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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1911)
WANT ADS Want avis rwrtrwl at any time but to Insure projir classification must be preent before 12 o'clock m. for the evening edition and before 7:) for mornlos and Sunday editions. Want arts received after such hour will have their first Insertion under the heading, "Too Late to Classify." CASn HATES FOR WANT APR. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1 if cents per word and 1 rent per word for each subsequent In sertion. Each Insertion made on odd days M cents per word. $1.50 per line per month. Rates apply to either The Daily or Sunday Bee. Always count si words to a line. Want ads for The Bee may be left at any of the following drug stores one Is your "corner drufrslst" they are aU branch offices for The Bee and your ad , will be Inserted Just as promptly and on the same rates- as at the main office in The Bee building, Seventeenth and Farnam street: Albach. W. C. 40th and Farnam. Baum Drug Co., 231 N. ltb St Beranek. S. A.. 1403 8. lth 6t. Benson Pharmacy. Benson, Neb. Bemis Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cumin. Blake-Bradlsh, 2909 Sherman Ave. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Avu. CauKhlln. C. R, 4725 Leavenworth. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy. 2223 8. 16th St. Cermak. Emll, 1204-4) 8. 13th St. F.hler Co.. 202 Leavenworth. Foster As Arnoldl, 213 N. 26th Bt. Frevtag, J. J., mi S. 84th St. Fregger Drug Co.. 1 N. lth Pt. Florenea Drug Company. Florence. NeD. Oreen's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Fa- C Oreenourn C. 102S S. loth ft. Greenough Co., 10th and Hickory. Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven- Johanson Drug Co.. 24th and Ppaulding. Johnson Pharmacy, 2020 Farnam Hanaeom Park Pharmacy, 1501 8. 2Mn Ave Hlnterlonf Drug Co., 31st Ave. and Far Bam St. Hoist. John, 4 8. lth Bt. Huff. A. L., M24 Leavenworth. King. H. 8 . 24th and Farnam. Kountza Place Pharmacy. ttnj N- 24th. Lathrop Phaxmacv. 24th and Hamilton. Mares. Fred L.. 2019 Central j Blvd . Monmouth pharmacy, 3M and Ames Ave. Patrick Drug Co., 1W2 N. 24th Bt Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave c.-w...f,'. r-,,t Price Store. Mth and Cwrainut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cum '"walton Pharmacy. 20th and Grace. LODOB NOTICES. Members of Nebraska Lodge No. 1, A. T. and A. M., will meet at Masonic hall Friday, September 22, at S p. m., to attend the funeral of our late brother. Joseph Rosenberg. Services at residence. 1826 Burdette street at 4 p. m. Interment at Lexington. Neb. J. F. WILCOX. Master. W. C. McLEAN. Secretary. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Harry Elllston. 531S Plnkney, girl; James W. GsJIc, 1074 Kavan, girl; C. W. Larsen, 1304 North Forty-sixth, girl; George Todd, 5017 Capitol avenue, girl; C. R. Zerbst, 1458 South Eighteenth, girl; George Davis, Twenty-ninth and Ellison, boy; George Robb, Twenty-ninth ' and Crown Point avenue, girl; R J. Kurz, 1421 Emmet, girl; Francis M. Lem bach. 3027 South Twenty-fourth, boy; Otto Kugler. Benson, hoy; Gust Kost. 3824 North Twenty-fourth, boy; Gus Kraft. 2917 South Twenty-eighth, girl. Deaths-JBenJamln F. Strawn, 5S years, 1107 South Fifty-first; Edward O'Neill, 54 years, county hospital; Ben Klls, 22 years. 1121 South Twelfth: Dorothy M. Tebbens, infant, 3087 Mason. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, c'NDER TAKtR. embalmer. Itil4 Chicago St. D. libit, B-lo6. MONEY TO LOAN LOW rate, in sums to suit. 310 Bee Bldg, i-hone Uuuk. zh. UMUN tOAW CO. FOR case of Ulatz beer. Tel. Doug. 101. f-r"yf discount on framing. New lot of framed pictures tunable for JO home and den decorations at re uulcu pi ices. Omana Art dc Frame Co., 707 6. loth. OFFICE Stationery Exclusive Dentins KOTERA & LEAKY CO. Tel. Douglas IaoO. New address. 715 S. 15th St. LOMATCH, toola, 5th and Leavenworth. MOVING picture muchines; supplies Nebraska Film Co., 131s Farnam. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING, gaa fixtures, brass beds, stove trimmings and tableware replated as new. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Established 1ms. Doug. Z&a. uo Harney. Wedding announcements. Douglaa Ptg. M. F. Morrill, chin painter, 633 Brand tela Theater Bldg. Douglas County Fair Premium lists and entry blanks ran be Yiad by telephoning to oftice of secretary Harney tiZb. They will be mailed to ali inquirers, or call at Henderson's, the flor ist, 1618 Farnam 6t fair opens bept. 28. Entries must be made not later than the 37th. G. W. HERVEY, " Secretary. Izard & Nelson, borseshoers. lf.U Dav't. Maggard Van & Storage. Pack, move stole and ablp H. H. goods. D. 14o0. B tas. STAMMERERS Institute. Ramee Bid?. Omaha Furniture Repair Works. D. 84l. Linotype composition for trade. D. 242 U s Bolen, ladles' tailor. 803 Boston Stors FROST manufactures and repairs ve biclos. 1406-1412 Leavenworth. Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices HOME FURNITURE CO. Twenty-fourth and L Sts.. South Omaha. 1,000 LETTERHEADS (good bond paper), 1,000 bi'lheexls, l.OuO business cards, tl o per 1.0UO; estimate and samples furnished , other printing. Tlzard Printing Co., Oiti Com. Col. Bid.. 19th at.d Farnam. Red its. YOU'LL always be happy if your wed ding ring comes from Brodegaard'a. 115 6. 16th bt. At the sign of the crown. RMOrTR COSTELLOS Omaha Cut EOILER, sheet Iron and tank work. Omaha Structural Steel Works. Mrs. Chambers, china ptg., &15 City Nat l. Belicow, ladles' tailor, zSM Far m, H. 2047. Upholstering, piano, turn. rep. 2b04 Far. SPEEDY motorcycle and bicycle mes Eenger service, collectors for publishing houses. Co-Operative Messenger Service, !S06 Faraam. Ind. A-4412. Doug. 4So7. MUsourl Filter Mfg. Co., 113 S. 14. D. 4714. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 641. ELASTIC stockings. suoDnrters and baadagee; stock alwava new. because we sell sj many. Trusses fitted. Everything guaranteed. W. O. Cleveland Drug Co.. the largeat surgical supply house. lUu-li Harnev St. AMERICAN Sall-Rjovat ng Co.. H. 3742 NATL Metal PolishTHstrib. Co. Silver ware, mirrors, cut glass. Sot Brandela'Tr. BEST bracar for men- Gray's Nerv food Pills, tl per box. prepaid. Sherman aloConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ICE Belohlavek. new Jewelry. I HI N St EES Wolfe's Jewelry first. - City Nat. Bk. OMAHA Ice Cream Cons Co. D. 6508. HEAFEY & IIEAFEY Cndertakera. have moved to their new building, Kbll Farnam St. 'Phone Harney Sow Independent A-i-'a. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) C. A. Lewis, Orpheum buffet. 130 Har'y. See Wolfe's Jewelry first. City Nst'l Bk ALBERT CAHN fHIRTS TO MEASURE. 1322 FAR. ST. 8. H. Cole Sign Co. D. 27S8. 1318 Farnam. F.dlson "phone rec. Shults Bros., ld Far. GET your diamonds at Brodegsard's. Caady Co . S. W. Cor. 14th and Do irlns RITV AVnRPT.T Mortgages. Bonds. 'ire insur- a nee. Painting, paperhanglng. Bristol. B.1304. PA PER HANGERS use Snowflake pasts. Omaha Paste Co., 71 8. 13th. Bo'h phones. Neb. Seed Co., 128 Jones. Both 'phones. EVERY person knows who D. J O'Brien Is because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. Moran. S. Twenty-second St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-box of ounen s candy free. AUTOMOBILES HONK- smash auto tear top smash wheel HONK HERE'S THE BEST PLACE IN OMAHA. DRUMMOjND, iMh and Harney Sts. ONE new Lexington touring car. In cluding nionair top ana prestuiite,; cost $1,850. On new Currier car, 4-pas-seiiger, including top. viTCi; cost $1.2.0. One new international delivery wajjon, xi0. One new Torpedo Ford, fully equip ped, tott. Larson's Garage, Fremont, Neb. r4V; 4Ti.Auto. carriage painting. R X JClilUl,....,.,, .v:OS I.envenwnrth R BARGAINS IN 6ECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES. Waverly S OC Velle CoO Pope Toledo '760 Stoddard Dayton Sioddaid Dayton 1.2uu Stoddard Dayton l.K) Stoddard Dayton 900 Stoddard Dayton 900 Locomobile 2.200 Stoddard limousine 2,200 J. J. DEBIGHT & CO.., U12 Farnam St. Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Co. AUTOMOBILE delivery wagon for 3175. 1914 Dodge. TIRES OMAHA RUBBER COM PANY. Everything In rubber. tOK SALE My Great Western J-cy Un der touring car. In first-class running or der; the price Is right. F. C. Robinson, Franklin, Neb. AUTO Tire Repairing Co., 1922 Farnam. You need no guarantee when we do the work; beat workmen; lowest price. FOUND An automobile repair man who does all work personally at reason able rates; can take a little more work. Edwards, 21 No. lth St. Telephone Webbter HOi "Let's fix it" WOOD S electric auto. Victoria style, in fine running order. If you are a bar gain seeker and want an auto, call soon. M S. iioth St. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalzell's Ice cream. If Mrs. Beck. Ill S. Fifteenth St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine ice cream. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business, call on GANG6TEAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. &J67. 3500 EQUITY in confectionery and cisar store: would consider city property or re linquishment on Nebraska homestead "A." Omaha Bee. Co. Biuffg, la. IN ORDER to hold an option I have secured on a email factory, I want a bright, capable young man to invest $2,000 to $5,000 with me and take sales management. Fac tory at present in t per at ion, but lack of management and poor salea manship by party who now owns is making a failure of same. Man ex perienced in implements or hard ware preferred. Address Y 174, Bee. RESIDENT SALEs MANAGER WANTED. To take charge of distributing office in unoccupied territory; 1,5 to IliO allowed monthly; also office expenses and com missions on all saies. Duties consist of appointing salesmen, advertising, selling, superintending deliveries, collections, etc. Representative required to carry stock of our manufactured products (according to size of territory and terms of contract) sufficient to fill Immediate orders secured by our advertising and his agents and dealers appointed. This initial account mutt be cash. The return of same se cured by written agreement with corpora, tlon rated 50.00. References required. Personal Interview arranged for. Give full particulars as to your qualifications In first letter. Address. General Manager, .New Bauer Block. Chicago. FOR SALE A small restaurant that does a cash business and which makes a good profit. Because of other interests, will sell at a sacrifice. Address otto Willmau, 116 S. oth 8t, Atchlaon, Kan. A FIVE-CHAIR barber shop for sale; good location and good business. Edgar Benolt, Ul,ii East Main St.. Lead, S. D. COLE & CO.. FOR ROOMING HOUSES Clothing and furn. store for sale, 2623 Q St.. ao. omaha, or Helphand, 314 N. 16th- WANTED A young man who has Sl.uOO to il.M) to invest in a good paying business and can devote bia time to same on a good saiary as assistant in office. E 194, Bee. COLE & CO.. FOR ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE-H.OOO stock of general mer chandise; slock ulone or stotK and fix tures; liberal discount; must vacate build ing by January 1. Address ail lettera to 1. 170. care Omaha Bee. ROOMING HOUSES ROOMING We have the most select list In city; let us prove -it: we will help you buy; we have them most any price you want to py; buy this week and be ready for the carnival. COLE & CO., ROOM 446 BEE BLDG . Tel. Douglas till. 14TH ST. BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE CO.. Hardware, Grocers, Ho tel, Pool Rooms, Barber Shop, Saldbns, etc , lor sale. Some tood bargains In reai estate. Ill South Hth St., second floor, rooms 1 and 2. Ed Rothery, Pres WANTED Manager for small printing ofiice, must have $:u0. 310 Bee Bldg. FOR SALE Bowling alley, 3 alleys; cigar stand and shine parlor; rent Jo per month in town of 3o,00u; one other alley In town. GALLAGHER & NELSON. Doug. 32. 4 Brandela Bldg. COLE & CO.. FOR ROOMING HOUSES STATIONERY and confectionery store, soda fountain in connection. Address P. O. Box tui. Lander, Wyo. XU 1NU picture theater and alrdome for sale;, in southwestern Neb. town of 3.OU0; only show In the town and doing fine business. Always get 10 cents admission and tor vaudeville 10 and ii) cents. Best investment for the amount of money in the state; best of reasons for selling. Price for both, Il.uuO. Come and investigate and if you have the money you will buy Ad dress Y 163, care Bee. FOR SALE Small grocery store and notions; good location; must leave town. K Bee. COLE A CO.. FOR ROOMING HOUSES COLE tc CO.. FOR ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE. Established Real Estate Business, well equipped with all office fixtures and good list of bargains of farma, ranches and city property. At a bargain, r w4. Bee. STEADY position, salary and commis sion, for man with referencea and mod erate capital. 2v;4 Farnam St, BUSINESS CHANCES (Conuaued.) Room I a a Hooees. BEAUTIFULLY furnished l-room house spsrtment; splendid Wstlon; walking dis tance. Phone Red SOi. FOR SALE S room; centrslly locsted n z.. nee. ROOMING HOrfK FOR BAt.K Very central; steam heat: hot and cold wster. Price. 127$ If sold st once. Are sick; must sen. Address. C 912, Bee. Go OUT to Rourke park and root for omana. ir u. v. Morrison. 4 Porn e- ton Ave., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ncKet to tne pan game St Kourke park. BUSINESS PERSONALS Ansasesneats. Grand Theater, chges. wkly. 807 N. Mth. PARK THEATER, 618 N. lth. now open; another beautiful picture house for omana: an seats so. matinees and even Ings; same management as Camerophons mcaier, inn ana jjougias. S-piece orchestra at Rome summer garden Architects. H. A. RAAPKE, 1223 City National Bk. C. i. Bowell. architect S71 Brandela Bldg. Artesian Welle. L. E. NEBERGALU lOU-U City Nafl. E. ROWE. WELL BORING. Benson Uf Attorneys. O. W. Shields, attorney. W B. of Trade. LISTON L. HALL, LAWYER. 424 Bee. Bag; Manufacturers, BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO.. Omaha, Neb. Baggage and Taxleahs. THE ONLY WAY. Baggage checked to destination. Taxi- cabs and touring cars. Tel. Doug. 296. Bicycles and Motorcycles. OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. 16th and Chi cago. Indian motorcycles. Write for cata logue. iron fiAT.VU. YelA mntnrcvclA emiinned with Preetolite. Phone Harney 1436. Building; ,ss Loan Associations. NEBRASKA Savings A Loan Associa tion has never paid less than 8 per cent dividends. Investments from II to sfi.000 received. 1606 Farnam Bt., omana. Bakeries. TIP-TOP bread the beat, Web. 1035. Bill Posting. OMAHA BUI Posting Co. D-2034. Box and Package Manufacturers. Wooden Box Package Co., 1514 N. Mth. Carpenters and Contractors. W. P. Deverell, contractor. Ramge Bid. Caterers. E. S. Fead. wedding cakes. 1E19 Leavh. Chiropodist. Prof. J. Lund, chiropodist. 416 Karbach. HrflMHlTTT Chiropodist, manicuring, MUiiAl-l-iA-- hair dresaing, hair goods. City Nat'l Bank. Douglaa 2333. Ind. A 2333. Cigars and Tobacco. Tracv Bros. Co.. 1415 Douglas. L Truda. high-grade Havana. Te-Be-Ce cigar, 6a Clothlns. DRESS well, we trust you. tl per week on suit. Rldgley Clothing. price cloth, sals. Helphand, 314 N. 16th. Clothing; Manufacturers. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Smith Co. Coal Dealers. 4 Powars-Heafey Coal Co., Tel. D. 889. Sutter Feed A Coal Co. 2862 Far. H. 645. COAL At cut prices. All KINDS. We save you 60c to $1.50 oer ton. "The Home of oualltv coal." Rosenblatt's Cut Price Coal Co.. 1223 Nicholas St. Both Phones. Updike "quality yd.," 45 & Dodge. H. 787. NEW coal yard. 24th and Grand Ava. George E. Cobb Coal Co. W. 6S1. Collection Agreacies. RUSSELL ADJUSTMENT CO.. 221-21 First National Bank. Tel. D. !941. DEADBEATS are my victims. The Coady Mer. Agency, 1514. city Nat l Bk. Doug. 788. Contractors and Carpentera. Stevenson, carpenter, cont. Both phones. Creameries aad Supplies. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Douglas Co. Milk Producers Asso. D-3414. Dentists. Bailey, the dentist. 708 City Natl. D. 2666. Taft's dental rooms. 1517 Doug. D. 2186. MACH & MACH. 3d fl. Paxton. D. 1085. DR. FICKE8, 724-6 City Nafl Bk. Bldg. DR H. A. FOSTER. 16th and Douglas. DR. DAILEY, 603 Brandels Bldg. D. 2735. Dr. Gsantner, over Merchant's Dg. stors DR. ELSTER. 602 City Nat'l Bk Bldg. Dra Klausner & Klausner, 408 Karbach. J. G. Whinnery. dentist. 407 Paxtou Blk. Dancing; Academies. MISS ESTHER ROSSITER'S School of Dancing will open at Metropolitan club. 2301 Harney St.. Tuesday. October 10, at 8 p. m. Assemblies every Friday even ing. Phone D. 2067 or D. 417. Morand's II ft Harney. Dancing lessons Monday and Friday, I p. m. Bottt phonea SIMPSON'S, 20th and Hamay Web. 241. Chambers reopens Sept. 25. Doug. 187L Mackle's Dancing Academy, 1816 Harnev. Dally classes Hon., Thurs.. Sat. evenings. Detectives. Omaha secret service detective agency, inc. bonded. 428-9 Paxton Blk. D. 1319. A-1319 CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbach Blk. JAS. ALLAN. Neville Bik. Tel. Tyler 1136 Zack Ellis. 308 Neville Blk. Tyler 1138. Dressmaking;. Mrs. Wright, gowns; 4th floor Hayden'a Neplnsky, gowns; 608 Paxton Blk. D 69TI Dressmaking, plain sewing. $09 8- 21st St. Lulu Bcott. 1337 Franklin. W 3583. B 3331. Wolff, ladles' tailoring. 620-22 Be Bldg. Mattison. modiste. D 4S03. 1410 8. 10th. MISS GUSS1E PETERSON, alteration of ladies' suits. 215 Old Boston Store Bid. MRS. WALKER, dressmaking. H. 8223. Terry's Dressmaking College, 20th& Far. Druggists. REX drug store. 16th and California. C. George, wholesale, retail. 1304 Farnam BUSINESS PERSONALS Everything; F.lectrlcal. Central Electric Co.. fixtures. .D tXJt. SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS, dynamos. Igniting dynamos, motors, re pairs. Le Bron, 13 P. 12th St. Doug. S17& Johnston Electric Co.. 411 S. 10th. D 4' FOTH. motor repairing. Douglas 5S37. Harthun Electrical Co. D 5293. 316 S. 14th. Florists. A. Donahue. 1607 Farnam. D 1001. A 1001 JENSEN, florist. 4513 Leavenworth. HESS 4V 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. D 14 Stewart's, florists Seedsmen, 119 N. 16. CHAS. EDERER. florist, 30th and Bristol. W 1796. CHINESE lilies. Start at once. The Nebraska Seed Co. 1613 Howard St. D-1261. Fnrnacea and Stove Repairs. IS YOUKFURNACE Steam or Hot Wster Heater ready? Tele phone us for free Inspection. New fur naces, tank heaters and thermostats. Douglas 900. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. A K21. 1206-12O8 Douglaa St. W. 8. Heaton, Amer. furnaces. H. 3565. Flour Made In Omaha. UPDIKE'S Prlds of Omaha Flour. FLOUR, $1.10 sack. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. Feed Mills and Storea. Peed, all kinds. Glencoe Mills. 232 Isard. Furs. WESTERN FUR CO., models. 1324 Farnam. repair, re- Farnlture Dealers. 8. LEVINE for bargains. HO N. 16th. Grocers. AHAMO Coffee, 1-lb tins, 30c. Ask grocer. Chapman's Meat Market. 3408 Cuming. Hat Factories. TT A T .T . K t ft ,n rc, H -r Ul.k - - Omaha Hat Factory, 114-116 S. 13th. Hospitals. SWEDISH Mission; both phones; 3708 N. 24 WISH MEMORIAL. 24th and Harney. BETHANY Hospital. Dr. Nystrom. Phone Harness, Saddlery, Leather Goods. Wichert, harness, leather goods. 620 B. 11 FAMOUS Collins saddles. Alfred Cornish Co., 1210 Farnam. Writs for catalogue. KINNEY & SON, mfrs. and dealers in harness and saddles. Repairing a spe cialty, handwork. 1020V4 N. 16th. Insurance. T. J. WILLOWS, fire; Brandais Bldg. John Dale & Bon, Insurance, 310 Hamge. INSURE IN THE GLEN FALLS. Rhodes-Montgomery Co. Ins. Ramge Bl. Iron and W ire Fencing;. Anchor Fence Co., 207 N. 17th. Tel. Red 814. Jewelry, Diamonds aud Watches. GET your bargains at Reynolds' Cut Rate Jewelry Store, 105 S. 16th. OPEN ud a charge account with urn. A. MandelberaT, Jeweler, 1523 Farnam. Laundries. BARTONS. 1620 Capitol avenue. Press. orium; suits. 50c; cleaned, 11. FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. H. 6834. MMEv MITCHELL Hand Laundry. S03 N. 20th St. Douglas 6820, B-3152. FIRST-CLASS laundry guaranteed: de. .iverea ana cau on snort notice. Har- ney 6374. Llghtnlng Bods. Nebraska Lightning Rod Co., 205 N. 17th. Lumber. H. Gross. Lumber & Wrecking Co. Bar gains In lumber, plumbing, machinery and steam ntung. ust ana r aui. weo. tsn. Machinery and Supplies. GASOLINE engines, cream separators. lower washers. Olds Gas Power Co.. 1007 amam at. Millinery. PENNELL. Millinery, R. 8, Paxton Blk. KRONERT'8 exclusive millinery; full st'k. latest styles, popular prices. 630 S. 16. Latest fall millinery. Rauber. 1434 8. 16th. Monuments and Mausoleums. J. F. Bloom & CO., 17th and Cuming Sts. Mirrors and Mltered Glass. Nelson-Ryder Glass Co., 1608 Cuming. nT Horl Storage and Cleaning;. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.-Movlng; furniture packing; fireproof storage. City oriice. 2itt a. run. Doug, sh; ina. ts-m. OMAHA Van A Storage Co., cleans your carpets on your floors: electric vacuum cleaners. 804 8. 16th; 309 8. 17th. Doug. 4161. Cole Express & Storage C, 1616 Cap. Ave. Twin City Express, 1314 Howard. Both Tel. VERNOR Trsnsfer and Storage Co. fireproof storage, houshold goods, pianos and baggage moved, packed ana snippea. warehouse, 1506 Burt bt. Tyler 1118. Office 7th and Leavenworth. D. 2158. Music, Art and Lanavaaajes. H. J- Bock, singing, piano. David ge Blk MARTIN W. BUSH, pianist and organ ist. 13 Baldrigs Blk. Harney kM. Albert Rothery Studio. 410 Karbach Bldg. LEON WELTMON. teacher of vlolin.cello and harmony. - Baldrige Blk. u. 3853. Francis Potter, teacher mandolin, guitar and banjo. Baldrtge Bik. Tel. Doug. Opticians GREGO OPTICAL CO., 1711 Douglaa St. Tire-Not lenses for weary eyes. B. F. Wurn, eyeglaaa rep'g. 448 Brandela. EYES EXAMINED. GLASSES FITTED Satisfaction guaranteed. Huteson Opti cal CO., 31a d. lata bt. Osteopathy. Alloe Johnson, 808-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas, 634-1 Brandels Theater. Oysters. - David Cole Oyster Co. Wholesale only. Patents. HIRAM A. STURGES. oatent lawyer. IT. 8. and foreign patents, trademarks and copyrights; 25 years' experience. 648 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 34 D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Wlllard Eddy. U. 8. Fat attorney and solicitor. 1530 City Nat bank. Tyler lcJO. Palate and Class. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., ions' Farnam. Ind. A-8821; Douglas 47iO. We do Picture Frsming and Glasmg. SPECIAL DISCOUNT this month on Paint, Glass, Varnishes and Wall Paper. BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued.) Rlnebsrt. photographer. IMh A Fsrnam Rembrandt studio, portraits. 20 Fsrn. Lumtere studio, 618-20-23 S. IMh. D 80O4. Ssndberg's Studio. 107 S. lth. Take elev. Phonoajraph s. F.dlson phon. rec Shults Bros., 1406 Fsr Photographic Supplies. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO . Ul-U Fsrnam. In their new store; branch store aw s. uth St. Putins;. ' OMAHA 8ILVER CO., 814 8. 14th. numbers. GOOD PLUMBING CO. D 1918. Red 2177 Plumbing nd Heating, L REPAIR w 1708 Jackson St. D. 1477, Omsha Plumbing Co., 2612 Sherman Ave. Plumbing Call Wessman. H 3091 a 2037. P.everness eV Ohye. Tyler 1377. A 1825. T. F. BALFE, plumbing and hestlnsj. l'i nowira eu i at. D iU, ma. A 2741. Pool and Billiards. Metropolitan Pool ft Bowling. 1518. Csp. Printing, CARD and Index cooking recipes. See them at Corey A McKenxie printing Co., printers, stationers ana oiiice supplies. 1407 Harney. Tel. Douglas 2644. AM. Printing Co., 2304 Cuming. D 5847. Harry Led yard, printer, 818 S. 19th. Lew W. Raber, Printer, USShi" tJ t C TIT T-W-, CVTD X TT- -,VT , -. ..-- 'Phone Ind. A 2'"20 for good nrlntina Lyngstad Printing Co.. 16th & Capitol Ave. Rles-Hall Ptg. Co. 109 S. Hth. Ind. A 3624, TIMES Printing Co., 320 S. 19th. D 216C. H. LED YARD. Printer. 318 8. 19. D. '19. VINCENT CAFE, under new manage ment; best 26c meal. 820 8. 19th St. WELLINGTON CAFE, business men's lunches Best In city. 1817 Farnam St. U. 8. Rest. 15c and 20c meals. 1510 Dodge. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKINS, 816 8. 16th, UPSTAIRS. BAUER'S CAFE, best in city. 216 8. 18th GET the habit; eat at Uneeda, Cap. Ave, Belmont quality & quantity. 1516 Dodge. DRINKS and fine lunches. 723 8. 9th. St BAXTER'S fine quick lunch. 1615 Farnam. New Eng. bakery, best lunch. 212 N. 16th. MODEL rest., best service. 1609 Howard. WHITE HOUSE CAFE, first-class, popu lar priucs. ix. ivocn, r rop., sia o. ltsui. DOUGLAS Cafe, 106 8. 14. Best 20c meal. Yokohama rest, best 15c meal. 617 N. 16th. BALTIMORE cafe; everything In season; best service; good cooking. 714 N. 16th. HOME cooking restaurant. 108 8. 13th. Excelsior bar and cafe, lunches, drinks, all day. H. C. Rann, 1308 Farnam St. School Supplies. STOTT STATIONERY CO., school sup plies, 411 in. ztm, eoutn omana. OMAHA Stationery Co., 1607 Farnam. Safety Rasors. WHEN your safety rasor blades are dull remember Kutrite Co., 320 Ramge Bldg. Seeds. PLANT Blue Grass now. The Ne braska Seed Co., 1613 Howard. D. 1261. Nebraska Machine Shoe Repairing Co., Good work while you wait. 618 & 16th Bt Sporting; Goods. NEW shopworn guns st low prices. Townsend Gun Co., 1514 Farnam. Stenographers and Court Reporters. Kelley. sten.. notary. Brandeis Th. D. 6682. F. J. 8UTCLIFFE, 532 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 1905. Inquests, depositions, conventions. Store and Office Fixtures T. H. WEIRICH Fixture Co., high-grade mill work. Web. 2577. ldU-lf in. 2tin st Storm Doors and Windows. Omaha Wn'dow 6crn. Co. 624 N. 18 D. 4692 Tailoring;. Cleaning rep. misfit suits. 812 50. 211H 8. 14. WE are now located at 206 Paxton block. B. G. Ruffner Tailoring Co. HAVE Tailor Beck make your fall suit. Wm.ThompsonLnHol2 For fall suits see A. Kodym, 1411 Harney. NEW YORK TAILOR, cleaning and re pairing; first-class work. 23o2 Cuming. MALONY. tailor, 320 S. 15th. Suits 830 to 50. JOHN A. RYLEN, tailor, makes good clothes. 406 8. 15th. D 6329. Taxidermist. Aulabaugh, 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. 3221. Trunk and Suit Casee. Factory prleea. Frellng & Steinle. 1S03 Far. Turkish Baths. Ladles', gents' Turkish baths. 16 Doug. Umbrellas. WESTERN Umbrella Co.. 1823 Farnam. Wig Manufacturers. D. 8. Glfflth, wig mfr.. U Frenier blk. SEE Monhelt's wigs, toupeea 418 8. 16. Wines and Liquors. CACKLET BROS., wines and liquors. SPECIAL offer: "American Gold," de licious old whisky; reg. 31.25 qt, Ktc; ex. pd. on qts. Hiller Liquor Co., 1301 Far. pn PfiTITFTfY smut Atlas. Fun cigars Csfe In connection. Ill a 14th St FINE liquors, lunches. 9th and Leav. MAY A CO., family liquors, 1303 Douglaa. Bond, drinks, home cooking. 623 8. 13th. Cuslck Bros, liquors, cigars. 80th Ames. C. Engellander. liquors, cigars. 1512 Dodge. C. A. Lewis. Orpheum buffet liu Har. T. I. Hart, liquors and cigars. 602 N. 16th. WILLOW Springs beer, liquor,' cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 1303 Douglas. Edelwels beer, choice liquors and cigars. Ind. tel. 3325. S. G. Munson, 302 N. loth. G. LARSON'S Place. 312 N. 16th. Automatic 'phone Bus's, 82: residence, 81. NIELSEN'S Bar Cafe. 1417 Dodge. Chaa. Loftman, 6-year-old whisky 10c drink REMEMBER it takea Oat a few strokes 0 the pen to state that you saw the "ad." SB The Uee. The advertiser wants to fcauw. BUSINESS PERSONALS Continued oath Omaha Directory. O K. HARDWARE CO . 418 N. 14th St. Parks, wallpaper, paint, window glass. FVF.RY person knows who D. J o Brten Is because he has made Omaha famous with his randv. If Jennie Thoip, 413 N Twtntv-flfth St.. will come to The Kee office mithln three davs we will give her sn order for a 60-eent box of O'Brien's csndy free. EDUCATIONAL THE FALL TERM OF Boyles College. IS "NOW OPEN DAY AND N1-3HT STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY TIME. Complete courses in BuMness. Bookkeep ing, stenography, Telegiaphy, Civil Ser vice and Salesmanship. The cataloRue Is ready and free foi the asking Call, write or phone cr It at once. Address H. B. Boyles, president. Boyles College Building, Omaha, Neb. Tutoring, first to eighth grade. H 3-HI. Y. M C. A. night cliool now opeh. ST. BERCH MAN'S Day Academy for young ladies. 27th and St. Mary s Ave. Y. W. C. A. Day and evening classes begin Oct. Cooking. Pis In sewing. Shirtwaist making. Millinery. Gymnasium. Classen In general education. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. "BEST IN THE WEST." Day and evening sessions all the year Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeplnt, Agricultural. Civil Service, Salesmanship. E. A. zartman, fres., utn and farnam PURYEAR college. Council Bluffs; tui tion, 87 per mo. We guarantee satisfac tlon. FOR a dainty desaert uae Dalsell'a ice cream. If Mrs. John Bowman. 3213H K 24th St., will come to The Bee office within three das we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine ice cream. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN Novelties, pleating, buttons. Doug. blk. CHIODO Ladles' Tailor, 214 8. 18th 6t. WILLOW PLUMES made from your old or new featbers. Z326 S. 12th. D 6556. rTTT?TATKS LAUNDERED. 601 8. VUJlyAAliMO, 24th. Tel. Harney 4544. L. LIEFF. 8189 Farnam. Harnev 6410. Ladles' tailor. Now ready for fall season. T-orlioc' white hats cleaned, blocked. JUdUieo Remser. Hitter. 220 S. Mth. r,AT1"MTYRY Expert shirt and waist LUVUiMUXVi lroner. J205 N. 86th. W 3978 Rubber goods. Bell Drug Co., 1216 Farn, Velvetina shop now located, 1818 Far. N. FEINGOLD, ladies' tailor, announces his return from the east with complete line of largest and best Imported ladles' goods; for a high class suit see me; prices reas; guar. 6u2 8. 29th. H. 5256; Ind. A-3966. VISIT THE CLOTHES DOCTOR AT THE WARDROBE. 2018 FARNAM- D 1729. FIRST CLASS.l2rl, SSr SEE the "Brown Daisy," 31.50; sanitary la-or saving orusn; it aosoros the dust and polishes the floor as it goes along. Courtney & Co., 17th and Douglaa TKV ftlir tAnle mV- m rvi nrn . ,n W world. F. M. Scbadell. 1522 Douglas St. DEFIANCE starch, largest and best. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. fliriririll CLERK, rand nanmui US Stenographer, 8X). Stenographer and bookkeeper. 866. Stenographer and films- clerk, 8b. Cashier and bookkeeper, 345. NO LHAnlic- UKl-tN WhS fLAUE YOU WEST'N REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N, 752-3-4-5-6 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED Transfer girls ud cash girls. 16 years or over. Apply Superin tendent, Brandeis Stores. Automatio 'phone Bus's, 82; residence, JL Factory and Trades. APPRENTICE girl wanted at Oppen- helm halrdresslng parlors, 236 City Na tional bank. FIFTEEN girls, at once, to work In bag department Be mis Omaha Baa Co.. 11th and Jones Sts. WANTED Girls to work In cracker factory. Apply Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co., 12th and Davenport. WANTED At once, women and girls; ete.adv work and good wages. The Quaker Oats Co., Fort Dodge, la. TiriVTO-n nivla a ween TX7nnA Real Butter Scotch and Woodward's Pure sugar suck canay. joon v. wooawerq & Co., Council Bluffs, la. WANTED Girls who are willing to work. Call Douglas 159. WANTED Good talloress at once; steady position; good salary. 60S South 16th St Housekeepers and Domestics. SOLVED The Bee will run your Domes tic fieip w emeu e-a rncb uniu you . V J J , ---..I.- U mM - get ine ucbiicu j vj-j 1 iu ins Xee 0111c ur bcicyuuuo jyier luw. WANTED A girl for general house work; no objection to colored girl. 115 8. 38th St. WANTED Girl for general housework; must be able to cook. 2uu6 St. Mary's Ave. GIRL for general housework. 3520 Burt. Harney 684. WANTED Ctrl for general housework: no laundry. 'Phone Harney 3147. WANTED High school girl to work for room and board; tl per week. 603 N. 21st St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family; good wages. West Farnam district. Phone Harney 2733. GIRL for general housework. 1921 Bin. ney St 'Phone Webster 2616. WANTED Competent girl for general housework at lii S. 24th St Inciulre at 721 8. 16th. WANTED Olrl for general housework. 1516 Georgia Ave ; small family, good wages. WANTED Parlor maid: apply immedi ately. Brownell Hall. GOOD ladles' clothes lroner; steady work and good pay. 2S7 Leavenworth St WANTED Neat girl to work In very small family; best wages; good horns. Phone Harney 62i8. GIRL for general housework; small family; good wages. 13.'6 8. 30th Ave. WANTED Olrl for general housework, ao 6. 26th Ave. WANTED Competent girl for general housework: no washing- good pay. 3319 Dodge St. Mrs. Charles Rich. Harney Zs-t. WANTED-A girl for general house work; must have references. Call 4-'0t Dodge; phone Harney 1748. WANTED Housekeeper. Address 613 No. 37th tit. South Omaha, GIRL for general housework. 1120 So. 81st St. Tel. Harney 2400. WANTED Maid for general house work; must be good cook, no wasning. Lieut Kelley, Fort Crook. GIRL for general housework, small family, waahing done; wages 86 per week. 2463 St Mary's Ava WANTED A girl for general house work. 810 8. 25th Ave. HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Domestics Cont'd VANTFT-Olr1 tn work for room snd hoard. J.'IJ Dodge St. WANTFD A good Klrl for gen. ral hnue'oik. four rooms; ran go home night. Phone Harnev f-.M?. GOOD girl to do general housewnik. Harney 5M1 Call .1 S. 2- th Ave. WANTED Olrl or woman to assist with housework, no wsshins 121 S. ,"th St. A. J Edmondson. Douglas 7425. WANTED A good girl for general housework, must be a good cook, with references; no washing. 24 Harney St. Phone Harney 70S. COMPETENT cook and housemaid. Mr. F P. Klrkendsll. 37:7 Jackson Phone Harr.ey 227. WANTED A capable woman for (ten ersl housework. Apply S"1 Mason St WANTED A good girl for light house work Small family. Mrs. A. R. Ray mond. b'H No. L'Jnd Phone D 4917. 1 EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. In f.imily of two; good wages. Harnry 4 1 40. WANTED A servant girl, w-lth good reference, for general housework, in fam ily of two old people; good wages: prefer Oprman or Rch'm'Rn: position can ba taken at once 715 Park Ave. GIRL for general housework. 119 Mis souri Ave, Sooth Omaha. WANTFD H sh school or college girl to work foe room and boird. J1 00 per week. 5012 North 4M St. Weh 6M) GOOD cook for general housework: good wsses Apply at once. 436 S. 3th St Harnev 2W. WANTED A competent girl for gen eral housework. 35SO Harney. Call In morning. G. L. Iarmer. GIRL for general housework. 2221 Douglas St. F.XFFRIKN'CFn girl for general houso work; no washing. 119 S. 37th St. Phone Harney 970. WANTED A girl for general house work. 510 S 25th Ave. Hotels and Restaurants. ONE good chamber girl snd one good dining room girl. Hotel Monroe, Grln- nell, la. Miscellaneous. YOHNG women coming to Omaha s strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Msrv's Ave and 17th St.. where they will he directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. TAKE me out to the ball game. . If John Peter. 4716 Center St., will come to - n . , i l . U .... ttaxrm mA ' M 1 inD D-T Ulllie Wlllllll lllct ucta - give him a ticket to the ball game at Rourke park. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen and Solicitor. BOOK salesman. W. A. Hixenbaugh A Co.. 1814 St. Mary's Ave. Tel. D. 3297. AfCM Why work for wages when you iJ-i-XiVt can make from 375 to 3100 a week selling the New Era Rope Machine; makes stronger and better rope out of binding twine at less tnan tne price von can buy tt for at the store. Omaha Bales and Supply Co., Sole Agents, 7-d Brandeis Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb. AGENTS wsnted to sell high-class Sou. Ala. land. Com. cont, excl. terr. Good Nebr., Iowa terr. open. Grand Bay Land Co., 636 Bee tsiag. AN answer to this ad will make you money. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk,. Omaha, Neb. Biggest and best 10c meals. 1310 Dodge. WANTED At once, salesman to cover Nebraska for high grade, medium priced line of stoves ana ranges on a commis sion basis. Address, giving reference and previous experience, the Baxter Stove Co., Mansfield, O. YOUNG MEN, STUDY LAW. Omaha School of 'Law. Evening ses sions only. Further Information, address secretary, 701 Om. Nat. Bank. Tel. Doug las 867. WANTED Agents or firm to represent bottle factory for brewers snd bottlers' trade: only such agents who are thor nnrhlv acaualnted with the trade will please apply to the Coshocton Glass Com pany, Coshocton, O. STUDY SALESMANSHIP. Class in Dractical work now being or ganised, directed by F. A. S. Price, for merly lect-irer of the Sheldon achool. Membershin limited. Call or phone for enrollment reservation. 602 City National Bank; Douglaa ui. IF YOU are a live wire magazine solicitor with references and can talk to business men. answer this ad. Address G-&2. care Bee. MEN TO SOLICIT Good pay; experi ence not necessary. 623 8. lflth St. WANTED Agents to sell cigars with premium direct to consumer. Apply for information. Room 820.. 160 N. Fifth Ave., Chicago. MAKE 86 a day. Specialty the govern ment recommends. Write to me for full information and free sample. Edmund A. Cahlll, l'XW E. Front St., Kansas City, Mo. Boys. WANTED Several trustworthy boys; good wages. W. U. Tel. Co., 213 S. 13th BL WANTED Transfer boys and cash boys, 16 years or over. Apply Superin tendent, Brandeis Stores. WANTED honest colored boy for por ter, free use of shine stand, wages 310 per month. Room and board, make tlo per month on shine stand. , Hotel Tur ner, Centerville. 8. D. WANTED Several boys sbout 12 years old who go to school regularly and stand well in their class Boys who are am bitious and want something to do reg ularly each week; boy a paid well for what they do. A good opportunity to get acquainted with our business men, who sre always looking for bright and an bltious boys. Apply to E. Nelson, lol8 Capitol Ave., after school. Clerical and Office. BOOKKEEPER for firat-clasa whole sale house. Don't reply unlets you are competent and experienced. J 3os, Bee. "CANO" High grade positions, 600 Bee. Factory and Trades. Drug stores (snaps), jobs. Knlest Bee B HARNESS CUTTER, steady employ ment and good wages to a capab.e man. Teniaon Bi os. Saddlery Co , Dallas, Tex. WANTED First-class watchmaker. Ap ply Supenntendent brandeis Stores. FIRST -CLAS8 pressers wanted. 1818 Harney St. WANTED A first-class experienced cutter on riding saddles. Give reference. Apply, J. B. Sickles Saddlery Co. St Louis, Mo. WANTED Good tailor for ladies' coals; steady position; good salary, ao South 16ih St WANTED A first-class experienced cutter on rldtng saddles. Give reference. Apply. J B. Sickle Saddlery Co., St Louis. Mo. Miscellaneous. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business, largest and best equipped shopr. Nat'l Auto Training Ass n, Omaha, WANTED Mail clerka, carriers, clerks In government offices at Washington, Omaha. Neb., examinations during Sep tember. X month. Annual vacations. Thousands of appointments coming. Can. dlUaies coached free. Franklin institute Dept. 218 H. Rochester. N. Y. U. 3100 MONTH AUTOINO N AUTO Sr-HOOL, OMAHA. NEB. ''LARGEST AND Btal WRIla RELIABLE Employment Agency, hotnl and restaurant help. IbUl Davenport