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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1912)
10 1 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER- 20, 1912. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET $3 ellow, 73S74c; No. S, 71172ttc; No. J (3tyr!c; AO. yeiiow, u-hc, WtVtamvic: No. 4 white. 7to73Vic; I No. 4 yellow, 70ViS3c OaU, No. 2 white. . , . j v-..- 8P436c; No. t. Uc; No. I white, 32H Several Influences Combined Tester- Sif; n. 4, nc-. No. 4 white. 323330; dav to Bull Wheat Market COM DEMANDS HIGH PBICE Oats Market Contiaoee SlaBi.B ' i. ' Small Gala .Tcateraar Betas -! V Dee to the Strength ta Other Markets. OMAHA. Sept 19, Wit There were several Influences combined to bull wheat yesterday In the face ox easier cables and bearish reports on the spring wheat movement In the north and west. Still a third feature was the closing of spreads between Chicago and other markets which led to considerable buying. There was buying of May wheat and selling of the earlier months by many brokers.' In a general way there was no selling pressure against actual wheat to aid tne bears,- and shorts were forced to cover on the advancing mar ket The large ehlpplng sales lor the day were a help to buyers also. Sen timent is well divided, but It will take something positively bullish to sustain a permanent advance. Cash wheat un changed to W lower. There is always some uneasiness over the first appearance of frosts in the corn belt. The scare so far is very mild. In fact, no strength developed In the mar ket yesterday on the early frost mes sages until the messages emphasized the alow progress of the crop east of the Mis sissippi river and confirmed to some -extent the dry weather damage which oth ers have claimed in . Kansas and the southwest. The decided strength in cash corn and the mark ng up of the September price over 71c. the appearance of an ac tive bull leader In the market and the generally oversold position of the local trade ail combined to give the new crop months a strong turn end prices closed about at the top yesterday. - The position of December corn suggests great caution about short selling. Cash corn, Ho tiigher to fce lower. ; The market continues sluggish and the mall gain yesterday was due to the strength In other markets. Traders still argue that prices are too high in face of the large crop.- Cash oats was unchanged to a lower. . Clearances were 50,000 bushels of corn, 31 000 bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to 287,000 bushels. .. Liverpool closed fed lower to fed higher on wheat and fed lower to fed higher on 1 corn. Primary what receiDts were 2.149.000 bushels and shipments were 1.349,000 bush els,, against receipts last year ot 1,179, WW bushels and shipments of OW.OOO bushels. Primary corn receipts were 722.000 bush els and shipments were 900,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 304,000 bush els and shipments of 712.00 bushels. Primary oats receipts , were 1,181.000 cushels and shipments were 979,000 bush els, against receipts last year of 389,000 bushels nd shipments of 341 000 bushels.' The following cash sales were reported: Wheat No. 2 hard winter! 6 cars. 86V4c. No. S hard wintor; pars. S-Se; i cars, ttfeo. No. I hard winter: 1 car, 84c; 1 car, 82c; 1 , car, 81 c No grade, hard winter: 1 car (very poor); 75c. No. S spring: 1 car. 84c. No grade spring: 1 car, TTfec. Corn No. 3 white: Ife cars, 63feo. No. 4 white: 1 car, 66feo; 1 car, 68c. No. I yellow. 1 car, 6714c No. t yellow: El cars. 67o. No. 1 mixed: 3 cars. 67c; 1 car, ftfec. No. 3 mixed: 3 cars. 66c; fe cars, ftfec. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. 66c; 1 cars, 4fec, No grade: fe car, 64fec. Oats Standard: 1 car, SI He; No. t white: 1 car, 31 He; 11 cars, Slfec; 1 car, 31c. No. 4 white: 1 car, Sic. No grade: 1 car (heat ing), 30fec Omaha Cask Trrca. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 8S37c; No. S hard, staraec: o. 4 hard, 80SS5c. CORN-No. 3 white, 67Si1??0c: No. 1 white, 69He: No. 4 white, 66i(efec; No. 2 jeiitiw, ni-tc; no. a yenuw, oio; io, a yellow. 65V4W,4e: No. 2. 66U&67c: No. 2. 6fife4j8c; No. 4, lfef;6c; no grade, 63 wc. - - OATS-No. 2 white. SWMc standard, Slfec; No. 8 white, S104J31V.;; No. 4 white, 81c; No. 3 yellow, 3lc. BARLEY Mailing. ff)65o; No. 1 feed, BKtMhC. KVE-No. 2, 657c; No. 3, 63Sc. Carlo! Hreripta, Wheat Corn; Oat Chicago 231 313 261 Minneapolis .............. 446 Dulnth 778 Omaha 63 Kansas City .435 fit. Louis .113 Winnipeg 137 Si 12 35 Rye. No. 2, 70c. Barley. vs?jk. oeeo, timothy, 13.5068.75; clover. 118.0017.50. BUTTER oteadr; creameries, zc; dairies, !3feS24fec. EOGS Steady; receipts, 4,um cases; ax mark, cases Included. 17felgfec; ordi nary firsts, 19fec; firsts, 21 fee. CHEESE Steady; daisies, 1616c; twins, l15fec; young Americas, 15fel6c; long horns. 153a&16c. - . . POTATOES Strong:: receipts, w cars; Michigan, 554f60c; MlnnesoU, MQiSc; Wis consin, HXffSOc. POITT.TRY Alive, easy; turiteys, 14c; chickens, heavy, 15c; light, 12fec; springs, 16c. VEAL Steady at S14c. NEW YORK GEXERAfc MARKET ilaotatloas of the Day ea Vaxloas Commodities. NEW YORK. Bent 19.-FLOTJR Steady; spring patents, 24.90i5.30; winter straights. 84.4uCH0; winter patents, 4. 70 W.ia; spring clears. s4.sxe-. exun. jw. winter, i4.l06j4.20; extra No. 2 winter. 34.00 4.10; Kansas suaighu. 24.154.25. - Rye flour, quia;; fair to good, 23.85&4.00; cnoice to fancy, H.CfricH.U. CORN MEAL Steady; fine white and yel low. 1.6&L70; coarse, I1.604J.1.65; kiln dried, $4. 2i. RYE-eteady; No. t west, 63c, c, L I. Buffalo. BARLEY Quiet; malting, 6876o. . WHEAT Spot market, steady;' new, No. 2 red, 1103V. c. I. f. trsck and f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, l.OOfe. f. o. b. afloat, closed , fei&feo net lower. Sep tember closed 21.03; December, 9fe 99 ll-16c, closed 99c; May, closed 31.03fec. CORN pot market, steady; export. 59fec, f. o. b. afloat. December to' March. OATS Spot market,' firm; new., stand ard white, nominal; No. 3, 3838 fee; No. 4, SSfeaffic; natural white, 36to39c; white, clipped, 3042c. FEED Barely steady: standard mid dling. 103 pound sacks, $26.a6&26.60. hay New, steady; No, . L i.h; wo. z. 11.10; No. 3, 90cfcl.O0. lilUK-rlrm; Bogota, WMfJv,c cen tral America, J6c. LEATHER Firm: hemlock firsts, zbm 27c; seconds. 2626c; thirds, 22Jj23e; re jects, lie. PROVISIONS-Pork steady: mess. lis.Ti W-OO; family, $21.5022.60; short clears. Kl.uwtf-S.w. Beer, rirm; mess. m.wji 17.00: family. 219.0019.60: beef hams. W.W flU.bO. Cut meats, dull; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., $U0rxfrl4.0. Lard, firm; middle west, 211-20& 11.30;, refined, steady; vvililliviliai, nuubu aiiici ivqiii fu.,w, compound, 18.003.25. iw'ITl!,it firm; receipts, ,714 tuns; creamery extras, 30feC441c: firsts, 28(ft30c; itate dairy, finest, 'aw&c: procesi. extras. 20c: factory, current make, f lists 23c; packing stock, current moke, No. 2, 21B21feo. ' CHEESE Firm;- receipts, ooxes; state whole milk, colored specials, 10J IiHic; state whole milk, white specials, lbftltifec; stats whole milk, under grades, 14lDfec; skims, 413c. E(G-Flrm: receiDts. 15.248 cases: fresh cathsrsd, sstraa, SSiiHc: eif fiuh, il'sl 28fec; firsts, 24426c; refrigerator firsts. season s storage Charges paid, ziwazw, western gathered, white, 2332c. POULTRY Dressed, firm: fresh killed western chickens. 1424o; fowls, 14317fec; turkeys, 164170. Cera tal Wheat Region llnlletla. United States Department of Agricul ture, weather bureau, for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., 75th meridian time, Thursday, September 19, 1912: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp.- Raln Statlons. High. Low. fail. Sky. Ashland, Neb.. 62 45 .00 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET - Much of Early Advance is Lost' by Middle of Day. " DEMAHD FOE MONEY LIGHTER Movement Becomes Slnglglsk and Irresmlar Except In Few Special tiesNew Records by Amer ican Can. NEW YORK, Sept 19.-The stock mar ket opened with another upward swing today, but much of tha advance was lost by midday, when the movement became sluggish and irregular, except In a few specialties, among which American Can common and preferred were especially prominent for new high records. The prelerred registered a maximum gain of points, with about half as much for tha common. As a whole operations were even more professional than usual. Demand for money was light. Local banks reported a better inquiry for com mercial paper, t Outflow of money for the week has again assumed very large proportion General news of the day Included an Increase in coal rate at Pittsburgh and unconfirmed- - rumors that mlddlwet jobbers had advanced finished steel prod uct 23 per ton. A firmer ton, was shown by London discounts. ' Bonds were Irregular, with a broader demand. Total sales par value aggre gated 31,880,000. United States govern ment bonds were .unchanged on call. .Number of tales ana leading quotationi en stocks were as follows: WlM. Hlrfe. Lew. ClM 17.M M I7fe U 4.400 tlfe H it 13,000 77 7S 75 f3, 100 46 41. 44 6,440 12fe 121 123 100 0 t0 Auburn, Neb... 66 42 .00 Broken Bow .. 70 48 .00 Columbus. Nb. 65 40 .00 Culbertson, Nb. 71 43 .00 Fairbury, Neb. 7 40 .00 Fairmont, Neb. 64 40 .00 Or. Island, Nb. 67 . 45 '' .00 Hartlngton, Nb 65 43 .00 Hastings, Neb.. 6 89 .00 Holdrege, Neb. 70 32 .00 Lincoln. Neb... 65 43 .00 No. Platte, Nb 70 42 .00 Oakdale. Neb.. 63 44 .00 Omaha, Neb.... 62 48 .00 Tekamah, Neb. 65 88 .00 Valentine, Nb. 70 4 .00 Alta, la.... 60, 41 .05 Carrol , la 59 40 .00 Clarinda, la.... 63 40 .00 Sibley. Ia. 60 3 .i Sioux City, Ui 62 ; 46 .00 Clear Clear . Clear Clear . . Clear Clear Cloudy ' Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear , Clear Clear ' Clear Clear Clear Clear Minimum rtufirn oilv ivn Pnvllin4 Features of the Trading and Cloalns ' Prices on Board of Trade. ; CHICAOO, Sept. 19. Although specu lative Interest today centered in corn, efforts to hoist the price of that cereal ' proved only partly successful. The close was Irregular, varying from fee off to a like amount up, to heat finished Mi fee to fee down, oats ranging from a ehade loss to fee advance and provi sions unchanged to a rlae of 12 it c. j Bulls in corn acted chiefly on state ments from experts In Nebraxka that yields there were disappointing and that the total would not exceed 175,000,000 bushels, despite the government's esti mate of 237,000,000 bushels. It was de clared that similar results were becom ing apparent in Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas, and that contrary to general belief the crop In the belt as a whalj) wouia be a moderate one after all. Liberal buying of December and May : corn on the part of a leading firm lifted the market sharply after an early show of weakness due to the non-appearance of predicted frosts. December fluctu ated between 52fec and tsfeo, closing easy a shade net lower at 53fec; No. 2 yel low, 7374o, Wheat trading was enlivened a llttls by covering for a large short among local profewMionat speculators. Offerings, however, were plentiful at a fractional advance over last night's level. A ma jority of dealers inclined to the bear mde, owing to big primary receipts. December swung between 91c and 81 <c, with the close steady, fettfec net lower, at 91fe91fea . A fair shipping call gave firmness to ats. December ranged between fc'fe Sia and &fec, the dose being at SM? iUfec, a net loss of a shade. On account of bear pressure being lim ited In provisions packers managed to bid up moat of the list. As a rule the advance ran from 6c to 12ljc above last . night. - The leading futures closed as follows: Woi Inr.init.u4 In averaffes. temperature for twelve-hour period end Ing at 8 am. , DISTRICT AVERAGES. . No. -Tamp. Rain- Central. Stations. High. Low. fall. Columbus, 0 18 74 . 60 .80 Louisville, Ky... 23 ; 74 .80 Indlapolls. Ind. 18 70 48 .00 Chicago. Ill 24 66 48 .70 Bt. Louis, Mo... 19 6 46 .00 Des Moines. Ia. 22 68 44 . 20 Mlnncapoli 61 70 ' 43 .20 Kan. City. Mo.. 25 68 46 .00 Omaha: Neb 17 66 42 .00 Amalgsnuiad Copper . Americsa AfrleaUural , American BMt Sttsjur. Ainaricta Cu Amerlcu Cut pti Amnicaa C. AmCTlcin Cotton OIL., Am. Ic 8ecurltlMw.. Amerirm Llnaeed .... Anwrlcan Locontotlve American t. H.. ...... 1,040 Am. 8. & R. ati. Am. sugar Ramilng 400 127 127 American T, American Tobacco Anaconda Xllnlnf Co 7,104 4 4 . ioo n , 104 23 . ttOil li K US 14 86 16 U 1 u 101 U7 ginning of business the condition of the United States treasury was: Working balance In treasury office, 283,685,112; in banks and Philippine treasury, $34,261,271; total of the-general fund was $146.88442; receipts yesterday,' $1,277,109; disburse ments, $2,039,655. - The deficit to date this fiscal year ia $11,488,759. as against a de ficit of $30,918,148 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama canal and public debt transaction. Bank of England Statement. LONDON, Sept 19. The weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve de creased 126,000, circulation decreased 411,000, bullion decreased 536,666, other securities decreased 491.000, other depos its decreased 1,000.000, public deposits in creased 371.000. notes reserve decreased 173,000. Goverment securities unchanged. The proportion of the bank s reserve to liability this week is 50.64 per cent; last week It was 50.34 per cent ' London Stock Market. LONDON, Sept. 19. American securi ties opened steady today. Trading was light during -the fVrst hour and prices moved Irregularly. At noon values ranged from fe above to fe below yesterday New York closing. . ... ; Bank Clearlac. . OMAHA, Sept 19. -Bank clearings for today were $3,192,529.27 and for the cor responding day last year. 22.47U00.36. OMAUA GENERAL MARKET. BUTTER No' 1, Mo. cartons, 27c; No. 1. in 60-lb. tubs. 27c; No. 2. 25c; packing. 25c. '' ' - POULTRTBrollers, 8640o per lb.; hens 15e; cocks, 9l0o; ducks. Wc; geese, 15c; turkeys, . 23o; pigeons, per dps., $l.aO, Alive: Hens, lftSllc; roosters, 5fec; stags, Sfeci old ducks, full feathered, 9c; geese, full feathered. 6c;- turkeys, 12c; pigeons, per dos.. HOchomere, $2.50; squabs, No. L lCHEE3a-lmported Swiss, 33c; Ameri can Bwlss, 26c; block Swiss. 24c; twins, 17fec; daisies, 18c; tripleU,-18c; Toung Americas. o; blue label brick, 18fec; 11 ru berger, 2-lb., 20c; 1-Ib., 22c. - - BEEF CUTS ine wnoiesaie iimm i beef cuts, effecUve September 16, are a follows: Ribs,. No. L JOfec; No, 2. ljc; No. T... 200 144 144 144 3, Ufec. Chucks. No. t 10c; No. 2, , 8fec, o 204 872 172 272 No. 8, 7fec. Bounds, No. 1, ISfec; No. 2. 4 uc; eo. , v.", iiu. i, 1 7i v, -. Atthlaon im 108 10 101 lifec: No. 8, 6fec OMAHA LIEST0CK MARKET Killing Cattle Slow to Lower, Stock. ers Hard to Move. HOGS AEE FIVE CENTS HIGHER Fat Lambs In Good Demand at Steady to Stronger Prices ana ' Fnt Sheep and Feeders Generally Steady. appearing to care for that kind of stuff, week. Quotations on native t-aitio: uooa to I No. At. 8a. Pr. choice beef steers. $8.3tfl0.2&; fair to good beef steers, 7.2Ms8.2S; common to fair beef steers, t6.owi.a: good to choice heifers, 6.25S.25; . good to choice cows, &.2o6.2S; fair to good cows, $4.2565.25;' common to fair cows, $3.wxSt.B; good to choice stockers and feeders, $6.087.75; fair to good stockers snd feeders, $o.oa 8.00; common to fair stockers and feeders, t4.7536.50; stock cows ana neiiers, st.MMf (.75; veal calves, $ifp.75; bulls, stags. etc , $ Bepreiniative aaiet: BEEF STEERS. ' ' SOUTH OMAHA, Sept 19, 1912. Receipts were: catae. dogs. Sheep. Official Tuesday V.".... 8.586 6.203 27,14 Official Wednesday... 7,627 6,211 24.886 Estimate Thursday.... 2,500 4,300 14,300 Four days this week.-.27,896 18.798 102,691 Same days last week. .26.253 21.484 95,978 Same days 2 weeks ago 23,705 23.777 78,601 Same davs 8 wki urn 17.372 16.983 76,998 same days 4 weeks ago 24,zi Same days last year. .29.232 20,656 126,015 The following table shows the receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the. year to date as compared with last year: 1912. lilL Inc. . Dec. Cattle 635,958 780,667 .. 144,699 Hogs .......2,315,126 1,843,839 471.287 ....... Sheep 1623.324 1,641,036 ....... 17,713 The following table snows the range of prices tor hogs at South Omaha for the last-few days with comparisons: Date, f 19121 i.4U.UlO.l!M.!lW8.il9O7.190ft. Sept 12 8 iBfel 6 91 Kept. M V 37 6 8S bapt.' 141 8 4J 6 Sept. loi 1 6 78 Sept 161 8 43 I 6 81 Sept 17 8 21 Sept. 18. 8 09fe6 81! 9 271 15 7 8 76 7 981 8 86 8 05, 8 80 8 06 6 84 $ 93 8 101 i 8 141 6 8: 6 71 6 86 90 6 801 5 88 5 88 6 87 . 590 6 84 6 M 6 00 02 609 6 11 5 78 6 08 Sept 19.. ...... 6 711' 8 92 6 83 5 72 6 02 Atchiaon pfd Atlantic Maat Una Baltimore 4t Oblo Botbtobam Btaal Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacllle ....... Central Laathar Cbawpaaka Ohio..... Chicao U. W Cbltajco, M. A 8t. P.... Chicago N. W Colorado F. A 1 Conaolldatad Oaa Corn Producu Inlawara A Hudion,..,, Danrer Rio Uranda... V. a R. 0. td Hattllara (acurltlaa ... Krla Kria 1H pld Krla 2d p(U Oauaral Elactrle tlraat Northern ptd Groat Northern Ore ctta. Illlnoia Central lntorborouh Mat. ..... biter. Mat. pfd International Harveater . Inter.Manine pfd ,. International aper International Pump .... Kinui Cltjr Boutiiern... Lacleda Oaa 200 102 102 102 'Sunday. CATTLE Cattle receipts were very moderate today, making the total for the week, xi, im head, only a slight gain over last wee, out a iajnng on oi almost 2,000 head as compared with the corre- i ponding period last year. Still there was plenty of cattle to supply the demand. which was not as brisk as It might have been. There were not very many beef steers on sale and buyers were very indifferent but it was apparent from their action that they already had purchased as many .AV"7.rTVt- .1! lite " pike! 6c "trout., lie? Urge crapples. 12 fattle as J ey needed for tha , week .and uu imii. imti rr I ic... mhaA . fKn uh: attid roe. per y c ""y. 7Z :.,T WS. a u .eT. i. ..Mn catfish, ""le concession in prices. Thus, whUe S 2 J." T-lr"-.. Kad . Mf tricOy good -cattle might have been nana Aiaa i ai iiw nAHAh wi mirraiai jaa . uuiiunuio. onu. i . - 400 o 80 "woVirrk KTfrlNew aoDles in bbls.. were slow to a little lower than yes- 200 W 1714 17 Ui nt,t K an.hlh nnlana. Der case. 81.60. leLaay- . . 1.100 106 107 ". 1074 f.VT .i; hunch. $2.25 xne cow marKet wnicn opened strongei .. ... : 2- ."rvT riHtM. yesteroay morm ng and closed lower at I 40O J 26 rvCT... M iTn Tkn in box tn na oI tn dav. conUnued slow and ioo 144 146 l Anchor 1-1 fc I"WK54 weeJt thi morning. There seemed to be tm.u X V&.2?M iib?r .t they had Ifafk lattk lalA taUt I Ko. At. Bh. Pr. Ko. - A. Pr.' Ko. , At. Pr. 1 Ul 4 cowa 4 260 I 40 I M ID I S6 4 W 4 7i 00 5 M. 4 26 4 Kt IN 7 211 4 80 6 WO I 10 Xl 107 4 20 10 221 i 10 ,. 230 4 40 1 1110 I 60 89) 4 60 I.. 10U I 60 t 26 4 64 1 112 I 46 t 110 4 76 H1SIFERS. ; 2... 400 t 26 44 n t 26 f 420 4 46 7 226 ( 20 1 449 4 00 K0 I 66 1 494 4 00 4 (M 6 40 4 646 I 00 1 41T I 40 14.... (24 I 10 t 4(1 f M i I...... 621 4 16 4. 260 I 76 , BULLS. t... 1M0 4 6 L.X 1240 I 00 L... 1200 4 60 1 (40 I 00 - l.. ..1620 4 76 . CALVES. 5. .. 2S4 ( 00 I (24 ( 26 2 . 0 4 26 1. .... 250 ( 26 , . 864 4 26 . 160 ( 76 ' 2........... M6 (26 .. 16( (76 (... 286 7 40 2 166 ( 71 4........... 306 T 00 1 210(76 t 266 7 60 ( 164 ( 76 4 264 7 76 7 124 ( 76 $ 166 ( 00 ( 164 ... 7 00 61 232 ... I 17'i 22.......1S1 ... 7 00 10 2(1 40 ( 17 Si 196 (4 7 76 (6 24 (0 I 17 (1 lil ... T (0 (1 272 (0 ( 17 77 206 ... T (6 60.......291 44 I 17 (4 160 ... I0( . (2 .193 ... t 21... ....! 144 (OOi (( 171 ... (20 21 212 ... ( 16 TT 234 ... ( SO 14 (37 ... ( 06 (0 212 120 ( 10 44 1M 400 (It 71 222 ... 8 20 U 27t ... ( 10 t 243 200 ( (1 (82 ... lit (j 24( 44 1 20 44 23 (0 ( 10 44 218 40 ( 20 40 206 120 I 16 r (..... 221 ... ( 20 44 264 ... Ill n Ml ... 120 71 (22 140 1 16 . U.......24I ... I 20 IT 197 ... I 16 (1 241 ... ( 20 60 241 80 ( 16 ( 231 (0 ( 2 49.... ...300 40 I II 68. ......260 ... ( 20 88 194 ... ( 16 78 266 ... ( 24 . 04 263 200 I 16 to 234 244 I 20 40 246 80 I 15 68.. 262 80 ( (0 V, 64 202 40 ( 16 (1 Ill M I 20 !' 44 271 (0 ( 14 74.. 263 ... ( 32 tf 241 120 I 14 H Ill ... ( ( 4( 2(6 10 ( It 10 171 ... I 26 24. 241 ... 1 14 71.. (47 200 ( 25 70 242 120 ( 16 42.......2S 200 ( 25 44 267 240 ( 16 40 272 ... I 6 20 226 (0 ( 16 -71 214 ... ( 26 49.. .....236 ... ( 16 71 ( 80 (25 44 244 120 111 72 242 ... I 30 41 261 80 ( 14 66 12S (0 I SO " 8. .... It"..."'.'. 14 cows.. 9 calves 2 heifers. STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 171 4 60 16... 696 I 71 8. 760 I 75 676 I 40 497 I 25 I T66 I 71 691 6 36 I m I 76 660 5 40 13.. (64 I 75 48a 6 60 4 816 4 00 480 6 60 . 6.... 714 4 10 414 6 66 4... 930 4 20 662 6 70 it. (71 4 W ' 483 I 70 ' 44 622 4 50 (30 I 70 - -WESTERNS. .. 882 4 60 7 cows. 166 8 75 642 5 50 18 heifers... 718 5 40 58 cows 942 5 36 22 cow 968 5 90 9 calves... 224 7 75 owj 4 ra 13 cows 1045 ( 60 13 heifers... 505 5 75 i3 heifers... 611 6 00 I feeders.. 877 6 50 10 feeders.. 896 5 00 It feeders.. 11S3 7 35 23 cows 1015 6 25 1Q feeders.. 1232 7 15 U feeders.. 602 6 Cu 12 feeders.. S04 6 36 20 feeders.. 815 6 Jo at, 8 cows 870 4 00 7 cows 920 6 30 "67 steers.. ..1194 6 75 73 steers.. ..1182 6 75 59 feeders. .1308 7 65 14 feeders.. 920 6 20 i cows 855 4 65 14 calves... 237 6 00 8 feeders.. 680 6 65 17 feeders. .1285 7 50 NEBRASKA. 21 feeders.. 735 6 10 Scows... 700 (4 1,100 34 1,100 54 Receipts and disposition of live stock ra. seiecied brand, extra union biock xaraa. south umana, . . - i a A. t nma i lur urn l wenL v-ioiir nouri mnama $ax i n. 400 4lt4 44 44 lancy, owaoy siw, hoi uv. ., -- , - ' m ,4a ,a 1 1 .imnnpira. lanoy. ww aiave, ii l 4oo 20 20 2 $6.25; 240-420 sises, doc per box i . :!. iwwtMri o vtuauQ. tatue. uogs.sneep. ., 8 2 ZL n Ka. 12 okas.. 1?" .WJU. -lw "l?"a t, v-auwui.., k". rr-r, ",. -. " msa. T.A l"r tneir cow stun ana tney apparenuy (7 850 : Per cast, ot M No. u,,K,,?tw' all had orders to. either buy them lower "(4 34 of No. pkgs., $2.00, bulk, In X or leave the cowg alo naturaUy HK MV. wv-iu- wv I. ' fw Tk. vae aTULTKet very bjuw tuia ami ana 64 mu Iin. 6-crown, inw-iD. uoxca, vc$ iM., wv, in niany cttJies tui of 10c lower. 41 a-crown, in w-iu. poxcd, ii UM. .a i .prAwn. in au-iu. uuadb. v?i ivnT soar lot . lot l - . . .. , . v -. l,!oo 140 140 140 LemonsLamuiiei SO ZO I fO.o. AWiw w.-. yy" , .n aw w ao toriua, tuuiuy, w-w r- - i . (00 186 124 24 Oranges, California Pansy brand, extra c M & st P Ry a I t.,r,tr ao-VM nisiea. Mr box. 23.76. extra I .uk.,u t n ... ..... ..... Iftout., -v . r ' . , irKUMII A.. . V ....... TOO 11 11 i fancy, all sises. per box, reaLueo, i Missouri Paolfio Ry n n California, oc; i.oioriiu Vi ,JT ri Unlon ao'o R- ai ii now. ireesione. ouwioo. c. & pj. w.. kv.. east m au u ..... 1 . - . . f . t .. . M, T A .. I. .. Vl..-. Af .17. i Z. ' " Lmvwm uaa iv im i job I norma, Siae, ao.w, iwv, , . U. 4 IN. W. Ky.. West umkr vauer , 70,w iw its ia $3.25: pony, 64 'Slie, wai.erme.uuo. c gt Pi ji. & O. Ry "'" ...tiii.,. i,-w myt Dr ID.. 1C. ' P R. & Q Rv . Mt um ,k i e . i . tc.A I ' . .1.1 U & ermum. I . 1 J ' 80(1 2 1,100 42 Z Z :Jk -'"Ki 'ft d-n,v liHSta- Centr-Ry:T ..... . .. "7. ar.a.:i.t.r;2?.'. "'1' S.T Chicago u. w. y.. nn i ixil . J .T..T LOltUCe, extrn imiuy, iruim, jrei . MO 115 116 l'5 Unions, white. In crate, $1.00; yellow, per -V Total iwlpta DISPOSITION-HEAD. .. Cattla Hogs. Sheep. arown - per 4-basket carrier, 40o. Wax Morris A Co 240 , 857 1,619 gean."' pfbatket, 75c; green beans, per Swift Co............... 624 919 4,805 KnulCAT 11 IM ' 1 v-4ujr . vi...,, un aatM.ii ,7v. Kansas City Live Stoclc Maraei 600 66 ko 1,400 128 121 90 1,200 124 U4 114 100 117 117141 111 100 109 109 109 1,200 26 24 26 209 ,(i 27 17 ...... 1J 41,000 161 18169 Arudel Open. High. Low. Close.) res y. "Wheat Sept. Sl! 92 , Dec. 91V siili May. 9596 U Corn. Sept. ,0Si , 11 Dec.. ta(u 63 May. KJWaS 52W Oats. - Sept. t2m,m Dec.. S2Hiii'33iijk May. Uu 84 Pork. j I Sf-pt. 16 75 18 Oct.. 16 90 16 92 Jan.. 18 15-20 1$ 30 Lard. Sept. 10 82 10 90 Oct. 10 85 10 96 Dec 102tt 10 65 Jan.. 42i 10 47 tj!0 45 Rlba Sept. 19 55 10 70 Oct.. 10 52H 10 60 Jan.. 9 77W& 8 82Vi 9 W 91W 91 91 91V,(I - 95! 79"4 711 SJI 13U .. 821 S2SJ' 16 75 J 16 80 16 821 16 86 IS 15 j 18 22V4J 10 S2iil 10 90 7J il'v 10 924: 91 The weather Is warmer In the corn and wheat region west cf e Mwweiippi river. It Is slightly cooler in the MtrlcU east of the river. Appreciable showers occurred within the last twenty-four hours in all except the Omaha, Kansas City, LI tJT.m. .nd Indianapolis districts. Heavy rajns occurred in Wisconsin as j &110W.: Madison, 2.70; Wftt'rtown Ljo, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. St. Lonts General Market!" ST. LOUIS, Sept 19.-WHEAT-Caah. firm; track, No. 2 red, ,i.wwi.w; hard. 90V4e'93c. . ' ; ; Ka' , CORN Firm; iraca, i"Mt - Wt3ATkVrm:' track. No. 2, S2Ht33Hc; No. 2 white, 82c. Closing prices pt futures: . WHEAT Weak; December, w; May, WCOUN-Wek; December, fMll May, ATaisteady; December, S2c; May. 34f(i.'.4Hia , , ; ', RYB-Weak: 6S!io. FlUR-Vluiet; red winter patents, $4.ffl tii.85T extra fancy and "tralghts, $115 l85: hard winter clears, $3.4o3.i5. SEBl-Ttmothy, $10.00. CORNMEAL-3.70. . . BRAN Weak; sacked, east track, 88c rUY-Flrm'. timothy, $12.C018.00; pral- wTir.viKiiiivt Pnrk. lard, dry sail mean and bacon unchanged. POULTRY - Firm ; chickens, 12Jic; springs. 15Ho; turkeys, lbo ; ducks, 12c; M , 8t. P. 4 1. I. M Wlwourti K. T Mlwourt Pacllo ....... National meruit National Lead N. II. R. ot M. 2d pfd York Ontral. ..... N. r;, O. W Norfolk Weetern North American Ktorthere Pacific ........ raclflo Mall Pennarlvanta People'! Oaa P., C, C. 8t L.i... PltUburiti Coal ....... Praaaod steel Cur Pullman Palace Car.... Reading ; Rapubllo I. A 8... Hepubllo I. B, pfd.. Rock laland Co........ Rock Uland Co. pfd... St. U A . V. U pfd.. Seaboard Air Line. a. A. U pfd............ Sloae-Shetfleid S. a 1.. Southern Paclflo ...... Southern Hallwar Bo. Rallwar pfd........ Tenneeaaa Copper ..... Texas A Pacific........ Union Pacific .......... Union Pacific pfd...... tinlted Sutra Raaltr.;. United Btatea Rubber.. United Stalee Steel. (... V. 8. Steel pfd... , Utah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemlosl Wabaah Wabaak pfd v.v..- Went era Marjrlaod .... Waatern Union ' Weatluhouee Electrls Wheellnc 4 L. E Total aalai tor the day, 349,100 at area. 26 2 34 4 . 4 ,20 , 2 , 6 j unions, v. -- i'jM mti-iiatt in "crate, 90c. Parsley, fancy southern, per ' HI 4J 'ML doi. bunches, f5WfBc, PoUtoes, home im2 grown, per bu., 75c. Tomatoes, norae 4 10 6 16 4 S 5 8 1 1 64 49 63 Armour & Co., vihsir rtTY Seot 19. CATTLE J .W. .Murpny... Receipts. 7,600 head, including .south- f-": ems. Market, sieaoy to iac, W w vi.nt a- p 339 1,189 117 6,445 134 .... 115 .A 174 i7n fJiT to W. B. Vansant & Co too 28 28 - 28good, ; i6.OofH8.40; western ' steers Jk.K lU-a.u,V an aa u hu .iL.i t.l..ra and fow1r!L it.EWlTl.BO: I Mill At OOTl. ltd W w. . . . - . . . . l u TJ T.n. . 1.400 -nu. . sett ?. iihni atMiri n.'Ans.iio: soutnern wwo, . ucnm i (.Jot 6344 kit, is1 ix.siKtiA25! native cows. $3.40.6o; nauve $5.50i.50. ...... . I ..- 4 4041 vniiiBelnts. 2.000 head. Market k nuu & ttosenstocK.... ia 66 Mirher: bulk 01 sales, IS-awaujo; noavjr, nacreary jveuugs.... eu 100 H0t4 HMtl liou I ki :( . i5- narkrg and butchers, S.ix I VVerthelmer & Degen... 194 ,oo si (l . (1 g.o: HifhU. $S.So8.60; pigs, $6.0O3j.O0. I H. F. Hamilton 46 400 86 (6 (6 RHKMP AND LAJdBs Receipts, Sullivan Bros .14 200 4344 43 vi Mti Market 10c to lac lilifher; lamJis, I Rothschild & Krebs.... 20 too , 24 24 2 ta4OT.4K: vaarlings. $40i88.o0; weUxers, Mo. Kan. Calf Co.. .4 12 14,609' 171 170 i;o $4.oi)&4.60; ewes,! 3.50Q4.25; stockers and cilne & Christie..., 30 a feeders. -U.ouun.40. . - . . iviuer Buyers , re 4 feeders.. 750 6 10 15 feeders.. 683 85 21 feeders.. 1000 7 25 13 cows.... .1055 5 66 38 steers.. ..1210 6 90 7 steers.... 692 5 50 18 heifers... 682 5 26 8 cows 982 6 SO 13 feeders.. 495 6 SO 964 5 35 5 feeders.. 5i0 5 50 108 steers.. .1016 6 75 22 heifers.. .1062 6 40 11 steers. .1240 6 90 9 steers. ...1095 7 26 12 cows 974 6 10 13 steers.... 613 5 50 16 steers.... 589 7 U0 13 feeders.. 723 6 15 400 69. i 100 ' (2 82 n 1,300 t 63 K 62 49,70t- 74 74 74 1.6U0 113 113 111 16,000 64 64 44 4 44 4U 4 4 1.293 Totals. .......3,834 ,4,404 ,23,0,2 400 209 109-2,(09 at. Joaenh Live Stock- Market. ct tnstr'PW. Mo.. SeDt 19. CATTLE Strletlv aood feeders were steady, but Receipts, 2,400 head; market, steaay; i there were little bunches of stock cattle ,.r, ta. 75 (210.25: oows and heifers, $3.25 I scattered about the yards and they were 4 &9.00; calves, $4.50(8)9.00. v pretty nam to sen even at snaaea pneee. 14 1 HOGo Receipts, o,wv neaui niiwv, i iiier xtaui aa tu iiimjlvi. ou cuinmon iu 66 I strong to 5c higher; top, $8.60; bulk of medium grades of stock cattle has beer. aiiA aiu. aiu. I t VT;S ftfi. 8614 66 asul shkup AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,000 6 I head; maxket, - steaay; tamos, o.wkijw. slow and dull all the week, buyers not 17 cows..... W& 6 86 2i cows 947 5 15 7 cows 937 3 80 . J. B. Kendrlck-Neb. 24 steers. ,..1216 7 06 12 steers.. ..1176 6 45 49 steers.. ..1303 7 60 14 steers.. ..1295 ( 75 41 cows 1021 5 80 23 cows 966 5 10 12 steers.. ..1297 7 36 E. F. Soehl Neb. 28 feeders.. 1047 7 10 , Mllldale Cattle Co.-Neb. 2 calves... 346 6 25 24 heifers... 994 6 19 10 cows 910 5 10 George Biemlller Neb. 13 steers.... 762 6 00 9 cows 920 4 95 Platte Valley Cattle Co. Neb. 97 Steers.. ..1054 6 60 WYOMING. S feeders.. 942 6 10 23 feeders.. 1021 6 35 119 feeders. 956 6 20 -4 feeders.. 80S 6 20 9 heifers.. 964 5 50 21 feedera.1063 6 36 78 steers.... 960 6 10 80 steers. ... 964 6 05 46 steers.. ..1083 6 70 50 steers.... 961 6 10 11 cows...... 993 6 75 COLORADO. 21 cows 969 4 85 31 heifers.. 840 5 40 43 cows 1000 5 15 16 cows 951 4 10 SOUTH DAKOTA. 17 feeders.. 672 5 25 11 feeders.. 900 6 25 6 feeders.. 1045 6 85 cows 902 615 10 feeders.. 812 5 80 16 feeders.. 1046 6 40 17 cows 935 4 90 22 cows 922 5 15 25 cows 876 5 70 20 feeders.. 1080 7 00 42 heifers.. 605 5 25. 8 heifers.. 707 9 00 15 feeders.. 740 6 30 11 feeders.. 737 6 60 HOGS The big bear raid on the market, which broke prices yesterday and the day before 33c on an average, appeared to have spent its force for the time being at least. This morning under the Influ ence of free buying on the part of snip pers and speculators, together with a fair iMtciuug duniana and more favorable ad vices from other selling points, the mar ket opened 5c higher than yesterday. The trade was reasonably active at the ad vance, so that everything in sight was disposed of at an early hour. The bulk of the hogs sold at $8.1058.25 with a top at $8.30, whereas yesterday the hogs sold .argely at $8.068.15 with only a sprinkling at $8.) and a top at $8.25. Today's advance leaves the market 26 JOc lower than it was at the close of last 291 40 16 PIGS. , ... 71 131 .,. 7 75 SHEEP Receipts of sheep were very moderate today, but still the total for the week roots up over hb.(m neaa, ohi the largest for a number of weeks back, but decidedly smaller than a year ago. Ruvers ware out In the yards In very good season this morning, and tha mar ket on fat sheep opened fully steady with yesterday. Fat lambs were If anything a little stronger than yesterday, some of the same stun Drlngmg luc more many. Steady to strong would Just about cover the situation so far aa lambs were con cerned. Killers were quite active buy ers and they cleaned up 'the bulk or tne offerings in very good season. There was nothing very choice in tne yaras to im a high top, but a pretty good kind of - lambs sold at 870. The trade in leaders wna not quite so brisk, in fact, it was a little Inclined to be slow both yesterday and today, there not being the snap that was character istic of Tuesday's trade. It would appear that there were sufficient orders to clean up everything very quickly, put receipts being moderate sellers were holding at prioes that buyers were reluctant to pay. Thus the movement was a little slow as noted above, but still the market would have to be quoted just about steady with yesterday. Quotations on sneep ana juamos iamtis, good to choice, $7.1097.40; lambs, fair to good. $6.607.00; lambs, feeders, $6.006.75; yearlings, light $5.3586.65: vearllngs, heavy, $4.75S.10; yearttngt, feeders, $6.00 6.50; wethers, good to choice. $4.154.75; wethers, fair to good. $4.XX34.15; wethers, feeders. $3.904.40: ewes, good to choice, $3.75474.35; ewes, - feeders, $3.10SJ; ewes, yearling breeders, $4.50&6.00; ewes, aged, $3.5034.50; culls, sheep and bucks, $2.00 3.00. , CHICAGO LITE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle Slow pogs Strong Sheep Weak. ' CHICAGO, Sept. 19. CATTLB-Re-Cftipt. 4-500 hMd. Market slow, generally steady; beeves, $5.85(611.00: Texas steers, $4.656.25: western steers, $5.709.80; stock ers and feeders, $4.807.36; cows and heif ers, $2.9068.00; calves, $8.0011.50. HOGS Receipts, 14,000 'head. Market strong, mostly 10c higher; light, $8.15 8.80; mixed, $8.008.80; heavy, $7.858.60: rough, $7.86ig8.06; pigs, $5.0Qaff.90( bulk of sales. $S.108.60. SHGiCP AND LAMBS Receipts, 16,000 head. Market weak to 10c lower; native, $3.5034.80; western, $3.604.65; yearlings, i4.7o&i.65; lambs, native, $4.8637.40; west ern, $4.907.60. - St. Louts Lire Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Sept 19. CATTL& Re ceipts, 6,200 head, Including 3,200 Texans. Market steady; native shipping and ex port steers, $8.00640.70: dressed beef and feeders, $3.757.25; cows and heifers, $4.00 8.50; canners, $2.754.50; bulls, $4.006.50; calves, $5.001L50; Texas and Oklahoma steers, $4.&9840; cows and heifers, $3.75 67.26. ' ' HOGS Receipts, 7,600 head. Market So ; higher; pigs and lights, $6.0O8.75; mixed , and butchers, $8.408.7&; good heavy, $8.50 SHEHP AND LAMBS ReoelDts. 6,400 head. Market steady; muttons, $3.75ro 4.00; Iambs, $5.507.35; culls and bucks, $L608.25; atockers. $2.7560. Stock .ta Sight. ,r;. ,,j ; .t.,j.. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha ......... 2.600 4,300 14,800 St. Joseph 2,400 6,000 2,000 Kansas City ........ 7,600 2,000 8,000 St. Louis ..r. 6.200 7,600 6,409 Chicago . - 4.500 14,000 16,000 Totals 23,200 32,800 47,200 : Coffee Market. . NEW YORK, Sept 19,-COFFEB-Fu-tures market closed steady, but from one to four points net lower; sales were 80,250 bags. Spot coffee, quiet; Rio 7s, 15c; Santos 4s, 16fec; mild, quiet; Cordova, 16lSc. Motnl Market New York Money Market. xnmw VORIC Bent l.-METALS-Cop- .TintiT vn t. a .... a. - ii I -w , r O a V ill nAtin a t AaXrfTkC riS aan4 et II M a 1 ZZ- . , l . trA TVaa. 50: electrolytic. $17.50ffl fared at 6 Der Cent. Time loans, atronar: ii ik. id'i H7 fiaUjS)17.76: oastlnit. $17.12iti sixty days. 6 per cent; ninety days. 5 hi Tin,' strong; spot. 9.97H60.10; Sep tj)6 per cent; six months, 6 per cent. Member. $48.96iSc8.25; October, $49.75ig6a00. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-4HC6 Lead, firm, $6.15.25. Spelter, rirrn, vjij . i . . . . . ....... iuwui. aa 7K per oriii. .v 14x7.76. Antimony, quieii "' STERLING EXCHANGE: - Heavy at I Iron, firm and unchangea. copper ar tl SMI fnr lit.ili, hllla .n4 41 SKMI tr. I ..,;. u.r 9S& tnns: KXDOrtS thlS mOntU, demand. Commercial bills, $4.8114. 113.701 tons. London copper, Hrm spot, SILVER-Bar, 63Wc; Mexican , dollar.. bj8 13. Matures 79 13. 9d BONDS-Gorernment. .teady: railroad, tin, Srm; spoV2a 7s; future 223 6a lrreaular London lead. Ja iuo. inuou Sng quoUUon. ou bond, today war. 5 Iron. Cleveland warrants. 67. VA In at follows: "ttt fut. m-MSTTALS-Uad. ..cZ U!?d,4Vlti::: ItUrm at $5.0SS.ce. Spelter, rtrong at . I. (a, re. lu. 4t N. nl. 4a... (( , . de coupon J"- K. T. let 4. (2 . : - . " b4 a tm raa........ii as aen. 444a. ISU I juinwapo. da rnuDoa 111 Ma. Peclflo 4a T2 uravf i VOt.TJt Sent 19. WHEAT i Panama 8a, ooopon. .101 y or. la.... 16 Seotember. 8787Hc; , December. 89e; t 4a. M -v Mw.c; . cash: No. 1 hard, ww: o. mw to m aic e your nome A.-C let 6 eUa... 69 "N R R of It JH i" ui!'PTK-i-.ii;irm: creamery. 2630o.' 10 60; 10 W 42it 10 67! 10 50 9 77H 10 65 10 47 '964 70- 53' 2214 32' 16 80 16 85 13 10 10 77 67 10 m EGGS-Steady; 20c Flour, bbls... Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu...... Oats, bu. ...... 10 67HI10 5-15 610 70 10 60 9 ftyi 9 82; 10 47 io Cash quotations were as follows: ! FLOUR Easy; winter patents, $4.158 6.U); winter straights. $4.00'H'4.60; spring I'aircu, au; spnng siraignts, f4.0U4.U); wenrrs, j. roil - . , . RYB-No. 70c. - '. : ''' ' BAKLJEY Feed or mixing, 4052c; fair to cnojee m&iting, WiTlo, PEKDS Timothy, $1 503.75. ' Clover. r2-'S'17.50. , . PROVISIONS Pork, mess, $17.00 17, 12, I Aid (In tierces), $10.90, Short ribs (loose). - tie.25S40.7S. ' Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 287.000 bu. Primary receipts were 2,119,000 bu., compared with 1,179,000 ou. tne corresponding day a year ago. 1-umated receipts for tomorrow; Wheat 2 cars; com, 280 cars; oats, 279 cam; hoes. 13.000 head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, $1 No. 3 red, 9'c?n.02; No. 2 hard. f.".2-aS4c; No. 8 hard, oWJlc; No. l north' era, tefr'Joc; No. 2 northern, ttfjt93c; No. '3 jrtnern. 88&2c; ho, 2 prlng, xg?3c; .No. 3 tpring, ?!M2c; No. 4 spring, 89aft2c: ivlvet chaff, tbity&s; durum. SO&aOc. Corn. :.o. 2, 7lT?; No. 2 white, 74r7&c; No. aAm. A. 6......ioiN T. C. j. (.... (6 northern, 88eW4c; No. 2 northern. 85WXSMIC; NO. 9. "w?,,. CORN No. ' t yellow, 70T0c -OATS No. 8 white, 3031c. F LOUR First patents, H85t65; sec- xa 'AiojM.aa: r rsi uivmo. al. a unto aa...... a. u nos. aa.... n ivitu -- - ,v . no 3a WPenB. or. Sa HU.. M 3.50; secona iears. 4i.w Brook. Tr. v. 4a... to coo. 4a 102 sjsku P lax. slow. Va. ot Oa. la 107Readln. tan. 4a.... 9 BARLEY Wi27c. - Can. Leather la 8. L. 8. F. t 4 "8 , , . ' " iw a Ohio 4e...loo aao . Is, M Milvrankee Grain Market. do eonv. ia . . t s. w. c .. 80 MILWAUKEE. Sept. .-WlliA'r JNO. a r a T. ct. 4a... 113 do deb. 4a. tt Am. Tobanco H...iw--i. T. in. h. a H. Armour a CD. avaa,. ot. M,a to Alchtaon sen. 4a.... (7N. 4 W. let e, 4a. 94 do ct. 4a nw no ct. aa um do ct. 6a M. Paclflo Is It . c. U let 4a (4 do ta A... 94 Bal. Ohio 4a. 960. s. U rtd.. 4a.... 92 RAcolnta. Shipments. ... 9,200 12,000 ...136.000 1 ,0l ... 42,CC 83-000 ... 94.C00 , 48,000 u-.n... rt Grain and ProvUlona, tritiaia rtTV Snnt 19. WHEAT Canh, steady to He higher; No, J hard. 8S.4(h9c; No. . KXijsoc. io. a ewowi CORN Unchanged to lc lower; No. I mixed. 7V4c; no. a, woac; t..u, Tn. NJrt 9 RSa OATS-Unchanged; No. 2 white, S3iJI 34c; No. a mixed, 3swtrc. , i i mif nrip.Aa ni Tiuurvra; WHEAT- September, 88c; December, f.VKr.VTi! MM. SO0. ' CORA-Heptemoer, ooiv., iwo.uuw, 48c: May, 4S49c m . OATS-September, 33c; December, 83c 4.r SJSiP. V J ' . . . I ., fc. 1i IA HA X Bttonger; cnoice iiiiiuiuj, eu.w 14.50; choice prairie, $11.00, vh itn. try Firmer: - chickens, 12c springs. ntc: turkeys, 15; spring ducks, 12c;, geese, (XfliuwJ. WI7TTK14 irm; creamery, iwttc. .- Receipts. Shipments, WhMl bu 135,090 231.000 Corn, bu 12,000 7,000 Oati. bu.... 12.000 ' 12,000 . Peoria Market. pvnniA. III.. Sent 19. CORN Market lc higher; No. $ white. No. 2 yellow and No. t yellow, 71c; No. 4 yellow, 70c; No. 3 mixed, 71c; No. 4 mixed, 70c; sample. 68c v . ' ' ... . . niTS-ntMflv: no. i wmie. c: siana ard, 33 c; No. 3 white, 32&32c; sample, 31c . Llrerttoor Grata Market. LIVERPOOL, Sept 19.-VHEAT-Spot steady; No. Manitoba, us 3d. Futures, easier; October, 7. sa; uecemper, it &a March. 7t 4Vtjd. CORN Spot" aulet; new American kiln dried, Ts 2d. Futures, easier; September, 5s Sftd; December, U 1A , a pi and f beauty, ace o coniiieiic COItliOF "He who knows a man's house, knows his heart" Chloato A. !. J4H8. A. L. adj. (..... 77 . northern. 9394c; No. 2 northern, C. a. Q. t 4... (JJtBo. ruo. ool. ta IL9n2No 8 hZrd Winter, 9293c; Decern- ak tvan M... ... ..a pom an BT. mm. MVn v u., ait. . M 4k I P ct 4e..l06 do let ret. 4a ts beri.0,K ' ylnow 72r3e; No. 3 D R. a rot. 4s(i de lit ret. 4a... 16 iJAiUc i -ui'a. ww" Watlllera' la 74 V. . Robber ta..aot Brie p. I. 4a 7U. 8. Keel 2d 6a....lM do can. 4a. itn-ia-i;, i;nem. oa... rr On ft. 4a. aw. B. 71 Wabaah let A ex. 4a I9U 111. On. M ref. 4a (SWertera: Md. 4a..... 86 n K ' i .uDland. $10.50a00; No. Inter. Met. 4a weet aiieo. av. aa.. -No " (009.00; No. 1 low- Inter. M. M. 4a. H Ctral 4.....; 1 OTno. Vo(W4: $11. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. Sept 19.-HAT-New. No. 1, 1.00OU.50; No. t $10.0010.5O; No. , $8.00 j Janaa 4a Bid. Oflere4. .. N Lieif No. L 812.50ei3.50: No. 2. $11,009 12.00; NO. 3. $.(WB10-W. straw,. Tle u.w Btn Stock Market. 6.5; oat. ano rye, o.wUi.w. NEW YORK, Sept. 19. Cloelng quota-! I IT". .n .tn-V, wra m follow.: I Dry uooa. AlKraet 41 Mohawk 4t NEW YORK. ePt. 19.-DRY GOODb Amal. Coppw ...... (7Neada Con. 22 xho cotton good, markets are quiet and A. I. L a a iNiriteint Mines ... s steady. Yam rule arm ana qurei. ito'- I Arliona Com 4North Butta (4 tnn in notions and toys is becOm- I B. C. C. 8. M. North Lak .4 ,i morfs acUve. Dress good, market. . woia Dominion an rHnu. Btr.ont. . .641 Omola .. 194lnT' .. 17 ahanno. .. 14 Superior .... to ....111 .... 16 .44 - Cotton Market Mtr-Tt' vnRK. Rent. 19. COTTON 6pot .M uwrw.r ............. .. 1 ' " ' ' . . -. - - - - t Buperlor aV B. M... 1 closed quiet; middling upianas. u.soc; xnia- ttlunarafK ......... IVkV. LtK.ll 9 do pfd Cnl. Ariaona.. Cal. ft Heola Centennial Cob. Range C. C. Kaet ButU C at. Franklin ......... Olrou CSn Oranbr Con. .... nraane Canaaea i.i. n..l fmDar. 34l'uh Coi. Kerr Uke HUtah Copper CK. Lake Copper ........ 3iWtnoiia ........... La Ball Oriww..... 6WolTerUM Miami Oonper . 26 Bid. -.,'.' New York Mlntan Stocks. BOSTON. Sept. 19. Closing quotation. tions on mining sioeite were: . Com. Tnnnel atoek.. Mnlcaa m do bonds U Ontario 160 Con. Cal. V 4 Ophtr to Iroa BilTer 1 ataadard lot LeedTUte Cos, .... I Telle Jacket 28 little Chlet 8 Ottered.- Condition of Treaanry. in riiinv a-uir. 12.10c. aies si Tjaies. tv4 ! Cii4nra rinsed steady. Closing bids: M September, U.27c; October, 11.81c; No-1 " I vemoer, ii.toc, ueceiui ui.uuu, 4 narv. 11.56c : February, 1161c; March. 4 ii a- -Mnv. It 77c: July. I1.91C 79 " - . : " Wool Market. KT. LOUIS. Sept W.-WOOL-Stcady; territory and western meaiuma zuq'jo; fine mediums, 18'JOc; tine, ll.C . Cottee Market. KPW YORK. Sept 19,-COFFEE-Rio. i No. 7, 14c;- futures, steady; December, 13.73c; March, ,14.tuc " Snnr Market. NEW YORK. Sept 19. SUGAR R. w, ateadv: Muscovado, 89 ten. l.tbc; centrif ugal, 98 test 4.86c; molasse. sugar, 89 1 Watch for The Bee Seml-Monthly Hagazine Supplement. You will find it to be hlthly instructive and practical. :' ..''' W ASHINO TON, Sept 19. At the be- J test S Oe; refined, .teady. That is what the ' Omaha Sunday Bee Semi-Monthly Magazine f": ; ' will tell you about next Sunday. September 22d The indoor season has arrived the season when- home comforts ; and conveniences are more appreciated than any other part of the year. Next Sunday's number of The Bee Semi-Monthly Magazine Section is beautifully gotten up, and its many interesting and completely illustrated articles are of practical value to the owners or the prospective builder of a home. Contents of next Sunday's Magazlno The Ideal House Ideal Rooms of an Ideal House The Heart of the House the Fireplace What to Use on the Floors , Practical Suggestions for Heating and Ventilation Windows as an Architectural Asset A Guaranteed House for $3,000 Good Taste in Painting the House The Bathroom Up-to-date A Greenhouse, its Cost and Pleasures Practical Sleeping Porches Modern Kitchen Equipment Making the Most of Very Small Rooms A Play Room for All the Family Farewell to the Double Parlor. Every Sunday Bee of September 22d should contain the semi-monthly magazine Watclivf or it. The Magazine appears on the 2d and 4th Sunday each month,