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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1916)
Tin: r.f:r;: omaha, kuidav, aimiii, 2s, ion;. S Society Notes Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings - i r ii 'BROWNELL HALL ALUMNAE MEET former Students at Luncheon With lthe Undergraduates at Hotel Fontenelle. GUESTS FROM ALL OVER STATE Ht tlKI.LUH I prH ur. U elwey bun been brought up aglnt the wmnin Ineih utlnii of learning Unit lir have not gufflelrnt ola spirit in gi.e thun (ho proper dmllnrtmn among Hi honl mill college, The 'f-t logolhcr" luncheon of Kruv III Hull' xtur,. nn,J nlumij.c hi the I'milcni II" thin afternoon arom lo prove in, Hr llii' lonttmy reuiiidlng mi OiiimIiii r""fif'l. A I tin' mil for former atudetila ' the Hi'lioal I) bi' prrHfrit rponca ,nric from wmm-n hII over Ihe etiH. ! iiHliv nl the once poplin now grand. mother ' OVW llll Klleet Here plfM'lll at I he' lufii licijn, Tim ffilr u tclvt-n In the; Ilhll rollll, ttllflf two long fllblr a lid eome tve-ply odd jmn llrr table were er- I mnged Mh ' liHxkwm of nrlng fluwi t for ill i iiii.iloiif., 'I'lii' '-nl r i liu nf I I. i' I" I'l'lil, Mix t Ill ll''ll)!' I , O. rllpli-il lilie tnlile, iimi Ihe nnullet tunic M'Hlr.'l eight H'.'iMx ciit.ll. 1 ' ' TliO,l Ml llll' Bpr:ii'i . t..,l,le were Mr, HjiiilOli W, Wattle. .Vile Kiiphntlu .lollliKOtl, .lodge Mini .VI if. W, A, Hcillck, Mr. W, I. Mmholx. Mm. ('Imrli'K r, ;'! i. Ml .ilmil'in Turtle, .Mm. Mvlo M;t,fllab, Min. I.mtl tjliiike, ,lr. IVel lef rinhi'iu unit Mi Alii carter, I', tplnlnx Vrn ft n Mil ln. Mi, Wattle, the flint peker, gav piVlif il Kill) upon the object, of Ilia new buhiling. Mm, li, v, liiinlnnr of Lincoln ' iplsliurij how the Lincoln woinni fouiidMj tlir-ir iirntvnt'll Hall fKU, an "I'Smilfcntlnn tnkltm In nt inml'ra for mer uniii'liiaipd pupil a well a alum. ne all pM-,., In k'-eplim up claa plilt to hlp-Mi)e fund for the nrw bulhllng to he iitd on iji drotiml in Happy lloilyw diiiiultl liy ,V)r. Charlca (", ticoigu. .',11m .1 iiliiiaoii pok on pict)l inn'll tioh In tli hool ami whiit to he I, Kjuii.d for the new iirowtu'll Hull. Ml .Mmloii Towlo, k prldnt of lh alum na oetlon, ji"tt a hoit talk. 'The ul from Lincoln wr; Mr lnu Lain wk, A. V, J tt hanlaon, i, W . Innlnr, '. A, I'li-ne; Mle Huth Xawrr and Luoinil Looinl. T'tom ( olumbu: Milama '"srroll V II'.v'h,-. U'llliiitfi llotki'tihrrifr and K'l Mlrt 'l)ninhcrii. Fiom I'lfiMmiiniilh: Mdni-it ft L. )(ttr')ii, (ioi Taltu, II VV, flmiii. Ii'hil 'J'alf'l, ('li'inttl and K. W. I'ook. from I'fMflotil! Meimri'- Otli) I'ohl fifnl, John Helti, I'iom Nebrak l(jff Ml "Jrace V arm and ,11') i'syn. Other Rue!; Memlum HI' ketnan of 'relihlon, Ml Iluuli of Tcu(nh, W, ,1 !lk of Allantl", la,; llohrt Iiron .f Aliilon, iJHitfrlth of t'ouiirll Jtluffa, Jteeker of liavld City and Hubert Mora of Vancouver; Mli lmoKn Merry of Atlantic, Viola OIm of Humphry, Viola VjIa pf Aurora and Adh Hndrlli if Kfrncy. Woman' Relief Corpi Mecti. The I'. 8. tJrant Woman' llllf eorp ntrtalned at a knlnton Tuday t. tho home if Mr, A. A. Whitney. Heven P"t prldnl and on ilpart mnt prldnt wr amonif the fu't, othsr honor gut Included Mr. H. V. ' 'hcdtnnt, Mra. Frank Oil kin and Mr, '. A. Tenriant, prldnt of th fJnorif A. Culr corp. Th mombera prnt re: Mdm-- .1 M. Tnllitfro, Jlrrll K. Mlac- .Murphy, It, V. t lffnbckrl II. H. Wilcox. ' II. K. I run, 'I'homa W. Allen, Vnlnna Mora. ' '. A. Tonnnni, lila A. Miller. .MmHI 1hv!, MIi. -Suphltt Hi hni'ldef, Mdm Arthur M. Newell, T. I. Hnv I. Kllsahelh I-onglrelt. Allc A Hrov, (. W. Munaer, H. (". Ohnprnaii. K. H. Houdem, , A. Whltnv. William McMurry. Frank Calkin Mlie--Cora, B, Hlern. Today'! Affain. Ottiah, Woman' fr rlnh had luncli on till afternoon Ht, Ynung Women's I'hrlRtian 8oclatlon, Th North Hide rrogriv club meet thla renlmt In the aiwmhly hall ol Holy AnKl' chnol. f'ard and a aoclnl tint will he th aprdal featur of the O'C'DIIOII. Tunslef tmpl Phflnrr will glv n utertHlntnent and dane this vnnlng nt ."'oltlf I) Idti' rfcthedfiil. Social Gossip. Itt-v. and .Mil. .1 A. Tmnoik nd Mr. nml Mr, John Vltr are at Tie rim In Kxcrlslnr Sirlna. Mr- 1'iiiroll I). Hi mi and Mr, fvlw : hainhri a of ( 'nluinhu and Mk 'All 'lui iier of Hli lnfllt . I', totiM' llrowiiell llall s r ml 'iat . me l t' l',nt'iiil, Mr nml Mr A M Uro,. in. iiintd fiom a ten itvis iiiiv M r. lor fpillll! Mi I .OW rl l 'lilMn ten i !' ilium t'i iH In i w Vi-k maiAii. C'io Club Eirthdy. 'I ie I'll, t ,'!, if. ',i.t,H l. ' ft, lh loilhln ,lnv I,, giMII H I'll. , at Uic h .mi ' f Hit W, 11 u . .,i, Iim I'll, i "1, m irti eioUr e, w.t.. , 'III 'i I ll ln:' l'l i 4 Pl (;. .( i',, .p -o, ttthioi llii M.ii''k l.e.i., i. ' ,h p . to i. I Mm 'A. I' Mrrm t .! ,t'. a 'nr ii.iry . Mid II t M I I. .'Ii . (i. 11, 1 i I M. 1 1 I , , I-,,.I ' I r)i.. Ii.uie I"!. f 'I . , if M ''.i, , i- n i i 'i i T t,fl '.I.. I .l .. mo.) .""I M il H 'f IH" ,h4ii'- H'l-iilM' h 1 ' rt tl fit (it. I..i Hi ' t ',,,,1 V,, l ilh. l I ' t..t.'.l M. II I I ill.', I -1 1 Brti Miiiiohgty S iciety. it , l Nl . i If.. 1411 It, P--(l'-' llll' i!H.. I. ! ' t- , wl'l e tl, .' !' ' , .1 Mai w,a i . fc w iiniiii ) I-- f Vlutinr. '.o'o.i 'iilf l In, C. i rt n . ... t 'eN -ii. - i ' II t I " e l e I I I - w .. i ' e . t I . ... . . ii.'li. ) t i l ing Arlt Society M?t:r. 'ti, km.i tnUi. ... I .e i-b A . t vl r,n llll . ..;;t 'l-t I'-H t t' k-i ,1 It. liii, ri I MM t I l 1 .-f 'h I --!t-' ikt'lmn M.t i.i ft , u 4 t,e h. iil W. O. t'r. ami Mm. J, E. Hummer, chairman of lh courtesle committeo. Eitchie-Arthur Wedding, Th marriage of Ml Kunlr Arthur, rtiiiiKhler of Hnv. I-nuln A. Arthur and Mm. Arthur, to Mr. William RllohlP, Jr., of Hrldreport, Nh., aa ollrtad In t, Htophon'n fhurch, Grand Inland, Tu rtay vonlng. At I o'clock th bridal "purty; with the liHilrmld. Ih ,MIi"m r1h(rlni and HtHln Tltiimninl nt Omaha. M(rtnl Holm, Mauiln llrntrr, Until Ilpyiln. Q'ralilln llsyman; tho maid nf hmior, Miaa 1'Hu'l lllrkfriid of (irnflld, la., and Ihn luiiiron of honor, Mm, I, t'lyan, n lid lh rhiliTli lo IIih wcililpiK mai'eh, pli)'l by Mira, Harr nd Mli I'lrnlir, TIip hrlilnl p,rl a nul at tho ilinn til hy th arimm and hi bmt man, Mr, John fllt'-hl nf ( 'lilraito, t rot;ir of th arooin, and iinhprn, th Mraar (', (!. JVrry of ftrlrlgi port, Td M(ealf of j Lincoln 'fiiiii llowxnl of Omaha, n. J'. v llon nf Lincoln, f r I irnrii llim i n of llilnjia ami '1d Parlnn of Klllh:il I'll), Tho prnyfr hook, held hv t h" offlilnt lni( i 1 1-1 v n , n ii, lh I rlilo'r fiitlnr. bn-lonid-il to I'liarlntt A r h -j i , tho great (,riiinliiioih'"r of th" hrld. The hi-PIc or an 'XiilHi (town of wh'ic 'I'1"' I icpf inetroi' and rhantllly Inc. " celliir laoKht bi th tlnoHt h ii hue pin, t In diamond nnrt pimi'la, lh gift of t lie aiooin. A tiini" nf Inc f'Oiii'il thr niipcr pnri Hi 'holt aklrl, noil i he ,iinc train of th lac, p i ..,i,,t ii,,. Hlk. w." 'Ir.-itifd from lh rhopiiihin nvr nil huna; 111 fllipv vr II, hifil In fnp fotm h" n wreath of natural oKiiiKe hlo'iaoiii'. Th ImiKpiet waa of orchid tnl whlio I lift m 'Id hi IrVonjinln Hid nin'd of honor wi aowtid nllk In full aklrt of flow i id orennd,'. , 11h onnlut bodlrea of ro llk, nd wot ph'tur ht, Th 1 1o'"iuir of wet pen. Tin gown , the mimn of tumor hii of e-grpen llk with Mhr lw h farrld Lady llaltlmnr roe with orrhld. Mr. Ar thur wor hr , wttddlnf aown of rrp nu'tnor and Lyon c nmd with court ,rftl"' w''k ur '. '' h r"f- nn lynoy iiuitiinom to ami orchirt. Mr. Marin wore hrr wi1dln aown of tnty-ltht er n. Tli i ntertiiliiliieiil foi the giiitfi wn In lh hand of the ladle of th the I'lo- I nr I'rk oclntliin. Th Mendume Hoyden, ijlover, liunaan and tVllkln prealded a' eneh l( f,f nr hiiiiiuoniely appolnled Inhle, from which lh iiiper w ervd The Mle ,v I)iihltrnin, Murgaret Town, J1 Dolon and MkidHllne liny man nltd at the piiiicli howl. ' Lvelyn IDan and Mr. florton rtlti hi, brother of (ho hrld groottt, preen(d each guet with a ditlnty box nf wedding rk lo "dream on " Among oul-nf lown gucl wr: Mr William nihlil. r.; Mj nilchle, and Mer. John and Oorton ftltehl of r'hl rugo: Mr, and Mr. John Mchlhop, Jr., fVinndl Hliiffa; Mr. and Mir. 0org H Thummel, Mr. W. H. Metcalfe of Omaha; Mr. and Mr, n. . Klllott of Chadron, Ry. and Dean needier of Ht(ng, M!m He of Council niuffn, la ; Mr, Myr1 and Karl Pwanaon of Aurora, fll.; th dean and Mir. (inrg Wore of Kearney, Flv. r,d Mr. Xander of f'olumhna, Dean and Mr. Ilnwker of North Plall, Neb. Tha groom prentd hi uhr with llvr mounted rne, engraved with th monogram and date. Th hrld' gift to her meld wer Pnrln boxea In ble and pink enamel, G real A very fortunate shoe purchase enables us to sell at a profit $5.00 and $6.00 shoes for $3.35. ABOUT 500 PAIRS all told, in the lot will be found a few odd pairs from our regular stock. There are really five divisions--for your informa tion we enumerate them: NUMBER ONE Bronze kid pumps; Louis heels, Q QC turn sole, narrow toe; $6 grade, pair . . . P NUMBER TWO Dull kid, narrow toe, French heel, in step strap, trimmed with buckle; Jo opj $6.00 grade, pair J)3t30 NUMBER THREE Patent leather pumps wi th white calf insert in quarters, Louis Quinzc heel, short JJO OC vamp, $6.00 grade, pair 3.jD NUMBER FOUR Fine dull kid leather, five strap slip per, beaded, medium French hel - o ofj $5.00 grades, pair. tpu.uO NUMBER FIVE Pat ent and dull leather pumps Louis Quatarze heel, small buckle, (To QC $5.00 grade for tpu.uO Leather scarcity and increasing cost makes this the most attractive sale of the year. Low shoe time is almost at at hand, indeed, we have been wearing ours for some time. Timely Fashion Hint By LA Vind tmd yarclii of tulle and llk net imake tho dnn'O own of till yur tin- hutnnt a faai'lnntlng affair, lioth lln'it and dark ahuge lire adopted for thl purpo, though lh former are generally dt!i:tid by oldur women. Ono delightful gown i mown In whita, (h diop ikirt and lo ti matron of honor n Kt Indian tiffin table Th young roupl left for a trip through the anuth nd will ho at horn In lirldga port after June 1. Kensington Club Meet. MH Klorence Aor titrtlned th HnnKrnm Daik Kenalnglon club at her home on Tunaday' evening. Twnty-one member were preaent. Entertain Art Section. The rt dopartment of th Omaha Woman dub waa imtertalnod thl after noon at th'' noma of Mr. Hobert ('owell. Tho hoHter wa alBted by Mr. W. 8. Knight and Mr. ('.. J, Ilihert. Aftor the giving of a program on flusnla und I h7f-v :-V Ml i ttr- r7 .noe At Kilpatrick's Starting Friday Morning XCOITttrSE. ptnbroldoied In border eifict wllh irlde lulil iiiiigle. Ovur thl Ihnie are three, pointed tunic which full l uneven length. The bodice I ipiHe impl. how lug a deep crualmd glrdl of lh apangled embroidery and angl wing drape of ellk not. the aiuiuiil olactlon of officer, a aoclal lime and toa followed. The dining room and tea table were deoorated In pink. Entertain at Dinner. Mr. and Mr. Jam. N. Hmlth enter talned at dlnnor at lhilr home lt even Ing eompllmonlary lo their romln, Ma' vln Stomi, who I wllh Valeka Huratt at th Orphoum (hi -week Cover were placed for; Mr. and Medam.--Jule Oreevy, Krnet '. Wllllm, MInhom Mle Kiln, Hmlth, VVnnnoh Mmlth, Imllle Mohr. Dorothy (Jreavy. C'brlBtlne Smith, Pergonal Mention, Mr, nd Mr. C P. Taylor, who pnl the winter In Florida end alo vllt4 In rinfffllo, V. V., have relumed nd are and at horn at lai Houth Thirty-fifth trt Ml lirrtha Wolpl of ChliaKo, for merly of Otiinh. I visiting Ml lln Whalen, and will mak a week a tny In tlil city. Entertaini Whist Club, Mr, liny H Thorp" entertained "I. X. L." Whlt Huh WiMtn,y vn Iiik at Inr hum. I'nie were won hy Mr, i J, MeOIII, Mr and Mr T 'cor don Candoea and Mr. t'lainnea H Wood. Th nl nieelhlk will h held Ht lh hum of Mr i, 1' Mclilll Tho pre, eul war. Menr i, nd .Meilnnv n N H Kletl ' rit,ot. Oenr II Thoip, hirviii e H Wood, I tiortlon rmler. i'. I', Mi.'O II, Hot H Thorp Entertainment for I Elks is Arranged! Kull pln for il'e entertaltiment dui 1 1 iK lh tiMlitl) iinnunl moellng of III N'hmeka i:iki In man ha June 1'.' to II hne been coiiipeeil hv Kmilled Kuh'r llarwood Hecielmy Miner nd Tinrli ltor, C I', ll' iiloii, (ionld Dirt. K, j HiMkmgham, O. V Weat, (, K. Ml, k, j I" W. J'idoii and V,. P. tirlley , Th ulghl of June 13 th Wk will he KUeata nt the Ak Mr lien Den T. e-detf j I ntfllt i (l-pei Wild I'fllT'e Will t ,IVel 11 on., if tin loiintry dun 'In. -,ny ! li ,'li l n mi Ihe nmeii will he t' en iiii ml,, tiho'i' Ihe cltv Wdn. i i ilii) on. in ik the Lit") will he enteilnlne'l Ion tli" ,-onld Hide hy Ihe Xnnl't ."l.hv j I.Ik, ihe I, lie Simk enrhange and th" jxtoik vind All of th vleltlng I'llk I lll ileiid,Klng day everclae. which ii III he hehl Wdnialy afternoon I NEW HOUSE OF HOPE GETS i START IN CHICKEN BUSINESS Airliie I'erdue of Coiiiicll Hluff h enl in Hv. (,'hnrle W Knvldge fin i-tieclmeti of molher hen with a brood of twelve Utile chicken. The r a prenl lo Ihe new Hou of Hop being erected at Floreno. The lrtile of thl hou own on and three-fourth arrea of land at Klor ence end are well equipped for Ihe kep log of poultry, nd Mr Havldg gin cerely hope that other pemoti will follow Mr I'erdue nobl ettampl "PIONEER MOTHER AND CHILD" IS0N EXHIBITION Doiigla Volk' "llcmwir Mothr and Child," one of lh painting purchaaad by lb friend of Art, la on exhibition In Ihe corner window of Ihe Hurgaa-Nah lore, whet It will remain until th nd of th week, from (here It will be hung In th publlu llbrry arl eolledlon, ( elelirle1 Mnuera, lntrumptHallla NUil olril Hand Drllahl lloala of Mnele l.iiTera. A very notable addition lo Ihe Ancient Mwali? lfltorv I mad In I wo fine edu cational raeon'j rendored hy Olive Kiln and Relnald Wrrnrth. There are aUo two other ednontlonai nuitihera hy Wer renrath and lumber! Murphy, and the Victor Btrlng gnrlt. I heard In Ha thoven "ijuartet In O Minor" end the "yuartet In F Major," both numhara being played with fine balance and an Intelligent Inturpmtatlon. It I real delight to hear all thl aplen dld mue, and there are urnlv ome selection mntloned which you would Ilka lo hear. Von can hear them If you will atop In t any Victor dealer, and i you will enjoy every minute of your tay. Stocking The sockless jibes and jeers applied to Jerry are gone like the snow of yester year, as Villon would say. It really isn't comfortable to go sock less, let alone not bein? real nice. MEN will be attracted to the SOCK SALE FRIDAY. These have been displayed a day or two and have drawn the eyes of many men to our windows. Unless all signs fail there will be a great many buyers. Two weights, medium and heavy. SILK half hose. All the nobby wanted colors extra reinforced heel, sole and toe 35c a pair everywhere, where GOOD SOCKS are kept, 50c pair. Another, and this a really beautiful sock Silk, with high spliced heel, double sole and toe, $1.00 per pair, value $1.50. LADIES' DAY ALSO, two splendid silk hose bargains for them: FIRST Black and white silk hose, medium weight, lisle top, double sole, h?il a i l t e price 65c value $1.00. SECOND Black, white, tan, gray, pink, sky, There's an array of colors for ye, and there are many shades of these colors. All Silk, hig,t sp!ic?tl heel, double garter top, sole ami to?, also black only, with Wyds top of a very superior quality. Price $1.00; value $1.50. ONYX DAY IS THE REASON. All on Friday morning at 8:30. AND IT'S AT CROSS-COUNTRY TOURISTS ARE NOW COMING FAST Toutitm cro-country from Llng-ton, O,. to j-tn It Lake City, H. W, Hunlamiui nnd parly pnd through Onrnh ovr thj,t,n '',r""11n Mlnhwy. Th lourlt rn I tMeieq ai inc nowinown nefinipinriera oj th Dmnlm Aulnmolill club. In lh Ho tel Konteiielle. Th trip from lining- ton In Omaha waa mud In a week. I Another vIMtor t Ih loral aulomo i hll nlub wn J I, Hmlth of WhIi1oo, 1 In , wim In louriiiH in leiiiei They will ii. ( by the way of Lincoln. Th roda throiiBh Iowa wm reported to h In I Oi'd eondltlim JOTIiEll OF FOUR CHILDREN How Lydia E.Pinkham' Veg etable Compound Kept Her Well and Strong. r,yH1 I,'. Pliikhum'g Vfi'lftliln ComiHitiiiif for .tern your with Kii rrpuiiu Bin 1 hnv four lnuilt.liy cliil ilnn. 'I'lii numtniT I wn in a Very run down condition Ami th vrr vhotwpAthr-r gprmiwi more Uign I rould eUtiil, tiut I comnn-nccd tnVing Jour ('omnoiind In une And from tlien until HeptAmher 251 h, whim my lnt biiliy wag born. I irot fllotio; much hotter Vtinn I had lforn. My 1'iiliy wag a girl And wi Itfhml 11 poundg ut hlrth, And 1 recovered very rapidly which I am eure wag flu to your mudklne. I am wtill end Atrong now, riuniA my hnby And do all my work. I had tha iima piod reeultg with your medlcina when nvld before) my other rhiMrem rnnm And they urn l healthy, Mvr mother bit taken your meilielno with fojtiul gntigfactlon. Hh hd her Innt child when nearly 44 yeArg old And feel eonfldont gho rmvpr would hnv rorrled him through without your help, aa her health wb very Poor.' MrA. T, V. Clovd, la North Culick Ava, Va catur, III, FlepeeUint motherg ghoulil profit by Mri.Cloyd'g experlenef,And tmet toI,y dlA E. rinkhAm'A Vegetlil Compound. Fre confidential Advlcg hud by Ad- rlrelnfr LvHIa tl I'liiklium Moilicine Co., Lynn, Ma una. r 11 i ! I - r m v n Attention, Piano Buyers Your (Iol Joiiil Cfrtificiilo will he kochI Frilny and Nfitunlny only, so cull nt ow and wloct your Piano or IMayer I'iano, Wp will liolil it for future delivery if desired.' Pianos At All Prices Your Own Terms. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1311-13 Farnam Street,. Cluraitoiit Inn 610 So. 17th St. Now Ready for Applications A Real Hotel Home For Out-of-Town Shoppert It I JiiMt a nilnut' wglk lo the henrl of Omghs'A KhopplnR dlktrlrt. ftpnclal rule by thn week, Our Beautiful Dining Room Offer eplendld meal at liojitiliir prleeg. TBOKB DOUOLAA S73A for Mervt,loni, tan KOSALIWD MULL, ryop. Quick Way to Remove All Stain From Teeth t Homo llAiiuty Alibi.) The recent a imoiini emenl cnticernlii Ihe re nut i h a I' " pioperliea of hl)irto III lie ii auliitntico ha given iww lioti" In a rniill Itii'Jn of tooih-lriiuhled folk. II H inly loo Well known I llll I 111 u"l iletillfrl' e hm llllle effe t on lho ill ioIiiiiiI III mi" or "placiiuea " whirl) adhere l tl IIH nllIV to th tenth. 110 111111 Imw one rohe atid i iiih. Vet nrdiiiHi'i refined aveli'l, need on Ihe hruli the aam tooili iiiic. will tlioroiialily ed nuh k ly retoovn even I ho niol obllnl Uln or inla Mor ihn thai It h bn found an effect v prnvetillve of that common f fectloil mirki'd hv pongy, bleeding, puy. receding; gum, which i the ninel freuoent canae of tooth loea, Hnrelv ttll-4 I iiood tie a. Now, by limply lining t" fined avnlol regularly-driiaal! gener ally keep II III convenient accent lube -- iiiivon can have leith of glletenlim whltefte. trong, healthy and heautlful. Advert luetnent. ASK FOR "18-92" Pure Srun Aluminum Cooking Utensils Guaranteed for 20 Years No othir mak hog lasUd vnti ytari IM u u "In eS i. I' for a. I, "1 . "r !' I" O r, ft' i, .,IP i 8 'in ttr" Ju ri nit ii 1 ifti ., jrt. t. In : : e tot n eh ' lM 11 At r.t i tf 1 Ik V ' f A 1 It tl ..... t