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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1912)
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1912. 9 OFFERED FOR RENT ,.- '. l'uriittbril Apartment. THREE or 4 unfurnished apartments, reasonable, 2018 Davenport. Purniahrtl Hooaea. FURNISHER or unfurnished house. Mil Ptnkney. Red 48TT. , Vafaraiahed Boom. - - - . - -. THREE, unfurnished, private bath, email store room and outside porch, mod em except heat; no children. B617 N. 18th. S MODERN except beat; desirable; nice yard. 118. W. 5178. " Hotels ana Apartment. DODGE HOTEL, all requirement of a first-claw hotel, at reasonable prices. .. apartments Flat.. Large moving vans, 11.25 per hour. P. THIRTEEN rooms, modern; rooms rented; income. $100 per month. Rent reasonable. All or part of furniture for sale. Phone Red 54. ELEGANT St. Louis flat, 6-r., colonial poroh; opposite Bemis park. 3315 Cumins;. Alfred O. Peterson, A. M., M. D. STRICTLY modern 6-roora hot water heated apartment, 817 Pin St. near Browneil Hall. Phone Owner, Tied 6640. LAFAYETTE CORNER 17th AVE. A JACKSON STS., J, S AND 4-ROOM APARTMENTS, LARGE ANP CHEER FUL; EVERYTHING MODBRN, NEWLT DECORATED. RENT3 RE- duceix wiry not live close in AND SAVE CAR FARE. SEE JANITOR OR PHONE DOUGLAS T020- ?OS RENT-Eight-room Hat, lilS I'ark Wild Are., routing 20. Inquire 1501 6. 6th St. "' ' BTRICTLY blg-h class 5-room apart ment on West Farnam St. with steam heat and Janitor service. JOHN W. ROBB1NS. 1802 FARNAM ST. OFFERED FOR SALE " ,, - - Knrnllarv., , Easeburner. hoteiange. urn. STS' X. tt. ! - REAL ESTATE ' tITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. GAS miiire. tun itnW Mtii-tt. drpuser. four chairs. Phone Red 1780. HOUSEHOLD goods and plana. 401i Cuming St. 'tyoe writers. TYPEWRITER for rent,' .8 months CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. RENT from the manufacturers direct, No. Oliver typewriter, I months, Ha 'Phone Douglas 19t The Oliver Type writer company. -.. Uaaloal Instruments. Electric pianos. Continental Nov. 11 N.' IS. El ec trio Piano, orchestra attachment. Can be seen at .119 No. 15th St. ' ' - atlaecllaaeoaa. ' J5.00 COAL-It'S good; try a ton. Be for money. Web. StS. Harmon & Weeth. SAFES Overslockeu !tn acuwJ-uuj fates: all sixes and makes: bargains. American Supply Co., 1102-04 Farnam. FOR SALE Now and second-hand carom ''and pocket billiard table ami bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix. tures uf all kinds; easy payments. Th Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 407-4W 3. 10th street . WE WILL deliver during month of Sep tember only, large load kindling wood, 3.00.. National Box Co. Harney 1476. . A BARGAIN '?.ww books of 12 volumes, 1 of 10 volumes, Law Dictionary, Hale on Torts, Cooley on Torts, Clark's Criminal Law Book; will sell for t25, worth $55. good as new. A. J. Knott, 4618 N. 86th St. Web. 6596. " . DESKS, safes, scales, show cases, sheiv. Ins, etc.; see us first Omaha Fixture und Supply Co., 414-18-18 S. 12th. Doug. ill. Hossca aad Cottages. , TTftivsiCHOLn :" nooaa Backed and tor warded; cheap freight rates; Gordon Fireproof warehouse ana vint Doug, sm: office us a. inn et. FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern except heat; all newly painted and paperea. &w Seward. Webster sws. MOVING, packing and storing of house tin;.i ,-nim and nlanos la our business. Omaha -Van and Storage Co.. fireproof storage. 808 S. 16th, by the viaduct Branca office, 809 S. 17th St Tel. D. 41; A-lwa. -.' ' -' A ra! home. Dretty lawn, electric light all modern, 9-r., 840. 725 S. S7th. W. 2590. WEST FARNAM New brick, 6 bed' rooms and 2 baths. 315 N. 38th Ave. MODERN 7-room house, 1507 S. 28th, 825. BOARDING HOUSE. LARGE double house, 16 rooms, 2 baths alterations to suit; near Merriam hotel only 248. Creigh aons so., ttee mug. PlfVTRil. steam heat, all mod., hail, bath and basement. aw r. aa. 7 ROOA1S, strictly modorn, close in. Wi 8. 2th Ave. Ked vtw. uoug. jnoo. 7-RQOM, all 'modern house, 828; "fine conuiuon. OKi rvunxuu. wi ni Inquire 1414 lrecatur. - ' ' ' GOOD seven-room house, all modern, east of Hanscom Park,1 on car line, per month. 2913 Hickory bt. i VINCENT D. DERMODY, Tel. Doug. 786. 1614 City A at. Bank Bldg FINE 5-rooiu . cottage, floor laid for three rooms upstairs, corner lot, coal oins in cellar, shade, fruit ana nowers Fine bath with -hot and coia water con nections: window shades and rods; screens and storm windows. Finest street In neighborhood.. 2218 N. 27th .Ave. uoage car, "fita . Ave. land Lake, one .block outh. t.-j o Au.t. tzT W rnnmi rnmnl.tlv -mnd ernrt Man. a jxamgn. u. ifuo; n i nn A I.- It VlK AMI I MTUHA(iK CO pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods and pianos; no cnarge lor reimu i P0Tlsesj;teigi) Sons e. Co.. Bee Bldg. . k-KOOM . modern Jiouso; VtaJUt pet month,-3527 Charles St Also S-roora cot '. tags., 8532 .HiwnUtan . tju, ftft mk 'itii. D. 776 or D. lul?. .. . , . , FOA RENT 6-room cottage, bath and furnace, ail modern, 2&. uaa ana see, 1011 N. '83d St., or telephone Frarnt Sur- .llng, ,4055 Grand Ave. weD. lWH. 7-rooa, 117. 2708 Seward St. Doug. X698. HOUSE 1921 Cass St., 8 rooms, modern, very aesiraoie, wmniin uibuic, f". COTTAGE, 2420 Caldwell Bt., 7 room modern, in , good condition, near street yr. 822.50. .-. v. ' ' 1 rnnmi with wir. sias. Bewer and furnacs in brick block, north part of city, one Block from car line, una is a desiraoie nouse ana in a guuu ucigu bornool and the "rent Is very low. J. H. Dumont & Son, Doug. 630. 1608 Farnam St. . , . FOR RENT .153: N 19th St.. rear. 4-r.: closet, water, gas, sewer In house; man and wife, 10. iWls S. lth St., o-r. moaern. ex. iur., '1ltj09 Grace St..' 6-r". moaern ex. fur., 220. 2218 N. 18th St.. 7-r. strictly modern, 20. W. .G. Shriver, 1047 Omaha National Bank . Bldg. . 822 7-r.. 8424 Franklin St., modern. $27.50-.r.- flat, 1615 Howard St., modern except heat ' :' ' ' $30 -r., 2803 Burt St., new, modern. ISO-e-r., 2S06 Burt St., , new, modert. 835 7-r., 524 N. 36th St.. modern. -825.50-5-r. mod. apt, 526 Park Ave. 836.50--r., mod. apt., 530 Park Ave. 837.60-7-r. flat, 617 3. 16th St., modern except heat, fine repair. 845 10-r., 617 S. 26th Ave., modern. -847.60 7-r., steam heated flat 522 S. 16th. 8567-r., steam heated flat, 524 S. 16th. , 8110-44-r., 1611-13 Howard, mod. ex. heat GEORGE & COMPANY. Tel.,D. 756. 902-12 City Nat. Bank Bldg. COTTAGE Modern except heat, 6 rooms, bath, east front, on high, full lot $18. Web. 6447. rooms and bath, one nine rooms and bath; walking distance; on car line. 402 No. .... v i . ei-rcto Z4t 11 ; AJQUgtlUi gl-fig- 1' Vl VAUii v. ... , beautiful 7-room house. 6104 Dodge St Phone Har. 1782. ' " BlOHT-ROOM all modern house, 4223 Douglas St., 825. 708 3. lCih St.,-8 rooms, 810. , -Four-room flats, 2815 Dewey Ave., modern, except heat, $18.50.. Storeroom, 711 S- 27th St., $li50. Two-room flatv 709 S. 2Jth St. $6. N ,P. Dodge,' Corner 15th and Harney. ' 4.v , Stores and Of flees. ' FOR RENT Offices In Pullman Bldg., next to Burlington station. Doug. 1618. I Swell laundry location and pwr. 220 N. 23d. M'CAGUE BLDG., 15TH AND DODGE. . Attractive - offices; moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING : ASSOCIATION. A BLACKSMITH shon and tools for rent. J. J. Livingston. Webster 769 or : 4501 Grant- . . . $20-4234 Hamilton. Doug. 1698. STORE ROOM or shop. lw Farnam; steam heated; fronting alley; merchan dise entrance; full glass front Hall, 433 Kamge. D. 7406. Ind A-4406. Stdre Room Fine storeroom now occupied by -Sunderland Bros. - Co. as coal office, 1614 Harney St. Rent from Oct L Give good ' lease at reasonable rent. Ideal location for stationery store, cafe, or any business wanting a location jU3t off 16th St. v" D. V. Sholes Company, 813 City National Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 49. 1 - OFFICE FOR RENT. 'Fine rooms on the 2d floor of the WUiv ' nell block. See us about these. N P. DODGE, Corner 15th and Harney. " GARAGE FOR "RENT. ; Brick garage, 1906 Capitol Ave., cement floori room for four cars; $15 per month. GEORGE & COMPANY. Tel. D. 756. 902-12 City Nat. Bank Bldg. tVurt'hnnatra. , . ,., WAREHOUSE or store. 1309 Howard t,"5 stores, steam heat, freight elevator. a f.- LiOUGE, Corner loth and Harney. Pi i si'-U .it Advertising is the Road to PERSONAL Massage. Mrs. Rittenhouse 808 'jus ton Bid. MASS A fi F.Swedish movement Apt IHAOOAUrj mi Farnam. D. 6240. ANNA H. MARKS nam. ua.v'UKe jjock. Api. . jloiik. ua, 1TALi luaftsuv, vuai uutn. ut. Am.., D. Fisher. 401 Ware block. 309 S. IStb. THE SALVATION AHMV solicU cjji oif clothing; in tact, anything you do no; need. We collect repair and. sell at 13) N; Uth St for cost of collection, , to thu worthy poor, "liiauu LoUiiua tli a,u wagon will call. : - MASSAGE, scalp treatment, chiropody. Phone Dougiaa 4i2. 70i S. 16th St. Mr. Haynes. . . s MASSAOF, Expert treatment. Mrs. lU-oo-uxj Steele, 208 S. 13th St. R. 325 Tln'nlr I Was a heavy drinker , t7, averaging over quurt of whisky daily. Tried many ways to leform, but without suc.ess until I found a certain eaiy method and was cured ir. three days, Have since saved thousands of other victims of liquor habit. It can be overcome with or without drinker's knowledge. Interesting book (tells how" mailed, plain wrapper, free, if you cut tMs out and -write to Edward Woods, 634 Sixth Ave.. 153 A, New Votk. FREE treatment, diseases of women and cniidren under professors' supervision 1 to 2.30 daily. Creighton College of Meal cine, 14th and Davenport DENTAL WORK . under- supervision ot professor; no charge exceDt lor material. Cleignton College of Dentistry, 210 sj.l8tn. BATHS, Swedish massage, Mrs. Snyder. No. 3. The Dunsany, 10th & Pierce. D.43S0 MASSAOE treatments. . Fifteen years "u:-00'a-"-u experience. Twelve years in-Omaha.,. 82.00 hotels and residences, $1.00 at the office. Call D. 863. Res. D.3427. WANTED The addresr ur Charles Mc Coy and Wheeler McClure, who were em ployed by J. .J. Hurt 52d and L Sts, South Omaha. Neb., in October, 1907. G 70, Bee. YOUNG women coming to Omaha, as strangers are invited to -visit the Youim Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where .they will, be directed to . suitable boarding places, or otherwise asBtated.' " Look to; uur. -nayelerg' aid M the .Union' station. v v. 63-DAY BLOOD, REMEDY., .; ; Bexten Pharmacy. 12th -and Dodge, MASSEOTHERPY 8T Allen of Chicago, ICS S. 17th; 1st fi D. 7685. MAGNETIC healing, over 710 8. 16th. POULTR1 . AND PET STOCK Screenings. , $1.60' per 100. Wagner, 801 N. 16 BOSTON' terrier, pups, screw tall; sire my champibn Tom Crlbb. Call Douglas 3S56. 2020 Farnam, LAST ' f REAL ESTATE i CITY PROPERTY FOR SAI.K. REAL ESTATE. CITY PBOPEHTV FOR SALE. CHANCE IN v 45th and Military Boulevard An opportunity to, a fhie.laying lot close in and on a car line, with city,water and elec tric light, in a neighborhood that js.Tapidly, building up with a fine class of houses. There is nothing like it at the price, high; sightly-beautiful, commanding vieV of all adjoining prop erty. You can't beat it for a Ideation for a home. -A t PRICE $400.00 PER LOT Terms $10.00 Cash and. $7.50 Per Month Every lot on grade and each one a fine building site. If you hope to have a home of your own, don't passthis chance to make a start; get the lot first and we will help you build the house. It will only cost you carfare to find out whether this is the best property ever of fered tor the money or not. ... ...; We will furnish conveyance and show property, at any time. Call usj Douglas 1722. REAL ESTATE FARM RANCH LANDS FOR SALE illlanl. , FOR SALE 200 acres. TO miles east ot Chicago; good black land; 80 acres in crop, balance woods and meadow; corn growing now will make- 60 bu. per acre; oats threshed (SI bu.; 20 acres of onions now growing will produce 700 bu. per acre; new buildings; vi mils school, 2 miles town, 6 miles county seat; price, ftX per acre if taken at once; H cash.- balance to suit. No trade. I am owner. Lee M. Kansbottom, Knox, Ind. Mlaaesota. MINNESOTA. Write for our Minnesota booklet "C;" special rates. DAY & NIGHT REALTY CO, 108 Bankers Life Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. KOK HALE 160 acres ot fine land lo cated 4Vi miles from Holt, Minn., Mar shall Co.. destined to be the garden spot of Minnesota; along high graded road, school house on land, 80 acres broke, all tillable, black loam clay subsoil. Price, 83.800. Terms. Merchants State Bank, lied Lake Falls. Minn Miuonrt. y $2 DOWN AND 83 PER MONTH Will buy 10-acre fruit and poultry farm near town, Reynolds Co., Mo.; title per feet; price 8100. Harry McOutr. ,Cen tralia, 111. - i ' 120-ACRES, 30 In cultivation-. 8-raom house, one-quarter mile school, on public road and phone Una. 110 acre. Cheuvront, Chadwick. Mo. Benson & Carmicliael : : 642 Paxton Block ; : Sale opens Saturday, September 21st; and continues until all lots are- sold. v Sacrifice Sale Must Be Sold . Fine ?-story new building, white pressed brick,, located on 24 th St., Just off Lake St.; building contains two stores, fjats and lodge hall; also big corner lot, 122x100, on 24th and Miami; 122 feet frontage on 24th St., with big brick house; house is old, located on back part of lot, and will rent for $25 per monthl Owner has been holding these two pieces at $25,000, but to close them out at once we have. been Instructed to sell both pieces, at $19,000, or, if, sold separate, $5,500 for the house and $14,000 for the stores an flats. This property is by far the cheap est property on the market today. 0 'Neil 's R. E. & Ins.' Agency, r 1505 Farnam Street. Tyler 1024. A Snap in Vacant Lots We have only a few , lots' left in OAK- CHATHAM ADDITION., between ath eYid 24 Sts. and Ame Ave. and -SpraRue St., whlph' we are selling for-the- Kedlck estate-at prices ranging from $475 to 4700. There are no othjjr lot In-the city of Omaha today selling such the' market for north side lots you will nave 10 act quickly to take advantage or these prices. Norris 8r Norris Some Good Ones All Bargains New $3,900 : Sll, 3917 and 4113. North 20th Street Boulevard, brand new, ready to move Into, strictly modern, each having larn living room and dining room, oak floors and trim, nice kitchen with bulltin cup board, three beurooms and sleeping porch. One house has sand flninhed walia throughout, tinted, and two have hall, parlor and dlmngroom artistically dec orated. Combination lighting fixtures, tirst class plumbing anu furuace, guar anteed. If you will take tie time to ex amine these houses you ' will find them well built, for It is Our motto to give tho best house in the city tor the money. This statement Is not made to boast, but to emphatically call your attention to a fact that you will admit wtien you ex amine the property. We can sell on terms of 50o down, the balance monthly like rent. Take into , consideration tho saving In paving, the fine level lot and large beautiful shade trees' which are not usually found in properties at 83,900. Property on the Boulevard must advance in value. That has been the case in other citieH. Why not in Omaha? TakeL advan tage of low prices now, and save th money you are 'paying ' in rent. Payne. & Slater Co. 618 Omaha Nat. Bk.' Big. Doug." 1016. EXCELLENT BUY ' ' ' IS. 900 Seven rooms and bath. ' Hot water heat, thermostat connection. . Quarter-sawed oak , finish. Bathroom, tiled floor and walls. Porch with cement floor, iron rail, etc East front lot in -Creighton's 1st add. Owner leavlng clty. Must be sold. W H. THOMAS 603 EHrst National Bank Bldg. dOO Brfe-Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. -A Forced-Sale- i About 50 of Value 8-room modern house with four bed rooms, iatge shade trees, cement walks; lot, tiilxlSO; good bain, two blocks from car, easy terms; Immedlata pomsession; 'a good neighbornoou; small payment down, balance like rent. Must-be sold; only i,TM a snap. , .. ,, - IS. P BOSTWICK 218 S. 17th St. WALKING DISTANCE A dandy 6-rcom houxe: all modern ex cept heat; nice lot; paved street; good neighborhood; close to Creighton univer sity and high school; at a bargain. Only 82,200; $200 cash will swing it. Balance monthly. BEMIS-CAIiLBERG GO. 310-312 BrahdeV Tlieater. liouglas 688. recently built. Jatest style, combination gas and eleotrlc fixtures, tile bnth, cement cenur, ttineni wbiks, rioor laid for three rooms unstalrs. Must in in mnii.t. For sale by owner on account leaving cuy. rail caan, oaiance monthly or time. Address P, Omaha llee, Council Bluffs la. , REAL ESTATE LOANS FAR LOANS near Omaha; no com mission; optional payments; cheap money Orin S. Merrill Co., 1213 City Nat. Bk. Bid. llVu to 810.0M made . promptly. '. u, Wead, Wead Bidg., 18th and Farnam. GARVIN BROS na d uy. LOANS on tarm's and improved clti property, pet. to pet.; mo delay. J. n. Dumont ft Son, 1808 Farnam tit., Omaha. (of. C1TT LOANS. Bemla-Carlberg " 4 Co., 810-312 biandeis Tneater Utan. LARGjB loans our specialty. Stull bro OMAHA homes. lItist Nebranka farm. O'KEEFE HEAL fiSTAXK CO. ' 1016 Omaha Natl. . Doug. 2151 MONK? r 1 1 ' "tl I, .. hilatnu. n P. . dence properties, fl.uuo to M.UO0. W. U. THOMAa. 6oa First Nafl Bank Bldg. . WANTKD City loans. Peters Trust Co WANTED City loans and warrant W. Farnam hmttb & Co.. Wu Farnam ac . FOB 8ALK OH KXCHAJNGE FOR' SALE OR EXCHANGE-Eielitv acres in the best county in the state. What have you? Address Room 528, Little niog., j,incom, rveD. 640 ACRES , good farm land- that will produce wheat, .'rye, corn or alfalfa, on main line railroad, near town in Utah. want .Nebraska1 land or city property. Address ' 726, care Bee. 1 320 ' A. farm AntelnrtA nuntv Wh illin.l . rlllHA tfl CLHrw.!!,,! urm-th but mtg., 810,000; will trade for mdse. or income property or iana in Minn. ji. w riii a; uaimd t;u.. Des Moines, Iowa.' - FOR EXCHANGJi Jo-barrel icrlst mill and large brick residence, both . at Aih- lana, xseD.; win trad them together or singly; stock of merchandise or Lincoln property preferred. Purchaser will have to furnish power for mill, otherwise it is In good running order. J. H. Snell, Lin coln. House phone 8379; office phone B- 8576. ' " 8-ROOM house, strictiy modern, oak floors and woodwork, large lot, one-half block torar . line, two blocks to school. Will consider modern cottage, north side. I. N. Vogel, 4l5jKarbea block. WAXTE1X TO ntJT SECOND-HAND boiler wanted. About 160-horse-power return tubular or water tube boiler good for 126 to 150 pounds working pressure. . A1m hoisting .engines, 40 to 100-horse-power. - Mali us Immedi ately complete .description fend price. Bartlett & Kllng. Scott's Bluff, Neb. Household gds. clothes & shoes. Doug. 3971 DOLGOFF 2d-hd. ' store pays biggest prices for furniture, clothes, shoes. W. 160? WANTED Standard typewriter - or phonograph; Edison or Victor Vlctrola, nearly-new. Address, Y 176, Bee.. WANTED TO BUT A 7 or 8-room house to be moved on a lot. Telephone Red 4301. WANTED To buy second-hand light delivery wagon with extra long body. Call Mr. Duncan, 2211 Farnam. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT A good farm of 89 to -160 arres- in eastern Nebraska or western, Iowa, by a good farmer, with best of references; will pay good rent for good place. Chas. A. McGee, Emerson.- la. ' : ' '' BUSINESS young man good - habits v.ants room and board in private family. Early Fall Bargains $2,600 Five' rooms, modern except " heat, near 20th and Grace. This is a ' ;nlce. little home, - Terms. ' : $2,950 Fine nix-room bungalow, southwest ' of Hanscom Park, strictly mod ern, oak finish. Full lot 60x133. I ice" has been reduced to move It quickly. This is a splendid buy. 83.400 Nearly new, entirely modern bun- " - ftalow of five rooms and vestibule, with fine floored attld. In our ; new addition on Spruce St. near , Sherman Ave; within walking dls ' i. tanceV of . down town,',,. Suitable terms. $3,850-Swell six-room modern dwelling In ' Prairie Park addition,, near 26th and Fowler. Price named includes : screens, ' storm saih, shades, gas heater and gas stove. Reasonable terms, . v ' "We have bther good properties in all parts of the city. Call at our office for further' particulars. ; SCOTT & iinj, ' 307 McCigue Bldg. Douglas 1009. A Beautiful Bunga low in a Fine 'Location Has fine mantel" with . buTlt-ln book cases of oak on each side. Pedestal be tween dining room and kitchen with latest up-to-date combination lighting fixtures. Two large bedrooms-with fine bathroom oetween. run cememeu uHaeiueui wim best furnace.. On nice east front lot. Can make terms. .' American Security Company : - Pnl-merlv Slrimer & Chase Co. ' 309 S, 17tli St. , , , 'IJhone 3S67, Operi Sat. evenings until 9 o'clock. For Sale or Exchange Large moiiern house with hut water heat, hardwood finish, oak floors In first story; eaxt front lot, paved street, paved alley, large garage, iJrice s,5w. owner will take one-haif of price In Omaha property or farm land, balance cash. Give full description of property ottered In tlrst letter.. ,, J. H. Dumont & Son i-noiio oug. -tMu. iuoS arnam bt. Brick Fia'ts Close In SaCl'lfiCH nwur kiili,Er .ll ot once; rent' W per moritn. Puce W.Ouu. invBauMPni Duy we Know or. in vestigate at once. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, Uia-20 City Nat l. Doug. 39G3. 1300' Cash balance. on payments, dandy cot tage, S rooms and bath, new plumbing, house newiy paintea -and pajereu,' lot 5tixlii, double frontage, near, Dundee, good location. Price only 81,800. Good bargain. i BIRKETT & TEBBENS, 423 Bee Bldg.. ,,- , , Doug, 4754. DANDY NEW BUNGALOW The owner of this splendid 8-room bun galow is obliged to leave Omaha October 1st. and is offering it at the very low price of 83,650 lor quick sale; 8650 cash, the balance 836 per month. This is one of the awellest little bungalows to be found in the city. It is finished in oak, has full cemented basement, stairway in floored attic, and large, lot. 60x140. The number is 8717 North 18th Street, Call and see it, or ask us to take you out. Payne Investment Company,' BARGAINS FOR CASH. 6-ROOM, modern bungalow; hot water ha. - M.f' frnnf lfLrira Irkt: fill ImnrovA. ments in; near school. Owner, H 748. Bee. 8500 CASH buys ray modern home, oak finish, 4 bedrooms, built-in bookcase, fire place, paneled wans, large iioorea atuq, screens and storm windows, 50 ft. lot House only 2 years old. Located 2 blocks to car, Dundee. Price 84,000. Call owner. Harnejt 4,4o. ,- , , CLOSE TRICE SEVENvROOM MODERN -v COTTAGE : , ! 68 foot lot... ...well located Large shade trees. Splendid neighbor hood. Easy walking distance. Near High school and Creighton college. Will take good farm mortgage as part or all pay ment, i Address owner, post onice dox 1044. - ... 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER', CORNER 19TH AVE. AND LOCUST Has a fiood furnace, open plumbing, with Instantaneous gas heater in bath room; house No. 2822 N. 19th Ave., corner lot 00x81; paving paid for; fine location. Prk-e. $2,060. on payments. Tel. Wi 26S or D. '1294. .V Fine New Home $4,600 You can buy this beautiful new. mod ern home at less than cost to produce It today. Built by the-owner for a-home. It Is complete in every detail and has all the conveniences to be found in a modern up-to-uate ' home. Large living room with beautiful open grate fire place which cost 8&W; All '- floors down stairs, except kltcnen, are polished oak and the doors and trimmings are oak. Three good sized bedrooms are finished iu bircn and have maple floors. Large sleeping porcnj , Mirrorea panel door . in large Dedroom. All . interior hardware used for trim is bronze. -Good plumbing and furnace. Dust proof coal binu. See mis nouse at once. wo. Zuira Kvans street. Can be seen only by appointments Term very reasonaoie.. i . - . Payne & Slater Co. 616 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1016. Bargain in Brick JFlats . - Income 81.440. Price 810,500 ; 88,600 cash, balanfA: llinv. lima & am . ni . flats ,are located on. a paved street in a bvou neigiiDoinooQ, one block from street car. , Building is in good repair. No radea. ' ' ' .- ' .. . . .. Z".-i .- X H. Dumont & Son lb, v arnum t,i. TO BUY. fitir.T. iiu ri,vk MDo'i'l'ii JOHN W.OBBINS. Wi FARNAM ST? ACMKAGIS FOR SALE. . . ; HlLLpRfiSTDDITlON.. . " Uest and cheapest suburban acre prop erty pear city. -Fine country home sites and garden tracts convenient to car. Sur veyed, platted and staked in lots of Vi acre to" 3' acres and priced from 8136 per acre up. Come early and get your choice of a lot In this beautiful 'addi tion. Call , for plat and descriptive literature. C. It. Combs, 809 fo 815 Bran ded Theater Bldg. , Phones Doug, 89j A-371L , , . . . ' AUSTUACTS UF T11XU. - Reed Abtrck Co., oldest abstract of fice lit Nebraska. 208 Brandels Theater. REAL ESTATE FARM & KAjM ll,LA.UW FOR il ALU Arknimss. - ''ARKANSAS The, xtate of LOW VAL UKS and GRISAT, FUTURE. Investors notice, 7,600 acres smooth and rolling lund, adjoining farms now raising eood crops of corn, cotton, .vegetables and fruits. High and healthy. Good towns near. A jiurt .of the stale that is grow Ing rapidly. $6.50 an ace. , Will divide and make terms.,. Wrlt us. Moore 4 Alartin, Prt-scott. Arkansas. . lVi-acres, well improved, 1600 cash, bal ance, like rent. Price, 82,000. DEUEL 4 HANKINSON. ' D. 2877. 201 Paxton BIk. Must be Sold 'Thla means somebody, is going., to get a bargain. Reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen,, first floor; three bed rooms and bath second floor; all oak finish downstairs, maple and . birch up. Only two years old, fully modern, fur nace heat. Vacant for your . Inspection. 2430 SARATOGA 8TREET, F. C. BEST,' Doug. 3944 Dundee Homes A very fine 8-room all. rood, (louse -on Underwood Ave near 51st. Has screened sleeping porch, hot water heat, finished attic. Only 86.750. Another, not new, "has 8 rooms, hot water heat, south front, block to car. Only $3,000. ' '- : . E, W. Stoltenberg Doug. 1510. 436 Board of Trade Bldg. ' ON 'AND AFTER OCTOBER 1ST, 1912. THE RATE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS CLASSIFICATION WILL BE 7 CENTS A LINE EACH INSERTION. BUY home, 8100 down. Shopen & Co. great south Georgia: Traversed by the ' ATLANTIC, fcHMlf.'QHAJl.ATlMNTIO RAILROAD. Lands adapted to ths widest ranie of crop. All tne money crops of the ioutto plentifully produced. For llteiaturo tieit. ing witn this coming country, ua soiL camate, church and .chooj advantagoi. W.' B.: LEAHY. DEPT. K,' " , General Passenger Agenu ' . Atlanta! Ga , w , i -Kaunas. rr-f?t"h .l11 Improved lflo-acrs creek bottom farmr one ml Coffevvllla" population 18,0001 7fl aciv UV free 5' K. Realty, -Coffeyyllle, Kaa Nebraska. 148 acres In Burt county, Nebraska; well Improved; posoesston March 1; price $115 an acre. 80 acres In Burt county, Nebraska, Im- roved; price $90 per acre; possession arch 1. 1911 i - . . r .. 80 acres Improved, in Thurston county, Nebraska, $4 an acre; rented for 1813; rent goes with deal. Box 446, Lyons, Neb. 686 ACRE farm for sal In Knox Co., Neb. Owner of Said farm operating It himself, but living in Iowa, tnerefoie desires to sell said farm. Can be sold as one or can bs divided in two good farms, one consisting of 838 acres, ltW acres in cultivation, balance in pasture, alt well fenced and an abundance of water the year round; balance ot 360 acres, good set ot Improvements, splendid feed iota, 144 acres in cultivation, 30 acres of tame grass, balance in pasture and bay land, will all grow altalta; all 'well fenced an abundance ot running water the year round. Purchaser ' can buy 150" head ot high grade cattle, the same amount of hogs, compiete set of horses and imple ments If they so desire, or can buy the place without.' Will carry 320,000 on land at the (rate of 8 per cent for five or ten years. This place Is considered , to be the best farm of its Use in that country, for further Information apply to owner, Suren Oiesen, Route 3, Walnut, la. 40-BUHHKL WHEAT LAND, $2 TO 838 PER ACRE. We have for sals over 20,000 acres ot Cheyenne county, Nebraska's oholcsst farm land,, where the crop yields for 13 years, including 1310 ana 18U average with the best In the state. Alfalfa, also a leading crop. Better soil, water and climate cannot bt found. Writs tor full Information. Agents wanted everywhere. FUND1NGSLANU 1NV WeTiMKNT CO., SIDNEY, NEB. c AM going to Germany and will sell my SO-acre farm; good, improved; . with nice grove, adjoining Gothenburg, Neb.; fine town, with German Lutheran, Eng lish churches and high school; on the LP, P. railroad; all level land; best deoo black alfalfa soil; cheap at 12o per acre. Want offer,; easy terms; encumbrance, tC,000. Write soon for description or come and set the farm. . Thla farm w leased to March 1, 11)13.. Addresa Box 144, Emerson, Neb, . . .-.,,, . 210 ACRES in Douglas Co., 14 .iuUmh from Omaha, 8 miles from Irvington; gently rolling and bottom land, well Im proved. W. H. Thomas, 608 First .Nt'i Hank Bldg., Omaha. ." a . 1 North littkota. NORTH DAKOTA LAND 80 wit deeded quarters mutt be sold in 80 days. For further Information write Dakota kkiuare Deal Land Co., Mlnot. N. D. SOUtll DHkUlll. V 'v FOR SALE-Cholco half section In Ed munds County, South Dakota; well lo cated; level land, rich soil; good water. Would exrhango for smaller Iowa farm Address Frank 8. flhatikland, 813 la. L. A T. Bldg. Dee Moines, la. Ii'nii liA ilnraa Itilntn .Itv nt Gregorys; 6a acres broke, with growing crop; high school building two blocks from this land; this land grows fine al falfa; am- moving away to -take charge of an Institute and will offer this at a bargain. Dr. E. T. Spencer, Gregory, . D. FOH fcALE lt acres i;oou taim (and: 40 acres Broke, balance .all tillable; miles from Dallas and 8 miles front Coiome. Price, f 40 per acre, payasi.i (1,800 cash. $2,UKi March I, 1913. U,m March 1. U17. Aduresa Box latt, Daila K. D. ' . : , ' Texas. ," , :. TEXAS coast land from owner to pur chaser, thereby saving largely. Reason able terms or canh discount.. C E, Clark, Columbia, Texas. .: , 'i , Miscellaneous. A CHOICE quarter section, two . and one-lmlf miles from county seat; lays love!, Is good soil and has large grove; ninety acres In cultivation. Till culti vated land la all sown td winter wheat and will let the croo so- with the place If sold within the next thirty days. Price. S55.0 per acre; easy term... F. J. Dishner, O'Neill, Neb.... REAL ESTATE W ANTED TO sell your property list It witn ins O'NEIL R. E. A INS. AGENCY. Tylsr 1024. 1606- Farnam St.. . LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship live tock to South Omaha, Save nlleage and shrinkage. our consign ment reed v a prompt and cartful atuo Jon. -' '. ' - Me Stork Cnamulsaloa) '3IerehHBta. ' B ITERS BK09. .i CO. - Strong, reliable. ... -, Iowa, ., . , , THE easiest -way W find a buyr fof jrour farm la to insert a small want ad in the Dea Moines Capital.. Largest dr. tulatlvn in Ula state of Iowa, 43,uog dally. Tho Capital la read by and believed In by tba staudpattera ot Iowa, who simply re tuae to permit any otner paper lu thtir bomea. Kates, 1 cent a word a day; u ik per line per month; count aix ordinary worda to the lino. Addreaa Dea Uoiu Capital, Dea Molnea. la 33 ACRES, . 2'i. miles f rom postofflce, main road. 7-room house, shed barn; well, spring and timber. Cheap for cash, terms if wanted; W. F. Patton, K. F. D. No. , Council BUiffa. ' FOR 8ALE-2S8-acre form, Big Sioux valley, northwest Iowa, 8 miles from town. Flnp hulMlnra 1 ri- v,.. place. 8U0 per acre. Address, F, A. fiW,., lawn. - CLIFTON Com. u . itKlf Kxolianns Blrtg. hnyder-Malone-tioffman V.u:, 16!' Ex. Bldg. LAVKKTV BROS.. 138 sc.iang Bldg. Martin Bros. & Co.,' Exchange Bldg. A GREAT bargain' in northern Iowa; 83 acres well Improved at 880 an acre; easy terms; if interested see U, A. Drees man, Germania, Kossuth Co., la. Montana. CAREY LANDS OPEN TO ENTRY Valler, Montana, project. Fifteen annual payments. Irrigation system practically, completed. Forty thousand acres irri I ited this year. Grain yields double dry arm crops. Writ Clinton, tiurct ft Co., Box 8, Valler, Montana. Idaho. FOR, 6 ALE 20-acres of apples , uiio . . " m ij ...uuvii, iua, J. Ilia year's applt crop estimated at 8,000 boxes n-a wlti lanfl flmatl nuuman, . n . .. inn ir time on balance- W. E. Bull. ftm. melt, jaano under irrigation, 160 acres in alfalfa, 80 acres grain, house, bam, fenced, perpet ual right to 290 inches water. Helling at f& u n grr 1n - Mnrnt An ttafuta' tlik .. acre below market price.1 Easy terms. , . . i , . ir.. ...... . ..... , . . Auurns, l. v.. riaiiimiii, muiuai iaiq Bldg.. Seattle, Wash., . ; ; Man Killed in Plunge -From High Building CHICAGO, Hept. 1.-Carl . R. Rasmus sen, 23 years old,' an employe of an ex press company and a prospective bride groom, was killed today In a spectacular fall or leap from the top of a fire escape in 'the. nineteenth' floor of the Masonic temple. The plunge carried blm across a twenty-foot alley and he struck on 'the roof of an adjoining building, several hun dred feet below. Every bone In., his body was broken by the tall RasmuHsen was engaged to marry Miss Florence Blederman of Llbertyvllle; 111., according-to hla. friends, and. the cere mony was to have been performed In a few-weeke. --.,. . . . , 1 . ELECTORS TOLD TO STEP OUT National "Committee1 Ask Nebraska, Hooseveltiani to Resign. HARMONY MARKS MEETING Realsrnatton of Commltteemaa Avery la California Not Accepted ana He Is Expelled for -Disloyalty. NEW .YORK, Sept. ls.-Tha republican national committee today accepted tho resignations of its members from Min nesota. Oklahoma and Ohio and declared vacant . seats held by members ot "New Jersey; . West Virginia and North Carolina, hb- are' Roosevelt supporters. Successors ware named, to re,rtng mem bers from - Oklahoma, -Ohio, New Jersey and North'''''" The committee refused' to recogntse a telegram from Rubs Avery of California, announcing his resignation, and voted to expel him for "disloyalty to the repub lican party." Chairman Utiles waa em powered i to appoint a subcommittee of three to. recommend a successor to Mr. Avery. - , After luncheon there was a Joint session of the national committee and the ad visory committee lasting until after ( o'clock. Chairman Hllles reported that the situation In the various states In re gard to electors, which was unsatisfactory at the beginning of the campaign, is now in good shape. He said -that of the; 100 electors on the republican tickets In sev eral states who, turned out to be Roose velt men,, all had been replaced except In' the states 'of Kansas, Nebraska, and California: He added that -the Kansas case is In 'the courts,' the Nebraska case soon will be and that a special commit tee will arrange for ,a new organisation in California' and place Taft electors, on the ticket under. some other name., than that of the republican party, A resolution was adopted calling on the electors ' bf . Nebraska and Kansas -who were -named a republicans, but who ara now for Roosevelt, to retire at once. Tho resolution said the position f elector ,ls a position of trust. And that, these men owe a duty to the state as well as to themselves. "- "', . ':, '';' ; Secretary Reynolds said after the meet ing that everything was done In oomptet harmony and the vote to oust committee men was unanimous In every case. , Waldo's Secretary ;; Is Involved in Story ; Of, Police ' NEW YORK, Sept. U.-Intestifatton to day by the aidermanto committee of ths affidavit made by Police Captain John T. Relth. that 110.000 had been demanded of lilm ss the price ot promotion to a cap talncy during - Commissioner Bingham's administration, developed testimony as sociating Winfield R. Bheehan, secretary of Commissioner Waldo, with a man "supposed to be getting graft." ,n , TJie testimony waa given by D. J. Kel kber, a private detective, who said he had been assigned in December last by Alfred Q. Johnson, the : under slier' ft ahom Relth socuses In his affidavit' of having demanded the $10,000 from him, tc follow a lawyer . named Norton. Thl tnan, "by, common -rumor," he said, wal supposed to. be- collecting police' graft frbm hls 'offlce it 11? 'Broadway. H trailed Norton,, ha testified, to Bheehan's house. Bhoehan discovered him' there and kept him locked In while he sent for two detectives, but' he was not arrested. Nor ton, he said, collapsed. Omaha Auto Tourists;;1 Sleep in a Haymow 'GRAND FOR KB, N.,a, Bept lS.-(Spe-olnl Telcgram.)--Stalled in the mud flf teen miles from here when engine trouble, resulting (rom a heavy pull' of several miles was experienced, -' Mr. and Mr. Joseph McKechnle'. and three friends ot Omaha, were forced to go to bed, hungry last night with no softer place to real their weary heads than pllea of hay In the loft of a bonanxa farmers' cattl barn and with no tnore comforting sound to bid them pleasant dreams than this mooing of Jerseys In the stalls below. ; The McKechnle party, returning from the Pacific coast, 'came this way to see) the Red river valley.. They started from this city for Fsrgo late Tuesday after noon, expecting to reach. Fargo by 'night fall. Prolonged rains had put the roads In bad shape and their trip from her was one continual , round . of trouble. When they had gone a short distance they found Mt Imperative to run-on, low speed, rhe engine became overheated and they had to resort to the water treat tnent. A short distance from a big farm house the machine went hub deep In the gumbo and the trip was given up for the day, the party feeling sure that they could be accommodated at the farmer's home, After wading through oceans of mud tho tourists reached the farm house only to find that the place was locked up and the family away from home. ; Rather than break into the house the Nebraskans went to the barn, climbed the ladder to the haymow and cuddled down for th night. ' They .were rudely awakened this morning by the "Well, 1 11 be d-d," of the hired man. " '' " , QUARANTINE PROCLAIMED .; , . ON HAWAIIAN FRUITS WASHINGTON, ept. 18.-A quafan. tine against practically all fruits ' and many vegetables ' from Hawaii. ' on ac count of the Mediterranean fruit , tly, which has caused . great damage there, was proclaimed by the Department of Agriculture today. It was -effective Jm' mediately. : ; . ' , v California . producers urgred protection nigalnst the Importation ' of 'the pest ind Hawaiian producers gave notice they had no. objection to- the 'quarantine,'; FAITH HEALER ARRESTED : ON CHARGES MADE BY GIRLS CHICAGO', Sept. 19.-The testimony of three young girls and a young wife re sulted in the holding of Henry C Oertlej of Chicago Heights, an alleged "faith healer,'' to the grand Jury on a serious charge. ' Ella- Barman, 15 years old, waa the complaining witness. She reluctantly told a story of the alleged practice of th "healer" that shocked those who heard It, Others who testified to similar alleged practices were Mrs. Maud Johnson. 19 years "old: Nettle Levitt, 16 years old, and Dixie Albright, 15 years pld. . . v - Oertle denies the charges." ... J POLICEMAN HUMILIATED FOR , TAKING FIFTY-CENT BRIBE CHICAGO, Sept. 19.-A' dramatlo scene was enacted .In theooros of j the civil service commission today, when Patrol man Fred' E.: Brandt, "'a' member of the police department since 480?,; for tak ing a bribe, of 60 cents, -w-asittipped or his star and termed, a disgrace to tho police . tprce, by Assistant., CJhJef, ,f ,Jollce Herman F. Schuetler- Brandt admitted that he 'took 60;-cerrts -frtftril;- peddler. and then allowed him :to go free.',. j Key to -the SltuuonEe AdverUalns