Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1911)
10 thi; r.i:K: omatia. Thursday, September 2, 1911. REAL ESTATE l A UAMH l.tM) t oil (Continue.!.) OKLAHO.MA KAKM LAM'S. l)o )uu nant a good farm In the rlch rt (nM.lni. county In eastern Oklahoma, near .Uuskupee? I'lve railrvad, clone to iiuu. kvIkhiIh; kuimI watt-r, pirnty of i air,. nil. mill winters, deep black noli; these produce fine crop of coin, wheat, cam, nlislia. cotton anil all klnos of trtilt:. thr-o land urc being rapidly bnoitht lie; acres to select fiom; prlffi range from J." to '). per acre. If Interested write for lists, or, bettor, come ht lor ynitiHell. Mcst of terms. .1. . mnvnY, M'twkogee. Okl. M'lXIAL. rJ ACKKS farming land, Craig county, Oklahoma; Improved ; 4 springs; deep soil, lays f ini-; ni'iir market; $T 00 per acre; I, Ht terms. J. V. tio-vdy, Muskogee. Okl. Orrtm, Free Trip fo Oregon We want you to nee thin wunuerful country. The homo of the "OrcKon Ap ple. " Ten acres of good Oregon apple orchard will net more returns yearly than llfO acre of our bent fiirm land. 8ANTIAM ITUfT COLONY, INC., OeorKe Iv k'iKlilmun, en. Hales M(r. Address or call, Hanford Hotel, or phone. KOIl & dainty dessert use PalJtell'g Ice cream. If Mm. W. VV. Oonnell, 2.M7 Chi Chko . St., will come to The Dee office within three days we will Five her an order for a quart brick of this fine ice cream. MIMCELLAKEOl'S HA11GAIN3 In Iowa and Missouri farms. All these are real bargains and cannot be duplicated. 2?0 acres one mile from sraAll town, f5 per acre; $.1,000 cash, balance five years at 5 per cent. SO acres one mile from Blockton, $100 per acre. 80 Bcres two and one-half miles from town, $75 per acre. 120 acre six miles from town, $75 per acre. WILSON LAND CO., Blockton, la. South Dakota. FOTt SAM5 OH RENT. 100 acres. Improved, six miles from Win ner, Tripp county, South Dakota. Ad dress Qeorre Koch, Dexter, la. ROSEBUD LANDS AITTHKNTIC map of that portion open for settlement next month. Maps. 50c each. Lyman McConnell, 620 Paxton Blk., Omaha. HOMESTEAD lands in the famous Rosebud coutry of Houth Dakota. Mel lette and Bennett counties to be opened October 2 to October 21. Dallas Is the terminal registration point and closest point of registration to these lands, f ree booklet and Information by addressing Greater Dallas Committee, Dallas, S. D. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W Ftrrnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lands O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 101S New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Inv. Co. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. CITY and farm. JOHN N. FRENZER. MONEY to loan on business or residence properties, $1,000 to $300,000. W. H THOMAS, 603 First Nat. Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. LOW RATES, BEMI8-CARLBERQ CO 110-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. VERY person knows who D. J rien Is because he has made Omaha ous with his candy. If Mrs B vrek, 1509 S. 27th St, will come to The 'office within three days we will give V an order for a 60-cent box of 4Wrien's candy free. WANTED FARM LOANS, vestment Company, Omaha. Kloke in. 5 & Sioft ft. ZtiVgxz FIRST TRUST CO. farm and city loans. 305 S. 13. LARGE city leans wanted; motteama & bonds bought and sold. e'i'ULL iod GARVIN BROS AJl'vJ500 noo.. ooo. 4 Om. Na. Bd. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE" 1 HANDLE exchanges everywhere For 'results see me. Dean, 617 Bee. Bldg. D. 13SJ. List exchanges with Jones, 411 Brandels. TRADES If you have anything to trade write me. S. E. Walt. 617 Bee Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE Two good farms five miles from Albion, Neb.; well im proved. Will exchange for farm near Omaha. Must be good land, quite well Improved. Address J. J. Carey, Peters burg. Neb. EXCHANGES A. C. Jewell. Trade. D. 1637. Board of WE exchange properties of merit. C. W. Welsh, 812-13 O. N. B. Bldg. Doug. 7865. EXCHANGE for what you want. Shopen ft Co., Exchange Experts. Paxton Blk. HALF section of good farm land, I miles from Kimball, Neb. (county seat). Twenty acres and a town lot in tho onion belt of Texas. Twenty acres and two town lots In the fig and orange (gulf coast) belt of Texas. Two nice quarters of table land near Juleeburg, Cblo. Will consider a bunch of good horses, good cattle or clear, earning town property. Address Box 64. Albion. Neb. TO TRADE A $1,000 equity In a five room house, barn and two lots in Omaha (or automobile. J. A. Chambers, Ander ton, la. HAVE you pigs, cows or chickens, cook stove or alr-Ugnt heater, or anything to exchange for furniture of 6-roora flatt Webster 6ol SHETLAND ponies for sale or exchange for vacant lots. A 319, Bee. FOR BALE OR TRADE $40 aorea 14 miles north of Holdraga and one mile south from Platte river In Phelps county. Neb. Pasture and al falfa land; price $'J0 per acre; there la against the land; has five years to run; win ill sell or trade equity for city y. A. Nelson, UoJ4rege, Neb., Box property, 9U6. WANTED TO BUY CASH paid for books. Crane. $1$ 8. 14th. BEST price paid for Id-hand furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. Ut7t ROOMING HOUSE WANTED. At ouce; must d close la; will pay iuii. Auuren, ju m, xsee. WANTKD TO BUY ROOMING HOUSE. Am from the country and want house fur casn Deiore oei. 1. Aaaresa 1-3U3, Bee. WANTED to buy 4 to 6-room house, give iuii particulars ,wnen writing, Answer at once. F. M5, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG lady, with high school educa, lion, wishes a position. C 221. Bee. MAN wants position as Janitor; good references. Address H-sat. care uee. THE best treat for wife and baby Is a dish of DalxeU s Ice cream. If Mr. J. A. Palmiuist. 61s N. 41et Ave., will come to The 1W office within three days we will Kivo hud an order for a quart brick of litis 11110 Ice cream. WANTED Position In widower's home as housekeeper. In the city. Ind. B-T75L VI KST class practical nurse can be caguKeo. ai once, uougiaa sim. SITUATION wanted, experienced ship ping clauk, Al city references. 'Pboue L. iSW. THOItOUUHLY experienced dreea-tuakae- wants sawlM tkT tlm dajr. 1'housi iiArsauiM r . WANTEDSITUATIONS (Continued..' KOt'GM drv washing at home. 1915 I lark; upstairs. TOl'NO man 22. wants position, dry goods preferred. K 323. Uee. t CLERK, thoroughly experienced In gen eral merchandise, wants a position. Speaks Herman fJood references. Ad dress ltox 144. Madit-on, Neb. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship your stock, to Son t It Omaha; save inllei:o and shrinkage; your coiiNignnicnt receive prompt and careful attention. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS Byers Uros. & Co. Strong and responsible WOOD lJKOS., 234-34) Exchange Blk. Great West. Com. Co., Omaha & Denver. W. It. SMITH & SON Just handle sheep. W. F. DENNY & CO., 233 Exch. Bldg. TAUU UKUH., handle cattle, frogs, sheep. CHITON Com.Co., 2J Exchange Bldg, Donahue ei Handull Co.. 202 Exch. Bldg. Clay, Robinson & Co., 200 Exch.' Bldg. The Standard Com. Co., 113 Kxch. Bldg. W. H. SMITH & SON just handle sheep. Interstate Co. Better results. Ship to us. BURKE-IUCKLY CO.. 201 Exch. Bldg. L. E. ROBERTS & CO., 23 Exch. Bldg. Alien Dudley & Co., 235-37 Exch. Bldg. Cox & Jones Com. Co., a bunch of hustlers. Ralston It Fonda, live stock com. mer. Farmers L. S. Com. Co., 209 Exchange. Deposit proceeds of shipments In Ptock yards Nat l. Bank, only bank at yards. WINN Bros. & Co., Exchange Bldg. LAVERTY BROS.. 138-40 Exch. Bldg. Paxton-Eckman Chem. Co., stock, remedies Martin Bros. & Co.. 20S-7 Exoh. Bldg. Alex Q. Buchanan & Son, 1M-15 Ex. Bldg. OMAHA-THE GRAIN MARKET WEEKS GRAIN CO., grain merchants; consignments solicited. 7W Urandeia. THE Updike Grain Co. Consignments careiuuy nanuieu. Omaha, Keb. MERRIAM COMMISSION CO. "Ask the man who has tried us. Nebraska-Iowa Grain Co. 764 Brandels. CAVERS ELEVATOR CO.. wholesale dealers, grain, buy. chop feed. 731 Bran dels Bldg. When you have anything for sale or exchange advertise It In The Bee Want ij i ..... ,. wiuiuui sum Be v,uicK results. GOVERNMENT NOTICES GOVERNMENT SALE INDIAN LANDS Absolute Title Given The unallotted lands of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Na tions of the Five Civilized Tribes In Okla homa, and not Including the coal and tim ber segregations, will be sold at publio auction to the highest bidder at the fol lowing terms, times and nlaces at not ! than the minimum price stated in the ad vertisement: Grady county, Chickasaw, 5)t tracts, 37,5nu acres, November 2, 3, 4; oieimens county, uuncan, 730 tracts, 69,300 acres, November 6, 7, 8; Jefferson county, Ryan, 702 tracts. 49,400 acres; November 9, 10, 11; Love county. Marietta, km tmet. 75,600 acres, November 13, 14, 15, 16; Carter county, Aiamore, 1.17S tracts, 93,300 acres, November 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23; Murray county. Sulphur, 352 tracU, 26,000 acres, November 24, 25; Garvin county, Pauls Valley. 621 tracts. 3.&U0 ac res. N'nv, rn w r 27, 28, 29: McClaln countv. Port-ell 2xK tracts, 14,600 acres. December 1. 2: Pnntn. toe county, Ada, 699 tracts, 45,300 acres, December 4. 6, 6; Johnson county, Tisho mingo, 564 tracts, 39,200 acres, December 7, 8, 9; Marshall county, Madill, 279 tracts, 18,500 acres, December 11; Bryan county, Durant, 508 tracts, 26,100 acres, December 12, 18; Atoka county. Atoka. 1.309 trat. 124,000 acres, December, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19; Coal county Coalsate. 609 tracta. M aim acres, December 20, 2L 22; Hughes county, Calvin, 437 tracts, 60,700 acres, December 26, 27; Pittsburg county, McAlester, 1,630 tracts, 167,100 acres, December 28, 29, 30. 1811, January 1. $; Haskell county, Stlgler, 418 tracts, 80,300 acres, January S, 4, Lati mer county, Wilburton, 191 tracts, 15.000 acres, January 6; Leflore county, Poteau, $75 tracts, 21,800 acres, January 6; Push mataha county, Antlers, 641 tracts, 62,000 aorea, January 8, $, 10; Choctaw county, Hugo. 661 traota. 37.500 acre.;J hll, 12. 13; McCurtaln county, Idabel, 778 iir. .,wv acre,J Jnu"-y 16. 16. 17. 18, 1911. Not more than 180 acres of agri cultural and 640 eru nt Mh., lo.l. .m "JoW to one person In any one nation. lAtouiuiuiu jwiua are tnose having a .... ui 1, ..ihuuii 01 ta.w or more per F. T;fm "" 45 P"r cnt the time ot sale, 25 per cent In twelve months and W per cent In two years, with t per cent Interest. Payments must be made In the form of draft or certified check, payable to J. G. Wright, commissioner. Upon full payment being made at inv tim aa ywlll Issue, Immediately after approval lor sale certificate of purchase will issue land possession be given, but cutting of v. utiiuua or mining ior minerals thereon will not be permitted until full payment of purchase prloe. Right Is re served to reject any or all bids. For infor mation apply to the Conmliilnna, r h Five Civilised Tribes, Muskogee, Okla- uuuia, or any 01 in uistrlct Agents as to lands within their respective dlstrlots. Lists of these lands have been prepared by counties, showing the terms of 'sale, the description of the various tracts and minimum price. It will be impracticable to furnish each Inquirer all of these lists and It is suggested that persons desiring such Information specify the locality in which they are interested. Blueprints of the various counties, showing the loca tion of the land to be sold will bo fur nished upon application to the under signed upon the payment of $.50 for each county, In the form of draft or postal money order. J. G. WRIGHT. Commis sioner to the Five Civilised Tribes. Mus kogee, Oklahoma, August L 1911. LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS. Sealed proposals for all worka. inoiuHt no- masonry and cement, carpentry, lathing and plastering, painting, varnishing, glas lng, sheet metal and tils roofing, sewers and plumbing, heating and ventilating. oieuino wiring, eiecino iignt fixtures, dec orative glass, decoration, window shades, tables and desks, chairs, for the Car negie Library building, according to the plans and specifications prepared by Pat ton & Miller ot Chicago, architects, will be received by the building committee of the Wayne (Nebraska) Public Library uu or ueiore 1. u hock, noon, on the 16th day of October, 1911. All sealed pro posals shall be deposited In the iron K.. for that purpose in the Cltlsens Na. tional bank, Wayne, Nebraska, In en velopes marked on outside "Proposals for Library Building." Plans and speci fications may be examined at the slots ot J. A. Ahem, Wayne, Nebraska, chair man of the building committee. Bidders must qualify to the satisfaction of the building committee, both as to financial responsibility and capability of efficient execution of the work; must furnish in formation with bid on these and other kubjecta as required by the conditions and Instructions to bidders accompany ing said specifications and in all reapeots comply with the requirements therein contained. Bids to be in form specified with alternate and unit prices as re quired. The bidder to whom the contract Is awarded must furnish a bond for 54 (.fifty par cent of the contract price; all bids must be accompanied by a certified check for two and one-half per centum of the bid, all as provided moru particularly in said conditions. Contract will be made subject to all the provi sions of said conditions. Any other in formation desired will be furnished ty the architect. The building oommiitoe reserve the right to reject any or all bids and to accept such bids as may be deemed advisable. Dated at tayne, Nebraska, Septem ber 13. 1311. The Beard of Library Trustees of (ha Wayna (Nebraska) Public library. U. J. GHKKN, Praudeat. Attest: T. U. lltckert, secretary. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Sharp Rebounds Follow Overselling in the Wheat Trade. REACTION HELPED BY CABLES Corn Market Halites Easily from Temporary Uepllaes Caamed ay Profit Takta of Satis fied Longs. OMAHA. Sept. 20. 1911. Over sold conditions In the wheat trade are quickly followed by sharp rebounds. The reaction late yesterday was helped by the strong closing cables and higher northwest markets. However, should the quality of receipts Improve and hedklng sales become heavy northwest markets will likely weaken and the feeling on the whole Is less confident on the buying side than It has been for some time. The corn market rallies easily from the temporary declines caused by the profit taking of satisfied longs. Buying of corn on the dips Is of good character, justified by the foreign shortage and the domestic short crop for this year. Wheat reacted early aid firmed up on late cables and reports of rain In the Canadian northwest. Cash wheat was n'no higher. The corn market holds strong and has an advancing temdency. Conditions are all bulltxh and higher values are pre dicted. Cash corn sold lc higher. lerlmnry wheat receipts were 995,000 bushels and shipments were 4M9.000 bushels, against receipts last year of 1,018,000 bushels and shipments of 630,000 bushels. Primary coin receipts were 4i!7.ono bushels and shipments were 627.0U0 bushels, against receipts last year of Mtt.OOO bushels and shipments 01. iut,vuv bushels. Clearances were 48,400 bushels ot corn, 110 bushels of bats and wheat and flour equal to 239,000 bushels. . , Liverpool closed id lower on wheat and lower on coin. The following cash sales were re ported Wheat: Na 2 hard, 3 cars at 92c, 3 cars at 9UMiC, 1 car at 92V4c 1 car at 9?cc; No. 3 hard, 1 cars at 92c, i car at 91V4CI No. 4 hard. 1 car at 91c. No. 2 spring, 1 car at 95c; No. 3 mixed, 1 car at 92c, 1 car at 91c. Corn: No. 2 white, 1 car at 6J4c; No. 3 white. 2 cars at 63c, 1 car at 62'4f". No. 2 yellow, 2 cars at 62c; No. 3 yellow, 2 cars at 62c. Oats: No. 3 white, 2 cars at 43V4c; No. white. 1 car at 43c, 2 cars at 43c. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 9U495V4c; No. I hard, 90ViS94Vic; No. 4 hard, 8S93Hc CORN No. 2 white. 62t63c; No. S white, 'Atfc; No. 4 white, 6229io; No. 3 color, 62WiiG2c; No. 2 yellow, 624 62ic; No. 8 yellow, 62V462ic; No. 4 yel low, S2i2toc; No. 2. 2Mr02V4c; No. 3, 62'4(8fl2c; No. 4, 61(&62Vic; no grade, 6Kti61Hc , . OATS No. 2 white, 43&N4c; standard, 43V44i43c; No. 3 white, 43A'a43V4c ; No. 4 white, 42ig4314c; No. 4 yellow, 4343c; No. 4 yellow, 4243'U BARLEY Malting, tl.071.17; No. 4, 8Ticfe1.02; No. 1 feeding, 64d1.02; rejected, 74&K8V4C. RYE No. 2, 85887c; No. 8. 84frS(ic. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 73 193 Its Minneapolis 476 ... - Omaha 37 14 & Duluth 117 St. Louis General Market. . ST. LOUIS, Sept. 20. WHEAT Firm; track No. 2 red, 93 M Vic; No. I hard, 96Hcfi1.00. CORN Firm, track No. 2, 66Hg66?,o; No. 2 white, 68H(&6yo. OATS Firm, track No. 2, 44V4ff45c; No. 2 white, 45Va46c. RYE Higher. 93c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $4.2o&4.70; extra fancy and straight, S3.803 4.20; hard winter clears, 3.00r.3.40. SrJED Timotny, u.wb'h.ou. CORN MEAL $3.10. BRAN Ouiet; sacked, east track, $1.13 1.15. BRAN uiuei; sacxea, easi iraca, ii.ij rie. $12.tW(j 16.00. PROVlcilCNH I'ork, tincnangea; joo- blng, 115.00. l.ard, lower; prime steam, t9MlWai).llhi. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra snorts, $1.00; clear rum, jy.w; Hhort clears, i'J.12. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, 110.00: clear ribs. S10.00; short clears, S10.12V4. POULTRY nigner; chickens, 160; springs, 13c; turkeys, 16c; ducks, 12 Vic; geese, oc. BUTTER steady, creamery, wtjwc EGGS Firm. lV4ffl74c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7.400 13,000 Wheat, bu 46,000 6.".0iO Corn, bu 30,000 48,000 Oats, bu 29,000 48,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Sept. M WHEAT Market lo higher; No. 3 bard, 9297c; No. 8, 90tf96c; No. 3 red, SK&HlVjc; No. 3, 88(n91c. OATS Steady; No. z white, 45&46c; No. 2 mixed, 43V4j4uc. RYE 884! 890. HAY-Steady; choice timothy. S18.50& 19.00; choice prairie, $12. 504 13.00. BUTTER Creamery. 2oc; firsts. 23c; seconds, 21c; packing stock, 17c. CORN Marke o higher; No. Z mixed, LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE UNION PACIFIC Railroad Comoanv. Auction. The fol lowing unclaimed baggage will be sold at auction at No. 6U-bla-6li-6ut touin iho St.. Omaha. Nebraska, commencing at 7 p. m. Tuesday, October 10, 1911, and con tinuing the same nour eacn aay until an has been sold. Painted canvas trunks, marked F. W. Dollman, Ed Wagner, J. F. McAlu len. E. P. Blades. John u. Hudson. Zinc trunks, marked A. W. Bowers, Kate Feeney, Mrs. Jennie oukb, timer ho wen, Gavrlla Campean, Jaa. B. Cruse, Mrs. Geo. Qulnlan, C. .B. Wllloughby, John Vanoker, Chas. Brock, cnas. Bmitn, wa lls Gallup, Martin Gunderson, Mrs. Min nie Stevens. Paul Rarldan. David Piatt. Glenn Negley, Harry Kanaa, Guy Col- Sltta, Wm. McCreary, Mrs. Mabel Nelson, Ira. Alice Daltan, Albert A. Dreler. Rus set trunk, Ed Wagner. Wooden trunk, Frank Calvert. Boxes, marked Elmer Ettleman, E. S. Cramer, F. A. Novotny. John Robinson. Dreaa suit cases, marked B. A, Jordan, G. S., bearing C. oc S. C. O. D. check 7211 and local 732946: O. S. L. Interline checks 200627, 245616, 2456S5, 28-J4T3-14, 306711, 319147, 319147. 319236, 866755, 370391; Southern Pacific Interline checks. 15604. 16359, 731629. 762423, 866717. 960229, 975416 and C. O. D. Z&Ul; JJ. It. U. special checks. 7659, 59300; C., M. & St. P. special checks 5titi81, 566K2, 72G76; St. J. & G. I. special checks 66674. 69816: Mo. Pac. special checks 679620, C23O00; Grand Trunk special 9o.M95; waoasn special jijww; hi. & t. t . special checks 868541, 956386; L. & N. spe cial check 147996; C. & N. W. special Checks 441371, 45'5, 472102, 473198, 4x.'i0tM, 485261, 509065, 631236, 534, 147996, 2H149S, S648U1. 367246. SS-'73, 413565. 424847. 43K27. 441535,; O. R. & N. Interline checks 175603, 19tiu95. Also 600 pieces of miscel laneous articles, contesting of guns, bun dles, blankets, valises, trunks, boxes, cheats, watches and musical Instruments, not marked. A TRAYNOR, General Hag gage Agent. - Spl4-21-2-Oct5 BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF REIN FORCED RESERVOIR. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the mayor and eliv council of the city of Beatrice, Nebraska, until 4 o'clock p. m.. September 28, 1911, for the furnishing of the material and the construction of a reinforced con crete reservoir to be located on lots 10. 11 and 12. block 4, Dwyer s addition to the city of Beatrice, as per plans and specifications now on file in the office of the city clerk. According to the esti mates of the supervising englner. said estimate is $00.00. All of said work to be done complete in accordance with the plans, specifica tions and profile made by the super vising engineer, now on file in the office of the city clerk. Earh bid must be accompanied by a certified check In the sum of $650.00 upon a local bank, payable to the city of Bea trice as forfeit money in the event that the bidder shall fall to enter into con tract, with bond signed by good and suf ficient securities, to be approved by the mayor within ten days after notice of award to him. Bids to be made on blanks furnished by the city clerk. The right Is reserved td reject any and all bids. By order of the mayor and council of said city. 8. Q. FREE. S19-d9t City clerk. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Plerson, Iowa Sealed bids will be re ceived by the town council until t p. m., October 1 fur the construction ot extension of the present water works, oomprtalng approximately 1150 ft. of 4 In. water main; to drove wells, about 30 ft. deep, said wells to be 3 in., with Cook's Patent Brass Strainers; wells to be con nected to In. mains and all things nec essary to comoly with plans and speci fications on file at the Farmers Bank of Plerson. o gravel or stone in aitches. j ,aarss j. r. auto, nerson, lows. (Be; No. 3. 64V(f6.'ic; No. 3 white, S5M j"; ..o. 3, 65c. KHUS-Extras. 22c: firsts. 19c; seconds. HWc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 34 9 n Corn, bu .ojh moon Oats, bu !;. 29.OU0 CHICAGO CHAIX AU PROVISIONS Feat ares of the Tradlnst and Closing Triers on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Sent. 20 Doubt about the success of reciprocity rallied the wheat market todav after a decline doe to free movement of the grain from the harvest fields of Germany and France. Closing figures were steady at a shade lower to Skc hlKher than last nluht. Latest trading left corn tie off to c up, oats 1-lttc to Vc Increased In cost and hog products vary ing from unaltered rates to an advance of a nickel. Rumois were Industriously circulated that the reciprocity proposition would be rejected tomorrow by Canada. A generous amount of buying was done In the pit as a result of willingness to take chances on the vote turnlnK out to be adverse. The active Influence in bringing about weakness at the outset was Improvement of prospects as to the yield In France and Germany. Subsequently a decrease in stocks at Minneapolis and much smaller arrivals In Kansas City nnd Chicago helped the market take a bullish swing from which there was no Important re action. Between the opening and the close December ranged from 95c to 96 96Hc. with last sales at 96'Ac, precisely the same as twenty-four hours before. LigntneBS or receipts southwest len to some late strength In corn. December lluctuated from 63c to 644c closing easy at trffc, the same resting point as last night. Cash grades were firm. No. 2 yellow finished at 6SJi68V4c. iocai speculative buying made oa.ts relatively stronger than other grains. High and low levels reached for 1 mem ber were 45c and 46c. with the close a shade net higher at 4."!4c. The market for hog products hardened some today. Nothing on the list showed a final rise of more than half a dime. Artic'lslOpen. Hlgh.l Low. Cloe. Yes'y Wh't 1 i i i hiept.f 91's 92Vi 91X41 92V4 91H Dec,.95VerS.96ft96S 95l 957 95'4 May. 1 011 101 1 01V 1 01H 101 Corn I Sept. 67 67V 67 K 0734 Dec. 6RV 64 V 634 64 64 May. 66V&Va 657b 65! 65V4 60t Oats Sept. 42i 43H 42i 43i 42 Dec. 45 4T 45 45'4 45V4 May. 47W4 4SV 47 4SVs 48 Pork . I Jan.. 15 02V4 15 15 15 00 15 10 15 06 Lard . Sept. 9 15 9 25 9 15 9 25 9 20 Oct.. 9 17V4 9 25 9 17V4 9 25 9 27H Dec. 8 85 8 92V 8 85 8 90 8 90 Jan.. 8 V,$ 8 92M, 8 85 8 87V4 8 87 V4 Ribs. Oct..) 8 45 8 56 8 424 8 45 8 424 Jan,. 7 97H 8 02V4 7 95 7 97V4I 7 96' Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady ; winter patents, $4.0ojj 4.60; straights, $3.66fc'4.40; spring straights, $4.2r?H.50; bakers, $3.6tn4.9U. RYE No. 2, 91(&92c. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 7OS90c; fair to choice malting, $,L128l.21. SEEDS Timothy, S12.5u(j 14.50; clover, $18.50fol9.25. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $15.00 15. 12V4; lard, per 100 lbs., $9.27Vi; short ribs, sides (loose), $8.37Vv&9.00; short clear Hides (boxed), $8.75!iS.8874. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 241,000 bu. Primary receipts were 995,000 bu., compared with 1,019,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 36 cars; corn, l.'J) cars; oats, 103 cars; hogs, 16,000 head. Chicago Cash Price Wheat: No. 2 red, 92Vs4(93c; No. 3 vred, 90&91c; No. 2 hard winter, 95'4'&9Sc; Js'o. 3 hard winter, 92Vi96c; No. 1 northern, $L004i 1.04 ; No. 2 northern, 99c$1.02; No. 3 northern, 98cS $1.01; No. 3 spring, 96$$1.00; No. 3 spring, S6c($1.00; No. 4 sprirng, 75ri95c; velvet chaff, 75c4i$1.00; durum, 90f(99c. Corn: No. 2, 67;)t6Sc ; No. 2 white, 0S4t6S14c; No. 2 yellow, bSifttfSVic; No. 3, 67V4(iic; No. 3 yellow, 67V4y6Xc; No. 4, 67ru(i7V4c;No. 4 yellow, 6767'c; No. 4 white, 67ft67Vc. Oats: No. 2 white, 454nVic; No. 3 white. 4lV&44c; No. 4, 53c; No. 4 white, 43V4W 44V4c; standard, 44 45c. Rye: No. 2, 91 fo92c. Barley: 70Cu$1.23. Timothy: $12.60ia' 14.50. Clover: $18,604! 19.25. BUTTER Steady; creameries, 21iS'26c; dairies, lu24c. EGGS Steady; receipts, 7.975 cases; at mark, cases Included, 15lSc; firsts, 19c; prime firsts, 20c. CHEESE Firm; dairies. 14"S14V4c, twins, 13dil3Vo; young Americas, 1414V4c; long horns, 144T14V4C POTATOES Weak: choice to fancy, SS Q90c; fair to good, 7075c. POULTRY Steady; turkeys, 14c, chickens, 12c; springs, 12Hc. VEAL Steady, 60 to 60-lb. wts., W9c; 60 to 85-lb. wts., 9Vi10V&c; 85 to 110-1 b. wts.. Ho. , Articles. Reeclpts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 29,700 33,3o0 Wheat, bu 120,000 40,0u0 Corn, bu 335,000 395,000 Oats, bu 374.000 142,000 Rye, bu 7,000 16.000 Barley,, bu 151,000 19,0u0 Carlot Receipts Wheat, 73 cars, with 22 of contract grade; corn, 193 cars, with 78 of contract grade; oats, 143 cars. Total receipts of wheat at Chicago. Minneap olis and Duluth today were 666 cars, com pared with 648 cars last week and 639 cars the corresponding day a year ago. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Uaotatlona of the Day on Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK, Sept. 20.-FLOUR-Steady; spring patents, $5.10(&o.40; winter straightB, $3.uoi'(i4.10; winter patents, $4.20 4(4. 00; spring clears, $4.10&4.40; winter ex tras No. 1, 3.50:a'3.7u; winter extras No. 2, $3.36&3.45; Kansas straights, $4.3504.45. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, $4.70a 4.85; choice to fancy, $4.906.15. CORNMEAL Firm; fine white and yellow, $1.40iuvi.4ZVs; coarse, $1.351.40. Kiln dried, $3.55. WHEAT Spot market, steady; No. 2 red, 97Vic, elevator, export basis, and 98c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Du luth, $1.10, t. o. b. afloat. Futures mar ket declined o early On the cables, but regained the loss on covering for over the Canadian election and on reports of a good flour business In the northwest, closing Vo net lower to c net higher. September closed at 99c, December at $1.01 and May at $1.07. CORN Spot market, firm; No. 2, 75c, elevator, domestic basis, to arrive, and 74V4c, f. o. b. afloat, export grade. Fu tures market was nominal. OATS Spot market, firm; standard white, 49o. Futures market nominal. FEED Firm; western spring bran, 100-lb. tacks, $26.32; standard middling, 100-lb. sacks, $28.60; city, 100-lb. aacKw, $27.00. . HAY Quiet; prime, $1.3501.40; No. 1 $; No. 2, $1.20; No. 3, 95ci8$1.00. HIDES Dull; Central America, 20c; .Bogota, 21'A'i(i22'4; thirds, 19420c; rejecta, 15c. PROVISIONS Pork. steady; mess, $18.2518.75; family, $20.0021.00; short clears, $16.76&17.oO. Beef, steady; mess, $12.6013.00; family. 13.5O&14.00; beef hams, $29.5032.50. Cut meats, easy; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., $U.506'13.gv; pickled hams, $14.00. Lard, easy; middle west prime, $9.30ftr9.40; refined, steady; continent. $1005; South America, $10.85; compound, $8.uoi$.40. POULTRY Alive. steady; western spring chickens. 13V4614c; fowls, 14'l&c; turkeys, 15c. Dressed, irregular; west ern chickens, 13Mrti 19Vc; fowls, 12H17l-; spring turkeys, selected, 28c; others, 10 HUTTF.R Steady. CHEESE Firm; skims. 28'11C. EGGS Firm; unchanged. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Kept. 20. -WHEAT Spot, easy; October, 7s 3d; December, 7s d; March, 7s 5Vd. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, 6s Id. Futures, easy; October, 6s; January. &a 8Vkd. FLOUR Winter patents. 28s 3d. Peoria Market. PEORIA, Sept. 20. CORN Lower; No. t yellow. 6Hc; No 3 yellow, 6V4c; No. 4 yellow, 65Vfec; No. 2 mixed, 66Vc; No. 3 mixed. 66Hc. OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 44'c; No. 3 white 43V4C , Mlltvankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 20 WHEAT No. 1 northern, $l.osftl.04; No. 2 northern, $1.00 ttl.Wi; No. 2 hard winter, 93i94c; Decem ber. 96c; May, S1.01H. OAT8-8(andard. 454ifi-t5Vic. BARLEY $1. low 1.22. f Oils and Roaln. SAVANNAH, Sept. 30 -TURPENTINE Firm; Mo. Receipts, &r0 bbls.; sales. MO bbls.; shipments, 117 bbls.; stocks, 36,661 bbls. . ROBIN Firm. Bales, $.244 bbls.: re ceipts. 2.174 bbls ; shipments. 1,102 bbls ; stocks, 81 992 bbls. Quotations: B, $6 10; D. $686; E. $40; F. O, H, I, K, M, $6.56; n, wy, t.xi yiyf, 7jotfi.a, OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Are Generally Steady to Ten Cents Higher. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS LOWER Lambs Constitute HI Hoik of the Sheep Receipts, Moat ot them on Freder Order Generally Steady to Strong. SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 10. 1911. Receipts were: Cattle. Hops. Sherp. Official Mondav 11.635 1.933 42.0:9 Official Tuesday 7,2i 6 S 40.s;i8 Estimate Wednesday .. 6.3"0 6.300 26,000 Three davs this week.. 25.220 15.102 108.937 Same davs last week.. 25.257 14.320 140.168 Same days 2 weeks ana 25,173 14. 101. Shi tame days 3 weeks hko 2i.7o3 15.071 liG.'8 Same davs 4 weeks ago Z7.t.- I'.'.f'i fame davs last year... 31, 526 12.472 l'K.9 The following table shows tne receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date compared with hiBt vear: 1911. IHIO. Inc. Dec. Cattle TS5.957 813. 352 27,3'.'j Hogs 1.K50.156 l.llt.;: 230.417 Kheep 1.667.687 1.6I3.47S 54.209 The following table shows the average prices for hows at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dates. I 1911. 1910.1909.190S.1907.1906.1905. Kept. Kept. Kept, Kent. 11 12 13 15 7 00HI 6 9I'I 9 27 6 Ml 9 15 6 711 8 86 7 S3 7 95 8 05 6 66 6 71 6 90 6 M 5 84 5 88 6 88 5 87 5 36 5 33 5 21 5 14 6 29 6 90 6 00 8 U9 SepL 10 6 80 8 hS 8 06 8 10 Kept. Sept. Kept Kept. 111 - 18) 6 81 191 6 70VS 8 93 a 801 6 82 6 83 K 14 6 11 8 141 6 7l 6 OS 15 32 8 92 5 7J 6 021 5 33 5 731 6 06 0 39 20. 1 6 63, 8 73 8 17 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards. South Omaha, for twenty-tour hours ending at ! Wednesday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. Hogs. Shenp.H'r's C. M. & St. P 1 10 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 2 Union Pacific 44 17 68 C. & N. W.. east 1 1 1 O. & N. W., west... 129 32 20 3 C, St. P., M. & O.. 9 7 2 C, B. & Q.. eiiHt.... 2 6.. '., H. fe Q., west... 72 4 15 1 C, R. I. & P., east.. 8 16 1 Illinois Central 5 Chicago Gt. Western 1 2 Total receipts. 257 103 97 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co .. 636 1,381 2,422 swift & Co Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour & Co Murphy Cudahy, from Denver.. Morrell Baker, Jones & Smith W. B. Vansant Co Benton, Vansant & L.. Hill & Son.. 1 F. B. Lewis Huston & Co J. B. Root & Co J. II. Bulla L. F. Humz L. Wolf McCreary & Corey K. Wertheimer H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Lee Rothschild Mo. & Kan. Calf Co... Cllne & Christy Other buyers .. 1,339 .. 1.314 .. 1.333 1,465 3,Oi4 3,548 461 2.623 3,129 3,673 48 23 49 167 92 162 332 31 132 ftj 73 369 191 SOS 85 17 73 60 109 1.276 21,633 Totals. 8.6S3 9,859 33,480 CATTLE Cattle receipts were fair for a Wednesday, 251 cars being reported In. This makes the total for the three days 25,220 head or about the same as one and two weeks ago. but lighter than a year -ago by over 9,000 head. In Bpite of the fact that advices from eastern markets were not re-assuring the local demand was so good that buyers of beef steers were out in the vards in good season and cleaned. up the offerings ery rapiaiy at prices that were any where from strong to 10c higher than yesterday. Good grass steers from the range sold as high as $6.50. Cows and heifers were also active and they sold very freely, so that the offer ings of desirable kinds were cleaned up at an- early hour. Prices were anywhere from strong to as much aa 10c higher in some cases. The supply of stock cattle and feeders was not very large, but there was about the usual buying demand with the result that the most desirable kinds sold strong to possibly 10c higher In some cases. It was a good active, and so tar as the selling interests were concerned, an en tirely satisfactory market from start to finish. Quotations on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers, $7.257.75; fair to good beef steers, $6. 507.25; common to fair beef steers. $4,7546.50: trood to chnlc iif. ers, $5.00tiS.80; good to choice cows, $4.50 ibu.w; lair 10 gooa cows, 3.76o;4.50; com mon to fair cows, $&604n3.75; veal calves, $3.507.75. Quotations on range cattle: Good to choice beef steers. $5.60ig.50; fair to good beef steers, $6.0(Kg5.60; common to fair beef steers, $4.2ya5.00; good to choice heifers, $4.80(&5.25; good to choice cows, $4.4KU6.10; fair to good cows, $3.754i4.40: good to choice stockers and feeders, $5.00 mo w, mir 10 gooa siocKers and feeders, $4.25ij5.00; common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.504i4.25; stock heifers, $3.26a , ,A Klllla .1... ' . Representative sales: BKKF SiEERS. At. Pr. No. At. Fr. No. in... 4... ... I... JT... li... ..100 .. 725 .. Ml .. 800 .. B7 .. m 60 COWS. oo 4 m 4 10 40 18 sua u 8 50 HEIFERS. IM .... I 60 644 4 00 CALVES, 1 170 I 26 U.... 177 T U li i7 f bO SlUlnhUS AND FEEDUitS. 4. 760 4 00 i 19 4 60 13 KM m 4 25 4. 4 30 W ESTERNS. NEBRASKA. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. . 948 Pr. 4 60 4 05 4 50 4 60 4 36 4 35 6 00 6 00 i 40 17 feeders.. 652 4 40 32 feeders. 14 feeders.. 7 60 11 heifers.. 809 6 heifers.. 896 13 cows 10u3 10 feeders.. 1034 13 cows 1024 11 cows 83 9 feeders.. 927 4 65 4 30 4 50 b 00 4 90 4 65 4 35 4 55 10 heifers., 10 feeders., 62 heifers.. 9 feeders., 747 875 943 584 15 cows 970 70 steers.. ..1230 23 feeders.. 929 16 cows 901 21 feeders.. 7k) 4 65 L. Ashbrook Nebrauka. 79 steers.. ..1400 50 . F. C. Keller Nebraska. 23 feeders.. 791 4 45 28 cows 862 J. J. Lane Nebraska. 3 50 12 feeders.. 891 4 60 II. D. Lute Nebraska. 28 COWS 994 4 35 J. P. Nolan Nebraska, 157 steers. ..1373 15 R. S. Van Tassell Nebraska. 71 cows 1016 4 90 Tully & LM. Nebraska. CI feeders.. 1221 6 16 17 feeders.. 107S 6 05 R. H. Shimmer Nebraska. 29 feeders.. 831 4 50 8 cows 1062 4 25 8 cows 660 3 50 4 calves... 380 5 25 3 calves... 210 7 75 D. E. Wells-Nebraska. 17 heifers... 917 4 40 WYOMING. 21 cows 1019 4 75 36 feeders.. 876 6 25 4 50 6 10 6 60 4 35 6 25 4 60 4 75 4 76 4 70 17 heifers.. 648 4 SO 17 cows 1022 17 feeders.. 662 6 00 11 feeders.. loon 11 cows 977 4 85 24 steers.. ..1169 10 feeders.. 945 4 70 12 cows 9ul 48 steers.. ..1115 $ 25 8 feeders.. 945 13 COWS 969 4 40 38 cows 850 E. R. Reno Wyoming. 2 steers. ...1336 6 60 4 steers.... 942 6 steers.. ..10u6 4 75 16 steers. ...1002 12 steers.. ..1237 5 60 9 cows 1034 8 cows 886 $ 60 J. H. Peterson Wyoming. 11 cows 1063 4 65 R. L. Tlsdale Wyoming. 9 steers. ...1100 4 90 T. W. Mathews Wyoming. 12 feeders.. 1001 4 65 10 cows 918 4 10 feeders.. 993 4 40 12 feeders.. looo 4 fi 13 cows 916 4 10 6 cows 930 4 36 16 steers... .1084 4 65 3 feeders.. 1000 4 65 Western Ranches South- Dakota. 15 steers.. ..1106 4 15 J. Weaver South Dakota 3 cows 1028 4 00 6 cows 1016 3 50 H. G. Weaver South Dakota. 39 steers.. ..1020 4 26 9 steers. ...1044 4 75 HOGS Buyers of hogs forced prices till lower on a limited supply. The fresh loss ranged from a nickel tot dime but the lesser declines were more fre quent than the flat 10-cent break. A fair degree of life featured the trade during most of the session and clearance at 10:30 o'clock found practically everything In second hands. Offerings amounted to a short 100 load In all but supply has long since ceased to be market factor as pickers are work ing for a scale of values that will need no trimming after the winter teaaun opens. Weighty butchers grades. Includ ing plenty of sow stuff, made up the big bulks of the run and good bacon animals were seasonable scarce. Order buyers furnished an outlet fo. about 10 per cent of the 94 car estimate aad usually favored medium and light butcher of opJ Quality. J'hero. wu oo demand worth mentioning of a purely speculative character. Spreads kept their usual three or four prke appearance and larirrr droves writ put up at $660'li6.65. The brst light class on sale dropped to $V80. a nickel under eterda's lone top Representative sales: No. At. Ph. Pr. No. At. SB. Pr. 40 Ml 4 4i (2 S 240 :v 1,7 i.-i ... &w no 10 KO :' (, 317 ... wi t :w m 4 jv ill so mi u :-4 m i (.a 1 Z.K) ... 4 0 ', 1 241 iMt f 17 :i.'7 H I l fro ifcl 40 f (, (,: 2a ... i Vs ,i m i U :nl ...-'to t ;vi iw 4 i 44 Sll HO 0 14 iJ M Ik IS Sll H 0 4'J ;. ... (i 41 Z0 ... CO 2AO Ml (4) 20 ... 00 t 31 ... 11 12 Si '9 ... (Ml KO :3 ... S5 'l 0 4 0 4 270 10 5 U li 1(0 0 M 20 ... li, 1 ?0 ... I 40 47 8i-t ... ( 5 tO 2H 120 CO .l Hi N) 111 44 31 ... 4 40 39 2' ... 4 65 U 3 IS DO 4 60 1,3 2J . . & 63 27 ... 4 fcO H lot K'O 4 hi : ! SO 4 2i 14 2(1 40 I (IS Hi 3"! 40 4 2S S 21 120 4 Si S2 t ." 50 27J ... 4 SS 4 26 SO I 24j 71 144 KO 4 s SI 2IH 140 S ! II 24S 200 4 15 t3.......2-'J 2i 4 S2S Hi 3,17 ... Ida S3 228 34(1 f 2V 7 ill ... lis 40 274 160 S 7S 220 40 4 5 63 2H9 ... f 73 247 2"0 I SS 12 2j SO I C2'i 71 243 SO I 65 t 275 ... 14 IIS 40 4 S SS 191 SO I S'.'s, 71 240 IT0 4 IS SS 2f, 41 I 42 S S3 2'.5 K0 SJ SO.., 2;,9 40 4 S2 10 273 ISO I IS (S 2K ... I :W S4 3"! ... I Si 62 279 161 4 42 S3 2I ... I Id 43 2i7 40 I '.', U 2 ... 4 So 67 200 SO I S24 68 22 ISO 4 SS 6 2M (0 4 t2 10 ' 272 40 4 7ij SS 2',4 ... 4 S2H 23 200 ... 4 70 63 243 ... I 62'4 63 27t ... I 70 ! 6.1 297 40 4 2', s 211 ... I 70 fid 2HI 120 I 621 fiti 2.',0 ... I 70 69 3"0 120 4 62S 49 211 ... 4 70 6 2fi 40 4 62Xj S 250 ... 4 70 4S 290 ... 4 S2H 77 ...... 1S3 ... 70 67 2H ... I 2't, 7 231 ... 4 70 SO 279 40 I 13 174 40 4 7S 40 311 ... I 62'-, 0 ISO ... ill 68 2S8 ... 4 S2'4 PIGS. 16 103 ... I is SHEEP In all Important respects the market for sheep and lambs kept Its usual lorm. rresn supplies had plenty of size and were emptied Into an open trade, yesterday's clearance of all classes of Btock being practlcully complete. The estimate called for about 25.000 head making a three days' total of fully IOS.OjO head, anu tne big end of the run con elsted of lambs as usual. Something like 65 per cent of receipts arrived in feeder flesh. Fat lambs started out In fairly active fashion at figures steady to a little stronger in spots, good grades selling around $5.50. A strictly choice article would probably reach $5.75. Fair to good lambs moved Into packers' pens from $5.35 down to levels that were low enough to interest reeaer buyers. Fleshy wethers, ewes, etc., wero rare exceptions, drawing early bids that easily ruled steady. Generally described, the fat mutton market was a firm, healthy and active anair as middle western re tailors favor low-priced product and the available supply is by no means exres slve. Fat ewes are quotable from $3.75 downward nind fat wetneru. Choice and handy, are wanted around $3.904j4.O0. The better kinds or fat yearlings are In good request at $4.26, but weight, ot course, Is more or less of a discredit. Attendance of country buyers proved a little larner than yesterday, when heavier supply was cleaned up In splendid shape, and the feeder market showed no bad phases and plenty ot good ones. Movement had freedom from the start and prices paid averaged firm, with sell ing sentiment bullish. .Speculative traders, whose attitude always affords a good Insight Into conditions, purchased offer ings with little or no show of reserve, while the actual country demand was equally responsive. Desirable feeder lambs ranged around $5 00j5.15 and feeder ewes moved largely under the $3.00 mark According to packers' tab, yesterday's feeder purchase was about the same as Monday s buy, 27,000 head. Quotations on Sheep and Lambs Lambs, good to choice. $5.40fii)6.75: lambs. fair to good, $6.W;.40; lambs, culls, $4.50 SB4.w; lamDB, leeaers, 4.hku.o.zu; year lings, good to choice, $3.85fo4.36; year lings, feeders, $3.50014.15; wethers, handy, $3.6SJr4.00; wethers, heavy, $3.5oi3.8o; wethers, feeders, $3.25(g'3.6i; ewes, good to choice, $3.1(K(j3.75; ewes, lair to good, $3.00 (&3.40; ewes, breeders, $3.25&4.t0; ewes, feeders. $2.35473.00; ewes, culls, $1,6042.35, Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 637 Wyoming Iambs, feeders.. 66 6 10 107 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 93 4 40 58 Wyoming yearlings 82 4 10 133 Wyoming ewes, feeders.... 94 2 15 46 Wyoming ewes '....107 3 50 585 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 54 4 75 291 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 50 4 50 34 Wyoming lambs, fdrs., culls 29 2 60 316 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 62 6 20 384 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 62 6 09 146 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 44 4 40 112 Wyoming ewes, feeders.... 85 2 65 507 Wyoming ewes, feeders 89 2 65 364 Wyoming ewes, feeders.... 84 2 60 68 Wyoming ewes, wethers.... 97 3 50 137 Wyoming ewes 101 3 25 114 Wyoming ewes 96 3 35 431 Idaho lambs 68 6 60 69 Wyoming ewes 100 3 60 226 Wyoming eweB, feeders 87 2 65 256 Wyoming ewes, feeders 85 2 76 78 Wyoming ewes, fdrs., culls 78 1 75 69 Wyoming wethers 94 3 80 100 Wyoming lambs 69 6 35 295 Wyoming yrlgs., fdrs 67 4 30 209 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 62 4 35 359 Wyoming lambs, fdrs 68 6 00 620 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 58 6 00 340 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 58 6 00 229 Idaho lambs, feeders 64 6 10 43 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 54 5 00 68 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 63 6 00 1108 Wyoming wethers 103 3 90 39 Wyoming ewes 108 3 35 369 Wyoming ewes ill 3 65 760 Wyoming yearlings, feeders 75 4 25 879 Wyoming lambs 77 6 65 202 Wyoming lambs 69 6 40 309 Wyoming lumbs, feeders... 53 4 85 269 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 64 4 85 60 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 44 4 40 252 Wyoming ewes, feeders.... 91 2 80 150 Wyoming ewes 103 3 50 252 Wyoming ewes, feeders 91 2 80 150 Wyoming ewes, feeders 103 3 50 606 Wyoming wethers 99 8 90 40 Wyoming .wethers 98 3 90 253 Wyoming wethers 92 8 90 674 Nebraska lambs, feeders.... 49 4 80 480 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 67 5 00 244 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 58 4 85 117 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 58 G 00 35 Wyoming lambs 64 6 40 363 Wyoming lambs 68 6 40 535 Wyoming lambs 69 6 50 108 Wyoming wethers 132 3 85 338 Wyoming ewes, feeders 98 3 00 542 Nebraska' lambs, feeders... 56 4 90 124 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 51 4 90 300 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. t3 6 10 300 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 64 $ 10 502 Wyoming ewes, feeders..., 98 2 85 250 Wyoming ewes, feeders..., 97 2 75 250 Wyoming ewes, feeders.... 86 2 55 69 Wyoming ewes 105 3 50 231 Wyoming ewes 110 8 50 604 Idaho lambs 63 5 60 374 Idaho lambs 63 5 60 300 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 63 5 10 362 Wyoming welhere 92 3 85 240 Wyoming wethers 92 3 85 102 Wyoming wethers 89 3 85 117 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 46 4 50 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle and Hogs Weak Sheep Steady. CHICAGO, Sept. 20. CATTLE Receipts. 20000 bead: market weak: beeves. M.SikS) 8.15: Texas steers. 460r6.35; western steers 14 2.rrfiT 7.(10: stockers and feeders. $5.1.Vn5.W: rows and heifers, $2.2i(6.3o: HOGS Receipts, 23.000 head; weak, 5fl 1V tower: lights. $ .70(fi.7.17V4: mixed. 86 50 tr7.16; heavy, $.4.Vii7.10: rough. W.45r(j' 6V good to choice heavy. $ f.VTi7.10; pigs, $4 28 fiR.7fi: bulk of sales. W 7Ofi7 00. SHEEP AND LAMBH Receipts 40000 head; market steady; natives, $2.2Kfir4 SO; westerns, $2.504r4.3S: yearlings. $3.7(f(i4 65; native tronhs, $4.00tf6.15; western lambs, $4,254(6.25. St. loots I.lve Stork Market. PT. LOT'IS. Sent. M CATTLE Re ceipts. 7,500 head. Including 2 000 Texana; market steanv: native snipping and ex port steers. $6.15f'8 15: dressed beef and butcher steers 5.7ftfj7 : steers under 1 ( lbs.. $4 OOffS.Oo: stockem and feeders M.0OIS5.50: cowi and heifers T0Oi7.50 ennners $1 oown.fO: bill's. t2.755.65: calves H-08.75; Texas and Indian teera. $4.0nef $2S- rows and heifers. 3 (Vr7 60. HOGS Receipts 12 00ft h-rt' mnrket M 10c lower: tils and lights. $4 S0ff7.10; pack ,r, tit iift 7.06: butchers and best heaw flWRKP AND I.AMB4 Rereints. 14 700 bead; market steartv: native muttons 1 '.i 474.00; lamb 4k6 25: culls. $1.2W2 50 stockers, $1.54X773.00. Stork In Marht. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western market vesterHav: Cattle. Jfo-'. Hben couth Omaha o nvi (vm St. Joseph 1t" 1 "v. S"st t ty I- ' -i nnMi 1 1 fvi I.ouls...! T ; n 1-' M TftA Chlrano 20,0 0 21.000 4HAK Total receipt $3,100 $7,300 3,2ou NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Wall Street Ehowi Increasing Nerv ousness Over Trust Dusting. SELLING MOVEMENT IS STRONO Attack on I nltril Matra Steel At Istrd by Reports of Impending; Redactions In Wages at Strrl Mills. NEW YORK. Sept. 20. Wall street showed Increasing nervousness today aa to the Intentions of the government In regard to enforcement of the nntl-truxt law. Selling of stocks was conducted on a scale which Ffemrd to Indicate that some Investors were In fear of further dissolution proceedings against large cor porations. This wa. notably true of Vnlted States Steel, which once more was called on to . i ,i i i . I. , ... 1 .. TltA ImTI 1 suouiucr me lieTir.-i iii",n, " ' " and severe attack on this issue had tell ing effect today. The preierreu a,.,t hnnii, vavA n-av the former selling at 110',. the lowest "price since 1909. and tne latter at iw, toe timrm hhiv-c The common nlso reached a new low point on the year, i;2V the losses In each' case exceeding 3 points. Elsewhere In the market declines were general. The chief losses were among the Industrials, running as hl(!h as five points. Railroad storks In most cases declined little more than a point. On a late rally the railroad shares recovered their losses und a partial recovery was effected among the industrials. Wall street for several duya litis been listening to reports that one by one the great corporations aro to be dissolved, providing the federal government can bring It about. Announcement today that the govern ment would permit the International Harvester company, without a dissolu tion suit, to adapt Itself to the Sherman law. while affecting that stock favorably at the time did not serve to bring about a better feeling, but on the contrary, waR followed by the heaviest selling. Tho attack on United States Steel wl assisted bv reports of Impending reduc tions In wages at steel mills. Steel prlc- s now average about $7 a ton bolow the rate prevailing In 1907 and the reduction has been made with no corresponding change in tho scale of wages. The copper hares showed markea weakness todav on tUatements In regard to abandonment of efforts to restrict production. Houses with London connections were heavv buyers of stocks. Foreign pur chases of I'nlon Pacific alone were esti mated at more than 10,000 shares and the total amount taken probably exceeded 40.000 shares. International bankers said today that they regarded an advance m tin Bank of England's rate to 4 per cent as highly probable. The bond market was easy. Total sales, par value. $2,190,000. ,.,, Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were s follows: Btlet. HIT. I", Clous. Alllt-Chtlmers pM .... AmtlKimtted Copper... Amtrliin Agricultural American Beat Buiar.. loo i74i nv JJ.000 t44 t,2k 2(10 Ml M 11.000 S3 b 300 10 '4 1.400 4H 4SH S00 504 60S S.T, to4 "A 4S 60 ' IS 17'4 4J 34 M'i American tan American Car & F American Cotton Oil.... American H. & L. pld. 400 20 19 im,rip,n tea Securities. American Llnneed American LocomotlTe ... American S. A R American 8. ac R. pin. American Bteol K American Sugar Ref.... American Tal. A Tel.. American Tobaooo pfd... American Woolen Anaconda Mining Atchlaon Atchlaon pfd Atlantic Coast IJne Baltimore V Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt. Canadian Paclflo Central Leather Centra! Leather pfd ... Central ot New Jersey Chesapeake ft Ohio ... Chicago Alton Chi. Ot. Vi'eat.. new... Chi. Ot. West pfd.... Chi. & V. W Chi., Mil. P.... C C C. 4 Bt. L Colo. Fuel Iron Colo. Southern Conaolldated Oaa Corn Products Delaware Hudaon... P.. 4c B. O nifrtlllera Securities .... Erie Krle lat pfd F.rla 24 ofd General Blectrto Great Northern pfd Oreat Northern Or etfs. Illinois Central Interborough-Mat Interboroush-Met. pfd International ItarTester. Inter. Marine pfd International Paper International Pump ... Iowa Central K. C. Southern K. C. Southern pfd.... Mclede Oaa IuliTllle Nashvtlla. Minn. Bt. L M., St. P. 8. Bte. M. M., K. ft T M-. K. ft T.. pfd Mlraourl Pacific National Blacult National Lead , N. Ry. of M. 2d pfd.... New York Central , N. Y.. O. W , Norfolk ft Western North American Northern Paclflo Pacific Mall PennaylTanla People' Gas Pllta. C, C. 8t. L. . Plttaburih Coal Preened (eel Car Pullman Palaca Car Railway Bteel Spring... Reading Republic Steel Republic. Steel pfd Hock Ifland Co Rock Inland Co. pM St. L. ft S. F. 2d pfd..., St. Louis S. W St. Louie B. VI. prd Sloaa-Sheffleld fl. ft I.... Southern Paclflo Southern Railway Southern Railway pfd. T.nn.iaM Cooper 200 S(' 34 J0.KO0 s:,S 200 10214 102 4 10! 400 t 27 Vi 27 1,700 llf.4 115 nr. 800 136 V i:5t H"'4 600 2Vl ! no 14 14 4 33 102 101 it 300 s: 11.8110 102 1.1 t 101 too 11S14 li1 lis 8,100 9l 27 S 600 l.soo 1.600 4.100 17 V 71 t7 4 7Jt 73 J,23. tl 32 10 204j SS J70 4,800 70 t 70 2S 600 17V 17V 171 'ioo m" iii" iss 1.300 111 lOlVi 111 200 60 60 S3 100 2f!4 K 400 4S 45 44 1.000 IS! 131 131U too its; iavt too ISO 150 U 300 22 22 22 30(1 II 30 SO a.SOO 31 SO, 81 1,700. WM4 60 60 H 40T4 500 147 141 14'i $.000 128T4 122S 12"i WO 46 45 45 100 13S IS ISS S.SOO 14 K IS 1.300 41 41 41 7,100 101 9 ion 400 14 14 14 "soo "si" 'ii" M 200 631i (3 SS 102 (00 131 13S 1S7 S 200 ISO 129 12n . 1,500 2 2S '" . :i . 1.400 14 14 S4;t . ; 12" . 300 49 43 4 2 . J.10O 102 101 101H 300 3S14 3 . 1,000 101 100 1011 100 S5 SS 5 . t.SOO 114 11S 114 200 30 t! 2!0 . 4.SO0 119 119 US SOO 103 13 101 100 SIS 01 SI 17 300 27 27 27 300 ISS 155 164 500 27 57 27 . S7.6II0 13S 117 13 . S.CO0 23 2114 ?1 son 7 ss ss . 1,700 24 2S 2St soo 4 s r, SOO S3 3" s 300 SS S SS loo SS SS SH . 12.200 107 1" 1"7 . 2.800 27 26 2 S3 2-'H f tm 19 IS 17 400 43 43 40 .123.!oo l.-,s lr.s l', 100 SS SS s"i SS , 1.000 37 IS .250.SOO S4 Vi ' , 10.WI0 113 110 11" . 7.200 41 41 41 . t.S"0 50 4S 4 SOO IS IS 13 , 1.2IK) IS 26 40 S3 52 It , 1,000 si so SO 40 76 71 76 , 2 , 29 500 155 U 154 Texaa ft Pacific Tol., SI. U f w Tol.. St L ft W. pfd I'nlon Taclfle t'nlon Pacific pfd Vnlted States Realty.. I'nlted Statea Rubber .. t ntted H(a(ea S(eel t'niled B(a(ea B(eel pfd.. I'tah Copper Virginia-Carolina Chem.. Wahaph Wabaah pfd Wenlern Maryland nr . t...Vi a,, Klectrlc . Western Vnlon (ei. dlT ). Wheeling ft Lake trie.. Ionian "-r , Total sales lor tne nay. ..., w Yorls Money Market. vniiK- Sent. 20. MONKY On call steady at iu2V vr fcnl; ruling rate, 2 per cent; closing bid, 2'. per cnt, of- TmK IOAN H Firm ; sixty days, :t4 V oer cent; ninety u, ori pci icui, v . i. i,.il.. nr i4.n(. PR1MK MEHCANT1LK PAPER-414 per cr n t . . nv,iii vnr . , . v. KTEKL.1INI n-v v ."T..." 1 ..... actual business In banners runs at for sixiy-aay ' .T7.. mand: commercial ouis. h XJr, w7s, ....I. i, v." - lars, 45c. .a.,. ... i HONUtS (joveniuiciifc, iicauj , ibihvh, weak. ..j... .... Quotations on oonui iuua wciv no- lows: u raf. ts. res.iw"1'. -,",, i 'do 2a, coupoa 100 Japan 4s SS wrw..e. rsj . . . . ,,, do 4a, reg Vr T- 1 r." do 4a. coupon , 'J .V. I.. v. uu. mm Allls-Chal TOD. 4a I M V I' u-rt Sli. k7ii. do 4a BI7-1. .,, d.h - Armour ft Cu. 4avlv. Y N H A Atchlaon fen. e.. - y ,.,'.... J2a Co cv. 4i IJN. ft W. ct. 4...10.I, do ct. ta........l" ,ao , folI 4..,, At. C. L. lat 4a. iv, p.,.iii. 4. ik U. ft O. Ia.... l ao do . W. JO e,,r. g. U TliK 4, ,., Br. Tr. ct. 4a.... SS fenn. cv. 3aiD15 SO C. ot Ga. ba....W do co0. 4, lui Central Leath. Kea.l lug gen. 4a.. 7 ac. of N. i f " Bt. L. ft S. f. f ta. 7 C. ft O. 4a....l(W to geB u do ret- ""St L. 8 W. c. 4a.. 7S'i C. ft A. s do lat (old 4s 1 B. ft Q- 1- 4a Bcbo.rd A. L. 4i 7414 an. 4a an i..i(i. i u , C .M at S r. do ct. 4a S C . K I. ft P '-4'1 do lat ref 4a.... S4 do rfg 4 'Southern Ky. ..lo.. Coin. Ind aa--;- Ko. Ity gn. 4s.. 75 Colo. Midland 4 0 uoa ptlMu 4,. ln.., C. ft S. I . 4 7 do t, it , D. ft H . . T , 4 r 4, It. ft R- O. 4a.. !. S Rul.uer S...H.4 do ret. Sa S v g glle, 2d m maimers 7' va -Car. iTi.m. S. 9 grle pr. I. 4 Wgl.gak lat tV107 Jo n. 4a 7J'l do lu ft a. 4 . do ct. 4a acr. A. ss wt Mq 4 k7 do scr U Writ. fcl. ct. Sa S2 Gn. HI. CT. is. 1H Wla. Can 4a H I. C lat r. 4a... 14 Mo. Pacltlc U.... lul.-Mat. 4a .... 7S I'gjjgju, j. iu; Hid. (JU.rad, m