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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1915)
tjik i;kk: omaiia. mi i.'sn.w. .11 m. i:u.. PFRSOXAI, N- ""'a coming to llmihl ' J Knl.h Hnnxt. tnnwi are Invited to isit the Ynunn , .-.r .--, ,, ..,.. Women s Christian i,,i. l.Alvtr. front room and alcove, newly Tth it MJ !? SlVrv'r A? w I ! i furnished. I" pi.,-, for a gentlemen: they will be Erected I ti sult.Wc hTmed flnc re.iden. tltftri.-t: kin distance; for our traveler's sld at the U nion .tatton. f "'"""v "" fi-' ' rl . L08T AND Ft)fM OMAHA A ftlCNi'lL Bl.l r I S BTRfctT RAILWAY COMPANY. f"wm having lout some aril- la would do well to cbII up the office of the Omaha & Counrll Bluffs Street Railway ompany to ascertain whether they left It in the street cara. Manv articles each day are turned In and the company In anxious to rectoro them to the rightful owner, fall Dour. 41. 8WAPPF.IW COLUMN I'TO A 4-passenacr International; Iiltzli wheel and aolid tire: ucd lltll and would make a Rood dellverv auto What have jmu to offer? Add S. '. HK2 llee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains M the "Automobile " classifi cation, Af'TO 6 passenger Louring car. Maxell; 1913 model, ii H. P.; equipped with four haw Urea; In good running order. Will xchange for piano and rash, or what have you? Address S. C. 10M. Roe. AURM CIAX'K Have superb eigiiUtlay alarm clock; rlnita eight minutes; once silenced, rlnss automatically ntxt fla. Trmda for camera or sell cheap. Address S. C . lof.2. Bee. KAKTMAN 3-A Kodak; extra lense; case; tripod: film: plate and portrait at tachment; holders; daylight developing outfit; K and 10 enlnrger; above cost a bout Wu, and larpe trunk; exchange for wardrobe trunk. Addreaw S. C, l''-1. Pee. FURNITURE of an a-room flat; value tVKK); want roadster or diamond ring. Address 8. P.. 10M. Bee. A GOOD BANJO for a good ..2 rifle. Phone Red 3162. FIRST-CLASS uptight piano; might put In some cash; want lot not to exceed $tfO or amall cottage eu,ulty. Address S. C. WM. Bee. HA VB a fine 1-ft. Mullln stoel launch. which coat 1150; new: will trade for second hand auto. Address S. C. lff.3. Bee. HARTFORD KLEPTR1C START KR, wbl fit on any car. What have you to trade for It T Address ST C. 10f. Ree. 1911 MODEL Overiend. Will trade 'or single or twin Indian motorcycle. Ad dress, S. C. l'4. Pee PHONOGRAPH Krtison, Is) records. In good oondition. Will wap for chicken, duck, etc. Address. B. C. Bo. PIANOS Swat for or on an auto or lot or lota; will pay different; If you have anything get In touch with me, as I nave other atuff to exchange; give com plete description. Address S. C. tnan. Bee. PIANO New and exceptional In slightly used planoa that hare to ex change on a aUndard piano of the beet manufactured. Addreea 8. C 1M1. tice. PIANO Good upright Mueller piano val ued at $125. What have you to trade fot this? Address 8. C. 10E7. Bee. LOT Have a Wyoming lot; a number o! Omaha buyera aurroundlng. Will trade for diamond, Vlctrola. typewriter, or what have youT Address B. C. 1028. Bee. VACUUM WASHER8-3 vacuum wash era to trade. What have you? Address 8 C. 1066, Bee. WILL exchange flrat class painting for dental work. H. C. 106L ROOMING houae, 2222 Famatn St., to trade for an automobile. Drive up wrlth your car and make a outck deal. WILL do your painting, first class work, and will take horse and buggy. 8. C. IPSO TAILORS ATTENTION Am first clae ,..iur' ttimt finished un mv work: will do your painting an made clothes. Good ua iait ii uul i reference. . ujw f.4 GALLONS outside house paint, beat money will buy; will exchange for horse, cow, or hogs, or diamond. S O. 1049. ROTARY, Neoatyle copying machine typewriter, accounting ayatem comput ing scale, will traae ior groceries, mem", or what have jrou? Address S, C. 10o9, Bee. WILLtrade 1914 twin cylinder H. P. motorcycle. In A-l condition, for prop erty or diamonds to value of Ad- uress tj. J. lour, nee WILL exchange tHevens shotgun for phonograph. Have large corn popper, candv making outfit and inetructlons. Will exchange for phonograph or what have youT Add rose, a. --, iimi. ttee. WILL trade 160 vacuum washers for "eomethln can use. Offer, what you may have. Addreaa 8. C. lO-JI, Bee. iW ILL trade In my H carat diamond on good light car. 8 tone must be seen to be appreciated. Address S. C. lOtiO, Bee. FOR KErNT Apartaaeaite ssd Flata. lf DOUGLAS ST.. rooms 12 W up, T QSiOKQJH 6-rooni apartment, redeco rated throughout. LU N. Hist Ave-, se lect West Fax nam district i'houe Web ster 1174. TWO six-room, modern, steamheated flats. Can be rented separately or to- ? ether' summer, t-'6 winter. - Conrad nung. ti2 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1571. (-ROOM heated apartment. The Chula Vista, SOth and Poppleton Ave. Vacant June 1. Conrad Young, 822 Brandels thea ter Douglas 171. $18 and up; modern apartments, pustofffce. G. P. BtebbhlB. near OOOL APARTMENTS. Choice I-room apartment, dandy acreened porch; oak finish; large rooms; nicely decorated; everything first class; la nearly new apartment house building. Also four-room apartment, aarue bulldlug. Vary reasonable rent Call office fur ap- polntroent. 6COTT ANT im.L CO.. Douglaa UM. J"OR RENT Five-room apartment In the woodland. tui Harney . FOUR nice rooma: close In: 110. Red 4tH C'INTRA1 No equal price or quality; 1-rooaa bouse: 4-room flat SSu N. lid. THREE rooms and bath and toilet; close to car line. It&SO. T. SULLIVAN. 21S Brandels Theater. 7-ROOM flat strictly modern, 312 Cass. Walnut ZOta. NICHOLAS 6T Four-ruoin flat, mod ern except heat: steel range, gas stove, kitchen cabinet and water paid, 1T. RASP BHXiti., 1XJUGLAH 1663. FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date 3, 4 and 6-room partmenta In city. Building Just fin' Ished. Flora Apartments, 2ttl Jones St. JPOR RENT 4-room apartment, cicely furnished; coolest In the cily; big lawn and tennis court; close to business cen ter; possession at once if desired. Phone Red lllA. COOL ROOMS. 2 week. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs l-ROOM heated apartment. The Mason, list and Mason bis. Reduced rent. Con rad Young. t Brandels Theater. D. li?L VERY choice. 4 or 6-room steam heated apartments on West Farnaiu tit. JOHN W. BOBBIN. 1U KARNAM ST. furnished Apartments. Bachelor Apartaaesjts. WANTED to hear from one or two young men desiring to share high class bache lor apartment near business district. Must offer credentials. Phone Douglas XM. Buekrd aas Room. T. MARY'S, 2-THE HKLLMAN- nloa single rooms: lota of light and fresh air; home cooking; gentleman pre ferred. Douglas eb40. LAROt, rooms; single or en suite; Hans com Park district. Private bath; good board. Harney 7w). 1m a. th tit. LARGE front room and board for two gentlemen; walking distance; private family. i!44 Jones. Douglas S122. Desirable mis, with board, tl B. luth M. rUR. room. W. Karnam dls. HI N. H Ave. FOR RENT Three lejge front roomed electric light; all modern; privilege of bouse and piano; private home; rates rea sonable, fall Douglas 41i. Nicely fui. front room. 1U3 N. 34th Ht. WASTED to hmr from one or two re fined young men desiring to share high class bachelor apartments near business district. Must oifer credentials. Phone f-IOUgldS SIODKRN IlO(j.u5ei,ieinMO. pTiTaTs family, breakfast if desired, Weet Far ftanb Walnut jju!. ron rkxt THIS OI.!A. flO Dodge; large, cool rooms; heautl lil lnn, board If desired. Home cooking. 1. M;i. RKA i Tl Kl LI.Y furnished rooms, steam leal. lurxe front rooms, single or en Miite; excellent homo cooking If desired, leflnrd private home; H per week. W. 4.111. '.Ml" Sherman Ave Furnished Hornsea. A NIC ft, clean, all modern south room lrt prt' ate family; suitable for 2 young men: lU a mouth; breakfast If desired. X14 Cas St. Fsrslihfd Ilnwrl-n1 ntc HnnnM NR'KM.Y Fur. Hskp. Rms. and sleepln SI Mm, t none serMce, nice lawn a shade, eb. 51!. lAVE"PORT, I0 2 modern apt!., com plete Light Hoaeekeepl n Rooms. COOL rooms, with aU'ove, kitchenette furnished. Oaden Hotel Co.. Council Bluffs, U. 312 N. .WrH AVE.. 4 rooms purt modern. IIP per month. Phone Harney Elmi. N. !UST, ar.22 I rooma. closet, pantrv. bath; fresh pnlnt, paiier and furnish ings; M floor; 111. Webster f'."( U214 CALIFORNIA i ani i-rixim, mod. furnished cottage; moe ymd. liar. 4'l. filft S. lTTH Two rooma for light house keeping, modern, newlv papered. tosura toitsges. North. CIX-ROOM. modern house, lmated at 171 Decatur St : will be vacant May I; ta per month. PSone H. FOR RENT 7-room house, all nodern. f4;m Paiker Ht. mTTAOK-l.VM Iiurt St., Harney 5ii. OBltSv FOR RENT-$G5.00 Dwlling, 41 4 So. 38th St; tiled vostibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con dition. Location A-l. Benj. & Baker. Phones D482, 11317, FOR RENT 137.60. High-class double pressed brick houses. 3012-14-1 Dewey Ave.; 5 rooms and sleep ing porch, all modern: many btillt-in conveniences; nice yards. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, Douglaa 6013. -R BRICK, 12; PART MOD. Extra choice. 80n P. 18th. R. 4902. West. WEST FARNAM. 7-R.. $45. 11 N. Sxth St.. near Dodge; very choice, handsomely finished brick; sleeping porch and sun room. ARM STRONG-WALHH COMPANY. Tyler 1C36. State Bank Bldg. WEST KARNAM district, 7-room mod ern house. Hifi S. 3ith 8t Mlsrellaaeoaa. I30.00 7-room modern house. Finished In oak. Nice neighborhood. r.ear car. AM&R1CAN SKCIKITY CO., Douglas W13. f EE the Central Furniture B tores. FhaUs RENTAL LI8T. SEVERAL. $5 to $28. Tel. eves. Wal. r7. FOB KENT We have a complets Hat of all hoc sea apartments and fiats that ere for rent This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van & Rtorsge Co.. fc. teth St J. C. Reed Bxp. eo., moving, packing is storage. 12W Karnam. IX flat ALL sixes, $3 per month up. 607 i'axton. TTnnnna Crelgh Bona Co.. Ilee Bldg. MODERN 5-room cottage. tS per mo.: 2(6 Pratt. Omaha Realty Co.. Red 2- PARK AVE, 82 Cheerful, eight-room residence; clean, newly decorated; beautiful lawn. Douglas KSt. WEST KARNAM DISTRICT. 7-room modern house, 108 8. 36th St.- Gordon Van Co. 3S Moving, 'acklna. RtorMlf a. tl N 11th St Tel. D. M or Web. llbj. Maggard'sSafciS Storags DOV log. pacalug, shipping. lJuuglas HH, 171 Wsbsttr St GlobeVan&Storage Stores, mover, packs, ships; t-horse van and 2 men, 11.25 per hr.: storage U per mo. gatinfactlon gunr. D. 4X18 A Ty. tJO. FIDFJLITY iU.NTAI, BliRViCB FREE Phone Douglas ?M for oomplets list ot vacant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving. I6th and- Jackson Sts. tores as4 Offices. DOWNTOWN SHOP AND DWELL ING KOn RUNT. Four rooms above, large shoD below. suitable for carpenter, plumber or stor age ot automobiles. - per month. J. II. DUMONT & CO., 41-1S Btate Bank Mdir.. Doug. S0. NEW modern storeroom, 601 North J6tti street; low rent. Conrad Young. 331 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1571. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator Dd Staira Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office. Room 103. A nice office, in a good location, make your business plans successful. THE BEE BUILDING "THE BUILDINa THAT 18 ALWAYH NkiW" furnishes just such combinations. Office Room 103. i H. 18TM -r. all modern house, tto. RASP BROS., DOl iiLAB l'I3. Uxras a ad Garca-es. SMALL garage on West Harney, i per month. Phone Walnut -34" WANTED TO RENT WANTKD-Suite of rooma snd bond In private family by husband and wife: alfco uxe of garage; references exchanged; or desires furnished home for the sum mer, also with Kiiraae. Doug loTst. o The Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. WANTED TO BUT BCKFAUJ nickels wanted and Lincoln pennlea, 26 cents each paid for tiiem. Certain kindai Bankers and Storekeeper.' Oulde. 15 cents slainpe (let posted on valuable coins circulating, (leorgu Brlsoe, i04 Michigan Boulevard. Chicago, J II. WE pay Chicago price for aluminum scrap castlnga. Paxton-Mitchell Co Tsle bora svtrything tA iiand. lyitr I41S, OtrtflCa. lurnlture bought and Mid. C Rexl. nil F.r.iam Doug. (14s. J. WANTKD To buy an Invalid chair. Charles Kchwenck, R. No. I. Ho. Omaha. Klightly used high grade piano. D. W17. WA xted TO Bonnow 6.(M Filter mortgage. 7"atesf rulVfarur close to car. V- acre fruit deded aa premium loan. Money for improvements and mortgage. Address, L 4. Bee. IIKA1. KSTATK IAVNH VK AUK always In tunda to make good larm and iitv loans PBTKRS TRUST CO.. l(UJKarn!n 3t. F. M rEXNKT. 'IflVlty-N "st'l. Bk. Rldg FARM 1OANS. F. M. PKNNEV, 9?0 Citv Natl. Bk Bldg. t 1 arm loans bought and sold FARM LOANS, 6 TEK CENT. TOt.AND A TRl MHVLh, 443 Bee Rldg. Hi TO lin.Oiv) maa bromptly. F. D. Weed, Weed Bid tth and Karnam Sta CITY and farm loans. . bt, iior rent. . II Oumont A Co.. 41 Atate Hank KU City loans and wa r Smith A ro . UM f W. Fain a main St. CITY property. Iirge loans a specialty. I W. II Thomas. ?.'W State Rank Rldg : McCoy & Of Doherty REAL ESTATE- FA KM AND C1T LOANS INSURANCE-RENTALS. TU TAE HANK Rl.lHi. TEL. DOl'U 101 J. OMAHA, NEH. MONEY on hand Tor city and larm loana H W Bliidrp. City Nsttniml Hint Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farm. O'KKKFK KEAb EST AT K CO.. Ml Omaha National. Phone ixjunlas 1711 SEE us first for faxin loana in eastern Neb. United Stntes Trust Co. Omaha, CITY LOAN 8. C. U. Carlberg, SlO-lit Biandels Tneater Bldg. HEAL KSTATK WANTKD ONE of our clients tins signified his dis position to Invest alxiiit tlot.Oon In "close In ' or "downtown'- roerlles. 111 coii fehlir vacant or Income properties. SAUNDERS CO., VJ16-W W, (i W. ronglas 12J. LIST real estato and rentals with 1H)N ELStN R. K. CO., Ail tmv Nat 1 Hank. REAL ESTATE FARM ltN4 It I.AMJS FOR 9AI.R. Catltorata. Live Oak Colonleg. none better. "V. T. Smith Co . sia-H City Nat. Bk. . ta Iowa. HAVE TOU A FARM irult BALE? Write a good description of your land and aend it to the Sioux City, la.. Journal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words eveiy Friday evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ada oa twelve different days for 12; or SO words, Hi or 75 word kS. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper. S&O.OvU readers daily in four great stales. ARB YOU GOING TO BUT LA NOT It so you should first got a copy of the Farm and Real Estate Journal. It but lands advertised in It from nearly every atate, so that you can find Just what you are looking for in Its columns. It keeps you Informed on land oppor tunities in all parts of the country, gives you personal help In finding land. Hone lac today for a year's subscription, or 10e for three months trial. It will be atopped at the end of the time ordered. Farm and Real Estate Jourlnal. Trs- Iowa. 40, 80 OR 160 ACKKH, good heavy soil, in well settled part of Todd county, Minn.; good roads, schools and churches; pries $15 to t per acre; terms, II per acre casn, aaianc ti per acre a year uuui land Is paid for. 6 per cent Interest 10S8 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. Minnesota. TWO itood farms, partly improved, near nig Falls. Minn. Sacrifice sale. Easy terms, hmall payment. Kor general clis- rlptlon and terms write Roy w. -Murray, Storm Lake, Iat Nebraska. PLATTE VALLEY ALFALFA LAND. If you have an HO-acre farm In Weatern Iowa or Eastern Nebraska, or a good city residence, you can exchange It for this line level 160-scre Improved farm, which Is located only 3V miles from a good town on main Hue ot the Union Pacific rail road. The place la in the Platte valley, land is particularly well adapted to rais ing alfalfa, la level, as a floor, well drained and in a good neighborhood. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, . Ware Block, Omaha. ' COUNTRY HOME NEAR OMAHA. 111.000 buys a highly improved farm, consisting of about 61 acres locatsd on one of our boulevards out from the city, only a 40-mlnute's ride. Good water sys tem, small amount of fruit, some alfalfa, tame hay, nice large beautiful shade trees ana all kinds of shrubbery and about 10 acres ot natural timber, making beautiful park. This la an ideal propo sition for handling thoroughbred stock of any kind. ''Tgg Venture. fit Brandels Theater Bldg. Omaha. D. 3911 IRRIGATED KEITH COUNTY FARM. A fine level farm adjoining the town of Keystons on the Union Pacific H, R.i 80 acres in alfalfa, 30 acres in corn, fine sugar beet land, all under Irrigation, with a paid-up water right In the Keystone canal. Owner will exchange for land In east ern Nebraska or Iowa, or for good city residence. PAYNEJ INVESTMENT COMPANY, Ware Block, Omaha. MUHT BK BOLD. 373 acres. miles from Petersburg, Neb., and l'-i miles from Raevllle, Neb.; 8-roora bouao, all modern throughout, w.tti elec tric light; bam, 82x48, with she!, 16XIU0; 2 good hog houses; all floored and di vided Into pons; double crib, 10x4k, with driveway. 18x4M; granary, 30x32; machine shed, 16x100; some food fruit trees:, ,00 acres wild pasture; 7 acres alfalfa; 'X acres timothy and clover; land lies slightly rolling, but not rough; good crops and good soil. Price. $40,0u0. P.N. McCoy 711 Btate Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. B1U PROFITS RAISING FEEDER CATTLE. You can exchange a good Iowa or east ern Nebraska farm for this flpe J, ID-acre rai.rh In Bherldan county. Hherldan county turna out the best grass-red cattle of any county In the state. There is ons extra good set of improvements and another light set. s wells and windmills, running wcter, timber for shelter and posts, and the best pasture and hay land to be found anywhere. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Ware Block, Omaha. FJNK HALF MKCTION. Near Petersburg, worth 10u Der acre. will sell for Let us show this to you. McCoy fcO'Doherty 711 State Rank. FOR BALE Best large body high-grade medium-priced land In Nebraska, very little money required. C. Bradley, Wol bach. Neb. Soatk Dakota. Bargain Quarters I have a few snap nuarters of choice l-dcd land where etiultic can be boualit from 110- to cish. Kull Information on request. Address, John McPherson. Fort Pierre. 8. D. FARMS WANTED IF Vol: have farm lands for Bale write V. It. A., -"t Herald. Jollet. 111. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE For Sale or Exchange A very desirable 7-room house and lame lot; on laved Hireet. in good neighborhood. Price? KOuO. Will ex- hiiiKe lor vacant I a nil in Nebraska with good soil or for a smaller house in Onialui. J. H. Dumont & Co. State Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. aw. Km SALE OH TItADE 1 acres, Tripp county. South Dakota. in lies from Dallas, 60 aires under plow. ler t lo Wllllaii Will consider good drug stock Drug Co. Wakonda. 8. D. r'ORT T-ACRE apple orchard. Pine Im provements. Near good town in south eastern Nebraska. Have other business to look after and will sell or trade for eighty-acre farm in southeastern Ne braska or residence near state university. Address J, 1642 Poplar St.. Lincoln. Neb, tXV.Xl. KRTATK V'llR Kril.XJK A H U'.iltlN I taken 'at onie" nil ":iiod" ern room hose: iteple flooring In living and dining rooms: large shade trees, bearing ( berry trees; other shrub bery; one block from car line and school. Phone Web. 1)01.1. HE A Ii ESTATE NORTH WEST C-i"0 RI'YS a good time-room house; clertrle ll",ht t'al". alter .) p. m., or Sunday.. Hurdette. REAL ESTATE NORTH RIDE Owner Must Sell fs . f f .l. ,,LS5!0I!! Hanscntn Park district, lint water heat. j fireplace with gaa log and beveled mirror; ; house nicely decorated, beautiful art glass in winnows; poren extenus around iron, and aide (two entrances); cemented base ment and walks; nice double garage; Plenty of shade, some fruit tries and flower bushes; psved street, paving paid Sold once for W.MM. Owner hss been holding property for It.oon. reduced to m.n0. Wants offer, leaving city and must aell. This la your opportunity to get a good homo In a good location at your own price. Scott & Hill Co. Pouglns PKi. ,r; McCsKue nidg Six room Bungalow Just recently finished, finely built and attractively arranged. located on a paved street, among prettv new homes, in the Miller Park district. Can be boualit on easy terms. Scott & Hill Co. OoiiRlaa HW SM .McCague Rldg $5,000 Home for Only $3,850 Here Is a bargain In a two-story, scven-ronin. all modern home. lot M feet frontage: located nt !14 Willis Ave. Paving and 1915 city taxea all paid. Norris & Norris 4H Hee Itolg. Phone 1). 4-TO. For Sale By Owner One of the nicest located cottages for the money in the north part ot towrn. It la l' blocks to the car. blocks to the boulevard; has f rooms, all on one floor: oak finish in main rooms: built-in hookcfisca ajid buffet;, pantry, good fur nace, cemented cellar; Iho lighting fix tures cost I.O; modern plumbing; wails are tinted. Lot is 40x13); on the corner. Price ,UM Easy terms. C11AK. F. TOP.RY Douglas M. NEAR LOTIIlvOP SCUOOli fc-room house In first class repair; strictly modem: 6 rooms on 1st floors; I rooms on 1 floor; dandy lot ; paved street, with paving; paid: this place we offer at $2,760; i:J0 cash, balance monthly; bet ter Investigate this before you buy, C. a. CAItLBEItG 312 Ttrandels Theater Bldg. $2,250 tM CASH, $J0 MONTHLY. Nice 6-room house, hi block from car line Very goort bargain. SAUNDERS CO,, Douglas 36?i 1215-16 W. O. W. Bldg. KUH SALE A fine S r. house, beautifully located In high-class residential section. Haa every modern Improvement, has just been renovated throughout and Is as good as new. Block and half from 24th 8t. car. Price JJ.700 If taken at once. Further par ticulars, phone owner after 9 a. m. W. 258. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE New Residence 8-Rooms, $5,400 Just west of 24th. on one of the most pleasant residence streets In north part of town. This Is an exceedingly well planned and good looking frame and white stucco house, finished throughout with lirst quality materials and fixture and put together by skilled workmen. Has fireplace, sunroom, tiled bath and all the desirable built-in features. Hardwood finish and floors. Uood lot with fine sluido trees. Oarage. Owner is builder and skilled mechanic and is living in the house, which has Just been completed, but finds he must give it un. He ssks no profit on either house or lot and In addi tion is giving away worm ot nia own lime. A RM STRONG-WALSH 00. Tyler 16M. Btste Bank Bldg-. Bemis Park 3320 Myrtle Ave. This house now vacant, and nonresident owner writos to cut the price and sell. This is a 7-room, 2-story, modern houss, with fireplace, electric lights, rurnace, with good south front lot on paved street, one hi ck from Harney car line. Kasllv worth W.onO. but ws want an offer. Believe fS.fciu will buy it and easy terms can be arranged. Investigate at once while the house Is vacant. Glover & Spain li-30 City National Must Be Sold Want Offer a H. 37TH bT. This Is a z-story. -room, modem house, built by former owner for his home, having large recep tion hall, living room with ftreploe, at tractive dining room, all finished in quar ter sawed oak; also convenlutit klUihon, front and rear vestibules on first floor. Four large attractive corner bedrooms with connecting doors, outside sleeping porch and two complete bath rooms on second floor, one finished in tile. Third floor has maid's room and storage room. Cemented baaoment. furnace heat, laun dry connections, etc. Lot 60x136 feet. asphalt paved street, alley in rear, shade trees and shrubbery. Only one-half block from Ii'arnam car line and near some of Omaha's bent residences. PRICE W,0; terms easy. Key at our office. Immedi ate possession. George & Company Phone D. 76. VSl City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Investment Close-In Owner leaving city, offers to saoriflos on Improved property, close In; east of 2-i th St.; consisting of frame store build- in, with some fixtures; 6-room cottage ana a Dam. witn run soutn front lot on paveu street, 'irile property Is In first clans condition, recently uuinted and I It rented cheap at Ttt per month. Owner wants bat will consider offer for quick sale, this is one or ths best smsll investments we have offered for sumo time. Glover & Spdin ! City National. REAL ESTATE BOLTB BIDE Foreclosure Sale i ins is your cnance to Duy a seven room, siiicuy home and two lota Hot air heat, fireplace. House was built i or a name, nicely decorated; large bam; paved street, paving oald. You can huw this property for the mortgages that are against it. Party la about to loae this property and wants to move it. Small payment down, balance like rent, will handle the deal. Scott & Hill Co. DouglHs 1. iiMcCague Bldg. i"-R. HOUSE. Just finished. Modem, oak finish. Big native sfads trees. On boulevard. ) cash, balance Ilka rent Call Q. A. Erkles or J. Paul E kles. ESTAI-E SOUTH MI'K " A HAKUAIN " In West Han.-H-om Park, bungalow, rooms and enclosed sleeping porch, nearly finished, oak finish first floor, pine and bin h finish second floor and fireplace, house all complete with storm window and scicens and lighting fix tures, for $.. Mske an ai polnlment with owner and builder to It. Harney TSl. RKAJL ESTATE NUBl'RRAN Daaaee. Dundee Lot Bargains U.IA raving all paid, KHh and Cap itol Ave.; cheaiest In all Dundee. It. TO, Mat and Oimlng. high and elphtly; cheaest lot In this district ll.SOrt, (t'xia. overlooking Hspny Hol low: paving for street and alley paid In full. 1.10(111, liiexl.V., south front, corner Int. handy to car line and the cheapest available corner In lundee, consider ing Iocs! Ion. Glover & Spain IIS City National. Itenaon. 5-Room Brick Bungalow Strictly modern, with f acres bearing fruit: a bargnln If taken at once. &4u Ames Ave., or phone IWnson 24. o RKAL KSTATK MISCKLIiANKOtfl Price"W50 $250 Cash $27.50 Per Month will buy i brand new-all mod. 6-r. bun galow: rooma all large, living room, dtn inir room nml sun room finished In oak. with oak floors throughout house: dining room has window sent, plate rail and anelled wall; colonnade opening nctween Ivlng room and .lining room; lorae kitchen with pantry ynd ice box room: bathroom In enamel and tile, wlMi high grade fixtures: full founds' Ion: basement cemented; lloor drain; furnace heat; hot water connection; nne soiun front lot on grade; i block to car. You hould aee this wnnilerful bargain. Rasp Bros. 106 Met 'ague Bldg. DoughiM llfc:t. CHAM. hi. WILLIAMSON CO., Paxton Blk. IVllg. 3107. rXJK A LB Brick building, new, mod ern; office rooms below, living rooms above; rents for 46 per month. Invest ment will net better tnan S Interest. Add rees P Bee. CARTUR I-AKK CI. L B xtlage and lot. Phone Webster 67SO on lot 1. o Boulevard Park Home Brand new. all modern bungalow; five large rooma and bath; 3 rooma In oak. one a sun room; beam ceilings; oooauases; 'window seat; well arranged kitchen, with convenient pantry and Ice box room; bathroom In tile and enaixtel. with guar anteed fixtures; lighting fixtures can be selected by buyer; stairs to second floor. which is large enough to iinisn mree rooma; cement basement; lurnacs neai; hot and cold water; fine large lot; paved street; close to car; located In Boulevard Park addition. Price n.wu; aooui iw casn or vacant lot as part payment. Rasp Bros. Douglas lu63. 30.1 McCague Bldg. MEDroAIj RUPTURB Rupture treated successfully by all safe, sclentltlo methods. Ths majority are cured without a surgical operation. Ws have treated many Hundreds of men, women and children. The oust is deter mined after examination, and time re nulred to cure two or three weeks. Call or writs for further particulars. Frank H. Wray. suite Bee bio., umaiis. Nsb. PILES. FLSTUIA CURED. Dr. B. R, Tarry cures Dileat fistula and Other ractal diseases without surgical operation. Curs guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. at. R. TARRY. 340 Bea Bldg. LEGAJU NOTICES NOTICH TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received for the erection of St, Patrick's! church, Imogens, la., ac cording to pians ano specifications pre pared by Harry Iwrle, architect, 827 Paxton block, on or before 11 o'clock noon June 21. 1&I&- Bids to be sddressed to Rev. K. Hayes, Imogens, is., and plans can be seen at architect's office, or st the offtos of K. A. Wick ham Ac Co., 10 Scott St., Council Bluffs, la., and at ths residence of Rev. Bdmond Hayen, Imogens, la. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. JldSL Ceffee Market. NF7W TORK. Juns I.-Coffee The market for coffee futures was very quiet today, sales being reported of only T.7W baas. The opening; was steady at un changed prices, to an advance of 1 point on some scattered coverings, out prices later eased off under liquidation and a little trade selling which sums thought might be against purchases for new crop forward shipment Irom Brasll. The dues nas net unchanged to points lower. June, 6.40; July, e.49; August? 60; Sep tember, 8 50; October, .&!;' November, 6.U; December, .fe; January, IM; rVbru ary, 6.41; March? 6G4; April, .CT; May, 4.70. Spot, easy; Rio No. 7, 7i; Santos No. 4, CV'. It is reported that undescrlbed santos 4s have sold under So for forward shipment in the cost aud freight market. Mtlrels prices were unchanged. ltlo exchange on London unchanged. Omaha limy Market. PRAIRIE HAT About twenty rars were on tracks here. Receipts yesterday and today amounted to seven cars. There has been a few cars of very choice hay here this week snd they have moved off very rapidly. Shipment of anything that can be loaded that is good Is advised. Following Is the range of values: Choice upland. 113.60; No. 1. (H.d'HCO; No. 3,; No. 3, W 00(S.OO; choice mid land, IL8 00; No. 1. 13.0uau;.60: No. 3. 110.00 tl 11.00; No. S, tO.Ouua.Oti; choice lowland, IU.OiKifl2.00; No. 1. llo.00iffU.0U; No. 13.04 410 00; No. 1. flCu. STRAW None on the market. Choice wheat is quotable at 3..0O54.M1. Cottoa Market. NEW TORK, June 3. Spot, quiet; mid dling uplanda. t.OOc; aales, 100 bales. Cotton futures opened steady; July, .34e; October. 6ac; December, .Wc; January. 10.00c; March, 10.30c. Kutures closed steady; July, t.Tic; Oc tober, t.70c; lecember, 9.05o; January, V Wc; March. 10.33c. The cotton ntarket closed steady; net 1 point higher to 1 point lower. LIVERPOOL. June 1 'OTTO N Spot, steady; good mi. Id ling, 6 60U ; middling. ld; low middling, 4 6L Sales '10, A bales. Metal Market. NKW YORK. June r-MKTALo Lead. H.timvi.&i. Spelter, not quoted. Copper, firm; electrolytic, lifuo. Tin, quiet; t ton lots, tn.xoiK.OO. Iron, quiet and un changed. At 1ndon: Copper, spot, 170 i, futures. H. Spelter, l.k. Tin. spot, li'; futures, 4,'IW IOs. Ai.tlinuny OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to a Dime Off Lambi Slow. Open Fifteen to Twenty Five Cent! Higher. VERY DULL MARKET IN HOGS M'TH OMAHA. June 2, Wl. ReceiiHs were: Csttte. nogs. Sheep. Official Monday S 4 T. I '2 v.l official Tueadsy M Kstlmate Wednesday.. 4.4) Three days this week .I4.1M nnle rlavs last wet k..l3.fv ! Same d.tys i' wks ago. .Ki.ViJ Mims days 3 wks ago. ,M.( Same d:ivs 4 w ks Hgo..liT7 Sme days last venr... .s.'7 The following table shows the receipts Of csttle, hogs and sheep nt the South Omnha live stock mret for the year to date, as compsred wi'h last year: lMu 1!I4 Inc. Iec. Vttle 4.1S iw X V..M1 Hons 1.4t.t'2 I.pilM 846.1)4" Slx-ep UCI.ilU !7.a H4.4M The following table shows the average price for boss at the South umaha live stock market for the last few days, with compattsona: Ibtte l'Jlj 1914.1113. 1912. 'Ill 1. 1 110 ItH.i-i. 1 May ' May i May Mnv 17.1 I i Ik. I I tv i l J r. I t ail 7 l i k Ssj 7 00 I I T , i tit 41 7 01 ill I S Tl M i 1! I Mi 7 W a 73) 391 U4i I 841 7 43; I 4t 7 01 1,', : 7 44i 6 M; I ( 0 I 31 7 StoV May May M.ty May May May May May Mav May May t Id s ' 7 4?! a , 4j 7 i I I wl 7 ! 4 SI I w 1 I TOI t 7 i i3 7 7 P71 I 4e' I n a in v i:i i i" 7 4 7 41 7 4rtV ( Ml 14 7 14 6 64 r 7 14 g 011 1 43 7 M I 41 7 SHI I ft'.' 81i 7 lt T 4s! 7 ! 9 I 7 W 7 IS, 6 Kl 9 IN I 7 K 7 Ml 7 H 7 rrj t t ail 7 1 7 7S Ml 7 14 T 41' Juno 7 Sf S 7 MY June 2 Sunday. Receipts and dlspoltlon of llvs gtoca at the Union Stock Yards. South Omaha, for twenty-tour hours ending at S p. in. yesterday: nnCKlPTB-CARl?. C. M. & H. V. V :l i 44 4 W at 3 7 1 tsfi 1.7:n 13,T i.XO 42vJ 4.KW S ttvi H.l'i? 41, !.'! .'7 El. -'7 .M" L'X.Sof 15.771 SU.WW 9.745 2 1 1 1 .i 7 7.. 4.1 b 1 m t a 17 1 4N 7 1 . 6 .. . 1 1 13 S W abash Mo. Pacific V'nlon Psolflc. C. N. W., asst.. '. A N. W.. west.. C. rt. P., M. O... C, II. U., esat.. C, II. or m, west.. C. H. I. A P.. oast. Illinois Central .... .'. Chi., tit. West i Total Receipts ..3U DISPOSITION 1 1 K A D. Cattie.Hngs. Sheep. Morris a Co Swift Co 3K1 'i.isn HI .17 1.1W Xft 4.3M4 4Mi :,IHW till tf& w; ... r 10 57 x 71 i 4ri 6 V on 4 32 IX , 44 10 17 7 h M U ... in 235 ... "3 Cudahy Packing Co...: Armour 41 Co Schwarlx Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co. Omaha Packing Co.... Cudahy. from K. C V. B. Vanaant Ilenton, Vansant ft L. V. It. Iwls J. H. Bulla L. F. Huss Rosenstock Uros. .... Kellogg I II. K. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Rothschild & Krebs ... Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.. Christie Itixitlna Ilufman Meyers Tanner Bros John Harvey Kline Other buyers Totals 4,.10 II.K0 1J7.' CATTLrJ There was another fatrly liberal run of cattle today and the offer ings Included a large percentage of Very desirable beeves, both heavy and lltcht Reporta from eastern marketa were In the main rather bearish and this, together with the ample supply of rattle on sale, led to a very dull and unevenly lower trade. Strictly choice cattle, both hevy and light, sold at pretty close to steady flgurea, yearlings reaching 39.00 again, and beat heavy beeves aelllng around On the general run of cattle. however, bids and sales were mostly 10a lower than Tuesday and trading was very slow throughout on this basis. Supplies of cows and heifers were of rather moderate proportions, and as ds msnd waa practically ths same aa It has been lately, the market presented no new features and sales were generally steady for anything at all useful In this Una. Veal calves were In very good request snd quotably steady, and titers was a good outlet and a firm market for bulls, stags and rough stock generally. There was not a great many stock cat tle and feeding steers on sale and largely fur this reason the market ruled steady to strong for anything good enough to Invito competition. Inquiry from both yard traders and country buyers hss shown sumo Improvement of late and, best offerings of all weights are find ing ready sale st steady to possibly a little better figures than prevailed last week. Quotations on rattls: Good to chotcs yearllnga, 14.40'tjs 00; good to cholos corn fed beeves, H.Ku3.76; fair to good corn fed beeves, I3.10ri.3fi; common to fair comfed beeves, $7.UKu.00; good to choius heifers, f7.Ukiu4.00; good to choice cews, W.fcOtJf.eO; fair to good oows I4.7S4H 30; common to I air cows, Ii.7b4pl.7s; good to choice stickers snd feeders, 17. (Out. 10; fair to good stackers and feeders. fT.Otkjf 7.60; common to fair Blockers and feed ers, 34.OWi.00; stock heifers. Is.00tp7.0l; stock cows, t&.7i4J4i.7.; stock calves, 38.60 C60; veal calves, t8.OTxcP10.7e: fat bulls, stags, eto.. Ia.604'7.26; stuck bulls, .0v4 I. Oo. Representative sales: UKUV STEERS. K. ft. Ne. A. Pr. I Hi t T HI 17 JaiJ le 1 1114 T i 33 v:t I u t Ml I M 30 -...111. I 4e i net ( r ai , tM i II U4 I ti 14 esf I is tt ioa in BTKI0HM AND HKUTSKS. Hit I M I.. ..llfl ..112 ., 7T7 .. Til .. SSI .. Ki I M I U I M e 4 09 . SKI . in . 130 . !! . r . tit .10.4 . fH mi .H7 . 10 7 71 f 110 J... II... ti... 10 I 36 COWS. 4 10 I ... I SO !.... IS 10... s l...! a n. ... .1H M mi a ...m I I 76 t 00 ...1A7S - M4 I 44 1. ......10 HKIFBKS. I Tl IT tst It 7 SO BULLS. eo l lis I .. I M CALVLS 771 ..... HI T 40 7 U 7U Ml .1400 .U0 T v T to 4 1 M 313 14 35 IK STOCK (CltS AND FEEDERS 7 I 40 4. it 1 10 HoYtHSupplles contrti'ue"ery liberal. .... v . . .. ..ww . , ,w mwi, showing up today. Kor the first half of the week receipts total 4J0.UO7 head, being u-.mAll,ln l,U 'JIN . . AM lirAl k. J neany twice as large as a wsek aro, and C.tio hoaler titan a year ago. This week's run is the largest sine In Maroh. being heavier even than the big supply two weeks ajro. Other points reported fraali deollnes this morning, but nhippers, wlUch shuwed tne nig end or yesterdays break, moved i steady to ou lower prices. Bulk of ths outsiders' purchases was made around If. 40. Shipping detruuid was not so heavy today as earlier in the week. Parkers were bearish again this mom Ing, and opening bids wens all of 6pl0o lower than yesterday's average. Later offers Unproved so that tuey were hardly a nickel off. but even than sell ers, who wee asking stronger money refuted to cut loose, and at a late hour nothing ot consequence had ben dnne. In the end must of the hogs were cashed st prices tnat were neariv a nickel lower One packer laid out, however, toward the rlose, after other buyers had filled their orders, things weakened off, leavlns; aruuna tony loaus still in nrst luuids. At a Lie hour tliee mmm tti.lViln. and what bids being rniid. looked a flat nickel lower than the early trade, or mostly a dime below yesterday's averse. Most of the early packer sales landed at lY.ssyirJ.j.Vi. are! tops reached $7 iiW Ijite nffMra rt.,n,4 tr and aa quite a aprinkltug of shluiera sold as huh as 37.40, it was probable that the hu'k of all the sales could lie quoted at I7.3u4f7.40. ii I'lerx ntativa sales' Ko. At Vh. Pr. n. A. Sa. Pr. 7K.. 7.. .. Jli . .17 ..III 7 7 4. :t l.-fl in 7 H7H RIIKKI'-Another light supply was re ceived, estimates calling for only nine cars, or 3.2t head, which was pract'eally the same as yesterday's run. Totel for the three) days Is only 4;18 head, as against a.102 a week ago, .(57 two weeks airo, and a,74r last yesr. This week's re ceipts are the smallest sines July, 1911. when a holiday cut the run to I.VK) head for the flrat half of the week. Hellers were asking a sharp advance, and as buyers' early offers were made on about a steady basts nothing was done until a late hour In the forenoon. When the flrat lambs finally moved sellers had ei.rrled their point, and thev showed a K-pSo advance, beat clipiera rea.'hlne. 310 35. as against 110 yesterday. Others sold as high as t"V2ft. and this morning s top wss the highest figure ever psid here. At a late hour there werf. still several loads of California springers and a car or so of shorn atuff unsold. In tin end the four loadn of California snrlnvr Ismhs ere raehe.1 at 11140, Khnwlnr mi advam-e of flat 4V. aa the same stuff brought 111. on Tuesdny. A few head of native springers sold nt high as 112 no. but there were hardly enough on ssle to count. There wers hsrnly enoneh sheen here to make a market. One little bui'oh of ewes, the only matured stuff that nnwrd up. was good enough to bring i." 7i. but there waa not enough here to miki a basis for quotations. Wethers snd yesi- llngs are a minus quantity, none htvlnc shown up for over a month and a half. Uuotattnns on sheep end latnhs: IJuli: shorn lambs, t T.Vif 10 J.; heavv fio"'.i lnmha, gVJytilOOO: spring Ismbs, tlMi'i 12 shorn ewes, ti.Mxgb 75. Representative sales: N. . . . A v. .. M 3 .. 42 .. W ..104 ..103 .. 73 .13 .. w Pi. l) 10 10 13 (" ft jr. 4 0 Ul 4 5 7 I 7S 60 cull .ptinr lambs. ItM clipped lambs ., 11 native sprlnr lamns...., native -tiring lambs.... ta shorn ewes 10 cull shorn ewes 4 cull shorn ewes. ......... 13 shorn ewes 213 shorn en-es , cull ewea t'HICACIO MVH STOCK MtRKBT t attle Wealc II ears Weak to Lower kkeey firm. cinCAOO, June ?. "ATTT. F Receipt st IS.OiiO bend; market weak; native beef steers, 3tl.90fl9.3A; western steers, t.fWF 1 10; cows and heirers. K.SPrj's.TO; olaves, i; . . lltHl.S pjvelpts, M.OflO head: market weak. lOo lower; bulk of aales, $7.46s T.; light, t7.364jf7.7n: mlted, 7.tn7.aY.; I.eavv Xl.OOM; rough, 17.0VffS.15; plin. r-r 7fift7.?.". SHKKP AND IAMBfik-RecefptfT. lO.ryio head; market firm; sheep, tO.SOQ', iambs, .76W10.8.S. nt. I.nala Live Mark Market. fT. liOUIS. June 2. CATTL.K H ccipta, ono head; market lower; natlc. Iteef, 37.60rn'0.3l; yearlinif steer and heif ers. I3.oovd0.30; cows. fc.0nrt ; storkers and feeders. M.O0HV2S: southern steere. ln.2S4W.65; oows anrt Wfcrs, H0otf.ju: native calves, l.!'.?'.. HOUS Receipts, 11.000 head: market lower; pigs and lights, M.3(Vic7.1W: mixed snd butohers, 7,4Dtj7.80; good heavy, 37.10 C7.70. SHEET AND LAMBS Receipts. 1700 head; market lower: clipped muttons, ti OvW.00: dinned lambs, 4li.0oy9.76; spring lambs, tlO.OOtlJ10.7S. . Kansas City Llvs Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. June 1-CATTLE-Re. rein t a, 6.200 head; market tower; prim fed steers, IH.iJVhO.OO; dressed beef steers. JN.fKKit.fn; western steers. 37.5Wj90; Blockers and feeders, 7.tMtt-6i; bulls, i.KV,(7 21: calves. 8.BTV!?1.7S. . HtXiy Rnceipts. 13,000 head: market lower; bulk of sales, 7.btt'7.HO: heaw 7.n0v'i.i; packers and butchers, 17. 1.H0; llaht, 37.rVT.6T:plgs. M. 401.00. SHEKP AND M MBS Receipts, g.flno head; market higher; lamna, K.rswfll.rr yearltnss, 37.2r4ul.25; wethers. 3..76aT.O'l; ewes, 5.u05f43.26J Hi. Joseph I. Ire Staelc Market. ST. JOSKP1I. Mo.. Juns t. CATTI.K- Kerelpts, 1.300 head; market slow; steers. ont.ot: rows ana neuera. st.wits.oti; talves. M.oMrH.OO. HOGS Receipts, a.wn bead; marxei. lower: top, 37.W; bulk of aales, SHEKP AND IAMJiM KeCeiptS, run headi market strong; lambs, llO.Ovtrn W. Iras City Live Stack Market. SIOTIX CTTT. Ta.. June t. CATTTjK Receipts, 1, W0 head; market lOo lower; native steers, t7.00tti.BT: butchers. 3i.5mti l.2f; oows and helfens. 34.0Wtf.7S; canners. 3.76f.3S: calves, I7.60nil0.x&; bulls, stags. etc., 3SJMP7.h. HHEfcT AND LAMBS Receipt,, 1 head. New York Csaerol Market. . NFTVv TORK. June 1--SUQAR Raw. Steady: centrifugal. 4.1e: molasses, refined, steady. Sugar futures wars quiet early today, with a heavy undertone. At neon prices were unchanged to points higher. BUTT Kit Firm; receipts. . runs: creamery extras. M score. Sac; creanery, higher scoHnr. tHWStol firsts, 374J27c; seconds, &tlAba, F.UGS 1'iasler; receipts, w.ktz cases: fresh gathered extras, Tltlc; extra firsts. HWiK'toi firsts. KW'Zlo; seconds, lM19o: nearby hennery, whitest, fins tot fancy, 34tiC6o; nearoy hennery. Drowns. S3i4c. CHBKSFJ Steady: receipts, 7.177 Doves:, state, whole milk, fresh specials, 17c: whole milk, average fanny, 18Ve. IHJTILTRT Live, weak; western chick-, ens. broilers, Wtplbo: towls, ltntrioo asked; turkeys, I3c; dressed, quiet: western, frosen roasting; rhlokens, 18tr?!o; frsshi fowls. Iced. 14(u;Wc; fresh turkeys, toed, 1641fl7e, Kaasai City Orals atoal Pro-rlatOM. KANSAS CITT. Jan. 1 WinSAT-No. S hard. fl.32tiU4; No. 1 red. !.; July. tl.107; Ssptembsr. tl.Vcl.BHii Dcein- fcer. 31. U. . , CORN NO. 3 mtXIXI. MP! WO. vroo, I r,C I iNO, S TW1UW, lOUj no. P. niriw,i July, 7iHc September. 7JWif7SSo; Deoem-. rer. sno. , OATS No. 3. 4owc; io. a buxbso, 01-9: ; o. bUTl Ltv-TWll-Tj, mtv, mumm, mrv. seconds, 23o; pack Ins;, lso. , ' FOf4 TirsU, Itsu; seeoadg. 14HA POULTRT Hsns. Wisa; rvosters, got; turttsys, Uo. Mlstaosioolls) Ocmls. Stark wt. MINNKAPOLIS, Juns 3. WBLELAT July. 11.34; September, fLlgu; No, 1 herii .41; No. 1 norttvsrn. LMlla.41;i No. 1 northern, declined. Kantw patontis. T.1S-. first clears, 8 SO; second cleavrs, 4.39. BARLBI-WSTOC. RYB-il.lW.l. BRAN-32L60. CORN No. S yellow? e'TJWI.o. OATS No. 8 wrhlts, 4TriB4740. r-XAXLT64Tl.T. t. Loots Onlm Market, ST. LOtHS. Juno 1 WTIBAT Vo. red. n.2.!j'l-s; No. 1 hard. lCa.9; July. 31.18; September, tl.U. CORN No. X 7tHc; No. I wtilts, TTHc; July, 7o; September, 74c OATS No. X. 4Wo; No. I whits. Me. Liver poo I Oraia Market. LrVTRI'OOL. Juno - WliBlAT Bpot No. 3 Manitoba, lis id: No. 3, 13a: Mo. 1 northern Dulutu. UsM: No. I bard wln- tsr, 13 Id. CORN Hpot Amorioan mixed, new, (a 3d; La Plata mixed. sslHd. Ua4ss ItMk Mas-ket. LONDON, Juno 3. American soeuntlcs) dull, awaiting the outooms of tho dlplomatlo situation. The undertone waa, somewhat better and. the otoolosT was steady HlLVTrR Bar, UMdd per ounoa. MONET 14 CplH per oent. DISCOUNT RA TltS Sho rt bills, 3 per cent; thjes moutns. I ls-lnaSTfc per cut. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. June & DRT OOODS--An scute demand was renorted todav fur burlap at high prices, f'aocy wooleii yarns won In steady dnmand. but woi stcd staple yarns were dull. Cotton goods were quiet, with yarns dull. Em broideries were In fair duiuttnd. ISvaporteS Apples aad Dried Frails. Apftltf: JUM -EVAPORATEI I KI kl) r KITTTS Pruries. steadier. Apricots snd peacnes. ouu and easv. iialalns, steady. T.rM. frank, timely eoauasnt as CM ot rt Stw VurkJ Slack K.'tij,i jnu-THX lIl l)T RKViKW. Iue4 l ( . rer. e-A far Haple rupio. u Br '.I, N.w Turk Il 1 7 i i t m s 7 v. io t mt