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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1915)
2 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Sain Are Light ted Wfcea.t Take Another Slnmp, Dropping Two to Three Cent. SENTIMENT IS VEKY BEARISH OMAHA. June a, llt WhMl tick another stump today, soil ing from c t ir undw yrsterday'a frt'-ea. The mles were mmnrlv Huht, hor being but two car of hard winter and one cure of durum wheat reported old , Corn receipt were very light and there was rerjr little demand shown. White torn Hold a fraction above the yello-v. while the yellow brought a So advance rvr the mixed The market was un changed to hlrher. 1 The aalra of oata were unimportant and the market waa quoted He higher to 'c loner. Fve and barley remained nominally unchanged. Sentiment vnnn( tho grain tradera la r-eartah. espe-clally on wheat. They aay the country look too food and freah for t-adcr who were out over the holiday". They look for temporary rallies from tlmr- to time, however, due to pit condi tion, hut do not expert them to hold. CVaranrea were: Wheat and flour, iual to S12.nor bushels; corn, 12X,fti bush els; oats, 1.C0 buahela. Liverpool close: Wheat, and oata not quoted. Primary wheat receipts wera W.flno bushels and shipments WOi) bushels, eeainst reeelpta of 44ft.000 bushels and hipmenta of 71.ftO bushels Isst year. Primary corn recipta wer 41S.WX) bush els and shipments ;i,flnO buahela. against receipts of 1.M6.000 buahela and shipments of tC4. buahela last year. Primary oat receipts were E22.00O bush ls and shipments 4M.0P0 bushels, against fwoaipts of 1.I4A.OTO buahela and shipments of 7.(r fciisheia lajtt -ear. CARIX5T RKCE1PT". Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 144 1 M Minneapolis Ixiluth 46 .. Omaha .........,,...... B 24 4 Kansas Cltjr. ......... ...... ft i t. I4MIS m 4 14 Wlnnlpetr .............. 123 The following sates wer reported to day Wheat: No. 3 hard winter, I cara at tl-to. No. t hard winter. 1 oar at ILtvH, I ear at I1JB; No. 2 durum, 1 car at $1 . Tarn: No. I white, 1 cara at 7r, 1 car at ilc; No. 1 yellow, 1 car at T3n, Vo. 1 yellow? 4 oars at 'iia, No f yellow, 1 ear at 74c; No. t mixed. 1 car at 71Sc: No. I mixed 1 ear at 71140, 1 ear at Tin. 1 car at Wfco, S em at 7We, I car at 70'o, 1 car (smutty) at 0c; sample, 1H cara at Mw. Oats: Standard, 1 car at 47c; No. t white l cars mx 47c; aampla, 1 car at 46a. Rye: No. 4. 1 car at U.07. Omaha cah Prlcoa Wheal: No. I Tur key. U.fcA4rJ'l Hi No. Turkey. $1 trnpl Ne. 1 hard, Littm.0; No. 3, ll.P'V'fl H; No. 4, $l.UWJn: No. spline, fLXiLie; No. t durum, U.tvStfl.sO; No. I durum, 1 .J8H4Tl.iA. Corn: No. I whit. 72T72c: No. J white. 7l"4ff73c: No. 4 whit. 71$) 7! He: No. t white. VrilGVjke: No. white. TO'tSTYlc; No. I yellow, 71W2e; No. t Jeilow. 7T!ir714jo; No. 4 yellow, 7Vrjvm; No. t yellow, 7iH7tie; No. yellow, W erO'Vq; No. t mixed. TltrTlUc; No. t mixed. -CBHeOVPac; No. 4 mixed, VfjwSe; No. mixed. t!?r?Hc: No. mixed, t :04C. Ob: No. 1 white, 47"aMTVv tnd ara. 44j47r: No. I white, 4Hrif47o; No. 4 wbiLe, AJ4VJc. BarW-ys Walling. Re; No. 1 feed. MTiSSc. Kye: No. 1, tl.Oh'J l.W; No. 1 il. 0741 OK. CHICAGO GRAIN A WD PROVISIONS rea tares ef the Traelagr tleelaaj Prleea na Boarat l Trade. CHICA'K), June J. tTncertalnty In re gard to forelan relations ectod today as a welfftil on the prioe of wheat The market dosed heavy at Jo under last night. Other apeculative articles, too, showed a net decline com ISc to ly&lV. oata KW to c and provisions iwwC''to. Atten tion to diplomatic oontlnsrenutea had a (lepressln effect that was most notice able In wheat during the last half of the eesUn. .' Hy that time many slop-loss orders were being encountered and purchasing power seemed to have shrunk to a nota ble extent. Bearish sentiment waa em- ha I ict owing to word that a break In I ne price of flour at Minneapolla had brought about only a alight eniaraement f.f business. The fact that European de mand for wheal eoemed to have nearly vanished unless at a aharp setback In valut) counted also against the bulla. Prospects of unwelcome rain over much of the domestic belt led to a brief rally in the wheat market a abort time after tho ooenlns The general auspicious out look for the crop, however, with lower quotations from Liverpool tended later to l.fiate aa more than a full offset. . fh-.n Aracntine offerlnKS at New Tork- mnrte dealers In corn forpret that Wat westher mlwht delay replanting and In terfere with shipments from tust nanus. ri.. .nunn rif-- ws.kness ef wheat, al- thoiiKh lanored at flrat. waa later a de- u,.,.ni on the el ile ef lower nrtcea. Oata went downrrade with other , c:mn conditions for oata ware .ld to be Ideal. Tu,tta sunoort from peckera the provt' .,111,1 the Influence of lower prlcea for boga and grain. The big atock ol lard here wae a further handicap on the market. t Futures ranged aa follewsi Artiest Open, HlKh. Low. Close. ITes'y. Wheat ' July. ' kept. torn. . July. Bept ' Oeta ' J niy, . eH. Tork. July. 1 19. 1 It : t fk 17V 7 . . W 4fJ 4' I 1 17V 1 14Skl 1 V I 14S 1 SI 1 IT . 76?e 47 ;. 4 18 14 11 le 10 B'i Tf.w 74 171' 7; 74' ?4V I . '47 ..471a 47 431 11 0 u a IS 07W it 00 IS UOO U sV Kept., It 4iW Lard July. ' ept. ' Riba. July. . Sept. 7i T7S 7JW TJVil M . tnwi 10 Ks 10 1 kit 10 10 KM 10 S7H 10 K7H 10 Sl'Sxl 10 USI 10 7V Chicago fuh PrVee Wheat: No. S red. ILftxit 1 ' aalJH. Corn: 'No -S yllow. 7M;:: No. 4 yellow, TWx Oata: No, while, 4',Uc.; alaiiJard. t.tfltnc Rye. nominal.- Hartey. 71r 7Ie. rteeda; Timothy, o.OaUt; ctover. S WJ.In. Provisions: Pork, Si. .SO; lard, sv; ribs, tsinvwor;. uiilR-Lsinr: receipts, tils cases; at nark, casea Included. UPVtTlao; ordinary .firsts. I(i1"e; firsts. lTHy1c. j FLfTATOBH-UowdX; receipts. X cars; Michigan and Wisconsin red. rauc; Mti hls-an and Wisconsin whits. 4nHc. bt'TTKRCteady; creamery, SiciS-He, I'OLLTHY Alive, higher; fowls, lie . , I Prtee af Iter Rlslag. BOSTON, June S- Local etwiter office reported a further Increase today In the I price of the so-eallrd war metal to T, rents a pound for "prime western," com-r-ared with cents for spot sales on Hsy is. I. ttblliif for the produot Is reported s very active. CON NELL SAYS BOARD HAS NOT COMPLAINED OF DUMPS Health Commissioner Connell haa Issued ' thla t element regarding th dumping place ef th city: "I hav found no occasion to make any ' riectaJ effort to Improve the dump con dition There are various low place In lii city which are now being filled la with such debris as old brick and evea rubbish not of an unsanitary nature, but perhaps uiuriithtly until th top shall hav been covesed with earth. Killing In these places in thla manner will hav the f. feet of really removing unsanitary low place a. My office ha received n com plaint from the Board of EMuotloa on the subject, aa waa reported." MARDIS TO PUT UP THE WORLD-HERALD BUILDING The c Jut i act for th erection ef the new eichl-alory World-Herald building St Fif t-tu i sua Far nam atreets. haa Just been let ttf i. .. Mardia company. There acre alx blddera f"r the contract. The oik is to be mpleted by February 1. T. li. KinUill Is (he architect. The bin 10 ing Is te be Mxli: feet ia dimension. i NEW YORK STOCK MARKET International Relation! of U. S. Ab sorb Interest of Wall Street. ADVANCE DURING THE MORNING NR1V TORK. June J Wall street s at-'k trntlon was quite evenly divided today between this country's relations with Ger many and Mexico. The audience granted b ITenldent Wllsort to the tlerman am bassador and the emphatic declarations o Mexlro'a warring leaders were almost the only definite developments 'if an other lee uneventful session. The financial community was Nearly In: lined to regsrd the visit of the tier man ambassador to the While Mouse ss a factor of favorable Import. The entire list. Including the International group, advanced smartly during the morning on a volume of business In excess cf the preceding day. War bares and other specialties, aa well aa coppers, paitlcl pated In tHe rise, which Inst much rf Its enthusiasm later. Trading slackened to a marked degree In the afternoo-t and some gains were reduced to fractlona at the dull close. Total sales of stocks amounted to or, shares. fables staling that the Pank of Eng land had released tM7K.orn of Its gold and had sold tlO.onO.rcO of Its foreign gold coin doubtless accounted for the steadiness of local exchange on london. hut the record for franca waa again lowered, remlttancee on Paris being quoted at t in. agatnt the previous price of 4 4.7 V Italian exchange waa a trifle firmer, but the volume of bllla on Rome waa a further reflection of offerings by our bankers and manu facturers against purchase of war sup plies. Announcement that the Missouri Pa clfic railway note extension plan had be come effective Imimrted aom.'srhat greater steadiness to the stook and the notea also rose appreciably. Later theae Issues fell buck saatn aa a result of an attachment against the company by a non-assenting note holder. The feature of the steel trade Is the heavy demand for round bars, thla ma terial being used malnlv for ahrannrl and F'm nar-rvis. cicei exports are suo.icri 10 I difficulty of ocean transport. i ne bond market waa firm, an excep tion being St. Iyouls and Iron Mountain 4a, which fell four points. Total sslcs of bonds, par value, aggregated $l,M,0im. I'nlted States bond a were unchanged on call. Kew Yerk atoaey Market. NEW YORK. June MRRCANTtt.B! PA Pflle-gVTH rer rent. BTKRLIN1 EXOH A NOB Aft-dsv bills S4.7WI; demand. U 7W; cahloa. K7. 8ILVEH Bar, 474C; Mexiqan dollars, Vk: BONDS Oovsrnment, steady; railroad, firm. MONET Time loana, steady; On and 0 daya, 2'tJ2V per .rent; ruling rate. 1 1er rent; last loan, x per rent: closing 'Id, 11 per cent; offered at 1 per rent. German Emperor Sketches Design For a Monument (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) AMflTKRDAAl. May XI The Herman emperor recently sketched a design for a monument which In to be arreted In the former French town -of ff. Quentin, to the memory of tne dead tn the present war. The glory of what led to this la given In the German paper as follow: "The Germans, on occupying St. Quen tin, found a very fine mpntiment to the French soldier fallen .In 171, by the tide of which a plain memorial tablet In honor of the German dead of the, same year formed a rather undignified con trast. The military official, therefore, decided to have another monument erected, thla time to the dead of 1914-lS. which, however, la to be common to both French and German. The local city councillor offered to bear half the cost. and a Charlnttenburr artist. Prof. Wand- achaoldr, wa charged with drawing th design. The artist sent in three design and the emperor came down from the main headquarters specially to view them. ''Ho found them unsatisfactory. Ha wantad a richer design. II himself In dicated the leading Idea an open temple hall In Etruscan form. In the background the memorial wall with the name of the dead, and on either side, on th right and on th left a Oerman and a French oldler standing a guards of honor. Th obvlou objection to this plan wa that th figure of th Oerman soldier may later on, perhaps, be damaged by fanati cal chauvinist bereft of the high and noble ideas of th emperor, who, la a truly German . spirit.' waa prepared to honor the brave foe, a much as the vic tor. Thereupon the emperor deolded tt tho warrior be equipped In an an tlqu fashion.' In the course of th next few day th emperor mad two sketches ex pressing hi Idea and cent them tt Prof. Wandschaelde r, with' the express remark, however, that he need not, so far aa detail wer conoemed, feel him self In the least tied down to th model.' Briggs Will Remain As Police Captain City Comrolelonr Kutei last night ex pressed hi gratification over th big vot for consolidation. II aald Chief of Po lice Briggs of South OinaAa would re main In hi present position with th title of captain, but his salary would be a It la at present. A poile station will be established In Dundee, but the appointee for thla poai tloa ha not been chosen. FIFTY-MILLION CONTRACT IS GIVEN TO ONE FIRM (Correspondence of the Associated Press ) HYDNET. May S. Public works in vclvtng an expenditure of more than Sut.oot.OOO. Including ten railway lines, two water conservation schemes, harbor work and a canal project, are provided for In a mg1 contract just signed by the New South Wale government with an Anglo-Australian contracting firm, Nor ton Griffiths ft Co. Th contractor agree to finance the operation, which will be don In ac cordance with plan drawn up by th de partment of public worka The govern rent will allow th firm a profit of I per cent on th entire cost of ccntl ruc tion. ALIEN SPY? NOT MUCH! ANCESTOR A RED INDIAN TACOMA. Wsh.. Jun 1. -Newspaper accounts In which he considered himself depicted aa a spy. a blood-thirsty alien and In other light. Induced L. J. Bmlth an American, to visit the police today and tell them he waa the "uapect" who bought g0 feet of fuse here laat Satur day. The purchase ws mentioned In connection with n explosion of dyna mite In fleattl arly Sunday morning. Smith took the fuae with him to the police station. Me said he bought It to use on hla farm near by and that his ancestoi fur many aeueratlons were strirtly Amrrlcens. Ids greet-great-grandmother haWng b--tt a IVIaaaia indlaa TfrR -HRE: LAKE TRIUMPHANT IN PLAY DAY MEET: Wini from Lothrop School ia Ath letic Competition by Leu Than Two Fointi. EVENT IS A GREAT SUCCESS A moment of breathless suspense followed the close of the big field i day and athletic meet at Kountze park yesterday between 800 ex cited, yelling boys and girls of tbe fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades of Lake and Lothrop public brhoola. Competition 'n the various school and individual events ha.l been so keen and equal . that the judges had to check over all their figures before . they dared to an nounce which school wan the winner. Finally it was determined that Iks school had von by a score of 87 1-i to 83 2-3. '. -Most ffecceesfet Meet. It wA.e probably as successful n occa sion of Its kind aa had ever been held under public school ausplcos. tor although there were almost l.flno participants, the weather wa excellent nd no heat pros tratlona, sickness o accidents occurred. Many parents and friends fit the school kiddie, as well as many of the young ster themselves, made an enthusiastic crowd of spectators for the Individual eventa, which were very close. The en semb'e event, a wand drill, with every child taking part under the leadership (amS supervisor of athletics, waa a spectacle worth going mile to e. Ulrls as well aa boy took part In the school contests playing volley, play ground and long ball with great ease and vim. It waa evident that the public school athletic system ts developing some real athletic girl aa well as boys, some of the former swinging bats, throwing balls and running baae like regular leaguer. tarae Haa fharaje. R. I.. Cams, director of school ath letics, had general charge of the play day, and these official assisted: "Bud'' Kcarna. physical director of the Young Men's Chrlatlan association, referee; Ralph Leake, starter; R. 8. Flower, clerk of the course; Don C. McCown, M. T. Gates, Thuma K. Mills, O. It Wagen seller, Donald Peters, Jack Cavanaugh, 4. A. Avery and Ralph 8. Doud, judge. A large,- handsome pennant waa pre- en ted to Miss Fltcli. principal of Lake school, aa the emblem of victory for her boy and girls, and ribbons will he given to th youngsters who won places In the Individual event.. Score were marked a followa Ten point for first, six point for second place ' In school con tests; five points for first, three point for second and one point for third place In Individual events. The standing of the two school w'aa: Events. l .1. iihnn r,uipmem may Volley ball, 7 ft S grade girls.. 10 10 vouey oaii. ? grade boys.. PlaVBround hall k irrsrl h.iva in 10 10 10 10 3 li S II I I'laygrwind ball, I grade boys . Ixvng bail, 5 grade alrls t Long ball, a grade girls K Kunnliia , high lump, bnvs &u-yard dash, S grade "bnvs.... r-0-yard daah, grade boy.... 4 M-yara onsn, i grade boys.... 9 f0-yard dash. S grade bi)ys.... 4 neiay race, zw pova on team, eacn running luu yarns. a 10 j iu i rrr I " ! Total points 87H Winners of Kveats. Scores of the aame and' winner of the Individual eventa wrre: ollev ball, seventh and eighth grade girls Lake school on. Volley ball, seventh nd eighth grade boysALothrnp school won. Playground ball fifth grsd boy Lake School wen, 14 to 8. Playground ball, sixth grade boys Lothrop school won, 14 to 11. lxng hall, fifth grade girls Lothrop school won, 12 to 10. , long ball, alxth grade glrla-uothroD school won. 10 to 7. Hunnlmt high Jump for boye Flrat. Kl er lilglcy, like, 4 feet 10 Inches, second. George Marks. Ixithrop; third, tie be tween Kenneth Clough. Lothrop; Philip Moeler, lake, and Carl Peterson, - Ijolh- uu-yarn oaan, imn . graa ooys rirst, PhlllD Moeller. Lake, time fc second. second, Iula Sokolif, Lake; third, Arthur welts, ian. o-yard daah, aixtn grade boy flrat. Chester Pierre,- Lothrop; second, Will HI wg. Lake; third, Joe Chamber. Lake. 60-yard dash, seventu grade nova first, Howard Tagtmeler, Ike; second. will i&nget, Lake; tmrj, Joe Gallagher. Lake. , 0-yard dash, eighth ciad bora first George O'Neill. Lothrop; second. Julius Wolpa, Lake; third. Artnur Higbee, ljike. The Lake-Lothroo Plav dav had orlaln- ally been planned for May 19. but rain bad caused aeveral poetponements. K. 0. Votes Over Four Million Beauty Bonds KANSAS CITT, Mo., June .'.-Bonds aggregating for municipal im provement wer voted at a special elec tion her today. N'lneteen specific propo sitions wer voted upon, including th establishment of traffic ways, Improve- men of parks, police and fire equipment and the municipal corrections system- All wer carried. The vote, it wa as serted, was th heaviest cast at a pecll election here for year. Culls from the Wire Whether the Missouri Pacific railway can b reorganised without recourse to actual receivership probably will be set tied today at Mw I oik. I'pon the recommendation of the con ettrrtsJ longresatlon 1'ope Itenedlct rat ified tbe apiMiliiiineiit of Rlaht Rev. Kd- aard K. 1 1 anna, at present administrator or tne IMoiese or mmi r ranctsoo, as pisnop of San I ranclsco. Twenty of the leading business and pro fessional men of China appointed mem bers if a commission by the president of their republic lo visit the principal cities of the I'nited Hlatea, were welcomed and entertained '.iv New York City officials. The receipt of a cablegram denying the truth of published statements that Al beit Itallln. director general of the Hamburg-American line, had been taken seri ously 111 to a nerve clinic at Frankfort-on-Main waa' announced at New York. A robber entered the office of the Cltl sena Savings and loan society at Spo kane. Warh., backed the bookkeeper. l-ore V. ITattoi, Into a rear room and escaped Attn t00. The office of the so ciety has been robbed within three mouth In th same manner. The charge that Chairman Frank P. Walsh of the United Wales Industrial Itvlallou commission distorted testimony when he Issued a atateineasT at Kensaa City seeking to make It appear that Joha I". I. 1 1 . . . v. . . 1 1 . . j i . , iiwnin wv- sponsi'ile fur labor conditions In the Colo rs lo field was made at New York by W. I Mackeusie king, former minister of lat er for Canada and now director of an investigation in Industrial relation fcr t'ie Rockr feller foundation. l'ncertalnty over the application of th Sherman null-trust act to combinations furmi-d to promote export trade Is one of the it in- ipal obstacles In the way of ex panding biislness with South American rtiunlries. In the opinion of New t nslsnd m-'n hauls, expressed at a conference nuh the Federal Trade vonuulasloii at Huston. OMAHA. Till R1UY, .H7XK 3. 1015. !s mm : Business Men of Mafic City Wel come Change that Annexation Will Bring. WHAT SOME OF THEM SAY Py a two to one vote the people of the i Magic City, casting total vote of 2.400, ; i---- - - rmcnrAA t practically as large aa that recorded at I "be average election, signified tnetr evi-, dent wish to Join hand with the older l"er to the north. In the face of the maln-llv jut moat of the 7, . .. .' .... ... ! c wiuiria i" " ""Tn Hees branch offlc, 2I1 N ft. Rates, without flinching and many of .them have a word for one time. iu.c a word ea-h already come forward to boost for J"V, '2T. nr'' y "nd 1c a word each . ' i cy tor a week. Prompt tnd courteous Greater Omaha. ; service. While most of the business men of the city were for the Issue, those who were not have immedtetely expressed a will- Ingnesa to accept the will of the people. Cl.renee Me.ny of th Forrert and j Mny Drug store wa one of the first to accept the proportion a It has turned out and ia now boosting for the Greater Omaha. Meany ssys, "Although I have . alwsva been opposed to the Issue, now ( reallxlng that the people really are for . the measure, I will get behind and boost 1 for all thst I am worth." C. A. Melcher, drug mrchaat of the : city said, "I am now a booster for Greater Omaha, It la my belief that If the people really want further Improve- ments and psy taxes, they will have no trouble In getting them." Chief of Police John Brlgga In speak- Ing of the result of the election sa Id, "Although the change In government might result In a flight temporary Injury to local property owners, It cannot be anything but a good thing. If the prop erty owners want Improvamenta they will get them regardless of what the atitis hav been ac' inir th" e-i,trirv." George Atkins, manager of th Besse theater openly welcomed the result of tHe election. He said, "I have always be lleved that the merger would be a good, thing. It Is now up to the Commercial club to bring the manufacturers down here. In the meantime I am a booster ! for a Greater Omaha. 1 The three to one vote against the park , bonds wa the cause of no less surprise j than the landslide for annexation. j On in Medina of Exchaaaes. fouth Omaha's representative to the national meeting of th National IJve Ptock exchange of the country, now be ing held in Indianapolis, left on the o'clock train laat evening in their char tered special car. Thirteen person com posed the party, five of whom were wive of local stockmen. The personnel of the party is as follow: Mr. and Mr. J. O. Ingweraen, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tagg, Mr. and Mr. K. Buckingham, Mr. and Mr. Frank Anderson, Mr. and Mra. E. A. Itose. J. H. Bulla, A. F. Stryker and Dave Rosenstock. The party expect to arrive at Indian apolis Wednesday afternoon. Headquar ter will be made st the Ctaypool hotel. New flat Uraealsed. The Off" or the "Organisation for Fun club," recently organised girls" club of the high school, met last Mon day evening at th home of Mis Glady Wright and elected permanent member. Th members elected are; . Bessie Avls worlh. Hope Hlbbard, Helen Van Bant, Alta Davis. Mildred Conaway, Marjorle Abbott. Glady Wright and Mary Ktrk patrlck. The club will entertained next Friday afternoon at the . home of Bessie A ylsworth. - Reed's Resldeaee Looted. Oscar Reed, colored resident of Sarpy courtly, reported a robbery of over S'jO coun wort last worth of private property rrom ms nome evening. A gold wstch, a kodak and 1 two suits were reported among th miss- j Ing article. I I'sser-VsrTsra etlala. ' The marriage of Mia Varvara. well knowrl Bohemian, girl of the south side, to Rudolph INnec took place at the home of the girt s parents. Twentieth and S street. yetcrday afternoon. Th formal ceremony waa carried out at th Church of Assumption.' with Rev.. Mr. ChandeUk of the church officiating. After the ceremony the wedding party returned to the home of th girl's par ents and the' afternoon and evening were spent with wedding day s vents. Mr, roneo I a sister-in-law of Captain John Zaloudek of th pollc fore Caralval Company Plaaa. The 3arvl-Seman Carnival company, which h beed -(elected by th South Omaha H6pltal Building Fund associa tion to provide the entertainment for th carnival week under their auspice, ahlch will celbrat '.th wek of . the Eagle convention here, carries more than sixteen -big shows. Th musical contingent consists of two uniformed bands, whose uniforms represent th field and full drra attire of Vgcle Ssm's arm?, and a steam callop. Hear of Ui( lit. .. . Song of lung ago received much ap plause laat evening at the high cchool auditorium when ung by member of the grade school of South Omaha. A large crowd of parents and friends of th student taking part attended and Ml Emma Dlckman. supervisor of mutie at th public schools, led her etudent through another annual concert of th school children. . j Host R Grow Heavier. Lat week marked th heaviest hog run slnoe last March. It 1 tlmted that 11,900 head passed through the hand of th local yard men. brought tn Z$7 car. Th week opened strong in th hog market and wa maintained through out the entire week. Lat March !4.000 head were Imported, thla being the heaviest run of th year. Coaaaaeaeeaaeat Week Kaerelaee. Arrangement for the commencement week exercise of th Jun graduating rlaaa of the high school hav practically all been completed and tu program com mittee haa taaued all th Invldual Invita tion to student that had been decided upon. The banquet will be held at th First Christian church, at Twenty-third and I street, next Saturday evening. and over 100 members of the Senior and Junior classes hav been Invited. Th play will be given at th high school a week from tomorrow evening. A com plete program will be anonoaced later. l aele taaa at Work.. Thla wonderful picture of the I'nlted b La tea government at work will be ahoan at the South Omaha Orpheum for one lay only, Friday, Jun 4. This I the am picture now being shown In Omaha nd merit all th praise given It by press and pulpit. Seeipg this picture will take place of a long and expensive trip. Do not mis this chanoa, as It may never com again. On day only, Friday. Jun 4, South Omaha Orpheum. Magi City fioeely. Mis Gretch Bueck has return from Oreina. a here aha baa been teaching dur ing the last year. Office apace for rent In Bee office. SIS N street. Terms reasonable. Weil known location- Tel. South ST. Owynne Fowler ef Burr Oak left laat evening for Lincoln arter apendlng th week-end with h's icnfT-?-i', ir. . .- . ' Fnwlcr Is In the employ of FV R. Deputy, wholesale rlothier. of Lincoln and e pects to attend the I'niverrlty of Ne braska In the fall. The Woman s Home and Foreign Mis sionary society of the First Methodist chiinh will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. A. Hart Twenty-sixth im' D streets. . The funel-al of Vera TtKi, 7-yenr-old rtniighter of Mrs. M. Rlsli, ft'.t South Twentieth street, will be held this after noon at 2 o clock at the I.efler Memorial church of the Maple avenue district. In- ferment will be made at the Graceland I'srk cemetery. " a loose no. zz. . Ancient i iraer . ,.,, Vnrilrn,n , .,., .,.-.,. tomorrow evening at MctTann hall. i aeniy-iourtn ana o atreets. t.rana Master Workman Frank A. Anderson will deliver an address. Want ads for The Bee mar be left at Want ads for The Bee may ' Wx4- "Pill J l TTUil U L 111 Vl UUl Ul j-j o tvt r j V fanCe IOF War ItOOCIS EAST ST. LOOS. III., June 2. -George r. Heller, proprietor of a forge work here, today declined an unlimited order f rjm the French government for shrap- nei casing. The order would have amounted to !.nno a week. Mr. Meller declined the order because he Is opposed to war. A few days ago Theodore Phllllppe or Kast St. L-ouli declined an order for SW.OHO worth of machinery for the manu- facture of cartridges, ' mmmmm e OaTsaMst OsSBaSjB e ! Big Savings on Summer Furniture in June Sales Ease, Comfort, Satisfac tion in Every Pair of Men's Stetson Shoes, Women's Queen Quality and Grover Shoes. Pleasing Individuality in Women's Outergarment Styles Combined With Exceptionally High Quality at Every Price Mark Our Jane Sale of Special Economical Importance to Every Woman, N A - we -4iU,:Sft-''t-' J r"W l I Silk Waists, made to sell at $2.50 to $3.50, at ........ $1.59 lh Soft Crepe de Chines, the popular Pon gees and a broad "assortment of Wash Silks. Newest stvles and colors; all sizes. New Wash Dress, Skirts $1.00 to $7.50 ! 35c Embroideries ! at 15c a Yard i i i Thursday, morning we will place on' a big" line of 27-in. Embroidery Flounc ings and 22-in: Allover Em broideries, some worth as much .as 50c yard, all 1 r in one big lot, yard IOC For Graduation Dresses The choicest assortments and values In beautiful Iar and Em. broldered Organdie Flouncing Hliotvn in Omaha. Six Very 8ecial It 30t. 40. t9 79t 08 nd S1.50 Yard. "Mary Pickford" Motor Caps Two splendid new lines, on sale; t 50a and 81.00 I On Sale in Domestic Room Thursday Heavy Weight Unbleached Table Damask at 25c yd. Only 15 pieces in the lot, '58-inch heavy weight Table Damask, made to sell at 40c, on sale Thurs., yd. 25 100 pieces Novelty Printed 40-inch Dress Voile, slight imperfections in weaving or printings. This brings the price reduction from regular value 25c, to yd. 15 Silk Embroidered Wool Flannel for Infants' wear, neatest embroidered designs, 50c quality, yard . .39 Bleached Shaker Flannel, the soft, fleecy 1214c grade, Thurs day's sale, yard Os Towels, fancy red border Hurk, also Bath Towels, bleached and unbleached, excellent rallies at 10c, here Thursday, each 7Vig Quality Goods end a Sating of 25 to 50 h Trading at W advise oar eaatoasar to bay flow ow- ilour aal this werk. 4s lb sack best High Orad dour, nothing ftnar for broad, plea or cakes, sack 1.T I lb, best Granulated Can sugar for lba. boat whit or Tallow Corn- meal for IT l 1 lba. pure New Tork Buckwheat Hour Boo Gallon can Tomatoes or Parhs for Gallon can Oooooborrle or far at Th beat Domaatlo ttaoaronl. Vermt- a I 111 or BVagliettl pas TJ all ran. Aina "aiinoa w r. n. oil or Mustard Kardlnes ..Boo 4 lb, fancy Japan Hies. 10c qualiiv. for 4 lba boat Hand Picked Nary Hrt for Marlren'a Peanut Butter, lb. !- I 4 rana Carnation or rat stua.. ana ,It PUTS UP FIGHT FOR 17-YEAR-OLD BRIDE Clarence Kinney Will Not Let His . Mother-in-Law Hare Her Way Without a Struggle. SAYS WIFE'S MIND POISONED Clarence Kenney, 20-year-old hus band,, barred from the presence of Fvelyn. his pretty bride of 17 years, by her parents, will make a legal fight to retain his wife. It is the old story of youthful lova and parental opposition, often tuna by tbe poets. But, contrary to the poetic ideal, young Kenney Is not pining and sighing away his hours In vain regrets. This la modern America! He stepped briskly into the Paxton block, Sixteenth and Far nam streets, and hired a lawyer. His pleadings were typewritten and filed in district court. They put the blame all on mother-in-law, who is Mrs. Phoebe Warner, 629 2 North Thirty-fourth street. 'Mrs. Warner," the court at tafoemed, MM EXCEPTIONAL TAILORED SUIT BARGAINS 150 Handsome Suits, made to sell at $23.00 to $35.00 in Gabardines, Poplins, Serais, Novelties and some Silks, nearly every .wanted shade, nil new, choice in Thursday's sale. 48 Beautiful Silk Suits, in the popular Silk Failles, Soft Taffetas and a fine lot of novelties, made to sell at $30. to $55, choice. . . . Fashion's Foremost Summer Dresses A bevy of beautiful designs in Silkr?, Nets, Lacea and "Wash Fabrics. Favor ed examples, from fashion's authentic centers with nothing of the common place about them.. Values that will de light you at $7.50, $10.00, $15.00, $25.00 to ...$49.00 Two Extraordinarily Choice Lots of Women's Waists. Silk Waists, niade to sell at $3.95 to $5.00, at ..,.,-$2.95 A bevy of beautiful new styles in Georgette Crepes, Lace, Chiffons, -Crepe Vde Chines .and fine" Wash 'Silks. New Silk Dress Skirts $3.95 to $12.50 it SPORT HATS' Km rabies or W. O. C. Try It. pkr- at XI ounc Jar pur Fruit Preserve for Boo Yeast Foam, pkg S T lba. boat Bulk Laundry Hlareh B5o S lb. rant Golden Pumpkinl. Hominy. Saur Kraut or Baked Beana .. TV I lb. can Was, String. Green or Uma Beajia TH Large bottlea Wort-eater Sauce, pure Tomato Cataup, lick lee. asaorted klnda. or Prepared Muatard, bot tle B-a Marcher Urea fast Cocoa, lb. Rrliepp'a Hh red (led Oocoanut, lb. Is The lat Tea Hlfllngs, In. IBVk For Ire Te try Llanorul Bleno. a fine drink, lb B Uoi.len Fantoa Coffee, lb Boo Ws advt oar owstomer to pat bp 7wr sMaeapole bow. Tbe market ia higher aad Plaoappl aeaaea will ooa close. 3 4 size i'lneapplra. dos too rrh B's" Pays - Try HAYDEN'S First It poisoned the mind or Kvelyn Kenney against the defendant and Indue :.1 her io consent to a suit for annulment nf the marrlHge. She forced the defendant to leave her hom after he had .Ived there one week alth her daughter." Hoy's Father Censeejts. Because Clarence and Evelyn, whose Isst name 1 either Warner or Kenney, as the court may decide, lived together a week with the eonsent of her parent, even though they eloped and told a little story about their age when they wer' married by the county Judge at rlilon. young Kenney maintain, they are mn j nd wife end cnnot be legally eparated. , They were marled March . Kenney" lather has given hla consent to th vnlon. Th young bridegroom denle that he consented to leave his wife, as was as serted In a Petition for annulment ef tha marriage filed by Mrs. Wsrner. i In the meantime never was "the courfaj delay" so burdensome to litigants as to' these impatient lover. The eaa may;' not be heard until fall S. 0. LIBRARY BOARD RAISES PAY OF EMPLOYES) The South Omaha library board at aj meeting held Tuesday night raised the salaries of Its errmloyea to a standard! nearly up to that of the Omaha library. All were hired for on year by reeoln-, tlon except the librarian,- who waa given , no definite term. The salary of th' librarian was fixed st SIS a month. v i l Women's Dress Skirts Made to Measure FREE! FREE! From a Big Assortment of Summer Skirting Fabrics, 01O Efl piaWJl . . pD J I V 1 1 I V 1 2 I All Clever New Styles In response to the "eager call for "Sport Hats" we have added dozens of charming styles in these becoming hats daily. Prices Ranging from $2 to $7.50 Two Specials Thursday. ' .. One lot of Sport Hats, made to sell at $3.00, in combination effects, with felt and straw tops,. and straw frl QQ facings. Six colors . . . . y I IO A New Soft Tam, regular $2.50 values, in Corduroys with silk cord and tas sel,.both white and colors, Thurs day. $1.69 $2.50 -Panamas, six. styles -to select from,- biggest snap ever ...... .95 o I In Domestic Room. Women's, & Misses' Coats Serges, Linings. Novelties, etc., 35 in tbe lot, $5.00 to An fr 18.00 values, at.... 3vO In Domestic Room. Gingham & Percale Aprons Both women s and chlldren's- bib, band and ruffled styles, to 35c values. . 19c In Domestic Room. Women's 50c Underskirts Black Sateens, Percallnes and Mouse Stripe Ginghams, ryr shirred or ruffled flounce s-saC Hay den's for Your Groceries I SO sit Plneapplea. doz. 11.1 10e B1.4U lSU cacn U ale Plneapplea, dos.' Eab Per crate, any all a.7 " vreaiBary a otter. Ik. . .aao wsi ramerjf ouiier, carton pound 3q- fancy Iialry Table Hutter, lb "a Good Iairy Table Butter, lb' Boc The Beat No. 1 Kgga, notblng -finer. ter dozen g a TegetabU Market for ta People 1 lb, beat old Potatoea to Hi peck for ITU New Potatoea. per lb .U bunrhe home grown Onlnna bunches home groan Radishes. Bo 4 heads fresh Leaf lettuc 6 Fresh Spinach, per peck loo Kancr Hlpe Tomatoes, lb. ..,"..10 4 bunchea fresh Rhubarb Se 1-aiee C'ucumbera. each Be l-esh Heeta or C'arruia. bunrn B New Cshhsge. lh J'.o Pays Iarge. Juicy Leniona, doz. IB. 20o i i i !; I