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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1911)
HELP WANTED MALE Mlntllnwn Cml4 BLATJ Wlmr. Tel. Doug. 10S1 for ease FOUND Faultless Oanlrt worln; 'in steam prtMfd, 6oe. Ill 8. Uth. D. 14. EARN 13 to sM per week. Post'lon Fw weens ciRiploiM. iimt iemsnd. Wrtt at one. Free ultiofua. Auto tw:hool of bt Louia WA .VTED Mn to learn bsrber trade. Weetsrn Barber IntHut. Dodge. TRI-CITT BARBF!rOLI.H'3Fr-VIn tn learn barber trade. Tuition, I S. am 8.12th. FIVE young men Immediately to eoaeh for Omaha poatofflce rierfcs; salary mart in iu: promotion. Addi a a p. o. Box 1U, Chicago. A PLC-BODIED men wanted for the U B. Marine corps. MwMti the as of l and to. Must be native bom or hav flrt papers. Monthly ray, fia to f. Additional compni:lun rolh i Fond. clothing, quarter and medical attendance fr. After furl' eervlce can retir with 75 per cent at pay and allowances. Service on board chip and assort In ail part of tha world. Apr-lv at U. S. Marine Corp Recruiting, 1401 Farnam tit, Omaha, Nab. . WANTED -Collector; good future for liKht party. Cail at 403 Omaha Nat bank. WANTED for U. 8. Army Abtobodiee unmarried mn between age of IS and I.; cltixens of United states, of good charac ter and temperate habna. who ran sprsk. read and writa tha English language. For Information apply t. Recruiting Officer. Uth and Douglas Pta . Omaha. Neb.; .(7 4tn t Sioux City, Ia.; 139 N. ista at. Grand Island. WanweUler am. of., fm. hands. UADodce. WANTED Mn to learn tha beat busi ness In tha world the barber trade. Can have your own ahop or earn big ware. lips and commission amount to more than moat men earn. Light, clean inside work. An army of our graduates running shnpe send for belp. yual.fv for thee positions. Few week required. Our Manual la splendid for home preparation. tVe give complete outfit of toola and wage In finishing department. Write from distance or call frnra city. Moler Barber College, UQ 8. 14th St. EARN 3 to r per week. Positions. Few weeks compete. Great demand. Write at once. Free catalogue. Auto flchool of st. Loom, U0 Tins St. St. Louta, Mo. WM PER HUNDRED for collecting names and addresses Steady work. Send self-addressed envelope. Western Adver tising Co.. Tulla. Tex. WANTED A rood reporter for country dally, muat write (rood etory; lady or gentleman. Must be speedy on type writer: give full particulars, age. etc.. and phone number. Address T 179, care Be, WANTED Young" man to run elevator. Miller. Stewart 4 Beaton Co., 413-15-17 Bouth 16th Ft. EVERT person knows who r. J. O'Brien IS because he has made Omaha famoua with his can dr. if sirs. Shot well, J22 Martha, will come to The Bee offlcsj within three davs we will give her an order for a stt-eent box of O'Brien's candy free. HELP WANTED MALI OR FEMALE. WANTED Man and wife lo work on a farm. Steady work and good waves. Write Immediately to C. J. AlmgTen. Potter, Nab. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Menea and Vehicles. FOR SALE All kinds of good horses, ft! N. Hat St. Phone Douglas MOO. HORSE, buggy and harness, anas. JJ13 N. 2lh Ave. lad. B-1J3U. FOR SALE Horse, wagons and har tleys. Apply Sommer Bros., Hath and Far bam Sta. Hamay 130. LOST AND FOUND LOST A bunch of keys on ring. May bare lost them la South Omaha, Phone Douglas or return to Culp-Lang- w or thy. lath and Harney, Omaha. PERSONS having lost soma article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Hiuffa Street Rail way company to ascertain whether they left It In the street care. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to tha rightful owner. Call Douglas OMAHA A COUNCIIa BLl'fTS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Noae glass and ease, gold chain and hairpin, on th and Cuming car. Call Harney till Reward. LOST Sunday, open-face gold watch on Fherman Ave., between Manderson snd Blondo; fob attached. Reward. W. SiS' LOST-Sept 19. a lady's medium-six silver purse, containing a trunk key and a small amount of change, between Zltft and Locust St. and SLst and Burt, phone Web ZlbS; reward. JTTlTTVnrho Teddy Bear expert clean v"' era and dyers. A-ac5. D. JMfi. LEFT In washroom of tha Llvs Stock exchange Monday afternoon, gentleman a open faced Elxin gold watch wtth Knol lln Sheep Comaiisaioa Co. tub attat hcd. Finder please isava at Knoilln office. Rewar. FOR a dainty dessert use DalseU's Ice cream. If Mrs. T. McStravlck. 4:1 Bur dette. will come to The Bee office within three days, we will give her an order tor a quart brick of this fine ice cream. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY ASD CHATTELS. , assssasBBSsr You Get A SQUABE DEAL "When Dealing with Us That has always been our policy and la yet. We loan in auma truui lui up on HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS. ETC.. without removal. ON KEAL Ed fATK or ea your PLAIN NOTE if you are steadily employed. You can repsy id small wsekly or monthly paytr.euta No red taps or de lay, llace lOC'R LOAN with the Big gaet, -Ol.leat and Meat. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 3d Floor. 303 Pax ton Bldg. f!7 So. 16th BL Pbonea A-Uil and Doug aa 141. CILVTTEI LOANS' AT REASONABLE RATES. ' NEBRASKA LOAN" CO., CO Bee Bid. Doug. IXC. A-K&4, GROSS, loaaa on Jewelry and clothing. 410 N. luth. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W C FLATU U1 DoJ sirt. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house- and othrra; w.thout se curity; easy payments office in W prin ..... i ..,. r . , n. u .. Li, . . . . . fcaak Bldg.. formerly N. Y. L. Uldg. ' MONEY TO LOAN W have organised our company to loan money to people wtto may nut have credit at a bank or to thoae aho do not run to ask their friends for a favor. Ws make l.iana quickly and prtvateiv en furniture, pianoa r tvama. phone 1'oiiK'aa r JtV HOME LOAN COMPANY, Room . Patterson Blk.. K2 Farnam tit OFFERED FOR RENT Board aael Raoasa, i X Jf. t hauls trunk. D. 1L A -SCI. THE Lsndxn. modern, with home cook tr.g. all S, ih at. EWEtlANT avite of rooms, excellent koine cooking: private famil ; Weal t ar haiu. t-S.l Uaibey 4a. LARCIE, strictly modem rooms, suitable for t o gentlemen, with eicelient board, Iji S. ttkh Ave. Harney ONE large front room with alcove: suit able for f .ur. Truia reaaunab.e. Board. Doualas SltH WeLster 6u 21 S. STH. deairsbie room with ax awnt Board. Pkuoa Dooaiaa SUa OFERED FOR RENT Basra a ad Rmmi reatlaaea N'ICELT furnished room snd board, ty per month, for one eentleman. waialt distance nnd rrlvste family. Loug as l'J"i Tortols, family hotel. Sth Ave Allarney. no OUT to RourVe park a--:d root for Omaha. If H C. Ba rd. VZ Caaa "t.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the ball game at Rourke park. Faralah4 RMaa Dewey European Hotel, lh A Fsmaro. FVRNIPHED rooms In strictly modem house. Hanscom park district. 1111 Park Ave. Harney fcffl ELEGANT rooms. W. M. Hotel, 41S S. 4th tit. THREE or four nicely furnished front rooms; main floor: complete for house keeping. 2uii Davenport St. WEST Farnam d. strict; nicely fur nished, newly decorated; larse front room, for lady only; In'prtvate home with small family. Everything modern, choice location. Mil Dewey Ave., two Diocka from Farnam car; price reasonable; ref erences. Phone Harney ibi. rE8IRABLK room, with or without meals; Dundee. Harney 423 N. Uth St., elegant modern rooms. TWO newly furnished flutslde room, modern; gent.emen preferred, or man and wife. MU Dorige. third floor. Ind. A-43. WELL furnished rooms: walking dis tance; white porcelain bathtub. 101 b 25th Bt. . 1 rwt ST. MARYS AVE. Well furnished front parlor, with nse of plarro; nice place: must see to appreciate; no objection to music or practice; furnace hest; gas; nice bath: plerty hot water; both tele phones: respectable people only; 111 One small room, 110. IMI ST. MART'S Two large rooms; new and elegantly furnished in new brick flat; strictly first class; walking distance. Business gentlemen or married couple preferred. References. - 41S 8. 24th Ave., elegant modern rooms, tl.M up; use of parlor. FL'KNIsIlED or unfurnished; one large room; also small sleeping room; board 11 desired. 2JU4 Webster 3l THREE unfurnished rooms, modern, heated, private family, waiklng distance. D. Ua. Burt. THE BHRINER, remodeled, new man agement; slnicle and double rooms; board If desired; suam heat. Harney ond 2th. NICK modern room, new; In private family. UN d. 30th bt, Harney i'.oU THREE elegant furnished roams; mod ern, walking distance, no alga on house. N. Ma. 2120 Douglaa Three elegantly furnished rooms, strictly modern, vary close In; business people preferred. WELL furnished rooms; walking dis tance; white porcelain bathtub. 101 A. loth St. 25 8T. MARY'S Two large rooms; new and elegantly furnished in new brick; sttrctly first class: walking distance. Business gentlemen ot married coupie preferred. Reference. , NICELY furnished front room. Bear Farnam car. 131 N. 21st Ave. THRKH; very cicely furnished rooms. (17 N. lakh. THREE blocks to court house. Clean, modern rooma 623 S. Xuth. ONE furnished room for gentleman. Phune Red 714. TWO nicely furnished first floor rooms for about four gentlemen or ladies. Oaa. bath and furnace. I'M Dodge St. H. lot FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms. 1315 Capitol Ave. til N. 30TH, elegantly furnished rooma In new modern brick flat. blocks from P. O. THREE modern furnished rooms, sepa rata or ensulte. Mil CapitoL ELEOANT large front room, bath and electria light, for refined gentleman. 101 A. gjth Ave. . 2311 DOUGLAS One large south room, nicely furnished, steam heat, hot water, bath; -also small south room. NICELY fumlHhed room for one or two gentlemen. Tel. 11. SJK. m S. 27th. 411 N. UTH ST. Larse, medium and small rooms for gentlemen, comfortable and less than five blocks from pustoftice. Doug. 4.7. FaraUhed Heaeekeeplac Reetaa. IX 8. TH AVE., pleasant bousekeep ln looms, single or ensuite; well equipped, good furniture, polished floors. price reasonable; very modern; good ueikUDuornooa. warning a. stance. FUKMiiHEO rooms for Ught house keeping. 714 N. KUth sueet. TWO single rooms; two housekeeping rooms. Wis Casa NICELY furnished rooms, light house keeping. 2021 California. lift Large southeast room with bay window; well furnished, with use of piano; no objection to munia or practice, furnace heat, gas, nice Lath; pltir.y hot water; respectable people only; walking aistance; uiavenworm car one ittuva. :&U St. Mary a Ave. Ill a 3TH AVE., one large front, roum. with alcove, fur light nousvkeepiu", aua and wile preierreu. 120 S. 2STH AVE . pleasant housekeep ing rooms, single or en suite, well equip ped, good furniture. pol:shed floor; pries reasonable, very modern; go il neiunbor- uaui; wa.xing mstancn. 1724 CHARLES. Two very pleasant, clean and convenient rooms, ("urniahed complete. Entirely modern house. rriv ate family. References. tlNGLE or housekeeping rooms, hot water heat, a. I modern, reasonable rent. 4LJ Davenport 81 TWO or three nicely furnished front rooms main floor, complete fur house keeping. A'ls Davenport lit. EVERY person knows who D. J. O P.rien is because he has made Omaha famoua with ma candy, if Mrs. Nelson, 11 Charles will come to The Bee of fice witiiin three days e will give he,- an order for a taVcent box of O Biit-n J candy fiee. taferntahed Raoaa'a. THREE unfurnished rooma. modern, heated, private family, walking distance. D. -M ic-a uru s'OUR rooma 19-2 8. 10th. Faralaneit Heaaea. cluuina piano. Phune DoUKlas a3til. llatele asil Aaartsaeala. dinner the best in tha city. glrL Aiipiy to houakeer. Hotel Roma cool outside rooms' special week rata class iouoi and boatd. Ogden Hotel " to 7 IM per a eva. Burlingtoo. ur rooouk. one blk to depot. OXFORD and Arcaile, special w kly rata WINL'bOR MOT E.L Rooms, ioc to (l av. Jr'arnam at. Hotel, nice rooms, ltaaj Farnam Hotel Lyons, rooms &oa up. ill N. uth. Hotel Aatler. alegant rooma iiun A. Ma. Excellent meala Jul N. tn.. S. tHnana. llo a.d Hotel, elegant ra. IxwA Ugward. ! OFFERED FOR RENT OFERED FOR SALE " (Continued! Hetee aad Aaartsaeata Ceatlawed ' Typewriters. Grand Hotel, rooms Ke op. m S. 13th. - SMITH-PR EMIFR models No. 1 or No. Atlantic hotel, rooms up. 14f Cm 4. In e-fehent copd.tion, rented three ' ' r'or'ha f.-r five dollars. Vienna, 'mod., reasonable. Mll-U Far. SMITH FREMiF.H TTFKniTER CO.. 1 IS'h and Douglas. Aaartsaeat. ..4 Flata. RENT sn OUver typewriter from h TiraiM an4 fTmom apartments. ""r T' c- Tel. l-ouia. pW Sherman Ave. W. aTflS. TTFEWRITFR.-fnvnirton No 1 f,3; ' " Chlcseo, Id; Hsmmond, f.i; Willlsmi 8-ROOM spartmenra. The Mason. Est Visible. H. 1'ndTVonli. U C Smiths Mason. Ho per month. Douglas liTL Sm'th-Premfers. Olivers, etc.. st bsraa n 7 pHce. B. F. Swanson Co.. 13".4 Fsrnsm OOOD s-room flat. 730 So. 23tlu IIS. st Cltv Harney 4SS4. ' r" s-R MODERN FLAT. 1112 S. Uth Pt THH ROTAL Is king cf typewrltere-yj, -r.. modern, steam heated flat. Da- M.slcal la.trnmente. Tldge Bldg , 48. 1 rooma and batli. steam heat, Da- 'PTANO bargain lug N. l"th. D. 1102. Tide Bldg. ur. 5-r.,- inodiTTi fat J14 . ?th Ave. t-K. Pianos: wholesale prs. Jul Boston Store JOHN W. BOBBINS, UM FARNAM ST. FLA NO. sl'xhtly uxid. at a barsxln. FIVE-ROOM apartment on West Far- Sejrernrrora Piano J4.'g. Co., 13lh and ar- nam tt. ; heat, ahadea, (aa stove and nam fc-ts. Janitor service;, very choice. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1n2 FARNAM ST. Mlaeellaaeoes. FINU new modern I-room St. Louis fat: first floor; up to data In every re- SAFES Overstocked with second-hand spect. lilt Cuming. safes, all sizes and makes: bargaina 11 American Supply Co., Ill Farnam St. THREE and six-room (lata. M arils Blk. 18th and Webster. FOR SALE At a big bar vain, KImbal 1 organ. In flrst-cla.-a conditon. Call at STANDARD IUQ N. 2Sth Ave., or 'phone Webster 2a STEAM HEATED CHICAGO FLATS. separate homes. FOOT B VLL OUTFIT Six large, handsome rooms. besides 1UU1. DALU UU1111 private bail, bain; shades, ranite, free hot A good suit, nose guard, headgear, water all year. Janitor, walking distance, shin guards, all In first-clasn condition, leases, references, nothing equal them; for sale reasonable. Call Webster 24. tlii winter. f?J niniwr, snd up - PAYNE g LATER CO.. FOR SALE New and second-hnnd Sole Agis., th Floor, om. Mt ok. Bldg. billiard and pool table. We lead the i world !n cheap bar fixtures; essy pay- SEW, modern slx-roora and reception 'ts. Bmnswlck-Balke-Collender. 4u7 S. 10. hall. 1124 Cass St. FCR SALE High-class base burner; H-BM am4 Cattarea. u.'rd one year. J. J. Tostil. l N. 27th St. . SMALL printing office, complete with tZTrT-tti S-' Uain; original "cost. light basement with furnare; house fe'nlln,t.Pat,r1 inted; US to good SIX.r-oOT bookkeeper's desk, oak fin- tenant. rnTAOWTrir "ih. for sale st 110.00. Apply, George W. The Colonial. Phone Harney En. Wrigut, Be. Publishing Co. .-ROOM cottage, modern except heat. , BA5E BURNER for sale. Phone Doug One block from car. Come and see. .Sal laJ - N. 23d Su Webster 17. . . . 7, T " T : FOU SALE One five-foot show horse. I ROOMS, id so. 2ftth St.. excellent eon- Omaha Tent It Awning Co.. llul Harnsy dltlon; all mode.-n. Tel. Harney 233. St. ' r Farnam. I rooms, modern, MM TWO good aecond-hand National cash J12i Chicago. 8 rooma, modern; barn, 140.01 registers for sale at a bargain and on , ijo N. 2a.i, 1 rooms; modem. 140 08. easy terms. H..B. V ultenouaa. 4i4 & : Capitol Ave.. 7 rooms; modern. 131.00. loth St. - 237 S. ItHh, rooms; modern, p0u. N. 'ld, rooma; modem. 120.00. 15 DIAMONDS, horseshoe pin. aolltr.'re M Burt, 0 rooma IlK uo. diamond ring: will sacrifice at a k.s bax- 222 Clark, 1 rooma 11U.04. gam. Address S 21S, Bea. RiNGWALT BROS. BRANDEI3 THE- ATER BUILDING. FULL dress suits; evening, party , dresses for sale or rent. Z1D N. lith. FOR case of Blatx beer TeL Doug. 10SL John 1 eldman. uouglaa 1128; A-26S8. 223 Ne. 20th. S-roont modern house. In- NEW rotary White sewing machine for quire Webster ItfTi. sale cheap IMS N. 22d tL Web. M. 172 S. 28TH St. Eight rooms, completely HIGH school cadet suit. Ift-yoar-old modern. 13.LW. Thos. F. Hall, 4al Ramge boy. Harney 734. Bldg. Phones Douglaa 740. ind. A-40t. , FOR SALE Medium slsed Radiant OMAHA EXP. Co.. moving vans and home heater, good condition. 110.0U. Tel. storage. Trunks, baggage dai. D. Sag. 411 Webster, 11607. No. 17th. FOR SALE Weber piano, good as new; TTniiaoa Jl rU of the city. Crslgh cost 1'iiO; will sell cheap for casn. Owner IIUUBW,,, A co Bee Bldg. leaving city. M. Dodge St. T-ROOM modern house. In good condt- LEAVLNQ THE CITY, will sell at a tkw; large earner lot and shade trees; sacrifice a Steinway piano. 1402 Lotbrop. rent 123. 1502 Ohio St- Apply ISIS Lotlircra Tel. Webster Jo-i. 8u TeL 11-324. - i - FOR SALE e center National cash J. N. BISHOP, furniture moving and register at iees than half orU'nai cost. storage; 1 men. 11 an hour; specia.ty haul- F. C. Reese. Corning. Ja. ( ing pianoa Tel. 8-1407. 1 F,R 8ALE- H. P. D. C. motor. 00 WE have a large demand for houses olt shaftmg, hangera, eta; wagona. and flats. List your vacant property with B-2280. us. Payne ah Blater Cn.. 410 Om. Nau Bk. BQ A BOOSTER for the national gam. " of base baiL If A. C. Davenport, Sheep Houim. Ina nine wait Rrandela Tb Rids Commission building. South Omaha, will Houses, ma. Ringwalt.. Brandels Th. Bldg (j Tha Bee ofllce wltmn lnre. dity9 . HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, for- iu 'v unlm cket to tn b'U warded; cheap freight rates; moving and g:?JLL-K1-1 8 p storing. Expreasmen'a Delivery Co. Tea. . , Doug. 1M. City office 111 a. 17th St., Bee PERSONAL Bldg. i - g-ROOM modern cottage, beautifully lo- FOR case of Blatx Beer Tel. Doug, loa. eated. 721 8. rth. 'Phone W.bater MechaDO Therapy ouan treatment. Om. Van Storage Co. pg-g. move, rheum ausm. Dr. Mgaret Hallo ran. 222-1 stores household goods. oof stor- Nevllie blk.. D. 770. Open after a f",JfA811Ul' br'U,0l, - i'L '"" JAMES CORR ELECTRIC COMPANY D. 41a. A-latt. -Movd to a 8. Urth Bt. Douglas 13U. FOR RENT The twenty-room brick T7 nittenhausa aua Old Boston mt ' house, with brick stable and about fiv. Maasage. Rlttenhouse, Old Boston Bid. acres Improved grounds, at southwest Burke. Diseases of Women. Omaha,' corner of Sherman avenue and apruce Dr. Burxe, i tu. umaua. street. Inquire room S14 First Nat l iana Snyder. Swedish massage, hatha Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1241. radbTtor, and vibrator treatment. Thi FOR RENT A new 7-room houae, all Dunny. Flat 1. lUth and Pierce. D. 4a. modern. Call at 2727 Davenport St. Tel. " MPJJ C W. CHAPMAN. H. fcej. Hair Harney Ilia. jooua. all deacrlptlona; combings made up. MODERN, s-roora brick house. 1111 N. - wnw ru .,min , f,,.- Bd .U per month. Phon. Harnsy atliufti' Women's Christian association building -ROOM, mod. ex. heat. 27 Dodge St.; Seventeenth St. and St. Mary's Ave., suitable tor two families-2a. where they will be directed to suitable e-room cottage. Uws Miami St.-flS. boarding places or otherwise assisted. t-room cottage, 2707 N. Hath ct 114. Look for our travelers aid at the Union JEFF W. BEDFORD 4k SON, Station. 09 Brandela Theater Bldg. Doug. S375. i pRCGS at cut prices, freight paid on WEST Farnam. new brick, S bedrooms, no orders; catalogue free. Sherman at two baths. Ill N. mth Ave.. ICS. MoConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. i-ROOM modern houae. nearly new, 2710 t:TT f PTlfl treatm'ta. Mrs. Steela ex- Dvcatur St, IS. 'Phone Webster ru. Oil j J1X oo p-rtoper't'r. 107 S. 17. 1 fl. FIVE roims and bath and water renC yVE rent and repair all kinds of sew- . 527 South 31s;; 112.50. j. rnachinea. Ind. A-10id; Douglaa Its IX FINE nice 7-roora house, modern except NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. heat; fine lawn: good neighborhood; cloe 1810 and Harney ota. to car line; rent f-U Jul4 Miami at. Wll- , K l am Kennedy MASSAGE Swedish movement; nothing . , better for rheumatism. Ladies, II; gentle- laW Corby, 6-room cottage, modern ex- men. tUo. Apt. 2. Hail Farnam. Doug. sua. cepl heat. Phone B-e&a. . . tf A SiS H flP. Treatment. Mrs. Susie, -ROOM cottage and 4-roora basement. i"--a-u-c' 107 S.' 17th. 2d floor, rm, i. Inuolre at 111 ti. list Ave. - . . . HINDOO TABLETS wllf build, brace, 270S HOWARD Nearly new t-room, strengthen. 60c. BtLIa DRUG CO. modern houae; Interior oak. Harney 2517. . TH.E SALVATION ARMY solicits cast- ONK block from high school, e-room off clothing. In fact anything you do not cottage; partly modern, substantial ap- need. We collect, repair and sell, at 14 pearance: Just papered and painted N. Uth St.. for cost of collection, to the throughout. :'a. Have lunch and car- worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 412S. fare Woodman. 272 Capitol Ave, and wagons will call. FOR RENT Five-room bouse, city MRS. M. S. PIERCE Shampooing hair water, bath, toilet and gas; lis. 1217 a. dressing and manicuring. Make a spe- 6th. Telephone Doug. 4tila, ciaity of dying and removing surplus bair. 21 Farnam. H. 611. Ind. A-14JS. THE best treat for wife and baby Is a disn of lalzeil s Ice cream. If W illiam fAflVF.TTn treatment. E. Brott. 710 Kennedy, 301-4 Miami St.. will come to nu wn. id floor. D. I2s&. The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a quart brick ot tB-DAY BLOOD REMEDY, this fine Ice cream, Gladdum Pharmacy, Uth and Dodge. tares ea Offices. MASS GE Eth' ,"It low lrQmtic UXaiOOO-VJlii trMtment. Mme Allen FOR RENT A comer store. 10th and &Chic,,' 10' a ITUl St- flrst Door- D- Douglas; modern, up-tudate; rant reason- b' , I AdeUght hair food grows hair. Mme. ISM and tm Farnam St. Tel. Har. 143. Fryr. Megeath Sta. Co 15th and Farn. TWtr offices, 2d r.oor Crelghtoa block; Automatio phone Bus s. 2; rest, XL alao store at 110 S. ILth St. Alfred " 7 T Thomas, Agont. First Nat'l bank .?TERT P"aon knows who D. J. Lidg. o Brlrn is because he has made Omaha . famoua with hla candy. If Mrs. L. CLOTHING store, cheap, rent. 2S2! O Kneeter. tut S. Sixteenth street will come St.. bouth Omaha. to Tha bee office within three days we 1 will give h-r an order for a sO-cent box cf DESK roum. log Boa Bldg. O'Brien's candy free. . Dlied with steam heat, now being put POULTRY AND PET STOCK fine condition; nru-e reasonable. ... v - - PETERS TRUST CO.. 17tn and Farnam. THOROUGHBRED S. C. Rhode Ulan , Red chickens, old and young; taae Ame FOR RENT c1Lr to 40tu aud Grand. Cail at 17 STORE ROOM OK DEPARTMENT Saratoga. SPACE. We have for rent some exceptionally t POULTRY supplies all kinds. Ths Na- ; good epace. near lbth and Hamey fct. braaka Seed Co.. lull Howard. D. Uol. suitable for the following lines: ... , " ; " Ladies' cloaks and ready-to-wear gar- THREE thoroughbred V iue Lecliorn nrlltt eocl'ereis f jr sale cheap. Webster 304. ' Millinery. r; , z eCves "d erockerT- REAL ESTATE CALl'u'Rental Department if Inter- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. ' eeted. ' GEORGE ft COMPANY. 'Phone D. TcA Frank J. Norton. 21 S. 17th. Bee Fldg. W-13 City Nat l Bank bids. "There's a Reason." "I minimise your j t ..- . title troublea" both phones. OFFERED FOR SALE Midland Guar. Trust Co., 1734 Far. H. H. Seals, prea; J. Campbell, sec. D. ISKi. s Parwltwrw. ' Pster Jewten. Jr.. Co. Tel. Doug. 22S2. wrsHlNO te leave tha city will eacrl. ' flea furniture of t-room bouse for l.-iO; M. T. Brennan. abstracts. Brandeis Tna '. bullae modern except furnace; UO rent; , easy waiklns: distance: good yiace tor Abstracts, M. T. Brennan. 324 Brandeis . roomers. J 227 be. Thraiar. , FOR SALE Household furniture, tables, --ire nwaiwna - rugs, boukraae. kitchen utensils, dress- ,"1 t5 r " u- -x' era, etc Call before 12 m. or after 1 a. - m. Harriet B-wgium. Apartment L PoUer Reed Abatract Co . eldest abatract offlca . AaruuenLa, il aaul r""! tu Nebraska. 20$ Braudaia 1 bea lex. REAL rrr&TE tContlnued ) BlIIDtRV nFOkHtTIO.t, Ectrlc. ras natures. OmiVt Silver Co. Conr-e bars for bulldere. A'pm. fl Far. Meal Cement Stone Co.. 17th and Cuming. L. F. Van Valkenherx. plumbing. W. W7. Carpenter contracting, repairs. Har. CIL . E. Waters, cemert cunt. LIS N. 20th St Platte Gravel A Washed Pand Co.. 42 Bee Omaha Sign Hang. Co.. D. K36. 114 S. 12th Fuchs. Son Blind, painting, decorating. M Peter-Kin, gen al eon. 4- Ohio. W .il Amer. Sply Co., roof g. paints. Illi Nlch. WASTED TO BIT. LT9T vur citv property for sal with Vosel. 4 Karbr.rh Bldg. CITY PROPERTY FOR ALB Fine Bungalow Close In; All Modern For Sale Cheap 1523 Hall Avenue $3,150 A c!oie-ln. splendld'y built, completely modern bungalow. Has larse basement. cemented, good fumaoe, laundry sknk, i lark's llvlnn room with book- cseea. beautiful din;ng room with pari-1 eiea wail" ana piate ran, eoiio, m mia- alon finish, beautiful oak floors, two fine bedrooms, with good cloeets. aiao r.lce kitchen with convenient pantry and ire box, thoroughly aiuipied baifi room with tile cement finish. All of the walls are sand finish and tinted with oil colors. The best of plumbin throughout ana beautiful liahtinir fixtures. Th street is pared and the paving Is ail paid for. sodded yard, cement wrikh. iou cwi imnrove on tho arranaement or finish of this houe. Come out today and see It, Just east of Sherman Ave., on Hall Are., one block north ot Burdetts. Norris & Martin. . Douglas 4270, A-4270. 400 Bee Bldg. Two Bargains Each 7 R Modern $3,5C0 AND $3,750 Owner, on account of 111 health. Is leav ing dty permanently and offers 1612 and 1114 Spruce St. at sacrifice prices. Each has 7 large rooms; reception hall, narlor (colonnade opening), dining room, kitchen, pantry and rear vestibule on first floor; 1 large bed rooms, roomy closets and bath on second floor; full basement, brick foundation and cemented floor; outside krade entrance: furnace heat; laundrv sink; storm- sash, screens and shades for windows; ras range and gas water heater: first-class plumbing, mblnatlon Hunting natures; aeco roughout: south front lot, fine shsde. and near Sherman Ave. car line, inn property Is within easy walking distance of downtown. The two houses would make an excellent Investment. Each rents at tv5 a month, are only four years old and in excellent condition. Price for ISIS, li.500; W14. H.7S4. Reasonable terms can be arranged. See us early, they will not last lone. We sold the two bouses east last week. Payne 8r Slater Co. Bole Agent South Side -Home On Our Very Easy Terms 2318 South 14th St One-Tenth Cash, Balance Monthly ' Has six rooma new, strictly modern. Bliuatea on nsi iruni uiv, u . ruu,... living room, dining room, den or bed room ana aitcuen on tirm nuur. iw-w iib-j rooms, bath and ball way on Id floor; full basement; nicely cemented; best of fur nace beat; first-clas plumbing thi-jug-t-out; one block from lath St car line and two blocks from loth St csr lice. of town should see tlila property at once. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 HARNEY ST. An Investment $6,500 Rents-$864 If you've got K.OiO CAsH and want to make 15 per cent net on it we have a two-apartment brick and stuns building, renting i- a month; bulit about two years, in good condition and location good; paving and all special taxea paad; steady renters; good tenants and an ex cellent paying investment; can be han dled with Si.iuft cash. Owner has left city and says blLL. Gldver Realty Syndicate 1S13-23 City National. Doug. 391 Creighton 1st Add. Sacrifice Sale $5,300 Eight rooms, two stories and attic, built for a home two years ago; full east front lot; hot water heat fireplace; full baee ment laundry, etc. Got to aell for busi ness reaaons. and that's the reason you can get tnls tine home at such a low price Investigate at once. Glover Realty Syndicate 1S19-2S City National. Doug. 1961. $300 Cash $25 Per Mouth Price, $3,250 All modern J-room bouse, new furnace, new bath room fixtures, block to street car and pared street A bargain and a chance for the man with small amount cf cash. Bt-e us at once about this. Benson &Carmichael 642 Paxton Block. Will Take Lot In Exchange on house, ST-Cl Webster Ave.; has 1 rooms, good let. bath, gaa and city water, ce ment walks, balance can be paid like rent; price of houae only ILsuO. Hastings & Heyden, lt14 HARNETT st. FIELD C.LUB LOT On Uaeon St. between 3K!h and 37th Sta, facing south. Two handsome homes now U-inx built across tha street Price only 11 !- Payne & Slater Co. (! Om. Nat l Basa Bld Botil 'Phones. flEAL C3TATE city pitopF.itrr for akin (Continued,' See Me If you want a new .tM-nwi h-'u lesa than you could build it for. Tin house ia entirely modern to the minute In every repeit; will consider trade lor lota HARRY H. PUTNAM. Telephone Harney 00. S140 Burt SPECIAL PRICES on Benson antf Walnut H131 property during September. You can get In on soma extra bar gains If you sea me now. B. F. KISTLER, Tel. Office. Penson UJ-J. Res.. 137-J. Cfflc. TutUe's Furn. Store. Benson. O'NEIL' Real Fstate Insurance Agency, l.r-o5 Tamam. Citv property and farm lands a specialty. We have bar INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY 13 ROOMS-ALL MODERN. M.dOO We have a two-ap:irtment houae, con taining U moms, : bath rjoma. 7 bed roorne. with parlor, dining room and kitchen In each apartment with new plumbing and good heating plant Thia property la too lari;e for present owner and it ts a splendid proposition for some one who will buy It and divide It Into four three-room apartments. Owin to the arrangement o! tlie bouse, this work can be done at a very small expense and when eoirtpletrd the apartments ii rent for i:: each. The buyer can live In one apartment rent the lest and make a Kood inveiment out of your home. Tha building Is aell built and In genii condition, only U mlnutea ride to th center of the city, on block from the IodK street car line and In good reat dence dlettict. THE Xl'MUKR TS WIS NORTH 20TH STREET. It la Just north of Ohio on the Florence boulevard. A, good or 7-room modem hou.xa will be taken In exchange at the rtaht price. This proposition Is certainly worth iookira; at. NORRIS & MARTIN. 409 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4270. A-4IT8. P.EMTS PARK. 1 room modern, hot water heat, larse corner lot, 4 io. Ulovar Realty- Syndicate. Douglas Xttt. FTVE-ROOM house and lot. SnxI30; price. 1L 100. W7 S St. Sou Lb Omaha. 'Phone South 2w7. ACREAUK FOR f ALE. ACRFS, Center t, Omaha, suitable for garden or poultry farm: small im provements. 15 acres partly cleared and part In eultivation; runnin water: hlirh. sierhtly location for suburban home; fcSiO per acre. Alva Smith. Council Bluffs. Ia. ASK about a snappy bargain in Gregg's choice acres. C. E. COMBS, 10 t tU Brandeis Theater Bldg. Phone Douglas SSlti. A-371L FOR INCOME OR INVESTMENT. I offer the beat close In proposition on the market; two cottages, jut south and acroea the street from All Saints' church. Phone Douglaa 6297. IOWA and NEBRASKA farms. Graham It Peters. K1'7 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. FIVE ROOM modern cottage with full cellar and attic. Paved street, very desir able lot; on terms like rent. Baright, IHUi and Douglas t. Slate Bldg. i Loan Association. FOR case of Blati beer tel. Doug. 10T. DUNDEE LOT. WdfiTLT location; price Is right ' Fell ft Plnkerton Co.. US Board of Trade Bldg. REAL ESTATE FARM RAICH LAND KOfl SALE. Alabama. IIS TO $3S AN ACRE land I offer will double In value next three years; rents better thsn lw per cent B. E. 8ecor, Weima, Ala. Call fere la. CALIFORNIA FRTJTT FARMS. Agents wanted In every town to soil our contracts, big commissions, easy to sell; wrtte at ,once for full information. Mc Keevor Tucker. U0 S. 14th St. Omaha. Caaada. NEW COUNTRY OPENING. The Grand Trunk Pacific railroad la now closing Its gap across the famous Fraxer valley In CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA the choicest region of the richest province in Canada. Here Is your chance to buy fertile land at open ing prices In the great Fort-Ueorife coun try. For further Information call, write or wire. B. UEYEL DISTRICT SALES AGENT, 610 Paxton Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 11 W. Ind. A-4TT. Colorado-. Bargains Fruit land. 5S2 Brandeis Bldg. FRUIT land bargains. Intermountaln Land Co.. 1L3 Farnam. 'Phone D. aula. Homestead ellnquish. Cheap. 401 K'baob. Florida. Farm and fruit tana. 101 aty Nat'l Bk. Iewa. THE easiest way to find a buyer for your vfarra is to Insert a small want ad In the Des Molnea Capital. Largest cir culation In tne state of Iowa, 4J.tx dally. The Capital ia read by and believed In by the standpatters uf Iowa, who simply re fuse to permit any other paper in their homes. Rates. I cent a word a day; 11..S per line pes month; count six ordinary worda to th line. Address Des Moines Capital. Des Molnea, la. . A f T I."- I.- nrlii'ut farm Willi AITllinl 1 miles N. E. Council Bluffs ! per sere, If quick. IA acred, aell Improved, 112a per acre. Day & Hess Co.. Sole Agents. Co. Bluffs. FOR SALE No. 67. 1 a. In Neosho county, Kar.aas. so a. In cultivation, a a. meadow, 1 a. hog pasture, 4 a. orchard, balance pasture: t-rootn house; another house, 111x114, with cellar; bei houae, 14X4, bam, XxW; two guol we. la; stocked with f.ah; fine location, good crops: pi Ice, JT per acre. palmer 4k Baughman, Chanute. Kan. Nebraska. WANTED CO Nebraska ranches and farms for Iowa customer. Ailcshouse at Co.. Council Bluffs, la. HOME8TEAD CO acrea for 1775; about JO miles out; rich farm laud, not sand. Was an oid entry, jiow cancelled. Worth iXJ). i. A. Tracy. Kimball, Neb. GOOD Nebraska land. 179 up. J. N. Sweet 3S Neville. IMPROVED Nebraska farms. an acre ap. Write or call for our list Woodward. T14 Omaaa Nat Bank Bldg. 100-ACRE farm near Benson for. sale, cheap. Owner has Incurable sickness. In quire room sua, brown block. Last u Nab. land. f a. aV4 drandela Bldg. Ne1h Carwllaa. FARM for profit in eastern North Caro lina, tbe Naaon s Garden Hiwt Leads ether localities for vegetable, fruits, stanle farmiiijf, small capital. Hum. arekrrs and Inveators write Carolina Trucking licvelonment Co., z4 So. Bldg.. Wilmington. N. C Orcsaa, Free Trip to Oregon Ws want you to see tnls wouuerful country. Tbs home of the "Oregon Ap ple.'' Ten aurea of good Oregon apple urchard will net more returns yearly loan loo acres of your beat fiirm land. ANTIAM FRUIT COLONY. INC., George bi. WiaMio-an. ri. Kales Mgr. Address ur call, bacf ard Hotel, or pnoue. W ben yau hav anything for sals or exchange advertise It la Tbe Bee Want Ad columns atad ga; ,i-itk ruuiia. REAL ESTATE FIRM a lUMM FOR 4IU (Continued Oklanaeast. OKLAHOMA FARM LAVDS. r-o )ou want a g.-iwl larm In tlie rich f t I mil ma muni) in ea.tin Oklahoma, Oi-ar .vtuskogt-c . r'lv laliuaue, cio-e te uiaiae's aim sohooi?., g.Mid water, p.enty ot isinia.l. mini wtnteia. ueep biSi'k sou; tuese lamia produce fine croca of coin, wheat, oat", altaliu. vutton aiiil ail kin1 of Iruit tht'-e isaida ai being rapidly bo'iaht up. i"i arr to aeiect from; pt-cvd rttit: Irom l.T- t t-i per acre. 1 ititereFted writs for lists, or, belter, com ana s tor youreelt. nest of lenna J. . Ot)VN'r. Xtukoee. Oki. SPETIAL. ACRES farming land. Craig county, Oklahoma; Improved; 4 eprtnits; deep eotl, lays fine; near market, FR V per acre, best terms. J W. ;owdy, Muskmree. QUI M lore llaaeeaa. nARGAIN3 In Iowa and Missouri farms. All ihe are real bargains and cannot be duplicated. ?M acres one mile from email town, Vt per acre: IXOVO cash, balance five years at 1 per cent. Ml acres one mile from Blockton, fin) per arre s) arres two and one-half ml lea frotn town. a'S per acre y acres six miles from town, 171 per acre WILSON LAND CO.. Blockton. ta. Soat Daketa. FOR BALE OR RENT. 1V acres. Improved, six miles from Win ner. Tripp county. South Dakota Ad dres Georgs Koch. Dexter, la. ROSEBUD LANDS AUTHENTIC map of that portion open for sett.ement next month, kfapa Soq each L man MoConnell. tl.'O Paxton Blk., Omaha. HOMESTEAD lands In the famoua Rneebtid coutry of louh Dakota. Mei lette and Bennett counties to be opened October I to October 11. Pallas is the terminal registration point and closest point of registration to these lands. Free booklet and Information by addreeelng Greater Dallas Committee. Dallas, g. IA Vtah. LAND In ten-acre tracts to 10,0r Too can buy the land with a water right or without, sultahle for farming or fruit raising or good lnvestmenta within fifty miles of Salt Lake City, two to six miles from a railroad town. Land Is yet cheap and on very eaey terms. This will pay you to Investigate. John Mareah, 4a4 Bw Bldg. W rwa tats. L130 ACRES, 1 mllea of Lusk, t-room houae, cement walks, young grove, larse barns, two wells and windmills, a acres wheat grail meadow. Ml per acre. This is the best bargain at this price In this country. There la plenty of good home stead land here available for settlement Write for full Information. LUSK LAND CO., Lusk. Wyo. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loaaa and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1330 Farnam St OMAHA Property snd Nebraska Lands. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE! CO, 1018 New Omaha Nat'l Bank 'Building. MONET TO LOAN-Payne Inv. Co. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. CITT and farm. JOHN N. FRBNZER. MONET to loan on business or residence properties. V..0 to imo,(0. W. H. THOMAS. 601 irst Nat Bank Bldg. 1700 to 110.000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., Uth and Farnam 8ta, LOW RATES, BEMIS-CA RLBERG CO no-ill Brandeis Theater Bldg. WANTED FARM WJAN3. Kloke In vestment Company, Omaha. 5 & 5y2 ft g ffAssa: TEST TRUST CO. farm and aty loans. LARGE city Iran a wanted; mortgaama 6 bonds bought and sold. til'ULL Bttod. GARVIN BROS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - I HANDLE exchanges everywhere, fnr results see ma Dean. 17 Lea. Bldg. D. Usa. SHETLAND ponies for sale or exchange for vacant lots. A a!9. Bee. TRADES If you hav anything to trad, write me. 8. E. Walt 17 Be Bldg. EXCHANGES A. C. Jewell, Board at Trade. D. 1617. WE exchange properties of merit C. W. Welsh. hl2-la O. N. B. Bldr. Doug. 786. EXCHANGE for what you want Shopsn te Co., Exchange Experts, Paxton Bik. CHOICE 480-acre farm, 1 mile from " . w mm .vr w. u. UIUtllU but 10 acrea, good Improvements will taae guua viear income property tin to 115, ObO. E. W. Daniel, slu U. kilns Bt, Auerunu, o. ay. BEE J. L. Barber to sell or exchange anything. 440 Board of Trade. D. 4.H1. ILALF section of good farm land, S miles from Kimball, Neb. (county seati. Twenty, acres and a town lot In tri onion belt of Texas. Twenty acres aad two town lots In th fig and orange (gulf coast) belt of Texas. Two nice quarter of table land near Jule4burg, Colo. Will consider a buncn of good bora, good cattle or clear, earning town property. Address Box 64. Albion. Neb. TO TRADE A 11.000 equity In a five loom houae. barn and two lota In Omaha or automobile. J. A. Chambers, Ander ion, la. HAVE you pig, cows or chickens, cook stove or air-ugnt heater, or anything to exchange foa furnltur of t-roont flaaf Webster fatal- List xchaiiga with J ones, 411 Brandela. FOR SALE OR TRADE 140 acres 14 miles north et Holdrege snd on mil aouth from PAtte river In Phelps county, Neb. Pasture and al falfa land: price J JO per acre; tnere Is against tha land; baa flv year ta run; will sell or trade equity tor city property. A. Nelson, Hol-troga, Neb., Box Sot.. - WANTED TO BUY CASH paid for books. Crane. SU a. ltto. EIGHT hoisting engines, double arum, large six, elate maker, age. condition, r-t) mour Locumotive and iwuipuieiit Co., New Orleana BEST price paid for M-hand furnltur. carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. I). U1L. ROOMING HOUSE WANTED. At ance; must be close in; nl pay cash. Address. H 3u4. Bee. WANTED TO BUT ROOMING HOUSlft. Am from the country and want house for cash before Oct L Address D-Jui, Bee. a WANTED to bay to t-room house, give full particulars when writing. Answer at once. F. Bee. FOR a dainty dussert us Dal sell tc cream. If A. C. Anderson, lain N. Kill bt, will ooin to Tbe Bee office within three day we will give him an order tor a quart brick of this fine loa cream. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Modern cottage th Bemia Park district. October 16. Ad arete tt 431. Be. WANTED Rooin with private bath, preferably with private entrance, by nurse. H. B-. WANTED SITUATIONS TOL'NQ lady, with high school educa. Uun. wisnea a poaiuon. C KU. Bee. MAN wants position as Janitor; ajo4 references Addresa B-SAi. ear Am. WANTDI-Poitlon In widower's bom aa bouacaeeper, la taa city. lad. B-..U. 9