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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1911)
WANT ADS ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) BUSINESS PERSONALS tContlnued.) HELP WANTED FEMALE 1 Want als recr-lre! at any time- but to Insure proper rlnsslflratlon must re presented before 12 o'clock m. for Ihe evening edition and before 7:Hi for morning anl Sunday edition. Want rls received after such hour will har their first Insertion under the heading. "Too Late to Classify." cash ratks urn want ads. REGl'LAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1 M cent per word and 1 rent per word for each subsequent in sertion. Each Insertion made on odd dayg 1H rents per word. $1.50 per line per month. Rates apply to either The Pally or Sundiiy Kee. Always count six words to line. Want ads for The Bee may be left at any of the following drug stores one Is your "corner drueeist" they are all branch offices for The Bee and your a-1 will be Inserted Just promptly and on the same rates as at the main office in The Bee building, Pevfnterntli and I'ninnm streets: Alhach,. W. C 40th and Farnajn. Baum Drug Co. 2--.S1 N. lth St Beranek. S. A.. M S. lth Ft. Fen..on Pharmacy. Benson. Neb. rterois Park Iharmcy, Z?A and l uralM. PlaVie-Bradlsh. !W Sherman Ave. Cllftnn Hill Pharmacy, 1213 Military Ava. Csughlln C. H 4725 Leavenworth. Crlspey Pharmacy, 241 ti and Lake. Connev PhnrmiiH'. 2:23 P. 16th St. C'erma'k. Emll, 1:01-6 H. 13th St. Ehler Co.. 2S"2 Leavenworth. Foster ft Arnold!. 21 S N 2Mh St. Freytag. J. J.. 1M4 N- 24th St. FreK?er Drug Co, lmj N. lMh Ft. Florence Drug Company. Florence. NJO. Green's Pharmacy. Park Ave. and Pa e'flc Oreenotigh ft Co , 10th and Hlcko ry. Goldman Pharmacy. 24th and Leaven- W.?nnansnn Drug Co . 24th and Ppauldlns. lr.hrson Pharmacy, 2020 Farnam Har.srom Park Pharmacy. 1501 8. 23tn Hlnterlong Drug Co.. 81at Ave. and Far- ""hoI'. John, ?4 P. lfith Pt. Huff. A. L.. 2W4 Leavenworth. Kin H. S.. !4th and Fsrnnm. Kn.intsa Place Pharmacy, wm N. Mth. T.athrop Pharmacv. 24'h and Hamilton. Mares. Fred L.. 2019 ' rntral BM. Monmouth Pharmacy. 33d and Ames Ave. Patrick Drug Co. W N. Mth W Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and I Ames Ave Schaefer'e Cut Price Store, lth and Walnut H1U Pharmacy. 40th and Cum '"walton Pharmacy. 20th and Grace. DEATHS AND FINEHAL NOTICES. 8TRINGFELLOW James W. a-d vesrs; survived by his wire and one daughter. Blanche, and cne nv Walter. Funeral Thursday morning at 10 o clock from Gentleman's chapel. Interment or- st Lawn cemetery. LODGE NOTICES. Attention, F. O. E. All Eagles are requested to attend fune ral of brother J. VV. Strlngfellow st Gen tleman's undertaking parlors, 1614 Cm--ago St.. Thursday morning,- 10 o clock. Complete Eagle ritual T Worthy president CHARLES. 8. HUNTINGTON. Worthy secretary. MAHKUGB LICENSE!!. Marriage licenses wers granted to the following couples: . Nam and residence. Age. Charles J. Zlegler, Omaha 20 Rolla R. Rumohr. Omaha 19 Joseph 6merkal. Omaha 21 Nellie Chapek. South Omaha 18 Thomas M. Chrlstensen, Portland, Ore. 24 Carrie Tubatka, Omaha 19 Henry J. Price, Omaha ?j Georgia Kayse. Omaha Albert E. Martin, Omaha Renetta Guse. Omaha - Thomas Lynch. Omaha 27 Mary F. McCreary, Omaha a Franclssek Koglouskl, South Omaha... 32 Maria Setllk, South Omaha 23 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Chester Bele. 2718 Douglas, boy; A. Blodrowski. 2712 South Twenty-fifth, boy; Homer Cheataln, 3010 Charles, girl; W. R. Coonley. 1144 South Thirty-second, boy; Jamea Moore. lOtttVt Grace, boy; Clyde MeKaln. boy; Clrino Ordo. 1208 South Sixth, girl; Francisco Roberts, 1109 South Thirteenth, boy; William OShaugh nessy. 2564 Harney, boy; Ernest Shaffer, 624 South Sixteenth i Henry Van Dest, boy. Deaths Otto Lanshman, 27 years. Iowa City la.; Albert D. Cornean, Infaint, 4715 North Forty-second; Mrs. Bridget Brltt. 7ti years, 2639 California; Mrs. Mary L. Koob. Anita, la.; Baby Lortet., infant. 1213 South Second; James W. String fellow, 63 years, 1734 South Tenth. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, embalmer. lt14 Chicago St. D. 165V, B-loi9. MONEY I TO LOAN LOW rate, in sums to suit. 310 Bes Bid. l- V nn a nono- Ouil FOR etise of Blati beer. Tel. Doug. 10(U, 25 discount on framing. New lot of r(V boms and den ducoratiuns at re duced prices. Omaiia Art & Frams Co., 707 H. 16th. MOVING picture machines; supplies. Nebraska Film Co., 1318 Farnam. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING, gas fixtures, brabs beda, stove trimmings and tableware replated as new. OMAHA PLATING CO., Established l&ui. Doug. HA 12-10 Harney. Wedding announcements. Douglas Ptg. M. F. Morrill, china painter, S33 Brand dels Theater Bldg. Douglas County Fair Premium lists and entry blanks can be had by telephoning to office of secretary Hainey hU. They will be mailed to all Inquirers, or call at Henderson's, the flor ist, lal Farnam bU tsir opens bept. 28. Kntriea must be made not later than tbs 87th. G. W. iiERVEV. Secretary. Izard & Nelson, horseshoers. mt Dav't Maggard Van & Storage. Pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods. D. 14uS. B STAMMERERS Institute, Ramge Bldg. Omaha Furniture Repair Worka. D. 2481. Linotype composition for trade. D. lo. U sa Bolei), latlles' taalor. 902 Boston Stors FROST manufactures and repairs ve hicles. 1406-1412 Leavenworth. Twanty per cent lees than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L Sis., South Omaha. 1.000 LETTERHEADS (good bond paper), l.OOO billheads, l.OuO busmen cards, 1 W per l.OuO, estimate and samples furnished other prlnttns. Tlzard Printing Co , Otn. Com. Col. Bid., 19th ar.d Farcaiu. lied fitna. BOILER, sheet Iron and tank work. Omaha Structural Steel Works. RfnK"F. COSTELLOS Omaha Cut Plug. 315 N. Mth St. Mrs. Chambers, china ptg., 815 City Nat l. Bellcow, ladles' tailor, 2S6 Far-m, H. 2047. Upholstering, piano, furn. rep. 2804 Far. fiPFFTiT mntnrAvrl mnA hlpviM tne. Senger service, collectors for publishing houses. Co-Operstlve Messenger Sri-vice, 183 Farnam. lnd. A-4U2. Iloug. 4'.i7. Missouri Filter Mfg. Co.. 113 S. 14. D. 4714. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 641. ELASTIC stockings. suoDorters and hamlHges; stork slwav new. because we sell so many. Trusses fitted. fcverything Suwnnt"l. W. i. Cleveland Drug Co.. the largest surgical suppiv house. 1410-U Harnev St AMERICAN Self.R, novating Co.. H 3712 NAT L Metsl Polish PIMrlb. Co. Silver ware, mirrors, cut glass. AS Brandels Tr. PEST bracer for men. Gray's Nerve food Pills, $1 per tiox. prepaid. Sherman i Mcionneu urug to., umsna, jseb. PEE Pelohlavek, new Jewelry. 2U2 N Pt. SEE Wolfe's jewelry first. City Nat. Bk OMAHA Ice Cream Cons Co. D, 6S02. TOCLL always be happy If your wed ding ring comes from H-odaard's 114 K. lbth tsu At tne sign or the crown. IIEAFEY & IIILVFEY Undertakers, have moved to their new building. 2611 Famam Pt. 'Phone Harney K6, Independent A-32H6. C. A. Lewis. Orpheum buffet. 150 Har'y. Sea Wolfe's jewelry first. City Nat'l Bk. GO OUT to Hourke park and root for Omaha. If Frank Haines. 4S15 Pine St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the ball game at Rourke park. ALBERT CAHN . FHIRT8 TO MEASURE. 1322 FAR. PT. B. H. Cole Sign Co. D. 2768. 1318 Farnam. Edison 'phone rec. Shults Bros., 1408 Far. GET your diamonds at Brodegaard's. Caeadv Co., 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. BUYANDSEUrfTr. uV': a dcs. Painting, paperhangtng. Bristol. B. 1306. PAPERHANGERS use Pnowflake paste. Omaha Paste Co., 718 8. 13th. Both phones. Neb. Peed Co., 1206 Jones. Both "phones. AUTOMOBILES H0NKIHS, HONK smash wheel HERE'S THK BEST PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMM0N D, ISth and Harney Sts. ONE new Lexington touring car, in cluding mohair tup and prestollte, tl.&O; cost il,8f0. One new Currier car, 4-pas-senger, Including top, i&76; cost ll.-.iO. One new International delivery wagon, rW. One new Torpedo Ford, fully equip ped, thM. Larson's Garage, Fremont. Neb. PfpiffprAu,. carriage painting. Re j. ciiicilrlni i,eavenworth St. BARGAINS IN SECOND HXND AUTOMOBILES. Waverly t Veils '. 660 Pope Toledo ib0 Stoddard Dayton 760 Stoddard Dayton l,2ij Stoddard Dayton 1.260 Stoddard Dayton 900 Stoddard Dayton 800 Locomobile 2.200 Stoddard limAusine 2.2u0 J. J. DERIGHT & CO., 1S12 Farnam St. Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Co. AUTOMOBILE delivery wagon for S175. 1914 Dodge. TIRES OMAHA RUBBER COM PANY. Everything in rubber. FuR SALE My Great Western 2-cyUn-der touring car, in first-clasa running or der; the price Is right. V. C. Robinson, Franklin. Neb. AUTO Tire Repairing Co., 1S22 Famam. You need no guarantee when we do tbs work; beat workmen; lowest price. FflUKrWln HitAmAMU v.n,1, man who does all work personally at reason able rates; can take a little mors work. Edwards. 2616 No. lth St. Telephone Webster 1102. "Let's fix It" WOOD'8 electric auto. Victoria style, In fine running order. If you axe a bar gain seeker and want an auto, call soon. 316 S. 3ttn St. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business, call on GANGSTEAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 8367. 8500 EQUITY In confectionery and cigar store; would consider city property or re linquishment on Nebraska homestead "A." Omaha Bee, Co. Bluffs, la. IN ORDER to hold an option I have secured on a email factory, I want a bright, capable young man to invest $2,000 to $5,000 with me and take gales management. Fac tory at present In operation, but lack of management and poor sales manship by party who now owns Is making a failure of same. Man ex perienced In Implements or hard ware preferred. Address Y 174, Bee. COLE & CO.. FOR ROOMING HOUSES Clothing and furn. store for sale, 2523 Q St., bo. Omaha, or Helphand, 314 N. 16th. WANTED A young man who has 11,000 to tUovO to invest In a good paying business and can devote his time to same on a good salary as assistant in office. E VH. Bee. COLE & CO., FOR ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE-44.0uO stock of general mer chandise; atock alona or stock and fix tures; liberal discount: must vacate build ing by January 1. Address all lotters to Y, 170. cars Omaha Bee. ROOMING HOUSES ROOMING Ws have the mo6t select list In city; let us prove It; we will help you buy; ws have them most any price you want to pay; buy this week and bs ready fur the cat nival. CuLli & CO.. ROOM 446 BEE BLDG., Tel. Douglas 3-11. 8100 7 COUPON GOLD BONDS. Principal and interest iuuihim k $2,700,000 trust company; Interest payable jimjy ajiu juiy i American exchange National bank, New York; descriptive upon request. ARTHUR E, Si ILL WELL, Singer Bldg., New York. 14TH ST. BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE CO., Hardware, Urocers, Ho tel, Pool Rooms, barber Shop, Saloons, etc., tor sale. Some good bargain in real estate. Ill South 14th St.. second floor, rooms 1 and 2. Ed Hothery, Pres. WANTED Manager for small printing ofiice. must have fjoo. 310 Bee Bldg. FOR SALE Bowling alley, I alleys; cigar stand and shine parlor; rent 6 per month In town of 30,000; ons other alley In town. GALLAGHER NELSON, Doug. 33&2. 490 Brandels Bldg. COLE & CO.. FOR ROOMING HOUSES STATIONERY and confectionery stors, soda fountain in connection. Address P. O. Box 62), Lander, Wyo. MOVING picture theater and alrdoma for sale; in southwestern Neb. town of 3.000; only show in the town and doing fine business. Always get 10 cents admission and for vaudeville 10 and 10 cents. Best Investment for the smount of money In the state; best of reasons for selling. Price for both. 84.0110. Come and investigate and If you have the money you will buy. Ad dress Y 168, cars Be. fOR SALE Small grocery store and notions; good location: must leave town. K 22. Bee. COLE & CO.. FOR ROOMING HOUSES EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien Is because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. Adolph tors, an Chicago St., will come to Th B-e office within three days w will give her sn ordfr for a 60-cent box of O linen's candy free. A F1VK-CHAIR barber shop for sale; Koo.l locution and good business. Edgar Beiioit, U Eabl Main St., Lead. S. D. Dealers in farm lands find if pays to advertise in The Bee Omaha Bee Publishing Company, City. Gentlemen: Our daily ad which you started for us on August fir6t has brought us so many re plies up to date that ve are pleased vrith the results, and we are hereby giving you a renewal of the ad until further notice. Yours trulr, SHOPEN & COMPANY. Results arc what you pay for results arc what you get BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) COLE & CO., FOR ROOMING HOUSES FOR BALE. Established Real Estate Business. Well equipped with all office fixtures and ' good list of bargains of farms, ranches and city property. At a bargain. F 324. Bea. STEADY position, salary and commis sion, for man with references and mod erats capital. 2024 Farnam St. Rooming Hoases. BEtAUTIFTTLLT furnished 8-room house apartment; splendid location; walking dis tance. Phons Red 8024. FOR SALE rooms; centrally located. S 235, Bee. ROOMING HOUSE FOR SALE. Very central; steam heat; hot and cold water. Price, 127& If sold at once. Am sick; must sell. Address, C 302, Bee. BUSINESS PERSONALS Amusements. Grand Theatsr.4 chges. wkly. 807 N. Mth. PARK THEATER. 61 N. lBth, now open; another beautiful picture house for Omaha; all seats Be. matinees and even ings; same management as Camerophone theater, 14th and Douglas. -piece orchestra, at Rome summer garden Architects. H. A. RAAPKB, 1223 City National Bk. C. J. Bowell. architect 871 Brandels Bldg. Artesian Wells. L. E. NEB BR.O A LL, 1011-12 City Nat'l. E. ROWE, WELL BORING. Benson 246. Attorneys. G W. Shields, attorney. 327 B. of Trade. LISTON L. HALL, LAWYER. 428 Bee. Bag; Manufacturers. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha, Neb. Bsggsgt and Taxlcabs. THE ONLT WAY. Barrage checked to destination. Taxi- cabs and touring cars. Tel. Doug. 295. Bicycles and Motorcycles. nrlUl PTPTPT .TP. m llilh rKI. cago. Indian motorcycles. Writs for cata logue. FOR SALE Yale motorcycle, equipped with PrestoUte. Phone Harney 1438. Building; and Loan Associations. NEBRASKA Savings & Loan Assocla Hon has never raid less than 6 per cent dividends. Investments from $1 to 16.000 received, igud arnarn ai., umana. Bakeries. TIP-TOP brsad the best. Web. 1085. Box and Package Manufacturers. Wooden Box dV Package Co., 1514 N. 16th. Carpenters and Contractors. W. P. DeverelU contractor, Ramge Bid. Caterers. E. S. Fead. wedding cakes. 1519 Leav'h. Chiropodist. Prof. J. Lund, chiropodist. 418 Karbach. ilcrXJ14Ti,TT Chiropodist, manicuring, MUiNrLCiAJ. na,ir dressing, hair goods. City Nat'l Bank. Douglas xus, ina. a sua. Clears aad Tobacco. T- .... TJLm Pa 111K rWltivlaa. T. TYllda. high-grade Havan. Te-Be-Ce cigar, 6c. Clothing;. novce wall mrm trust VAU. tl fMtr Week on suit. Rldg'ley Clothing. H pries cloth, sale. Helphand. 814 N. 16th. Clothing Manufacturers. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Smith Co. Coal Dealers. Powers-Heafey Coal Co., Tel. D. 8S9. Butter Feed Coal Co. 2863 Far. H. 846. COAL At cut prices. All KINDS. Ws save you 60c to 81.60 per ton. "The Horns of Quality Coal." Rosenblatt's Cut Price Coal Co., 1228 Nicholas HL Both Phones. Updike "quality yd.," 46 &. Dodgs. H. 787. NEW coal yard, 24th and Grand Ave. George E. Cobb Coal Co. W. 681. Collection Agencies. RUSSELL ADJUSTMENT CO., 121-2J First National Bank. TeL D. 3ML DEADBEATS are my victims. Ths Coady Mer. Agency. 1614. City Nat'l Bk. Doug. 7b& Contractors and Carpenters. Stevenson, carpenter, cont. Both phones. Creameries aad applies. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVIDCOLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Douglas Co. Milk Producers Asso. D-8414. Dentists. Bailey, the dentist. 70S City Natl. D. 2364. Tart's dental rooms. 1M7 Doug. D. 2184. MACH as MACH. 8d fl. Paxton. D. 1088. DR. FICKES. 724-4 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. DR H. A. F08TER. 16th and Douglas. DR. DAILEY, 608 Brandels Bldg. D. 2786. Dr. Geaatner, over Merchant's Dg. store DR. ELSTER. 408 City Nat'l Bk Bldg. Dre. Klausner Klausner. 406 Karbach. J. G. Whlnnery. dentist. 407 Paxtou Blk. Dancing- Academies. Morsnd's 15 A Harney. Dancing lessons Monday and Friday. 8 p. m. Both phonca SIMPSON'S. 80th and Harney Web. t4L MISS E8THER ROSSITER 8 School of Dancing will open at Metropolitan club, 2301 Harney St.. Tuesday. October 10, at 8 p. m. Assemblies every Friday even ing. Phone D. to7 or D. 417. Chambers reopens Sept 2S- Doug. 187L BUSINESS PERSONALS Dancing Academies Continued. Mackis's Dancing Academy. U16 Harnev. Daily classes Mon.. Thurs., Sat. evenings. Detectives. Omaha secret service detective agency, inc. bonded. 428-9 Psxton Blk. D. 1319. A-1319 CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbach Blk. JAS. ALLAN, Neville Blk. Tel. Tyler 1136 Zack Ellis, 806 Neville Blk. Tyler 1134. Dressmaking. Mrs. Wright, gowns; 4th floor Hayden's. Neplnsky, gowns; 608 Paxton Blk. D 5973. Dressmaking, plain sewing. S09 S. 21st St. Lulu Pcott, 2T)27 Franklin. W 3683, B 333L Wolff, ladles' tailoring. 620-22 Bee Bldg. Mattlson, modiste. D 4003. 2U0 8. 10th. MISS GUSSIE PETERSON, alteration of ladles' suits. 215 Old Boston Store Bid. MRS. WALKER, dressmaking. H. 6233. Terry's Dressmaking College. 20th& Far. Druggists. REX drug store. 16th and California. C. George, wholesale, retail. 1204 Farnam Everything Electrical. Central Electric Co., fixtures. D 2358. SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS, dynamos, igniting dynamos, motors, re pairs. Le Bron, 313 S. 12th St. Doug. 3175. Johnston Electrlo Co., 411 S. 10th. D 4 POTH. motor repairing. Douglas 6837. Harthun Electrical Co. D 5293. 815 S. 14th. Florists. A. Donahue, 1607 Farnam. D 1001, A 100L JENSEN, florist 4612 Leavenworth. HESS eV SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. U HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. D 1233. Stewart's, florists & Seedsmen, 119 N. 16. CHAS. EDERER, florist. 30th and Bristol. W 1796. CHINESE lilies. Start at once. The Nebraska Seed Co. 1613 Howard St. D-1261. Furnaces and Stove Repairs. IS YOURFURNACE Steam or Hot Water Heater ready? Tele phone us for free inspection. New fur naces, heaters and thermostats. Douglas 900. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORK9. A 821. 1206-1208 Douglas St W. 8. Heaton, Amer. furnaces. H. 3565, Flonr Made In Omaha. UPDIKE'S Pride of Omaha Flour. FLOUR, 81.10 sack. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. Feed Mills and Stores. Feed, all kinds. Glencoe Mills, 232 Izard. Furs. WESTERN FUR CO., repairs, re models. 1324 Farnam. Furniture Dealers. S. LEVINE for bargains. 210 N. 16th. Grocers, AHAMO Coffee, 1-lb tins, 30c. Ask grocer. Chapman's Meat Market, 2408 Cuming. Hat Faetorlea. FALL hats now ready. High grade, $2. Omaha Hat Factory, 114-11 n. 13th. Hospitals. SWEDISH Mission; both phones; 3704 N. 24 WISE MEMORIAL, 24th and Harney. BET HANT Hospital Dr. Nystrom. Phone Harness, Saddlery, Leather Goods. Wichert. harness, leather goods. 620 S. 13. FAMOUS Collins saddles. Alfred Cornlsli & Co., 1210 Farnam. Write for catalogue. KINNEY & SON, rafra. and dealers In harness and saddles. Repairing a spe cialty, handwork. 1020V& N. loth. Inanrance. H. 8. BYRNE, surety bonds, insurance. Tel. D. 1320; lnd. A-1W&. 602 City Nat. Bk. T. J. WILLOWS, fire; Brandels Bldg. John Dais & Son, Insurance. 810 Ramge. INSURE IN THE GLEN FALLS, Rhodes-Montgomery Co. Ins. Ramge Bl. Iron and Wire Fencing. Anchor Fence Co., 207 N. 17th. Tel. Rsd 814. Jewelry, Diamonds and Watohes. GET your bsrgalns at Reynolds' Cut Rate Jewelry Store. 106 8. 16th. OPEN up a charge account with us. A. Mandelberg. Jeweler. 1622 Farnam. Laundries. BARTONS. 1620 Capitol avenue. Presa orlum; suits, 60c; cleaned. $1. FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. H. 5S24. MME. MITCHELL Hand Laundry, 803 N. 20th St Douglas 6820, B-3152. FIRaTT-CLA68 laundry guaranteed; de livered and call on short notice. Har ney 6374. Lightning Rode. Nebraska Lightning Rod Co., 206 N. 17th. Lumber. H. Gross Lumber Ar Wrecking Co. Bar gains In lumber, plumbing, machinery and steam fitting. 21at and Paul. Web. 2SM. Machinery and Supplies. GASOLINE engines, cream separators, power washers. Olds Gas Power CA, 1007 Farnam St. Millinery. PENNELL. Millinery, R. 8. Paxton Blk. KRONERT'S exclusive millinery; full st'k. latest styles, popular prices. 6X 8. 16. Latest fall millinery. Rauber. 1424 a 16th. Monuments aad Mausoleums. J. F. Bloom dt Co., 17th and Cuming Sts. BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued Mirrors aad Mltered Glass. Nelson-Ryder Glass Co., 1608 Cuming. Moving, storage and Cleaning. EXPRESSMEN'S Dellverv Co.-Movlne-: furniture pecking; fireproof storsge. City omce, 218 b. '.7th. Doug. 3?i; lnd. B-134. OMAHA Van & Storage Co., cleans your carpets on your tioors; electric vacuum cleaners. 804 S. ISth; 309 8. 17th. Doug. 4161. Cole Express A. Btorags C, 1616 Cap. Ave. Twin City Express, 1314 Howard. Both Tel. VERNOR Transfer and Storage Co., fireproof storage, houshold goods, pianos snd baggage moved, packed and shipped, warehouse, lfiOS Burt St. Tyler 1118. Office 7th and Leavenworth. D. 21G8. Music, Art and Languages. H. J. Bock, singing, piano. Davtdgs Blk. MARTIN W. BUSH, pianist and organ ist. 12 lialdrige Blk. Harney fcbj. Albert Rothery Studio. 410 Karbach Bldg. LEON WELTMON. teacher of vlolin.ceilo and harmony. Baldrlge Blk. D. a3. Francis Potter, teacher mandolin, guitar and banjo. Baldrlge Blk. Tel. Doug. 30oS. Opticians. GREGG OPTICAL CO.. 1711 Douglas St Tire-Not lenses for weary eyes. B. F. Wurn, eyeglass rep'g. 443 Brsndels. Osteopathy. Alice Johnson, 308-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas, 634-6 Brandels Theater. Oysters. David Cole Oyster Co. Wholesale only. Patents. HIRAM A. PTURGES, patent' lawyer. 'TJ. 8. and foreign patents, trademarks and copyrights; 26 years' experience. 646 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 8469. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Wlllard Eddy. U. 8. Pat. attorney and solicitor. 1530 City Nat bank. Tyler 1630. Paints and Glass. BARKER BR"0S. PAINT CO., 1009H Farnam. lnd. A-321; Douglas 4750. We do Picture Framing and Glasing. SPECIAL DISCOUNT this month on Paint, Glass, Varnishes and Wall Paper. Photographers. Rlnehart photographer. 18th & Farnam. Rembrandt studio, portraits. 20 & Farn. Lumlere studio. 618-20-22 S. lth. D 8004. Sandberg's Studio. 107 S. 16th. Take elev. Phonographs. Edison phon. rec. Shults Bros., 1406 Far. Photographle Supplies. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO.. 1R13-15 Farnam. in their new store; branch store 306 S. loth St Plating. OMAHA SILVER CO.. 814 8. 14th. Plumbers. GOOD PLUMBING CO. D 1918, Red 2177 Plumbing and Heating, lbrosh REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson St D. 1477. Omaha Plumbing Co., 2612 Sherman Ave. Plumbing Cail Wessman. H 8091 A 2027. Beverness & Ohye. Tyler 1377, A 1825. T. F. BALFE, plumbing and heating. 1607 Howard St. Tel. D 743. lnd. A 2741. Pool and Billiards. Metropolitan Pool & Bowling. 1518. Cap. Printing. CARD and index cooking recipes. See them a Corey & McKenzle Printing Co., printers, stationers and office supplies. 1407 Harney. Tel. Douglas 2644. AM. Printing Co., 2304, Cuming. D 5847. Harry Ledyard, printer, 318 S. 19th. Lew W. Raber, Printer, lwa BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. 'Phone lnd. A 2620 for good printing. Lyngstad Printing Co., 16th & Capitol Ave. Rles-Hall Ptg. Co. 109 8. 14th. Ind. A 3524. TIMES Printing Co., 320 S. 19th. D 2166. H. LEDYARD, Printer. 318 S. 19. D. 5919. Restaurants. VINCENT CAFE, under new manage ment; best 25c meal. 320 8. 19th 6t U. 8. Rest. 15e and 20o meals. 1510 Dodge. KUENNE'S bakery lunch room, 600 blk. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKINS, 316 S. 16th, UPSTAIRS. BAUER'S CAFE, best In city. fl6 8. 18th. GET the habit; eat at Uneeda, Cap. Ave. Belmont quality & quantity. 1514 Dodge. DRINKS and fine lunches. 723 8. 9th St. BAXTER'S fine quick lunch. 1615 Farnam. New Eng. bakery, best lunch. 213 N. 16th. MODEL rest., best service. 1609 Howard. laor saving brush; It absorbs the dust . and polishes the floor ss It goes slong. WHITE HOUSE CAFE, first-class, popu- Courtney & Co., 17th and Douglas. lar prices. N. Koch, Prop., 318 8. 16th. " TRY our tonic shampoo. Best in the DOUGLAS Cafe. 104 8. 14. Best 0o meal, world. F. M. Bcaadell. 1622 Douglas St Yokohama rest, best 15o meal. 417 N. 16th. DEFIANCE starch, largest and beat BALTIMORE cafe; everything In aeason; Clerical and Otflec. best service: good cooking. 714 N. 16th. s n"w ' !. i uv-nm,unHiBMvmi t tj (Tn CLERIi (roj4i nmtin 36 HOME cooking restaurant. 108 B. 12th. stenographer. 80. ' Btenogispher ' and ; ; , . , bookkeeper, 865. Stenographer and filing Excelsior bar and cafe, lunches, drinks, clerki Cashier and bookkeeper. 4S all day. H, C. Rami, 121 Farnam St. NO CHARGE UNLESS WE PLACE YOU . , . ,,, ' , ' . - ; W'EST'N REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N, WELLINGTON CAFE, business men's 7M.j.4-5-6 Omsha Nat'l Bank Bldg. lunches. Best in city. 1S17 Fstnam Bt. --- TT PRIVATE LESSONS IN SHORTHAND. senooi supplies. Shortest system; best system. Text book. 25c. Unigrsph Co.. 16WH Famara. STOTT STATIONERY CO . school sup- . plies. 417 N. 24th. Soutrl Omaha. WANTED Transfer girls and cash girls. 16 years or over Apply Superin- OMAHA Stationery Co., 1607 Farnam. tendent, Brandels Stores. Safety Rasors. Automstlo 'phone Bus's, 82; residence. 81. WHEN your safety raxnr blades ars dull remember Kutrlte Co.. 820 Kamge Bldg. Factory aad Trades. Seeds. APPRENTICE girl wanted at Oppen- PLANT Blue Grass now. Ths Ne- helm halrdresalng parlors. 234 City Na- braska Seed Co., 1613 Howard. D. 1261. Uonal bank. Shoemakers and Shining; rarlors. Nebraska Machine Shoe Repairing Co. Good work while you wait. 1S S. lhth Pt. Snortlnsi Cioods. NEW shopworn guns at low prices. Townsend Gun Co.. 1514 Farnam. Stenographers and fesrt Re-porters. Kelley. sten., notary. Brandels Th. D. 56S2. F. J. SUTCLIFFE. M5 Bee Bids Tel. D. 19ii6. Inquests, depositions, conventions. tore aad Office Fixtures. T. H. WEIRICH Fixture Co., high-grade Bill work. Web. 2577. 1309-17 N. 84th St. torm Doors and Windows. Omaha Wn'dow Scrn. Co. K24 N. 14 D. 42 Tailoring. Cleaning rep. misfit suits, 812.50. 2U 8. 14. WE are now located at JnS Paxton block. B. G. Ruffner Tailoring Co. HAVE Tailor Beck make your fall suit. Wm. Thompson KinwH? For fall suits see A. Kodym, 1411 Harney. NEW YORK TAII.OR, clesnlng and re pairing; first-class work. 23t2 Cuming. MALONY. tailor. 320 S. 15th. Sulrs 830 to 850. JOHN A. RTLEN, tailor, makes good clothes. 406 8. 15th. D 6329. Taxidermist. Aulabaugh, 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. 8221. Trunks and Suit Cases. Factory prices. Frellng eV Steinle, 1S03 Far. Turkish Baths. Ladles', gents' Turkish baths. 15 A Doug. I mbrellas. WESTERN Umbrella Co., 1S22 Farnam. Wig Manufacturers. D. S. GIfflth, wig mfr., 12 Fremer blk. SEE Monhelt's wigs, toupees. 413 S. 16. Wines and Liquors. CACKLEY BROS., wines and liquors. SPECIAL offer: "American Gold." de licious old whisky; reg. 81.25 qt, 89c; ex. pd. on qts. Hiller Liquor Co., 1309 Far. PFl PnTTTFRVSchllts Atlas. Full hne of liquors and cigars. Cafe In connection. 111 a 14th St FINE liquors, lunches. 9th and Leav. MAT & CO., family liquors, 1303 Douglas. Bond, drinks, home cooking. 823 8. 13th. Cuslck Bros, liquors, cigars. 80th Ames. C. Engellander, liquors, cigars. 1512 Dodge. C. A. Lewis, Orpheum buffet 1509 Har. T. J. Hart, liquors and cigars. 502 N. 16th. WTLI.OW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 1302 Douglas. Edelwels beer, choirs liquors and cigars. Ind. tel. 8325. 8. G. Munson, 802 N. 14th. G. LARSON'S Place. 212 N. 16th. Automatic 'phone Bus's. 22; residence. 81. NIELSEN'S Bar Cafe. 1417 Dodge. Chas. Loftman, 4-year-old whisky 10c drink South Omaha Directory. O. K. HARDWARE CO., 415 N. 24th St. Parks, wallpaper, paint, window glass. FOR a dainty dessert use DalseU'e Ice cream. If Mrs. Wagner. 4iJ6S Marcy St, will come to The Bee office within three days, we will give her an order for a quart brick or this line toe cream. EDUCATIONAL THE FALL TERM OF Boyles College. IS NOW OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY TIME. Complete courses in Business, Bookkeep ing. Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Ser vice and Salesmanship. The catalogue is ready and free for the asking. Call, write or phene 'or it at once. Address H. B. Boyles, president Boyles College Building, Omaha, Neb. Tutoring, first to eighth grade. H 8644. T. M. C. A- night school now open. ST. BERCHMAN'S Day Academy for young ladles. 27th and st Mary s Ave. Y. W. C. A. Day and evening classes begin Oct Cooking. Plsln sewing. Shirtwaist making. Millinery. Gymnasium. ' Claasea in general education. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. "BEST IN THE WEST." Day and evening sessions all the year. Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Agricultural, Civil Service, Salesmanship. E. A. Zartman, Pres., 19th and Farnam. T...n..T7. . I. ...... 1 1 Dli.M., . . , I r U XV l bAA VUIJCFC, JIUALn, I ' . I tinn. 87 per mo. We guarantee satisfac tion. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN Novelties, pleating, buttons. Doug. blk. WILLOW PLUMES mads from your old or new feathers. 2326 S. 12th. D 6666. PTTRT ATVC" LAUNDERED. 601 8. VUXiiAll0,, Tei. Harney 4544. L. LIEFF, 8139 Famam. Harney 5410. Ladies' tailor. Now ready for fall season. t.j;.,,! white hats cleaned, blocked. ijaCUeS Rsmser. Hatter. 220 S. 14ih. r.ATTNm'HY Expert shirt and waist LlAUlMJIVl ironer. 2206 N. 2blh. W 897J Rubber goods. Bell Drug Co., 1216 Farn. Velvetlna shop now located, 1819 Far. N. FEINGOLD, ladles' tailor, announces his return from the east with complete line of largest and best imported ladles' goods; for a high class suit see me; prices reaa; guar. 802 S. 29th. H. 6264; Ind. A-3966. VISIT THE CLOTHES DOCTOR AT THE WARDROBE. 2016 FARNAM. D 1729. VTT?C1T PT.ARN'ml'y laundry, rea- tunable. Call H 373. Factory and Trades Continued FIFTF.FN girls at once, tn work n bag department Uemls Onisha tag Co., 11th and Jones Sts. WANTED At once, women snd srirl ; steady work and good wages. The Quaker Osts Co , Fort Dodge, la. WANTED Girls tn wrap Wondwsrd a Real Butter Scotch and Woodward's Ture Sugar stlik ranriv. John G. Woodward ft Co.. Council Bluffs. la. WANTED Ulrls who are willing to work. Call Douglas IS? WANTED Good talloress st once; steadv position; good uliuy. tt South 16th St. Housekeepers and Domestics. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Pee will run your Domes tic Help Wsnted sd FREE until you get the desired results Bring your sd to The Bes office or telephone Tyler lt. WANTED A girl for genersl house work: no objection to colored girl. Un 8. 3Sth St. WANTED Girl for genersl houfeworsj mui-t be shle to cook. 2O05 St. Mary's Ave. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien Is because he hss made Omaha, famous with his candy. If Mrs. J. B. Simon, l.vw N. 2th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give hiT an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. GIRL for general housework. Burt. Harney N4. 3620 WANTED Girl for general housework; no laundry. 'Phone Harney 3147. WANTED High school girl to work for room and board; 81 per week. 6o2 N. 21st St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family; good wagas West Farnam district. 'Phone Harney 2733. GIRL for general housework. 1931 Bin ney St. 'Phone Webster 2615. WANTED Competent girl for general housework at 1630 S. 24th St. Inquire at 721 8. 16th. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1516 Georgia Ave ; small family, good wages. WANTED Parlor maid; apply Immedi ately. Brownell Hall. GOOD ladles' clothes ironer; steady work snd good pay. 2907 Leavenworth St WANTED Neat girl to work In very small family; best wages; good home. Phone Harney 6278. GIRL for general housework; small family; good wages. 1326 8. 30th Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework. E10 8. 26th Ave. WANTED-Competeht girl for general housework; no washing- good ray. 3;u DodgeSt. Mrs. Charles Rich. Harney 3248. WANTED-A girl for general house work; must have reference. Call 4208 Dodge; phone Harney 1748. WANTED Maid for general house, work; must be good cook, no washing. Lieut. Kelley, Fort Crook. GIF!L for general housework, small family, washing done; wages 86 per week. 2463 St. Mary's Ave. WANTED A girl for general house work. 610 8. 25th Ave. board. 2223 Dodge St WANTED A good girl for general housework; four rooms; can go home nights. Phone Harney 6242. . GOOD girl to do general housework. Harney 5513. Call 208 S. 26th Ave. WANTED Girl or woman to assist with housework: no wsshlng. 1216 8. 7th St. A. J. Edmondson. Douglas 7425. WANTED A good girl for general housework; must be a good cook, with references; no washing. 2804 Harney Bt Phone Harney 709. COMPETENT cook and housemaid. Mrs. F. P. KIrkendall, 3727 Jackson St Phone Harney 227. WANTED A capable woman for gen ersl housework. Apply 3O06 Mason St. WANTED A good girl for light house work. Small family. Mrs. A. R. Ray mond. 624 .No. 22na. Phone D 4317. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, in family of two; good wages. Harney 4140. WANTED A servant girl, with good reference, for general housework, In fam ily of two old people; good wages; prefer uerman or uonemian: position can be taken at once. 716 r"arn Ave. GIRL for general housework. 1819 Mis souri Ave., South Omaha. WANTED High school or collere girl to work for room and board. $1 00 per week. 6012 North 42d St. Web. RS0. GOOD cook for general housework; good wages. Apply at once. 416 S. 38th St. Harney 265. WANTED A competent girl for gen eral housework. 3630 Hsrney. Call In morning. G. L. Learmer. GIRL for general housework. 2223 Douglas St. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no washing. 119 8. 37th St. Phone Harney 970. Hotels and Restaurants. ONE good chamber girl and one good dining room girl. Hotel Monroe. Grln nell, la. Miscellaneous. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers sre Invited to visit the Toung Women's Christian . sssoclatlon bulldlntr at St. Mary's Ave. snd 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen and Solicitor. BOOK salesman. W. A. Hixenba'igh A Co., 1814 St. Mary's Ave. Tel. D. 2237. AfFN w"y for wages when you iJ-LJi-' can make from 87j to 3100 a week selling the New Era Rope Machine; makes stronger snd better rope out of binding twine at less than 4 the price you can buy it for at the store. Omaha gales and Supply Co.. Sole Agents, lit Brandels Theater Bldg., Omaha. Neb. AGENT8 wanted to sell high-class Sou. Ala lsnd. Com. cont, excl. terr. Good Nebr., Iowa terr. open. Grand Bay Land Co.. 636 Bee Bldg. AN answer to this sd will make you money. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk., Omaha, Neb. Biggest and best 10c meals. 1310 Dodge. YOUNG MEN. STUDY LAW.' Omaha School of Law. Evening ses sions only. Further Information, sddress secretary, 701 Om. Nat. Bank. Tel. Doug las 867. WANTED Agents or firm to represent bottle factory for brewers snd bottlers' trade; only such agents who are thor oughly acquainted with the trade will please apply to the Coshocton Glass Com pany, Coshocton, O. EIGHT well-dressed men for house to house work; salary 81.50 to 82.60 per day snd car fare. Apply after 4 p m. at Hotel Windsor. Ask for Mineral Cluy Co. Manager. STUDY SALESMANSHIP. Class In practical work now being or ganised, directed by F. A S. Price, for morlv lectirer of the Sheldon school. Membership Utnltod. tall or phone for enrollment reservation. 802 City National bans; uougias uui. ... ' . ' , .I. . .. i rrwjjr euers. We have one. The government recom mends Its use. Sample Free. Write Sam uel Elliott. 2318 Coral St.. Philadelphia. Pa. h IF rj ! i 4 ii i