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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1911)
THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. SEFTTrBEK 27, IWLI. BRIEF CITY NEWS Boot Print Xt. Oes. T.ln ristures. urg-ess-Oreadsa. ' Om.Mach.Wkf. Much. Pat Drafting ' Operation 'o Bars' McDonald Mke Tola in Baa Way Conrad Vol, who U(mptd suicia? by shooting hlmtflf Tufisv nUht h-ue he wis dfPnndent ever tnMng M Jnb. Is mil In a -rtnna ; condition at ft. Jngept hojpl'al and Imp for hlf rrcn ery are gloomy. i Hal for Lid lifting Floyd Musrove 1 bound over to the dlstilcl rourt on! bonds of $JV) by Police Judge Crawford ' Thursday morning on a chars of se'Uuc ! Uiuor without a license at the Great Western rafe. 731 Pouth Sixteenth strt I Tour ara Asking DItotcss Divorce j suits as follows were started In district j court Thursday: Stella potter against j Fred Potter. Eva J fpohn against Dell j p Fpohn. Rose Kallman aglnjt Karl Xallrnan. Mia M Ely against Marlon F. Ely. Asia Damages for Personal Injuries f tmuel Rips started a IZ.Wl personal In jury suit, against Frank T. Stephens. 2.1 rawnport street, In district court Thurs day, alleging he i Injured when he tripped and fell over some boards, care lessly le.ft on the sidewalk In front of the Stephens' home. , Business Healthy la the West C. C. George la back from a trip through the west and northwest, pleated with the healthy business conditions In the Pacific coast states, but amazed at the expan sion in western Canada, which he saya ta as rapid as that in the Missouri valley In the boom days of twenty-five years ago. Two Sentenced for Orand Larceny Frank Allen and Frank Ptlne pleaded g-ullty to a charge of grand larceny Thursday and were sentenced each to one to seven years tn the penitentiary by Judge Sears. They stole several bolts of dress goods from a Burlington railroad freight car September 13 and were caught with the goods, trying to sell them, the following day. Through Car Service Over Union Pacific The railroad controversy relative to through car service, both day coach and Pullman, to the Pacific coast, has been settled and In the shake-up. It is said that the Burlington and Rock Island roads have been lost out on through car sendee. Under the old arrangement the through rs Of the Northwestern and Milwaukee oame over their own lines to Omaha and from here they went out over the Vnlon Pacific to Ogden, where they were transferred to the Southern, or Western Pacific Under the new plan the same ar rangements will continue In effect. Under the same old arrangements, the Burling ton and Rock Island hauled their cars over their own lines to Denver, where they were turned over to the Denver A Rio Grande, which carried them to Ogden, where they were turned over to the Southern, or Western Pacific roads, which took tbem on to San Francisco. According to the new order of things, the Rock Island and Burlington will con tinue to haul their own cars .over the old routes to Ogden, but no farther. At Ogdea. the terminal of the journey will be reached and If passengers desire to go beyond, they will be compelled to leave their oars and occupy thoss of the South ern, or Western Padflo from there on to the coast. ' Under the new plan, the Milwaukee geta little the best of toe deal, as it acquires the right to run a tourist sleeper over the San Pedro from Salt Lake to Los Angel, something that no foreign road has heretofore done. Unitarians Want Vacant Lot Cleared For fear President Tart might get a bad Impression of their habits the Unitarians of Omaha have besought the health department to clean up the whisky bottles in the vicinity of their church. It 1m not at all certain that President Talft will attend that church, although he Is a member of it, but the Unitarians wish to be prepared for an emergency and a committee of the trus tecs. Including Bernard W. Capon, Mrs. Albert J. Edliolm and Marlon D. Franks, Is trying to get the chief executive to visit there. , Unity church Is situated at Seventeenth and Case streets and next to It are some empty lots where passereby have littered the ground with tin cans, paper refuse, rubbish, and worst of all, whisky bottles. Thursday morning Mr. Franks called up the health department and received from it a promise that the place would be cleaned up for the president's stay at least. OMAHA WOMAN TAKEN FOR SUFFRAGETTE IN LONDON Enthusiastic over the sights they bad seen during their year and a half's visit tn Cornwall. England, Mr. and Mra. W. P. Thomas, parents of the wife of Post master B. F. Thomas, have returned to their home In Omaha. The aged couple left here In May, 1009, for England, to visit relatives and while there witnessed the coronation ceremonies in London and many ether Interesting sights. "One of the most laughable incidents of our visit in London occurred when a friend of mine who is a member of the House of Commons gave me a ticket of admission to one of the sessions, hut ab solutely refuted to permit Mrs. Thomas to come. The reason for this was on account of the recent riots and demon strations of the suffragettes In London and as a result the House of (Sommon Is closed against all members of the gen tler cx .i.j..:..- . j. . :u,....i u-,t,, indignation at even being suspected of being a suffragette." RAILROADS READY FOR THE AK-SAR-BEN CROWDS Railroads centering at Omaha are making arrangements to handle immense crowds into the city during the week of the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities. All of the lines have mail special rates for the en tire eeaonk extending these rates to the west line of Nebraska on the wesi. to the Lakota line on the north, the center of Iowa on the east and to the Kansas and Missouri north lines on the south. In addition to the special rates, the day of. the electrical parade, the roads will all run special trains, arriving In the city at ahou noon and returning, leaving tile depot at or about m'duUht. Equip c.jol sufi.cient for hauling l.o.i.JO people la to be pietsrd into the service. A Pleasant Sorprlse follows th first dose of Dr. King's New life Pills: the painless regulators that Strengthen yuu. Guaranteed 2&c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Huttdiiiar Prraitls. Kettle H. Lambert. T2 Dorcas street frame dwelling. II .300; Paul Horbach 1C3 Visiting Women Responsible for Co-education at Wisconsin Mrs J. W. Pashford. who speaks en "The New China ' before the Woman a Foreign Missionary so ciety ef the North Nebraska Meth odist Episcopal conference, being held at Trinity chunh. Is the wo man who tipped the balance In In fa-or of co-education at Wis consin State university. Wy bak in the seventies there was a wave ef f&el!ng against al lowing girl students the privilege of studving In the .university. It wss dneided .hat If It were proven that women studei'is lowered the standard cf woik at the college, the co-eds must go T,he test was made In the year 1S71. And it was i. fhat year that Jennie Field mow Mrs Bashfoid) captured every class honor there was to be had. Co-eds have been an Import ant factor at the University ot Wisconsin ever tlnre. Mis. I. fc. Leavltt rf Csaaha was a class-mate of Mrs Eashford at the university and- will entertain her girl-time friend while she is in Omaha. . Mrs. Uashford has been a mis sionary o China for many years She works with her husband, who Foreign Missionary society from this MIUTIA FOR CAMP MICKEY State Encampment to Be the Largest in History of Nebraska. TWO THOUSAND TO CAMP OUT Will Take part la the Big DayUcbt Ak-Sar-Bea Military Parade Darius Carnival Week la Omaha, October B. The line-up for the annual encampment of the Nebraska National guard, to be held September 27 to October 6, at Camp John H. Mickey,' two .ad one-half miles south of Bellevtie and one mile north of Papplo, tear what Is known as Cinder Biding, on the Burlington, hat been com pleted. The movement of the troops will begin September 27 and will be completed the following day, when all of the .men will be in camp. It is expected that this sir the en campment will be the largebi in the his tory of the National guard , of the tate, as all of the twenty -eight eompanlea will be in attendance. As it Is estimated that, the companies will average fifty men each, together with the offioers, there will be close to 2,000 men In the field. All of the. men, with the exoeptlon ot those of the Omaha companies, will go by train. At Junction points they will be turned over to the Burlington, which will haul them to Cinder Siding. The Omaha companies .will go overland, send ing their equipment down by wagon train. They will start a 4V early In order to get the camp in readiness tor the main body of tho treops and also for the pur pose of doing police duty. It is going to be aft easy matter to reach Camp John H. Mickey, a the Burlington will run suburban service from Omaha, landing passengers at Cin der Biding. Those who do sot desire to go by steapi cars will be able to go on the electric line to Tort Crook and from there to the camp by bus or on foot. These militiamen will taSe part In the Al-Sar-Ben military parade Vlth the regulars from Fort Crook and Fort Omaha- Horseman Found Dying in a Hotel I. T. Raymond, well known In race horse circles, was found dying in his room at the Lyons hotel, Thirteenth street, be tween Dodge street and Capitol avenue, by hotel employes at o'clock Thursday morning. Raymond has a wife and family living at 4630 Iaard street. A short time ago he and his wife quarreled, and since then they have lived apart. Raymond la a negro, though nearly white. Raymond returned from the atate fair at Lincoln Thursday, of last week, and stopped at the Lyons. Since then he has been in poor health. At S o'clock Thurs day morning ho went to the People's drug store, 214 South Fourteenth street, and bought a bottle of medicine. Going back to the hotel he took a dose, and was found tn a dying condition at 8 o'clock Thursday morning by L. Wheeler, Louise Boyd and the night clerk, W. H. Jester. Dotors Peppers and Crlss were called, but Raymond died before they arrived. Coro,ner Crosby took charge of the body. BrownellHallon Forty-Eighth Year Brownell' Hall, the gray stone school for Birls on Bouth Tenth, began Its forty eighth year yesterday. School opened with chapel. exercUes lit S:.0. Then tne boarding and day scholars. 105 In number, dispersed to their different clssses. The school has an almost entirely new faculty this year MIjs Kupheml Johnson, principal, snd the following heads of de partments' Miss Mary Pathbon. prepara tory school, Miss Dorothy Rina wait, phy sical culture; Miss Marie Von Dulsberg, Uerman; Mile. Marie Louise Andree, French; Mis Iabel Oalway, mathema tics and sciences; Miss Grace Felicia Hall, Clascal department: MU Anne opnla Giunuiian. registrar and history; Miss Helen A. Davis. English; Max Landow . muic, Mrs VUllam E. Annn, home life; M;ss Ethelwynne I.oper. nurse. The Hall opened Monday evening with a reception, at which the tiuutees met tl.s :iev- faculty. Tuesday evening the s.trioit. of v horn there are fourteen, were entei talned by the faculty. RUINED WIFE'S NERVES BY RAPPINOON THE BED Bv rapping en the bed at night and te'llnj Ms wife the raprlngs were those of spirits. Monte Medow mde a nervous snd physical wreck of his wife, Myrtle May Medows. according to charges con tained In a petition for divorce, filed by his wife in district court Thursday. Railroad Notes ana Persoaals. Gerrlt Fort, psssenger traffic manager of the Union Yaeiflc. is back from Si. Paul, where he attended the fifty-sixth annual meeting of the General Passenger and Picket Agents' aseoOatlon. F. A Nash, general western agent of the Milwaukee road. Is back from Chi cago, where he went to take part la the plan tor arranging through service from that city to tne memo coat. A. L- Ik-Barnadl. general superintendent of the western lines ot the Missouri Pa cific. Si. I.ouls: TV. H. Reed, general agent. New urieans. ana J. jr. r un, Kan fMtv .r. In Om.h. ari.K'ln am Uur of inspection of the company prop , V . ; ' ' ' a V t y.f ' . .' V J."-'' ' f ' 5 - ! --v- i y f : - I ". ' $ 'J' "V i i . ' ' I - t t - - - - : .MhS. J. W. BASHFORD. blehop of the Methodist Episcopal country to China. WIPE OUT ALL OPIUM DENS Jury in Gage Death Makes Recom mendations to the Police. TO ARREST ALL WITNESSES Jurors Decide that Gsgt Came to His Dath from Lesion of the Heart, aperlndoerd by Excessive I'ee of the Drag. Recommendations that all material wit nesses In connection with the death of Floyd E. Gage be held by the police for further investigation, and that all dives snd opium dens In Omaha be closed with out delay, were mafe by the coroner's Jury, which returned a verdict at 130 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The Jury de creed that Gage, who was found In an opium den at the rear of 1313 Davenport, Tuesday morning, died from lesion of the heart, superinduced by the excessive use of opium. The police .will carry out the recommendations of the Jury. On the strength of the testimony of Leo . Wing that he had sold opium to Fred Johnson Monday night, County At torney English filed charges against Wing for selling opium. The taking of evidence was resumed Thursday Running. Two witnesses were again put on the stand In order that their testimony be fixed In the minds of the Jurymen. Leo Wing was the only new witness and he testified to having sold the drug to Johnson, who, in com pany with Cecil Wells and Gage, wci to the den at 1313 Davenport and smoke-. The coroner's Jury retired at 11:30 o'rlo ' Taft Will Worship at Trinity Cathedra. President Tart will attend church a. Trinity Episcopal cathedral when In Omaha a week from next Sunday. That has now been definitely settled on recommendation of. Special Agent Wheeler, who made a personal examina tion of the churches under consideration with respect to the location and means of entrance and exit. The president and his party will go to church the same as any other church goer, exoept'that pews will be reserved, and he win go in and out by a separate door. The service is expected to be the same as It would be on any other Sun day. In Avoiding Death Fireman is Injured Elerly Johnson. 2221 North Nineteenth street, a traction engine fireman for the Northwestern, while working on a grade five miles north of Florence, fell twenty five feet off a bridge In trying to get out of the way of a passing train, breaking his right arm and receiving internal in juries. At the time of the accident he was off his engine and was standing on the railroad bridge. He was taken to the Methodist hospital. "It Is a pleasure to tell you that Cham berlain's Cough Remedy Is the best cough medicine I have ever used," writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell of Lavonia, Ga. "I have used it with all my children and the re sults have been highly satisfactory." For sale by all dealers. ... "MAKES LIFE'S WALK TRADE MARK Lewis A. Crossett, Inc., Maker North Abiogtoo. Mas. (f?ssi n s i f n v i II "a i iiii II II U i SI I If P ' 1&J OMAHA GRAIN-MARKET BEST Grain Exchinge Showi the Advan tagf of Omaha as a Market SWITCHING CHARGES ARE LESS Dealers to Send Oat Letters TelHeg Way Farmers hoI4 Milp Tfcelr ftrala to Omaba. tbe Market Towa. Investigation by the Omaha Grain ex change of i Inspection, weighing and switching charges on gTaln In other msr kets. shows that the chsrges in Ksnsas City and Minneapolis run seversl times as high as In Omaha. The pmaha Grain exchange will' in' a few days Inform shippers by letter of "A Few Reasons Why You Should Pat ronise' the Omaha Market." as follows: All rallroadi reach Omaha direct with their own rails, thus giving vou expedited and quick returns, minimising Interest chsrges. The weighing and Inspection department has been brought up to the hlehest stan dard, making it second to none In th country. Inspection weighing and swltrhlrg charges reduced to a minimum. Compari son with other markets directly In compe tition with Omnhs Omaha. 7fc per car Minneapolis. $2 2o per car. Kansas Citv. $1 H& to per esr Your best Interests are conserved and ere looked after from time shipment leaves jour station until final returns are made. Root Resigns from the Ak-Sar-Ben Board J. C. Root, sovereign commander of the Woodmen of the World, nas tendered his resignation as a member of the board of governors of Ak-Sar-Ben. Mr. Root says his resignation Is positive as he Is no longer able to continue the srduous duties of a governor. It is probable the board will take no action on the resigna tion until after the close of the fall fes tivities. When you have anything for sale' or exchange advertise it tn The Bee Want Add columns and get quick results. MANY BUY TICKETS FOR THE. TRIP TO FREMONT As the day for the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben trip to the Fremont carnival. Tues day, September 26. draws near. It appears that nearly 800 persons will make the Journey. Because the trip can' be made so easily being only an hour's run the tickets sre being sold In large numbers. The train leaves Omaha, via the Union Pacific, at 1 o'clock In the afternoon, and leaves Fremont on the return trip at 11 o'clock at night. 1 Beginning Monday. September 15. tick ets' will be on sal at the Beaton drug store. Fifteenth and Farnam streets, the office of Campbell West, Twelfth and Farnam streets, and unison's bfflce, 1717 Douglas street. Wash your dishe3 with &0L9 DUST Tsraw"'wi""'"'''r'' . Ordinary dish-water only cleans the surface. Put a dash of Gold Dust into the water and it will go to the bottom of things, drive out every bit of dirt, every germ, every hidden particle. Gold Dust cleanses as well as cleans. We promise you this if you use Gold Dost: Your dishes will be sweeter and cleaner than ever before, and you t, .it 1 t.ll 1L. - Will save at leasr. uau me umo ordinarily consumed in wash ing them. . Gold Dust does better work than soap or any other dish,' washing product and saves half the time. Cold Dust U old in 60 sizo nd large pack ages. The largo package means greatereconomy. "Lmt thm COLD DUST TWINS do yar work Look at thin new "patent"! It'saCros sett which means it is correct in style, per fect in fit Same with No. 127, only it's gun metal. Here's a strong, reliable shoe for wear anywhere, anytime. And it's Crossett for comfort ! to $6. everywhere W.V.! ' Sole Omaha Agents Crossett Shoes 1 Mf Here Is Our "Lino-Up" in tho John B. Stetson hats from ' Good Old America" High graae veiours rrom Austria Jsi.ol? (We have been told that other prominent stores sell this bat for $5.00.) Morley A Sons. London, Eng. . -93.00 Guban, Germany, soft hats.... Our celebrated Rutland hats.. Asbury hats, "the right hat at right price" Lawton hats, the world's beet at "Nebraska Special Hata" in Satisfaction -"Not in Economy A larce can and make baking powder cheap or even less expen sive than Calumet the high-quality, moderate price kind. It certainly cannot make it as good. Don't judge baking powder in this way the real test the proof of raising power, of evenness, uni formity, wholesomeness and delicicusness will be found only m the raking. ALUM BAKING POWDER is a better baking powder than you have ever used before. And we will leave it to your good judgment for proof. Buy a can today. Try it for any baking pur pose. If the results are not better if the baking is not lighter, more delicious, take it back and get your money. Calumet is medium in price but great in satisfac tion. Free large handsome recipe book, illustrated in colors. and slip found in pound can. Calumet Received Highest World's Pur Food Exposition. . Column Finders and Paragraphers on Typewriters The Smith Premier machine is equipped with a column finding, column skipping and paragraph ing device suitable for instantly setting the car riage at any one of several predetermined column positions. V .... Four keys at the right of the key-board, numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4, work in connection with four adjuft- . able stops on a graduated rack at the rear of the machine. This device is valuable for quickly setting the car riage at any one of the several fixed indentations, or paragraphs, as in addressing envelopes or para graphing in correspondence, tabulating or doing work in columns. The rack bar is reversible, so that two sets of stops may be set up for various forms covering eight column positions. See this new and convenient time saving device. 400,000-use the Smith Premier. There must be some advantage. It is the policy of this concern not to "punish" a man for inquiring about our machine. You can visit our office or ask for a demonstration with no fear of future annoy ance from salesmen until your order is placed. The Smith Premier Typewriter Co. Branches in SIOUX CITY, LINCOLN, DES MOINES. " m Si i h,, Western Farms Grow Cities Esttla ment of lands In ths wsst causes demand for merchants, fac tories, towns snd cltiea. Forestghted man are buying land now, knowing tnat a few years will mean much In creased valuation and fortunes for to day's buyers YUITOM AT TBS LAND SHOW i i i w .. will learn where ths future cttles ars likely to be, where land will Increase rspidly In value, where the best farma are, and how they can best be cultivated Hear the Wonder.Ttle of the Wonder. Wesl MEN'S FROM ALL OVER THE BEST FOREIGN AXT DOMESTIC HAT MAXl'KAOTVRERS ARE REPRESENTED IN OIR MODERN HAT DISPLAY AMERICA, ENGLAND, GERMANY, AUSTRIA We have plenty of the new wool and cloth hats, at $3.00. The latent arrlal to our , collection of M.OO hats la the line of soft hats from J. Morley & Sons. London, England. No need to tell you how good thev are one good hat etore In each metropolitan city repre sents the line WE ARE THAT STORE. A WONDERFVli LLVE AT $3.00. 3.00 9Idhxufia(S&3i S3.00 the S2.50 $3.00 $1.50 ' 1 a Powder is Only Big i a small cost does not Medium CSAKINQ POWOPR) N0T MADEBYTHtl Send 4c Award- Si, tT bakinq pcWO CHICAGO 19th and Douglas Streets OMAHA, NEB. 11 7B sWT. HATS THE WORLD "Hat Storo" $3.50 upwards Underwood Standard Typewriter The UNDERWOOD I Condensed Billing Machine ! writes bills and sales book, jor journal, sheets in one i operation. Ledger sheets land customer's monthly statements are also written ; in one operation. Book : keeping by typewriter is a step forward in progressive business. j The UNDERWOOD is i unequalled for this work. UNDERWOOD sales ex ceed those of any other machine. "The Machine You Will 1621 Faruam Street, Omaha,' Neb. Old-Time Remedy Darkens the Hair Gives Color, Lustre to . Faded and Gray Hair Dandruff Quickly Removed From time Immemorial, sage and sul phur have oeen used for the hair and scalp. Almost everyone know of the value ( f such a combination for darken Ing the hair, for curing dandruff and falling hair, and for making the hair grow. In olden times the only way to get a hair tonic of this sort was to brew It in the horns fireplace, a method which was troublesome and not always satisfactory. Nowadays almost every up-to-date drug gist can supply his patrons with a ready-' to-use product, skillfully compounded In perfectly equipped laboratories. The Wyeth Chemical Company of New York put up an Ideal remedy of this sort, called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair ftemedy. and authorise druggists to sell it under guarsntee 'that the money will he refunded if it fails to do exactly as represented. If you have dandruff, or If your hair ia turning trray or coming out, don't lelay, but aet a bottl of this reme.iy today snd see what a few days' treat ment will do for you. This preparation Is offered to the pub lie at fifty cents a bottle, and is recom mended and sold by all druggists. Ppei-Ul Agents: Sherman & MuCoonell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Sts. Owl Uru Co.. lt'th. and Harney Eta t-UvJy c C"5 Friday Specials Largest Display cf Fresh Fruits and Vegetables In the City Western Burbank Potatoes p"" peck. 30c; per bushel '. .$1.10 2"0 Baskets Fancy Mli-hiai Grapes, esrh... 20o '2 Large Plain Lettuce 60 3 Stalks Well lileaclied Celr-r at lOo fcalt Lake Elberta Peaches, r" 1 box 900 Eating or Cooking Apples pr peck 80c, 20 Casea Grogan's Ripe Olives, special, 1 :5c quality) per tin st 1 Be 16c Can Bnsoiys Smoked Kip pered Herring loo . 1 60 Can timoktd Sardines 13 ic A 25c Csn K C. Baking Powdn b" at ..ISO I 4 pkgs. Uneeda Biscuit lbe B 16 gross 4 -gal. Mason Jars, ? per dozen 5o SOc.Jar Queen Olives 36o Our Best Imported Roquefort A Chsese, per pound 0e Ef Imported Swiss Cheess, ' per K pound .860 U Our Own Make Peanut Butter, per Jar 15c, 8S I lllllf f OMAHA'S rVUT wJj fOOD CSKTEK NrtB Twenty-third street. altcraUons, C0 O1 Qwcmo cng erty. .