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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1915)
TTTE BEE: OMAHA. '., ' iV JtTNE , 1Mb. There is nothing more advertisable than Real Estate-not even a big store. The Bee Real Estate Column offers an excellent cnance to protitaDiy sen your property noy . Ml I - in - 4 WANT ADS Went ads received at any time, but to (new re proper elaaalfk-atlon murt b pre red before 11 o'clock noon for Tnlng lit Ion and IN p. m. for morning end Sunday editions. Want received ;tef ch hour will b undr tha beading, I Too Late to CUaatfy." . - CASH RATES, 1 tewvn coneeoutiv turn. 1 eant a word svh Insertion. , Threo times within cm wk, IH a word each Insertion. Oca tins, t cant a word. CHAROB RATES. ern consecutive Omaa, oots a una aa-b insertion. . . Three time within en w. coots fine each Insertion, On Mm 12 cents a lis Count six avrag worda to a Una. Minimum charge. 20 eanta. ' An adwrtsernerit tnartd to h run ntll discontinued muet be stoppea or written order. " Alt -elatm for rmr tnwat bj rnad within fifteen day aft tba last Inaar Uon of to adTafilaaroant Ton ema H T00 ta B Unclaimed Answers to the . "Swappers' Column." ; Ajwre to Swappers' 5s will tild .. - - - - ., ki Advertisers ! ra requested to kindly claim earn ba ' I '-- .si.. TM following list Is , inn m VT, Vii., i wtibla Uiree weeks' time UmrU Ana. ..... ... J 947 r w, i ... . I,,, l Jf' H nrr: ! "4. a W'a taew V t MM J nwawma awn S-IT7VERJLL. JVOTICBt, tj o- A ttw jridnav Denlaa, antarad . Into raat way w. "". " ' i iKMr'atn0? ! Vonday, May . at o'clock. Interment, private. Kindly omit flower. KEICKBOM-mc. ate . Jane 1. at ho ' lnoral Thurad.y at I p. "i1'! i Btrt, Forest Lawn. Trtenda Invited. Automobile foneral. i . vw .1.1.. . ia vaara. fNinarai Thursday mornlnf from Oen- HanMn'a fhanao ai a. in. i"""""" ' Holy .ijepulcnre cemetery. ' at hla raaldance. 6 - lh Ave. , hi widow ha leave three aona am i tao 1 d..rher. W. R. Binder of IT. t aJl.aaaaa A aTHTlathaa- ' run'are.1 from hla late raaldanoa T"ra- t,ny at 1 a. m. Interment fleaaaet Hill ' temetery. . 8TtBBKKTX)RF Frad, died Monday. Way . in 71 year. .. ' Funeral eorWea at ranlflanre. 12 Boutn ' Tentn iTreat. ThjraUy at "J"! are watootne. Intirmant Proapect Jilll ' camel ery. Aalomoblle funeral. BIRTHS ASD DEATH". Blrtha-Jena and MarU Jeuaen. 12JI North Twcnty-alrth. girl; H. U. and Kv Man llck. ill Foreat avwrua. girl; Karl and OracB Mauer. 11 Brtatol, rlrt; Jol end Tbereaa R-rn'Jr, South El.h- ; taenth, girl; Charlea and Mary Hwanaon. ! V Atlaa. boy; Hugo and Margaret Bet Mar, hoei-ttal, (xlrl; Bdney and Blanch Bile. Twenty-aecond etreet and Bt. , Mary- fna girl: W. K. and Bertha Winkle, South Twnty-venth. boy. ! himon and AdU Kixatain, XM Mason. lCaath-011l J. Kanaft. 40 yeara. hoa i rl'aJ; France O. M Kinney, t montha. i i-i? Caldwell; Frank Blmonann. 25'S North i JTftaenf.h; Mr. liertha Carney, M ycara, ' hi apltal: AdaJIn tlark, U montha. 6i.W J'lan-e; Eliaalwth Kpajd, M yr., H"l u.n o coTinor. I dara. 4110 North i Mnateenth: John O'Orady. 22 yeara, 1M ' Maple; John Orady, 14 years, hoapltal; T T. Boylen, M yeera, hospital; Byvllla Bryant, 4a yeara, xu rwrin iv"u ' seventh; kfva Dtokeraon, 16 yeara, Twenty-fourth avenue and Harney treat; : ii ....... tok u. veara. Sf.LO rodtre: WU- llam C. Brown. i yeara. Twenty-flrat : - . J 1 1 -4 ITVamU RalTV tl Vltirt. advent h anl Faclflo; William Henry Mo- j I.anglilln. yeej-a. woutn iroruein. MABRUQB LICEJtSKS. ' Permit to wad bar bean tasned the following: Kama and Reasdenoa, Ag. ' John D. O'Connor, Omaha 1 C. Ouiia Kewl, lisnson 22 : John F. Qauta, Omaha, over 21 ' Tereat B. Olynn. Omaha, over II Alloy A- Bradi!, IAndeey Mb...M... II ytltuy a. c i '-j L Marls Wasdnar, Iandaay. Neb. ... XI Franklyn 8. Taylor. Arlington, Nb. Maude K. Pflaaterar, Omaha. Alfred L Phillip, Omaha....... Lilian Flotiww. Omaha. Clinton H. Williams. Ben eon. over... Jenpi HUer. Imngton, Neb over., a T.. Lynn K tig ore, Omaha Maarlne F. Lehnhoff. Ornah C.ahrlel Colton, Omaha. Mary Zlatkln. Omaha . IMward Meadows, Moorhead. Ta Minnie Forgvraon. Moorhead. Ia. F-dward A. Van Allen. Nellgh. Nb.. iieaale Lawaon, NeliKht. Neb J.ynn P. WUnalm. Oalveeton. T liable Clark, Wayne, Neb ... M , 21 M , 1 , 21 n , a Cart Vnat. Pander. Neb., over 21 Harriet Jenaen, Council Bluffs, over., tl Benlumln H. Oraham. York. Neb II Mergiierit A. bharkey. Denver, Colo.. 20 n.'iareno B. Bailer Oakriaje Neb,.... SI lArett Walker. Murray, Neb 1 John 8. MoCreary. Hyannla, Neb 2H jraic Langdon. Omaha 24 Ollbert L Carter, Bnydar. Neb 29 Ann N. Olladorf. Humphrey, Neb 21 BlILDIMU FKBM1TB. V.. J. MeManus. 244S Hartman avenue. frame dwelling, K.huU; National Refining roinnany, 1Ji Corlw, garmsa, n,W; C F. Nelaon. M Hamlltoo, brick atore, 12,000. TODAT'8 OOSfPLETH MOV1K PROGRAMS Exclusively tn Th Bee. LANTERN atlde for movie. 8nd your copy to . W can reproduce photo r will prepare you copy. We will oolor a directed. Be PboU DPC 101 Be Bid, DessKms. F.MTB No. 2. Ull Farnam St. 1 ne I art a te't Arcadia. Vita. Comedy. 'Jhlrty. Las. 1'ra., 2-r.. feat. F. buatiiuan. A Iy'a Adventure, Bio. Dra. (a1i.AM. V LlOL'ULAiL kiixia Tbeater Special I Mutual tu taiLieoes a week. Trim .day and Bundsy our special daya Iciiilf XUKATfcR. b(U ANU HJLHSkf Uorn of raramouat Picture. It 'KAL. 0 ! eii Hour, t-reel J. Beal. altoiier of Pareotagv. I'owera hki; i'r gj.?i'aon s Dannhter. Joker com. F A KhL. ils koTii"ii'll"ai l.u..,, t.1 tt.e Children. 2-reel Uleon. At ill Oau In ii. a. Lt I.. liLifji Ur UiMiantj iUir ctMMdy. 1 lea. ' am. j t:i. 1 ; P4.Z'..Z'."n I 77 ... . - ...11 I t"i 1 j ti7... 1 ! tW9. sv a aav-vaaa)aaaat US;.... i i. 1 TODAT'8 rOMrLETB MOVIE riMXiRAMS Eicloalvelj la Tb lie. Dowatawa. rARiDn. rorot.A8. Tha Jarra Vlalt Arradla, Vltmtrnph mm. Tha nalryorant 8windlpr I-r Kal. dra. A nA r1 on Woolnf. KL W. drama. fKiNCiCfia. ixi7 i ioi:oi.A. I'ndf-r thr Craant. J-r. Myafary drama. Pan AVIIaon In Forca of Kanpl, drama. Haarla arid luba, a arraaniUi romady. WawTB,. AMMO. Twanty-fourtn and Tort. Cltf of Terrlhla Nlnhta, 1-r. Imp. la of I .ova, Victor. Uli Only ranta, Neator romady. Al.liAMHKA, KU N. 4TH. Tha Conia-Back, two-raal Majaallc. Btain of Dlahonor, Itallnnre drama.. Amhroae'a Naaty Tampar, Kayatona rrnn. CIJFTOM, Military An. and iurUetta. F'x-convlnt C7. Jaaiotiay, Thanhauaar drama. rropi.ln Tona Ia"lllah, I Had. Kayatona. DIAMOND. 2410 LAKE. A Phot In tha PnrV, Rax drama. With Fathar'a Hlp, Naatny comady. rilANKUN, 24TH AND FRANKLIN. Tha Tattooed Hand, two-red KaJera dra. The Tlox Car Trap, Klm drama, Ulack Art, Lubln comady. FROLJO, TH AND KKRAGUB. Tony, Imp drama. Wanted A Chatierone, i-r. Neator rom. In the Hllia Hayond, Fowara drama. tirand. "Theatar Beautiful," lflth-Mlnnay. Tha Broken Window, drama: Mable'a Wilful Way. Son of a Do, In. drama. The Man from Nowhere, i-r drama. lTH'I'7l KOMH; 2J4 CLTIINO'. The Hohamara, Prlnraa drama. Molly of the Mountain, l-r, Bron. dra. ' Hogwn'a llomanca fpaat, K. B. Comic. fvv : irru AND uukdetti;. Too Many Bachelors, I-Ko comedy. Paved by a Dream, two-real Victor. World only Movie t.lty, Hperial. LOTA L. 24UA CALD W KLU Bh Winked, Jokar comedy. An Idyll of the llllln, 2-r. Iemmla dra One Kind of Friend, Ijaemmle drami. LOTHRor, 24TH AND LOTHROP. A Lflr In Bohemia, Vttarraph comedy. An Artaona Wooing, Bellg W. drama. PALACE. 2303 DAVENPORT. The Hidden City, -r Blaon. rn.ia I)ir Off. Jokar comedy. When Jealcmay Tumbled, Big XT. SUBURBAN, J4TH AND A MRU. An Innocent Firmer, c-reei ivaiem arama. How Bllppery Hllm Baw tha Know, Easa nay W. comedy. owh. " AIRDOMB FAVORITE. . 171 VINTON, fcatan MoAIHater" Heir, t-rcel Dom. And Ha Never Knew, Prln. Ixve In Armor. Keyatone corned y. ACHOR, 2D AND ARHOK. A IAfe In ha Balance, Kalarn drama. Counteaa Vaachra Jewela, 2-r. Kiaa. dra. A Fortune Hunter, Vltanraph comady. CtjLl MBIA. 1710 BOUTH 10TH, No other Way, iAibln drama. A Child of tha North, 2-r. VlUgraph dra, Hrtctly Neutral, Vltagraph comedy. COMFORT. S4TH AND VINTON. Tha Houae of Benlly, 2-reel Reliance. The flrauggler, Majeatlc. Croaaed Ixive "d Bworda, Keyatone. FAVORITE. 17l VINTON. llearat-Bellg No. 2. . The Face of the Madonna, 2-reel Kalera drama. OEM. I BOUTH 13TIC. Hlram'a Inheritance, Joker comeay. You Can't Alwaya Tell. -reel Imp. The Amlwr Caea, Powera LYRIC, , 1617 VINTON. Hbattered Memorlaa, 2-reel Ool Beal. Lady I too tors of urlxxiv uuicn, joaer corned y. PABTIMBL 2f-D AND LEAVENWORTH. When War Threatened, comedy. Orlm Maeeenger. 2-rael Big U. Love That Laata, I'owera. VENKZiA, LU MO. UTU gX. Foitr re!" of Mutual picture. Wnl. 2R24 LV AVEISWOKTrl. Tlie Strength of lve. Lub. Drama. A Pillar of Elaine, --reel. mi. llama Harrowing l)ua. Kai. fomwiy. SnwiifiM. 2H& FA UN AM. The Ulrl Who Might Have Bn. Vlt. Dra. Harry Morey and Betty urey. a-reei. Fahle or a r.1nt tiiven uwr in it-v-iiy. Beaewau BENSON M;ts MAIN BT. I'nllke Other Girls. 2-r. Pauline Bush. Way Ha Won the Widow Joker comedy. A Ktranger In Camp, Victor drama. Coaetl Blaila- F.LITE NO. 2. HHOA1IW.1T. The Wild Fnglne, Kalam drama. A Prln-e or t'efue, -r. l.uo. am. ri. u " Alen at the Woman'a Club," Eaa. com. SlCIIOL,. M7 BROADWAY. Haarat-rUllg No. 41. A Pillar of Flame. 2-r. Vita- nra. The Bon ot a um nog Cam From Heaven. Vita, com. ROPER. " HIWAUWAI. Orlm Meaaenger, t-t. Big D. Artist and tha Vengeful One. Victor. Twa Heart ana a pnip. naawr v-m.cij. at Omb. BE88T5 TH AND Ft. Th Olrl oho Might Have Keen. J-rel Vltagrapn arama. w no emu . a glea. libln comedy. ..-!!- MTU AM) U. llmiaa of a Thousand Relations. 2-reel Victor comedy. The Alibi. Imp. vaaaevtil. ORPHF.UM. 24T1I AND M. Th Diamond From tha Sky. Chapter S. Mabel's Beaald levers. AMV8EMENTS BIO Fourtn of Jsly celebration at Klm ballton. la. Xlerry-go-i-outnl and other ttractlona wanted. WrIU Oluf Hansen. Kimball loo. AN NOUN CEM ENTS For June 1st. A Cool, Comfortable Office 280 Sq. Ft., with water. Partitioned for Waiting Room and Private Office. ad floor, near elevator. Inquire Room 103. The Bee Building Investigate K M C. A, out g park, suminsr. AUTOMOBILES itO REWARD for aig inagnelo we can't repair. Colle rapd. Ba jdorr.r, 110 N.U. KEW Ford auto dellvvr bodhi or all at y lea. pea or cloaej, alwaya on hand. Our Dricea will aav you money, nee Johnson-IKtiforth Co.. 164-1-MI No. lath. C. ELAASSKR. expert radiator and lamp repair. 1 y. . n'' Jeavenwui in. AUTO Clearing House, 22' Farnam. buya and sells yaed care. Phone Duiigias Siiit. Overton a lor leatiy rauiaior. W ant an a"U. C J. Canan. McCague bldg. Uidii. trial Garage Co.. Ann 4k Harney gta liit fierce Vllliu) Valla 1H Marion t)7illU Bul.-k Jf.'6 110 Ca'lMllao e 1113 Foid W a buy. aell and xcltaiiga. W can sell your cor for you. THE AI TO Cl.EARlNO HOl'SS. A. A. Ahlinan. Mgr.. 23 Farnam. Tel. It. 3I0. 6-f'A.I..Niii:il lerland car. tip-top condition, brand new tiiea; excellent futility tar a bargain for Jitney bualneaa: Co takts IC need the money In my Imihii' Call Mo.iday for demonstratiun, ; Bromley Bhig. .K:itAMA i.unk Servne Btatlua. Lit i- aiiu.u at t'buoe 'Doligisu Yil. At'TOMOniLKS AUTO BARGAINS A partial Hat of our uaed care: 11 Ford Roadater.. 1!14 Ford Touring 60 Hup tl Toiirinf., 475 1915 Boick 26 Tourlna .. 476 mi Cadillac Tourlna-... ttO 1912 Oakland 7-pangaT 650 a 1914 Studebaker Touring 6S0 1915 Auburn Touring 800 W have over ality uaed can for ale. Write for our full Hat. Industrial Garage Co., Ub'ED CAR HOUSE. 20th and Harney. W. C. MARSH, Pre. BURTKB8S CIXANCES 4 IlKATKKb Buy, ieaee or aeil your tba ater, machine and auppllea througk Theater Exchange Co.. 140U Faraam 8b Douda 1HW. ' BIONS. ahow carda. Clai k Sc. Bon. D. IX' a. TO GET In or out of. bualneaa call oa OANOB8TAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Doug. 84T7. WHY RENT? Will eit 160-acra farm In Red River valley (Minn.), erect nuiin Inga, aupply cowa and hoga on payment ef LVin and 40 veara In which to nay balanra. Thla offer not good after June 10. W. O. Templeton, us Bne uiag., Omaha. WANT party who can luvaat laflO; take charge of atate agenta. Addreaa r 638, Bee. WILL sell my half Intereat In a cleaning and dyeing bualneaa. which la making aood monev. Reaaon. moving to my farm. A real opportunity to Duy guoii going bualneaa downtown. Adilreas A sw, nee. REAL estate Bualneaa placea supplied or handled; all statea. y. v. Knieat, umruix. tri-m HALF, on TRADE Stock of hard ware, Colorado town. Address Bos 434, Boulder, Colo. SALE OR EXCHANGE Leaving Norfolk, Neb. Will aell my clear and billiard Darlors. known as tha Hast Haven;" this Is th finest layoat In tha state; don't Inquire unleas you mean business. .Through Cltieens Nat'l and Neh. Btata Bank, or direct. E. 3. Millar, Prop. laveataaeate. 7 I Our Nebraska farm mort- sges are not affected by uropean wara or paniea. mounta $400 to 220.900. We lect all Intereat and principal fre of charge; 30 years in the iseDrasxs larra loan iicia without a loss la our record. KLOKK INVESTMENT COMPANY. Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. I Need Money I hove sold a high claaa rcxldenc n payments. He 12.120 ruulty that I will sell for II, 'JO caah. Draws 14 tier cent Interest and entire sum matures In 4Mi years. I need the money for another In vestment. Kor full, particulars address ti v. i;ee. EDUCATIONAL FOR sale the following scholarships in a first class Omaha Business College Ona unlimited combination business nd shorthand cotirae. Ona unlimited stnnoarraphlc course. One three montha' business or steno graphic course. Will be sold at a discount at the office Of The Omaha Bee. Boyles College Day School, Night School, complete bualness course, complete shorthand or tenotypa course, complete telegraphy course, civil service branches and Eng lish. Students admitted at any time. Writ, phone or call for 191 S catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE, H B. BOYLES, Preeldont. Tel. D. 1666. Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. - r ' " FOR SAIA FaraKare. Itaaaehold U4i, Kt. lHkTM bought and sold. J. C. Heed. I'lajn0lan Farnam at. D. SI 44. AUCTION Household Goods 2417 Jones Street THURSDAY, JI NK 4, AT I P. M. SHARP we win aeil to tn hlglieat bidder The furniture, ruga, llnena, cooking utensils, chlnaware, Including some hand-painted rhlna owned by Mra. Van Dorn. Consists of dining table and chalra to mauli. I Dcautuui kitchen cabinets. 4 brass and Verma Martin beda, siirlnga and mat treaaes, 4 dressers. 1 chiffonier, X waro-, t mil ruga, several amall ruga, suvrral rocking chairs and one large leather rorker. 1 new .c cheat. 1 aanltarv couch and pad, lace curtains, linens, bed- uiug, aisnee, cooking utensils and hun dred a of articles too numerous to men tion. Don't fail to attend thla sale 2417 Jonea 81.. Thursday. June X at 2 D. m. Dowd Auction Co. Auctioneer For auction terms and dates phone nea .". FURNITURE BARilAlNS-M beds at tl each: tables, kitchen aud china cao- ineta. M Ire boxes, gas stoves. A drei era kv N. Nth Bt. Webster 17. ECLIP8E gas range. No. ln, two ovena and a warming oven, perfect condition. one oven never been lighted, coat 140, will sell for 1S. Harney iu.l. Her era and Vehicles. m BUYS l.pju-lo. mare-mule, good worker, l2 Harrison Bt. Telephone South ft.'-?, bouth Omaha. FARM wagona. IriU. blroud. 3uth & Aiae. I'a.llrr. !: anal IkfaMra STEREOTYPE niatrlja make the beat and cheapeat lining for poultry houses. They are l.xJS Inchea, atronger and mora dgrable than tarred fait anj piac.lcally Ilifproor. .be a nunuroi at 1 ne lies oince, Bmal! wheat. 1U lb. 12 26. W agner, kvl N 11 T aewrltera. TVPEWHITK.RS sold, rented. repalreJ. Ctntrai Typewriter axe. 1 JUS Farnani. Marellaalaa. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alios and accessories; bar fixture of all kinus; easy pnymenia. Th Brunswlck- ..ilar-Col.ender Co.. e7- B. K'lh Su tu-baod machlnary. H. Uroa, U sad Paul Pt)R 8 A LB Mlaeellnaeova. ELECTIllC MOTORS l-H. r., W) volt. 1 phaae, new I r X-H. P., l.'O volta. I Dhaae, new 40 t-i. P., 230 volta, S phaae, nw K t-H. P., 220 volta. t phaae, new (7 DYNAMOS. I K. W 110 volta, D. C, new t Tl a-K. W., 110 voiu. D. C. new 1W t-K. W., lao-ao volta. now 80 I II. P., (aeollne engine ) I H. P. taaollne engine, throttling gov ernor 100 LB BRON KL.ECTRICAL. WORKS. Si 8. 12th Bt e TOOLS, ahovela. plcka, lackacrewa, win dow glaaa, 2 carpenter benchee, tl each; 14 match maehlnae, 60o each, 1 hot water holler complete. $10; combination electric ftxturea 25c each; Iron beda complete, $2; fin aaddla and bridle, l J. C. I8H. Tel. Harney 24. 70 B. Hat Ave. PHTBIC1AN haa a number of eurglcal Inatrument. Addreaa B 6Zn, Haa. M osteal lastrwraeate. BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIO. DOUO- LAB 2471. SPECIAL SALE of Slightly Used Grand Pianos Tbi is your opportunity to buy a high grad grand at a treat aavlng. 1,100 Chlckerlng ft Song, rose wood case, parlor size $200 1,200 Stein way, mahogany case,, excellent condition.... 350 900 8tegr & Song, colonial style, mahogany case a great bargain at 426 11,000 A. B. Chase, ebony case. 290 $960 Weber, mahogany case, good ac new 6 60 $660 Reglna, nickel In Blot....- 76 Convenient terms, with exchange privilege on new pianos. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. 1311-13 Farnam St. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Of flee. GOOD POSITION8 OPEN. Business Men's Reference Assn., 1219-20 Woodmen of World. BTENO, experienced, executive ability .KZ BTENO. small of tic, good hours, exp..!) BTENO, bright, rapid, experienced H BTENO. gooft appearance, rapid 40 BOOKKEEPER, good writer only HO western Ref. Jt Bond Aan., Inc., 162 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Originators of th Reference Business. WANTED Lady that can keep a aet of books, take dictation and can operate typewriter; must be experienced In office work: win pay HO per month; give refer encea In first letter. Address J 630, car Bee. BTENO. and D1CT. OPR. Out-of-town, temporarily, $M. BOIJtaTOlW Salary and comm. BTENOORAPHER Real estate, 140. Watts Ref. Co., R3S-4fr-li Brand. Theater. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. Experienced tplat opr. Smith-Premier. Exp. hill clerk. $40 to 130. LOOERS REF. CO.. 62- Btata Bjmk. MUI.TIORAPH operator at one. Woodmen of th World Bldg. . lilt W A N T K D Off lea girl. Apply 201 Navllla Block. tloaaekeeper aael Uosaesttea. WANTED Competent experienced col ored girl. &' Davenport St. Har. X'it. WANTED A girl to assist with house work. 3o04 Harney. WANTED Qlrl for general housework. 127 8. 8oth Bt. Harney 870. OIRL for general housework; I In fam ily; references required H. 206S. 100 Georgia Ave. . Iloaarker per ana Dosaeatle. EXPERIENCED maid for general house work. Jil -N. 4ist St. Mill hilar p. WANTED Good girl to assist with gen eral housework: no washing. AiDly 614 Park Ave., Phone Harney 4. WANTBI Woman cook, Detention Hob- Mtal. Telephon Health Office or Dr. Connell. WANTED A middle aged wuman for housework. Call at Sl 8. loth St. RELIABLE colored woman wants work of any kind: ecrubblng and cleaning a specialty. louglss 3?73. WANTED A whit girl for general housework, no washing, no rooking. Phone W ebster 4!M1. 2026 N. lth Bt. GIRL' for general housework; care of I children and no washing. H. nus. WANTED Girl for housework. 13u2 Park Ave. Harnev 336.). WANTED Good girl for general bouee- wora in small noma; goon noma to right parly; good wagea. 2K40 Capitol Ave. WANTED A girl to ajtaiat with house work. Harnev 1M4. n B. Hat. St. NEAT girl to aealat with general hotiae- work. Mrs. v . A. xonson. it. 1111 8. list Bt. WANTFD An experienced girl for gen eral in, use work; small Family; gooa wage. Apply Apt. 8. 41D yara Ave. M 1 DDLE-AGE"D white lady for gena-ai housework: 16 per week . no washing. Phone W ebster 7057. COMPETENT white girl for general housework. gfilS Farnam. Harney Tin. CAPABLE white girl for general house- work: three grown persona In family; referencea required. 6oi B. Wth Bt- llione Harney 4JW. WANTED Girl for general houaework three In family: pleasant room on second floor; no waanlng. Walnut 2462. 36i lfayette WANTED A competent white rlrl for general housework. mo washing or Ironing. 127 N. 4Jd Bt. It. . WANTED A competent white cook References required. 30n S. Xfd Ave. H. 204. M laeellaaeaaa. WRITS! Motion Plctur Plays, l' ch Experience unnecessary. Ietaila sent fre to beginners. l"roducer lugue, 1(12 Walnwrlght, St. Iouls. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian aaaoclatlon building at Bt. Mary's Ave. and ITth St., where they will be directed to aultahle board ing placea or otherwise aaaiated. Look for our traveler's guide at Union atatton WANTED A few refined, neat appear- Ina ladlea to work nmler Instructions. Permanent poaition. No money required. Fair salary. Addreaa Utopian huppl." Co., Philadelphia, fa. The Be Want Ads Are Beat Business Booster HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aw Office. . BvJl'ARF PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. We find a poaltlou that flt you. CO-OPERATIVE RKFEKKNCB CO.. lOle-ll City Nat. Bank. HELP WA YrETi MALE Clerical and Office. BALF.flMAN, experienced road man...$1'v BALFBMAX or retail grocery man. ...1101 A I .F.B.MAN, br'.Rht. clever youn man.r". BTKNO, splendid future, rapid advance I'M STFNO-BOOKKEEI'ER, unusual open ing CABHirm, hHnk, Investment required.. l BOOKKEEPER, amall Inveetmrnt Western Rcf. Bond Aw n.. Inc., 7nC Oma.ha Nai' inaj Bank "Mf. Orlglnrtors of the lieference T.iness. SALESMAN City, aslnry and c,mm. BA LKXM A N Drug, lino and exp. BALEKMAN Neb. torr., salary il.-pcnda. eALKHMAN-4iecltlty, salarj' dependa SOLICITOR Cltv, SMlarv and comm. B1JNO.IRAPHER-I7.V Watts Ref. Co., KW-40-43 Brand. Theater. HIOH-ORAPE commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND A'SSN. 7 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Ageata, Baleamea sa4 gollcltor. Salesmen Are you making as much money ns you are capable of earning? Would you grasp an opportunltv that Vould give you full scope for your abllltls? We have open ings for hlgh-claaa men who can earn $!) a week or better from the start, with unlimited opportunltlca lor tne tu ture. For Interview phone Douglas Xi'Q. WANTED THREE OR FOUR EXPER IENCED SHOE SALESMEN FOR MAIN FTXR SHOE DEPARTMENT. J.L.Brandeis&Sons $5 TO 110 PROFIT dslly selling our new household article; 12.60 premium with each IL98 sale makes quick profits. Mum- ford as Larson, ; waiaer nana diu. Bait Lak,. Crty. Utah. WANT aalesman who can Invest amall amount and take charge ot county; gooa money maker. Call on Myers, Room , Merchanta hotel. Very Desirable Space for Printing Office . Light, water and Janitor service free. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office, Room 108. nronnattlon for two good men In Nebraska. Call or write. Mutual Benefit, Health and Accident Aaeoclation. 421-26 City Nat'l aok Hid. , WANTED Corporation stock salesmen lor .euraaaa. Auturn. ". REAL estate Bualness placea supplied or handled; all atates. F. V. Kniest. Omaha. Boya. viThturn hnv with wheel to deliver and work Inside. References required. 1404 pouglaa. BOY with wheel, 126 month. Apply 1319-20 Woodmen of Worth mag. Factory a 1 rages. Drug tor anaps; joba Knelst. Be Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition 15. on account of big . i. ... in. a and 10 cent work. Electric massaa taught. Hydraullo chairs. CaUlog free. , 1124 Dougla bt., Omaha. Positions Now Open. AMERICAN AUTO Free Catalogue, COLLEGE mr Farnam St., OMAHA. NEB WANTED Men to learn the barber trade and accept positions in oounii y or cuy; good wages made after few weeka with us; tools given, lmiuurw ..(.mn.. i. mailed free. Moier caiucr v-oncac v a. 14th St. AVE need men: had to turn 'down two Jobs per week lately. jei in. wrn by our methnd. Get one of these Jobs, tstalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile School. 1417 DodgSt . Mlscrllaaeuns. WANTED Namis 0f man. II or over, wishing government Joba. 106 month. No pull necessary. Auaress X bu. iee. WANTED Railway mall clerka. 175 a month; Omaha examinatlona coming; sample questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin institute. Dept. 'iil, K. Kochea- er, in. i. WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and egg., lie. Coffee Jonn. I4tn nnq t-gpuoi. W ANTED At once, teams to haul. brick. Kritenhrlnk son istn ana r reaeni-a. W ANTED First-class automobile repelr man at om-e . PEI.LABINKLET, ZUH Harney tit. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. Win a REMINGTON, MON ARCH or SMITH PREMIER typewriter free. Enter Rem ington accuracy speed contest June 17tli. Particulars for the asking. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 19th and" Douglas. SITUATIONS WANTED WHAT you have been looking for. The opportunity to engage iruaiwonny. energetic young man aa salesman, per manent connection wun rename urm on sired. Past four and one-half yeara local manager lor large public eervloe corpora tion. Experienced collector and solicitor. Married; good reierences. Aaaress . Box 123. Clarinda. Ia. TRUSTWORTHY young man of ability work; Is college graauai ana gooa pen man; will eonaldsr out-of-town Job; very anxious to go to work and wants perma nent work. Phon Douglas 8461. or ad- are.s L-3K.'. Bee. THE Servant Girl Problem Snlve.1. Th Bee will run a Servant vv anieu g im.-p until vou set the deaired results. This applies to residents ot Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluff. Bring sd to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1. A WELL educated, ambitious, steady, hard working married man. temperate, beet of reference, with wide rajige ot mercantile experience, with business and executive anility, deslrea a permanent poaition at living salary. Fpr Interview, address 8114 N. 67th Bt.. Benson. Neb. SALESMAN and office man. aged 22, em ployed, wlahea to make a change. Fair typiat; 1 year a experience aa of f t clerk; m yera aa successful speclslty salesman. Interview requested. Address, G W Bee. . EXPERIENCED young msn wsnts steady work In private family house cleaning or gardening: honest, aoher and willing to work. Address, A 4-7. Be. PERFECT washing, experi ironing, law curtains our spec 'Cl.UV M flWIfti . -v WANTED Situation aa head miller In lb to tO-bhl. mill: over 30 yearV ex rrienre: best of references. P. O. An tierson. SJI Charles St . Omaha. Neb. MU'l'l-e aged man wanta work around the house for room and board. Address C-fJ He. PET STOCK FOR BALE Beautiful two-year-old Bt. Bernard dog. Mrs. Jn-.u Weaiovei. 13U Rom aL. Lincoln, Nab. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer will please the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. .--Tltl Guarantee and Abstract Co, a modern abstract office. Bo. 17th St. Phone D. M7. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract offlo In Nebraska. 20 Brand Is The. Jesaen &Morrell 201-4 State Pk. Bldg. D. IWfc ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DVORAK. C. P. A... Add 432 Ramge Bldg. Phone Do:iglaa 7408. ADDI.NU MACHINES. Adder Mch. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. 62.18 - AMATELR FINISHING. FILMS develord free If purchased from t noto t.Tart fcnop, 4is nee Bing. i"pt- u. APPRENTICE! GIRL. APPRENTICE girl. Oppenhclm Hair Dressing Parlors ARCHITECTS. Everett S. Dodds, 612 Paxton Blk. D. 29S1. AtCTIONEHHS. Dowd Auction Co., 1116-16 W. O. W. R. 32S5. Nat l Bale Auction Co.. 1327 W. O. W. ALTO IN8LHANCK. saved on your automobile Insurance ny patronising a home Co. Doug i. AITO KAUIATOit REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co., 2026 Far. P.2001. BAKERIES. Z. H. REEDER, 150H N. 18th- Web. S2OT. BEDDING. MA HA PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cumin 0 Douglas 24S7. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattresses and down cover ULtE PRINTING. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. 202 Omaha national Bank Bldg. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sta Neb. Fdry. ft Mfg. Co., 1126 N. 22. Web. 700 BUILDING WRECKERS. LUMBER and brick buildings wrecked anywnere. Bovee-Kelley Co. Web. 41418. CARPET HlU CLEANERS. Omaha Carpet Renovating Co. Doug. lfl7L CAHPENTEati AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, 123 8. 22d. Douglas 6620. BURRELL A JOHNSON, general rapalr ing. Webster 6224. Harney 3634. Lcssard Bon. 190H Cap. Ave. T. 122, CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Burford, 620 Pax. Blk. Red 4687. CIVIL ENGINEERS. M. J. I.ACY, 618 BEE BLDG . DOUG. 471S. CLEANERS AND DYERS. Howard's Pantalorlum. 320-2 B 15th. D. 6407 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO.'S Western representative of VELVETTLE COMPOSITION flooring. INVESTI QATE 811-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1672. COSTUMES AMD LODGE SUPPLIES. MFG. of lodge regalia and costumes, Theo. Lieben A Son, 1614 Howard. D. 4115. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic D. 1871. Try Mackle's first. 1816 Harney. Doug. 6446. DOWN TOWN RESTAURANTS. Douglas lunch, day and night 1711 Doug. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dreasmak'g college, 20th A Farnam. SUITS, gowns. In homes. Wal. 2267. MISS 8TURDT. 241S CASS. RED 7320. DETECTIVES. INVESTIGATIONS carrie 1 out In any part of United States, Canada or Mexico. o Paxton Blk. Doug. 137. Walnut 1530. JAMES ALLAN, 812 Neville Block. Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyier 1136. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes, 724 City Nat- Bank. Tafe Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. "136, DRUGS. DRUOS at cut prices: freight paid on 110 orders: catalogue free. Sherman A Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co., 119 N. 16th. Term ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender, 624 Be Bldg. Red 80S5. BSVERYTllINa FOR WOMEN. ArmttDIOV. aide, knife, sunburst. bo pleating; covered button, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. 200 Douglas Block. D. 1936. NEW TORK ssmple store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaks, suits and dresses sacrificed. 206 N. 16th Bt. EVERYTHING FOR MEN. JOIN Y. M. C. A. on special i membership plan. Then use It. lummer th.M. KIHNAIES AND T1NWOHK. HABER3TROK, 40?6 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, flortste, 1804 Farnam St. D. gOOO. L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. ISM. Idemoer lorisi imniayu v.. Mm HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam SL A. DONACHUE. 1623 Harney. DfcUg. lOOl. COLD AND SILVER PLATING. WE replat everything of metal. Omaha plating Co.. 1230 Harney Bt. Est. 1K98, HAT CLEANINU. Panamas cleaned. P. El sale. UM City Nat ALL kinds hats cleaned. 1520 Harney Bt AMV.PIOAN Hat Cleaner. 1616 Harney. ICE. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE 'PHOKE WEBSTER 6B1 General Office, Uth and Manderson Bta LIGHTING FIXTlBba, WIRING. TYiTT?KTJ Thomas. Douglss 2S1I. U LltlVlcl U) Cuming St. JEW LUCKT wedding rings at Brodegaard'a PERSONAL THE balvation Army industrial home ao licits your old clothing, furniture, mags sines We collect. We distribute. I'hui. bnuu ai 41SS and our wairon win eai .'aU and Inspect our new noine, 11101112- U14 Dodge 6L quality and expert Bervice tha, .,.., LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTTN CROf CO.. Exchange Plflg. MASSl ESKS. MISS BTAPT.ES. dim., elec. bath. D. iii t pen ve., v p. m ; cunuaa, w . Ti ArT7TN'"'l mass., alcohol rv Laurs IWVlllili.ii,-. ion. Farnam. room t. Dougla R7RL Open evenings and Sunday. MAoSAtJE, 173 UOOge. Sira Dieeie. B.Brugman, mass.,202 Karbach Blk, R. I72J MASSAGE 620 Be Bldg. Douglas 37t Clara Lee, bath and massage. Dduglaa 8751, M. HALLERON. Baths. 222 Nevtll Blk. MISS QI 1 DRTTnaasoge, 109 8. 17th St. BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doug. MASSAGE Call D. 8227 for appointment I Miss Walton, Mass. R. 224, Neville Blk. MISS JACOBS, Mass , R. 224, Nevilla Blk. MINING ENGINEERS. WILL pay to consult W. H. Godfrey en mining business, state bk. k, MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DAVIDBON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavnworth. MOVING PIC'I'IRE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. MotloB picture machine and film bargain. We rent moving picture machine. Rtar Theatrical Exchange, 640 Paxton block. MOWERS SHARPENED. CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED: worfc guaranteed; saw filing. Doug. 7428. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. RATES, Harp A Piano, 80S Lyrlfl, D. 8704, BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIO. DOUG LAS 2471. NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. FOR SALE Extra fine can seed at It per bua, sacks .TOc each. Writ for samples. J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. OCULISTS. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay as yon can. Drs. McCarty, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Petorgoh, 0J Brandelo Bldg. D. 2H, 1 JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 16 Be Bldw. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUOH M7MANUS, 417 N. 40th. BT. 67!. PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 B. 11th St. J PATENTS. D. O. BarnelL Paxton Blk. TeL Red 7Tt7. H. A. Sturges, 636 Brandela Theater Bldg. PIANO TUNING. PIANO TTTNINO and repairing. Prof. Ll W. Anderson, piano specialist. All wirk guaranteed. Phon Webstar 197a. r: I Grant St- . PIANO &EFINISUING. GENERAL overhauling. M year, exp. References, 703 17th. Red 6830. John Baer. PLATING. D. 6277. Acme Plating Co., Ill 8. ISth Wt.- PR1NTING. WATER8-BARNHART Ptf. Co , quality printing. Tel. Jjoug. iiw. o . um ou CENTRAL PRINTING CO. TXIUO. TS, DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. SAFE AND T1HD LOCK EXPERTS. SAFES Opened, rap aired, comb, changed. F. E. Paver. port, 1406 Dodge. D. 182L SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., C18 8. 12th. D.2911. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN EROS., shoe rapalr. Ol B. 11 Harley Shoe Rep'r Co., 2004 Farn'm. R.8448 SEWING MACHINES. . TTT rent, repair, sell needles and parts W for all sewing machine. , VYC "MICIvEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney Doug. 16, STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. IS. SCREclN DOORS. Omaha Window Bcreen Co. Doug. 4691 STORE AND OKI ICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelve ing, etc. Ve buy, sell. Omaha Flxttir and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 B. 13th. Doug. Z724, TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D. V. TAILORS. CHAB. C. LANDERYOU, 108 N. 15th Bt, f . . t. : : . . Palm Beach suits to order. 1815 Farnam. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELING STEINLE. 1801 Farnam St. TYPEWRITER FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver Typewriter I mo. for 14. uuver .typewriter Agency, ia j-arnam. Butta Typewriter Exchange. 18ui Farnam. ah maaea iur suie or rent RENT a "Remington " not Just a type writer, low rent. Call Dougla 1284. WALL PAPER CLEANING. EXPERT wallpaper cleaning; all work guaranteed: women for hnnu .i.,nu. George Kyle. Red 2369. WATCH PEt 1AL1STS. Chrlatlansen. 2d fl. Paxton Bk.. II yr. ey. WEDDING STATIONERY. WE show only the corre-t and prevail ing stylus in Invitations, visiting card, stationery, etc. IKVIN A. MEDLAR CO.. Printers. 416 S. 14th Bt. Tel. Doug. 126J, Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptf. Co. WHITE CHINA. OMAHA China 8hop. Whit china for decorating fcr sule at 664 Brandela Bldg. WINES ANU LlltLOUh. ALEX JETES. 201-1 8. 13th Bt. Wines, liquora. clgurs plate dinners. H to X, 10c Globe liquor house. 424 N. 16th; California wine, 11.25 per gal. Write for price Uau HENRY POIJvOCK IJQt'lOR HOUSrl 16lh and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Uiuor Hufse. 6-2 N lub. Douglas imii, PERSONAL 8. . F. For God's sake wriie. I ran t atand It We all gladiv furKlve you. OPPOSITE liori.KVAIlli , riORlx i. the Magaxinc Man. Phun i Douglas ilU. t: J