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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1912)
THE, BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, " SEPTEMBER 20, 1912. Let Bill Do It It's a Funny Life, So It Is Copyright, 1912, National Newt Assa. Drawn for The Bee by George . .McManus I J if- " I "'' J? - ' I 11 1 I ' I '- -: mm I ue:tv ) ; . and bill didi 7 HELP WANTED FEMALK HELP WANTED MALE , ANNOUNCEMENTS, t I - AUTOMOBILES , BUSINESS PERSONALS. LOST AND FOUND , W ANT ADS Want ads received at ray time, bat to Uuare proper cUssiflcuttoa tnnst be presented before 13 oclocfc m. for the evening edition and before 7:30 p. m. for morning and Sunday 4L tlons, . Want ad received after such hours will have their first insertion under the heading "Too Late to tUealf.". CASH TUTEs"ik7r WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASIFlCATION Ob Insertion 1H cents per word and 1 cent per word for each nbsequeat consecutive Insertion. Each Inner tkn unde on odd days 1 cent per word; 11.00 per line per month when ad Is rau without change Of opt. . , .., , ... . D BATHS AMD FlUEHAL NOTICE!. HANSON Mm. Eva. sged W years, four montha, died at th residence ot , her daughter, Mr. M. A. Lundgren, 1W6 Twenty-eighth -- street. Funeral from resident Friday at i:S9 p. m. Interment at Forest Lawn. NORLEN Lovic. aged O year, wife ot , OiiBtave T. Norlen, 3327 Spautdlng. Funeral service Thursday at I P. m. from Swanson's chapel, Seventeenth and Cumming streets. Interment at Foreit Lawn. , . . . 'pETEREN-J. C aged year, died Wednesday morning, September 18, 1911, at his residence, 1031 south Thirty- first street. V Funeral from the residence of his son-in-law, Dr. J. K. Simpson, lilt South Thirty-first street, at 1 o'clock Friday ' afternoon. Interment Prospect Hill cemetery. ' RAFNICK Isabelle, September It, ae ' 71 years; wife of the late Henry Raf ;" nick of Mil South Fourth street. Funeral services from the family real 'dence Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock. In terment Prospect Hill cemetery. Friends invited. , , V CARD OF THANKS. ' WE wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their beautiful floral tributes and kindness to Annie, oar daughter and sister, during our sad be. 'reavemsnt. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Jensen .'and family. , spun mi ii i iii . ,n t i ,nii. hiiiii..iimiiipI'm.i. m SI ARRIAOB LICEJf IBS, - Permits to wed have been granted to tho following couples: . Name and Address, ; Af. , Robert H. Hamilton. Stanton...... .,27 Margaret A. Price, Schuyler ..28 Boy B. II. Bowden, Tkamah.......ovr 21 Melts B. Laugliltn, Omaha. over U Frederick W.'Kent. Omaha.... . Adeline A. Roehrlg, Omaha... ,...,,.,,. .U CBemard C. Falk, Counoll BJuffs... ...... .25 iilva. B. Morris, Counoll Bluffs .... John W. Walker, Omaha..... .,,.....75 . UenevaHaughey, Omaha ...,SH ,Ion Debo, South Omaha.... ............. ..21 Kuth BaUey. South Omaha... .....17 Basmus H. Nielsen, Omaha..... .;..2f Hunsens Nleleen, Omaha...... ........U John C. Pederson, Florence.,,...... Carrls Nelson. Florence...,...., .William D. Mtrnms, South Omaha....,.,, Kulp Stewart, South Omaha , ...44 Willis W. Dayton, Crete............ ...... ..B Ilelgs, M. Munson, Omaha... M Herman H. Cowles, Nebraska City.... ..) Mda C. Beck. Nebraska City. ............ .11 Frank U Auerochs, Omaha.,., M Lillian A. Moore, Omaha ,23 George A. Novotny, Schuyler...... Rose ttehmld, Schuyler.. 21 Henry a'Poule, Toronto, Csnada... M Klfle a Jeffries. Omaha, tf Carl C. Wilson, Omaha. .....,;.,,.,... ... JEva M. Jewell. Geneva.. '.,...... William W. Boyd, Leadvtlle, Colo 44 Mary K. Federapiel, LMdvills, Colo.. ..42 Fred a Westrope, Lincoln.;. ...;,.. Evelyn Fager, Llnooln......... 36 Henry Nelson. Omaha......... Uertrud Chrlstensen, Omaha ...4t BIRTH) AND OBATM9. Blrths-Jernes and Alio Dugdate, bos.' pltal, girl: Frank and Bmma lxu-ling, ma Bouth Thirteenth, boy; John J. and Min nie Freytag, 14 North Twenty-second, girl; Homer and Louise Finney, 1617 Elm, . boy; C, M. and Oenevlev Oarvey, 441 North Thirty-eighth, boy; Fred and Eva Gilliam. 2203 North Twentieth, ,trl; M. B. and Jennie Hubier, 1314 Capitol avenue, boy and girl; Will and Annie Kellogg. 2H1J Charles, boy; Grant and Christina Hayes, Fifty-first and Fine, girl; Frank and Lorraine Keho. 287 Meredth,-boy; John end Blanche Munt 2713 Decatur, girl; John and Alice Lucas, hospital, girl; Carl and Annie Olson. 481 Pierce, boy; Frank and Frances Pliny, S323 South Twenty-first, girl: Thomas and Viva Phillips. 202 North Twenty-fifth, boy; Charles and Mary Sebron, 1407 South Fourth, girl; Frank and Pone Slrtanni, lf29 South Twenty-second, boy. Deaths-John F. Kelo&g, days. 2BI Charles; Herni Kroupo, months, hospi. tul; Emma Jacobs, m years, 2MS Indiana 'Hvenue; Herman Wetrich, 1 day, 2411 "Hancroft; Baby lmrllng, 24 hours, futh Thirteenth; Frank KrlannL I day WJS South Twenty-second. ' BCILDISO PERMITS. Cussell Realty company, Thirteenth end Atlas, brlclt apartment dweQing, IT.ft; Charles W. Brader. Plnkney and Krlistol. brick residence, IS.W0; Nebraska Methodist Episcopal hospital. Thirty, sixth and Cuming, brick fireproof hospi. tal -building. H0,fl0; C. N. Moore, 231S Oflden, frame dwelling, $; Charles Bauer, SJIO North Twenty-sixth, brick dwelling. t7,0. HELP WANTED FEMALE . . Factory aa inilrt. , .. - . WANTED Girl to sort scrap paper, colored or while. Douglas if Omaha . mi morm. v-o., ism ana Mircy. t.X pv t rvrrn ST77T7 irtnch Dry Cleaners, 2211 Leavenworth. iiuaiurkrrvre anU l)UHlrstie, !'Jt?nSV?:VAFr iRL' PROBLEM F0I.V ED Tb Bee will run a Servant Girt Wanted Ad FREE ur.til ynu a-et ts desired results. This applies to residents ;f Omsbi. South Omaha end Council bluff. Urliw your ad to The Be olfio ir telephone Tyler IujO. : MoBsekreper and Domestics , WANTED) Competent' cook In small family; no laundry work. 135 per month. 525 Third St.. Counoll Bluffs, Tel 274. GIRL for general housework. No launary worK. ui s. Ktli St. COMPETENT seoond girl; good wages. 115 8, 34th. II. 621. COMPETENT girl for general house work; best wages; good references re qulred. HO S. 35th Ave. Harney 5245. . WANTfcl--Neat-appeftrlng girt as housemaid. Apply Browne!! Hall, 10th ana. wortmngton sts, Douglas m. UstL for general housework. itOUti Pop- pieton Ave. rl. 5903. WANTED Girl for general housework. small family. 3505 Jones St., or call Harney l . X1IRL, for general housework, who uices culture n. h-13Z1. AT one reliable person for seneral housework; small family, nice room. 4121 rarnam. h-3440. GOOD girl for general housework; mall family; must be good cook; no wasmng. 4J4 . 3th 8t. G1EL for gei'ieial huusework; two 111 lamily; good wages. , 2029 Dodge. WANTED Competent maid for house work. Pleasant room. Reference re quired. Phone Harney 2077. 1144 8. 33d St. COMPETENT grh good wages. $14 N. 40th St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 38KB Dewey Ave. Harney W23, WANTED Competent cook and laun dress, family of i. Call 411 S. 40th Ht. OIRL or woman wanted tor general housework. 422 No. lth. EXPERIENCED second girl. , 618 Bo. 25th Ave. Douglas 217. EXPERIENCED cook) 3 In family; ref erences required. 507 flo. 38th Ht. H. 30U9. GIRL for general housework; 1 In fam ily; references required. SU N. 38th Av EXPERIENCED general housework girl; I In family. Mrs, E. T. Swobe, 320 so. mn. Harney ztisz, housework In family of three. Phone Harney m. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; good home; good wages.. 2014 Emerson. Webster WW. - COMPETENT girl wanted for general housework; small flat; 2 in family; good home for the right girl. Tel, Harney 1563, or call at 213 8. 41st 8t, WANTED Competent girt for general housework; t in family. Mr. 13, A. Crelghton, 11 8. S4th . H. 3L uinu sur aenerai nousewom, tnree in lamuy. jura t.reign, lit wo. Ed Ave. GIRL for general housework, small family. 1339 So. 35th Ave. IL 2!04. 1 COMPETENT girl for general house work, must know how to cook, good wages. 2845 California St. H. 845. GIRL for general housework. Best of wages to competent person. 4S23 Florence Blvd. W. 370. GIRL for general housework. Good " o wanning, m. im. 115 Bo. 38th GOOD 1 rl for r.nHrul oii Farnam. H. 4041. f , WANTED High school girl to work for room and board and car fare. Call 711 N. 33d. GIRL for general housework. 518 8. 20th. GIRL to take care of baby and assist with housework. H. 6480. 128 S. th. Apply mornings. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. C. B. Smith. 3566 Howard. H. 3530. WANTED-Competent girl for general housework In small family; work light; good wages. 422 N. Slat St. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework and take care pf children; one who can go home night. 2615 Cap. Av. WANTED Competent girt for general housework, good wages, city reference reo ul red. Mrs. R. K, Kimball. Dourta 64. - . GIRL for general housework; family Of two; no washing. Apply evenings or Sunday. 14 N. 41st St. fne refifkrftl hniiMwnrlr vhn sood cook: laundress emoloved. 41 K fln. 3th St. H. SBfiO. Mtstwllaaeocs, TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers ar Invited to visit th Toung Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th 8t, whsr they will b directed to suitable boarding places or sthrwls asilated. Look tor our travelers' guide at (he Union station. WANTED-Middle-aged lady ,to live with and car for an old lady is com panion and helper with housework; only five-room cottage to care for. Ad dress lock, box 138, Clarlnda, la., giving age and references, i j HELP WANTED MALI Agent. Salesssea aaa aallclteFB. PRINTER WANTED W want a hustling young printer to learn the sell ing of type, machinery and printers' sup plies on th road. Good opportunity for young man willing to work and leam. Giv full particular, experience, references and salary wanted in first letter. Address Y 168, Be. WANTED-Wholeaale agent to sell Vacuum Washers. Baker & Seymour, t28 Brsndels Theater Bldg, : WANTED High grade specialty tales men to sell on a commission basis to retailers th handsome and most efficient hand-power vacuum cleaner on th mar ket; work like a carpet sweeper; a good live wire will make from ) to 8150 per week. Call or write, giving age, experi ence on the road and reference to th Sterling Vacuum Cleaner Co., Sebring, O. WANTED ExDerlenced saleemKn t one. Omaha Gas Co. Inquire Pugh. AGENTS make big money: Kanner" side-stroke ttropper; automatically hones and sharpens all safety and ordinary rasors. A perfectly even edge and smooth shaving guaranteed durinr the llfetlm of each blade. Address Y 17T, Bee. AGENTS Be a live one with the goods that sell easily. Every housewife wants the line, Sample free. Clarke Specialty Co., 3U8 North Conception' St., Mobile, Ala. ..... : Ageats, galearaea and Solicitor. AGENTS, SOLICITORS If you are a live wire and looking for something good, Jaeger Bros. Mfg. Co., o' aranoen i neater iag. "wui ced. WAVTETl- Mnllnltnra In nrnrb In ltu and on road. 5?8 Brandel Bldg. . v . Itoy. WANTED Flv good rellab! boya Good wses, W. U. Tel. Co.. 212 13tb St. BOY about 18 to wrap. Apply, Omaha News Co., 15th and Davenport. WANTED Neat appearing young boy for office work, one who has had experience preferred. Must be over Id Good wages. Apply at once to T. P. Red man, superintendent Brandels Stores. Alfred CVKennedy, -dIn8Sr: ance. 2C9 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 722. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARK1NS, 31 8. 15TH, UPSTA1KS. Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L Sts., South Omaha. Plumes renovated. 425 Paxton Blk. D. 8394. S. H. Oole Sign Co. D. 3768. 1316 Farnam. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. EL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR, box 60, postpaid, $2.75; try half dozen; If not satisfactory money refunded. BEA TON DRUG CO., 1503 Farnam, Omaha. Clerical and Office. YOUNG men. study law. Omaha School of Law. Law DepL University of Omaha. Evening seislons. For further Information address secretary, 610 Mc Cague BldK. Tel. Doug. 867. ' TWO experienced collectors on com mission. Apply 877 Brandels Bldg. , WANTED young man experienced. In handling a set ot books in retail bunl net's, and can use a typewriter. Must be willing to do other work, such as clerking and collecting. Don't answer unless you mean business. Give refer ence, salary and full particulars in ap plication. C 754, Bee. HIGH GRADE office position, , For see us, CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE C jvjo-i city is at I Bank Bldg. . " w ...'"T,.: i t: Drug store (snap) jobs, Knlest. 8 Bldg. WANTED Presser. H. Livingston, 108 So. 14th St. WANTED Two experienced stove men A. Glllnsky, 307 W. Bdway., Co. Bluffs, la LEARN AUTOMOBILE ' ENGINEERING. Get 'Into the automoDiie business, learn It complete in U.e largest and best equipped training school iu this territory. Repairmen, demonstrators - and salesman are in demand. Writ or call for our latest catalogue. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 1415-17 Dodg St.. Omaha. Neb. TAILORS; wanted, first-class coat makers at once, M and up. F. L. Holmes, Ames, la. WANTED First class stone man for cylinder lock up. Must be able to lock everything in this line, make changes on presses, etc. Apply If possible ,in person Combe Printing Co., St. Joseph, Mo. WANTitn-Man In nu rn imrhkr trmA- An army of our graduates running shops depending upon us fr Harbers. Many ;uu waiiuiK. Ami naa oisewnere. Few weeks completes. Call or write. Moler Barber college. 110 S. 14th St WANTED Ad and Job printer; prefer young man just finishing trad. ' Address Hub. Kearney, Neb. WANTED for permanent positions, men between ages of U and. 3b: roush carpenters to do car repair work in Chi cago; rate 25 cents per hour; tools to bs fut nulled by applicant; call on Illinois Central Freight Agent, 11th and Cnlcago ox., umana, tor tree transportation. GOOD coat maker wanted at once; must be sober man and first-class tailor; good wages. Address Herman Peterson, Fre mont, Neb. WANTED Man to renalr mnvn and furnaces, pmaha Siovs Repair Works. WANTED Non-union brlcklaver at Omaha Furniture factory, Ralston, Neb. W ANXKO--Experlenaed bon bon dipper. Appiy Sweetiana Candy Factory, 1617 Burt St. . ; Miacellaueoaa. . . toy CAN EARN MORE MONEY In th automobil business; chauffeur, repairmen, demonstrators, ar in Big u stand antt command large salaries; pre pai yuuisull iu vur large tvaunng shops wher you learn how to upciau, tcpatr and sell all make of cars National Autoi'rammg Assn. ' 2814 N. 20th St. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Experienced insurance man for state manager; straight salary. Ad dress, Prime i Life Insurance Associa tion, Omana National Bank Bldg. WANTED-For U. S. army. Ablebodied. t r married men between ages ot IS and 35; uiuieiu vi unuea Diaies, oi good cnarac ler and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. Kor inlormation apply to Recruiting of ficer, 13th and iouglas sts., Omaha Neb.;.06 Fourth St, Sioux City, la.,: ISO N. Tenth St., Lincoln,- Neb. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cea tral railroads it you gain your training In our school. Practice on It U. wires. Ad dree (or particular, H. B. Boyiss, Pma Boyles College, Omaha. Neb. MAIL carriers, . Postoftlcs clerk wanted. $80.00 per month. Omaha, exam i nations November a Free coaching. Franklin Institute. Dep't U4-s. Roche, ter, N. Y. WOOD chopper wanted. Box 174, South Omaha.. , HELP WANTED J1AI.K AND FU.UALU. MEN and women wanted for govern ment positions. w per month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute. Dep't 217 6., Roohester. N. X. WANTED SITUATIONS HELP! Call the Omaha Employment Bureau. Douglas 1111 position as housekeeper in respectable wldower'a home; no laundry work. Web. 574L CREIGHTON university student, age 15, seeks emiiloyment after 4 p. m., and Thursdays. Willing to make himself gen erally useful. Would prefer drug store. Call Red 8558. Will call far himrilea mnA fitnllu a,..!,. ,jng. work guaranteed. Phone Harney tail YOUNG, honest, rellnbla mn 1 old, wishes I a position as clerk with a local f.rm: nrwf era ' rnmn hn.i. aA- - j UUB' .. U. dress, O 758, care Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Douglas 882. Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. D. S37S. TO LOAN-LOW rate. In sums to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug, 2904. MONEY UNION LOAN CO. TT fl Tlnllor Wave your plumbing u. kj. xmuvi ana neatJng plants re paired overhauled before cold weather rush comes. 1754 Leavenworth. Tyler 1597. D. S. Griffith, wig mfr., 12 Frenser Blk. THE CITY of Stuart will receive sealed bids for digging an open well, 10 feet In diameter and 100 feet deep, and walled up with a 9-inch brick wall, all, bids to be In by October 6, 1912. We reserve the right to reject sny or all bids. Address the city clerk, Stuart, la. PAPER hangers, use Snowflake Paste. Cniaha Paste Co., 718 S. i3tii Si. ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; last lifetime. 207 N. 17th. Phone Red 814. OMAHA POSTING SERVICE. Advertising "Pat Welch's f2 hats." YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST. , NOW TRY THE BEST. Until Oct 1. 1912, we furnlsh'goos grade of lining, , clean,, press and retina over coats for , $5.00 . , ) WE CALL AND DELIVER. SUCCESS CHEMICAL DRY r CLEANING COMPANY, 14TH AND DODGE. 1 TEL. DOUG. 296. General contracting, painting and paper hanging. Baker, 21u7 Clark. Web. ALL will be forgiven, Mary, if you will meet me at the sign of the Crown and the Golden Stairs on 16th and Douglas Sts. That Is where BRODEGAAR.D sells those lucky wedding rings. N, P. Swanson, Undertaker We are now in our new building and have one ot the most up-to-date under taking establishments in city. 1625 Cum ing. D. li). Large chapel In connection. PLATE dinners, sandwiches, .Stars and Stripes beer, Jetes Saloon, 13 & Douglas. P F FTNK"Auto Tinners, general repairing. 1807 Far., rear, ' Murphy Did It REPAIRING, TRIMMING, PAINTING. FOR SALE "WRTr-VI" KA hnu 7-passenger touring car with the follow ing equipment: Mohair top, windshield, Jones' speedometer, demountable rims. Klaxon horn and Presto-O-Llte tank. The car is in first class condition and a bar gain. First cash offer of tl.200 takes it Address Van Brunt Auto Co., Council Bluffs, la. TIREREPAffiINGXt.yoUtrhro0.a tires. We make them almost as good as new. Nothing but highest priced and new materials used. All work guranteed, Arthur Stors Auto Supply Co., 2020 Far-nam. Motorcycle. , Yale, Harley-Davidson and used motor cycles. Victor Roos. 2703 Leavenworth. SECOND-HftXP AUTOMOBILES. STODDARD-DAYTON 7-passenger Li mousine. Rebuilt and repainted. AH in fine condition. J. J. DERIGHT AUTO CO. AUTO repairing; 2d-hand cars, bought and sold. Morrison's Taxi, 4004 N. 24th. Web. 3016... .. -b . ... . .. BUSINESS CHANCES TO get in or out of business, call on uanucaiAu, w. joe uiag.. Tel. JJ. S477. FOR SAT-jr. an raih hnaia nna . ,k best transfer businesses in the northwest Reason for Belling-: ill health. : Can be handled with limited amount of money. Addres Y 173. Bes. WIS buy, sell and lease moving picture theaters and supplies. Nat'l Theater Corp., 1818 Farnam. FOR SALE Caipenter shop for sale; in good locality. Inquire of Nels Larson, Wausa, Neb. FOR SALE Cheap, two-chair barber shop; best location in town. Address, Pearl Law, 20 W. 3d St., Grand Island, Neb. MOVING picture show in city of about S4.O0O. do I nil annri huainaaa fnr cola a I'trade; leaving town reason for selling. 4J im, nee.- ' , .-, Everything Electrical. ALL kinds electrical apparatus, new and 2d-hand, and electrical' repairs. Le Broil Electrical Works, 313 S. 13th, Omaha. Everything- for Women. Mrs. Olsen, 1st class carpet weaving. W.6016 DRESS pleatlngs, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO., 200 Douglas Block, Both phones. WE rent, repair, sell needles, parts of all sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney Sts. Tel. Douglas 1662. "L. LIEFF, ladles' tailor; tailored suits and fancy gowns. Room 456 Wead Bldg. WILLOW plumes made from old and new feathers. 2326 S. 12th St. Doug. 5566. Western Millinery School . 416 Paxton Block. Doug. 6821. Bring material. Make your hats. One lesson, $1. t lessons to. T.(TrTRMAI reliable ladles' tailor, is JUVaAivmAi'S, located 433-6 Paxton blk. Latest styles, materials. Popular prices. Flatiron Hat ShoD. (Inrolvn w prices very reasonable 1726. St. Mary's. Financial Investments. FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS. For 8ale-l.C0 shares King Solomon T. A D. stock for $250. Also 5.000 Uncle Sam OH, cheap. Box 75, Little Rock, Ark. . Furnace and Repair. REPAIRS in stock to fit your stove, furnace, steam or hot water heater; new furnaces, wrought iron and cast. Let us figure with you." OMAHA STOVE REPAIR . WORKS. 1206-1208 Douglas St. Tyler 20. PERSONS having lost some articls would do well to call up the office of tha Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain wnother they left it in the street cars. . Many articles each day are turned in and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. 1200 REWARD for the return of dia mond and sapphire ring, and no questions asked. A. L. R., 212 S 17th St. $50 REWARD atid no questions asked for return of circle diamond ring, lost near 17th and Howard. Office Flatiron, Bldg. LOST Wednesday evening, lady's open face ; gold, watch; for reward i return to jMcuairery, aennts Hotel. from "Sam to Mother;" reward. Return to Mr. Hinckley, shoe dept Brandels Stores. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE;. ,, DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL, ALL THE YEAR Complete courses in Business, Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy,. Civil Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue Is free for the asking. Call, write or 'phone for it at once. Address H. B. Boyles, President Boyles College, Omaha. Neb.- . Florist. A. Donaghue, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. !D. 1268. '. , Foundries. u ...... u u. .iiu viviiac iuuuuij, aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson Mnalc, Art and Language. HENRY COX, violinist. H. 3904. Why don't YOU buy YOUR PAINT where the Best Painters buy. They buy from US. BARKER BEOS.. PAINT CO. l)9i Farnam. Douglas 4750. FOR SAI.R An iin-twl9 oofa- ,nnil opportunity; ror further information ad ur-ss r. u. jbox la, Kearney, Neb. CARD OF THANKS. The committee in charge of the .Odd Fellows picnic held at Florence, Neb.,- on September 14, 1912, -wish to - thank the merchants of Omaha who contributed so liberally to the prise list of the picnic, By C. C. BORT. Chairman. , AK-SAR-BEN SPECIALTIES We Offer . TO THE PUBLIC ' -The very best whisky on the market for the small spm of $3.00 per gal The very best port win we offer for $1.00 per gal. C. SCHLANK & CO:, 13C7 Douglas St. -The Mandarin Cafe! 1409 Doua-las. 2d floor. Steaks, chops, chop suey, Chinese dishes. Also quick' lunches. Best service. Rubber Goods. "All kinds; face -creams and powders; hair tooth and nail brushes. THE BELL DRUG CO., 1216 Farnarn Thome plate cafe - "The Right Place to Eat." 320 S.. 19th. AK-SAR-BEN guests, visit the New Home Restaurant, 1514 Capitol Ave. Best meals, 15c. Trie best for your money. Charles Loftman. wines, liquors and ci gars, merchants lunch. 14th & Howard. ATTRACTIONS OMAHA FILM EX. ii?,.. and Motion pictures machine and film bargains AUTOMOBILES ALBERT H. BIHLER, Auto repairer, 2130 Farnam. Douglas 8395. AUTOMOBILE SNAP-Snap if taken at once, one Ford Model X and on E. M. F. Telephone Webster 3016. , ".--.' FOR SALE-Battleship rrev. tornado body, fore-door Auburn, I le-passenger, 40- jm. r. car; most complete equipment of Sny car In the state, including 10-note Cabrtel horn; also Klaxon, and every practical and modern convenience; all parts nickeled; car In elegant condition, shows hardly any use; will sell cheap for cash. M. Handler, Hastings, Neb. $S75 BUY3 1911 Overland, 4-pnss 25 h, p. 4-cylinder, fully equipped, perfect condi tion; run Z,0 miles; demonstration: may consider real estate. Address Y 175, Bee.' - BARGAINS .-' STODDARD-Day ton 7-pasaenger lim ousine. Stoddard-Dayton 7-passenger touring car. Stoddard-Dayton 5-passenger touring car. Locomobile 7-passenger limousine with touring body. . Locomobile 6-passenger limousine. Locomobile 6-passenger touring car. Locomobile 6-passenger roadster. Overland 4-passenger roadster. ; J. J. DERIGHT, s 1818 Farnam St. FOR SALE. Welding plants for welding sny metal by autogenous process; guaranteed: com. plete for $150.00, Address ALiTU wiiiUisu AAU UlvU. CO OMAHA, NEB. MOVED, AND DOING THE BKST Automobile repairing in the city. 'Sec" DRUM MOND MOTOR CO. DOUGLAS Printing Co. . Tel. Doug. 6K. New Location, J6th and Farnam. GATE CITY. Meilaltn pnnnttf K n offers exceptional opportunities to live business men desiring to begin in a new country and grow with it. Vhis town is Deing Dunt in the ' heart of the Oak ureea .vauey, tne corn Pelt In the Rose bUd COUntI'V. recent It' nn.nari t. hnnA. stead entry; buildings are being com pleted and can be leased tb live mer chants. All unsold lots will be auctioned on sept, a, isiz. rake the Northwest ern line to Winner. Address John V Bhevlin, Winner, S. D. RESTAURANT for sale. Inquire of wwiici, oiv a. ivin. MR. BUSINESS MAN-Your presence in . ui hid on your propery is impera HY?'. 8 notlf y 'ou at "ce in case ot fire. OMAHoA TJ REPORTING AGENCY. 1813 Harney St. Douglas 4297. Rooming House for Sale. FOR SALE Paying boarding house, 2206 - mTa- vviiuam Peterson FOR flirni.ho,? k.,,.. twelve rooms; centrally located,, newly papered and painted. 817 N. 17th, Tel Douglas 6485. ( i SACRIFIt'R .ala- a,.. ...t IS rooms; excellent location. Income $100 per month; besides large airy rooms for iT i . nl Teasonaoie. , K. 722, Bee, Ked 4o54, NICELY furnlched. all modern flat. jrimne, narney ttii7. BRST mrnnlri kn.. I- . "o nuun J II . luwa 11 rooms; fine location; paying good; al- "joiMii, jiaares u 749, Bee, 12-RnfM all mJ... 7 very good condition; fine location, walk ing distance; always full; part cash easy terms, Douglas 8475. ' BUSINESS PERSONALS Architect. . Plans & Bldg. estimates. Cottrell, W. 881. CblropodUU. DR. ROY, 1565 Farnam. Douglas 6497. Civil Engineers. E. E. Moore, 620 Paxton Blk. Doug. S058. Creameries, Dairies and 8 applies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. -".i ...','.::.: Coins. Old Coins "amps bought, sold, ex M WiuiJ chano-aH. Omaha. Onin nnri Stamp Co., 519 N". 18th. Cornice and Steel Celling. CARTER Sheet Metal Works". Omaha. . Detective. JAMIT.R AT T. AM t19 KTauIII- c. dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1136. Omaha Secret Serv., 428 Paxton Blk. D. 1319 L. W. LONUKECKER, 517 Karbach Blk. Dancing Academic. BABIflHT MATT. Wh c..m assembly Wednesdays. For terms 'phone oat, i . . . yjenevieve naunarre. instructor. , Dreaamaklng. ... Terry' Dressmaking coliege,"5oth ft Far. Anna Sistek, suits, cloaks, dresses, alter- wii iciain. iio uiy .ai. oi. u. ww. SEWING by day In famillea Good work guaranteed. Web. 4843. BRYAN H'RRIirv rfr..n..kin. .-a lawnm. tu cat aiag. nea Fltspatrlck, tailor, dress'g. 2504 Davenport Miss Naplnsky, gowns. 608 Paxton. D. 5i3. Dressmaking. 1707 Dodge. Douglas 7830. Everything Electrical. . LOWEST PRICES on massage vibrators. SEND FOR SO-PAGE BOOKLET. HARTHUN ELECTRIC CO. 880 Brandels Bldg. 'Phone Douglas S29S. WOT FF ELECTRIC CO lights and power. Fixtures, washing ma. i"""". aww irons, nesting aevices. Easy terms. 1R10 Farnam street. RlAOtrir llarhtintf eiv I 1 1 - - - ...... .iivicmre .iiu iTinn. Burgess-Granden Co., 1511 Howard. D. 631. PROGRESSIVE MUSIC TEACHER wanted; 30 pupils already organized; lo cation and Information free. Music Teach ers' Training School, 613 Paxton Block. Charles L. Cocke, jr., piano, 618 McCague. FRANK MACH, violinist. Red 4627. Helen Sadilek, teacher of piano. W. 1346. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, teachers of singing. 209 S. 35th Ave. Tel. Harney 2027. Cora , Schwarts, voice. "401 Boyd theater. Francis Potter, teacher, guitar, mandolin and banjo. 1920H Farnam. Doug. 3853. Moving) Storage and Cleaning. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse, and Van Co. Furniture packing, piano moving. Office 216 S. 17th St. Doug. 394. SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 41 Doug. Blk. Ladies guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware blk. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgl- 1 cal operation. Cure guaranteed' and no money paid until cured. Write tor book on rectal diseases with testimonials.' DR. E. R. TARRY, Bee Bldg., Omaha. I WISH to announce to my ' patients and friends that I have returned from my summer vacation and anv'naw at their seryice professionally. - DR. J. W. NOVAK, DENTIST, Room 4. Continental Blk. ' tWglas 6077. MEN who are 111, end for free Dooklet A of chronic .diseases; write fully and con fidentially; o0 years' experience. Old German Doctor. 1713 Springgarden Street, Philadelphia, Pa. FERRIN'S Van & Storage. T-1200; W-2747. FERRIN'S Auto baggage. T-1200; W2747. Furn. Moving; 2 men, $1 per hr. W. 2748. . , Nnrserle and' Seeds. STEWART'S 6EEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. -' Osteopathy. ; ,:. , ( .. Alice Johnson, 308-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Optician. - B. F. Wurn, fitting and rep'g. 443 Brandels :.':'' . Printing. '.. , ; ' Lew W. RaBer, Printer, h BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Reis-Hall Ptg. Co., 109 S. 14th. Ind. A-3524. SUPERIOR GRADE OF PRINTING. JOHN C. THOMPSON. Webster 3197. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co.; quality kind, quick service. Doug. 2190. 622-24 So. 13th. Patents. . . D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. tel. Red 7117. H. A. STURGIS, registered attorney, United States and foreign patents. 646 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone D. 349. , Plumbers. . W. Thatcher, plumbing tt heating, 813 N. 40th St- Office: H. 3107; Res., H. 1638. x; Mosher-Lampman College ' Unsurpassed courses. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. Address Mosher-Lamp man, 1815 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. MEDICAL , MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels. , -! YOU have long desired to obtain ready money for the sake of your wife, your children. -yourself. Here is your chanc to ob Uln It y, In An Easy, Way or. furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts in fact anything of value or on your plain note, if steadily employed. Terms to suit Confident al. Reliable Credit Co. Third floor, 308 Paxton block, 217 S. 16th. 'Phone Douglas 14J1 and A-1416. on furniture, pianos . and real estate at a very low rate of interest. Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas 1356. 220 Bee Bldg. A-1358. Money CHATTEL LOANS, $5 to $100. SALARY LOANS. You can get It today of STAR LOAN CO.. 601 Paxton Btock. HOME LOAN. CO. Most reasonable rates in the city. Writs or phone Douglas 1235. . 1623 Farnam, Room 8, Patterson Blk. L. F. Van Valkenberg, B " ing repairs, w. M.7 or w. eiig. 1709 N. 24th. Steel Tank and Cnlvcrt Companies, NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany, 14th and Nicholas. Doug. 3869. Stenographer and Conrt Reporter. Myrtle A. Kelley; 816 Bran. The. D. 5682. 'Store and Office Fixtare. WE BUT and sell anything, everythfntr in fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 12th and Howard. D. 2724. See us first. ELECTRIC sausage grinder, 2 cash registers, scales, showcases, all kinds of fixture bought and sold. , Levy's, 2519 N St., South Omaha. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures. bought, sold. Levy, 2510 N, South Omaha. Tents and Awning. - OMAHA TENT CO.. Tel. Douglas 822. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Traak and Salt Cases. Frellng St Stelnle, IS03 Farnam St Wines and Liquor. VIRGINIA DARE wine C5c a larsre bot- sandwlches. Alex Jetes, 602-3 S. 13th St VIRGINA DARE wine 65c a large bot- tl. Klein Liquor House, 622 N. 16th St LIVE STOCK FOR SALE florae and Vehicle. WILL SELL AT WHOLE- S AT ri sample stock of farm wagons f mr,A tuminr nun Central Tm plement Co., Ill" Farnam. Douglas 20M. sample stock or farm wagon ana warn ing gears, central implement uo., uii Farnam. Douglas 2066. trox STABLES New location, first-class livery and boarding. 1814 Cuming. D. 1557. Ist-c !.ss livery. Sherman. 24th & Clark. iroR ,SA LE A Dark trap, almost new: also two depot wagon, one almost new. Dr. B. B. Da via Key to the Situation-Be Advertising. MONEY loaned salaried people and others on their own name; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. H. Tol man. New Omaha National Bank Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS at 2W and 6 per cent. FLATAU, 1514 Dodge St. Tel. Red 5619. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms, O. M. E. bauls trunks. D. 611. A-SfU. 2414 SHERMAN Ave., modern room with excellent board. Call Webster 402o. REEDHURST for meals. DOUG. 8350. WILL give the use of a beautiful homo and heat. Fine location, one carline. In exchange for board for three, no ens but good and responsible people need ap ply. References required. Address B-757, Bee. ' Famished Rooms, LARGE nicely furnished rooms, strictly modern, walking distance. 2308 Dewey Ave. Tel. Red 4963, 1118 N. 20TH, modern, furnished room; clean and respectable. Webster 6604. ". 613 N. 17TH, modern, well furnished; good location. PRIVATE family; modern; facing Hanscom park; board if desired. H. 6456. 1529 Park Ave, , DESIRABLE modern, steam heated roem;. walking distance. Red 4232. 2037 Harney Modern, clean, well furo- isnea rooms, reasonable. &&I Sn. Ptt h . Av, l.raa rnnm with kitchenette, gas furnished, $4.00. OWL HOTEL, newly furnished, electrlo mtm, not water; aoc up. wi XN.litn, CENTBAK rtl-l.,lv mnrirn mi.m heated rooms. Red 4231 ! 1915 CHICAGO SAY! HERE'S THIS ruAVB iu ttlKJM. CHEAP. MODERN. TWfl nlpplv fllrntahA l,n,,..l....l rooms, in fine flat: close In. . 547 S. 24t Ave. MODERN double rVimi swlneiA 4 . WWBV - Sld Phone Tyler 1526. 217 S. 25th St FURN ISHKn hnil.Aknin. . . uiwrrii. mm giaaon cu Niamey vsn. Famished Monsekeepiag Rooma. - - , . ... .uiuisiicu IUUIUDI kitqhen, etc.- . j ',. V j