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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1911)
HELP WANTED MALE aa BaJai Citln. A NEW article. ReooM break'na; aalee rjwhw. 'r-tn for Fr ampie nil our new ci'L'i(un. Ideal Mlg. ".o. 4J Bnamrock place. Grand Kajiiua, Mich. WA.NTED-A stock aaiesman. K 3T7. Br. IF TOU are a !) wlr nuniiit oilritnr with reference and rta ui to bus tieu men. answer Uu ad. Adores G-L. car Be. SALESMAN WANTED by Old nttb llsr.ed pubi.sners to kaodia new me.u-ai wor. Exclusive territory an J g"od iiv lng for energ-uo worker. so on lor central Nebta-aa. En'renn not essen tia.. P. O. lo 12L p riilade.phia. BE A BOOSTER tor th national rf bas bal. It J. C liLssard. J417 N. 2:4 SC. will com to Th fas office within three day we will give her a tic Mat to tD bail Kama at Rourke park. MEN TO SOLICIT-Onod pay. expert nca not necessary. CI si. 16th ft. WANTED Ahij to cigar wih premium direct to consumer. Apply for Information. Room 33U.. i'ji N. Fifth Av., Chicago. MAKE W a day. Freclaity th govern ment rfommmil. Wr'tf to me for f ill Informst.on ant free sample. Edmund A. Caliill, E. Front St.. Kansns City. Mo. Boy. WASTED Cvrl trustworthy bcrt; good W. U. TaL Co.. 212 8. 13tn St. W A.MEli A coiored Ivy to make hltn elf aful In the kitchen. CIS N. 34th. WANTED Transfer boy a-d ch bo j a. it yarn cr over. Apply Superin tendent. Br and phi Store. WANTED henest colored boy fnr por ter, free, use of mine stand, wane ilu per month. Room and board, mane lij per month on e:iine stand. Hotel Tur tier. OntriJe. S. D. Clerical aad Off!. BOOKKEEPER for!aiHi whoie house. Lon t rply unlea you are competent ana experieace-i. J bee. I'aelary aad Trade. Drue store (anapsj. Job. Khlaat. Bee G WANTED at once, good airound printer tur country shop, tU. a week, to rilit party; wire at once If you want the job. The Chronicle, Odebolt. la. KAK-NEi CUTTER, steady empluy Diant and good waxes to a capab.a man. Ismsun Hi os. taduiery Co . Laiiaa. iti. WANTED Plrt-c;aaa watchmaker, ply aupenntenuenl Brandeia More. FirtST-CLAe9 Harney St. preaaars wanted. 1AU WANTED Apprentice tor repair man. Omaha stove Aiepair Works. i-VS Duue laa at WANTED A flrst-claaa experienced cutter on riding- saddles. Hive reference. Apply. J. Ai. cleat e&ddlery Co, St. Lvuia, Ho. WANTED (Jood tailor for' coats, steady uosiliou, good saiary. uu kHiutu lm at. WANTED A find-clans experienced cutter on rtdsiig saddle. Oive ref,Tenco. Appiy. J. ii. clckiea daddlery Co., Su Louis. Mo. Xlaeallaaaaa. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business, largest and Deal eouippod anopr. .Vai I aulu l raining A n. oaui WANTED Mall clerks, carriers, cleika In government office at vVanfnngion. Oman a, Neo., examuiationa during rep tern Der. pi month. Annuai vacations. Ihauaand of appointment coming, can didate coach ea tree, trum.m inututa, Dept. lOl H, Rochester. N. Y. U.S. 1100 MONTH ACTOINO. AL'IO SCHOOL. OMAHA, NEB. jtiUlUI AND BEST. WRITE. RELIABLE Employment Aftency. hotel and restaurant Qe p. 16ii Davenport. BLATZ Wiener. TeL Doug, ltatl for case. FOUND Faultless Cleaning works: sulU steam pressed. SOc. 123 S. 16th. D. Mi. EARN kS to K per week. Poitltlons .Few weeks completes. Oreat demand. Write at once Free catalogue. Auto school of at. Louis WANTED Men to learn barber trad. Western Barber Institute. leJ Dodge. TRI-C1TY BARBER COLI.EijK-Men tn learn barber trade. Tuition. 115. 30) a. lh. FIVE young men Immediately tn coach for Omaha poetoffice cierka; saiary start ing l1!. promotion. A JJr.-s F. o. Bx iti Chicago. ABLlt-BODIED men wanted for lh 1". g. Mann corps, between the ages of V anal Must be native born or have f!rt papers. Monthly pay. t'.j to 19. Additional compensation poMibie. Food, clothing, quarter and medical attendance free. After 3 yearV service can retire with 7i per cent of pay and allowance. erte on board ship and ashore in ail nans of th world. Appiy at U. 9. Marin Corps Ri-ruitlng office. 1401 Farnam tL, Omaha. Neb. WANTED Tollector: good future for light party. Call at 4UJ Omaha Nat. bank. WANTED for C S. Army A blebodied nnmarrlad men between age of IS and 3D; rlllsens of United states, of goad charac ter ar.d temperate hablta. whoeanspea. read and writ the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting i ifflcer, LUtt and Dnhglas Sts , Omaha. Nab.; V7 4th "t , Sioux City, la., 1JU M. l'-th Sc. Grand Island. Manwelller'a em. of., fm. hands. UADodgw. WANTED Men to learn the beet bual Besa in th worlj the barber trade. Can have your own shop or earn big wagea. Tip and commission amount ta more than moat men earn. Lirht, clean Inside work. Aa army of our grad-ia'ee rtirntng shop send for help. tu.Lfy for tbee posmona Fw weeks required. Our Manual is splendid for home prenitratlon. W g:v compiet outr.t of tool and wage In finishing department. Writ from distance or call f-nm city. Molar Barber College. 110 8. 14th t. F.ARN CS to re) pr week, postrtons. Few weeks .romp ete. Oreat demand. Writ at once. Free eata'ogu. A.itj School nf flu Louis. 13US P ae St.. au Louis, Ma. M 00 PER mNDRFD for eoileeting names and addressee. Ktealv work, fend se'f-aJrteeaeed enveioos. Vl'astam Adver tl'ng Co.. Tulta, Tex. WAXTKTV-A good reoorter for eountry daily, must writ good story; lad v or gentleman. Ku.t be en type wnter: glfa full particuiars. e. eta., and phoc number. Address T 17s. ear Be. WANTFTD Totmg man to run elevator. Miller, fttewrt A Eeaton Co., 413-14-17 South 16th St. HELP WANTED MALM OK rKMALE. WANTXD Mn and w'fs to work on a farm. Steady work , and good wares. Writ Immediately to C. J. Almgren, Potter. Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hew) sa Teniele. FOR SALE All kinds of good hnrsea. U N. lie I sL Phone Dougiaa alu HORSE, buggy and harness snap. N. ftm Ava lad. B-lia. Cli FOR BALE Horse, wagors and Rr Besa Appiy Sommer Braa.. Jkt-h and inr Ban St. Harasy 13a, Livery asd B rdlaa;. A. Melcher, wort a. Llvary, Feed. ISIC Leaven- LOST AND FOUND LOST A bunch of key on ring. May hav loat ia south Omaha. Phun Doiigia 55-4. er return to Culo-Laca-wuruiy. lata aad Harney, Otnafia. LOST AND FOUND- (Continued.) PER5rN 3 having 'oet wr. artlcla wuid do well to call up the offlre of tne cmaha A our.i -u Huffs street Fta.i wey company to aacer-aia wbther they left It In the street ears. Many artir n ea. h dr ar t imed In and the company la anx.ous tj rasters tnera to the r.gntfal owner. Ca.1 Doug.aa CMAUA A COUNCIL. FLrTTS STREET HA1LWAI LUMP A. I. LST Noe glasses and rase gold ehun and hairpin, on "th ar.d Cnminf car. Cad Harney 4111 Reward. LOST Sunday, oren-face gMd watch on Pieman Ave., between Manderaon an 1 Blondu. fob attained. Reward. W. iiC t LOST Pearl brooch, return, liifl So. J&ta Ave. . reward. FOT'XD l"he Teddr Bear expert clean yl",vri and dyers. A il. D. ii. FOR a dainty (ifert u Daie.i 1 ice cram. If Mr iiemt. 43 N. ith St.. wia corr.e to The Bee off:ce within three dav wa wti: aiva her an order tor a quart brlc of t.'na Ice cream. LFFT In wahroom of the Le atora: or;ar!e M"n'laf f'rfO(m, a-er.t lerran t orien fared Eia-'n ".d watch with Knnl 'ln heep C.imm:.on Co. f'ib aita-hei. Pinoer plea .eave at KnoUin offica Reward. MONEY TO LOAN JUART KSO CHATTELS. You Get A SQUAEE DE.iL VTlien Dtialin with. V$ That has a ways been our pollrr and is ret. 1 HtjT-s We loan n "un-a from V.Q ur on 5 EH OLD GO"Lt. PI AN' !. ETC.. w.tno u retnovai. .'N Itj.AL Ei'iATE or on vour PLAIN NOTE if you are stpa ly I errimoved. Yal ciatx reiv m alnl.1 woeMlv or montiny pay-renta. No red tape or oe- lav t 'ace l u LAja. witn uie tlg- gfst. 'i.i-st and i-est d ioor. J"J fSTTon I'.iog t.i so. lura su Phones A-i.l and Doug 24U. GR'jff, loans on Jewelry and clothing. 41(1 N. isth. MONEY TO LOAN We have organised our company to loan money to peop.e who may not have cre:it at a bana or to those who do not w-sn to k th-ir friends tor a favor. We make loans quickly and prr. ateiy on furmtuia, pianos or teatna. Phone Don i as .'. HOME LOAN COMPANY, Room . Patterson Bik.. ij Farnam at. D LOMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU. 8!Z?- ''"puone ! MONET leaned salaried people, women keeping house and oth-r - w t.notit se cunty. easy pnyment Offl'-e tn 47 pr:n cirai citii-s. Tolman. h-3 Omaha NatL Lank Biig., farmer:y N. T. L. Bldg. CILTTEL LOANS AT REASONABLE HATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 00 Bee B'.dg. Dong. irje. A-13S4, OFFERED FOR RENT Board . 4 Kuouit. O. M. E. hauls trunks, D. fill, A-241L THE Landon. modern, with home cook ing, ili a. 24th at. ELEGANT suit of rooms, excellent home cooking: private family; West Far nam. Ca.l Harney 4a. LARGE, strictly modern rooms, suitable for two gentlemen, with excellent board. i. S. Mth Ave. Harney mJu. S12 B. STH. desirable room with rel ent hoard, phone Douglas 3U&. ex- ROOM and board. 3410 N 14th. Strictly modern, private home. House Portoia. family hoUL 25th Ave AHaroey. ONE large front room with alcove; suit able for four. Terms reaaonab.a. Hoard. Douglas Z104 Webster St. NICELT furnished room and board. IE0 per month, for one gentleman. watKing dlHtanee and private family. Doug a lit r arwlehed Imso, Dewey European Hotel, lJth ft Farnam. FVRNI3HED rooms !n strictly modern house. Haneoom pais district. 1117 Park Ave. Harney ink. ELEGANT room, tun at. W. M. Hotel, all 9. THREE or four nloeiy rurnlshed front rooms; main floor; complete for house keeping, avis Davenport at. WEST Farnam d.fctrtct; nicely fur nished, newly decorated; largo front room, for iady onlv; in private home with small family. Everything modern, choice ocauon. ut.ey A , e , iw, uiwi m from Farnam car: price reasonaole, ref erence. Phone Harney &4J. DESIRABLE room, w'th or without meals, Dundee. Harney 423 N. lMh St., elegant modern rooms. TWO newly furnished outside rooms, modem: gentlemen preferred, or man and wife, tola Dodaa. third floor. Ind. A -49. WELL furnished rooms: walking dii tanoe; whit porcelain bathtub. 101 a. liih si gns douCie front room, one sing: room, all modern. 41S S. Sttth. ra ST. MARY'S AVE. Well furnished front parlor, use of piano; nice place; must see to appreciate: no objection to muaic or practice; furnace neat; gaa; nic bath; plenty hot water; both tee pnones. respectaule peopie only; tie. One small room. tlv. lX BINNET. rooms to rent. Web. ,"lsl 25-'4 ST. MART'S Two large rooma: new and eiegant.y furn.shed In new brlta flat; sirlcuy first class; walking distance, business gentlemen or married cuu;o preferred. References. 41S S. 2Mb 11. J Up, wUM Ave., elegant modaro rooms, of parwr. FURNISHED ar unfurnished; on larg ruom, ao auiall aieeping room; board I Uealrvd. 2Jo4 V aaaiar BU THREE untarmiid rimi, modem, heated, pnvai taiiiuy, wa.aing distance. D. !.,.:, 2-22 Han. THE biilLNER. remodeled and under new . management: .d b and doubi Tuoina. boarJ if das,riruL sleajl heated, harney and Jith eta. Douglas. Three e'pjantiy finntitcd room. airt.iiy uwuera ciy uiuae in, businja peopi preferred. NICE faci-y. modern room, new: lu privat IM S. juih Si. Harney 47L THREE elegant furnished rovms; mod ern, aiaiaoc. ao sign on nous. Lu N. 24. NICELT furr.iahed front room, Farnam uar. lal N. Xlst Ave. THREE very aioaly furatabad rooma. 17 N. SVth. THREE blocks to Co irt bouse, modarn rooms. 6713 S. Jut.i. Clean, TEAM heated room. 241b. and Far- N. K. Flat L L puura. ONE furnished Puon Red 7ita. roo.a fr gentietnaa. TWO nicely furnished first Toor rooms for about f.iur gentlemen or la lie, itsa Lata and furnac. 27ul Dodg SU H. basa. FVR-NISHED and lilj Capitol Ave. uuf urn .shad rooma. ET:RT person knows who D. J. O'Brtea is because he has made Omaha fanioua with Ma candy, if Ura. Gr-.'f n. C4 Farnam Su. will com to The Pee otfic wiima t.-.ree days w will give her an order fur a td-cut box of O Brieu s candy free. SIS N. 241TH. elegantly furnished rooma In new niodem br.t flau i biocas truin P. O, THREE modem ftimtshed rooms, rata or aauuiie. ii21 Capiiui aepa- ! If you have a farm for sale, you can I surely sell it through The Bee 1 Omaha Bee, Chnaha. Neb. Gentlemen: Will rou send bill for ad and I will remit? Thank rou for the service received firm one little ad. I RESULTS QaBBSSBSSSi I OFFERED FOR RENT Faralaked Roeota laadaaed ELEGANT lanre front room, batn aid electric l.ght, for refined lid b. ta Ave. rOt'nLA3 "ne laree anuth mom. nt-iy f'jrmahed. itritn h-at, hot water, bath. a. so rsiia.1 wiuth rom. NICXI.T tum.fhed room two g-nt.emen. Tei. H. 4-.i. for one or S S. rth. Faralahed HaweUeeaila Haoaaa. 530 3. ETH AVE., pi nt housakeep- Ing rooms. 9nii wf riupDd. sood Ijrulture. etiauite. w,i pi'Ueneu f.oon. true reainiiaDie. very moiiertt; good i.ejcnbourtiooa . d.stanc. KL'RMaHLU keeping". 7.4 N. rooms for tight house it ti street. T'.VO s ne'.e roo tns, two nourekeeping rooms iam Ca--s NI'""ELT firr.isnol rooms, light house keeping. Ar-i Ca.i'ornia. 115 Large southeast room with bar window; weii f lrmshed. wl;h .i!e of p ano; no obiert.on to mutfc or practice, f :rnate h-at. sa.". met bath, plenty hot water; reepect-inie peTp,e only, walking distance. Leavenworth car on block. 1J st. Mary a Ave. ail S. IT.Ttf AVE., one large front room, witn a.i ove. for light housekeeping ; man and wile preferred. S72 S 35TH AVE . rleasent housekeep r.g rooma. single or en suite, well equip- I i-t-d. Kood fum.ture. pol'h-d r.oors: price reaaonabie. very modern, go 1 neighbor- reasonable, very muera hood, wa.kmg distance. 1714 CHARLE3. Two very pleasant, clean and convenient rooms. Fumianed complete. Entirely modern house. Priv et family. References. aINGLE or bouuekevping rooms, hot water heat, all modern, reasonable rent, Ula Davenport St. THREE or four nicely furnished rooms; front part of strictly modern cottage, complete for housekeeping; eaay walking distance; fine neighborhood; no children, rent very reasonable. 2'Jt N. 20 th oL, Phone Doug.aa 7isi. TWO or three nicely furnished front rooms, main floor, complete for house keeping. Davenport at. Caf nrwiabeal Ravosn. THREE unfurnished rooms, modern, heated, private family, walking- distance. D. aJJ. 2Z21 Burt. FOUR rooms. 1312 S. 10th. Faralabed Iloates. "-ROOM house- nicely furnished, In cluding piano. Phone Douglas 3367. Motel aad A part seat. VICELT rTR?!!H F7D ROOMS for gen Utren. THE CHATHAM. U a. i3t bt- THE SCHLITZ Hotel; our 25c Flt dinner the beat In the city. DOLXja HOTEL 13th and Dodge: all cool outside rooms: special week rate. THE IRV1NU, Zln Leavenworth; first class room and boa'd. flo-(1n ITritpl rn"nc'' Bluff- Rooms Ugaen xiotei M to tr w per wee. Burlington, tune rooms, one blk to depot. OXFORD and Arcade, special W'klf rat. WINDSOR HOTEL Rooms. 50c to H-jO. Farnam St. Hotel, nice rooms. Farnam Hotel Lyons, rooms 50c up. 113 N. 13th. Hotel Antler, elegant rooms. 510 S. 20th. Excellent mea,s, 303 N. SCth.. 8. Omabi Howard Hotel, elegant rs. 1003 Howard. Grand Hotel, rooms Be up. K0 S. 13th. Atlantic hotel, rooms 27 up. 1409 Cass. Vienna, mod., reasonable. 1011-B Far. A sartaaeat aad Flata. THREE and five-room apartments. Sherman Ave. W. i765- S-ROOM apartments. The Mason. 31st A Mason. 140 per munth. Douglas liTTL GOOD J-room Hamy flat. 720 So. 2Mb. tlA 6-R MODERN FLAT. 1U2 S. Uth St. S-r modern, steam ridge Bldg., $41 2 rooms and bath. heated r.aU t-a-Da- steam heat. vldge Bldg. 5. 5-r, modem fat. 314 S rth Ar r. JOHN W. RGB BIN 3. 1S02 FARNAM ST F1VE-ROOM apartment on West Far nam St . heat, sr.ades. gaa stov and janitor service., very choice. JoHN W. RoBBLNi. vJZ FARNAM ST. FINE new modem 5-room SL Louis, first floor; up to dale in every re spect. 3213 THREE and fix-raom flats. MarUs Bik. lulu and debater. STANDARD STEAM HEATED CHICAGO FLATS. SEPARATE HOME. Six large, handsuine rooms, besides private ba.l. bath: shade, range, fre but water all year, janitor, wa.a.r.g distance, ieaaea. referencva. nothing eaai mem ; winter. ai rnmr. n1 up PAYNE A SLATER CO, Sole Agts.. ln Floor, oui. .Nat. htc F.ldg. Hoimi aad Cattasjea. MODER5 houa. 3015 Sprue Su: recep tion bail, six rwm and bath, full t-fU 11 lit basement with furnace; heoa newly papru and (minted, t-2 ta goud tenanL JAMEa C. CHADWICK. Th Colomai. Pbon Harney 5a2L FOR of Blata bear Tel. Doug. 10U. 2C23 No. 301 h. s-room modem houa. gmr Webster loTi. la- 573 a. iTH 8U E.gnt rooma. completely n odern. ITli 5. Thoa. F. Hail, 2i Kairig Liog. Fhunea Lxiugia ,, lna. A -.. O.VAHA EXP. I'o.. moving vans and Storage, Trunas. bagfaga di. D. JtU, 4U No. iim. TTnn n ;l S115 of the eity. Crelgii iiuujc. Bona a; Co.. t Bnlg. 7-ROOM modern bouse. In good oondi tioo, large corner lot and stiaue trees; rent t-i olao U Appiy lus Louirup SU laL B-2144. J N. BISHOP, furniture moving and storage; 2 u.en. C an hour; spev.a u' bail ing p.aJlua TL B-lv7. WE have a larg demand for huue and fats. List your vacant property w.ta u. Fan at staler Co., -a om. ..L La. bldg. Houses. Ins. Klr.gwa.t Brands! Th. Bldg GO OUT to P.jurk park and root for Omaha. If vVI!.. Frier 122 S. Uin SU. wii com ta Th Be office wl'.hin three days we wl.l gte him a ticket to ta ba,i game at Ftourk park. THAT'S IT OFERED FOR RENT Ueairi aad (ottaarea : oatlaaed j 4:21 LAPATETTE AVK. 7-room trlct:y modern houee. hut water heat. IX. j iAU aV .Tth St.. T-'oo:n tr ct.jr modem t ho .a. WA.K.nn aietMnca. i7..A. 1 'a wo ana three-room (.artiuenta, wtik- Ina aieiance. ..K.'U and neat f urnianeu. reaeonao nnt. GALLAtiHER A NELPON. 4) Branut.a L,nl. Hiugiaa 33. .HoltHuLj OlODJ packed. for- larded, cheap rreihi rates, moving i r.d '.on li hjipreaamen s 1'e.nery Co. li. L-oud. cny ilt. a. ITUi st-. Lee t.d. (-ROOM modern ci'ttnaa. beautifully lo cated. Ill . JTtu. Phone VVeuster i'W Om. Van A storage Co. pacas. moves, stores household g'Mda. Fireproof slor axe. H"4 r. l-tb. Lrancn. At) a. lTtn. lal. u 41. A-Lw. FCR RENT The twenty-room house, wtii lirlck Mable and atmut f.v J acres improveu grounds, at southwest corner ot .-liermaa aven ie and epruce street. Inquire room J14 hrit .MM but b.d. Dougiaa 1242. FOR RENT A net r 7-room house, ail Davenport Ht. Tel. mooern. v a.i ai ' U .... . 11 "c i MODERN, S-room brick hou, 1211 N. d SC. Ui per month. Phone Harnay -ROOM. mod. ex. heat. y7 Dodge St.. suitaoie lor two families ta. -room cottage, le; Miami St. H5. 6-room cottage. S7' N. tth it. 174. JEFF W. BEDFORD at WN. OOf Priiidon Theater BtdK. Doug. S37S WEST Farnam, new brick. 5 bedroom, two baths, ili N. Jth Ave.. Ki. a-RCOM modern houa. nearly new, 1710 Docatur SC. US. Phone Weoster 1L FIVE roirr.s ar.d bath and watar rent. 37 tioath He.. tiH.50. FINE nice 7-room house, modern except heat, fine iawn; good neighborhood; cloi-e to car line: rent . 3014 M.ami Bt. Wil liam Kennedy. ' 421 and Farnam, 7-r.. garage. 41 and Charles. S-r.. for 2 taxillea. 2Mb and Burt, -r . near Creighton. N. E. 3d and Capitol. 4-r.. no neat. 3ist and Poppieton, s-r., shad. lawn. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Omaha Nat 1. Doug, or A-Z152. lftsj Corby. -rom cfntage, cept heat. Phone B-a2ja. modern ex- -R(X)M cottace and 4-room basement Inquire at Sis N. 41st Are. 77f HOWARD Nearly new g-room, modern house; interior oak. Harney 2517. ONE block from high school. S-room cottage: partly modern, substantial ap pearance: Just papered and painted throughout. C2. Save lunch and car fare. Woodman. 123 Capital Ave. Store aa Of flee. FOR RENT A comer store. 10th and Douglas, modern, up-todat; rent reason able. 180a and 1823 Farnam St. TeL Har. 241. TWO offices. 2d floor Creighton block: also etor at L S. loth St. Alfred Thomas. Agent, First Nat l Aan Bldg. CLOTHING store, Su, South Omaha. cbean renU 20773 O AT 72(1 S. 1TH ST. Room 3Di ann- olled with steam heau now being out in rine conui'ion: pru-e reasonable. PETEFtS TRUST CO.. 17th and Farnam. OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltar. WISHING to lav the eltT mrlll aer4 flee furniture of S-room houa for lit): house modern except furnace; M rent; I easy walking distance; good place for . roomers. J 227 Bee, FOR SALE Household furniture, tahlaa nigs, booacase. kitchen utensils, dress ers, etc. call before 12 m. or after I p. m. Harriet Buraiuni. Aoartment 2. Potter Aparuncnt. asd and Farnam. Typewriter. SMITH-PREMIER models No. J or No. 4. in excellent conditloo, rented three monina ior nv dollars. SMITH PREMIER 1 TPEWRITEH CO.. Dth and Dougiaa. RENT an Oliver typewriter from tha Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas 2jIM. TTPE7WR1TER.S Remington No. x, 112; Chicago, (a. Hammond, 115. Williams Vksibi. ll. Underwoods, L. C. Smitna Smith-Premiers, clivers, etc, at barga.n pnoe. H. F. dwanaun Co.. 121 F ar uaal at.. City. THE LOYAL la king of typewriter. PUMPKIN PIE3 (pardon me). Having made a beauuful. h.gniy etricient tv;e writer myself for a few cents, I " am prepared to tei you how fui,y, and fur nisn ribbon. Charge ic. J. Barmore.' Adams. Neb. Masleal Iaslraanea t. PIANO bargain. MR N. 15th. D. 1101 Pianos: wholesale pr. 30 Boston Stoi a. PIANO, si Bhtly used, at a bargain. Segerstrom Piano Ufg. Co., li'ui ar.d Far nam Sis. FOR a dainty dessert us Dalsell's Ice cream, if J. A. R immelhart, .11 N. 41t St., will come to Ti.e Be off ce w.tlun thre days we will give r.;m aa order for a quart brick of th.s f,ne lv Cream. MUsrlUaesst. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all aisaa and maaes; bargaiua. Ainenean Sjpply Co.. L-i Farnam Su FOR SALE At a big bargain, Kimba.1 organ, in tirsl-ciaas condition. Call at S. 2th Ave., ur puune v ebater Aaa. FOOT BALL OUTFIT A good suit, nose guarl. head near, shla guards, aii .n I:rn-ciass cond tion, for aa,e reasonable. caU Vv abater 2mA. FOR SALE New and oond-hand billiard ana pool tables. lead th i world In cheap bar tuture. easy pay- tr.enta fcrunawica-Ba,k-Coiienuer. a7 1 a. ii'tn- FCR SALE-High-class base burner; used one year. J. J. Xuaui, Xii N. 27 th au TAKE n.a out to th ba.l gamL If John Peter. 4715 Center St., w:.i cum to Ti. Bee olfice wmnu three aa we will gtv turn a t.cael to in ba-l game at Kourke park. SMALL printing office, compiet with dynamos, bargain, original euau sis bec SIX-PCsiT bovkkeeper'a dek. oak fin ish, for aa, at llu sj. App.y, Geora W. ngnu Bee publiamng Co. TWO good Mcnnd-hand National rash re r. st era for sa.e at a bargain and on easy terma. Ai. U. Wu.iei.wusa, u a. Uth EL Ontervillo, S. P., Srt. 1.1. 1911. It is surpri?ing what result?. Yours trulv. DAVID C. LANE. RESULTS OFFERED FOR SALE M Uwellaaeoaa ontlaaed 13 DIAMONTF. h-eeh.M pin. ol'ta:re diamond r nar; wtll a?r flee at a tl bar Ka.n. AdJraaa a tl's FILL dres su!ts; evenirif. pny d.-w! for sale or rit .;s N l.ta. John Fe.dman. -ouiflas S'.2. A-y-6. NEW rotary White se-ving machine for saie cheap J.-4j N 21'd at. HIOH school cadet aii.U lu-aar-o.d boy. Harney 7-4. FC'R . SALii Meultim s led Radian: home heate-, good condlt.un. Tel. Weunler. F'jR ?.LJC Weber p:ano. g.iod as new: cost ; .il aeii rheay f r cash. Owner iravir. city. -t"t. Lodge St. l.EAVIN'ii THE CITT. will sell at a a.-r a Steinwav n.ano. ia2 Lothron. I biick1J- WeU.-'ter 'JmZ. FOR 6ALE 9 center Nitlonal rash register at ,ea than half or, coat. F. C. Reeee. Corning, la. FOR SALE H. P 1. C. motor. !"J vo,t shafucg. hangers, etc; 1 wagons B-i-S'. PERSONAL FOR case of Blata Beer Tel. Deug. ltaX 1 Mechano Therapy masaage treatment, rheumatism. Dr. Margaret Halloran. Z22-i Neville il.. tL '-'P0 Xlr JAMFS CORR ELECTRIC COMPANY Moved to M li'th. at- UU. Maaaage. Rlttenhouse. 308 Cld Boston Bid. Lt. Burke, Diseases of Women, Omaha, FRENCH com remedy, r. guaranteed, smooth skin, no pain. Kiccard Cham. Lab., i40 Paxton. Mrs. Snyder. Swedish massage, batl-.s. rad'ator. ana Tiurmwr irrumipni. 1 u j Duiisany, Fiat 3. i-nh, and Pierce. D. iiai. j MRi. C. W. CHAPMAN, H. &?40. Hair I goods, all deacripu ns; corabiitga mide up. v,-,Ct WOMEN coming to Omaha as Ftranuer ar invited to visit tne Toung Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth St. and SL Mary's Ave., where thev will be directed to suitable boarding places or otr.erwlae assisted. Look tor our travelers aid at the Union Station. DRIOS st cut prices, freight paid on orders; catalogue free. Sherman at McConneil Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. cUtMtXnirpum't. Mrs. Steele, ex CrLUirUO pert 0per t r. 107 li. 17. 2 fL WE rent and repair ail kinds of sew ing machines. Ijd. A-K1; Douglas ItitS. NEBRASKA CTCLK CO., 15th and Harney St. MA5SAGE Swedish movement; nothing better for rheumatism. Ladies. 1; gentle men. C-ja. Apu 2, 1DU1 Farnam. Doug. 5v2L tt i CU 4 (ZV Treatment. Mrs. Steele 17th. d floor, rra. a. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen. &ile. bELL DRL'O CO. THE SALVATION ARMY solicit cast off clothing, in fact anything you do not need We collect, repair and sell, at 134 N. Uth SC. for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Dougiaa 41A and wagons will ca.l. MIL'. M. P. PIERRE Shampooing hair dressing and man. curing. Make a spe cialty of dying and removing surpl'is hair. il Farnam. II. OusL Ind. A-142S. C R COMBS 3a M AfITTTfl treatment. E. Emit. 710 "DA T BLOtjD P.EMEDY. Gladdish Pharmacy, Uth and E'cdee. trestment. Mm. Alien of Chicago. It. S. 17S.h SL, first floor. D. 7fea. Adelight hair food grows hair. Mm. Fiyer, Megeath Sta, Co., luth and Fara. Automado phone Bur a, 32; reel., IL ETTRY person know who D. J. O'Brien I becaua he ha mad Omaha famous with hla t.mnAv If 14 -a TT l. Thl rIL 7ei- i.C- .kLiZJ... Tvi giv ner an order tor a a.ont boa of I O Brian s candy free. POULTRY AND PET TQCX THOROUGHBRED at. C. Rhode Island Red chlckena. oid and voung; taae Ames Av. car to aXa and Grand. Call at U17 Saratoga. POULTRY supplies all kind. The Ne braska Seed Co.. ii.ii Howard. D. 12L THREE thoroughbred White Leghorn cockerel for saie cheap. Webster 4. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS Or TITL2S. Frank J. Norton, r. 8. 17th. Bee Bldg. "here a Reason." "I minim. a your t.tie troubiea ' Both phone. Midland Guar. A Trust Co., 1714 Far. H. H. Neai. pr ; J. Campbell, sec. D. 2K. Ptr Jeseen. Jr . Co. Taj. Doug. 22W. M. T. Brennan. abstract of titl. Brandela. Abstracts, M. Theater. T. Brennan. C4 Brandela REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Reed Abstract Co . oldest abstract office in Nebraska. S.H Brandeis Theater. BUILDERS' INFORMATION. Electria. gaa fixture. Omaha Silver Co. Concrete bars for builders. Aipm. ail Far. IdsaJ Cement Stone Co., 17th" and Cuming. L. F. Van Valkenberg. plumbing. W. k7 Carpenter contracting;, repairs. Har. 54L S. E. Waters, cement onu 151 N. 2vth St, Platte Gravel A Washed sand Co.. 442 Bee Omaha Sign Hang. Co.. D. StisS. 114 S. Uth Fucha. Sun A Blind, painting, decorating M. Peterson, gen ai eon, 4K Oliio. W .I!. Am sr. Spiv C..' roorg, paint. 11U Nleh. WASTED TO BCT. LIST vour c tf prirterly for sal wltk V-el. 4 Karbtuih Bldg. CITT PROPERTT FOR ALB PEVIS PARK. I rooms modem, hot water beat, large comer lot. 111)). Glover Realty Syndicate. Douglas 2M2. FIVE-ROOM hous and lot. SnxlJB; pnc. i i-M iti a au, souta oi tfauom juia Burnt REAL FSTATE citt PRorrnTT row i.b (Continued ) t: was in if r-.r 'i' -'i a r . . t - X A REAL "eception vall rr1'1'". ltr'ra; room. den. kitchen, five bed room and batn, lane cloeeia olf f each bed ro.-ni. Ur pantry wtfi i loe-d c.un. l-mei ' haentrent w.t i , rnwn, limilrv con! rlns and firnace room. o.ite;i.ta r Lot .?.Uo. fruit and -hale tr-a cement walk, all irnu ,l the hotiee. raved str-et. a:i T-r!a: ?"! f-alf r arnam car i.e rloee -i 14iv.wr.el) H i.i. and parochial a.t'.oo, also rh.irc'-e of dc.E4.-j:i',r.s. R-a.on for e, ;r,e. too l.rae Mouse 'or present ow ner. For an ' IBinllat - ;- IT.iv'O ..'0. Will nio. good tertr.H. GALLAGHER 490 Prandies BI1. Cathedral Homes 7- r., nerlr nsw, square, up-to-date, south front, paving paid. 2 blocks to 40th arid Cuming. $3.7 0 .-r. and. bal!. oak finish, full 2 storiea, ciatprn, barn-garage, 1 block to car, 14.600. 8- r. square, south front, 60x130. new pavinc. b?st new borncg, one-half block to car, $6,5vO. tasy paymenu on this. O'Keefe Ral Estate Co., 1011 Omaha Nat l. Doug. or.-2132. Evenings Harney 5134. Gilt Edge Investment GET WI3E Invent your money where yon can realize 10 net. A modern, fire proof hotel buildin;, five blocks from postofflce, renting on a yearly leaa; $4,200 per year. Price, $33,000. For further information see J. N. Snitzer, 422-423 Paxton Block. SPECIAL PRICES on Benson and Walnut Hill property during September. Ton can get la on tome extra bar gains If you les me now. B. F. KISTLER, Tel. Office. Benson 313-J. Res., L77-J. Of He, Tuttle's Furn. Store. Benson. Desirable Homes Will Sacrifice Only S4.7M), COO will handle It; 4'.f4 Lafa yette Ave., I rooma strictly modern in cluding billiard room with table complete; splendid repa-r; deep south front lot pav ing paid, eiegant abade; one of the most homelike avenues in Cmana; ad home ownera in the biock. I will show you or can apply to owner on premises. A bar sa.n. f5.'Q. rooms modem, at 4U-S I' Seward Su. good repair desirable location; paving paid: full m foot south front lot; shade; cathedral d. strut, a desirable ;home. at right price: owner leaving city; M)l sen; imerai terms. 1 win snow you or apply to owner on premises. Dougiaa I4i; even.ngs ami Sundays, Harney 21118. GEORG-3 MARSHALL. 212 Board of Trad B.iin DUNDEE BUNGALOW New a. room strictly modem house) In Dundee. Just completed, hardwood finish first floor, full size basement, first class furnace and plumbing, beautifully decor ated, full lot: iawn sodaed, in short, a complete up-to-date borne, one and ore half blocks from the car. The price has been reduced from U.y u 32..", snd will he further reduced for immediate sale. This propertv will be closed out at once, and lt will be worth your while to see it If you ar looking for a snap. About tsas) cash required. You eannot overlook uu opportunity. ERNEST SWEET. 123 City Xat 1 Bang Bldg. Loug!aa 147t CLOSE IN VACANT GROUND 44 feet frontage. 2Bth Avenue and Har ney, for '. This 1 undoubtedly the beet location for flat build n. and th prtoe is away below tn market vain of surrounding property. flu a will be snapped up Immediately. ERNEST SWEET. 1234 City Nat 1 Bang Bldg Doug'aa 1471 ISew 8-Room, $3,850 Terms 2441-:442 Plnknay SL. and brand new, with every eonven.enc. oaa finished. Better lnvesLigata: this is excellent va.ue. BARNES A WILSON. 4J Be. D. JM1. INVESTMENT OPPORTT'NTTT 13 ROOMS ALL M'iDERN. t.iTJ. W have a t wo-apanment house, con taining 13 rooms. 2 bath rooms. 7 bed rooms, with parlor, d.ning room and kitchen In each apartment, with new plumbing and good heating plane This property is too large tor present owner and lt is a splendid proposition for sorn en who will buy it and dlrld It into four three-room apartment. Owing to th arrangement of the house, thie work can be dune at a very small expense and when completed Uie ayartmer.ts wil rent for Cs a n. The buyer can live In one apartment, rent the rest and make good Investment out of roar home. Th building is well built and in gnod oondition, only 13 minutes ride ta th center of th city, one block from th Dodg street car iln and in good resi dence M trwt. THE Nl'MPER I !19 NORTH UTH STREET. It Is Just north of Ohio on the Florencs boulevard. A good or 7-room moaern house will be taken In exchange at the riwht price. Thl proposition is certainly worth tooMirg at. NORRId A MARTIN. 403 Be Bidg. Doug. iiTS. A-42T9 ACREAbB FOR SALE. AN r and 2-r. house, reata chp; 7 bltx s to ear KAAL EaTATE TITLE-TRUST CO.. sJl a. 16th St. 30 ACRE14. Center St.. Omaha, suitable for garden or poultry farm; n,a.l im provenjent. 15 ai res part y cleared and part in eu,t.vation. runiung water, high, si.ntly location for uburban home; L&) per acre. Aiva Smith, Council ii.uffa. la. ASK alout a snappy bargain in Greg- cntMce iof C E. COMBS, KS to ill Brandeis Theater B.dg. Douglas SHI, a Til Pbon TAKE me out to the ball gairi. It A. Shepfard. 404 Poppieton Ave., will come to The Be uffloe wit (in trtree daa we will rive bim a ticket to in ba.1 gail.e at Rourke park. IOWA and NEBRASKA farm. Graham k Paters, fc-'7 oinaa Nai 1 Lauk Liug. SEAL "STATE citt rnarritTT run iCni.nned 1 m -jerf. -w.. . J I jj " k i HOME & NELSON Omaha, Neb. FIVE ROOM modem cottage with full cellar ,!m! attic, l aved street, very desir able lot. on terma Ilk rent. Batight, mth and I 'oo- las at , State Llug. A Loan A.-sociat.on. F ft IN't "M E OR INVESTMENT. I olf r the best close tn proposition on t -e market, two cottages. Just s ut.- and across the street from All Sainta" church. Phone Douglas 8?7. F''R rase of Platx beer tel. Dmig 1WI. REAL ESTATE FARM A RA.tlH LAND FOR SALE. A la baa a. IS TO rS AN ACRE land I offer will double in value naxt three years; rents better than 10 per cenu E. E. Secor, Seimo. Ala. California. California frtit farms. Agenta wanted in every town to aell our contracts, big commissions, ev to sell; wnte at once for full information. Mc Keevcr A Tucker. 210 S. 14th Su. Omaha. Canada. AN ELEMENT OF CHANCE SfR. ROUND EVERY BUSINESS VE.N. TL'RE. The minimum of chance, combined w'th th largest profit offeied upon th smallest outlay of money, constitute th best Investment. W have iu FORT FRASER (The Hub of H. C. on the G T. P.) A new tuwnait with a brighter future than had any other town that aver cam Into existence In Canada. Inside Lota $100 Corner Lots $150 Terms easy enough for anybody. The railroad tan t there yet. and won't b for more than a year, so tner I a chanc fur you to get in right and make quick, eaay money. We are prepared ta suumit tact and figur that are con vincing. Call or write th earlier tn better. SALESMEN WANTED We ar trongiy advertising thla town lot op port unity, but bav not ail th men I SPECIALTY salesmen we need to make ; th sale No real estat experience nec. j essary. W want you. and our pmpoal. I Hon will make you big money aa big a you want to make IU CALL AT O.N CHI, i 111 9. lth Be (Street entrance S. E. !cor. Doom). FORT FRASER TOWN. SITB COMPANY. RJ Estate TlU Trust Co.. fiscal agents, Omaha. Neb. Office open aiso eaturday evenings. NEW COUNTRY OPENING. The Grand Trunk Pad fie railroad I now closing its gap across the famous F"razer vaney In CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA (he chulrest region of th richest province tn Canada. Har la your chanr to buy fertile land at open trig price in the great Fort Genrge coun try. For further Information caul, writ or wire. B. ME TEL. DISTRICT SALES AGENT. id Paxton Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 2L37. Ind. A-4327. Colrad. Bargain FVult land. 1K3 Brands! Bldg. FRUIT land bargaina. lntermrrunti Land Co., 1122 Farnam. 'Phon D. 4U2. Homestead elinqulah. Cheap. ) K bach. riortda. TEN ACRES bast county Florid, pecati and truck land; muat sell at once: L0 takes eiJity; will taka good note tor haX Box 24. Blockton. la. Farm and fruit land. 801 City Nat l Bk. low, THE easiest way t And a buyer tor yeur farm la to insert a small want a2 In the Dea Moines Capital. Largest cir cuiation in the atate of Iowa, u.c daily. The Carnal is read by and believed in by the standpattrrs of Iowa, who simply re fuse to permit any other paper In their home. Rate. 1 cant a word a day; 11.4 per line per month; count six ordinary words to tne line. Address Dea Maine Capital, Dea Motne, Aa. 13-ACRE Improved farm, with orchard. I nines N. E. Council Bluffs tn per aer. If miihiil 54 acres, well improved. (LA per acre. Day A Has Co.. ol Agent. Co. Bluffs. Hlssfnia K OOOD FARMER WANTED I to help form a coiony and open up a new I u.a.r ii. r iiiiiiBBs ii all ia imaa irt I northwestern Minnesota. Steam plow proposition, where they never hava had ja drouth or crap failure tn f.fteen year. , Low trice and easy terma. We run I daily excursions from Su Paul. Investi gate nuw wiiiie the farmers ar thresn li iK and see tut yourself what this land wi.l produce. Ra.lroad far refund! if nut represented. New railroad under construct.wa tnruugh distrwu Land wul douui in prtoe in eiguusea mwaui. Write for particulars. TOMPW1N LAND COMPANY, 17s K. Hd St., St. Paul, Minn. Soma good buatiina farmera to represent us la his iocailty. Hfkraska. WA NTTD FM Nebraska ranches anil farms for Iowa customers. AUeaboux A Co, Council Bluffs. la. HOMESTEAD 329 acre for 1171 cash or payments. bd en'rv cancelled, rich farm land, not aand. Worth t"-iJu. About 10 miles ouu J A. Tracy. K .mball. Neb. GOOD Nebraska land, 210 up. J. JJ. Saee-t. 12 Neville. IMPROVED Nebraska farms, tt an acr up. Writ or ca.l tor our list. Woodward. 714 Omana Nau Bank Bldg. 1ACRE farm near Benson for cheap. Owner ha incuraoi sickness qu.r room su. Brown blocs. sale. . La. Last n Neb. land. 7i. 4 arande: Bidg. rth Caswlla. FARM or profit tn eastern North Car-). Una. in Nauon s Garden Spou Leads otner ea for vtgetab.ea, fruita, stajile farming, small capital. Hum, seeser and Investor writ Carolina, ..ii. . i---veiormrnt CO., a.t So. Vv ilui.Dgton, N. C faid.