenc raquiraa. es 8. 24th. Doug. 3733. ONE Urge, clean sleeping room, let of cold water, suitable for 3 or men. svs 'B lh PhntiA AAOR. NICE, modern furnished room, walking dis tance; gentleman or iaoy wiin riernoa. 1017 8. tn Bt. CHICAGO, 2610 In prtvat horn; larg south front room wun aicove. ai uoe NEWLY furnished sleeping room; modern conveniences; $2 per week. Tyier ain. LARGE, front room, suitable for two, with or without ooarq. ami worm tern. LARGE, cool sleeping room, suitable tor two. 3029 B. 24th. Douglas BI. TWO furnished rooms, one with sleeping porch. 2443 St Mary's avenue. FURNISHED room in new, modern home. 4708 N. Wth St Coltax 8401 HARNBY Deslrabl room, wall distance. Phon Harney 1366. LARGE, cool rooms In cholc neighborhood some cooking. Walnut 8621. I NICE sleeping rooms. Wt Farnam 41s- trlct. Wal. 2171 morning NICELY furnished room, clos In; all mod- rn. 631 B 22d St NICB cool1, clean sleeping rooms; p. 1931 Dougiaa. $2 and CASS, 1811 Nicely furnished, clean, rn rooms, $z ana up. mod- Housekeeping Rooms. thr Hir.RETH ants., all out sld rooms, furnished, new electric ugnts, gas range, refrigerator, laundry. 2418-34 Davenport FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping rnnmi' pmswiai nrica ror summer. .Jin- coin Apt., 2103 Chicago Bt. Tyler 2607. VERY reasonable, two cool parlor house keeping rooms, modern and complete; xor one month. Harney 4io. ONE two-room suite and one parlor room for sleeping. &Q So 34th. Phon Har ney 4771. , THOROUGHLY clean, 2 rooms and private bath : back and front entrance, isus Dewey. FOR RENT Three furnished housekeep ing looms; modern. 4344 Harney at FARNAM, 2822 Two good housekeeping rooms, reasonable; electricity, gas rangeL 2218 PINKNBY Large room, modern, block car; fin neighborhood; si.b. 710 8. 16TH Nlc. cool, clean rooms, fur- nlshed complete anq up to date. FURNISHED light housekeeping and Veep- Ing rooms. 2216 Howard. LIOHT -HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 1609 How ard St, 2nd floor. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Call Doug. 4466. Board and Rooms. HARNEY. 2618 Fins south, well ventilated room, with board: suitable ror two or three gentlemen; walking distance. ROOM and board for two. $&.6V per week. 606 South 2511 Ave. I ELEGANT room for two, with board, $6, 26C-2 St Mary Ave. LARGE room Harney Ciuc. for two. Wet Farnam Til H JAHNKLL 114 B. 24TH. Meats like mother's; meal tickets. D. 8141, Unfurnished Roams. 2S0!PDI3WKY AVE. Two newly decorated front rooms; walking aiatanc. nea o 1 1- TWO modern front room, 1822 Vinton St, DoufiaM 4i63. 674 sT -3STH Four unfurnished modern rooms. 76 S. 2-TH Four room. unfurnished modem Rooms Wanted. YOU PliOPLK WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THE BrSUi wantku j;i'-i'i. ana una out all about th FURNISHED ROOM GUIDB It's a plan that la helping many people rant their room FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. Iltet I -ROOM all furnlahed apartm.nt, eloea In, oppoelte algA ochooL. Inquire Itll Davenport St. ST. CLAIR. ltth and Harney, l-room nUb.d apt. Call Tyler, tt. fur- FOR RENT HOUSES West. ROOM house, ne.r 25th and Cuming, 110.50 a month free rent until 1st. In quire 111 N. 18. h St. North. modern. Bemla Park. South ROOM houaa, 2515 Harcy St., lit; next door. Harney 4331. Miscellaneous. HOUBES AND COTTAOES. PARTLY MODERN. 4-R. lilt Carter Lake Blvd... STRICTLY MODERN. .R. I84t Charles St.. (a very de sirable detached house having large yard and garaae) I1I.M -R. llll No. 40th St., (a good d- tacned nouae in neigh borhood) II. H l-R. 2711 Lincoln Blvd., (choice Bemla Park dwelling, flrst-claaa condition) It... I-R. 1041 Georgia Ave 41. N FLATS. STRICTLY MODERN. WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE LIST BEFORE RENTINO. PORTER A SHOTWELL. Itl So. 17th Bt. Phone Doug, till. 25TH ST., 4-r., 2d floor. .111.51 11.0 10.50 10. tt 20.00 10. ot 15.00 15.00 15.00 21.00 1415 N. 17th St.. t-r 1417 N. 17th St., I-r 1112 Harney St., I-r., all mod., fur- nl.h.d 100.00 llll Farnam St., I-r., vacant l-I-lf 15.00 THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Doug. 217. 212 South 17th St. new brick flat, I-room each, with gar age; located on 2121 California. Phono f coopy VERY choice 5-rOom ateam heated apart ment on'Woet Farnam n, J.h w 'L bins. 1101 Farnam St. car Una. 1504 lM.,n..,ih u. l-ROOM lower flat, all modern, on car v. .... pi. mra. Mar, llll. North. CHOICE APARTMENT 117.504 rooms and bath on main floor: ok floors and flnl.h; all convenience. Including Janitor aervloa. Ill I room, and bath, aeml-baaonunt: Janitor aervlce and other convenience. Nathan Apta., Sherman and Wlllia Avea. SCOTT A HILL CO Dougiaa loot. ELEOANT I-r. St Lout fut, all modern. ..v.... para, ..i. turning rn. or g. Phone Harney 1751. MODERN apt., T rooms. III; near poetofJ lice. u. w. stabblns, Itll Chicago. t-'OR RENT Busirfsa Pr'p'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT. 1816-17 N. 24th St, fin double stor room, with larg display window; base ment under entire store. Desirable loca tion for retail store or jhop. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 1636. 882 Rose Bldg.. 16th and Farnam St. STORES FOR RENT. In th best retail location of th city. Apply W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., 1320 Farnam St Dougiaa 1064. Ill South 16th, basement; steam heat $30; 107 South 13th. brick and basement $30. JOHN N. FRENNER, DOUGLAS 664. STORE ROOMS at 1809-1811 Farnam St The F Hall. 423 Ramge Bldg. D ?40. MODERN store, 16th St., near postofflce. $76 per mo. Q. p. Stebbtne, 1610 Chicago. DESIRABLE stor room basement, 638 8. 16th St Only $68. CONRAP YOUNG, 121 Brandeis Theater Bldg. CHOICE office space, Balrd bldg., 17tb and ivougiaa Mcuagu in v. jo. Offices and Desk Room, BAD BLDG.i-18th and Farnam; large, de- irabie suits, xceuent light splendid lo cation, at nominal rent Baldrig Bldg., 80th and Farnam, two fin rooms, facing Farnam St F. D. Weed, Weed Bldg. uougias in. LAWYER 8UITB wltb LIBRARY and TELEPHONE Will Shar Expens INQUIRE NOW. Th Be Building Co., Superintendent Room 108. DEBIRABLB of tie room In ther modeled crouns block, lit n. loth St.. (opposite postofflce). $10 to $16 per month. Conrad Young. $22 Brandeis Theater. Doug. 1671. OFFICE ROOM (tor dentist), centrally lo- oateo. iota at wngnt Laaoury. u. log. OFFICB room with 'phon and reception room for ldy. P 936. mana Be. MttceUaneou' BARN for rant In raar of Savoy hotel, llth and Jackson Hi, huksoi tor orn or garage. 66x66; two toiie and bemnt, with 40 -foot lot In front CaU at hotel office. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished House and Flats. WANTED TO RENT Immediately; good 1 or 8 -room nouse wun garage, in wesi Farnam district or Dundee. Must be a first else placs. Olv full Information. Address O 137, Bee. Movoe AD SIORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOU8B Separate locked room, for household good and piano; moving, packing and ahlpplng. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 302 a llth St Dougiaa 4163. Maggard Van and t wo men $1.86 per' hour. Van and Htorage Co. Moving packing. storage and shipping. Phon Poug, 1496. GORDON VAN CO. For real movng service try u .rg S-hortrti. paddvd van Itorage. 82 meith. fiatlsiaotlon guaranteed VV move ou Ql'i'Kc.K. CHEAPER AND SAFBll Phoi,e lyloi 230 or Pougla 4888. viiobe Van and Storage Co. Panklng. storage and mov ing III N I lib Bt 'bona l)uula l4 or Webeloi 'III METKUFOLITAN VAN ANb STORAGE CO. trefnl attention given to' order for moving, lav-king or atoraga: office at Ray. mond Furnliure Co. Itll and 1511 How ard Bt. I'bon. D. 1614. FIDELITY 8krvTcel FREE Phon Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant house and aitari- . menu; alao tor storage, moving, ttb and Jackaon Bta. ' f n PTPTl Bxpros Co. mta backing and toragw Farnam Bt .Douglas $141.