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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1916)
Health Hints -:- Fashions -:- Woman's , Work -:- Household Topics I 1. Militant Borax rinin f.oap I like w " i the power, bill It take a lot of ntork to get II Into action! Horgx l a ort of driver for oap. ' Borax take oap by the arruff of the. tierk and eay. "t'omc on here and set but, You lll never know the. value of map until you e It working In vn nectlon with borax. Rut aoap la pretty stubborn and It only worku right when there in on part borax and three-parts r-oap. It. Ik impohalble o get thla quantity of borax Into bar eoHp, It la only poa flble In horax oap rhlpa, When you uw "20 Mule Team Porax Hoep Chlpa" thin week for the. family wash and various other clean Ihb about the houhe, you may bo a little vexed to think of ever having tried to t' t along without It! Ilaem'-nt. Only $1 a Week for thl beautiful Diamond Ring. Coma In and make your eelottlen from the large! itoclt In tha city. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WITH US Trm 11 a wok f aw "Perfection" Diamond Ring Ho, 87a A wonderful tn of gnroti proportion tnl full f firry blinuney, !. In 1 li olld gold, 1 ad in IiJHi'Imoiii velvet rlfi box, itHWi-unijf i V Week. Mta'a Wtolm, olld oM anil gold Mil'!. uiriif'il Nri'iirme llmeliwli rm M nii'lrl'fNl Viilni l 112 urnl 11(1. Tarma to anlt roar convnJno. Cm BiUr ' .U'r TU II I Alt if tut (Mll" Nn l'b'4) l'iMlft M4 Hl4 "tr Mlttfltfl ll 'ill. HOFTIS uiBRos&ca;;' THI NATIORIl CREDIT HrYUCRt 40t.tttklU0Mha How U tha Tim to Oat M el Tba Vffly Kpota. Tlirre a ni longer tha ellghteet neeJ of fpillng ahnniel of your fre:klea, aa the prieirlptlon othlria double atrength la guaranteed to remove tboee homely pot. Muii'ly get an ounre. of otblne-rtoubla eiierigUi-froiii any ilrugalet ami apply a in He of It nlaht and morning and you hoiild noon ere that even the worat fi"kb'R have hegun to (lleappear, wlilln tli lighter mie liMvn vanldbert entirely. Jl la M blom that more than an ounce la nrcbd to riimiileirltr (bar tha akin and Vain n Im-h hi Iful 1 bar iiimplealon. tie aiire to ak for Nie double atrength nllilm:, aa tbla la iold undfir guaranlee of imney b k If It frtlla tu rcniovu frcfkleg. - Advei llariiH-nt. Imp rove your skin while cleansing it Aiii"i !v ".p will titan the akut a "I l.ait. Mhjv ti.i!ct .nc jmie fii"i)k!i in i) 10 v. iih' ut inlnMii),' llrrc ill .11 air lextiire. Jtiit tin .ae wh.i uji.i 4 i"jp wliiih 1 1 l (ni'y 1 , j: rt j.ut i tuaily t the i iiTiiiriiu .mil tirfir aie it I bi! Kruiiml S'Mp. The a "jliiini;, beaims tuopemei I I lifi lml Mlaliif it tii'A the ti 11 and j'f. Iriuil h..) ii-j rru) I . Urp ttie i.iiieinii ilrar, 'I iltr bait in li and luHiou. Jhn, -1 Vlib aif Hrtt.'lf mt and I leiiu.j 1 aim t (.e f vjh i led b ii , W' 11 , it ! tl -J i a II fi. (S .-I M t . I smHl , 1 104 i . l.ti; fvl IMmt , A ft '. r." fel a I i ' I '. t'4 .MaMt ' mI4 fc il Try Ra U ij"5aJiy Meraiaf" Advcr- 1 FE1ECIILES J PliOtlE TYLER 1000 Guarding the Graves of Kings These Great Stone Animals Line the Way to the Tombs of the Chinese Rulers zm .wirsp are? 1 if f I r t r U Y . is r ritlr nioiiniiisiile lining Hie rnmi In the ti.nilm of III" Sllna eniporom of f bin l NnitMow, iifr l'klii An'e lor wornhlp prevolU In ''lilnn, unit tnmht re vry Importanl bring hwt'l lotion of lh" Immortal (lend, Theea j msrhle rffglrn i,t mdiiy dlffrtenl aril 1 tinila ri! rnna-il nrr Ibe opi-n vlry 1 ( Br l'.I.LA M III I'.IMI IM . f opyriKbl, Miar f 'ompuny, 'lb flebta wcr! blfalt uli'l aortl-u. Not U 1 1 1 If Or note enlivened the rtepreaalng wood, A olled and aullen, atuhhoin enowdrlft aiood fieM tb loadwuy. Wind cam mut tering Of gtorma to he, ud brought th chilly allog fif h'bei In Ihelr hrralii. rUalled if' tie mooed Forth phil'iiive phadlnga for the Kartha green food No gleam, no hint of hop In anything. The eky bleak and aaheii, Ilk the far (if Boioc poor wretch who drain life a cop loo fnat, Yet, awatlog lo and fro, a If In fling About chilli i Nature H IHI10 anna of grace, Hmlllng whli promiae In the wintry hlat, Th oplloilnllc Villlow iokn of Hprlug. Th iohlllth'H of dlaitaler are nu merou (bat it la rally dangeroo to b alive, for It b becauae we r allv th'tt w become liable lo illaaater, Tbla allock ing affair In "bio ngalti bring pointedly lo public Mttetillou the peril of railway lravl. The lng of life In tbla Inelnn" hag been o great that the rlak atten dant upon that mode of travel i Halh lo be greatly exaggerated. The fort I that railway mortality la aurprlalngly email. That la the only con rlualon at uhrh w can reaaonahly ar rive If w tke Into account th rale of epeed at which train ere run and tlm r,umber of pngt lrnportd. A careful record la kept of the number of peraona carried, and the ntntenient bai been offlr'ally mado that on th roid between fluff ale and New York, where lh traf'lr. la the lieavet, only one Ufa he be.-n loat In any train in I ent durlnt the aal flvo yeara, altlioiigli the number Of paaarnger larrb-d waa conablerahly In xcea of more than twice Ida entire populgtbn of lh I'nlted Hte t. Accldenl are due prima illy lo Hire eauenegligenco on th part of the railway . management, rarrleaane of operative and perllou epecd al which train are, run, In view of the fact, n Mtated above, there acenia to be no ante cedent ground for auppoalng Unit tlm accident at Amhcrnt wa duo to any prevailing policy of neglect on the part of the maintHrnient, ml that when dl ler occur It rraf bo nnaumed that It I nt from bi'k of caution, hut In plt nf (-aullon. A regard the aernnd cauae nf di"n ler-lhn human riUntnn we fc tbero had p"ih!liv that ran never he bo lulely eliminated. W hen we are dealing with K human being. w never know exactly what we a re dealing with. There I nil element of imrellhllty In every human, i ll her mental, moral or tempera mental. We am all liable lo he n exeeerllnaly unpleent eurprle een to (bone who know 11 Wat. Men ntnr Ilea out eble th range of ecl cb ubitlon. We iae In 11 elrciik of abnormality. Thera w a atory In a paper a few year ago of a lcoinoi e engineer who on errlv- lug al a fi'lnl brre a htatich track dlvrigril from lhi muiii 1 1 no look I In I f AefW T WW Grape Juanc o rure For children nnd icate ce is ivcitj No nntluru; v-rej I t . Wmbul lelde. 1 aT '.V WlSx y ft 'raws nmx'V. K-sr : WWWHt f A. vC m 4, lo repreaeril, H II were H'l II10 rre. lureH of h woriit mourmna ihn 1filli of Ihe Mlir, There xre four repre-tr-ntHl'' ,,( fm U aiiImihI, two etKiidlnK n'l Iwn elt'lna They form mi avenue two mile lone. Home re hewn out of a ulimle l.lo.'lt of marble. Kacli emperor of Iho .Minn rtynnxty. uhb'li r'ib'1 f bind !ii?'Wi'mt" w vi.'- T7 Optimist ibrari'h when ha ahoiild have kepi lo lb j main trark and did not r'nllta bla mln 1 take nil he had run eeveial mllca. I'rrhopa he may have berri tliliiklng ahnul bla wife and children; more than likely he had not been thinking All of I bla la poealble, however raulloua til management may he In their eolectlon of nperaltvee, Kuril flangeiona poalblllte have to he taken for granted, V bava to count on lb unarounlabe. Nor do wa eafape danger hy gelling off Tif tha train and going on fool. Jt la dangerou to ha alive. Th rapid running of Iralns la Hie third peril, and thle la du rather to the trav eling piihlld than lo railway management, That feature of danger waa thoroughly ventilated al the time of lh nhiklfig of the Tllniilr. If rapid running con Irlliuleg o a dlanaler, people blame tha inanaiigement for running lh train too faal. If a train rrt"e al Ha drailnallon lale, (hen Ilia paaaciignrr howl hcu It waa rue an flow, If peopi ar In a hurry to get through thle world Ihey mijat tnk Ihelr rhanre of bring dla liilegrated before they really get through. In MwltJserlanil It take railway pa aengor grral while to fl anywhere, hut If be die on tha pa annua It la not her ua of derailment or colllalon, but her 11 h ha reied bla d'tlned life lermlnnl before bla train reached lie rail wy terminal. The American traveling public ha voted to take lb rlk f lxiy-n hour lrnneorlion, and the railway management la almply eenutini lh fnihllc demand To he taught to fel dreply I Im portant a part of one education aa to know how to think clearly. Indeed, a reraon, old or young, who heart la not eaally touched Into warm rllon aiol whoa affection r not readily et flow ing, la la Inleresllng and of lea uae tu lh world than on whoae mind ha been only Imperfectly trained; and yet the couraea of Inilructlon rteved for na In our gchoola of all gradea, high or low, are almoat altogether allent a regard the iihllda or the alinlent emotional nature and everything I arranged with reference lo hriiln-cuitnrc Thl waa brought homo to m very directly hy my old college piofeaaor. who, after 1 had pent two year fitting for colhxc, four er In eollegn ami an adilltloiiHl period In pol gritduntn eluify ahrod, ld to m: "You hv been working your brain "Ton hiv twen working your brln now for about right "r, with little or no alicniloii having been slien lo the development of your af fectlon! nature. You h Wen nil llvallng youraelf on only one of the two eaaenllal feaiurea of your manhbnd and It la blah llnm that on ehotibl put youraelf under annie Inflnrnce or throw youraelf Into ome erivb-e that will rn up the two bla Into a balanced char acter." The real enjoyment and appreda tlona of life are to be found III the ply I nf ih feellngn. The nver-woi king of 1 Hm tirnlii may even operate to rloud and limialr thme anpreclallona. I lllualrated by the following Incident; A certain profound phlhuuiiihrr, all people fruit U'Utt than the Ik tie fruit. All vttnv cniNU th natural fruit nml gTtp (sugar. addcxl in Armour'!, Thr runit uliiny: rwrvi e of IN nutvriiviirvt, x rls tsclarintxl, an,! brtHiihl tv yxmtf n at )nt . WW Av t tt7. WKtC't MMK. from th fouileriilh lo Die geventeemh retilury, wa given an ebiboral ahrlne, approached through n avenu of the marble nlmla Till phoiograpn e taken by Boy Chapman Andrew for th American Muum of Natural Ml toi y, who effort at ef.rulKallon hd laid thmelve out In nholnrly learning, w an iilleridanl t a concert at whb h w gben one of Meyerbeer' orr lie w nhrerved lo he rrte and fidgety during II rendering, nd t th clone reilred from the concert room In a condition of eireni dejection, (in the way out b aenoafed g friend wllh th Inquiry, "Will you el me what It w lhf Mr, Meyerhnr waa trying to prov by that, opera?'' The trouble with lh phlloaopber w lht th entire territory of hi helng had been grown over with hrht and o crowded out the fairer flower of fe. Ing, affection and dellcai appreciation th-il everything which could not be at I a bud along g'holnrly and toglcl line wa put beyond bla reach, lie w Ilk a man deaf In one ear to whom, there fore, nothing waa audible except what came through lh other ear, Ufa would be more full of mueie, weetne and fragranr If In chool nd college more attention waa given to th opening up of Iho deaf ear. Advice to Lovelorn By Beatrice Fairfax. T gel f olor, ' rier Ml Clrfx; t am anxloua for ltifo-mtlon on ome color I wear, feu you plea te m If run et th col or of a light blue lo a lavendar wh dre good, a I m partial to thnee rolor, but would Ilk to know wht to uee to keep them from fading In th waahlng Alan what lo u lo make my black lraw hat clean looking. I hav eonatantiy bruahed It and HI it ha a iluiy look, INgi.IRKIt. Th color tn wh material my be kept front fading by aoaklng the garment for an hour or more before waahlng tn cold water to which a handful of aalt ha been ddd. There r patent prep aration gold In rtrun etnre for renewing or refiflienlng black traw.hata, tie t nnalatent. Pear Mle F'sjrfnx; I am to he marrlet tn ,lu no and 1 hiii In mmirnln? for my brother, who dud lt month. Io vou think It proper for me to be married In while wllh a veil or n a dark milt? Alao, l ll nrnnee Inr m 1.. u eu r m mrmv tr-u. I elllng ault and hat nnd hoe to match? : I Intend to reume lh mourning a anon aa I return from th honeymoon, which will he two weeka. Alao, la It correct for the bridegroom to wear full dreaa? The wedding la tu be betwoen h o'clock and 7 o'clock. PAT1KN0K. I'e conalatent. If you chooae to be mar ried In bridal while and lo wear grav. that la In keeping with the happy end wonderful experbnee I hope your mar riage will I e. Hut do not return to mourning after your honeymoon 1 over. Thet would b a formality tht could b no honor lo the dead, end tlW will only remind you of the orrow tht need not becloud our married life. If you ar married In ault h groom miiat nit near formal dreaa. If you wer whit be niay wear full ilrr or a frock coat, Mice our wedding la hardly ichrilulnl to be tin evening affair. p Tfc... . ia eteeSll J) r ! Ut mHi r 14 J J r 4iMt (w C if -J e mi - it I ' Umm re-M MM I M Jrrw ue te ill I twae-a Vf lU l(W , I 1 yii - Ill gi M i BM.eW if I t. 1 1 I Grace Darling's Talks to Girls iv f.ntiK ntHi.ivi., tVhf Tlenl a-id P.eauty Have 01 Her n Kn' lM I'l In tho Met1" " Picture World, A reat I Ig I o'k ro 1 d ! wruti n about I tl. ''Mlitae of Mother. " and It would 1 tic the rnot pathe'l- lov k on earih, t jcauee tie ml'l'en of motherj r nrl alva inede thro'i,';li lo"C I II I b'c n our moth!- love un JtrU I no tenderly thnt they cannot bear 14 e j ui deprived of a-r.ythlin thitt wait 1 that It I peailhle for them to get f'r ; lor to have ua xuffer any hari'glilpa, Dial j thy ). 1 up to he Ml nnd If 1 rd ueel end utterly unfli 'o rrpe v. I h : the dlfflcultle of life, ' Ck.if mut.liera forrel that aooner or Inter we r bound to be thruef out of the bone nt, and th n whether w xir to Hi hevn of happlnea or break our Utile nei'K flllnt down In'o the dirthi ! of trouble 1 going to depend on whethe- w bl'.e been tiugbt how to ue on win' Apd there ln't going to h any moiher roiit d 10 av 11 fr m the hum 1 we are llhe to get, You oftn ber a mother any, 'I dni t want my daughter to hav to woe't a t bv done," or, "I rton't wnt my daugh ter to have to cook and ew and eeono tit.'ae I hv had to do," Ho ti mother , doe not tea h h'r dughter bow to make her 0' n clothe, or Ir keep hnue, or to get the mot out of dollar, a If Hie mere fa, l of fie iili'l Unoi-'ime it pra tblnia w a orl of magic, p!l that would prevent. hr from ever needing to know them. It Irn't, ef rnuine Not knowing how to ew or eoitf doean't rovhle you automatically with good clothe or good food, and he reatilt. j tn that th moiher effort to v bar daughter from having to work make her hav to work ten time harder, The llttlo brld who doen't know whether lo order two leg of lmb or one for dinner, and who I dlroverd Itllng In th kitchen In tr amldat the wreek of an adamantine pi, I figure of fun for the carlcaturlM and lh Jokemllh. nut in rel life b I a trglo figure, bectun h I weatlrf her h ' end' money, and h working hereelf Into a atnt of hytrle and nervou proitr. Hon doing thing lneompetnlly nd la borloualy that aha ahould hav been lught how to do eaally nd well, l'rrteaiiy every young womn'a honeymoon I epolled by her lack of knowledge of domeatlo affair, and h got her own mother lo blame forj It. It' Jut e much a hme for any girl to merry, not knowing how to run llou, It I for men Jo merry who nu t mke enough money to py lh houae bill, If I were e mn and found out that. I bad a wlf unloaded upon m who didn't know how to cook or manage I think I'd b tempted to bundle her back home and ue her mother for dam age to my rflgeation and porfcethooW, Another mltk our mother make I to coddle 11 too much, Inlead ot teaohlng ua to control our temper, they ay w hev "aueh a nervou tempera ment," when we fly Into tantrum. Inted nf leeching ug that other peo ple are Jut much entitled to their right we ere fthey y we are "o lenlflve and o finely trung" thet we I mut not be crod) Inatead of teach- Brief Tips on Current Fashions Waxed alike are tiaed trimming. a good deal for A new aleeve I a ahort balloon puff net on a low ehoulder line, Rom of the prettit eult-coat button only at the walatlln end the throat. Waxed material are ao much In favor with Kpeneh dreismakerg that they ara evrn ualng waxed voile. Varinu fancy trw, aueh ae Chns and Mexican, are aeon among the new hata. Th old faahloned lln.iry-wooley IK and 1SW I revived, and come t rlpea. in om aulta th skirt fulln at the able I emphalxd by hoop et Into the pcttlroat. nln and fancy mohair for auita anil Ar. .... i... . i, .rf, .i,. i..i. ! I ilrMamikri'i ..... ; him 'ceplln a oilier l.iatc in m niouin The lul. XV coat, are apt to hav ! J" ,,, ",,Kl" V'' 'l' brilliant tunic budlcr, In front. ra,h r lu-tlnct for the bitter l , till u pu.1., Ihan long vt,t. 1 'n !' ,h" Ml"'' B,,,, rut fre.-t prodn'r.l. .vitilnlv a change Itla.k iln ribbon band, on an Inner- 'r Hi bluer, p-iimp cbins.- for t bi llon of net I a p.etly decoration for better, and. of . our-, a. y l,.,., ov . n.. nl full urr.ta aklrt. I "' ..e.lue.i o th imeill-lne r.irilv fnoo the nuiibil lt l'. Ii. .lid genrialli favor lh hrl lecie, bill lb I'uef .piarler lv la e.n n on milt ef lh novelty Ivy W here baby v.lvet nhhn aupplle r hi,ii, ua kioitaobe brgbl In U r hi. er blav k 1 if ;k braid, f V'iu P' fir H'm, hi I coti.-n will t an go,t lf erv mrl, IVr t- lrloooi;5g of v.Uno drr f .r ..e-irr rolloll f- In r "-W W Ml ... , .UI.Ml I Kl ll fagulUl tt k''. K, t ,. V't ef nht i .t,.to, nil in I'm tita r-.'or I i flut.. hin,l-t, o tmariltm cf nl In inltfl ir p tt-l ff It l.. er a tu r Vo ie -s.m l vnw i eih ('.mil I fcr i,tini . . tn giV vtw iiiii. f Id i t lit ! e - .t,.n t im ttiih it. nw iiui. lit hi tr u th r,.ir It t i naopfi 1 fl ..ii i i b oiMiw-i dm !. i-n i.e t U inl hi I n l mxn, ..I io e I -l.otur -irl .-oh I v f-'4.(Me ...hUH y lrryt.d X w-li a , e bit e - m im et X Xll t'-l iti KmiMl'l f te.i l , l. t ' tl Itltl lh M. eM. I ' -.; ? .' t -r !.' , t IS.. 1 u 1 1.. -' ,-, avj iv 1 .tt o.-i . ' i -.. f !': all iil-l'i I .g .if n. ptal I " It t t r- 1. I - -I 'i I J I -I . mi 1 !lCf t- , No. 11 The Mistakes of Mothers. I :"' r r-::"X pr 'Jm I VV ' -: H . ' ( . T,t1;iet.v-.';.'-.-:. 'J IS f '- 4 " 'iJ ' ' , T 4 ,33 , 'h ' , : . 1 ;" " f' i U; .'. k., ij y v i'i r,, ; ' , "" I ' '' "" ' , j 1 iV ' . '"''!.'.. ,V.i. 1. : f t J 1 . 'KrV ' " , A 8 ;r' i" , J 1 v 1 XrM .1 . . " : ' I'M I , a X' e: v ,t j , ' ,, I t. :Jt -,'-'-, it'-i. I-' 'Z , -' ' f' - , j I it f ' 'i. ' ,1 , 1 t 'jt j I ; . -v. .''Cr' 4i2 V ''' ' v'7-' " i v v v tt 5 'I, ' V' ( v ',i,t . " ' J " , 1 1 .t -iv." ' Vjs hf fl mt Anothrr Very PreHy PJioJograph of Miss Darin). Ing ua that we muat give and take, they glv u everything. The reault la Ihat they make o little monrter of egotlatn and elflahnea:, and when we marry and find ou thai our huhnd don't ubrrlbe to mother theory about our arlltlc temperament and nerve, and hav no Idea of e-rir-rlflclng thetneelve to u a mother h;i don, the reault I only too often di vorce. The real co-reapondf-nt In nine divorce out. of ten I mother mlatal.e. Taking By noons m;TCHio, M. II. Tonics are th oldeat medicine on earth , and tlll the moat, popuhir. "Age cannot wither them nor cuatoin Ule their nfl- j nlte variety" of blttcrncm, In prlml- tlv day the wood were literally full of them, for all that waa needed lo give a root or an herb a atart and a repu- i tatlon In advance waa hitter taHtc Indeed, we nerd not go very far ba"t to reach that atage, for In the l.nune , hold medicine of our remote country rii trlrta of today almoat every herb or root that ha a clean, bitter taete and I not either absolutely iniureatlng or pol- , aopou hn a reputation ua a remedy In on,e dli-eaae hoarhound, cammnmlle, j gentian, wild cherry bark, prickly nh i bark, blood root, -golden n, poke root end "yarh tea" of horrible potency. Every wlaa woman and mother In lfc racl ha a whole battery of them In re irve, guaranteed to cere alter the fafh- ; 'ion of the fiimou Kprcifio of the dear 1 0u l'"" m or.e of ryana mockiou imm thle toifn, No matter what wa wrong with Ihe path in. within tweniv minute after he hau takrn one iloe he dldn I know Hi. re urij thing Hie niHttrr with i demon theory ,.f ilia.-e, uh tin 11 of making it un'--iof..ri.lil aa pot tile fur lo HH!I whtih tnd t 'ken po. ibll of I'lr boilj H it whatever lit ..r g'n U I'd l" itiiieiu.g id ioiri mi i.ti' tt ic -ll', od lint I ti e il -i'U "' ""' of nut iiu-.l the 'i l l-v 1 ''" ; . In.'., 0,0 I , f hi-h are not I 0.1 ii II, !. fleuell Intl. r t ' j bv me ii.(i;e "f T'i" j ,.tlt-' l l'"' -t U II l .'lll-llll ) : Kill- l'-- tovrerlg-l M even to ! Jl t"f'l ; be i twit:.- "- ! tt' bn lef .M ,,. b .hrf. b " f H e et t .-.ih A-f-t'-a ''-- t ' ,, ttei. lerf.. -tM'kCn ! j m. o-il of II ft!' ' l'-tl ' 1 (,! l.'-ll'. I I l-tl loll let ' " X ; I "' I . .- t I a" a - -M.t i - la r-i-.m -n 1 -- ! v in -ii ' - 1 a x -1 lh..rn Xi .i I . "'' ' I' I I 1 In !' il n i" " i'" ,,, Hf . ' 1 t - ' " . -I I- I B!tii. . ' r-.iH ng.t .l ll M ' I I avl lb- I'l" ' I'l I I vt --ir 1 I. .IX. "' lt I t I ''-"'I K .... I- M I t t t t--i-- t ' Iill U ..I t'.ll i nil ... t 1 lm ,1.1.1 11 III X 1 . t " J - I - roiw. int' -.-I 1 ' t -it I t - I f 11 ll ic I I l' ' ' I''-. ' .-I.' I I I I t ' I ' I! ' n c.:-l ' - I I i',,L" I - I X -.f. m I i -' li A 11 I e. i I -. - I 1 -f l T. ! .! !' ! n- I Y 'r . Jf '"-f f ,v' . .tt . .ee.M .. .J 11"., ' i -:4.Z.LA t. aiinW- . e-eieiilin' i !!'''" -i- i ..-.-" And If we go out Into th world U make our own living, we find that moth er' training la equally dleaetrou, for t be balded and epolled. nd encourgd In" our w him doean't fit you to act like a tieaaonnble human being, and that' what'M expected of you In bualne. For, you ee, moiher' great mllke I In forgetting that we have each of ti, to meet the hardship of life, and when we do, we won't have any mother to pad them for u. Tonics Do You Know That W'alldi g la Ihe beat rxerrlae-and tho ( In upeat '.' The 1 nite.l Mate public, health rv re adnbnlHters typhoid vaclnc gratli lo fcibrnl employee? A III Ho cough I frequently warning alsn! of luberculoeinT the Kal troth tin; cause o! end bad tnnall may i heumatiam? b rnpaaleitrlaeej spread dlni'Me'' milk frequently Tlie air HKbt Ihe Krvc? Iwelitng bad but to Moderation nit.' in all thing "Innis Tie iarebe.1 danger .' rpiiier a public I the tlrcaiiirr of pipe dreania. In tact I1 would hardly bo loo much , to lay I li ft I in oh of the piogtee of j medicine, upon h drug and curli I I . b in I..-. 0 a pioi.'i ot tratitig out trior (lie, wve, to tm ' strengthening, " i in ' build l"i nt, ' l make vo l f bet ! ii-r, and .Hi. i.vriiiij Hint on after an '..Ib.r lb. j, were cllbrr laiallve or 11 ! colic m f.-i.r t if 1. . or '. had bo '.uiKiuc .tt,-t at all Which bat finally br. ubi v.. in liiu il. i of gia.-o and it lil.l. i-M eltl In tbe lo'eri at lig Vitton thai f Une ptl-tl.allv tin 'li- dl it ! I. ft at a tu i , m tlm p ipu'ar wod pnml- film ! ilia t. no Thtl U ! llit-i, tf , ilr.,g wtil.'h In U f a-ldt 111 iTviu'Ii I-. tu I....I , I it any i.a.ri 1. ts.. sn, ri fr wbbh ie tt i n i Ytt w ar Itkmg no. . -. 4 1 1 hi n 11 t- 1 il, i ii mUiIi i t, 1 tiiini ! ei What ll.. o.i-r ' (, (,,, i..i f,-, 1 1 .... 1 1 hi a . 1 n i 1.. ' -..-., ...1 !' I nl Ibn ft i. t , 4 . 1 , r i 1 .,1.111 ii : ma ' ' ... r. . - 1 t , ,il.,i :uag 1 S I . t t '''. I -, a . 4 if I -t t 1 if ,141 V ,l lit 11 o . , .;n ' v "ll -I It t . ,,, .1 I.I- - I ' ' t -I ' I . 1 it hi- h f Ik f h" ! ir -I- !,! i. - .M I.... I I ' ll-. 4 I- : I - r .11 It X 1 5. 4 N M tt i -tir4rxT "t tt--e- W A wtit e the taw ant- h evte a leta ., IiI'Ihui Xlil t M ta fff la f - la ei -il 1 1 ' ' 1 . y itni.i t C- . ll v I ,OI i' i m I a , . T , f j ... - . I'M M j i ll ,u at, r n x . w ! v Itlll 1 1 I ' , ..'a, , , .. -. ,VaUV. eV i N I 1 1 a v rl