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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1911)
The Omaha Daily Bee NEWS SECTION PAGES 1 TO 8 WEATHER FORECAST. Fair; Cooler VOL. ' XLI-XO. 84. OMAIIA, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1911 -SIXTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. STEEL COMMON KISES AND FALLS Violent Break in Prices at Opening, Followed by Equally Violent Recovery. WELD SCENES UPON 'CHANGE Selling: Due to Rumor Combine it to Be Dissolved. BANKERS SUPPORT MARKET Trading Becomes Steady and Values Turn Abruptly Upward. RAILROAD SHARES AFFECTED Secnrttlea of Western and Nortk- wclrf Road Sell Off Ob to k Poor Point on Account of I Canada Election. BULLETIN. .BRETTON WOOP9. N. H., Sept. 22. Attorny Wickersham this afternoon authorized the following' statement: "No arrangement for the dissolution of the ateel truat have been made, or so far a I am aware, proposed to the De partment of Justice.'-'. ' NEW YORK. Kept, a In two houre of wild trading today the stock market was thrown into confusion by a violent break In price, followed by an equally violent Recovery. Widely circulated reports that the United States Steel corporation was preparing to dlasolve, lncompllance with the Sherman anti-trust Uaw, or that dis solution suit was soon to be filed by the federal government led to a flood of selling orders. Railroad stocks, which were affected adversely -toy the defeat of Canadian reciprocity, also sold off sharp ly. After the til at sharp creak in which IJs.OOO shares of United State Steel coro jaon were sold In thirty minutes it be me apparent that eupport ' was being lent by powerful banking Interests and trading Became steadier. Once the de cline stopped the market turned abruptly. With the exception of the Hill " stocks and Steel common, the early losses were eliminated. Officials of the steel cor poration maintained their silence. E. H. Gfaxy, chairman of the board, declined (o comment on a dispatch from Wash ington In which the position of the De partment of Justice In regard to the en forcement of the anti-trust law was set forth. Report that negotiations between Attorney. Oeneral Wlckersham and of ficials of the corporations were under way were denied by persons in close touch with the situation. i General List Affected. The -alump In steel, had its effect throughout the . general list and there were destine. of from 1 to 4 points In in duatrlaU and . railroad stocks. It was notad. however, that the decline which the market had H4 within the last six weeks h&4 given' It much strength .-to withstand the unexpected liquidating movement la .steel securities. ' Weak pots In t6e . railroad .list and other In dustrials, .had', bea eliminated by the I midsummer liquidating movement Representatives of the United States Steel corporation continued silent, thla morning regarding the various reports of voluntary dlbaolutlon of the corpora tion. , It seemed to be the general belief to Wall street that the steel corporation had received' Intimation from the federal government that it could not continue in Its present form. Another factor In tlie decline of the stocks of the'stesl corporation was the ijvss In tel products with a resultant ' general cutting of price and the prob able necessity of 'educing wages. On. his aj rival at his office today El bert H. Gary, chairman of the steel cor poration, declined to discuss the disso lution reports In any refpect. Counsel Bolting, of the corporation likewise de clined to. be Interviewed. Railroad liiari Lower. The defeat of the Canadian reciprocity added to the weakne of the market. Commission houses report a large amount of selling -lor Canadian account. The railway here which - had held steady during the previous days of the slump In steal stocks weakened today. The loss was moat extensive among the North western' roads- which were expected to gala the greatest benefit from reciprocity. Northern: Pacific, Northwestern, Cana dian Pacific, St. Poul. Union Paclf.c, Southern' Pacific. Atchiton, Reading and I Erie preferred lost from one to tour (Continued on Second Page.) The Weather. FOR NEBRASKA Shower. Tsmpeiatars at Omaha Yesterday. Hour. Deg. .... S7 . ... "j .... M .... 50 .... C2 .... .... 73 .. . . 77 .... Tt .... 7S .... &1 .... S .... ; i t . .- .orel Record. 1911. 1910. 19i Jo. , Highest yesterday m ,.i ci s7 Lowest yesterday .V. ci tA (57 Mean temperature s 7 m 77 Precipitation 00 .13 .00 0u Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature & Kxce for 111 day 4 Total excess ine March 1 773 Not ma! precipitation 08 Inch fXic.enc v tor the day .08 Inch Total rainfall since March 1. . l inchx. Deficiency since Mar h 1 M 01 incliea Deficiency for cor. period lSirt. .13 tl Inches deficiency for cor. period lfc. . .41 inch Reports from ktatloue at T f. U. Station and Temp. High- Rain State of Weather. 7 p. ra. eat. fall. Cheyenne, part cloudy... 7 th .00 t'avenport' clear fc$ " ' 76 .on t'onver, clear 7 2 00 le Moines, clear 70 7i. to Lander, clear t2 7 .M North Platte, part cloudy .. 92 on Omaha, clear 7i si ,iv Pueblo, part cloudy. 7t M 00 Rapid City, part cloudy.. 48 g .00 Salt Lake City, pt. cloudy 69. Mi tanta Fe, cloudy 63 T4 .in Sheridan, cloudy 44 62 .00 Sioux City, part cloudy.. T4 .00 Valentine, part cloudy.. 43 0 0 U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. NTHIKo",,' I LIKE I ; ra- I OMAHA '' " ! 'Ariitr.. j I Si 'vJ' a. m. , a. m. 'life- 1 m- 4.1- J 1 P- m. TXQ&X? 1p.m. G s,,m Taf t to Reach Council Bluff s Thursday Early Arriving In Council Bluffs at 10 o'clock the morning of September 2S, President Taft will remain one hour and ten min utes, when he will begin his swing across the t-tate along the line of the Illinois Central. He will arrive at Denison, stop ping there fifteen minutes, leaving at 15, and go to Fort Dodge, reaching there Hit 11 JO. He will then proceed to Webster City, reaching there at noon and remain fifteen minutes. The next atop will be at Iowa rails, where he 1 scheduled to arrive at 1 o'clock, reaching Waterloo at 3 o'clock. v At Waterloo the president will deliver his' principal speech in Iowa and will re main In the city until 3 15 o'clock Friday morning, when he will leave over the Great Western, going north. Storm Causes Heavy Loss of Life and Big Damage Near Naples NAPLES. Sept. 22 A terrific storm swept (he Vesuvian district today, causing- loss of life and great damage to prop erty. Twenty persons are known to have been killed, while the fate of whole families 1 In doubt. The downpour of rain caused floods, rising In some places to the second floor of the houses. Quantities of mud and stones were swept down the side of Mount Vesuvius. Eight persons wera killed at Resin a a tthe foot of Mount Vesuvius and five persons are dead at Torre del Greco, near Retina- The other seven known' fatalities occurred In smaller villages. Four Burned to Death When.Large Gas Main Bursts TOUNGSTOWN. O.. Sept. 22-At least four persons were burned to death and a dozen ln.lured. one fatally, when an eight-Inch gas main on the Sixth avenue viaduct burst tnt morning and set fire to a laborers' boarding house near by. The building burned to the ground in a few minutes. It Is believed there were twenty-four occupant of the house at the time of the fire and the police fear other bodies mav be In the ruins. The total list of dead may reach nine or ten. AD the victim were Slav and! Roumanian. Aviator Castellane Falls Three-Quarters of Mile to His Death ELMIRA.'n. Y.. Sept. 33.-.'Trdev41" Castellan, a Curtis aviator, fell to Instant death, tjhe Mansfield (Pa.) fair today.' He- tiad started' In' an exhibition flight, .and .When three-quarter of a mile from the ground hi machlp careened, turned turtle and fell. Castel lane wa found buried under the wreckage- of hi machine. His wife witnessed the fatality. Ward Drops Out of Long Aviation Race LOCKPORT, N. T.. Sept. 2i.-Jams P. Murphy, manager of James J. Ward, has announced here that Ward ha with drawn from the coast to coast aeroplane race as a result of hi fall near Addison this morning. HORNELL. N. T.. Sept. 22. -James J. Ward, the aviator. Tesumed his flight to the Pacific coast from Addison at 7:18 o'clock this morning. After flying about five miles, some trouble developed In. hi engine and the machine dropped to the earth, a distance of about sixty feet, near Rathbone, and wag badly damaged Ward escaped serious injury and re turned to Addison on foot. Earthquake Shock Lasts Half an Hour WASHINGTON. 6ept. 22.-An earth shock . ot unusual Intensity wa recorded khortly after midnight by the Instrument In Georgetown university. No estimate of the distance of the earthquake from Washington was made by the observers. The dlatuibance began at 13:17 o'clock, ending at U;bL .At 12:57 o'clock the great est agitation was recorded, the reglatra tlon being twenty-eight millimeter. Usu ally two or three millimeter are regist ered by the needle. Aviator Burns to Death in Midair DAYTON, O. Sept. 22.-Frank Miller, an aviator, was burned to death In mid air today when the gasoline tank of hi machine exploded during a nexhibltlon flight at the Miami County fair at Troy, north of thi city. FARMER KILLED BY MARSHAL " IN FIGHT AT TIPTON. OKL TIPTON. Okl.. Sept. ' B.8herman Parks, a farmer, wa killed and Henry Weaver, the town marshal, wa wounded In a battle with pistols between the marshal and Parks and hi son on Ui street here early today. Parks and a companion were arrested last night ac cused of being drunk after a street fight with the local officer. A justice re leased the two men for a hearing next veek. but accompanied by Parks' son they returned to tomvj early tx)ay and, It is said, threatened to kill Weaver. A fight noed in which Weaver shot and killed Parks, after the latter son had sent a bullet through the marshal rm. Taft Assoaseei Appointments. PEORIA. 111 . Sept. 22-From his pri vate car President Taft today announced the following appolntmenta: WlllUiu H. Jackson, now judge' of a minor court In the Panama canal ne. to be judge of the supreme court of Pan am; John T. Wilder of Monterey. Tariti-, to be. a member of th Chlckamauga Na tional Park commission, and General Gate P. Thurton of Nashville, Tenn., to be secretary and historian of the 814 loh National Park commission. WHEAT SOAKS IN OMAHAMARKET Canada'i Rejection of Reciprocity Advances Pricei of Grain Three to Four Cents. CORN RISES IN SYMPATHY, TOO Ca4h Quotations More Than Cent Higher Than Thursday. RESULT COMES AS SURPRISE No Local Grain Men Report Having Made 'Purchases. ONE CARLOT SELLS FOR 99 CENTS Merrlam Eiprruri Joy on Exchange Floor by Whooping It Up for Canada and Burins Clear for Fellow Member. Cash wheat advanced J to 4 csrit on the Omaha market Friday morning, due, according to the grain men. tothe elimi nation of the possibility of reciprocity with Canada. One car of spring wheat sold at 99 cents, almost realizing the re cent prophecy of some of the grain men that wheat would soon go to SI a bushel. Cash quotations on No. 2 hard wheat today are 95 cents to Si. the highest ac tual sale of this grade being six cars at 97 cents a bushel. One man who Thurs day refused 92'4 cent for his wheat sold today at 9 cents. Corn felt' the effect of the rising price in wheat and cash quotations on the local market were 1 to Ihk cent higher than Thursday. N. Merrlam, who has talked and dreamed anti-reclproclty for month6, was the happiest man on the Grain exchange floor. He would yell "Hurrah for Can ada" on. the slightest provocation and bought cigars for everybody on the Coor. Mr. Merrlam says the decision of Canad.i at the polls Thursday will save Nebraska farmer million of dollar annually. The man who could have plucked up nerve to buy wheat Thursday for sale today could have cleaned up a fortune. If any of the local grain men did it they are keeping quiet about It. Price at Chicago. CHICAGO. Sept. 23 Wheat lumped UP as much as' 34c a bushel today as a result of the defeat of reciprocity. That wa the extreme rise for May delivery. Most of the trading took place t a much less advance, running down to lHc Con- stderable excitement waa shown In oats, the latter making a gain of lfilHc . 60 lively was the trading that it wa impoMible to follow individual operation. Every foot of room on the steps of the pit supported wildly shouting broker and, looking down from the galleries the crowd bblow seem more like a mass of rapidly . .waiving arm, the owner of which could not be distinguished. May delivery of- wheat went to Sl.OJ1 against S1.01H at' the close last night. MayVoat - aold at 474 eompirei with 47V at the wind 11 last night. Profit taking on th part of lucky owner pre vented any. greater advance, at least for 'the time. It was general gossip that an increase ot 25 to 35 cent a barrel on flour would be inevitable. . . Four. Cent la Minneapolis. . MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 22. The defeat of reciprocity In Canada yesterday made a wild opening on the floor of the Cham ber of Commerce here today and there was an excited rush to buy wheat, with few offerings. Prices jumped over 4 cent for both December and May. De cember opened on a range of l'c with at .the top prices. This was a gain of about 4 cent from yesterday close ot $1.03751.04. May opened at . 114 1-12 against yesterday' close of SL0741.o77t. Price showed a steadily rising tendency and there wa not a1 al mad at las than $1.06 for December and SX12 for May during the first hour. While supplies of wheat are large the demand for exceeded the supply, although a large part of the buying was .on account of short cover ing. The millers bough only for actual needs and made no hedging sales. DULUTH, Sept. 3. Wheat at the open lng of the market here this morning made a violent jump of 4 cent. September reached U-1W. and closed at S1104. bid; December closed at U.0974, bid, and May at $1 1334, nominal. Three Cent In Kanaaa City. KANSAS CITT. Sept. 23. Wheat jumped up three cent at the opening of the market here tins morning, the sudden rise beint directly attr.buied to the de feat of reciprocity in Canada. There was wild trading oa the Board of Trad for ' halt an hour followed by a gradual subsiding. After the wild opening the trading In wheat settled somewhat, but remained fairly lively until the last hour. December closing practically quiet at SSHe. - Price Drop at Winnipeg. WINNIPEG, Sept. 23.-That Winnipeg will not have for It . wheat th market that the . reciprocity treaty. If adopted, would poaslbly have opened "up, waa felt b t teily by the local bulla today. October, which closed yesterday at S1.00. opened to day at We and later aold at 9S7c and !-''e. Floor Advances In St .Louis. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 23. Flour price ad vanced because of the defeat of reci procity In Canada. 20 to 25 cent a barrel, on the Mercant' exchange today, soon after the market opened. Every sample of wheat on the tables wa taken at an advance of 2 to 2 cent a bushel Th future market advanced In rapid bounds. Traders said export business will be stopped until the market can adjust Itself. GENERAL RAISES ARE REPORTED Price of All Foodstaff Prodaced In Canada Affected. CHICAGO, Sept. .Foodstuff which mifclit liave been affected by an influx of Canadian products had Laurier and hi govsrnnient not been defeated la Canada yevterday rose sharply In price in U American supply ctntera today. Wheat led the advance and . was followed late in the day by flour when miller Ignored their previous price Hat and adjusted quotations to figures more commensurate with the advanced cost of th grain taple. Oats, too "felt the effect of the Canadian vote and aa a result consumer may ex pect soon to pay increased prlcea for breakfaat foods. The initial meal of the day in fact seems destined to bear th brunt of th higher living; coat within (Continued on Second Pag-) From .the Evening Star. TAFT PARTY VISITING PEORIA President Makes Slight Reference to Canadian Election in Speech. GUESI0F KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Program for Day Inclvde Two He- )eptlss, Drive Over City and ... Addreka -at Bjtnqujet ThU . - Evening?. , ' PEORIA. IH., Sept. 22.fpresldent Taft made hi first reference of the day to the result of the Canadian elections when he - spoke briefly to the workers at a locai agricultural implement manufactur ing plant. "I am orry." said the president, "to hear that in Canada they did not care to have closer commercial relation with u." President Taft got up early today and canned the paper eagerly tor more complete return from the Canadian elec tions than were available last night. The ci tain defeat of the government and reciprocity was plain, but the president bad ' nothing to say before he left hi private car to take up the day' program. Coming down from Kalamazoo last night, the president' special hit up a gait that a railroad man aboard put at close to sixty mile an hour. One stretch of seventy mile south of Niles, Mich., was covered in eighty minute. Guest of Knight of Columbus. Frtsident William H. Taft arrived here at 6:30 o'clock thla morning on fr'a special train from Kalamazoo, and th Knights of Columbus, waoee gue.t he i. have arranged a busy day for him. Leaving the car at 8 o'clock thi morning, the president, wa escorted to the Creve Coeur club, where he wa tendered a breakfaat by Right Rev. Edmund M. Dunne, blahop of the diocese of Peoria, and at which about forty priest ot the diocese and niuinberti of the Knlht 01 Columbus were pieaent. Ltav.r.4 uie c uu house at 10 o'clock, u.e iiei-uUuUal ,jti :y wa given an automooile rlJe tin down-town district and prominent resi dence district, bringing up at th Country club at noon, where a luncheon will be tendered him by th republican state cen tral committee. All republican congress men, state officer,, republican member of th legislature and th chairman and secretary of th republican county cen tral committee in central IlUnoi have been Invited to be preeent. More than 200 have sent acceptances. At S o'clock the president will be taken to the club house of the Knights of Columbi:, where a reception will be tendered him. card having been Issued to 500. prominent citi ens. from 4:30 to 6 o'clock he will rest at the home of Mra. W. A. Hervon. a relative of his wife, and at :30 o'clock he will be the guest of honor and deliver an address on "Columbus and the Philip, pines," at th annual banquet ot the Knight ot Columbus. He leaves at mid night for St. Louis Housewives Boycott Softer. HOUSTON, Tex.. Sept. 23 -To combat the rltte in sugar prices housewives here have started a movement to boycott IU uue. TOMORROW The Best Colored Comics with Th Sunday Dee Working With a Will Suspect Seen Near Scene of Sextuple Murder by Two Men COLORADO SPRING. Sept. 22.-Th authorities are today checking over th whereabouts of Tony Donatel.The Italian suspect arrested In connection with th Burnham-Wayne murders Sunday night and early Sunday morning. A working man at the Golden Cycle mill says he saw a man resembling Donatel loitering In the vicinity ot the BurnhamWayne homes early Monday morning. Hla story Is partly corroborated by a milkman. 'Spot on hi clothing apparently freshly washed also throw suspicion on the pris oner. He has been in the sweatbox since early morning, but no damaging admis sion am- said to have been- secured. Donatel was arrested upon information secured from Arthur-M. Burnham, whose wife was one of those murdered and who admitted that he had recently found Mrs. Burnham and the Italian in a com promising position. Strong Box Full of Gold Dust is Taken by Masked Bandits SEATTLE. Wash.. Sept. 22. A special from Kallaga, Alaska, eays: Masked men held up a car on the Id it a rod flat ir.m. way, one and a half miles from Flat t-lty, yesterday and stole a strong box containing S15.000 In cold dust, the nmn- erty of Frieud, Law son & Jones. Friend wa in cnarse. ah the circumstances show that the robbery was rarofuiiv planned. A large poote has gone In pur- sun. Steamer is Sunk OffPort Huron PORT HURON. Mich.. Sept. 22 -The steamer Jollet Mas rammod by the steamer Henry Phlpps early today about a rail and a half below thi city In th St. Clair river.' The Jollet wa sunk and the crew had a narrow escape, getting away on pieces ot wreckages. No live were lost. A heavy fog prevailed on the river at the time. FUNERAL OF CONGRESSMAN MADISON AT DODGE CITY DODGE CITT. Kan.; Sept. 22. -With a score of senator and representative appointed by the nattonal government present nd . a wide representation of prominent Kanssns attending, the funeral of Representative- Edmond H. Madison was held here today. All business houses in the city were closed. Seven hundred school children In white stood t the en trance bareheaded in a double line aa the procession entered the church. The funeral sermon wa preached by the Rev. J. W. Thompson of Topeka, Kan., for merly paator of the Presbyterian church here and a life-long friend of Mr. Madi son. All the members of the Pord countv bar. the Mater Masons, the Royal Arch Masons and the Knlghta Templars at tended the servicer Mr. Madison's mother, Mrs J W. Madlscn of Plalnvllle, III., was too ill to attend. A younger brother. Henry Madison, could not leave the mother's side. The senator nd representative p. pointed to attend th funeral were: Representative Anthony, Campbell. Jackson. Reea. Toung and Murdock'of Kaneas; Alexander. Bocher, Hamlin. Shackleford. Russell. Rubev. Rucker. Lloyd. Borland, pli-klnson. Hensley and Daugherty of Missouri; Norrls. Klnkead and Sloan of Nebraska: lenroot of Wis consin and McGuire of Oklahoma. The senators were Curtis and Brlstow of Kan aaa, Clark of Arkansas. Stone of Missouri Dixon of Montana, Craw ford ' of - South Dakota and Kern of Indiana. RAILROADS CANNOT AGREE Rock Island Gives Up Hope of Rout ing Through Cars. HISTORY OF THE TROUBLE Northwestern and Milwaukee Road Are th Chief Beneflclarle of the New Order o th Inter . . state Commission. Th Burllngtoh and Rock Island rail roads have awakened to th fact thai the Ogden and Salt Lake gateway to the west 1 not only closed to them, but they have awakened to the fact that' thla gateway ha been locked and the key thrown away. As the situation now stands, by reaaon 6f a ruling ot the Inter state Commerce commission, neither road can sell through western ticket to points west .of ' Denver and give a continuous passage. None of the Union Pacific. Northwest ern or Milwaukee officials here will claim responsibility for th new order of thing, which 1 admitted to be the shrewdest move mad on the railroad checker board In mainy a year. They throw the reaponalbillty upon th Inter state Commerc commission, contending that It wa a move that thi tribunal made upon its own volition. All concede that the Northwestern and Milwaukee have become the beneficiaries, as they are enabled to run their through car to the coast on the trains of the Union Pa cific the Southern Pacific and the San Pedro line. Rock Island 6lve Up. Already the Rock Island has submitted to the inevitable and ha given notice that all of Its coast business 11 be routed via El Paso. The Burlington people are not saying a word, other than iO remark that the matter has not been dually disposed of. ' The origin of the order of the Harriman lines closing the Ogden and Salt Lake gateway to th Burlington and Rock Is land came about in thi way: About one and one-half years ago the Interstate Commerce commission ordered the Southern Pacific, the Western Pa cific and the San Pedro lines to reduce their fare from Ogden- and Salt Lake City to San Francisco and Los Angele to 123 68 and S26 respectively. The rate nf S23.B8 1 based on S cents per mile, while the rate to Los Anreles Is some what higher, the commission predicating the t25 rate on the fact iiiai the country i 'traversed by the San Pedro line was j sparsely settled and entitled to some- I what higher rates than those allowed the Southern Pacific. When the Western Paclfie opened Its line from Ogden to j San Francisco, it was obliged to meet the rate established by the commission tor the Southern Paclfie. The through fares front the Missouri river to California were pot affected by the order ot th commission and re mained a heretofore, till fer flrtt nd $10 for second class and S for a nine months' round trip ticket. Dividing: 'Through Pare. The through fares hav always been divided on percentages derived from the local fares of the lines to gnd from Ogden and Salt Lake City. Tht is to say. the Union Pacific fare from Omaha to Ogden and Salt' Lako City 1 ILS.tft and the Souther. Pacific fare from the two Utah towns to 6an Francisco, prior to the re duction made by the commission, t'0. Therefore the through fare wa divided practically on a basts of SO and SO per cent. When the reduced fare ordered by the commission took effect the Burlington end Rock Island Insisted on dividing on the basis of the new rate, taking ad van. tage ao to speak of the lines went of Ogden and fait Lak City, to increase their own proportion. Thla would, not in any wis benefit th public, but would add from S3 to $ per ticket to their rev enu on every passenger routed to th coast. CANADA AMAZED AT THEOUTCOME Extent of Political Landslide Over Reciprocity Unexpected in the Dominion. OPPOSITION MAJORITY IS 49 Only Quebec Out of Nine Provinces Loyal to Premier, ONTARIO DEALS SEVEREST BLOW Vote Shows it Went Almost Solidly Against Government. BORDEN NEW PRTME MINISTER Liberal Expected to Be la Power for Years to Come and Ar Now Almost Completely Off Map. RESULTS OT XX.ZCTZOV. MOXTTRSAIi, Bapt. Si Return from th Canadian lotion rly to day, with a fw remote constituent olea timtel, were follow t Cojissrva- Provlnc. . Liberals. tires. Ontario 16 70 Quebec - . 35 88 Rova Scotia 10 8 New Brunswick 8 8 Prince Edward Island .8 8 Manltob a 8 Saskatchewan 7 8 Alberta 8 8 British Columbia 0 7 Total 84 Opposition majority 49. 133 MONTREAL, Sert. 22-Canad awak ened today confronted by a startling new situation., developed from the fact that reciprocity with the United States has been rejected, that the Laurier govern ment has been defeated and that R. L. Borden will shortly be called on to for.n a conservative ministry. That the changes enacted during the last twenty four hour by the registration of the will of tha electorate are radical is shown by th overwhelming majority whereby the vot er turned down the agreement which Laurier had made with the United State for the mutual removal of duties ou food and other natural products by the defeat of seven cabinet minister out of thirteen who went to the polls, and by the political landslide which will retire xf private life Sir Wilfrid Laurier, one of "the biggest figures In the British empire. Out of nine Canadian provinces, only Quebec, Laurier' native place, came any where near remaining faithful to him, and Quebec did not do any too well. On tarlo, the greatest of the provinces, dealt Laurier a terrible blow, going almost solidly against him. and the same may be said also of Manitoba and British Co lumbia. Saskatchewan and Alberta, two great wheat raising provinces.' gave a mild support to the cause ot reciprocity. The magnitude of the landslide ap pear to have stunned the liberals, who hav held office for fifteen year and who firmly believed that they were des tined to remain In p"verTr mafiy "yT to com. Much Sympathy for Laurier. On both side sympathy 1 expressed for Sir Wilfrid Laurier. His clean and gallant tight in behalf of reciprocity 1 recognized by opponent a well tup porter as one of the most notable cam paigns ever undertaken in Canado. That hia.effortB were not crowned with auc cess Is .still a matter of inexplicable amazement to many people in the Do minion. It lb not unlikely that the departure of the present governor general, Earl Grey, winch waa fixed for October 8, may now be deferred tor a tew day and if thib is done tUe new governor gen eral, the duke ot Connaught, also will postpone the date of his bailing from England, aa it ia the invariable custom tor the returning and the incoming gov ernor general to pass each other on th ocean. Earl Grey ia familiar with Cana dian affaira and could more conveniently participaiu in the details ot calling and installing u i.ew government. bii Willi id Laurier ia In Quebec today, Mr. boiuen U in llalilax. Tney will leave shortly loi Ottawa, 8ir Wilrnu to close up the affairs of nia government aud to tender Ins resignation as prim minister and Mr. Borden to accept the call of the governor central to form a' new ministry and to consult With party lead er aa to the appointment of hi adviser. Parliament is to be summoned as soon as the election writs are in and the Uiual furinaiuies vhiUi lo.iow an election ar coinpiunu. i nwn. .4 mi.ri curiotity as to the iJci.tuy o' thu men whuin Mr. Borden via inWn to poitfuhos inuti the new government, pubnc opinion i agog urn the Honoiable George t. Fostet, former conservative minister of finance: Premier Haaon ol New Brunswick and Robert Rogers, minister 'of public works for Manitoba will secure places. Reciprocity Agreement Dead- A for the rtcifiic'il agieti.iiuu, it 1 not likely to b neaiu or again oon in Uie cai:udian houae. Any muatur of this Kk.0. inn:'; i.e introduced irom tne go.einii.tiit .uk ttiiJ it ia not likely that Air. iioiuni uiiU his lullower will maka any move In t lie matter. There la con siderable lnttirt manifested in the lew which tht people oi tlie United Slui. , ill take of itie overwhelming reiectn..i of reciprocity. The editorial ronno . of the American pres and th statements of prominent public men will be itad with great Interest In all prta of Lanad. (Continued on Second Page.) BoxesofO'Briens Candy. lialzell s Ice Cream Bricks. Base Ball Tickets. , All are given away freo to thobe uo uuu tufcii name La m want ads. Read i be want ads every day, your name wil appear orga nelle, maybe more than once. No puzzles to solve nor sub crlptiotiB to get just read th want ad .Turn to the want ad pages there you will find nearly every buaineea bouse In the city rep-eaeoted.