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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1916)
Want-Ad Rates! lc CASK WITS par word omorxi .each insertion , gpeoial Kates I Farm and Ilamh Lands. 1c per Una ee;h Insertion (Count six words to the line.; FOREIGN ADVEHTIHINO UNDER AUNTH U HELP WANTED CLAHHIl'TCATIONii. Je per word.,.. one time l'o per word.. .three 3onsecutlv times CXAmOB BATXIl e par Una one tlma Ju par Una three consecutive tlinca I (Count IU word to the line i XO AD TlltV rOB LIII TTAT A TOTAL 01 aoo OB X.EBI TBAW 100 FHI OAT. CAnD OF THANKS, PKATK AND FUNERAL NOTICKH; 10c par Una each Inaartlon (Minimum chatge 80 cants.) Monthly Rate for standing ala (nn change of copy) II.IO per Una (Count six words to lha Una.) OoBtract rata cm application, TTT PKR will not ba responsible for mora than one Incorrect Inaartlon of an advertisement ordered for mora than on tlma. ADVEnTTPFTtf should retain reeetptg Ivan hy Tha Ree In payment for Want Ada, aa no m.laiaka can la rectified without them. tun rim Tn.rrTrovp! if vm rannnt conveniently bring or send In your ad. Ask for a Want-A Taker, and you will raralv lha aama rood arlf aa whrn dallvarlrif your ad at tha nffka, rwoKP! rrt.r.n iini. wavt-ao mr.vMXH fT,nfir,. woniviNfj r.niTTONs oo v. r MMHMMMIMUmnwom nwf mi II Ml trumrir MOVIE PROGRAM Currant offnrlnga ttt tha haat Motion I'litura Thaalar In innal,a. (Change Dally ' "Ullant Kalhy." lovc, allanr-a and ranch all fl.mlrina 10 maka thla gra,t film tha ulfdira of lha hour. ' I'aanula and 1'owdw," dynajnlla, pa nuta and fn. "Ruha'g Hotal Tangl," gripping win dv dram, " ' lifting Amarlca Drat," TUB FARNAM. 1415 FARNAM, Tha llouaa of raturpa. I'lpa Organ and Or'littaira Mualc, Today I'raaanl , IfKNftT Dm KMol and MAT AI.IJHON In "Ufa a lillml Allay," a anxiety dtairia In S aria riUNC'KBH 1317-18 DOUuLaB MAHT ri'l.t.KIt IN THROWN IX.) TJII'J IAOXS. A flv-ral iriaalarplclurc, Bca tha gfat. raharrt acna. TIIK OAliDKN, llli FAKNAM WHIRLPOOL OF . DLHPAIlt. .J KKLLS. Worth. TiKJXiT, 1 oth And "wnKe v: OltAND. IGtli im.l JJinm-y. Ntince O'Nalll In "Tho VVIlch," S-rrnl Foil fratur. 1 And O.iod Cornrdy, PIPE OROAN "j)K LUXK.M ilofunop. mii l KOTiirioi'. A moat tlmnly plctura, "A Nallnit'a farlla" fel tfcii man. i 'iTiri" ill! iiIjbttb: "Too Much Marrlad." "Th KHght f th inichrai." '' " g.mth. ZV'dLIo. 11U leavkn woirni, , ( reala of good ph-turea. MVLrV'a iiCt Uk U vbii wcirto. Thuraday at 7.1A and 145 Bluablrd PholoplMya pranla Vhilrt Mnarrcail In "Tha Hrat frohl'm." lOilL'FF, 2&81 LKAVIiNWORtli Thad Kara and William K Hhay In 'Tha Clrnianfan Caa," " ' al. fiGFrftoC im farnam. World Film Corp. prflanla Mollis King In "A Woman a Towar." Frajicla X. Puahman and Povarly Hayna In "Tha Kld'r Mrothar." K4miay. "Tlia MHn Who 1 alld Afirr Dark," Uio, "Kahfui "'ol.CiyXi lal-m, orpheum, - mn M I rrala of good plrturaa. STAR FEATURES Sparlal Kllra ftral Ffaturaa now appear ng at tha following Thaataia. liriWH. I4TH AND N. "Tha V.) d rP ro I her r HOl'LUVAHH. iir m?avbnwohth. "Tha Ortat rrohlem," EUl-KtBI. UTH AN O UUt'tllAM. 811. KVT d'-I.MT.' Tlta rtciur .if tha llnur. TH I'AHS'AM. HI5 FAKNAM rIT. Il-nry I n. k.'o, an.l May u muni Alley 1 iivu ml 'V i 1 Til A N D 111 V V 1 V tiKAND, HI A I Ill AINU iii.-n.nm O Nelll In 'Tha WIUh," 7i'iiii..i ' ler 1 1 A VII lii-rillti if I.OIHIU'I, MTU AND UTIIR"l A m-t timely dclura, A Nation: ; t..i. 1 ARNAM sunt:, W111I1I Flint Corp piaeonl Mdll Ring In Wi.K.ait -tef ''rkf.bH. ell III h.i lU.lets 11-tNl's, llVCriei ' " "' lilt 1 I'Ol iil.A. i Jfai U.t' ' l l'.. ' rr j ,v A), pi ll. S I lav I t I .' 'Tt.iaat la IM UA" flvtla Mary . ' ''",l""1"1 '", e i....-i rs..r -. 1 f,,""1"'' "" v muiT -iVMuviiswoKiu 1 ;fl::;:.r.f,.7.:!.uM ."U r.ViC Te.1. h..a ..-! v.a,.,,, ; .. (.-' Hi 1 :n,uuian aI, t Ht i. "4 Ii- ileta illy N ait(UM4N, i.tu am. .ruD.'.rrr I ltX'r ".. -(, n,,k Mairl 4 ' 1 J Anlh 'vl i t' -' i . 1 a y t " C" a" 1 ' ' 1 " - ' - - - " " , w i mi nmi - t 1 tt i.-i i-v l ma tint i Mi 4 tiit. . ,. .. -' Huti io .11 laanfimn, MAl'a.'l 1 Vt ft HT !' " .'! t' hl ''! la "" "' ! .' .. a ,., n a 1. 1. i ' ( '! ,. Ti ' '(.' vl.t . 111 U 1 1 1 1 1 " w ' K.., .! t I -" I., I !, t '! -'-! P I' - V,,. - 1 ' l" ! " ll .-;..! .-I, . .... ti 1, v.. '.., ( 4 ' a ka.UA Read the Swappers' Column every day. exchanges you can make without putting ; ; ... r- .r. . ..,rn,,o I ii vm uir cm cmtc " i ciTiiftTinw5 wANTFn I HELP WANTED MALE I - PERSONAL r . 1 1 if g a. i 1 w. n i w- nrj i i i i n ill p i 1 1 i i un inn ii i i -i i if - g luiitj nil i w . , LAROWT AHmuiTMENT of freHi flower, delivered nr iiiji-fl anywiwn. I,. MENDERS' in' I'!1' Farnam Ht.. , H.oniara. "lifjirljiV AMTY i'I'T FLO W E H H or plant. Art Combination, shipped every where. Exe.lnl service to our cus-I lomers In past j.ars le'omtnend Hfc.HH 1 & HWDIIOliA, 1411. rnrnum m "l""; A. I ON Aim 1.'K1".22 " IUrnyDo"ug Pil. HATH, florist' in 4 Kama in At. i t I lllll OF TlUh. I 'A ItD ( F Tl AN KH. W'a wlHh In tlimik Hi') miiny frlcnda, nlao Cninii ('filiiinl'ua, No. )'J, W. . .. Hl.or. HnlcalHVM, Z. I'. H. J- No. 'i". I: i. iiIibiiiii Jinia, i Co, and cmpl'iya. fur klnilima aliown and brauttrul flow ,B irci IvdiI lit tll Ji ii 1 1 of our hflovail huehand. fallirr, grantlfntluT and Krrat arniidf alliT. ., , , Jli i: j. ii. k r kj;;i Jk.lV f A.:ViLv.i. niitTit n tiKATii". " Hlrtlia -J, V, and KIUnh-tn " Hrawar, Kll HP" "I'i Inn, alrl, Allaiinli1o and An afllriH Cudlai o. btJ9 I'larra, hoy; Allan ami Ivm llunlfr, 171.1 Uavanworlli. Kill; (n and Anna John.oii, Mli Hrown. K I Tlii-oflora and Clara Kln, h'iplt', lf'rl Jora and Mophla Kurriiol, riilrtr-mnih and II, hf-v; Arrhla and Mattlo Mataon, W, K. Kill, Frank and lloaa ManKlarnra, 2.;i:l Hickory, h"v, M'llllani and Ci.lherina OConnnll, Wi rkmlh for y -aa-md, hoy; (looraa A and tlalddall young, Ihlrty alKhth and Karnain, girl, I .lha -M.-lchl.-n Ind-iridtx-n, 7. Dooaa; Karl lliiltnn, M, hoapllal. Kmlly M. Kniglit, Hi. 4124 rS".itli Twantlath; Mr. Idla II Cpjohn, (B, iVfli I. Mllatlii I.-mlch, 'Klf. II in imii ii;imiit. "iWwald lli..nd.'ilav, SU-1 Karnarn, flraproof , . ' ".l",'U"ltrll Kaa, 47S4 Noitli Thirty-third, frame dwelling, M A H f 1 1 4 ti V, I.M MIK. "The "following marrlaga llcenaaa hava h'"t1 !.'t antod ' . Nama and lil1r-ic. " William .1. AII'M, Coh.kI M uffa, l a u..i.i,.M,,. 'niiiici litufia. la.,... It Fllawnrlh A. Ilulloi k, Omnha avr 21 Dorothy M, Mllla, (imahu ... .over Ik Ooig 11. Ilaniiail. Nrola, la, Anna f'al'raoii, Nil, l Hivan Markoa. Uinahii , i;llarith Km pen, Umaha Arthur T. Itavmilda. Amherat. Nrb. I'.mma C. Wall her, Amh.-ial, Neh. Jullua lliilka, Oiniiha . Johanna lu-walil, Omiiiia Newton A. (Ulni-a, Kremont, Nh,.. Maiidn I'almrr, Fn'inont, Nab. .... Cecil A, Viny, Omaha Ixila B, Hyrd, (unuha Fred Orel), Chako. Neb Kxaldtt Kill, Chiilco, Nb Nela A. Vaaey, f)rnaha Ma "1 1 Fog la, Omaha Jacob fliuih, Waterloo, Neb k'nle Cnchiaii, Humiier, III 3:1 LOST" FOUND -REWARDS If TOU , aiiirihim iiii will aarme It k, r tvlll uflf rinver H It to4 tr a ho aertr.a. IHmarHiiia '! f rl a,,ii( ,f ! mriimh mn mlanin. Him l, W - Penal M. tin lo1 etlole teWfl4 In noln ikat tk eiie lea I la rulHn thm to "k ia eer I hr until eflfiieemnt en4 nihetwiee, eel iket a fellure 10 en II eeaia ua l 'ea. la a eere eenellr ' OMAHA A I'ol'N.'li; jll.UKFH HTKKKT IIAJI.WAV COMI'ANV. IVraona having l"t a-mia article would no well to ...11 i,n the office of tha Omaha A Council liluffa Hlreet Hallway rmnpany lo aacertaln whether tliry lart It In lha elr-t tare. . Many arllclea earn day are twrnert in and the company I guilou to raajpra them to tha rlghtfu' ownen, tall 1 1011 If 41 j,. 'k-'I'-V-Tu'-'e.iav"rv.-nllig hli''k fox nei'k piece hclwern :t"i 1 1 and Fiirmiiil and Imti.l.-e. itr-warn. 1 imii" ikimi-i ,i iM'l'- H. lw.cii " hlaii ' ho.ii, I'oppl. l.iii and I'Hrk Ave, immd garnet t--t plm llcwarrt. Call liar. Iw K i.n'l ('In. immoaiiim H. F. A, 'IN). I'liotie li..iifiaa Mwi JIWMrd. j .1, Tor sale-miscellaneous Furniture and llejtiaehoM tiooela. " AN OITOI.TCITV. Our pni ca am ' 0 way h.'iow ' any 1 1. Ina rlac nn tl furniture market. "Let u tl'iw you," "Ix-l ii gave you money, HTATI'. Fl HM'I I III'. CO.. Corner HUl and Dodge Hin, Dmix. I 'D. OMAHA l'll-I.OW :. Felt and hulr j inatlreaa.'g mane over in new half the price of pew onea. Phone ua , for aumple of ticking. Mall ordera filled, I9.iT Cuming HI. Imiigla 24iii w CK lioeea. A gna alovea, ruga of all kind, poultry aire and netting. . n.,en (III p. m. llW No Stlh l. i-f, HKl'.F-OKNKIIATlK'it gaai.llna atove at a hitriialii If lken at oma; alao oak eldolHiard. I'hiine i'lorence MIN. ().u)i fmulliiie .of" iiln.-Kioiil houae, ;'ii. Phone I In rnt-- IMaama and Maalrnl Inelramanta. Viol, IN - ilooil toned, hand made Inetru inent, lirii"hl llo Anicrlca from old couiiiry Hiciinnnyl hefiire war; flva ilava' free trial fit my eupcnee, on eaey pmmenta If you wlali. M;lle Mlea Herlle Mnrdlea, Itoule i, Hnaedale, Ivan- aaa. ... , ' A NOrl KOK IU0NT, Hood make, good condition, tl M per month' planoa. t4 tw per month. A. IIOHI'K CO.. I'H h'i 1'ouiilna HI. Jrwrlrt, Dlainomla. Xatoa"-. BRODMIAAhl' H lucky weudmg ring" at inth nnil DgiiKlaa Hla. r Typawrlirra n? iipna. NKW machliiea aolil Ihe Hma aa rent; H per month. H' ua hefoie nil buy or rent. Hhlppe,! any Pltt' e on ten days fr... nulla Typewriter fcxchaiige. Sk'K!".H Sl . 1Mb, Omaha. Neb renleu and re- Oliver lypewrilar .1 month for !. rmrai ijrpew,...-. 1 hniwe. I'. Famaiii HF.MINOTO.Nrt. Muiiiircha and riinllh Freml.T lor tent; aent anywhere. It. 111- Ington Tun-writer Compiiny. I) l.ft. HF1 IANCV; Hlhliou and Carbon Co., tvlHtwrlter and i.rfic uiplle. whola a.! and rrlall D .r W Howard ft. IH'IJkNH KHIIU'N CAIUION' I'D oftioo aupplie Dotiglag Waa lllog. MaeKlHarp a.l l-.aaluea. - k'i.-V AM' eWiiSH H ASH MO'l'olW. ' l l'l I(T H.I ' IT'I. IANH AND M At HIMfTrt. ,k. MtoN II I' 1 III l tl, WoltKjt, ;ii .i f iJ'b hi . iiinnii I'F' vrt, Ie. . n. .(. oit. r vv huv. aell rulura A '' l'" . ' " Uln l'"u ' n llnnlnare mm I uula, i'fl.l. line f i i-i,ier j 111.I in- '...i.le j ( M , ,f ,,, N tMl, m Melklna, ran, lie. lVr l". and eoi uilm nil e.m and I r,-,i, t il... 111. 11 lH IM.igU bt Sattnl, grade and riaala. ,.IV .1 "-l -1 li'.g d W.Ulei ! lll' St'WDU Mi hint's lg rent ! .' I ee.i: n I aa'. tt git .. VI . K l..l HK " I tU' I' IU l,ab- I l'll )t, Ul'l I .' l"B k 1 g ran H y.f 1 w. 4 "I TTIE BEE: FOR SAlhi--New hiuI second-hand carom ami pocket billiard table antl bowling alley and a. -res sorlcs; send for rata ionue; easy p'.ym.-nt. The Brunswick-Halke-Colleml.-r r0.. 407.40. H. loth Ht. AUCTION' SALK HIGH Oil A I K KI.'UNITUIIB. DhWKY A V Si. , Hat., Apr. 2, at 2 p. rn. aharp. the complete turnltura of a fi-room apart ment, conalatlriK of rui?a, high-grade parlor and liedrnum fuinllure. Itnena -lo. This furnlturo la almoat new. Don't Mil to aitend the aulti. DOWI) Ai;TJ0Nr CO. AUCTIONEER. YOn AUCTION riAl-FH AND DATES CAIX Ki;ii 2S5. 1'rlnllnn and Ofrii-e- gavpllea. COM M KR "IA l'Duil..'tin' Co., Clreulair lellera. I'llhllo ateno. Addrenng en velope or tarda, etc. Call l. ':ml. MC J-axtri. Wk. OFT OCR tirliea"on"job pilniing' CAMPAlON :AItD8 A 81'KCIaLTT. tf. H. I'TU. Co.. HF.KUI.IKI. JA.JI7K. "WATFRH HAItNliAUT Fig. Co, "qualll y printing. Tel Doug. U'MI, m a. lillh Ht. MlareJIanvun. lit high Vtandard of fiualTtywiir"be mallilalneil; 4 rjuerta of Old Fnntenelle whlaky, K 2f.; botilnd In bond. Henry I'ollnr.k mall order houaa, Doug. 716:'. 122-124 N, lulh HI, ALEX JKTTEtf' UQUOfl" HOUHh. Thirteenth and Douulaa. Ttotlled In bond whlaky, tin. 11,00, fl.2i, full uua t. A NO. 1 pulnt in od.i jola for T at re diii'.nl price. Natlonul Refining Co,, Dili ard Tark, D.mgla 111. .... (lnUUn - Wf((t vVhlak y, 4 "full .fj.-w qunrim bottled In bond, prepaid. Cacklev Iiroa.. Omaha. Foil HAt.lC-Fralrle bay." vWiteTwaUon Hay Co., Inmaii. Nao. HOM K-MAIO1; praaervea for ale, Doug laa 7471. WANTED TO BUY VANTriD High elaaa gurveyor'a tratialt, an I11atr.1m.-11l that la daelgne.l for gen eral land gurvevlng aa wall a drnlnaxc work, i'rh.-g rrwat ha right. Addrea Y il. Bee. " dlhkh; dlhRh" Desks ; New deak. ueed deeka bought, aoltl and traded J, C. Meed. ISff Karnam. F1.VI-; .llniiiniii'la and ix-arla from eia(e, eallmaied on and nurrhaaed, Albert Kd holm, .Ipneler, Plln and lliimey. FtACJIM AN will pay you more for'Tur tiltora, clothaa and ahoea Web, iW. Illgheal prlen paid for Jil hand clothe, glinea, trunks, gullrnge. D. 'Kl or D. WK. OI.I) CI)THKfl! OLD HHOIOH! " V pay hlgheai price. Wabaler 1721 V pay het nil for o!,f clnt hea, D, VC. Heel price pabl for old cloihc. D. 47H ANNOUNCEMENTS I) II O I I ' : l A A 1 1 . D H " 1 , 11 1 k v Wedding Mlnga" at inh and Douglag Ht. Y.IVK .,iil.,iu V, M. ' A. O.I"l,"arir' I. a v 11 mn v era. f Al.r.KD for and d liven d. Tt air work guaranteed. Haw filing I longing 7JH IwnmowerM ahiiipened. Harney fioT.1. Muior llepaira. CAHIM, F.I.F.C, CO.. lleo Hldr. D. Sfi. Preniklna. accordion, Hide Knlfu, Ho Pleatlno!, Cov. Iluttone, Heinatllehlng. Neb, Fleet big A Huilnn Co. 4:il I'nitfin I II. R.4!'42. Vila A Flai'her, bullea' titllored garim-iii for all occaeloiia 4'W lloee lildg. Tl'. -17. DineMiiiHklng and plain ecu lug. leHaon ahle; HnllMfnctlon gun rallied. Ueb. III. ANNA HI.ATFIt, ilreeamiiker; iadl.-a' el.K aulla 11 anednllv. Hoinh IM',3 4"OH H. MV day. woik gnarntileed, Wb. I1.'a Dieaainnklng Col. UTt City Natl Terry Dreaainak'g college, ctf'h A Farnaia WORK guaranteed. I hone Walnul l'li'. t o.ierrt 4 out rector. CKMF.NT walka and driveway. D. 3t. I Mriiriilere and onlrnelore. Itaaard Hon lie 4 Capitol Ave. T. 114 Vnuiig, r.'P'g , tohblng, ecrex-na Weh. i;, C. W, llokanaon, i06 nwth. Tyl. 21M-J llalrdrt-aatng. IDF.AI, Hair Pa Mora Ml? Kalrd Rldg. Manh'Uiiug. acalp, facial and violet ray treatment. Toilet article. D. lkS. hlioi Itrpalrlntf. Shoe rep'i-'g. hal cj ng. 1621 Fer Red OHil.l, lliitlon and I'lrallnaj. rj " 1 1 VAN ARNAM. Dreea l lentlng and Itulion Co. ' phone Doug'aa alw 3.W-1 I'axlon lllk. Kortheaal Coiner lilth and Farnam ttte. Ari-ordlon. knife, aide, pace, box and aun-rav pleating. Combination box and Mo pleat aklrta In all biieai dealgna. HemaiilchlnK. phot edging, pinking, ruchlng and huttona made to order. Mall ordera irlven prompt and apevlal attenllon All work auaranteed. Hat Cleaned end Illo.-Ued. BTRAW, fannma, all kmda hale, cleanad and reblocked I .Mil l;a Harney Ht. AM, KINDS of hula cleaned and blocked. l,".:i Farnam ft. Phone Red tixta. (leaner and iJrcre HTATl'i DRV IT.KANINO CO., IM N. 121 h St. D. MC2 l-rxpreji Ciiiii pnntee. TWIN CI T F.xpreaa Co. Cna f4t. Douglna 1 7 IT. Heavy hauling a apeclalty, .Nile g F.xprreg Co., 2.11 Farnam. liar. Ktrryiblu" lur Neua, ACCoRDlfiN, eUln, knife, aunburat, bog pleullng. covered bullnna, all aiaea and alylee, he.malltclilng, plcot edgkig, fin broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet rut work buttonholce. pennanlg, 1DKAI, MUTTON AMD I'DKATINU CO., l Douglna Mlock Douglaa 1811 At-t'iinnlnuta. E. A. DUOUAK, C. P. A 43S4:i7 Ramga Hldg. Tet. Doiighia 7t01 Hntba. DR RENDA - Hulpliui', Hleam, Moderg Turkleh. Kleclrln MATH' and MAS. bAiil-; for tlrt-d nerve and rheumatieiu. Private apartment for ladiea with lady alteiidaiita h'le Farnam. i'hooe Wu', aimv I ante. CCT ratea, tpilck itv, I'enwotk. Pax tou lllk. Hindi' Itui hit D .11.; V. rr) Hi Ion fr blldreii. 1.1 'T MK I innh" all klnd "f clothe ! for . luhleeit U l.aka. Webater 21 1. I wleiari. I THKATI-ICM. "n. toll dreea ault. for rant. .4 N I7lh HI John KeMniaa. I flaau leilla.'tle. Ragtime platiu plning p '.HHrly t in whl ! In hnsoiie I 1 .'inning Wal. M l. I hlropiactore, gpinal AdlHaltuaala. Mi hi itlmiiN, 4.1 Ii Hll4 D. 1 Palmer ru lua-l g ud Cmeuiiailon fraa t r H liintli im, UCra ghl n t-U, 1. t'r J C l,iieiH. t I . ii il R"l D Mat. 1 llunaaelenalna. j 1 F1TIII1' hiuien vleaiiing. our work and I piica wul ple ,u 1 kI ua rani.. )i,ui atiroi win ."H'I put in uur j .ten Ti'- 1 Ml i !! I tea, I'llll. UlSi'Kl.l 1 I. l'ewev An Mii,p. ti,m I., . . n . t 1 ! h.k II 2 4 ; i tU.4 Al I AN. J . NaOl.a I link M ,1 II.. i- I ii ml . -a liier IH t . VI- I.. .' ' -lr i -1-. ' ' lie'. 1 I l. l I I J: III , I'll' I. .11 1 .'. I'.r r I',.,, a i'l M (' reru I II. M I , ' r . . t ..1 I !,..., Ii, .1 4 .' II a nd I eeeilf I , it'4 a .1.. f, li ! id" w k. ,n a 1 a I t- e t at 1 t.a I 11. na . ; 44.l"4bKI. tl'l. .t n u li , :. , -. I . to. I 1 .., 1 1 I " ' l'l"i'"l. l le,'lu4Ut t till, i lnd.'U .tl i p'k 14 .)!. at ihe !-' II If ( I III" IIM, I',' llli.,1 Hl ; M t'4 ,-t , 1 t t i -. I I ,n.i lii a 'nila and leil4 ma I ' ' ' " : . .. -. w-.i-.r."" I Male, i MlnprJlUBt-ou.. i OMAHA, APRIL Vaeaam C'lraaera. CXKAN Ql l. M.V and 1 HoKOCOHLT with k i.h'k i-;dkc-ii;: kfnt 11 ANDJl..-! FKK tAY. DuCtHArtJIJ'. l'llturre ail UTrliiK. HTTPTa I V K.ectrlo waahlng machine. UUAtJViiefclrlo iro, un,j iea(ilcg lampa. KiTJuumlng Ht. Doug. ZtV). " Tailoring. H. MARCt'B, lallor and cleaner, preaalng and repairing. 220 N. llh Ht. IJ&m VllO will maka me a aprlng ault? Dlnd- HUlat, UH l'axlon Hlk. Ilakerlra. CAKTJS, paatry aiul fancy bakery good giipplled to pnrtle. lodge and entertain, riienle. Z. H. Heedar. Kj6 N. Dth.VV. M! Kereeree enij Tlewete. ROOFINO, furnace and general tlnworlt. rt. A brain, 16nN. 24th Ht. WebaMa. FaIiKumtkoiT, 4S2)iiiiTit5i, JVCar.'i7 OetroiialU I'hyaii-lana. Mr. J. R. MualekjjK.S Roae) Uldi;. Ty. Vf. llMaelnar AaileiMlra. l)K DHX ACA I 'KM Y. HI H. IKIh Bt. " Wall 1'aper' 4 leaning. Wallpaper cleaning by room or hour. Keonable. Doug (Mi. (ieo. ltumtile. AdverllaliiK .ovrlllra. U. r8halr Co.. tsi.h-raruain. D. 74H j Weddlna- glatlouerr. " ' WEDDINO annoi. ncmcnta and pilntlni,'. IWJI'OI.AH Prlntl'iff Co. Tel. Doug. ta Attotneya, CTJWcklngoii Sil PatoBIHkiJ.Jt. '"" lltulMK, Dr. Bradbury. y.jnln. HI WAff, B'rtt, TaftVDe'ii f . ' Kma" , ;ii,4 H oeT'Hi ti g. It. 7 1 "4. Tailor' 'I rlmmlua. Omaha Tr'm'g Co., 402 KarbacB Hlk. D22W liawrere. FRAN'TH MOROAN, 112 Rel), 4K Klcir.ill. t,Toa Allender, b24 lfn Hl'lg Hal,5 flrnaa nd Iruii Foundrlea. Paxton-Mltchrtl Co., ih and Martha 8ta: " Waleli Kpn-lallile. Chrlatlanaen. 401 Roea llhlg. 14 yr. exp Wluva and l.niaor. RI'Y vour family IHiii at Klein 1 .Inline Hoiiee. .'?2. K l"; Doiiglaa.1 SWAPPERS COLUMN );i 1IH0N Home- phonograph and" rerorda to awap for email automatic revolver, a enntgun or good leather ultcaae. 1 alao have lawnmower, nearly new, and oil healer. Will trade for good leather eulti'Mae or gun. Addre H. :HSti, Hee. AhMUHT WW Majmlle range and om beat eelry, biirllone braaa horn; want to awap for painting an a-nom bungalow- in ua t be, a good workman and ready to go to work at once, Addrea H. C, t. Hew. IIAVF, brand new aet tf"Tacky'a "flla loiy of ! reemaaonry," In eeven beau tifully hound volume; regular prlca $J6. Will exchange for good roll -top dek, Addreea H. I ,. 11HI, llee. HAVK l.'.fAXi.W' worth'of 'irrigating atork lahareai to trade for good automobile or Omaha property. Alao have eeoond hand cra lo trade. What hava you 7 H. 0.m, pee W 1 1,1, aeii, or what "have" "you"" lo" trad for a good delivery truck In flrat-cla inning order? New tire and newly overhauled. Addreea H.C, 1184 AI'DIN'U machine", 'will exchange for typewriter, office furniture, automobile, or what have you? Andrea H, C. liM llee. j-A lOOAkT"ca, portrait len. tripod and developing tank lo trade for a R-flat comet, or what? Addreea Y 37?', Ilea. FOR H.U.Fi or will tiaiTe for Onialia prop erly, good Overland touring car, fore doora, In running order. Call Doug. Dion, I II.MH i 'JCV EI)PFin FRI' K when pr nU are ordered. Knlai grneiita from any neaaihe, Kaae Htudlo, liiili and Harney. MOTOR hiaia and anioa to awap Iowa iloat and Fnglne Wnrke. Sjtli bt. and Ave. J, Council Hlnffa. Ia. too POI ND aufe to triidn for a kod"ak, poet card alze. Addrcia R (VJISfl, He, 1oN'T joiTwant thla i' 220-aWa farm, cloaa' In? Toland A Trumbull. Douglaa 6707. f,MNCl:HATR " to ' exchange. for chlcliena. Hea S. C, H3, WHAT have you tn trude for guaollne lunge? Walnut !71. BUSINESS CHANCES CAFH and rooming houx lor eaie. doubla room ciife-dliilng room and countjr. Re modeled four montha ago. everMhlug In flit-rlaa ahapa. Flgturca. ilH'lit and furniture are all good. Heat cafe In elate ixcept aome of the hotel cafe, timid reputation, beet claaa of trade In ity. Uuaranleo lixl-bUMlnraa, and over dally. Over l,0n Hock now on hand. Rent, aeventy i$7 monthly. Rooming houae of ten till) rnoma oppoalle cafe. Modern except heat Oood (urnttura and llghta and everything ). K. Rent twenty dollara 2f monthly, Oppor t null y for a live man. Renann for aell Ins la alekneaa. Addreaa T M2. Hee AN" ealahllahed manufacturer wanta gen eral aalca manager to open office and manage aaleamen. :m to 70u capital lieceaaH,rv. Liberal conlract; money mak ing pnmdbllltlea unlimited. Will pay ex pellee to Chicago If you are man we want. A. C, ., 101! Republic Mldg., Chlcaao. IIAKFRY FOR HADH! with lot "and build ing, three-deck Rohei t oven, one barrel Duv (lough mixer, and other eoulp ment. caah anlea last Saturday. I.'IO. No wholaeale, all over tho counter. 31:3 leaven worth. Pool, hull for eale; will aell cheap If aold at once: muat aell on account of poor health; five new table, been out one vear; rouniv aeat town: popula tion l.w! Addreea Y 376, Hee. Wll.l, pav caali for dry gooda, clothuig. elioea t r general atocke; muat be cheap, uulck a'Hon; give particular In flrat biiler. Addreaa liOck Hog 32, Winter ed. Iowa. MOVl'Siti Picture Theaiera. real bargain; machine, repalre, uppll, a:cexorlea, new and aecond-hand. Hea ua. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO. Ralrd Mldg. ONLY drug and jewelry alore III a thriv li X null Nebniaka lonn f ir eile nl a e.Kiitlce. Ownr retiring. Write F. O. Koefier. Hrunawlck N.m FOR HA I E-Oood, clean Block of Hard' ware, live town central Nrhjraaka. d unit reaaon for aelllug. Ma quick. Ad dr.n. Y 7. Mee ll.lST WITH MK for uulck reaulla. Have ! live eiiatomer walling. Yol'NHMAN, j :n 11M. NAT. HANK. DoCOI.AH HD, Dowd Halo and Auction Co. maha. have rloaed out nioro milee. aloek than any ' other firm In 1'. H Write fur term. TIIKATFIIH Huy.lenae or aell your the- ater. machine and ipille through I Theater V'.x Co , 14"g Farnam, D. IS j IV ll.l.l AMH. eelabllehe.i year To buy ir aell buiini e eee him 411 M' Cagu Mldg Refeieiu-e C. H Nat Rank. 1" MOTION FtCTCRK MACIUN'KH I New and rebuilt bar ilna aupplle. ' Omaha 411m Fx-hange t. H Hh Ht ; fiiev ii I.- ,ir r.--il aelaio or in'.oriin''; I r.s floor aa Ilea office: IU.I feet, IW 1 The Mee Hid office Room i I -nil .HALF. I'l tore ehw In northwe!- eio fitt "f 1-iwa. only ahow III Vl.llM. O V. Pee 'To aiKl 1 r bi'V a buaii'r. caP en II 1. h llorghi.ff. Fr-nier Ink D Ml ! T Ol I' hi or ot "f li ieii.iree 'l nil I ill, Mil TI 4'. Ir libtx l'"i J47 T'i ,jul. kit a'I or 4"it a bulnea aril I ' VI 'Y v-i -'I ' I j SITUATIONS WANTED I WtVKU MATK UkJ I KB t l. 1 a., a.ok r iuifia a.1 regular raiea pi,., a fc.-a 01 ho if lr week Male, p.11, : , ' s ii- - .-.I I, an .1 -. t .' t -en ' 1 1 an 1 weii. ',,i.ei 1 1 . , ii Ii -1 aion, All' ,.! H li' 1 4 l 1,1 I '.a VI e 1 11 i 1 14 '. 1.1 ! i.o.',. Sh p'L S I i,w a,.ii,a.l l ct -. 1.. ii,ni I I- .'" la the lt It it t', 1 era ti 4- . Ii-'il t-l ii. I." ia . ai. I . a a 1, ' e , 1 '1 II, .- I'-H ! I... ,.., il'.l.'i, N I -, . . ti ,,,) 19 1G. KXl'J'..lii--;Li.;i ism in ail iinea o house-..! !. v.oi;M l.l.e ponltion a houa man, w ith hoai-d ami 10 ,m, in city prc-lVrr.-il. A d li ,K. J-'8.'.ce. IfOUNO inari ii i'e p-wnii.ii unv'lng cur after aehool l.nura for rooin and board; experienced; can furutan reference. Addreen O, l'-3Bee. FMPLciyjiENf wanted "by a gobar. Steed u.ttii iu Unman, painter or all around man; can glvo good reference. .niirew t nr,, Wr:i.I. cxpi:rliice.l houaeinan wanta woiH In town or out of town; well ex pi rl'-nc."', i.nva'e family man. Call '.'.', l')Cl. 1-oTilT,' IN 'wanted, autuinoblle mechanic. Add. H ' x ' iJ I ajrva rd,N e b. EoOKH kepi "fi.r aumll coiioeriia during epara tlmw. I'h '"JWb.J:. KA ll M TiT-ttt - When you want help write or cull Cniysn- ).alir Agency, 2 A -.'.tli. "'fee 1 "". n"' T, T-T v', 1. 11 :.iun l,,e krfiaral hou. .o. k. ' I'eltitlng, vi .Xing floor. Cllftoo itoj.-d, ili'incy i'.40. HOCH i'Cf ,K A Ni NO 'wanted by exi.erl- nc man; tuga Igat- ti, floor p ilianal. V. en, 47.11. NvrA.Tl.'.r,--HooeeTlaa"iTlng b ' the '!: ' ralial.ia r,l.ired i;itiCall Webater VTtTitUyf. U "Vaahe'd, ruga peiaten, a.reen repaired. wl,ll':wahlng. Walnut 2127. PAINTIN t'lio I " reen repairing. Han- aen, Iiodirlftg 4M "HAl'1,1. ' " u e"t ruhl'leh Wen . i JV V'i nV-"inowed ; liotitiecleanlMeTyVeli. TBI 2 " yv.nale. k T i I K ri h h !. i e d.r "Hlluallon eda'" la lower than nnv "Utt form of adver- llaii g-iioi ci,oiig!i 10 rovtr coat ol printing. .... . jlMT ooloTea'glr'l want place '" berninid or HgiU lioiMcwork, Webater "o! .. , , yt)rV(r'lMdv""ienogiupiier with experi ence wlahea poellloii. Phone Henaonjtxi. fauneiry ana lr Wrt. ilOHHK ( DKANINtJ, " lndo"w leanTng", rui- hen line'. Ili'ft cl4 tlty refeienca. Webater 'H2. RVUAl:i,IO colored woman want laun dry wnahlng, day work, claanlng. Doug laa 24WI. "WANtEli Poaltlon aa maul or day work by experienced coh woman, .Wh, 11. MCN'Dl.rrwaehuVg"," piece Work, lace '.it r tatna, work guiiranteed.VVob'.ter l.f.1. "i,"l-.F, VEK LaI'MikY,' IWU "California. Hand work call.d for ai d delivered. HLANKkTH i or bimdlewaaliliig.r. 74l, Laundreaa, day "work." 6". jackeon. W . IW7, Cooking of dayVotk", I BI7 Ixard. Tyler W. Fl RST elae fa'uiidreaaftty work. Ir 4.11. Expertenced 'laundry' "cleaning. .Wb.-01. Waalilnf ami iaca'flurt'alna on4TyJlH, LAUNDRY, alaanlng. nay work. W. 70.1, COM P. woman want day work. Web, M. iTaoticaf iiure,"TylerWi2-Wi7ll Hurt. ... Family waahingT bimdlwaah, Web. 47K, I ,A "l ' N I Rjjii H ji.y" work, Weh,, HELP WANTED MALE glor"aand (ftl-ee, Jl RANCH "mgr.." experienced In frnl,nt; ing and credlla, JIOU and up; ahlp Uig cl-rk, tfaVW; n, office elk., iio' I'igure. P: gen. mdan clerk. i. I kpi., "hge mviail office, aom typewriting, l,t-llfln: hkpr.. bank and lumber, out-of-town, III); retail ealeeman, paint and wall paper, $)-0 1100; ateno.. ,f.. Wt-atei n Reference A llond Aaa n., Inc., Originator of the Reference Muaine.. 7r,2 Omaha. National Hank fliilldlng. WAN'TFD-Bxpet-lcnred clothing galea' man; good reference re'iulied; good aleady poaltlon with liberal anlary and rhanr-a for advancement. Addreag li PBA FTH.m'a n" CON( RFI-rTWORK iTim HTF.NO. A Cl.FRIC (good beginner), HAI.KHMAN lexp. iiimecraHiiry),,. . . l HOTKI, CDKRK. .. IS and hd and nn, Tl I F,CANO AOENCY, U0RKF. RDDO. Ft K blKh orflce poellloii. ae ua. Co operative Reference Co., lOlw-IU City NatT. - ,, AT KTfCNOi !R AP11F.R rapahla of taking rapid dictation. Halary ; 5 to l7R. de. peinllng upon ability. 1. 1136. Omaha Bea. PROFIT AND DOHH clerk, out of fltV; muat have wholesale roeery e xr. Mt-7. THI'i MARTI CO.,lS'.TW O, W. iik u-r'tt "XM- Hleno.. (176.; Hteno., I'Vi: 1 office Roy 2f. VVatt 'Ref. Co.. 140 Rrnnd. Thea, ... profeiaalanaidTe"lea- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Ditching and hack filling machinery, concrete mixer, pavera, eta., for ala. Cull .1. H. Kennedy, Cnatie hotel, until Saturday. HEE I . POIl IHtCO .IOHH. CO-OPI RATIVF. REI'ERF.NCH CO., Keiabllehed Ten Year. IDIS-m CUV National. WANTED--Uirl ')tHl "''" TP.l i?A ply Evnna Model Laundry. 11th and 1 muglaa. . WANTED-A carriage painter. C. W. Francla Auto Co.. Ziljl-IR Farnam Ht. Drug alore iinape. loha.Knclat. Mee Mldg. Salesmen anil uller. W ANTED- HlahVy n'comii.eniled. gulf et iiilial man to revreacnt a large farm tractor company in Nehraaka nnd weet em Iowa. Not neceaeary lo oien an Omaha office, hut muat be-In poaltlon to actually aell farm traetora to dealers lu the territory. The right man will be backed with plenty of food farm paper adverllalng. "live reference, paat experience, etc Addrtwg K01ti. Hee. tt'Vf.KSM EN waTileil to aell facia booklet, hlottera, calendar and dlarle for adverllalng. Htate what nu have aold for adverllalng. C. H. Ham mond ft Co., SU Church Htreet, New York . VA NTEI --f 'o young single men to travel with manage! a aaleamen. a.-hnol leachera and atudent preferred; euiary Bud expeneea. See J. K. .lU.rgan. Caatlc hotel, Thureday. o 11, rAl KHMEN for Nehraaka and Iowa, lo handle tha fatet eelllng patent on the market; If you can earn t-o to U weekly, we want o hear from you. lji'i w. o. w . 3iiF.N " W ANTKt-f o haul coal and ice; all Near l"b. married men preferred Wee't Omaha Fuel A Ice Co., 4Mil and leavenworth Ht At-FRMEN" lo aeirautomol.lle ap-claltv In Nebraska. Iowa. Houth Dakota and haneaa. goo.1 aide line, '.'I Me Mldg 'IF VOI' have celling ability ee Htand I ard Hec. li.v. Co.. 1'iH W. O, W I 11 il- Omaha . ... ' gOMETHINO exti aiuaj, big monav for : the aaireman who I a buelnea getter. 1 101? w. o. w, . ' I 4I.FHM AN li"iriivei in Neb, rtiali.iard I Kw and.lnv. C h H W . o W Mldg Trade aeWunta. ' eljti M0 LEU'S nAUl.EU COLLEGE Men wanted o lha rie W o.UI"l-d a plait to teach II iiolckly eel earn ha k tublon eihlle learllU't t ,." Included Oi-a.l lo !. cue. Hill f r 'UU'gue, till llih Ml . tmiaiia. Neb OiHiO MeN WANT: IV Warn aulo "ik ' ' in tog tpilns liie'i Fine tialluog . vll a ilo Sl'4 Sf.ofi,, ir'Ui e.e'rme AtOliK'tN AI D Atill.KiltV tvl limn" at iili NeS V,fcAR ti,.ie, .r H'a Hik 1 r I tin-ti a r.i, .. a'i..i, bt hi ' l f-.i, i...l.l J-. .,-m...l Can Mt will , ,!.;.. .a I. ' 1' mi tift iuiimi a ' ui.i iiii, sit s ..I t" Uoo i'" ii'i-f inU (l'l '1 l It) IOI fl l'H'1 I'MUM II ('" I' ''"I I Mil llalel and ilt"ll uMllint ttll.iVUt vr A il wv ;,',l ','-f'.. .I ! I'- a -ie iv4 ti. I l ai ( o l. 'l.l lie f It's surprising ihe many good out any cash. Read them NOW ARMY OF Till". CN1TKD HTATE8. JIKN WANTED. Able-bodied unman led men between agea of 1 and K, cltiiena of United State, of good character and temperate habita. who can apeak, read, and write the English language. For In formation apply to Recruiting Oftlcer, Army tmlg., lith and Dodge Hta.. Omaha, Neb.; 207 Blxth Ave.. Deg Molnea, la.; H27 Fourth Ht.. Sioux City, Ia,; is.) TenthJKt..JJne.olnNeb. WANTI-'D Experienced man lo work on farm near Deign. Neb. Muat be aober and lnduetrloue. Call at Z'A F.xchange ltldg.. Houth Omaha, between 7 and I a. m., or rrom 2to r. m. WANTiCI.Young man to write how ra'da and learn trimming; good oppor tunity for advancement; aalary, .A . l. AA V !T Una III, Mill,. ',-". - 76 .MONfii. (Jet government loh Man and women wanteu .m' wi on..w.. obtalnabla free. Franklin lntltut. Dent. 2?1-0. Rocheeter. N. T. WANTED-Namea of ambltloiia men. 1 to 4B, wlahlng to become tmrtha mall rarrtera. Commence P71 month. Addrea 1 Wlf.L tart"you lu the nTairorder biial- ii' a 11 you win nanuip ioj- 'u. v.. Co., 4, Alluntlo ( by. N. J. HELP WANTED FEMALE lorea aad Offleea. H'i'E.Nt MJRA PI1ER, nice hour, $00. Htenographer, wholeaale, u. Aiaiaiatit bookkeeper. Mo, Htenographer and office clerk, 40, Htenographer, imiik exp., Lift. No tiling fee, only ll cent for lnve touting K-ferencea. THE MARTI COMPANY, i:i.7 W. O. W. Mldg. IfcTENO. ami bkpr., "; ateno. and elk., email office, ,.it; ateno., Dr'g. office, $;S-!4i; ateno., whoicaule, f.1 gtoiio.. hegmnei-, u-30;, amull office, Ho. Omaha, li; aaa t. bkpr, and caah-l'-r, 40. Wealern Reference Sc Rnnd Aa'n., Inc., 752 Omaha National Hank Mulldlug. IW ANTED-Hohemlan-American alenor- rapher, ('ood opportunity for rigiu gut. Cull Thureday or Friday. P.dirok Pub-Helling- Co , 1417-lif H, 12th Ht, Ak for Mr. ham.'Vlti. NO FH.INO FF.K", Why pav a Filing Ira.' If you are efficient or experienced lu commercial work, ae ua at once. Roger Refcreno Co., Mo Paxlon Mlock. FDEVLN aplendl.i opening: 8 compto inetn. 6 ateno. Ho-ltVi; I T, H. X. caahler and clerical, nf-g). Co-Op-erailve Reference Co., lOlfi-ia City Nl 1, cL'bhkt and" 'typiht ;r.v.T;,.....'.'i....i' 4 ,'OM PTOM KTK R OPR. HTKNOORAPHER ," THE CANO A.lENCYWBEIOJtI.I0. 44TENO., "lii; " HlenoT aiid Dictaphone Operator, fi Dictaphone Operator, W. Jikkpr., fin. Watt Rf. Co., 4v Mrand Thea. I'rofaeelon nnd trade. WAN'TED ff girig to" operate power ma chine In ahlrt and overall faotory; clean, airy work room, private lunch hall, permanent poaltlon and plendld wage. Hee Mr, Dnbeck, M, E. Hmlth A Co., lith and Dougla. llBA M8TR KKii" wanted-?or a"iferatlnna; et.-ady work and good wage. Cull 2:7 Deavenwortli "VV ANTED -A woman who can alter ior- aeia. 2'hnne Red TKAHNhalrdrainir atTha OPtajnwalna. Iloiierhold nnil llomeaile. WANTED hellaXla'and intelligent gTrl to help In general houae work aim nnip take caro of a child,; no waahlng; good pay. Mr. Wolf, jftgl Farnam gtreet. WANTED Experienced girl for" general houaework; no waahlng. Mr. A. ii Hmlth, 3910 Deway Ave, Phone Har ney thtfi, WANTED A competent g'lrTfor general houaework, Muat. ba good cook. Hmall family. Wb Harney Ht. i'hona Har ney f.X. VANTEl-TruatworFhy girl for general houaework. Muat. be good cook; family of three. F.venlnga free. 2I0 Harney Ht. Telephone Harney 214. WANTED Experienced girl "for general houaework. Mra. M. II. Newman, Wii) Howaid Ht. Phone B816. "WANTED Maid for light houaework; houae cleaning dona. 4-Ul Dodge. Wal nut 34CI. WANTEDAn experienced child' nure; referltiicea leipilied. Mr. Tom Mb- Hhane, Hnniey '.241. EXPERIENCED vhl!" girl for general houaework In family of Ii, good wage Mra. W. J llym'iHaj;tiey46i). WANTED A coTnnete"iit eook; referencea reipilrod. Apply M H. 82d Ave. or plione Harney &Ki. W'ANTED Middle-aged woman to h.dp. with houaework on the farm; small family. Addreea !.! JM. He. "WANTED-Experienced gill for general houaework. Apply fl once. Mr. Klein, 4121 H). 1Wh. Houth 1IM. WANTED Young"" girl to aaalat wlllt houaework. Phone Harney 741. 1HH H. Kith Ht. ilorHEK EEPEIl wanted, Address D. 310". H. t'.Mh. Phone Tyler 2, WHITE girl for general houaework; small family. Harney Kid. 1037 Ho. 33d. WANTED Experienced conk; white pre f erred. Mr. Arthur Me', 1. Harney 44. "WAITED -Olri for general imuaework; no washing. 3"22 Pacific Ht. Harney OKI. WANTED Ify as houaekeepert1n coun try.l M. J. Myers. Hidney, la. Mlafellnnriuia. FOR motion pk-turea, 'the uao of room wlih chair and table for training and rehenrelng; alao bright beginner for training. Addreaa, Wagner, Director. K 12W. Hee. DA. iY. fair Vdiicn'tlnri", 'Intereated tn Child Welfare movement, aalary 11.50 per day. Addreaa .1 llee. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COI.LEQB STUDENTS GAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For aie with good reasons for aell- log a variety or coiiree in a reliable !'. u .l..'l ..f III. I.-. .II,,., v..,.. lluainee w hot., u. ,.a " - neea college of Omaha. II I be aoltl very reaaoiiable away below regular price. If you are conalderlng taking a rotiraa Invratlgale thia at once, alnoa Hprlng Term begin soon. Call offlcs, liinhsMe DAY HCHOOU HOVI.EH COLLKUB. NIOllT HCHooU Fvery day la enrollment day. Rook, keeping, Hhorthapd, Hienotp. Type writing Telegraphy. Civil H.rvlce-a'l Comme'relal and Kngllali train. he. Cat alogue free luiVt.FH COI.I.FDir, lath and Harney sta, T"l I "ii, glue ll.'u THE VAN SANT SCHOOL BT E M a Ht A P 1 1 Y MOO M . I ; k. I l N J. D fn hiiol I"' Yoolia tt omen F.'iilng ilihiKil (or Young Men and Hai'tiilay mo'Mng cl III Itpfwrtting. lor.e C Duffy. Owu-r and Minager. M M D'li fl iinahs, HARP M'.ini". t t.ini i'ffr I" ei uloni 4eg'iuoii tc.T O ll.i'l'J f'lli'.eli"! lyilc I'l.lg leiiet'a Iwleme H n.ll.t Daocli Ui.i'i IU ifl'" Web 'i.t'.A PERSONAL to I'l'Naiov INVAl l!', fnt l,ll. t It "ie Journal,.. l ! Tna eUlw.'Ug sNemag 4 ut-........ fi H 1l. I .till V U.'Hx . II iM lit iiiliin' t April ot 1 ini l' ,.t 4' I . tw lotai.l' I" -1--I . An 4nr or ler .-r i-' nil S l. a', I' Lone W-'elaa I'J ,1 at 4 uuitl'viN, Ttiy m Aii vtsaf mam. ,i.iH, Na l g ,t,tlti. tl I'll I' I el M..I.V0, . ', . u. 'I ... (Sell I a 1 1-- al te't N H . i 1 ,0 .uHaa l'v "4 ihi.i-J I k a e.'-tn e IIUPTURE We have a aucceaerul treatment for Rupture without r'fortlng to a painful and uncertain aurgl'al operation, vve are the onlv reputable physicians who will take auch caae upon a guarantee o give aatiafactnrv reault. We hava , devoted more than twenty years to the excluaive treatment of Ruplure, and Y have perfected the beat treatment In ex istence today. We do not Injoctparaf flne or wax, a It 1 dangerous. Tha ad vantage of our treatment are: No loa of time. No detention from hual neea. No danger from chloroform, aho'-li and blond poison and no laying up In a lioapltal. A FEW OF OUR HA TI SIT LED PATIENTS. Mr. Peter Btah. Harvard. Nen.l Ar nold Born, Norfolk, Neb,; W, M. Oans-1 linger, Burr, N'eb.; C. A, Judd. Ayoca,, la.: John IT. Deaver, Blair. Neb.: 0. M. Harris. Malvern. Ia.; Orrln Reetl, oa lalla, Neb.; Anton CarUon, Oakland,1 Nab.; Rev. J. O. fitannerd, t'tlea, Nab-t John Hohne, Wiener, Neb.; John Co. Hloux City, la.: Dan Murphy, IM Nortii; 18th Ht.. Omaha. Neb., and hundreds of others. Call or writ Pr. WT4.AT A MA TH EN Y, 2oA Bea Bldg., Omaha, Neb. PILES, FTSTTJIA CUBED Dr, B, R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal dleaA without urgl cat operation. Cur g-utrantsed god na money paid until cured. Writ (or book on rectal diseases with testimonials. Da Z. n. TARRY, 240 Bs Bldg. Omaha. Neb. fUritUMATTflM, glomaeh, Jlvsr and kidney trouble, goitre, nervous ness and a si h ma sufferer ar suo neefully reelored to health by una, Examination Fie. Call gulf 111 Bea Bldg. DR. W. H. KNOLLEN R K Rfl, Chiropractor. Tyler IIHMl YOCN0I women coming to Omaha aa strangers sre Invited to vlilt tha Young Women ChrlalUn nclatlon building at 17th Ht, and Ht. Mary s Ave., whsrs they will bs directed to suitable board ing pieces or otherwise asalated. Look for our travelers' gulds at lha Union Htatlon. PERHONAL-Mlasas Stables ls and flhaf nent. Open a. It a. m. to I p. for, bath, eleotrlo treatment 111. to D. m.: Hunday m. Doug. 718. 401 M are Blk. TUB Be I vat Inn Army Jnduetrlal home s llelta your old clothing, furniture, mag azine, Ws collect. W distribute. Phone Douglas 4126 atid our wagon will rail. Call aim inspect our asw bom. 11101 112-1114 Dodge Et, ON and after I tile tin fa I will not be r eponalhla for any hills Incurred by niV wife, Mary P. Mueller. (Hlgned) Arthur F. Mueller, April 24, VM. Clileago,Jll, pHYiTOORAPllY taught In" all branehaaT Few 60o l.-saona In kodak work saveg you money. Emory Hchool ot Photog. raphy. 8U N lth. Phone Tvler 241. ' WANTED A man and wife or two young men with car to ewompniiy another couple with car lo California, either in June nr July, Kindly addrees Boa Vt, William, la. K UP TURK uccessf"ully tr.atai wltliout a iurglcal nperatlon. Call or writ Drs Witr Mathcny, 4 MeaBldg.. Omaha, F U 11 LEY di lnk"and drug treat- , , beat known cure; booklet free. THM FCRDKV, lit? Far nam, Omaha. PhonHarney 1741 YOI'R i;lothea"lry"c"larieil7 p'riaaaed and returned the same day. City Preaalng ' Clubao2NevillHlkRed 4H7I. tHl-OMAr'." Pteam and ehower batha. Maaiaga, Red 1 1727. Room 2n3Karhach Blk. let FTf fashionable" print e.r liiian e""IAgJ I enrda, l",c; Ji), 24.:. Modern Card Co., !Mil 8. lAncoln St., Denver, Colo, WE make a pe- aily of aTout woman and surgical ooreet. Nu-RONF, Corl Hhop, 1 Weh-Piinderland Hldg. Red 412. MA8HAHE AN"j ELECTRIC BATH8," , chiropody. Mlaae Oray and Had. Il- 1 .H .Halrl .Bik.. 17th and Douglag. P. I4H LAIMIO.S linprova your look, Hkln snf! scalp treatments. INDU KOHMBTli) HjloP, 320 Roe Mldg. Tyler I2DQ. If AHHAOE- Ml'a Webster, tli Paxloa" ' rilk. D. 3:!f7. Offlca hour 10 to I. RHFI'MATIHM treated succeaafliTIyi re gull gi erant'd. Dr. Howeer, 814 Bee Bldg. W AN T I'iTi - Da y or night nurslngTIyon'u I ored gradtiato nure. Call Weh, A1 "PRI VATIC "home for maternity ca'seiT Call Colfax 8Q42 Ilia N, Mth Ht. eCIKNTIFlC maeaag. 62.'"SIdg., Phone Douglaa 6372 FOR RENT-ROOMS Kuril falirrf Rootua." ATTKNTION, ROOM HUNTER: If you fall to find the roem you dealre among theae ads, call at Tha Hee offlca for a Room List glvoa complete detailed deacrlp tlon of vacant rooma In all parts of the ciy. If more convenient phone The Hee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address, and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists are Issued varar week. VOCN'O business mnn wanls cnngenTnT roommate: West Farnam dlatriet; walk Ing distance ; modern convenience. Harney lild.'l. ) MOV AMOl'R. '.l2r"Dougln", new flaC nicely furnlahed; plenty of hot water; ahower bath; hoard If dealred. 3 NICELY fiirnlahefl rooma, with or wTtTi out hoard; In walking dltance. Doug las R'lul SOUTH front room lnalrictly modern home 1 Jeiitlomcn, 2x10 Jackson. Har ney 4033. NICELV furnished room, with board, tor girl; home privileges; price reasonable. Cnlfnx 4117. LA ROE front moms, nicely furnished ,' for eight gentlemen. All modern, new furniture. Phone Hnrnev Hum, N'ti'EI.Y fnrnlehed rooma In private fam ily. I t'l 8. mill, Phrine1larney Jat4. COM FORTA Hl.l'.r clean, modern room! :.n North 2,idHt, Red 4'.'.'I2. TW o modern rooma, fuinlehed compT!, Colfax Wi after M a. m. HMA1.L. modern ro,im. I1.M per weekT Iiouglaa JT.13, f'.W H. 24th, NICKLT furnished room, cloaeTni all modern. Ml H. 12 Ht C:'t DoDfiK Hf. -NeaTly furnTshedi all iii. leu room. Huuerbieia'aa Huoaie, 1 MM s I it K KPIN'i i " ixKims, Ti1aTaT.Triil Ave , l''e bo and eiei i thing complete, alao I front h'Uin keepliig r-'oin oil firet floor, nicely fui nlahed. t.iOHT ho'iekcepiiig tlioma; all mmterti. w.ll firnial.e. walking .balance, pleiuy of shade ,-ta S f.ili At TWO ll.t-lv I'll tllahed, all uualern slesp log rooioe, oi" In, rraeoua li piuei . ' V .. Hi 1III1I I l'hl hi'.ieekrepll room, m '.P in Pilvale laimly. eJl H. .11 Ave T j ;. i P-' J CM'iY"t. aVK b'l l d.- o t ini. -l :ii'i.rei Ing arl. r-i-.H' with laiat rt ktHI' TI V m d'Mi 1 rkieflng apait ."ii', I per -k J 11 g i'h i'l. I I SI' 4 1'i-lit l""ii for ligl'l l.o.ier lrHi 4 U) ti l''H ! tlti.S'l g I' ..' T" n..lia-epl.t ... .... 1 t ..-: . ".. i.e f .111"' .-I g Hnaid ami llo-a. ni- titpva v 1 :a v 1 Vi.a i. hr ,r (''. ti-." H"ll w.'ltlil 11.4 .'l l v, aiul Iwel Mf lHft I II I! V 'ill 1 ' ,' , aliH boar -I Mik ' 111 line. ti N I i' ,i wi'N ei'i e , tti 1 I 'tli Uil) ti ,1 . J N